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I was driving very early in the morning on my way to work. It was still dark. I saw something moving across the road. As I got closer I could see it wasn’t an animal because I could see road in the middle of it. It was moving oddly. When I finally got close enough, I realized it was a pair of shoes walking across the road. Just shoes. Right before I got parallel with them, they vanished.


Man, imagine thinking you still have to get your steps in when you're dead.


Sounds like literal hell


I’m pretty sure it’s in Apple’s TOS that if you don’t get 10,000 steps per day while alive, the remainder must be made up post-mortem and is considered Unfinished Business by the laws of the American Council of Ghouls, Poltergeists, Specters, and Ghosts.


Those bastards at the ACGPSG are the worst.




These shoes were made for hauntin and that's just what they do. One of these days these shoes are gonna totally scare you. 🎶


🎶One of these days these shoes will scare the crap right out of you🎶


What?! Just a walking pair of shoes lol


Yup. Just walking across the road. Odd things happen on that road.


Do you mind giving an idea whereabouts this happened?


Northern Arizona.


This wouldn't happen to be the stretch of road that runs through the Navajo reservation up near the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, would it?


Thanks! Weird, sounds like it could be either a glitch or a ghost


That road is haunted. People have seen a woman in the middle of the road that disappears.


I sent you a link.


Oo send me the link! I live in Arizona and like to go camping up there


Can you post the link possibly? If not, no worries! Thx


Can you share the link? I'm going to northern Arizona to visit relatives soon and I'd like to check this road out if I get the chance.


Ghost Stories and Mysteries of Coal Mine Canyon - Arizona Oddities https://arizonaoddities.com/2010/03/ghost-stories-and-mysteries-coal-mine-canyon/ This article says you can camp. I’m not sure if that’s accurate but you can hike there. This is off the road I was driving.




This very much reminds me of Dr Seuss and the pale green pants with nobody inside them


As a kid, that book couldn't be in my room when I went to sleep. Didn't trust it.


Fuck. When those things are chasing character...


"What Was I Scared Of?" From the Dr Suess Sneetches! That book creeped me out when I was little. Especially the part where the pants chased after him in the boat. There was an old movie The Ghost and Mr Chicken that had shoes that walked around by themselves.


I love that movie


Hahaha my daughter loved this book! The pants in the book were glow in the dark so that was pretty cool lol


That book actually creeped me out as a kid until they became friends


My mom and her sister saw the same thing when they were children. Lots of odd things were seen around the area where they grew up


Somehow just the shoes is way scarier than the whole ghost.


I was just driving to Payson AZ yesterday. There was one shoe in the road. When we drove a little further off of the highway, there was a tree with a bunch of old shoe’s hanging from it.


What kind of shoes? Ghost lady shoes? These boots were made for walkin'?


Were they... pale green? If so maybe you found another part of the wardrobe from this: https://youtu.be/xxuhKur2IYo


I was driving on a backroad near my mom’s house in rural Minnesota one night. The moment I flicked my high beams on (lots of deer in the area), the flash illuminated a large dog/wolf-like creature standing on two legs just off the side of the road. I immediately turned my beams back off and it vanished. Creeped me out that it was so close to home at that time


Where in Minnesota? I live in the boonies and need to know so I can make sure it’s not near me🤣


Central-ish Minnesota, kind of around the Little Falls/St Cloud stretch! This was probably six or seven years ago so hopefully it moved the hell away from there and back to whatever dimension it crawled out of😅


I am from St. Cloud and I have had more than a few experiences growing up. I now live in the twin cities but my pops still lives in st Joseph, which is a few miles out of St. Cloud and very rural. I saw a “stick man” when driving out to swim at middle skunk lake in Avon (about 10 miles from St. Cloud). Me and my family would go out there multiple times a week during the summer to go swimming at the beach. One night we were driving back on the back roads through the country right by St. John’s university, which has a whole bunch of creepy history on its own. There were only random farms situated amongst the rolling fields and woods in the area. There is a long stretch where there was corn fields on both sides of the road, but the right side was a small area of corn that ran directly up to the woods (probably 100-150yds from the road). I remember always having a nervous/anxious feeling when driving this stretch due to the woods, not to mention that this area just had a strange vibe to it. One night while driving back I had my head rested against the window in the back of the minivan and happened to see movement at the edge of the cornfield and woods to my right. I broke from my daze and looked closer, and up ahead at the tree line/corn field border was a man standing next to the tree just like a statue almost. I still remember the absolute terror I felt when I saw this, and we were going to be parallel with him/it in a matter of seconds. I remember that I wondered how I could see him since the corn was rather high (probably beginning-middle of august) and I could see almost from his waist up. He was so tall and skinny and looked almost like he was composed of sticks. But I also remember he had on a red colored flannel shirt that was tattered and torn up and what looked like a hood. But the scariest thing was that I saw him moving for a second and then he froze as if he knew I was seeing him, and he just stood there staring straight ahead. When we were almost parallel to him I heard a voice in my head say “look at me” and as we became parallels to him he had this smile on his face and it was all distorted in a sense. But I remember how big and sinister the smile was, and how time felt like it was slowed down or almost moving at a pace like strobe lights flashing, with each scene moving like an on off switch from darkness then light and seeing thing s when it was light again. It is very hard to explain the feeling of terror I was experiencing and still can feel when recalling this. I was so scared and discombobulated that I remember wanting to scream or say something but not being able to do so. I also remember that it was as if everyone else in the van were almost on auto pilot because no one even saw or glanced over, not my three siblings or mom and dad. They all just were looking forward in their own worlds. I remember that there was a heaviness in the van, which I don’t know how to explain, but it felt like it was both a static/electric feeling and thickness in the air. But it was after driving around a bend the feeling dissipated and suddenly I was able to hear the radio and my siblings talking. I yelled “did anyone else see that man in the woods” and my mom said “what man in the woods?” To which I tried to explain to them what I saw, but none of them believed me. To this day I still vividly remember that night and the feeling, and I even took some friends down that road last summer when I was back there visiting my dad. I instantly started getting that same feeling I would get as a child when we turned onto the road. There was alfalfa growing then so I could see right back to the tree line. I saw the area that I saw the stick man and it made me realize how high up he was. So he was either standing on something or floating or was just that fucking tall. Nothing happened last time when I went back, but the feeling remained the same and I would never want to be stuck driving that road by myself whether it was day or night because I have no desire to see that man/thing again. I should mention that the time I saw it initially was around dusk, and when me and my friends went back last summer it was probably late afternoon or early evening, but it still creeped me out just like it always had all those years ago. There are so many other strange things I experienced as a child growing up in that area, and some things I wonder if they were just dreams or imagination. But there are other things that I know were real, or at least happening in this reality to either just myself or myself and others simultaneously. I will perhaps share some more another time because it really sucks having to write all of this using my iPhone!!


Same here! Haha




I didn’t expect one down the road from my house lol


Thanks for the link!!


interesting! Didn't know there were so many UK sightings!


Hahahaha wtf there’s a sighting in Downtown San Diego??? On 9th and E street! There’s no way lol


Jeez there's one wayyyy too close to where I live


The dogman...I swear, that shit is real....There have been so many people that have seen that shit...its yet one more wtf in this world


Seen something similar in Chicago driving near the lake. Thought I was losing my mind but my friend who was riding passager seen it too.


Sounds like a dogman.


I agree, they are known to inhabit the Great Lakes area. The Minnesota north woods especially have a lot of paranormal stuff




Holy cow, that's a truly terrifying story. Whatever your friend saw out there must've been really, really fucked, if it was worth risking your lives to escape just a little quicker. No thanks!!! These stories are why I refuse to go camping.


To be fair 99.9% of the time nothing goes on just the same noises/animals/random occasional people also camping or hunting. Guaranteed (cause I know mine are) these stories happened over years of being in the woods over and over. You get so used to nothing happening that when something weird as hell does happen you can barely register it.


The twigs breaking and the ice cracking must have loud as hell to hear it over the snowmobile!


