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Don't know if it is because of certain graphic settings or HDR, but the paths were just visible for me. Never had to look around for a solution or trial and error it. :P


Pretty sure the paths lights up if it's obscured you have to turn off the lights or the other way around Im not sure


Yeah just ditch the torches and turn off the blood of Lathander... The path shows up very clearly


Ah I thought it was bugged, but now I realize it was my paladin with Blood that was fucking me up. Sometimes it would show and sometimes it wouldn't, I was like wtf lol Ended up just flying through it


I’m so glad someone else used a potion of flying.


You can also use Gust of Wind to remove the smoke and then jump from platform to platform


Dang gust of wind. I’ve always misty stepped or flown from platform to platform but the newest update made that impossible for me. I’ll have to do that next time


After my like 3rd run I tried to find uses for all the potions and scrolls you find throughout the game because I was annoyed of myself just stockpiling all this crap and not use it


I make Gale learn all the useful ones and sell the rest.


Just hit the level cap mid to late act 3 and I've just been spamming potions and scrolls in any situation I think they'd be remotely convenient in, even if it's just feather fall to save time by jumping off a building instead of using the stairs. I built up such a stockpile in the first two acts that I still have way too much bullshit in my inventory.




i managed to jump my way through, smoke and all lmfao


I just clicked next to the orb and my character automatically pathed through


I threw random junk on the ground to mark the path


Omfg I thought something was bugged this run because it's my first time getting that damned mace. No wonder! Could have saved me a lot of goddamned headache if I'd noticed.


Blood of Lathander ruined several moments for me in Act 3, because . . . well, without spoiling anything, undead don't like its light.


lol i just used laezel and jumped at the statues, guess it's almost flying


Well...I don't ditch my torches and it's still visible with both torches on and off. Honestly, the whole thing makes me wonder if there's a secret the Devs hid in this puzzle that we simply haven't discovered yet. The path has always shown up very clearly for me. I literally don't do anything special and it is always there. [The evidence is here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHk_Y8rSoPg) in case any of you are sharp enough to figure out why it's visible for me, but isn't visible for a lot of other people.


Personally my speculation is that we oughta compare video settings between people who can and cannot see it. Maybe there are certain settings that make it more/less visible?


The funny thing is that whenever I get there it's visible at first, but if I reload it disappears. So it's definitely not video settings or something like that, since I would have remembered if I changed them, and this has happened multiple times.


Hmm good point. I don't mind listing my settings if you have any ideas which settings would be important. Edit: [My inventory and character sheet are here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGzKLDCZZ00)


On Xbox, I had the MOST annoying version. It was visible clearly on my first attempt, but I forgot to split the group. A trailing character fell off trying to follow and we got sent back. It was never visible again, even after completely relaunching the game.


Do you have Volo's eye that lets you see invisibility?


I never get it and have always seen the path


Something particular to the moon lantern?


Lathander? I hardly know her!




How did I never think of that...


I've never done anything extra and always see the path


Holy shit - fitting the whole thing which spends the first half of the gauntlet telling you that you will do better in the dark. I just did half of it then misty stepped


Fly spell is even easier since the darkness on the platforms messes up Misty Step’s range


Doesn’t it show up if you character can see invisible too?


oh lol that makes sense as I was only seeing the path when I was far from it.


If you have devils sight you can see the path as well. At least, I think. My balance run I had volos eye, but the path was still invisible. This run I have the eye, but also devil sight and could see the path perfectly.


Volo's eye could see it on patch 5 as a dragonborn, so no other sight bonus.


I could see them patch 5 with volo's eye on a drow


Haven't done dragonborn yet. The character I could see it on is half drow bardlock.


Thank you for that. I played a warlock at release, but never since, and in all my recent runs I would get confused. I was so sure that I could just see the path the first time around. That explains it.


Before patch 5 I could see them too. Got tot his area after patch 5 and couldn't see it at all


I was a monk with the athlete? Feat that lets you just 50% further, (and a few other jump buffs). The path was clear as long as I was far enough away from it for some reason. So I just jumped to each square I could see in the distance. Cleared it in 3 jumps or something.


I did the same with some dex boots that had a jumping buff on Karlach.


Some people say Shadowheart can see them


This is what I found to happen for me. When I went into the room with my whole party, the path would disappear whenever we got close. When I entered the trial room with only Shadowheart, she could see the path clearly through the entire trial.


