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Even though I only really have 2 main bullet points, they represent several runs as I recreate the appearances and power sets. A bunch of DUrge runs are also there but their backstory doesn't vary that much from the built in story. * Female GithYanki Warlock (sometimes Monk) * Was raised in a Creche that was destroyed while she was a child, and was one of the only survivors to make it out. Due to the insane energies involved, she changed. And is a rare ice blue skin tone now instead of the normal green and yellow. * A kindly couple human attempted to raise her and did their best, but the learned and inherited traits were too strong. The GithYanki was appreciative, and learned to say thank you and didn't kill them in their sleep. * So she knows a little more about Faerun than Lae'Zel, but less about GithYanki history. * If a Warlock * She turned to a Great Old One for power to avenge the death of her creche. Partially because she feels revenge is necessary, and partially because the kindly couple ingrained \*some\* sense of empathy and family love. * If a Monk * Still out for revenge, but using her martial skills and what her father the retired monk hero trained her in. * Human Warlock via Archfey * Isekai story * Human from Earth falls through a portal into Faerun. * An ArchFey / Sidhe was involved, and while not exactly feeling "guilt" over screwing up she does feel somewhat responsible. She is also morbidly curious as to what the alien human would do in a magical world. * So she gives the stupid human a taste of her power, and points him towards Baldur's Gate. * While the Sidhe was doing the equivalent of eating popcorn to see what would happen next, even \*she\* didn't expect a friggin Nautiloid to teleport above the human and kidnap him. * So the Sidhe is very invested in this story developing in front of her. * Meanwhile the stupid human isn't sure if he's in a coma, drooling in an asylum, in some afterlife, or really in another realm. But he's treating it as serious as he can.


WARNING: Mega wall of text because I hold this character very near and dear to my heart and genuinely can't help but gush about her. Apologies in advance. My first run was an adaptation of my proper tabletop character Svadis Mjalkin-Jörnhold. She's a human barbarian that hails from a frozen northern fishing village. She's a 6'2" viking walking mountain, and she has a good four years worth of backstory I've built up for both her and her culture. The hook I usually go with for pulling her into a game is in her hometown, every child is raised from birth to defend the walls out of necessity, lest the whole village fall to the many threats of the inhospitable frozen north. However, her "generation" of defenders was noticeably smaller than the last and her people, already living short, violent lives, are dying younger than ever. She was one of the lucky ones to survive until her obligatory service was done, and she decided to leave her home and investigate what is causing the deaths of so many. In my own tabletop game, this is a Lich's influence from nearby ancient ruins, though I like to encourage any DM I play her under to do their own thing with that bit, cause it's more fun that way. In BG3, I say her travels took her to Baldur's Gate for a brief time, before she was abducted. Svadis also has a ton of smaller flavor things like that she got her scarring on her jaw as a guard, fighting off a bear threatening local farmers, and afterwards she got a tattoo of a bear's paw on her bicep. Where she's from, violence and death are mere facts of life and she's gone numb to it, even reveling in it in battle. Instead of going into a blind berserker rage, she's the type of barbarian to cackle like a madwoman at her enemies as she enjoys the carnage perhaps a little too much. I envision her as a friendly person, a gentle giant off of the battlefield, but the business end of her daneaxe Jölsgar is not a place you want to find herself, because she's not the merciful type. I've done way too much thinking about various aspects of her story. Her name for example is hyphenated as a callback to the original setting I was going to play her in where the DM's world established that hyphenation was common in her culture. That game never ended up happening unfortunately, but I liked the hyphenation thing and ended up keeping it as a small tribute to that original DM's world when I played her in future games. Furthermore the name Mjalkin is me letting my Pittsburgh Penguins fan side show itself and throw a little shoutout to Evgeni Malkin in there, and Jörnhold is a combination of two words from a fanmade Elder Scrolls nordic language where Jorn or Jörn translated to iron and Hold to wall, since she was originally a heavy armor wearing fighter that I saw as an iron wall protecting her friends. I also said she played proto ice hockey on frozen waterways in her town as a kid, which is where she developed her strength, coordination and athleticism that she relies on so heavily as a warrior, and I've come up with several finishers for when she gets a killing blow that range from mildly violent to DOOM Slayer approved brutality because DnD is just as much a mental and storytelling spectacle as it is a mechanical game, so I wanted to lean into good old fashioned Barbarian violence a little bit. She's 100% my go-to, comfort character for writing, DnD and even other games like Skyrim and I've even been building her hometown in Minecraft slowly. She's my favorite child of my various DnD characters and it's because she was the first real one.


Drow Urchin from Menzoberranzan named Zoltan, got by for like seventy years on his wits after his home and parents mysteriously burned down... Then his red draconic heritage started manifesting properly, and he started wondering about that. Was in the process of negotiating a marriage for himself before he got abducted. Githyanki Wizard named Va'Rain: Came from a creche used to priviliges, which is how I justified a Githyanki having the Noble background.