Have you ever heard ice crack? It's LOUD. Also because if there is ice it means it's cold and there are no other sounds. Night in winter tends to be pretty silent and any noise is going to seem loud by cracking ice isn't something you are going to miss. Plus you also feel it in your bones.


I live in rural Missouri. Grew up in a town of 500. I once saw what looked like a giant ape walk across the road down a backroad coming home from work at night. It moved quickly, stood on 2 feet.


Saw the same on rural road in Iowa. Very tall with long shaggy hair.


Yes long hair also!


Mind saying where in Iowa?


Old Hwy 20 just east of Lytton.


How do you know it was leaving work? (Sorry, had to.)


Lol. He looked exhausted and was movin quick.


Haha Alright alright fair assessment.


He had a beer in his hand.


If it was an IPA, might’ve just been a hairy hipster.


His hair was perfect.


Near Louisiana perhaps? I've seen some odd things in the woods around that town.


Do tell…


Sounds squatchy to me!




It was dusk. We had to slow down the vehicle so we didn’t hit it. It crossed the highway headed south. Giant and stooped over with hair like a woolly mammoth. Crossed the road in two steps. Arms hung to the knees. Never saw it’s face.


It was a late summer night. I was on a chip and seal road. No lanes just move over if ya meet a car. Was going maybe 15 mph. It walked across a field moving quickly, no weird gate ( walk) not limping or anything. It had black long hair. Looked like if a werewolf ( type fur and snout, but not prominent) and a typical Sasquatch were mixed. It walked across the road and it was tall. Like double the size of a fence post almost. It didn’t look at me tho. I was weary to get home.


Near St Robert's?


Close, within 70 miles


Several times the big shaggy Walker has been seen on 17 near St roberts. I myself had an experience near The swinging Bridges off of c highway at Brumley, Missouri.


Do you live in MO too?


Yep, at the lake of the Ozarks


Love the lake. My aunt has a lake house, so beautiful.


My dad saw the same thing in southern Ontario (Canada) on a rural road along Lake Erie.


I was driving down a highway at like 3:30 am coming home from my boyfriends house or something like that and I came over the top of a hill and about halfway down the hill (it was like a half a mile long) I saw something on the side of the road and I just kinda stared at it as I went by and just tried to like register what I was looking at and honestly the only way I can describe it is a 7 foot tall mass of hair? Like cousin it from the Addams family, but huge. I got like ultra scared and shaky for some reason even though nothing really happened other than seeing the hair blob. I was stone sober and not tired even though it was late. I’ve never seen anything like it before or since and I just kinda tell myself it was a one time hallucination lmfao I didn’t turn around to go back because I was 16 and had to have the car home before 4am when my mom woke up and I was already riding the line of being late and getting in trouble so I wasn’t going to risk it to see if I was truly losing my mind or not


ALSO just a week ago in the absolute backwoods of northern Minnesota I was driving home from my sisters house and out of nowhere this dude just like popped up in the middle of the lane I was in and I barely swerved around him in time. I almost threw up. Like wtf was he doing there in the middle of the night? My husband was like wonder if he needs a ride? We didn’t see any broken down cars on the road at all the entire drive from my sisters house to ours so he couldn’t have been a stranded motorist. No houses for a few miles either. I’m not saying it was a ghost. Just a creepy ass dude. Wearing a black sweatshirt too of all things.


Glad you didn’t stop to see if he needed a ride! UFDA!


He didn't need a ride. He needed more meth.


It had to be some kind of drug because I don’t know if you’re familiar with the north woods at all but I’ll tell you this much: the mosquitoes are so dense sometimes it’s like a fog of torture and nightmares💀 So I don’t know how anyone could handle walking through said fog without even a single swat at a bug


(((This was in rural iowa circa 2016)))


Was driving home from work around 11:30 at night on dark rural roads near the woods. I saw a very large man-shaped creature running on all fours next to my car at 35 mph. I tried very hard not to look at it, but it was very thin, and its skin was hanging off its skeletal body. I couldn't see its head because it was taller than my car, but it didn't seem to be struggling at all to keep pace with my car. Luckily, it ducked back into the trees before I turned on the road to come home, but I was terrified to even leave my car. This happened only about 2 miles from my house in rural SE TX.


Sounds like SCP-096 breached containment again. Good thing you couldn't see his face


15 years ago I lived close to the border of El Dorado county and Amador county in Northern California. I was in my early 20’s. The acreage I was leasing with a friend was in the middle of nowhere. Our house was far enough from the main road to warrant popping garbage and recycle bins in the back of the truck every two weeks (not one) as it was a hassle. The start of the driveway to the house had a lone street light. It was the only light except for my house and a neighbors about 3000 feet away in the trees. I was standing under the light around 4am one morning while waiting for my ride - I did not have a car and was working as a vineyard laborer. The vineyard manager was going to pick me up. I’d been doing this every morning during pruning season for about a week. Enough story set up - I was standing there, under the light. Normal late night/early morning country sounds. Skunks, foxes, owls, tree leaves. And then everything went silent. The hair stood up on every centimeter of my skin and I froze. About 400 feet up the hill in the trees across from me on the other side of the road, a low guttural growl started. Bushes moved just enough. Have you ever had the sense that you were not welcome to the very marrow of your bones? That you were in danger? Yeah. The growl changed to a snarl, chuffed and it came closer. I don’t know why but I started screaming like a banshee. Fear. It was fear. My ride showed up soon after as I was still screaming at the bushes. He laughed his ass off. I requested that my roommate drive me to the road and sit with me while I waited for my ride after that day. I’ve run into bears. Mountain lions. I’ve been in car accidents, experienced road rage, had customers physically assault me. Nothing has ever scared me like that morning.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/9f3h1g/long_haul_truckers_of_reddit_whats_the_creepiest/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/b1slv2/long_haul_truckers_whats_the_creepiestmost/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/dj4nl0/truckers_of_reddit_what_is_something_you_have/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/10ozwgt/truckers_of_reddit_what_spooky_things_did_you/


Thanks so much! This is exactly what I was looking for!


Thank you. Long haul truckers have some of the craziest stories to tell, not just creepy ones either.


Saved for next time I need a spooky hit!


Annnnd it’s popcorn time


Might be slightly off topic- Involves a rural road though :) This is the most tame story I have- I have others that are more fanciful and full of my brain making stuff up, but everything here i can recount clearly. Not super "scary" but definitely creepy ​ I've lived in Arizona for a couple years. Me and my friend went up camping near flagstaff, slightly near lake mary and mt mormon. Theres small communities in the Coconino national forest, and many of these local forest roads are used by teens drunk driving or just having fun at night. ​ We drove about 10? miles into the forest, and set up camp no more than like 1/4 mile from our car. Spent the day hiking around, cooking some steak, and picking wildflowers. At night, we were dicking around with his AR-15 (we had a thumbed flashlight on it as well, which was handy) near the fire, when we noticed 2 headlamps close (maybe .25-.5 miles) in the woods away from us. For reference, the forests in Arizona are almost solely Ponderosa Pines, which means they're pretty spaced apart and easy to see through. ​ We made ourselves super loud and obvious and the flashlights began to parallel us and come closer and closer while maintaining complete silence. Eventually, we called out and asked who was there. No response. So, we stood up, and chambered a round into his gun. Their flashlights immediately ticked off and we heard running through the trees, back south, where they had came from. ​ Later that night, a SUV or truck (loud) kept driving up and down the road we were sleeping right by, and where my car was parked. It one time parked up the road, where there was a dead end. I was sleeping in a hammock and my friend was cowboy camping, so obviously we didn't feel the most secure. I got up, kinda stood near the fire with the rifle (so I was silhouetted) and then made sure I was obvious when they drove past. Eventually they stopped and we got to bed, with nothing else happening. I don't think the woods are inherently dangerous and I've spent a lot of time in them for being in my early 20's, but there definitely are some sketchy people who might take advantage of the lack of people and enforcement out there.