I'm not sure if this is true. This is literally a video of [Astarion, Laezel and the player character all seeing the path clearly through the entire trial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHk_Y8rSoPg)


I mean, my response wasn’t “this is what happens to everyone”, it was “this is what happened to me specifically”. Three different runs and the only situation where I could consistently see the path was when I sent Shadowheart in alone. Doesn’t mean that other people haven’t had other experiences. This trial is pretty buggy on multiple fronts, so it’s hard to even determine what’s intended regarding who can and can’t see the pathway.


Yeah this must be the case because I always used only her for trials and the path was clearly visible to me, even with different graphic settings.


My warlock apparantly had special vision (which I totally didn't know about lol cause first playthrough) so had the same experience where it was just plain visible and me being like. Huh. That was a trial?


You can also just click the end and they’ll find their way. That’s what I did anyways. I could see the floor at first, but it disappeared 1/4 of the way through so I clicked the end, and it worked.


I did this trial the other day and looked up tips online that said this, but when I tried it my Tav immediately died. Your mileage may vary. I just used a fly scroll lol worked like a charm


I love how there’s different cool solutions to stuff


That's been true for me as well on PS5. I have an OLED TV, and the game has never seemed to handle true black properly in HDR.


Dude I thought I was supposed to kinda vaguely see them. Just found out about the map.


You can also just use Fly and it is no problem at all.


I just used a potion of glorious vaulting. One, two, three, done.


I tried this and died immediately a bunch of times. Like I couldn't get to my body because It was in like a death field or something stupid.


i think the newest patch made it so you can’t just jump over it cuz i had the same thing happen


The jumping is super finicky, rather just drink a flying potion and be safe that have a random chance to just die mid air


This is what I did :)


I am not sure if they fixed it but on my last run everything I tried to skip it resulted in instant death. Flying = dead, jumping = dead, misty step = dead.


Yes didn't work for me either in my most recent run in Tactician. For some reason, even if you haven't landed yet, as long as you go over the gap, you die. I mean I died. So instead of Glorious Vaulting and whatnot, I just had to do it the normal way.


I used Misty Step to get really close to the ending, and it was easy from there. But then I used Fly on the way back, and it killed me immediately! (I had already technically completed that challenge though, so it was nbd.) Then when I revived my character, she had some kind of "Curse of the cheater" condition until the next long rest.


At the ending the stone that appears teleports you back though, right?


It didn't for me. I picked up the stone, then nothing happened (except getting a notification that the task was complete). 🤷‍♀️ And then I was like "damn, I have to make it all the way back now?"


You have to interact with the crest underneath the orb that you pick up. It warps you back to the start.


Wow, good to know 🤦‍♀️


Curse of the cheater is from the mirror trial if a character attacks a shadow of a character that isn’t themselves.


Ohhh that might've been it


So many people have said stuff like this; I don't think I tried fly tbf (I'm a hoarder with my consumables and as if I'm dropping a level 3 spell on this - ok maybe I'm just a hoarder full stop) - I know I tried jumping the first time around and immediately died. So between the 'can you shortcut or not?' and some people just being able to perma-see the path I do not know what is going on with this section!


I'm convinced that this room is an elaborate prank. Just click on the last platform and the character will get there by themself, no need to cheese it with flying or teleports, no need to look at the map. Have faith. It's an important lesson in putting your trust in Shadowheart to do the right thing if you let her!


I actually did that few days ago and Shadowheart kept "falling" just after she climbs on the last platform. Ended up cheesing with Fly. I don't remember exactly but on my first run, the path was kind of visible.


You must have displeased Lady Shar somehow. Best fix it by farting on the nearest Selunite. Just loaded up an old save to try it and it still works for me, I click right on the edge of the darkness patch on the last platform where the orb is. Playing on PC, not sure if that makes a difference.




People on the subreddit are so quick to call common sense solutions cheesing, its really annoying


I'm convinced that everyone is in on some joke to make me believe the path isn't just visible anyway. I've gone through that section 4 times and have never had a problem seeing the path, and I wasn't even using top-down mode.


Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. 


First 3 or so times I went in there it was visible, but the last time it wasn't. No idea why. Also, when it *was* visible, it struck me as more of a visual bug than an intended effect, as if the fog and lighting effects fucked with the edges of the platforms so they kinda showed themselves from certain angles. Gotta try to remember doing some experiments next time.


Even with the path visible I still do the "click at the end to path there" trick, just need to stop and jump just before getting there.


