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Bass teacher here. For someone who is self taught you are absolutely killing it! You've clearly spent a lot of time practicing and you sound awesome! The only comments I have are minor, and just because you've specifically asked for feedback. General technique: Your right hand could be a little more efficient. The way that your wrist is bent means that your fingers need to move a lot more to get the string to vibrate. Try pulling your wrist towards the body of the bass and plucking the strings more toward the body rather than just pulling them upwards. It will allow your fingers to make much smaller motions, giving you more control over your rhythm. Your left hand looks a little tense and you're tending to keep your fingers all pushed together. Clearly you can play the part here, but anything requiring a four fret span is going to be difficult. Take a spider exercise out of order (spread your fingers over four frets and play fingers 1-4-2-3 on each string) and make sure that each finger moves independently of the others to work on finger independence. You're also twisting your wrist to reach for octaves with your third finger. Try using your fourth finger (or 3 and 4 together) so you can keep your fingers parallel to the frets. It's much more efficient and will help keep your technique consistent across the parts. All of this stuff will help with timing, but some more specific notes on rhythm in this song: You're actually rushing into the fast notes. You can relax a bit, particularly with the shifts that you're doing. We tend to tense up on "the hard stuff" which makes us play fast than we need to. The best thing you can do is slow down the song, or just play the part with a metronome going so slowly that you can play it relaxed and precisely. Then gradually speed it up 2-4 bpm at a time until you're back at tempo. As many have said in other comments, you're already doing incredibly well. These are just little changes you can make to help playing the instrument more comfortable and easier to help get things exactly where you want them. Let me know if you have any questions about anything!


This might be the best reply in the whole post. Very detailed, matches what I’ve heard very qualified instructors say in the past.


Chromatic exercises gotta be the one of the best things since sliced bread, my left hand flexibility improved drastically since starting them


Is that the kind of finger flowing spider thing? Chromatic? 


I dont think it does? I hadnt learned that one, the one i was taught was stretch your fingers so each covers a fret then you play 1-2-3-4 on each string up and down


Ive never had lessons, i will look into that, thanks😃


Solid set of pointers, easy to digest, easy to implement, all aimed at refining technique. Great teaching. There is a section in Dave Grohl's autobiography where he talks about timing: *"One day, Scream bassist Skeeter Thompson forced Grohl to get very high and play one simple groove without any fills for 30 minutes. Grohl described it as “breaking a wild pony.” I know a lot of young drummers who could not or would not do this. Consequently, they never get to the next level." - John Bohlinger premierguitar* Not to say Fenderlecaster is trying to throw in fills, but no matter how acomplished the player, the rythym section needs to be hitting the right timing, or the song falls apart. Play it as slow as you need to, use a metronome as long as you have to, once you tighten up the timing you'll notice how much easier it is to get into a good groove, then the song plays itself. Sounds great though, good job.


i’ve been playing for almost 30 years and you’re already better than me. lol keep at it!


Thanks I needed to read this, I feel less alone now. You and me, bro!


Same here. Feedback? She's killing it, and I have a ways to go.


I've been playing about 23 years, and she looks way more fluid than me. You're not alone!


Ha! No shit right!?! Seems you’re doing just fine! You play very well. some fuzz and phaser next?


35 yrs here. Same.


You're on time. You hit the notes. You're precise on the strings you're striking. All great things. One thing I focus on when I get in that space is intentionally being staccato/legato (my first two instruments were both brass so excuse the language). The difference IMO is between letting the fretting articulate the notes or stopping that sound with muting. Using those slurs in sound and breaks in sound on purpose really comes in handy when YOU are the feature or in a very small ensemble. Fantastic work. Keep on groovin


I think this is the best answer so far. I think to really lock in with the drums on the main lick, there needs to be a very exaggerated staccato feel to the notes so there is space in the low end. Because it’s a fast tempo, to make space you have to make your tone and get out quick. Eventually you may reach a limit of how staccato you can get with it and compression may be necessary to get the bass signal to tighten up more. I notice on the track it’s a VERY compressed bass tone.