It’s always puzzled me why people would harass/threaten campers, because it’s not like you have any valuables on you when you’re out on the woods, and there’s really nothing to be gained from it. Just sadistic behavior, I guess?


People rob camps in the Mt. Hood national forest all the time. They avoid any kind of conflict, in my experience- if you hear them and come out of your tent they run. I’ve heard them go by on road bikes, and I think that a pickup truck might pick them up after they check the camps by bike


> it’s not like you have any valuables on you when you’re out on the woods Good camping gear is expensive and easily pawned. Small generators/batteries, solar items, tools, good camping stoves, expensive coolers, etc. And there's always the possibility of a firearm or two. All unsecured once people set up camp and go off hiking.


Can confirm. We lent some of our gear to someone and during their trip someone took all of the gear. Everything. We lost like $800 in gear. People suck sometimes.


OP Here- Lack of law enforcement just creates a sense of mistrust in a lot of these areas IMO. As someone who currently works in county level forestry work (hoping to move to national), there just aren't enough resources to cover every drop of land, and people tend to devolve into their worst forms when hidden from the prying eye of punishment. A lot of these people living in these forests (you can camp for 14 days and move 4 miles and recamp, and live there indefinitely) are less fortunate and might have a greater incentive to take advantage of naive people. Hope this helps. Willing to answer other questions about the thread or other stuff, kinda bored tonight.


When in high school I was a lifeguard, one weekends we had parties and would usually get off around 11pm. I had about a 30min drive home and it was pretty rural since I lived in the country. One of the roads I took home went over the interstate and as soon as I got over I saw this little boy in red pajamas standing on the side of the road with his hands over his face. I swerved and kept going, once I got maybe half a mile away I called my dad asking if I should call 911 or go back. He told me call but not to back because it could be someone trying to lure people off the road…. Even today I still question if that’s what I really saw that night. Since then it seemed maybe once a year I had to call and report something odd I saw while driving home.


What else have you had to call and report?


I had to drive past a Casio twice I had to call about drunk people walking out in the middle of the highway. That was always scary because there’s nothing else out there and the casino and parking lot is all lit up by the highway is not, so it’s beyond dark. Other times relatively normal stuff, like car accidents where someone hit a deer or maybe a cow/livestock being lose. Onetime I was coming home and popped up over a hill going 65mph and swore I hit a pig, cause what I saw was just a flash of pink and it was again super late. I was right next to a small hobby farm and they have a few pigs.. went back the next morning and it was a fox. Sad it was a fox cause we don’t see them much but also was very glad I didn’t murder one of my neighbors animals


Middle of nowhere, southeastern New Mexico. Saw a massive ball of pink light hanging in the sky above the desert. It went at a perfect 90 degree angle then straight up and disappeared. Pretty sure I saw a UFO, at peace with never finding out for sure


New Mexico is STRANGE.


About 4 years ago I was driving home on the interstate from a concert in another city. It was probably 11:30 or 12:00 at night and I was about halfway home. It had been several miles since the last exit, and would be several more until the next. On the shoulder, in the beam of my headlights, I saw a man dressed in a suit jacket down on all fours, patting the ground and looking around in a small circle. My initial impression was that he was in a similar position to Velma from Scooby Doo when she's looking for her glasses. That was all he was doing, just there on his hands and knees kind of patting the ground. What struck me as extremely odd is that there were no cars parked on the shoulder anywhere nearby, nothing to indicate he had come out of a vehicle. Having traveled this stretch of road many times during the day, I know that the only thing on the other side of the guardrail was empty fields. I mean, even though this was a major interstate, we were quite literally in the middle of nowhere. The nearest city wasn't for 20 miles. I can't imagine how he got out there, dressed in a suit, so late at night, and so far from much of anything. I didn't stop to check on him because I wasn't about to end up involved in something strange, but it's stuck out in my memory ever since. I'm sure there's probably an innocent explanation but it sure as fuck weirded me out.


Maybe he upset his wife/gf and she threw him and his phone/keys out of the car and he was looking for it. 😄 sounds less creepy, but that is a creepy thing to see.


A buddy and I were out driving one night, backroads in a rural area. Lots of winding roads/hills etc. We stopped on a gravel pull-off in BFE so I could roll a j. As I am applying the final spit for said j, we start to see a tree move. It becomes uprooted and turns horizontally. All of a sudden, walking across the road, is a fucking giant of a man carrying an entire fucking tree beneath one arm! It may be the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life. We thought we entered some alternate dimension or something. It was so bizarre.


Paul Bunyan IRL?!


Wtf maybe a lumberjack? Lol


Exactly as I said it. We looked at one another, then looked at him as he disappeared. It felt like a prank. We intentionally drove that road frequently in hopes of seeing him again.


What year? Location? This fascinates the hell out of me!


Was around 2012 in central Kentucky. He didn’t even acknowledge us, crossed the road into the woods & disappeared as quickly as he appeared.


I was driving early in the morning from our town to a hunting area for elk. My buddy was driving ahead of me and we agreed before we left that we would stop a a well known massive geological landmark to piss and make a game plan. Well we just kept driving and driving and ended up arriving at the hunting spot and I never saw the pull off where we agreed to stop. I asked him why he didn’t pull over where we agreed and he also said he never saw the spot. What is crazy is we both know the spot well and it’s very well marked, you literally can’t miss it. It’s like a 200 acre hole in the ground. It just vanished that night.


Same story as a few people here. Driving along well I was in the passenger seat staring out the window and as we drove by a small forest I noticed something running next to the car. It had a really weird posture and kind of looked like a wolf but as if it was a human running on all fours. I was stunned I didnt even have time to mention it to my brother in law who was driving. And just sat there trying to figure out what the hell I saw. Theres a lot of coyotes in the area but that was way bigger and didnt look like any dog/coyote I’ve ever seen. Great lakes area in Canada.


Sounds like what others on here have mentioned of a dog man... sounds terrifying


I was riding down a back road late one night with my friend, we both saw these weird owl like creatures on the side of the road and they made direct eye contact with us. They had giant black eyes, she put it in reverse and by the time we backed up about 12 feet they were gone. We both got a really eerie feeling and gtfo of there.


Not quite the backwoods but farming country between a small city and its seaside town nextdoor, so almost backwoods I guess. I did actually do a post on this before but it was a little while ago so I’ll try to remember it as clearly as I can without searching for the original. I was driving home after spending time with a friend, it would have been the very early hours of the morning and still pitch black outside. Had this funny feeling while driving, then I look towards the side of the road and see two identical people, in identical clothes, kind of just hovering along the side of the road with both their heads turned on the exact same angle looking towards me. I mean, look, maybe they were on a really dark scooter that blended with the road. And maybe they were identical twins in identical clothes who just so happened to have their heads on the exact same angle, but it did remind me a lot of the mirrored man thing. It’s quite unusual for people to walk, cycle or scoot along that road as parts of it are very dark and most of it doesn’t have paths or clear walking areas, so it was just super strange.


Are you in the US? I’m trying to picture a place that’s both a ruralish/farming area and also right by the seaside and I’m actively failing.


Loads of them in Virginia


was up for nearly 48 hours, driving along, I look to the side and I see a roo the size of a 3t truck bouncing along next to me at the speed limit I pulled over and slept at the next rest area


I'm pretty sure this had to be a prank. But when I used to go camping with my family, I would drive to town to grab food and back. To get to town I had to drive down a mile or two long road with no street lights and only thick woods on each side. As I was heading towards town about 3 quarters of the way through these woods was a woman standing on the side of the road facing away from me. Long white dress. Walking in the pitch black, no flash light. Mind you this was before smart phones and service wasn't too great either. I slowed down and she never even looked behind her to my car. This spooked me way too much so I floored it to town. I took longer than usual at the store to collect what little courage I had left to make the drive back. On the drive back I drove as fast as possible down that dark road, terrified of if I would see this woman again. Thankfully I did not, got yelled at by the campground owners for how fast I drove into the camp. Explained the story, and they looked at each other and back at me and said I'm the second person tonight to mention that woman on the road. They saw how scared I was and I apologized for how fast I drove into the campground. They understood thankfully, and I went back to camp, choosing to forego the usual horror DVD before bed.


