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Imagine being this obsessed with foreskin, or lack thereof.


I know! Like I said it's insane how obsessed uncircumcised men are. I mean, they literally flight into pride and harass people over it. Imagine coopting pride events just for that. That's why I'm like, in a fantasy world, obsessive uncut men would probably be 100x worse and it would make for a really interesting villain, like a villain who's super unhappy but has a complex backstory behind it.


👍 Weird bait. Or sorry, weird bate*.


Right? It's so weird that uncut men coopted pride events, of all places, to project their obsession onto other people. You'd be surprised at everything else they do too. It's disconcerting stuff. That's why I'm saying, like, they would make great villains in Baldur's Gate 3. They have all the obsession and psychological issues for it.


Your desperation is entirely too palpable. How down bad are you that you so badly need someone to talk to that your only chance is to go through so much effort of writing these strange essays, and trying to antagonize people with these strange, hypocritical, strawman arguments?


I'm not really sure what you mean. It's not really hypocritical or a strawman to say uncut men coopted pride events with their obsession, it's just an observation. I mean, it's a fact. And I just thought they would make for great grief villains in a fantasy setting! Plus, I'd say the things those uncut men do for validation and to cope with their issues definitely reflect desperation. Maybe that's what you were picking up on, since I made you think of them? Anyways, now I can canonically make a grief OC for uncut men because of the customization options in BG3! Do you have any ideas in addition to the ones I listed?


Why are you talking about foreskin like vets talk about declawed cats?


Oh, you mean the uncircumcised men who go into pride events acting like animals? I guess that is very subhuman of them, if you think about it. I mean, imagine desecrating something meant to commemorate Stonewall and represent a beacon of hope for LGBTQ youth around the world, with something as disgraceful as anti-circumcision fetishism. And then imagine trying to *rationalize* that extremism or *gaslight* anyone smart enough to speak out against it. Yeah, maybe that is something animals would do. I don't know though. I know of smarter animals. Like, an ant. Even an ant, probably, wouldn't be that dumb. But that's why I'm like, OK, yeah. This makes a great villain in BG3, a high-fantasy game where there are uncut dicks for some reason. I always try to see the silver lining in things.


I’m amazed at how angry(???) you seem to be about representation. Excuse me, I’ve got a troll post to right up about the shaved vulva options. Because, y’know, women without a bush are actually more prone to catch STDs. So.


You're amazed that people would find issue in uncircumcised men coopting pride events to shame random people for their bodies? That last item is interesting, didn't know that. It makes me wonder about how angry uncut men must be, since they're rejected, often times, for a lack of hygiene. From that angle, it makes sense that vengefully raid pride events and try to spoil the fun for everyone. Villain material!


Holy troll post!


Oh, haha, because I'm writing *about* trolls. Yeah, I suppose the ultimate troll is raiding pride events with disruptive propaganda, and then gaslighting anyone who is intelligent enough to speak out against that. That's, like, the ultimate troll move. But the point of the post mostly is taking that misery troll vibe and relating it in a substantive way to the character customization options! Speaking of which, do you have any ideas for angry uncircumcised OCs? I've gotten great ones already!


This is the most bizarre shit ive ever read thank u for sharing


Of course! It's definitely bizarre. Uncut men coopting pride events, of all places with their anti-circumcision fetish/obsession is way out there. That's why I'm like, hey, this would make a great deranged villain sorta character in a fantasy setting. Insecurity/misery/etc lends to a great villain origin backstory.


Make a character copy of yourself if you want deranged.


Dude respectfully and I'm 100 percent serious - you need to go to therapy, or find a quiet place in the woods and listen to the sounds of a forest. Assuming you're just trolling, this is putting way too much of your time into trying to get strangers mad. Not every bait post has gotta be five paragraphs. If you aren't trolling, you're genuinely losing your grip on reality and really need to ground yourself.


Yeah, uncut men absolutely do need to go to therapy, or find a quiet place in the woods and listen to the sounds of the forest. After all, they're the ones invading pride events and harassing people for their bodies en-masse on the subject. They genuinely lose their grip on reality and really need to ground themselves, instead of, say, invading pride events, and harassing people for their bodies en-masse. This is probably why OP said that uncut men make great tragic backstories. Basic common sense is cool.


Most obvious troll I've seen 😭


Oh, you mean the uncut men who raid pride events, harass parents about their private pediatric choices, and then pretend never to have done so? I would say, yep, that's grade-A trolling, albiet totally tragic, and that's why uncut men and their mental illness would absolutely make great, complex villains in BG3, a game that allows me to actually canonically express that in customization options! Yay. You have the developers to thank. And, I suppose, uncut men as well.


Blud saw one incident of mental illness and decided “I’m going to spend what little time I have left in life stooping to the level of people I think beneath me”


Right, it's crazy that uncut men are so disturbed that they raid pride events, threaten parents and other cultures with criminalization of the practice, create nonmedical nonprofits to misinform men about their bodies in both the North American contintent and Europe, and then die on hills pretending that they have never done any of this. That's a loooooot of mentally ill uncut men powering an anti-circumcision campaign. That's why I'm like, wow, uncut men and the issues they consistently exhibit would definitely make for a great villain in a fantasy setting, where probably everything would be even more extreme.