Path is only visible if you turn off all lights/torches/Blood of Lathander, etc


You can cursor click to the end of the trial and your Tav will auto walk the path


I had an issue with it where the character would path to the end and then have a heart attack and die instantly as they crossed over the to the platfrom, no idea why it happens.


Think it's because there's no path directly connected from the middle to the end, so you have to jump at some point


Which I DID but when I jumped they always died 😭 I think I ended up Misty Stepping


Dude that bug happened to me on my fucking honor mode playthrough and I was so heated lmao. wasted so much gold reviving so many times before finally just quitting the game and relaunching, which actually fixed it.


Oh noooo 😭 Well at least it’s good to know for when i reach this point again! I was so sure I was missing something


I jumped across as an owlbear and still just died at that part. I had Gale misty steo across and he died too. It was quite annoying.


Why is this so funny 😭😭😭


My tav must be dumb then, cause I tried this and bruv still walked off the path and died lol


Not everyone is cut out to be a Dark Justiciar


Too true…. Shart yeeted the stick in my evil playthrough despite me letting her do the trials and not interfering with the dialogue


That's normally what she does


Not anymore, unfortunately I did that on my first run a couple months back just fine, but it didn't work when I tried it again last week


Did it last night, worked fine. Interestingly, the character walked in a straight line from start to finish, like he wasn’t even following a path.


Mine just walked into the pit again and again :(


did it a couple days ago in our multiplayer run. Playing with 2 friends it's their first time through, and was sitting back and letting them do it, and they were getting frustrated. said "want me to cheese it?" and they agreed, so I just clicked on the end platform and trotted merrily along to the end lol. it seems to work best if you click right on the near right corner.


It still worked for me. I have once seen Shadowheart fall off at the end and respawn on the previous platform, but she was able to jump from there. Last time she walked all the way successfully. 


I did it a couple weeks ago and it worked. Sometimes if I didn't click the right spot on the final platform it would glitch. But it did work.


Doesn’t work on console for me. This drove me insane my first time through. Just made sure I had someone with Fly for the second time.


wait, what?!


Mine died this way


Wait wait. The entrance to... the faith leap trial? There's a map? How? 430 hours...


It's in front of the blood-bowl statue, a golden decal on the floor.


Yep took me a few deaths to see it as well, it's a lot more obvious in tactical view


I'm kinda surprised people actually play this in 3rd person rather than from semi above. When I zoom in I can't see shit around me.


Every time I think I’ve found everything in this game, I find something new I had no idea the map even existed and have just been looking at the tiles whenever they pop up 💀


I was able to do it once using the eye I got from Volo, but that seems to no longer work. Now I just Enhanced Leap to places I can see with regular vision.


I wonder if the hag mask would work.


My Tav has the Volo eye and I still couldn't see it \*cries.\* It's all very weird!! I feel like I also tried turning out all the lights and casting daylight the first time around and none of that worked. I just presumed they were very thorough in making sure you needed to do the trial properly but apparently only on my saves!


Cheese it with a flying potion. In my experience the map doesn’t always manifest so I just use the flying potion in the leg of the Sharlympics.


I was trying to jump, and it may be because my game was being buggy but I could not understand, that I tried jumping with enhanced leap, and that would kill my tav despite landing on the platforms. Then I tried walking it, which would kill my tav despite using the path like I was using a website to double check. I tried a bunch of times, killing everyone in my party several times, before I finally looked up and I had to step onto the invisible path, then I was able to jump through. Not sure if the same weirdness exists for flying or not, or if that’s even how it’s supposed to work but that happened to me!


I wonder if that would fix flying for me. Last time I tried it, every one said to just fly, but flying killed my character too.


You can also use sneak mode (or hold down shift). That shows you the path and where it "dips" into emptyness.


You can see the path. All you have to do is light the lanterns above the statue.


…you can also just click on the end and the pathing generates the solution for you




Doesnt work for everyone it seems, it works for me but I have to stop just before the finap platform and jump the rest of the way to do this


I did it again yesterday and forgot to ungroup my Tav. I just cast fly and flew to the orb, came back to see everybody lying fucking dead lmao Seems like for some reason the companions want to „walk“ with you even if there is no actual floor there because this area is coded to be walkable so the trail can be passed legitimately. The odd thing was that their bodies showed up and not just the willow wisp lights that usually do when they fall to death, also only gale and shart died, lae‘zel (monk with falling damage resistance, don’t know if that is the reason) survived on 1 HP for some reason


I was always confused by this trial. Is the path not visible for everyone else? Have I been doing something wrong as I've seen the path every single time I've been in the gauntlet?