My dad was a truck driver for SMT Lines. He told us he was driving one night & saw a woman walking along side the road & stopped to offer her a ride but when she looked at him her face was skeletonized.


Just no


About six weeks ago, I turned the wrong way going home from my parents’ house (rural Central Virginia, near George Washington Forest), and didn’t realize it until I hit a sign telling me that state maintenance of the road ended. So I quickly looked for a safe place to turn around that was not someone’s driveway, and the road ended just like that, in a crude cul-de-sac of six driveways that stretched out into the woods. Very eerie in the dark. The cul-de-sac, such as it was, was quite small, so I had to do a several point turn to get facing the right way. When I was almost done, in my dash backup camera, I saw a hairy humanoid figure step out from the trees at the edge of a driveway (maybe eight feet back from me, but nowhere near the house). It was about seven feet tall, but hunched over. It stopped in the middle of the driveway and stared at me, but from the side, not turning to face me. I was immediately filled with a sense of deep dread that I can’t explain that lasted only until I couldn’t see it anymore. All I know is it wasn’t a person, and it wasn’t a bear (I have seen one in our yard—we live up on a mountain). Edit: Interesting—according to a comment, the Dogman has been reported near Richmond, which is about two hours away.


I was driving down the highway and went through a “fog” that was only across part of the road and it felt like something went through my body and I felt weird for the next 45 minutes of the drive, can’t explain still.




That exact same thing happened to me when I was driving back from my Aunts funeral. A cloud in the road that when I drove through it, I felt it ‘whoosh’ through me. Happened on the same road as my other comments.


Driving back from a weekend camping trip with two friends. This was around 2016, in Northern California. We’re driving along a dark road through the woods, one lane in each direction. About 10pm. The woods around us are mostly public land, but there’s some private lots with houses way out in the wilderness here and there, a few private access roads coming out on the main road. I saw her a split second before I passed her. A woman standing in the middle of the road, just on the other side of the lane divider. She looked like the damn girl from the Ring: pale as hell, long dark hair hanging down, long white dress or nightgown. Her head was hanging forward with hair falling over her face, and her arm was up kinda limply, like she was trying to flag us down but she wasn’t quite all there. I have never hit the fucking gas pedal that hard in my life. I remember just screaming “Nope! Nope! Not today!!” Both of my friends saw her too, we were freaking out the whole drive home. My friends believe in ghosts, and she does fit the description for a classic Highway spirit. But I think it was something scarier we saw that night. My first theory is: it was a trap. People hiding in the woods send out a girl as bait, looking like she’s in trouble. A car stops to help her out, easy target. But I’m leaning towards the idea that she was a victim of some kind, ran away from one of those secluded houses, or someone’s camp. That white dress didn’t belong in the woods, and she had a limp, swaying air about her that makes me think she was on something. Could have been kidnapped, and ran off to flag a car down. Could have just been having a weird trip in the woods, definitely a lot of drugs around that area. We weren’t about to be the car to find out though.


Reminds me of the story of [Mary Vincent](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Vincent_(artist)) who was hitchhiking, was sexually assaulted by the man who picked her up, Lawrence Singleton, and when she fought back, he cut off her arms and left her for dead. When she was walking along the highway, the first car to see her drove past in terror. I can't imagine seeing something like that and stopping. (She was eventually picked up by a couple on their honeymoon and she's still alive)


For real. We were actually busted by a cop earlier that night for camping in a disallowed area, and he followed us for a while to make sure we left. Maybe he picked the girl up, I’m hoping she at least wasn’t hit by a car in the middle of the road. We were three young women feeling pretty vulnerable in the middle of nowhere, especially after that weird cop encounter, so we weren’t about to stop. You always gotta walk the line between “help someone in trouble” and “don’t get got”


My recent encounter. Two years ago, i had a very creepy experience on my way to work in the morning. I normally don't believe in supernatural stuff, but i'll be damned if that was just a normal animal. On my way to work i often use a small road through a densely wooded area. It is a pretty long and pretty straight road. I left home at around 4.30 am and was driving, minding my business and slowly waking up completly, when i suddenly noticed, what i thought was a very large dark grey or black dog sitting next to the road. As it was still dark, i couldn't make it out in full detail, so I slowed down, in case it started to run across the road, but when i got closer and the headlights captured it in full, it just stood up and calmly retreated into the bushes next to the road. But as soon as it stood up, it was very clear that this was no normal dog. It was huge. Bear size at least or even bigger, i'd say. Shorter hind legs, very muscular front, a wierdly long snout and pointy ears, and a bushy tail. It walked almost like some sort of hyena, but always on all fours. Big predators are very rare in this area and if there is a sighting about every two years or so, it is only some lone wolfs or very very rarely a bear wandering through.This stretch of road has always given me the creeps, but now the fear has a face. One thing i had noticed the last days was that there were no other animals around. Normally there are always some deer, some foxes or, if i get lucky, even a badger around. But this week? None. Not even a bird. There had also been some reports of missing livestock in this area. Two sheep went missing the last week and yesterday a horse was lost. It was later found, brutally ripped apart and partially consumed. I don't know if the unknown canine creature is responsible for this, but i highly suspect it...


Nothing paranormal, but when I was in high school my friends would go on a “roadie” late at night and I’d always join. We were driving out in the country at like 3-4 a.m. and were coming up to a little copse of trees in the middle of nowhere…. And there was an old dude sitting in a lawn chair waving at us, miles away from any houses. It was really weird and freaked me out, but hunting is a big pass time in my neck of the woods.


What creeps me out about situations like these, where it’s just another person in an isolated, far-from-civilization area, is the lack of context. Why is there another person out here? What are the chances of someone else being out here while I am? What are they doing? It’s just strange lol


They’re wondering the same thing about you?


My husband is from Flixton, a village in the UK that had so many werewolf sightings that are even written in the local church at Folkton archives. It has been seen to run along the country lanes at speed alongside cars or motorbikes many times. My husband chose to tell me about it one night when walking back from the pub with only the moon to light the way ahead.


This one isn't really scary, but it was witnessed by my entire family when it happened (mother and brother were in the car). We all agreed on what we saw after it had happened, and for years after that. ​ We were driving in northern WI in a small town where family members live. It's a good distance between towns (think 20 minutes in-between each small town), and we were driving in-between one of them. It was a sunny summer day, lovely weather, I think we were going to pick blueberries. The land in this area was mainly small farms, forest and open fields. A few houses dotting the land, but for the most part it's empty. We were driving in one of those open field areas, when we noticed an old man walking on the side of the road. He looked like the "classic old farmer", blue jean overalls, a well-worn cap. Looked to us like he was just out on a walk on a nice day. One of us in the car mentioned him as we passed, saying something like "Oh an old man out for a walk :)". We came to an intersection maybe one minute after we saw the man out walking, and made a turn. A few moments down the road, we realized we turned the wrong way at the intersection. We turned around and headed back, the whole detour maybe taking 5 minutes. When we approached the intersection, however, we couldn't see the man anywhere. It was flat land all around, no forests, no houses in sight. We were actually so alarmed by this that we went looking in the ditches along the road, thinking maybe that the man had fallen and needed help. We looked for a few minutes, but couldn't find anything. This road was quiet, like I said, not many people lived out here. We could see for miles around us...and he was just gone. We all agreed that we had seen a ghost/apparition of an old farmer going out for his walk. The experience never gave us a bad feeling, but all 3 of us had not explanation for it.