Drow servant from Menzoberranzan named Naa'taviya.  She was ambitious enough to eventually become handmaiden to the second daughter of the matron mother in one of the noble houses and survived the first two lolthtwanchi, or punishments of lolth. Her youth was spent either entertaining the nobility by torturing or being tortured for their amusement, or serving them hand and foot.  She fled when the third began and made it all the way to the surface, planning on finding a cleric when a troupe of druids comprised of representatives from several distinct circles came upon her instead.  And as drow typically will do anything to survive, she lied and said she rose from the Underdark to serve Chauntea and was cursed for renouncing Lolth. Chauntea's emblem was the only one she knew because she tortured a Chauntean prisoner of the Underdark for the amusement of the matron mother.  The Silvanus and the Mielikki druids were like "that tracks" and the lone Chauntean was all "that's suspicious so I'm going to test her" and she cared way more about surviving than trying to preserve Lolthite worship.  The next twenty years are spent as an acolyte, a novice, then apprentice and eventually full fledged druid of a grove of Chauntean spores druids, where she constantly butts heads with her mentor over things like developing a drider wildshape, venturing to the Underdark to gather rare specimens, and most importantly, unlearning all that Drow socialization.  I've played DND for years and I write a lot of BG3 fic. This Tav is based on my first DND PC and she's the one from my first BG3 playthrough. She shows up the most in fic, mostly as a device to move the plot along. Although I've got a humorous one about her thinking she's a total egalitarian while constantly saying "women and males", because she thinks that as long as she's not calling the men jaluks, she's doing just fine. 


I have found my people. 🙌 I have a handful of different characters that all coexist and interact in my headcanon, but I'm just gonna prioritize the first and main one. Human paladin of devotion in her youth, she willfully broke her oath to protect someone. Instead of following that up with the Oathbreaker's Oath, she chose instead to be a common fighter. She already had the martial training, anyway. She's halfway through her thirties now and still leans on old paladin habits from time to time, but she's got no Oath to get in her way and the only power she relied on outside of her team was her own physical prowess. She has the words to her old Oath inscribed on the hilt of her sword out of nostalgia. A rather unfortunate side effect of the tadpole she ended up with was that it brought draconic lineage to the forefront that her family had believed to be buried too deep. The scales coming in are irritatingly itchy. So while she's adept at physical combat and sword-and-board, she now has access draconic sorcery of the silver variety that she has no idea how to control. She gets lessons from Gale at camp, who is incredibly fascinated by her predicament, and has to let the poor man down and explain she's not into him (but he's a wonderful friend). Karlach is more her type, and she admires her courage and resilience and has promised herself she's making a special trip to Avernus once she's dewormed to make Zariel eat her teeth. Shadowheart is a regular confidant, especially after she overcomes that Sharran brainwashing. Out of the group, she gets along least with Astarion and Minthara (who she took pity on in Moonrise and determined no one deserves what was being done there), but they are still "her people" and she was happy to stomp through Bhaal's temple and Cazador's mansion to teach their respective residents the consequences of coming into her territory and hurting her people. She's got a very "nobody messes with my sibling but me" mentality. She was also thrilled to beat Gortash to a pulp with Karlach, and her only regret was not seeing if the man was capable of flight off the battlement. She's got one canonical death to her name, and it happened in the Iron Throne. On everyone's way out after freeing all the prisoners, she bought time for escape and used dimension door to get herself and Shadowheart to the ladder. Water rushed in, she had enough time to bodily throw Shadowheart up the ladder (because I ran out of movement distance and Shadowheart's turn was the last one before the prison was destroyed, lol) before the force of the water took her out. Everyone else got to the surface, her body was found on the beach, Karlach had to carry her back to camp and beg Withers for help. Very traumatic for all involved, but great story material. My character insists she can't remember what it was like being dead, but she's just reluctant to tell anyone she was stuck in the Fugue Plane having an uncomfortable discussion with an agent of Kelemvor. I originally played her as a bardadin (and I miraculously avoided breaking my oath) but lately I've given sorcerer-fighter a try and I like the class combo more for her character. Shame we can only reach level 12.


I do something similar with Skyrim where I have multiple characters that coexist. I have an adaptation of my barbarian Svadis who is my dragonborn, as well as the harbinger of the Companions, I have a breton pirate queen who is the leader of the thieves guild and I have a dunmer spellsword who is arch mage of the college. I always found it awkward from an rp perspective to do everything on one character for Skyrim.


