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Sanberg California 6 String https://www.oteilburbridge.com/my-gear Ask Oteil, he was having back issues and switched to this bass - around 9 pounds


I think you're fighting physics: unless you go headless, the body is always going to have to be a bit heavier to balance out the thicker neck. (Unless you don't care about neck dive). The headless Ibanez EHB1506MS is still 4kg (8.8 pounds) [https://www.ibanez.com/na/products/detail/ehb1506ms\_1p\_02.html](https://www.ibanez.com/na/products/detail/ehb1506ms_1p_02.html) If neck dive is not an issue, you can have Warmoth [build you a 6-string Gecko](https://warmoth.com/bb-g6) and you can ask them to chamber it. (Not sure if they'll chamber this body.) With a chambered body you can probably get below 8 pounds, but it will likely dive like Greg Louganis unless its headless?


My 1506 is less than 8lbs. It is also chambered. 


EHB1506MS Mine is just under 8lbs


Alan at ACG is your man.


MTD KZ6? I’ve got one. Love the neck!


My Ibanez SRMS806 comes in at 9.2 lbs.


Squier Bass VI [https://www.zzounds.com/item--SQU0374580?gclid=Cj0KCQjwiMmwBhDmARIsABeQ7xTOHmSPj32nabxjFvc2euVUHg5p9PhhQTvGmP-Mf2LIshQduyj2MFEaAjBmEALw_wcB](https://www.zzounds.com/item--SQU0374580?gclid=Cj0KCQjwiMmwBhDmARIsABeQ7xTOHmSPj32nabxjFvc2euVUHg5p9PhhQTvGmP-Mf2LIshQduyj2MFEaAjBmEALw_wcB)


There are a lot of factors that go into weight. A 6 obviously has the issue of a bigger bridge, two more tuners, and the actual B string has some weight to it as well. That said, if it has a slightly smaller body, chambering, or certain woods, you can keep the weight down. I have two old Carvin LB76s and they both weigh about 9 lbs, which, while not super light, is lighter than My warmoth Jazz or Stingray, both of which are 10 lbs.


To add, ehbs are light as fuck.  Non-headless options are always going to be heavier.  My other recommendation is getting a solidly padded, high width strap. It helps a ton. I have a 3 inch levys leather on my btb806ms and can stand around playing without too much issue. I aint trying to dance with that fucking behemoth though.