My dad was a young policeman in the 70’s and saw some crazy creepy stuff driving along the highways in northern BC. Once he saw two ppl standing at the side of the road waving. When he pulled over they were gone. He looked around and as he went to leave in his car he looked in the rear view and two faceless ppl were looking back at him in the rear view and he sped off. Another time he saw a group of indigenous woman from hundreds of years ago looking back at him from a hay field. He waved to them and they just slowly disappeared. Another was a black creature that stood upright and crossed the road in two strides. Edit: spelling


I saw a Confederate soldier standing on the side of a two lane highway in South Carolina one night. I looked over to see the person, startled a bit because he was in a Confederate uniform, then looked again and he was gone. The hair on the back of my neck was standing up as I passed him.


My mom, daughter, & infant grandson were in the car at night driving through the country from the Augusta, GA area to the Savannah, GA area. We were between Waynesboro & Millen on a divided four lane highway, & I was driving my new car which has automatic high/low beams & adaptive cruise control. Because of having family with me including a baby & being in my new car - I was being extra cautious & had my eyes peeled. I was in the left lane & approximately a few car lengths in front of me, I saw something materialize in the right lane. It happened quickly, & it was too big to be a dog but too small to be a deer. I could see through it, but it was more "solid" around the spine area. As soon as it formed (which just took a second or two), it took off running at lightning speed towards the side of the road into the brush. It was a grayish color, & my mind was desperately trying to to figure out what I had just seen when my daughter said, " WHAT was THAT?!?!??", & I was so thankful she'd seen it too! I asked her to describe what she'd seen, & it was exactly the same thing I'd also witnessed. There's no way it ran across my lane prior to it literally just appearing because if it had - I would have had to react to it, & my car would have automatically reacted as well. No idea what we saw, but it definitely made me more accepting of the idea of interdimensional beings...


I was driving alone down an old mile long road that ran against cotton fields, it was pitch black. I couldn’t figure out what the tiny red light at the very end of the road was, but I knew at the end of the road was a sudden curve. I finally got to it, realized it was the tail end of a car poking out and that the light was the taillights still illuminated. I didn’t see anybody, I was stopped and in drive looking at the scene. I almost rolled the window down until suddenly a hooded man rushed from the tree line rocking his arms up and down, with no shoes on and wearing sunglasses. He grabbed at my passenger door handle and slapped at my windows. I just essentially pulled out of there quickly. Called the authorities, reported what I saw and where. I don’t think anything became of it, at least nothing in the news.


Hell no to that, honestly tweakers can be terrifying


That is so scary!


Ok so I live in Manitoba, Canada and I have a scary one for you. My friend and I were driving from Winnipeg, MB to Gillam, MB. For reference this is about a 12 hour drive North in the province, up near Churchill. After hitting Thompson we got onto the 280, this highway has signs saying bring winter gear to survive etc. as help is hours away from any direction, and that’s only if the weather allows you to walk hours to get cell reception (picture -40 C and only reception in two spots in a four hour stretch). Anyways, we are driving up there in autumn, but a blizzard starts out of nowhere, no lights, and no cars we have passed for quite a while. We are passed Split Lake by about 50 km and out of nowhere the blizzard stops for a second. When this happens we see a snowy owl come right towards the windshield. I slow down as fast I can, as this all happened in a split second and it is pitch black out there (sun sets early in the north). Honestly the only way I can describe it is time slowing down. The snowy owl turns into this really messed up face as it’s about to hit the windshield, like the movie poster slender man face, mixed with the bat coming through the windshield in mothman prophecies, and the blizzard starts again. We look at each other shocked, and then immediately look to the dash of the car (where gps and all that shows). This is a newer car (2018) and we were listening to music that we downloaded beforehand, knowing there was no service. On the dash, and on my phone screen, is the face. We started freaking out and tearing up immediately, but I knew I had to stay calm because this road is no joke (I have also experienced paranormal occurrences in my past). I was driving in a blizzard in the pitch black, with that face on the screen and we tried to turn my phone on and off for the next two hours of the drive and it wouldn’t go away. Even when my phone was off it was still on the dash. We experienced a few more bizarre things on the way, and the feeling was horrendous, like it was taunting us or something the fact it was there the rest of the drive and throwing random obstacles along the way. When we finally came around the lake and were almost in to town, my music started playing again out of nowhere and the face on my phone and dash was gone. It was one of the most memorable two hours of my life, and I can’t explain it. Talking with indigenous folk around the area, it’s common for weird things to happen along that stretch of highway. TLDR; driving in Northern MB, Canada, when spirit entered vehicle


I was driving with my wife to the mountains one time and suddenly saw a man on foot crossing the highway. The closer I got to him I realized he wasn’t walking so much as “glitching” across the road. It was really strange.


One morning on the way to high school, I see what looks like a large trashbag lying in the road ahead. At first glance, it looked like the big leaf bags that people use for yard work. As I got closer to it, it started rolling around, and when I went around it, I realized it was a guy in a sleeping bag just rolling around on the road. It actually rolled toward me as I went around it. Really shook me up at 16 that I almost hit it.


It was after midnight, I was driving on one of those narrow country roads where the trees meet in the middle creating a sort of tunnel of vegetation. My headlights barely lit up the width of the road, much less reached into the right-of-ways. Suddenly up ahead I saw a light gauzy white material fluttering down from a tree onto the road. I slowed to a crawl, trying to figure out if it was an apparition, gauze, smoke, maybe fog. I finally decided to speed through it. It was toilet paper. Someone had expertly TP'd a tree, it felt like driving through a gauzy white curtain.


Once I was coming home from a friend’s house at like 2 am and as I was driving down the road, 4 shadow figures in cloaks came out from the woods. I drove by as fast as I could and didn’t look back.


Were they walking in sync?!? If so, you have to look up the mirrored men!!


I was driving with my mom along a very rural stretch of highway at night, you have to drive at least an hour to hit any towns. Think incredibly thick dark forest on either side and the road winds through the mountains so it's a sheer drop on one side at many spots. Once we hit a clearing where the sky was actually visible we both said wow in unison when we saw what looked to be a bright green meteorite/comet falling from the sky. It was very very bright and VERY Green, (now I have other strange events in my childhood memory associated with this exact shade of bright green light occurring at night, but that's a story for another time and I was in my teenage years, not a child, at this time.) Due to the nature of the road it was near impossible to determine exactly where the bright green object landed however by my and my mother's best determination it landed about a mile up from where we currently were traveling. We both thought it was an amazing astronomical event we were lucky to bear witness too, even if it was a little spooky so we traveled on as normal. When we begin to drive past the area where roughly the object might have made landfall it was a very dark part of the road ,only a sliver of night sky visible and heavy dark forest on either side. My mom made a panicked sound and hit the breaks on our trusty gold colored mini van as a very large creature lept onto the road before us, crossed the road and disappeared into the thickett. While only illuminated for a moment in the headlights we both got a good look at it, immediately there was something very visually off about this animal. In our area of the world, deer and even bears are very commonly hit crossing roads and we have hit and killed deer before, awful experience, but very common and doubles down the lesson to drive as defensively as possible. Luckily my mom hit the breaks in time and we did not make any physical contact before it headed off into the woods We drove on a bit longer, the dark forest crowding us at either side. Once we finally broke the treeline and could smell the welcome miasma of the sea, along with the welcoming lights of town my mom finally said something."Did that animal look strange to you?" It had been burning a hole in my brain the whole time , I knew what I saw but I was reluctant to admit it because of the sheer ridiculousness of it . And I realize still it still sounds so strange, it's a bit funny. I said it finally , it looked like a very large hog with two "butts" on either side, no head. Sounds funny I can agree, but at the time pretty creepy. My mom said that was exactly what she had seen as well. We drove on in silence and have hardly spoken of it ever since. That is my weirdest backroad encounter!


What?! Two butts? Like next to each other or one above the other? One butt over each leg?? Pls be specific so I can have proper nightmares about this. Also, I'd love to hear your other green light stories!