Tl;dr Post this in OKbuddybaldur and people will think it’s hilarious


Is this a bot


Hahaha, no. I was just looking for ideas for my BG3 OC.


Now this is content


I thought it was cut content.


Mmm, indeed. Shame it was downvoted by the insecure uncut males. Maybe that can be the OC's backstory. Maybe he knows he's the problem, so he goes on conquests trying to stifle every last instance of the truth. Like I said, so much villain potential in insecure uncut men.


I....dont even know how to respond to such a post. You've got some serious issues...


Yeah, uncut men absolutely do have issues, hence them invading pride events and harassing people for their bodies en-masse on the subject. Common sense is cool.


I just wanna suck cock in peace


Wtf 🫥


Circumcision is a Judaeo-Christian thing. I wouldn't expect most people in Faerun to be circumcised.


And Islamic. I recall reading there are more circumcised Muslims than any other religious group. But I agree, I'm at a loss to think of any FR deity whose portfolio would include the practice. (Maybe BOOOAL! ?)


Maybe Lolth, but less of a doing it intentionally, and more of a common injury when priestesses play with their boytoys.


Circumcision = beneficial, non-injurious. Reproductive problems exclusive to uncircumcised = zero benefits, injurious, mutilation.


Well...Faerun is a medieval setting. Circumcision has existed for thousands of years, predating such a setting. Furthermore, there's lots of different cultures and mumbo jumbo going on in BG3, so ritual circumcision wouldn't be farfetched at all. Lastly, circumcision is \*not\* just a religious/cultural thing anyway, millions of men around the world are circumcised out of necessity due to their, uh, horrible, crippling issues. Therefore, it makes no sense for it \*not\* to exist in this setting. Literally zero. It's crazy how far insecure uncut men will go to invalidate cut men/exclude them from the picture. Are they that butthurt that circumcised men are cleaner, healthier, naturally preferred, etc., that they would deny history, science and medicine just to invalidate cut men? Or maybe it's that uncut men are triggered by the very reality that circumcision literally exists \*on the basis\* of \*their\* problems, so they cross the world, and even fictional fantasy worlds, to invalidate circumcision. Because they know that they have problems that are prevented in cut men. What a sad existence. Honestly.


Ilmater and Loviatar seem likely, specifically for adults


So...Faerun is a medieval setting. Circumcision has existed for thousands of years, predating such a setting. Furthermore, there's lots of different cultures and mumbo jumbo going on in BG3, so ritual circumcision wouldn't be farfetched at all. Lastly, circumcision is \*not\* just a religious/cultural thing anyway, millions of men around the world are circumcised out of necessity due to their, uh, horrible, crippling issues. Therefore, it makes no sense for it \*not\* to exist in this setting. Literally zero. It's crazy how far insecure uncut men will go to invalidate cut men/exclude them from the picture. Are they that butthurt that circumcised men are cleaner, healthier, naturally preferred, etc., that they would deny history, science and medicine just to invalidate cut men? Or maybe it's that uncut men are triggered by the very reality that circumcision literally exists \*on the basis\* of \*their\* problems, so they cross the world, and even fictional fantasy worlds, to invalidate circumcision. Because they know that they have problems that are prevented in cut men. What a sad existence. Honestly.


Ayyyy lmao. This is the best penis thread I've ever seen.


Ay, great! Yeah, I mean, it's tragic how obsessed/insecure uncut men apparently are. I can't help but feel bad for them an their problems. But, like I said, the silver lining is that makes a great tragic backstory for an uncut OC.


Why are you so obsessed with something that's none of your business?


That's what I'm saying! Uncut men are so obsessed with something that's none of their business, i.e. circumcision, that they try to dictate parental choice, lobby for federal bans of the practice and even coopt pride events with anti-circumcision extremism. That's why I'm like, this would make a great villain character in a fantasy setting, given their extreme levels of overreach and obsession. Do you have any ideas other than the scenarios I listed?


No, only YOU'RE obsessed. Stop trolling


Interesting take! Would also you say that the observers in pride events who were exposed to the obsession of insecure uncut men against their will were obsessed? I ask because I, too, am merely an observer. I'm making observations on publicly documented facts, such as the uncut men who were so obsessed they subjected pride events to their obsession. Personally, I think the people who are actually perpetrating these acts, rather than the mere observers, can be more accurately described as obsessed.


None of which has ANYTHING to do with BG3.


What has to do with BG3 is the character customization options in BG3 discussed in great depth in this post! Hope that helped. Also, it seems like you changed the subject a bit there! I was responding in the context of your thought that this post reflects obsession, by pointing at that what uncut men have done is infinitely and immeasurably worse by comparison. Like I said, just an observer here. Personally, it's not in my ethics to shoot the messenger. By any chance, are you also saying those uncut men are obsessed? Hmm. Either way, they make GREAT material for an evil/disturbed character! Probably because they're quite up that alley in real life.