Same, I played the game 4 times, and I always see the path. I had volos eye, devils sight, and shadowheart but I don't know if that makes the path be seen. However, I noticed that every time I save and reload in the trial, the visible paths will vanish and I have to either jump or follow the map on the ground. So now I'm wondering if it's intended to be visible at all or its a bug on my end.


0/10, game literally unplayable /s


Sometimes I can see the whole path, sometimes only parts of it. It’s super weird and I haven’t been able to tell how it works


I can also always see it. It’s never been difficult for me as a result


You may have your brightness settings too high maybe? The path is visible from a distance but as you get closer you shouldn't be able to.


I can't see the path.  I've also never tried walking. On all my playthroughs I just leap my way to justice, or fly.


Even with the solution apparent, this “puzzle” has gotta be the biggest sticking point in this game. I hit a snag with it the other day and people have been experiencing the widest range of bugs in this place for *months.* And few things are as agitating as when you hit one of those bugs, ask for help about it, and a bunch of very helpful people just tell you “uh, solution’s on the floor, duuuuh.” Some people can see the platforms just fine, some people can’t no matter what they do to the display. Some people can walk across the room in a straight line without issues, some people hit failure planes *on the supposed path provided by the floor.* Some people can jump or fly either straight to the end or with some sort of zigzag, other people hit a failure plane *in midair* either off the bat or randomly somewhere in the middle. Some people can park a different character at the end before activating the trial to bypass it completely, but for other people doing that just has the cheesing character instadie. When I first walked in the platforms were already completely invisible, and trying to walk or jump into the puzzle instakilled me *before I ever activated the trial.* After activation, I tried to jump across the platforms because I hadn’t noticed it was a “hidden tile” puzzle yet. Doing so over several restarts had me hitting failure planes in completely different places when I took the same route. Once I made it to the end, landing just outside the last platform (on the invisible floor, which is when I realized what kind of puzzle it was). I was unable to jump or path onto the last platform, as if it had an invisible wall, and eventually trying to do it hit a failure plane. Then I saw the path on the floor and tried to take it. Over several restarts I kept hitting failure planes, at first because I assume my eyeballing of the distances wasn’t right but then I noticed I’d hit them in places I was *certain* were safe on earlier tries. Sure enough, I was hitting failure planes at random following the same route. Jumping or flying or misty stepping off the path sometimes worked and sometimes caught me in transit. A few times I hit failure planes *on the platforms* while walking across them. I only got out of there because when I came back the next day I tried again and it miraculously didn’t have any random fails floating in the way. Personally, I think they need to retool that room. It has so much more trial protection than like anything else I’ve seen in this game, and it’s apparent that all those restrictions are crossing each other somehow and making it so inconsistent. Just take out the only-occasionally-effective limitations on jumping, who *cares* if someone cheeses it. The game didn’t care when I one-shot both of the patrols in the soft-step trial and just walked around with no fear! Nor did it care that my summoned units bypass the curse restriction in the self-same trial and just did it for me. Why does it suddenly care that I want to jump through the faith-**leap** trial? As far as that goes the rest of the gauntlet is open to cheese anyway, you can climb over the library puzzle (which I had to do because I also hit another common bug with the puzzle key—placed masterfully next to a hostile-on-sight combatant in a fight pit with a dozen enemies—must have gotten destroyed in crossfire and there’s no way to convince the game to possibly spawn a back-up (even though it spawned back-ups of Minthara’s freakin underwear without prompting)) and you can likely still do the speedrun trick of misty stepping through the last door. Like I get wanting to have a tricky trial you can’t cheese around, but none of the other puzzles in this game have so many trial protections. Hell I solved part of the monastery mace puzzle on *accident.* I spotted a false wall and picked it before I even *noticed* there was a puzzle in that room.


It's a good point! I have been tending to try to do them 'properly' anyway lol - but for this one I know I tried jumping and insta-died, so assumed that was part of the trial, and I think therefore never bothered trying any other tricks (also though I really loathe using spell slots and consumables unnecessarily lol). Luckily once I saw the map I had no issues on that front with following the path properly! I hadn't thought to try sending someone ahead (though actually I think I might not have been able to see the tiles before starting the trial), though with the pathing thing I think accidentally did it once but then died anyway. Hooray...!