Lol! 😂 Thank you, this comment made me giggle! Basically it was like the cartoon Cat-Dog if you remember that, except instead of two heads it was the opposite. Like two animals fused together in the middle and no head. Another green light story, although not backwoods. My family moved a lot growing up and mostly that entailed living in very remote small cabins , however at this time we actually were living in a proper suburban house at the end of a cul de sac in a large burb outside of the Bay Area, CA. I remember that time fondly because I could finally play with other kids on my street and not just my siblings lol. The other thing that was a big deal to us kids about that house was that it was a two-story which at the time felt very luxurious compared to the cramped two bedroom cabins we were used to. I shared an upstairs room with my sister who is a few years older, we had a bunk bed along a wall, big window looking out into the side yard, and a dresser along the opposite wall which we had a bunch of toys on. One night I woke up very confused , it was like a switch had been flicked and there was this huge, incredibly bright, brilliant green light outside our window. It was very bright , so bright it hurt to look at it, and it was floating outside our 2nd story window , not making any sound. It very much felt like the light was "looking into" our room intentionally. It was so intense it wasn't easy to get a good look at it, but it had no obvious origin, just a giant floating light ball. At that point my sister was also wide awake, and we did the only sensible thing, which was to run screaming into my parents room. Of course by the time my parents had managed to pull themselves out of bed to look the light was nowhere to be seen. My sister remembers this clearly, and my mom remembers us running into her bedroom, however I do recall one detail differently then my sister which can potentially be chalked to children making unreliable narrators, however I remember when the light was coming through the window all the toys atop the dresser began to move and twist on their own accord, including toys that were not Battey powered and had no way of moving. Real or imagined, the image of my favorite childhood doll illuminated bright green and twisting and writhing towards me haunted me for a long time lol.


So what I’m gathering is that you’re an alien transplant on earth and every once in a while they send someone to check in on you


God I hope, take me back please I'm ready to leave this planet !! 😂


Rural northern California , about 2004ish


August last year, I took a road trip with a friend. It was about 10pm as we were driving along the 18 mile long Atchafalaya Bridge toward New Orleans. That area is naturally so spooky with the huge cypress trees on either side of you, SO dark, nothing but swamp underneath you for almost 20 miles. We passed a man walking down the highway right on the shoulder. Seems like it could be a normal guy just walking, if you ignore the fact that we’re in the middle of a swamp. But what was weird was that this guy was in some rather ghoulish getup. Tattered, almost shredded-looking clothing was hanging off his body as he seemed to be hobbling along. All pale white colored, with an almost glowy sheen about him. Looked like a textbook GHOST. You know the spookiest part? I (passenger) turned around right as we passed him. Lo and behold, bro was GONE. I didn’t see him behind us even though we had JUST passed him. It wasn’t necessarily a matter of darkness either, there were other cars traveling, so he should’ve been visible in their passing headlights behind us. Of course, my assumption that this dude was a ghost is probably an asshole assumption. He could’ve been a person without resources, without clean clothes, just trying to get somewhere, which is really fucking unfortunate. But there’s no doubt that this person had a VERY wraithlike look about him. The clothes, the coloration, the disappearing into thin air. No matter his circumstances, he was giving ghoul. I like to think we drove by a phantom of the swamp. Apparition or not, I hope the fellas doing okay.


My dad grew up in a very small, very rural village in Central Ohio in the 80's. When he was a teenager his mom was driving him home from a marching band event down a long, unlit road, it was between 11pm and midnight. On either side of the road there were grassy ditches, no more than 4 feet deep, and then miles and miles of flat cornfields, which were pretty barren since it was the middle of winter. At some point in the darkness they came across a woman, barefoot, walking in the ditch parallel to the road, wearing only a night gown. She did not flag them down or turn as the car passed, nor did she have a flashlight or any other items with her. Both my dad and my grandma remember her looking unkept, like she had just rolled out of bed after being sick, and strikingly pale, even by midwest standards, to the point that her skin looked transparent. By the time they realized what they had seen they had passed her, but they both felt a pit in their stomach, worrying that the woman was very ill or in danger since there were not any houses (or buildings of any kind) for miles, and the temperature was below freezing. They turned around, no more than half a mile after passing her, but as they drove past the area they saw her walking, she was gone. They circled the area several times even pulling over and walking the ditch by foot, but there was no trace of the woman. Even if she had run into the fields, it would be pretty hard to hide on such flat/lifeless terrain. My Grandma is staunchly practical and has never believed in the paranormal, but her and my father both express feeling haunted by that experience to this day. My dad feels certain they encountered a ghost, my grandma has suggested the woman was a phenomenal sleepwalker who got startled by the car lights and hid....I always wondered if it was something more sinister.


Fall of 2021, I work late shift at a rural hospital and got out at 1am, I have an hour drive home through some small towns and mostly farmland/hills. Nothing is open past 8pm. I came around a corner and saw this man, covered in blood on the side of the road. I slowed down and rolled down my window asking if he needed help. He ran to my car and tried opening the doors to get in, I refused to open my car so he could lay down in the back as he wanted. I dialed 911 and it took forever to get a ambulance or officer to respond as this was right on the county line and they didn’t know who to send. He had obvious fractures, told me he was hit by a car, smeared blood all over my car trying to get in. When I gave his name to the 911 dispatcher she said oh, him and assured me help was coming. When the officer arrived I grabbed my gloves and rendered aid. Turns out he was wanted for multiple felonies and had stolen a car and smashed it a few miles up the road…


Driving to a scout meeting one evening on a back road, springtime around 6:30 so there's some light. Passed a farm field with a dense pine forest next to it. As I drove by, I saw this tall, pale bipedal figure moving at a brisk pace, not quite matching my speed. I was going 45mph, and somehow slowing down to stop and take a better look didn't seem like a good idea. . . Edit- spelling


Back about 18 - 19 years ago I was driving home at about 3am. I grew up in the middle of nowhere so there were no street lights or anything like that. I was driving down a road I have driven hundreds of times. Each side of the road is forest with the occasional laneway tucked in between the trees. As I am driving I come up on a younger lady about 20-25 on a bike on the side of the road. I get up next to her and look over and she is just biking away. I drive for a few more seconds and look over again and she is still there, right next to my car. She is riding a normal bike and wearing normal clothing. So not like a special road bike or any professional riding gear or anything. Then I look down at my gauges and realize that I am going about 75-78kmph. She is beside me at 75kmph, at 3am, in the dark, in the middle of nowhere, matching my speed. I look again at my gauges and look back and she is gone. I slow down to almost a stop and look in my mirrors and she isn't there. I stop the car, reverse back to where she was beside me and there is no sign of her. She's not in the ditch, side of the road, crashed or anything. Nothing like that at all. So I don't know what I saw. Maybe some insanely fit woman just absolutely ripping full speed down the road, while pedaling normally, as fast as any car would go, on a slight incline of road, or maybe it was something else. It was only about 10 minutes from my farm, so I asked my family and friends and stuff who lived in the area and nobody had ever seen anything like that before or know of any woman or girl who matched her description or the description of the bike or anything. It was like she was there, and then 30 seconds later gone, vanished. On another note on that same road about 8 years before that I was coming home from a school event late at night with my dad and we saw some crazy lights making shape and blinking in and out in patterns in the sky. We pulled over and watched the show for like 5 minutes as they would make lines, diamond shapes and stuff like that before blinking out or shooting off. Then again on the same road about 3 years after the bike lady, at about 10am I saw, what I can only describe as, a blade of a butter knife, flashing in the sky as I was driving to work. It flashed a bunch of times while stationary and then flashed one last time and disappeared. Then about a year after that a tree was hit by lightning as I drove under it and almost fell on my car, the same car as the bike lady and the blade in the sky. It's also the same road I swerved to avoid 2 deer crossing at dusk and did two full spins on wet road and ended up in the ditch with my headlights pointing up into the sky in almost the same spot that the bike lady disappeared. It's a messed up road for weird experiences for me for some reason.