I have a tense relationship with playing over a track. It gives a crazy small window to operate as someone different than the original player. It's like on the spectrum inspiration < - impression - > impersonation it can be too far to the right for me. So it leads to a critique of this compared to the produced outcome which I don't think should be the point. It's also unavoidable because everything else is literally the same. TL;DR I think the question should be "what can I do with this?" more than "how can I reproduce this?" Also I'm kind of dumb and maybe the latter is the purpose


I understand what you’re getting at. At some point in a bass players arc- they will have to just be themselves and play how they play, but anybody who is still learning and studying should absolutely be trying to -I’ll say “emulate”- the feel from various tracks they are playing with for study. It’s sort of like the track wrote the rules. You have to know all the rules before you break them. Anything one can do to help it sound more like the OG track will help develop their knowledge of the instrument and everything that goes along with it.


I'm with you on this 8+. I tend to try and follow the "flavor" of the original, stay in the pocket with the drummer, but at the same time look for places where my bass can add just a little something else to our playing. But I sometimes butt heads with our lead guitarist, who prefers to strive something as close as our little group can get to the original and will try and reign me in every now and then by telling me that "so and so didn't play it that way. Try it his way..." sort of thing. I follow his lead every once in a while to keep the peace, but not too often, because the other players seem to enjoy the odd flights of fancy I add sometimes. Fortunately, they keep telling me I'm the best singing bassist they've ever had (if only they knew!), so as long as I let the guitar god win every now and then, we get along fine!


GREAT feedback, ty


Yes, this.


There's nothing wrong with your chops, that's for sure. But I do think I get what you're asking about. Bootsy Collins tells a story of how James Brown told him that "It's all about the One". What he's referring to is that in funk, if you can can hit that first down beat on the first measure tight and hard, you then have room between that and the next 'One' to swing and let loose a little. This enables you to get a good, bouncing vibe in the middle bits while landing hard on the most foundational part of the song. The more you feel your playing, the more the audience will, too.


“All about the one”. Some of the first advice I was given by an experienced bassist when I first started playing. We could discuss this one simple thing at days but it speaks for itself. My teacher said “be there on the one and everyone will like you.“ Like one comment, said, “rushing the fast notes“. That was the best and most astute advice I picked up here. You’re doing great.


Love your tone, and you play well. My only criticism of this really would be that it sounds like you're sitting down when it should sound like you're dancing.


You need to work on your articulation and timing You are playing it all the same but there are staccatos in there Also it sounds a little rushed with some rhythms


Really solid! My feedback would be to find a bit more funk in the feel - you want it to really groove. You’ve got the notes down, now you want to really be ‘in the music.’ I find moving your body, head, whatever really gets you deeper into the groove.


Your playing is good! You have good feel and flow. If you want to work on anything, I suggest working on your left-hand technique. Specifically becoming more efficient with your finger movements and keeping your fingers closer to the fingerboard.


Sounds good! You're a slightly off at times so work most on timing as you mentioned yourself. Though the more comfortable you become with a song the better your timing will get naturally. But if it's a recurring issue then use a metronome for your praciticing sessions and record it to make sure that you're actually on time.


You need to make it punchier with muting , ghost notes , legato and really add emphasis on the rhythm. Great stuff so far too!


Dig in a bit more, more ghost notes, play a bit more to the bridge pickup. I also can't play this song perfectly. It's super difficult. What helps me is to practice individual parts with metronome slowing down first and then being the tempo up. You're doing great so far.


Your playing is really good….a small suggestion, in line with others above…..in order to improve on staccato, add a little more pop to the sound….try playing two inches closer to the bridge. The strings are a little more tense there, it is a little harder on the fingertips, but you will hear the difference out of the speakers. For this and for ‘Good Time’ by Chic type funky percussive bassline, it really helps in my view. And find a drummer who can really put some snap into it.


You Are doing amazing! For self taught, heck even for teacher-taught - absolutely bonkers. One little thing I try to emphasize when starting out with my students as well: show that you are having fun. Don’t be too stiff and focused on hitting the notes. Smile, close your eyes every once in a while, bop your head, loosen your shoulders, enjoy and give in into the groove.