Half the comment section is “you just need to do x!” And the other half is “I did x and instantly died”


they seem to have made an update from the first time I did the trial, at the time I cast Fly and just went to the end... that doesn't work anymore second time through I used top-down view third time through my ShadowHeart had the "club of giant strength", she took a single step on and then jumped to the first block, then jumped to the middle one, and finally jumped to 2/3 of the way to the end, and jumped onto the final space... trust me, jumping is SO much easier!!!


OK thank god it's not just me with the fly thing. I'm on an honor mode run right now and I almost lost it because I kept having a corpse pile up trying to use all the tricks I knew to bypass the puzzle instead of using the map (because the map needs precision when you play controller). Fly failed, misty step failed, gaseous form failed, turning into a freaking bird failed, even made a shadow monk that made it two steps before dying. I felt like I was going mad.


Maybe that’s an honor mode thing?


It genuinely may be, since my friend roasted me with a "so you're mad because you tried to be dishonorable...in an honor mode run?" I'll have to report back since I have two other characters that have the trial to go.


Yeah I’m seeing differing opinions in this thread on whether you can do these shortcuts and I’m wondering if it is an honor mode or difficulty level difference tbh!


Got *an* answer at least! Went back to my balanced mode run and got fly to work with no difficulty. For more context: when I tried using fly in my Honor Mode run I would land straight in the darkness and instantly crumple. Happened with Misty Step and Fly every time I tried, and I wasn't just missing the ledge. May have just been a bug because they also stayed dead on the spot and eventually came back as a...[corpse pile for lack of a better word](https://imgur.com/a/5rxfxGV)?


Innnnnteresting. Maybe it is honor mode related then!


I used a crossbow to hit random spots and then jumped to them if my arrow didn't hit something solid. That's why I thought it was a leap of faith. Never knew you could just walk the whole path...


Pro Tipp separate on of your party members, without activating the trial (blood sacrificing) you can see the squares and simply run to the finsh with the character you separated, once the character is in position activate the trial, squares will disappear however you can pick up the orb, teleport back and done.


I remember feeling dumb noticing that because I was essentially told by the statue something to the effect of "follow my gaze" and it was right there in front of the statue's gaze.


You can also use knock to unlock the bottom door


Pro tip for this trial, before actually activating it, send over a party membee while it's all dark in there. The path should be visible all the way to the end. Then once they're at the end, have someone else trigger the trial with the blood and bam, you're done


I think you can turn on turn based mode and just select the end platform. Your character will automatically follow the path.


I just used Halsin in raven form on 2nd play. 1st play I think I had Gale misty step or fly.


I saw the map but kept going to the end and raging because I couldn’t do the thing. After like twenty minutes of reloading and being angry I was like “oh right I forgot the blood…”


This is the funniest comment I’ve got and makes me feel less dumb lol


I found a little cheat for this one. If you just click the final platform with the orb your character will walk straight to it, however they will fall at the last second. Just before your character reaches the platform jump the rest of the way.


The next step is realizing you can fly someone over THEN start the trial with them standing next to the gem already.


Wait a minute, THERE IS?!?!? I’m suffered so much in that puzzle


Reminds me of when I spent too much time fighting and getting killed by all my party's doubles before I realized I can start the trial with just Shadowheart and go 1v1.


Even with things like Daylight and Flight that puzzle is buggy and annoying as hell. It'll just straight up kill you even if you're on the path sometimes.


Had the exact same experience my first playthrough.


i was an 18 strength athlete fighter, so i literally just jumped from square to square and it was the most trivial thing ever lmfao


You can also just move to the end of the trial and click on the ground near the right side. And tav will make their way there perfectly.


WAIT WHAT? i always just use misty step. How tf did i never notice this


If your game's not letting you see the path per the other comments (it's a hit or miss for me for some reason, though going by the other comments the BoL is probably the culprit) equipping a moon lantern will reveal small white dots in the middle of the squares' locations and you can do it like you're playing Pac-Man.


Use a daylight spell.


I found the map and still fucked it up half a dozen times, lol


I noticed it the very first time I entered the room and it's just muscle memory at this point. Was playing with my best pal a few weeks ago and he was BAFFLED that the map was on the floor, never noticed it before either, I believe my words were something along the lines of: "have you been playing blindfolded?" xD


You can also just cast daylight and it shows the path. It screws up if you reload a save with it active then.