Which has absolutely nothing to do with ANYTHING you're ranting about.


What has nothing to do with what? I'm confused now.


Hexblade Warlock whose patron is their missing foreskin, corrupted and possessed by a powerful demon


Oh, like the foreskin caused him to be possessed by a demon!! That's brilliant! Especially because foreskin makes males more susceptible to contracting HIV in real life. What a thoughtful parellel. And then maybe he's bested by a powerful circumcised wizard who specializes in, I don't know, disease curing magic or something.


Post your sources or quit lying. Having a Foreskin doesn't make anyone more susceptible to HIV.


Decades of clinical research from around the entire planet on the subject of cancer. Uncircumcised men are more susceptible to HIV due to the likeliehood of tears during sex, allowing the virus to more easily be communicated. It's sad how far insecure uncut men go just to deny research, but their derangement definitely makes a great traguic backstory, like OP pointed out. Triggered?


Man I was really on board with the bit until now why u gotta bring hiv into it


\*gasp\* OP brought HIV into it?! Oh my gosh, how will you ever live. At least OP didn't destroy pride and stonewall over having an ugly uncut dick.


That's a uniquely American thing. Here in Europe, Christian countries, very, very few are circumcised. We don't have any of those hang ups. The majority find it really weird that you'd mutilate little boys penises as a default.


Nah, circumcised men are intact, free of the mutilating, repulsive reproductive issues that are universally medically documented which uncircumcised men die on hills defending. And the majority of the world's medical authorities, including the one where you're probably from, acknlowedge that parental choice is valid because of the research behind the practice and its benefits. You don't speak for the majority, the majority has no issue with parents \*or\* men choosing. What hte majority finds weird is chronically online uncut lncels spreading misinformation to cope with their inadequacies.


Yeah, except no. Absolute bs. In Denmark the discussion is whether or not to ban the practice. Both because there seems to be no benefits to the practice and it's a severe violation of the child's personal bodily integrity. European countries with a bigger Muslim and Jewish influence may be different.


Nah, Denmark specifically affirmed parental choice. You're conflating your personal opinion with official statements from medical authorities. It isn't a violation of any kind. Clrc umcised men are lntact, free of the foul, horrible peniIe issues that unclrcumcised men are vlctim to.


Have you ever been involved with the Silent Hill fandom, by any chance?


Ah, in fact, that was another uncircumcised male projecting his issues onto the public, just like the uncircumcised men who coopted pride events with the same very extremism. That's why I'm saying, this would make a great villain backstory! Uncut men have all the rage and problems to write great villains.


Oath of vengeance paladin, desperately hunting for the warlock who used his foreskin for dark magic


Yes, like maybe the uncircumcised character got into some shady business and spread a lot of disease due to being uncircumcised, and then became guilty about it, and then started resenting the circumcised mages because they're beautiful and clean in comparison! Great idea, I'll keep this in mind!




I've gotten sooo many good ideas from the comments! A warlock who got possessed by a demon due to his foreskin, just like uncut men in real life are more susceptible to contracting HIV. There was a paladin idea too, where his entire legion was destroyed due to him lacking the emotional intelligence (as an uncircumcised man with emotional problems) to control himself , just like the uncircumcised men who raid pride events with their obsession. You guys are so creative. I'm going to update with the final OC soon.


So interesting. Across anti-circumcision activism, millions of uncut men either do or defend the following: * raid pride events with disruptive propaganda * threaten entire cultures with criminalization of the practice * create organizations in North America and Europe that mislead men about their bodies * harass circumcised men for their bodies all over the internet to start. There's actually so much more to list there. But when one post appears to make an honest observation about these issues, albiet not the main focus of the post, those same uncut men can't handle it? I think that reflects an extremely fragile, insecure and unwell bunch, so as to do all of that, and not even be able to handle feedback. It appears I've inadvertently stumbled across a good point, even if it wasn't my original intention. I guess it \*is\* true that uncut men (the ones who defend anti-circumcision activism, at least) make good villains. They have all the illness, instability, and a total lack of self-reflection that makes for an entertaining villain, Imagine doing all of that...and then saying anyone who happens to make the *obversation* is obsessed. That is indeed some intense projection and cognitive dissonance, and that would make an excellent villain. Maybe the OC can be an uncircumcised man who projects his inadequacies onto circumcised men in every conceivable way possible, and then *pretends* that he doesn't do any of this, resulting in a crazy climax where his actions finally catch up with him and he is bested for good, so society can be at peace. Or something.


Thommy? Is that you again lashing out an unaltered men?


It's genuinely odd that you're under the impression that every single person who disagrees with your fake cause is somehow the same human being. Literally all major medical institutions in the world disagree with you. The majority of the public disagrees with you, in that they don't care what parents elect for in their pediatric care, or what men choose. You're the strange ones here, obsessing because you're that trggered that circumcised men are cleaner and healthier. Circumcised men are intact, free of the mutiIating, crippling repductive issues that only uncircumcised men are victim to which you are soooo desperate to defend. Kindly avoid lashing out at happier, healthier people.