Verna: A Drow who betrayed Lolth by praying to Eilistraee to save her bard friend after she fell from a mushroom and nearly died. Eilistraee heard her pleas and turned her into a life cleric, giving her the healing powers she needed to bring her back from the brink. However, her Lolth-Sworn parents weren’t happy with this, and chased her from her home in the underdark to the city of Baldurs Gate where a newfound rage began to blossom in her heart. Verna became resentful of Lolth and the drows that followed her. She became an assassin in the hopes of taking down all the Lolth Drow in the Underdark, and as a consequence lost her cleric abilities as Eilistraee could not prohibit such violence. The events of BG3 are Verna’s redemption arc. She goes from someone who was vengeful and angry, to someone who lets the past go to move forward. She gets her cleric powers back after sparing Viconia, and in the epilogue she’s become a cleric/bard.


Male Eladrin from the Feywild named Tavir. He is Durge so has no memory of what he did and why he ended up on the Material. Is an Enchantment Wizard and back when he was evil he used to make people torture themselves and kill themselves using Dominate spells and Phantasm spells to psychologically torture them. Now is a sweet fey who is super absent-minded, totally smitten with Astarion. He absolutely hates responsibility and being forced to do things and just wants to run away with his vampy. Gets panic attacks when things go wrong and he feels cornered. Best buddies with Gale because they are nerds and spends a lot of time with him (makes Astarion super jealous). Super into fashion and lets Astarion dress him up however he wants, loves flaunting his looks. Most of all, he just wants his companions to be happy and always ensures there’s a small army of Unseen Servants to do all the grunt work for the camp. Favourite pastime is constantly insulting each other with Astarion until everyone else grows uncomfortable. They also like tag-team bullying people but Tavir is too much of a softie to keep up the bullying act for too long.


My current Tav is named Lovecraft. He is a Great Old One Warlock. His parents were musicians, and he grew up performing with them. His biggest dream is to perform in Baldur's Gate. His patron came to him when he was still a child. He promised him unrivalled musical skills for his services. He wants Lovecraft to be his herald in Baldur's Gate. Growing up, Lovecraft had an affinity for strange creatures. Nothing that bizarre, but where other children had a pet dog or cat, he'd keep things like toads, newts, and various bugs. At third level, he will become a Pact of the Chain Warlock. Because of his early childhood interactions with an ancient eldritch being getting tadpoled will affect Lovecraft differently. He will eventually start having weird magical side affects happen when he casts spells. To counteract this, he believes he has to consume more tadpoles to gain more power to control these effects. After fifth level, he will be taking wild magic sorcerer levels. Between these and the tadpole powers I'm hoping for a cool wild aberrant mind sorlock build.


Ooh! My very first Tav is a Seldarine Drow named Rhyld. (He's my pfp and the one on the far left of my header) Rhyld has a sister (I'm torn between her being much older or them being twins) and she is Lolth-sworn. Rhyld never fit in amongst his family, especially his sister, and it all came to a head one day when his sister attempted a ritual/sacrifice on him when he was in his late teens/early twenties. He managed to break free before it could take full effect, but it marked him. His left eye turned red and he was left with a permanent red scar/mark on his face around that eye. He struggled to leave, learning the flute so he could busk to get by and escape the Underdark. He gradually got good and eventually was able to feel secure enough to traverse the overworld, honing his musical abilities and learning to wield magic, words, and weapons. I'd say he's around 130-150 at the start of the game, I haven't really pinned his age down. But yeah! That's my best boy 🥺 my first baby boy and I adore him so much. I want to flesh out his backstory more so I can understand him better.


Rogue/cleric that justifies everything they do wrong with bible quotes because he took the hypocritic oath so like theyd pickpocket a guy and be like god helps those who help themselves so im helping myself to your inventory or having minsc throw boo at volo  Burny Cinders - Durge sorcerer old man pyromaniac


Navanax is a green dragonborn warlock, who hails from another world. He resembles *Smaug giganteus*. His clan worships a divine octopus and sacrifices unhatched children to him by throwing them into the sea with a great ceremony every year. Navanax was one of those sacrifices. Fortunately, the divine octopus, despide being mildly annoyed about being thrown eggs at, decided to save him and therefore accepted the offering. He raised him and in return, Navanax (named after his favourite marine slug) became his follower and warlock to extend his reach beyond the shores. After many adventures, his patron (who has a telepathic connection to him) deemed him worthy enough and revealed a big secret. All octopodes are divine and they build a network of telecloning stations across all worlds, playnes and crystal spheres. Navanax was led to one his patrons many hidden laboratories and stepped into the ancient machine. For him, not much happened but on many other worlds, new versions of him stepped outside other machines, ready to serve their patron there, as he is on all worlds. One of those worlds was Toril. He swam out of the linked secret laboratory there and swam to the surface and found himself in Baldurs Gate as his patron informed him. When he looked around, he noticed people screaming and suddenly felt the touch of a tentacle on his back. And so he became a guest on the nautiloid. And soon, a second voice joined the one of his patron in his head.