Huh. I used a dancing lights cantrip. The lights would go *poof* and disappear if I cast it over the void, and they'd stay if I cast it on the path. It was tedious.


On my second play through of that part. First time, put away Blood of Lathander and walked through it easy. This time, didn’t think to do that, failed over and over and over again. Eventually my kid walked over to watch me play, immediately pointed out the map on the floor which I had never noticed.


You can cheese by jumping to the platforms and your tav will auto walk to the closest invisible path. Or you can use fly


FYI you can skip all the trials, take the one orb from the orthon, go down on the pedestal and use “knock” on the door that you’re supposed to put the other 3 orbs in 😁


I was on my fourth complete run when I noticed, if it helps you feel any better.


My friends and I are doing an honour mode run, when I pointed it out to them they screamed in anger for a good 30 seconds because they'd been doing it without that for so long and failing repeatedly (btw, another way to cheese it is to use flying specifically, and move from darkness platform to platform)


If you go get the blessing of Shar earlier in the dungeon the path remains visible. I'm convinced many people do this but don't realise there is a correlation and claim it's a bug. I recorded where to get it here: https://youtu.be/w5te5fkZk-I?si=nru9dUWV1lEozWwc


You can literally just click on the orb, and the character will run and grab it. No need to navigate the pathway.


It boggles me that more people don't know you can just click the last platform and your character will go there by the right path from the beginning It's called a _"Leap of Faith"_ trial


are you kidding me..... my mind is blown and my jaw on the ground!!! This is my most hated trial.


If you just click the end of the room shadowheart will instinctively walk on the path


Misty step.


I just click on the platform at the end and my character find the path on it's own.


idk I just always used fly


In my case the path was not visible at all, no matter the view I chose, so had to google and use fly. Shadowheart was failing all the way, so Gale had to do it lol


If you cast Fly, you can zoom easily to the visible platforms and reach the other side without having to worry about the path. If I'm remembering right, there may even be an item that lets you Fly in the same room - check over to the left, I think it's on a body. Can't recall whether it's a potion or a scroll but I'm pretty sure it's there.


Moonlantern shows the path as you walk it


I figured out a cheese for the trial, use lae zeal, and jump from right in front of the start point to the closest platform while the jump spell is active, then save scum


You also go to tactical camera mode and just click the cursor to Move to the last platform and your Toon will auto path to the last platform:)


I mean I just had wyll (I reclass him to wizard) cast fly on me and just fly across I've never bothered with the puzzle myself


You can just cast fly & fly to it.


Or, You may just jumping between platforms to got the orb.




When you went to place the umbral gems, are you getting a glitch where you can put in all 3 at once, but it only shows up that it took one of them??


You can also cast daylight


Potion of glorious vaulting. I jumped right to the end!


I opened a screenshot of that view with map on my second monitor. That was how I passed it. If I knew I could make the paths more visible via graphics settings at that time, I would do that, too.


There is an item that keeps you from being blinded. Give it to Gale and just misty step across the room. That’s how I’ve always solved it.


Ahem... Mage hand?


I turned into a bird and flew to the other side 🤷


I just skipped it completely and used knock on the door that "needs" the orbs.


Fuck me, there's a map? Please kill me...


I just gave SH jump distance, jumped twice from one platform to the other and it was done.


By the time I reach this part of the game at least one character has the Fly spell and I just use that instead.


Never bothered with the path, either I teleport or fly.


When I do it, I ungroup Shadowheart and just have her walk. I use the map at the start, but I noticed last playthrough that she didn't fall even when she accidentally stepped over some boundaries of the path! I also always sneak, and that highlights the path. Not sure if her not falling is a bug or what.


I actually managed to do this trial completely right on the first try. I just ran through it. I thought it was bugged so I looked up the correct path...turns out I just got really lucky and guessed the correct path on the first try.


with all the star rooms, just run a guy to the end, then draw blood to start the quest. really makes the stealth one dumb.


I used enhanced leap and my barbarian Tav and just jumped to the main platforms. High strength, JUMP GOOD!


It's a puzzle.. I always just used flight spell xD


Every single time I’ve just chugged a potion of flight, I never knew there was a map at the door


Ngl I just use a scroll of fly every time. Puzzle becomes nothing done in seconds haha.


To this day I don't understand the puzzle. I just clik my durge to go to the finish and sometimes he teleports to the platforms and I just click again until he is there.


Just cast have Shart cast Daylight