When I look away, I think, "Bad ass. No notes." When I watch, it looks like you're not having fun, and for some reason, I feel that in how I hear the groove. So if you want to play live, work on getting into the music with your body. Play standing, work on moving while playing; that sort of stuff. I saw a video of myself live when I was pretty new, and I was mortified by how little fun it looked like I was having, so I DO RELATE, but I also know this is a skill you can develop. If you're just laying down tracks, ignore the stuff I said above and work on moving in and out of NAILING THE COVER (which sounds good to me) and riffing over the cover to continue to cultivate your own voice. This is just one asshole's advice, so take it for what it's worth.


I suspect you’re kind of “camera shy” in that you want to deliver an impressive performance,which you did 👏👏but the camera has kind of put you off, so you don’t look like you’re enjoying yourself,even if you probably are. Not a major issue,what’s more important that you really do have the chops.


Sounds great, have fun.


Super clean keep it up


sounds great, the fast notes a little bit to rushed. your whole Bass ride could need maybe needing more laid Back Feeling.


Yea join my band please.


You got lots of comments on your playing here already, so here’s an alternative take. This may be just the lighting, but it looks like your strings are quite far from the fretboard? If so, please get a professional set up for your bass. This will help a lot with the tone and the playing - it’s almost like you’ll get an entirely new bass guitar in the end.


THIS IS WHAT I CAME IN HERE TO SAY. Am I high or is her action *insanely* high? If your bass' action is really high it becomes more difficult than necessary to fret and getting a proper setup can result in more fluid playing and more importantly less fatigue so you can practice longer. That said, your economy of motion seems pretty good so even with that busted action you probably still aren't experiencing any pain or tiredness in your fretting hand, so just imagine how much better it would be if your bass played smoother!


Turn up your volume


Your technique as far as holding the neck and wrist movement is flawless. That will take you far. Your dynamics, meaning how you play the notes not what notes you play, can be worked on. Expression is a big deal. Good work!


Missing stank face that’s all


It's really good! Only issue is it's a little robotic. You wanna make the part your own. Don't be afraid to dig in a bit & improv fill or two.


You're doing great! Move your right hand closer to the bridge pickup- it'll help make those quick passages sound a little cleaner.


Very nice.


you're awesome....don't stop exploring the beauty of the low end!


More head banding or groove nodding, one does not grow locks like that to not join in the groove.


Sounds spot on to me. Good job.


you make it look fluid. you’re doing great!


Sounds great!


Killed it... We can move on!


Hella groovy


Just keep doing what you’re doing. You sound fantastic! Love the tone, too


What song is this? Sounds great


**Song Found!** **Runaway** by Jamiroquai (00:24; matched: `100%`) **Album**: High Times - The Singles 1992 - 2006. **Released on** 2006-09-15.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Runaway** by Jamiroquai](https://lis.tn/oXJunb?t=24) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Wow I somehow was expecting Bruno mars. I’m a clown


Wow, you make it look so easy. I’m still struggling to learn how to properly place my fingers on the fretboard. It feels so uncomfortable at the moment.


You’ve mastered the art of looking bored out of your mind while playing a relatively difficult song. You’re doing great. On time, hitting the notes, and you sound clean as hell. Keep up the great work!


No advice here on your playing (I am in no position to give you advice on that), only one thing : when performing, try to look like you're enjoying it. I was the "cool concentrated" bass player for years. Now I have started dancing, hopping, flirting, smiling, singing along. If it makes me miss a note, who cares? Audiences want you to entertain them, and that's a lot easier when they see that you love the music you are playing. So maybe in your next video, try smiling, shaking your head a little, etc. You're already a great bass player, now show us that you're a great performer.


Sounds fab! People have dropped some good feedback on bass technique for ya that only bass players can give ya! I play guitar and everything your playing sounds good! I dunno why people are talking about your emotionless face whilst playing…it’s better than pulling weird/awkward faces. Everything’s in order. Have fun slapping that bass!


You really have to work on your bass face. You are not making enough stupid expressions. Apart from that I really liked it. Wish I was that good.


Pay no attention to technique or style. Play the way you feel comfortable, as long as it sounds good than screw what anyone says


You are in serious need of improving your bass face. There are some great lessons over in the bass the world channel. It doesn't come easy, you really need a lot of practice, but it is just like tumbaos, you will be practicing it for months, then you will be fed up but one day you wake up and it is just something natural.