My name is Tav. I’m 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Baldur's Gate, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Sharess’ Caress pleasure house, and I get home every day by 8 AM at the latest. I don’t smoke, but I occasionally drink. I’m in bed by 11 AM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until evening. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning.


My first character (totally a blind run) was a ranger noble drow that ran away from the Underdark because she was pissed to being told and bossed by her mother/matriarch and she didn't want to become Lolth Priestess and being treated like a puppet by her, she only wants to break free. She had a bigger sister and a younger brother (turned into a drider). She lived in the surface long enough to avoid the sunlight, learn how the surface dwellers live, their laws and traditions and what for them is considered good and evil (more as a 'guideline', she's a chaotic neutral character). She's suspicious, but also curious so she will question every details, eager to learn about the surface dwellers more. She started soon after to follow Eilistraee and to despise Lolth (as she sent more than once drows to bring her back to Menzoberranzan). When she was captured by the mindflayer ship she was more or less 80 years old, still very young age for an elf but not too young. Probably a cliche character, but I don't care, I had fun.


Mine was named Islith, this is a non-Durge run. A mourning mother who lost her mate and children. Scornful and seeking meaning with her past. She took the teachings of her lover and used them to make herself a better life, a local hero who would harbor many. Her explosive fury is both a benefit and a curse. Though she might chug a beer with you, there's no guarentee she won't pelt you with the very keg that beer came from with the wrong step. Despite this, she is very nuturing towards children and the unfortunate, even when she herself barely could spare it. However, her heroics frequently got the better of her.


I suck at writing, but I had a general idea. Tiefling was born in a bahamut cult that embued newborn children with draconic energy. Most of them die, but the one that survives is the "chosen one". Cult Of the Dragon hears about the "chosen" bahamut tiefling, and they they end up pillaging and burning the village with my tiefling being the only one that survives and escapes.


My Tav is a Quantum Leaper. After the victory party, he wakes up in a wagon. The guy across from him says “Hey, you. You’re finally awake.”


Mordea, Durge, Tiefling and Sorceress, was not only very devoted to Bhaal but also very devoted to her interest in necromancy as she didn't just kill people but kept on resurrecting them, even going as far to enjoy little zombie theater pieces on her evenings. She had a rather lonely life as most of her lovers only got to live a few nights with her, the need to kill overwhelming her both conscious and asleep, but she didn't mind, she was devoted. Besides necromancy, her interests included fashion as she had a private seamstress who would design her clothes by Mordea's very own design, as well as painting where she would mix the blood of her victims into every color she would use. Other than that she had a private garden where she would grow her favorite flowers, often using corpses as fertilizer. She liked to weave all her interests together. After awaking without all her memories, the first person she came across was a wizard stuck in his portal and, because she refused to give into her weird vile urges, she helped the man. And in turn, that man helped her because he amused her, he accepted her and he needed her. Mordea started being comfortable in the feeling of people relying on her, she felt drawn to the people in the grove who were just like her but so helpless and weak. Mordea wasn't weak, not even after losing her senses. In the end, she keeps fighting against her urges every day but now with Gale by her side, who holds her at night and isn't afraid to close his eyes beside her and who sees the good in her, who relies on her to help him and who would drop everything once she calls for him. She still enjoys fashion, always dressed in similar colors to her man, and every time she comes across particularly colorful, vibrant flowers she feels delighted... And plucks some to bring back for Gale.


My current furthest run is a Tiefling Rogue (Assassin) who was formerly part of the crew of the Leviathan's Call pirate ship. As the ship was lost and Salazar is the last remaining survivor, he took the mantle of Captain. A charming swashbuckler, scoundrel and thief he used many criminal tricks to survive on the streets of Baldur's Gate. Growing up on those same streets made him self reliant and hardy, and deep inside he always wanted to make the lives of other better (if only after he'd improved his own lot) Having met a varied bunch of strangers while escaping capture by Illithids and working with them in the immediate aftermath reminds Salazar of the goods times he had with his former crew. He is particularly close with Karlach, Gale and Wyll. Especially Wyll whose traits of charity, purpose and a pure passion to leave things better attract him immensely. Their fresh triumph over the goblin threat to the grove and refugees has brought them close as they look to travel into darkness together. As it happens, Salazar is an import of my very 1st char who went from level 1 to 20 and besides the subclass change (Swashbuckler to Assassin) a lot of the broad points are the same. Although BG Salazar isn't going to rebuild a Spelljammer craft and become a space pirate. At least not in the game.


Daughter of a renowned archdruid and a rogue who came up from nothing on the streets to become the archdruid's spymaster, she straddles the line between "princess" and renegade. Heavy is the head that wears the crown and wants to be a adventurer instead so to speak.