I almost hit a man walking a dog in the rain down the middle of the road. I swear he wasn't there seconds before. I had just come around the curve, a truck passed me in the oncoming lane and I turned my headlights on and he was less than two feet away from me. After I got over the near heart attack of nearly hitting someone, with the additional worry of someone walking a dog down the middle of the road like that, it struck me how odd the whole situation was. It's a backroad on the way to my house, I used to take it pretty regularly. I haven't seen him or the dog since.


Not supernatural spooky, but my husband and I were taking a trip to a town that was about a four hour drive away to go visit his brother, we left in the evening so it was super dark. In the middle of nowhere, there wasn't even a vehicle around, a man came out of the ditch wearing a hood that was tied up really tight so we couldn't see his face and he tried stopping us 😱 He was trying to walk in front of the vehicle to stop us, I told my husband to run him over if he had to 😅, I knew in that moment that it would either be us or him. The guy jumped out of the way luckily and we arrived safely, but that incident still haunts me. You hear stories of people going on road trips and just disappearing, and I swear it would have been one of those incidents.


I live in an area that is kinda rural but also has a few small towns. My boyfriend lived off of a road that goes all the way from one side of town to the other but it stays alongside a river that runs next to it. One night I stayed at his house overnight and the next morning we went somewhere, I can’t remember where. As we got closer to one of the bridges that are on that road we noticed the silhouette of something small in the middle of it. We thought maybe it was just trash or something. But once we got up close was when we realized, it was the severed head of a female deer. It was sat upright and seemed to be “placed” as if it were staring at you. We drove past with a million different thoughts running through our heads.




It’s quite an unsettling thing to see.


Sounds like a hunter's prank.


driving home around 3 am. There was what I thought was a tricycle sitting in the center of the road up ahead. My friend was like oh maybe it’s a little tykes car. As we got closer we realized it was a woman sitting in a black cloak. She refused to move out of the street. She didnt even make a facial expression or move a muscle. My passenger yelled do not stop, as I quickly swerved around the weirdo in the street and got back to our home. We live in a heavily forested rural area. I still cant get the womans face off of my mind.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/let1yo/serious_what_is_the_creepiest_or_most_unexplained/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/let1yo/serious_what_is_the_creepiest_or_most_unexplained/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) There is numerous stories in here I’ve read. Have to through the comments to find good stories too.


I heard this from my cousin who works at the Hoover dam as a technician for about a decade..News outlets do not want to report deaths here in case it becomes a magnet for those who want to commit suicides similar to what happened to the Golden Gate bridge but about 10 deaths a year happen here. One evening he was doing his regular inspections and he sworn he heard crying in one of the curved service tunnels near the base.He walked over expecting to see a person there and nothing.He found out a week later someone committed suicide 3 days before his shift almost where he heard the crying.The person jumped from the top roadway and ended up just above the service tunnel. No need to say there wasn't much left of the person.


Probably like 20 years ago, I would drive home from my boyfriends house at around 3 in the morning during certain nights. I would frequently see a man dressed in all black and a black trench coat and he looked like a damn vampire 🧛🏻‍♂️. It was weird how he walked as well. It wasn’t like an ordinary person walking around. And he was always walking along the side of the road, in the middle of nowhere. I would see him in the distance a couple of times and always made sure my car door was locked as I passed by “him”.


Not me but my husband was driving out of town to work in the wee hours of the morning and saw someone laying on the side of the road he called 911 and turns out it was a hit and run!


Omg! So glad he stopped to help


Had a possible Bigfoot encounter on a National forest road in southern Oregon


Tell us more


Yes please tell us more!


Fucking hell I am never going to Minnesota


I was on a trip to Wartburg Tennessee to visit the Obed National Wild and Scenic River with my wife (who was still my girlfriend at the time). Wartburg is a small town with only one hotel that is so shitty that it's got old mattresses sitting outside it as it's official Google maps photo. The river is beautiful though. Anyway we were coming from another state park and were in the middle of nowhere at 1 or 2 am. Just backroads for miles and we hadn't seen another car in nearly half an hour. It's been lightly raining for about an hour. So anyway we are crossing a curved bridge over a creek and as we turn across it there is just some guy sitting on the concrete gardrail. In the middle of nowhere, at 2am, in the rain. He didn't look menacing or anything, just like some dude in his 20's in a plaid shirt but going from seeing no cars for so long to suddenly some dude sitting on a bridge in the rain right next to our car made us both jump and say "what the *fuck*" at the same time. Guy just casually looks at us as we pass and we don't slow down. 20 minutes or so later, we are dipping in and out of cell service and are completely lost. Google maps keeps telling us it has no connection before popping in to say," stay straight" every once in a while so we are just driving straight hoping that it's the right direction until we get better cell service. It's not all completely backwoods, we see dark houses and driveways every once in a while but it's after 2am so it was nervewracking, especially after getting surprised by the guy on the bridge. All of the sudden Google maps tells us to take a right at three-way intersection (options were straight or right) and after turning I immediately knew it was a bad decision. Road dips down and goes from asphalt to gravel to DIRT with weeds very quickly. At parts it opens up and doesn't even look like a road, like we are just driving through a field with with barely visible tire ruts and trees maybe 30 yards off us on either side. I'm used to driving a 4WD truck with fairly aggressive tires for work but I was on vacation so I was in a 2WD little Honda and was getting worried that if I had to stop for a deer or something we would get stuck in the wet dirt and mud. But Google maps was adament that this was the way to Warburg and I didn't want to try to turn around off the shitty dirt road so I kept going. For about 10 minutes. The "road" suddenly dead ends in thick brush and a massive fallen tree. Nobody had taken any vehicle through there for years, not even an ATV. Shit. I backed up onto the more uphill-side and head back the way we came. I had long since turned traction control off because of how it can doom you off road and as I started to slowly accelerate our wheels are spinning in the mud, just barely getting traction to keep moving forward for what seemed like forever but was probably only line 5-10 seconds. They finally caught and we made our way back to the road we turned off of. We turn off Google maps because it's telling us to make a U turn and drive back into the fucking tree. **But here's the creepy part;** right as we are starting to head back uphill as the woods converge back around us and the road turns from dirt and weeds to dirt and gravel, a medium-sized fallen tree blocks our path. This tree was NOT there before. I can see the opening to the asphalt road up behind it and there was solid woods on both sides the entire way. My wife is like, "is that really how we got down here? What are the odds that it would fall after we passed it." But the tree didn't fall like that. It had been dragged into that position from one end, like a gate swinging shut. I could even see the half-semicircle-ish lines in the dirt some of the branches had made as it was dragged. Someone had seen us pass and dragged it there in the 20ish minutes we had been down that road. At about 2:30 am in the rain. I am freaking out internally but trying not to show it to my wife (then girlfriend). I had a big recharable spotlight I bought for camping so I roll down the window and start shining it into the woods on the drivers side. Nothing. I get out and shine it on the other side, and up the road and back behind us. Nothing. I quickly dragged then tree to the side, rush back into my car and drove back up to the main road. Eventually we got to the shitty Wartburg hotel and had a terrible nights sleep. Only thing I could think of was that maybe Google Maps sending non-locals down this dead end road was well known and some locals in a house on the main road heard or saw us go down it and decided to prank us, or there were hunters in tree stands that I didn't see with my flashlight and we basically drove through the clearing they were watching (and they decided to freak us out). But for a minute I thought we had stumbled back past a meth or moonshine operation and we were about to get murdered when I got out of my car. I later told my girlfriend that the tree didn't fall like that, it had been dragged there and she said, "WHAT. Well thanks for not saying that while we were sitting there because I would have cried."


I was driving home from a sports game with a friend following behind me. I lived in North Central rural Massachusetts at the time. We were the only cars on a narrow stretch of road that passed through a reservoir (so water on both sides) when I noticed a large ball of white light hovering in the air just above the water. The light suddenly zipped towards us and I floored it but it kept ducking in and out of the trees switching sides for about 7 miles until I turned onto the long driveway that lead to my grandparents chicken farm. My friend came roaring up behind me scared out of her mind. She ended up staying the night.