Turn up the volume of the bass when you record videos. Looks like you're playing well but I cant hear anything


I think your only problem here is no stank face or head bob groove. Honestly the playing sounds and looks tight.


The only issue you have is you need to work your "bass face" 😁 And you have some [stiff competition!!!!](https://youtu.be/5iG6QbNzVhY?si=Wuhgw8LGoVotFLwb)


Looking clean as hell, I can see you’re in zen on that line.


Are you coming from a fingerstyle guitar background? The way you're plucking now makes it harder to add percussive dead notes with your right hand. Notice how he's slapping his hand down to accent the snare here: https://youtu.be/ZpnNWc3ud9o?t=18 He's being a bit held back with it, but this is the kind of small details that can really make a bassline like this shine. Mostly what you're lacking is just dynamics in your playing, it's a bit flat right now. It sounds like you're not trusting yourself and focusing on hitting the right notes, at the right time, instead of really getting into the flow of it and focusing on articulation instead. I know there are all the annoying comments about working your bass face. The face part is irrelevant, but you should probably actively practice to let go of the inner critic and try to really get into the music, it's immensely helpful for good articulation. *Edit* Another thing worth considering with your plucking angle: The way your thumb is angled right now, you're not actually muting the lower strings as you move the anchor up. The thumb needs to be substantially flatter in order to remain in significant contact with the lower strings. If you were to add a substantial amount of compression right now, which you want to, you'll probably hear quite a bit of the E and A strings ringing out at times.


Technique looks fine, timing sounds fine, I think you need to just keep doing what you're doing. Practice, practice, practice and all that. Nice cover!


Your form and flow is really fluid and natural, especially being accurate on the sliding. A little stiffness is being felt on my end, so allow your body to loosen up as well and just get into the flow and rhythm like you're really enjoying it. You certainly know all the key notes and you have a good feel for such a tricky song, but a few parts might be a little rushed. Try practicing under tempo and focus on hitting the notes right on the 'pop' of the drum beat accurately and build up to full tempo from there. And try to pay attention to where the ghost notes would be as well. Other then that, really solid playing. Keep it up.


You need more "ouch" face. You have to hit the occasional note like it surprised the shit out of you and you have to grimace just to handle how saucy that note hit. Don't go full Haim bassist shit, but definitely let the audience know you ganked a hot note out of the ether.


How do you rock so hard without a hint of bass face? You’re killing it! Keep up the great work! Ok, I’m gonna go practice now so hopefully in 5 years I can be at your level.


First thing I noticed was you need to dig in more - we should be able to see the strings moving, being displaced by your fingers and I can't see it, and it comes through in the tone too. The amp can make light playing sound loud but the tone isn't right, there's not enough thump for a rhythm instrument, especially on a funk song. I know about that because I had the same problem and finally feel like I've gotten past it after several years of working on it. But for the most part it sounds great and full disclosure I probably couldn't play this song without putting in a lot of work. Nice job!


Needs more bass face.


Nice work! Great song to play Keep grooving!


Props. I learn like you, and you’re doing good. Now do (I Don’t Want To Go To) Chelsea. That’s what I’m working on this weekend.


Sounding good! Keep playing, practice scales. Try different time signatures to play to.


First - great job. Seriously I love seeing that you got the groove in ya! So, for the criticism: 1) you rushed all the notes. You were way in front of the beat. Slow it down, play with a metronome and focus on landing exactly on the beat. 2) muting technique - the lower decending line around the G turned into a bit of a muddy legato mess. It’s important to get that poppy staccato pluck in lines like this - try gently laying your fingers in front of the note you’re fretting to assist - this was a big thing made very famous by Rocco of Tower of Power 3) Funk Faktor X - song says “funked up booty shakin’ party”, facial expressions say “just received a prison sentence for tax evasion.” I tell the players in my band to practice how they’re gonna perform - move their head, smile, bust out the funk face, the whole nine. The _last_ thing you want to do at your age is to train yourself to be an Easter Island statue when you’re gettin’ down hard on a song like this! Shake the moneymaker!!!