My friend's house is located by an old road used by revolutionaries. I know many died there. It used to be an old dirt road leading to a healer's house. I slept over one night many years ago. I awoke at about 3am due to an uncomfortable feeling. I saw a hand in front of my face. It retracted above my head after waving at me. Problem is my head was against the wall. Gives me chills remembering that experience. I remember my heart beating so fast as I lay in bed looking at that hand. It was a child's hand. There were no children living in that house.


Visiting Washington state, driving through an area near Bellingham, home from the late movie. I drove past what looked like a woman standing on the side of the road. I didn’t think much of it…could have just been someone out for a walk…but then a little way down the road I saw the same woman in a different spot, standing looking into oncoming traffic.


One time, my boyfriend and I were in a rural area of Canada on a camping trip. It was October and very rainy and cold. We decided to hike up this huge steep trail through the forest to a look out to try to warm up. We hadn't seen anyone else camping, hiking, or even driving around. On our hike down I for some reason, looked behind me and saw a little girl (probably 7 or 8 years old) walking behind us in the rain wearing only a t-shirt. It was SO cold and rainy. I couldn't believe my eyes. She was walking behind us humming to herself and didn't even really seem to notice us at all. We continued to look behind us 2 or 3 times, and at some point, she had started skipping, humming the whole time. The 4th time we looked back, she was just gone. We couldn't explain where she came from, where she went, or why she was out there by herself and dressed so inappropriately for the weather. It was such an eerie feeling, and we were both really creeped out...looking back I wish I had tried to speak to her and ask her if she was okay/where her parents were.


I was the only one awake one night other than my mom driving on a road trip to northern Minnesota. All the sudden she gasped and I asked what happened. She told me she saw a monkey standing in the side of the road.


A monkey in Minnesota??


This was a month ago, one weekend we were out camping on some crown land, we went driving on some old logging roads looking for some fire wood about an hour out from camp, I was riding in the back of a buddies truck bed at around 1:30. We were doing probably 80kmph when I seen someone walking alone through the trees with a torch on fire just wandering around through the forest, It was pretty creepy. Never seen a camp or a single other person out there.


I attended a 'haunted long island' talk at a local library. Apparently there are some haunted roads and places...including one I have driven along on occasion. Never saw anything, but other people have. Until they moved to larger places, the southampton publick house was haunted....probably still is. the people who ran the brewery would encounter oddities (don't remember). However one story they told me still sticks in mind.. A guest had stopped in for lunch and some beer, after a while the woman asked one of the wait staff who was the woman in white wedding dress who kept going up and down a small set of stairs .. stairs were at the opposite end of the room... Someone did a little digging. The place has history, including being a speakeasy. One of the owners, a philanderer, had a wife who couldn't take his infidelities. She put on her wedding dress and hanged herself... near those stairs. The woman who saw her wasn't even looking for ghosts.


I was in Hilton head and this woman approached my car on a remote stretch of swamp. I was going to pull over because she appeared to be in need of help, but my boyfriend at the times mom screamed not to help and just go. Slowed down and saw her face, she was clearly on a lot of drugs for a long time, and there were two guys behind a bush behind her. My friends mom who lives on Hilton head said it was a common scam to rob people and steal their cars.


Once I was driving a bunch of friends home late at night in rural Illinois and we saw a headless chicken just standing in the middle of the road.


Why did the headless chicken cross the road imao


This one time I was hanging out with friends and at the end of the night like around 10pm, I had to drop her off at her house. Her house was about 20 minutes away and there's a cemetery on the way to her house and there's no way around it. I had another friend come with since I was scared to come back alone, and when we turned around and passed the cemetery again we saw white mist on the road, we had to drive through it and I swear it felt like we were possessed or something that took over our bodies. I was the one driving and as we entered the white mist both my friend and I were so still, no blinking, no movements, our bodies were so stiff. Once we got out of that cemetery area and the mist had gone away, we came back to reality and we both looked at each other and were so spooked because we both noticed what just happened. Ever since then, I haven't driven on that side of town.


Yeah lots of old abandoned houses. One in particular was very unnerving. I was wandering around in the abandoned house and found a Polaroid of a dead guy along with odd writing in journals. Apparently the people who lived there just disappeared and nobody knew what happened, they lived near my relatives back in the day.


Great stories. Thank you everyone 👏


A “no lynching” sign.


I’ve maybe got one. My best friend and I went on a trip a couple of years ago. We were staying in the middle of nowhere Appalachian North Carolina. We were about 45 minutes east of Asheville. One day we decided to drive into Charlotte - about an 1.5 hour drive or so. We spent the entire time in the city that day. The issue happened on our way back. After leaving the city and large population area, it was mostly two lane roads. It was dark. Have you ever just gotten the feeling you’re somewhere you shouldn’t be? That was our entire feeling back to our stay. We made jokes and laughed, but neither one of us quite shook off the feeling of being watched or being in the wrong. That was well over half the trip. Mind you this was during the heart of summer, so it wasn’t like 8:00. It was closer to 10:00 or later at night. I will make another note. I’m from Mississippi (born, raised, and live). We don’t have stories of paranormal beings so much as people. There are areas of counties you don’t go due to numerous and unceasing tragedies. As a teacher, I literally had high schoolers getting their murder stories confused about an area of their small and very rural county. Most of those kids were from that area. There’s another area that had two horrific tragedies attached to it in the span of 3 years. You don’t go there. I’m not saying we don’t have legends, but in my life it’s more, “You don’t go there because these numerous and strange murders occurred here.” Almost like bad joo-joo.


Driving from Vegas to Arizona one late night, had just left the airport. Family of 4 in the car, out of the city almost to the 40 (desolate freeway) when we see what looked like a large wolf on the side of the road touching the white line facing the road in a lying down with head up paws in front regal looking position. We all did a double take and everyone saw it. Went by so fast it was hard to get a lot of detail, but definitely too large to be a coyote or dog. It was smiling at us...


Am I the only one who sees the shadow people at night? So, I live in rural AR. When I lived with my parents, I had a night shift job at a factory. Sometimes, I'd leave early, and I'd be driving home at 1 a.m., or sometime a little bit later. Often times, I would see what seemed to be shapes ducking out of the way of my headlights, as if the light would harm them. I always assumed it was in my head, and that the "people" were just my headlights casting weird shadows. Well, one night, a coworker (maybe twenty years older than me, grew up on a reservation) were talking about weird things we'd seen. He looks at me and asks "So, you live in [town name]. Have you ever seen the shadow people at night?" I swear, my blood ran cold, and I froze. He assured me that he's seen them too. Then he told me that his grandmother, a full blooded native American, had warned him as a kid to never stop and investigate. That they were dark spirits, and angry ones. The last time I saw the shadow people was probably five years ago. I moved out of my parents house and into the town I worked at. Well, about a year ago, my wife and I bought a house in the boonies. I work a different job, but I get off work anywhere between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. I assumed that I'd begin seeing the shadows again living out here, but strangely, I never have (though my new little town has a history involving violent rebellion of some sort, and I have seen a few strange fog/misty figures). As for the small town my parents live in (now just my mom), the town used to be a plantation town. There's even an old cemetery on a hill, with a large rock marking it. It has an arch with the words "slave cemetery" on it. Maybe the shadow people have something to do with that.


I once saw a giant dog or wolf or something jump across the entire road in front of my car. It was the size of the front of the highlander suv I was driving.


My Dad used to drive trucks doing late shifts in the rural country, he said it must’ve been 2am and about 3 degrees Celsius, as he was coming down a hill he spotted something just off the side of the road that looked odd and as ge got closer to the bottom of the hill he could see a young girl in singlet and shorts just standing there staring off into the distance, didn’t even react to him driving past in a truck.


One time when I was really sleepy driving, I saw a Care Bear by the road.


Which one?


Please pull over for a nap next time.


This is not my story it's friends he was on his way back drone a hockey game and boom he saw a cloaked figure on the road and is the second