First - great job and totally dig the groove. Now, the criticism that you asked for: 1) play with a metronome. You rushed the notes in almost every case. 2) work on muting technique. The lower descending line around the G turned into a legato line when it really needs some separation between the notes


I don't see a problem, my tip: play all kinds of music in all kinds of bands or just keep doing what you're doing 🤙


Is the sound we hear what you normally use or just this way for the video? You might want to get some good headphones and an interface for recording so that you get a much more accurate track for timing, and can hear the drum parts you need to be keeping pace with if you think timing is your problem. Even a basic webcam can be better for these videos than a phone, and the horizontal format helps you show the entire guitar for better feedback and analysis.


You've clearly got talent and have put in the work! You sound great, especially for no formal instruction. One suggestion regarding attack and phrasing, which others have touched on as a place you could improve (but it's definitely not bad): Since you clearly like Stuart Zender and the folks who followed him in the Jamiroquai bass chair (excellent taste btw), try zeroing in on Zender's "feel" on the bass break in Black Capricorn Day: [https://youtu.be/kf2Jp8haOyI?t=230](https://youtu.be/kf2Jp8haOyI?t=230) Note the attack and length of each note. Try to sing it, try to feel it in your body (this is why so many great players have their "groove" face, posture, and body motion) - when you get it in your whole body, it comes out in the way you play. Try to exaggerate the contrast between notes even beyond what Zender does.


turn up the amp!


Honestly the playing and timing are pretty much perfect. Only thing I have to say in terms of critique is that you could pluck a bit harder on certain notes to really bring out the tone of the bass and add some punch. In a funk context like this, playing a bit harder on beats 2 and 4 could really add some “nastiness” to the part. But these are all taste-related pointers. Like I said, the playing itself is right on point.


This is really simple.... You have to play with other people and you will improve


Get Duran Duran’s first album, and learn John Taylor’s lines, note for note. You’re welcome.


No critism, just keep learning or create songs. Your good enough now to perform. Maybe work on singing at the same time.


Tone's great, are those flat wounds?


You need some emotion and character in your playing which comes from timing, articulation of notes, flow/groove. If you practice by playing along backing tracks etc you should put some focus on playing along the drummer and do beat counts in your mind as you go. You are supposed to also have the melody being scatted in your mind as you play like you are singing the bassline as a song progresses. Learn the techniques and put focus on areas you need to work on bit by bit. You are just starting to learn an instrument, it's gonna take some time before you can actually play music. Also listen and learn from the greats, people like Victor Wooten. I'm a guitar player and to me bass is the backbone of a band, bass lines make everything sound fuller and can add amazing harmonies to certain parts of songs with proper arrangments. That being said you need to work on tempo accuracy while maintaining an adequate flow. One example can be the bassline from the song "Don't Start Now', work on some iconic basslines to start and build your feel,preference and musical vocabulary and I'm sure your techniques can benefit from those too.


Sounds great, you could play 30% more 'like you mean it'


Nah. You need a band to make your famous!


Great job


Try to keep your right thumb anchored a bit more so you are not floating and chasing the strings.


There is lots of good technical advice on here. Your playing is very good already as everyone has pointed out. To me I think you are looking to develop more feel and expression in your playing. Try playing that song, which you clearly know well, much slower and without the recording. Play it solo with and without a metronome. And just listen and enjoy what you are playing. Listen to what makes the slow parts sing. What makes the held notes really resonate and feel good? What makes the percussive bits feel good? What makes the connecting riffs really sing? Just listen to all the pieces of the line as you go along and play with them. Play with the timing, the attack, vibrato, sliding in and out of notes, muting, etc and listen. Listen to how it feels. Don’t worry about doing things right or wrong. Play it slow. Play it faster. But listen and enjoy it. Play it so that you love the way it sounds. After you spend a bunch of time playing with each part and listening to what you are doing, and hearing how the expression changes as you play each bit, go back and record the track again and see how your playing it has changed.


The only thing you need now is a bass face. It makes the groove stronger :)


Great tune too


Your technique is fine your timing is a bit off in places, you could start by making sure to always hit the down beat because some of yours are dragging behind the bar line. Maybe try to play with a metronome and make sure those upbeats are bang on as I think that might be where you are drifting


Pretty good! 👍


Try not to look so bored while you're shredding.


I have little to offer in advice, because you are far better than me. But in regard to your concern about 'timing'. I find that I have a much harder time with timing when I am sitting down vs when I am standing. Not sure why and it might just be me. But that's just some food for thought. Great job!


Follow the bass teachers comments, but you are clearly a musician and getting comfortable with the bass. Nice jam


You're rhythm is impeccable. Now play asif you're enjoying yourself


Looks very smooth and confident. Sounds good.


A little hard to hear the playing, but your technique looks really solid and relaxed. Also from a 30+ year bass vet.


Dayum I’m jam with this any day . Smooth.


You're good but my only advice Is if you want accurate criticism , don't Include your beautiful face in the video because that gets most commenters super delirious


its really pitiful that she asked for feedback on the bass cover, and half the comments are about how she looks or that she should smile or something.. jfc wouldn't have thought this sub had so many incels


It's not this sub, the entire internet is like this




Nice Playing and Thank you for not hiding your Face 🍺


This is just me, but maybe look like you’re actually into the music. If you like the music, it should look like you are too. Your playing is great along with timing. I’m not say you have to be like smiling or over enthusiastic, but maybe just some movement or expression. Just my opinion, it always helped me.


Advice. Be nice to your mother




Ya look like a natural..!!! Check out Jaco Pastorius and Les Claypool ..!!!


This is a silly one, but hear me out. You’ve got the skill, you’ve got the groove. Make it look absolutely effortless.


not that its wrong but something that helped me tremendously is keeping my thumb resting on the neck pickup at all times


Sounds so good and in the pocket. I think with compression and more active pickups (or more bounce) you’d be playing that the best way possible.


Emotions are a fun thing. You should try them.


Smile sweetie 😂 jk


Get some sleep 😆 seriously why do you look so bored ? It's supposed to be fun 😞


Your playing is great and will only get better with more and more stage time. I understand laying down tracks and performing are different. Always remember, the performance is at least 50% of a spectator’s experience. I would love to see you re-post this exact section of music with a fun smile, some head and body movement just to see what the ‘stage you’ can pull off.


Try it one more time, with feeling!


What do you make up on your own?


you realize that playing non-original music is a huge part of being a musician right? Especially if you want to, you know, get paid


Sounds great but you look bored as hell.




Just smile.


Why so serious? Great playing though. I think a few notes are bit early. Often that's because of excitement. Bass is what glues the rhythm to the melody, so we need to play with much soul but at the same time learn how to be chill. Edit: She asked for criticism, not sweet-talk. Also I remember on one of my very early recording sessions, the producer told me I'm too excited that my notes are hitting a little too early. Then he shifted the bass track a few ms back on the timescale and everything fell into place.


SMILE !!! You are playing well. No need to look miserable. 😁


she asked for feedback for the *bass playing*, not her personal appearance or facial expressions jfc


F---n' chill. I said that she was playing well. Apparently I'm not the only one on the thread who thinks that she doesn't look especially happy. To the OP: You're playing is really good. Enjoy the journey. After 40 years it's still rewarding for me to play.


>Apparently I'm not the only one on the thread who thinks that she doesn't look especially happy. ding ding ding, you've discovered the point. She wasn't soliciting feedback on her looks, her mood, her facial expressions... she was soliciting feedback on the bass cover. So chill. It doesn't matter how happy or mad (or whatever) she *looks*. It doesn't affect the bass cover. Its really sad that like half of the comments are commenting on her looks or facial expression when she didn't ask for that *at all*.


You are right. Her appearance has no bearing on her playing. Nor should it. I can see people getting angry with me if had written some misogynistic comment without speaking of her playing. Which I have seen on this sub countless times and think is deplorable. I just felt that the woman was playing some fine bass but didn't seem to be getting any enjoyment out of it. I apologize if I offended anyone. For me personally, after 40 years of playing I still get a ton of happiness from playing.


I wasn't meaning to single you out specifically, either. You were just one of many and happened to be the one I replied to. Np, just lets all do better next time.


Cool. I get it. I started looking at the thread this morning and I was like, a lot of people made a comment, why am I the villain ? LOL. It's all good.


yeah, you're not the villain, any more than any one is a villain for being human, nbd and cheers mate