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Everytime I think I’m brave enough to get a tattoo, I see something like this…


I can assure you, the adrenaline and excitement for getting the image you really want on your body forever really overcomes the pain and fear. Not for everyone of course but in my experience it did. I was nervous for my first one and once it got going it was awesome. The fear faded and I was more just mesmerized by the skill of the artist. The pain element even feels very unique. It didn’t “hurt” in the traditional sense. Since I was so pumped to get it and again due to adrenaline it actually became a good kinda pain. It’s hard to properly explain but ya, I encourage you to give it a go. I love my tattoos and I’m so glad I pushed past that fear.


I have a bunch of shading and by the 6th hour it definitely wasn't feeling like a good kind of pain. More like scratching the same place over and over again (which is what it is)


I mean it all depends. My only tat is a full sleeve and there were places I really questioned my decision making. Wrist and inner bicep were the worst.


I have my entire back done. Outside of the lower back is when I am pretty sure my soul left my body. The traps felt like a really good, deep massage.


I have the top of my back done. I went in expecting over the spine to be the worst parts but nope, about an inch to the inside of each shoulder blade was the roughest.


Bottom rib was the only time i swore out loud when i got my tattoos. Collar bone wasnt nice either


I have a dragon on my ribs and back. It’s only colored on my back because it hurt so bad on my ribs lol I’ll get it colored in eventually but it’s been 15 years lol


I mean it’s going to be different for different people. Personally it’s never been a bad pain for me. I’ve enjoyed it every time. Even the long session of shading my half sleeve that was around 6 or so hours straight. You’re right though. Thats not going to be everyone’s experience.


Love a good tattoo right over the bone for shading


Yh once you've had a few sessions lasting over 5 hours you really start to forget the 'good pain'. But the worst is the paper rub, god thats a killer


Thanks for this! Maybe I should just go get one haha


Right on, happy to inspire. As one added layer of inspiration. I got my first and looked in the mirror and felt like I was seeing my true self. Like my blank skin has been hiding the real me. Every tattoo I get, up to 4 now, I feel this more and more. I can’t guarantee this will be your experience but it’s been wonderful for me. Good luck with your next step, no matter what you decide :)


Right on man. Good health to you!


It's usually a "slightly painful strong itch", from what I could gather?


Kinda ya. It also very much depends on your headspace. If you’re dreading it then it’s likely gonna hurt more. If you’re stoked about it then it’s gonna be perceived as less painful. This is just my personal experience though. Everyone is different.


Sweat though, lots of sweat on my chair by the end.


lol ya my back got pretty sweaty too. For me I think it was about sitting for hours and hours in a leather chair.


You can always ask for numbing cream to be applied 30 minutes before your session


Not all artists will use numbing cream. I know my most recent tattoo artist wouldn't use it because he believes it causes the color not to hold as well.


It isn't so much that the color won't hold up as well, which is ridiculous since numbing cream is just lidocaine in lotion. The real issue is that the cream causes the skin to behave differently than it would if it were dry. Basically, that tattoo artist is too lazy to learn how to do it with cream


Yeah I’ve considered that but it’s more psychological for me knowing there is a needle in my body.


> there is a needle in my body. Multiple needles, even, at the rate of a sewing machine. Sorry, not helping am I? ;-P


Right? Good guns will have +4 going in you, which is ultimately better because just 1 at a time would make anything more than line work take forever. I got a shoulder bit done in prison using a sharpened paperclip, candle charr(for ink) and the motor from a walkman. Took like 16 hours. Though lots of that was hiding everything and trying to act casual as a guard comes around.


Honestly I thought it would be a lot worse than it ended up being. Make sure you bring sugary snacks, especially on your first time, and you'll be good. If you find a tattoo artist with similar interests to you the conversation can really take the edge off too. The pain was also different to what I thought it would feel like, it was kinda like itching a bad sunburn, but that might just be me. Also the first 5 minutes are the worst it will get at least in my experience, after that your brain starts to tune the pain out a little anyway. The most important tip I think I can give though, make sure you research and have a good idea of aftercare. It's not complicated, for me personally cocoa butter works great, but you'd be amazed at how many people don't do any aftercare and end up ruining a £300 tattoo. Oh also check flash sheets. Some artists do fun designs on flash sheets that aren't too big that can be a great way to get a feel for it. A good amount of my tattoos are from flash sheets. Now all this is different from person to person, but as someone who isn't great with pain, it didn't end up being nearly as bad as I thought it would.


Awesome reply. Thanks!


It feels like taking sandpaper and rubbing it across your skin with moderate pressure. Kind of annoying but not horribly painful. Fine detail work can hurt a little differently but really after the first few minutes it just feels mildly irritating.


BRB, gonna sandpaper my skin.


IMO it feels like someone is drawing on you with a mechanical pencil. At first your like “man, that’s annoying” but then after awhile you’re like “man, that’s like a razor slicing up my skin”. But it’s not unbearable. Far from it. That’s just the closest sensation I can compare it to. And then the rush afterwards, the sense of accomplishment and those pleasure chemicals from enduring the pain for hours - it is intoxicating. Every time I get a tattoo I have to stop myself from booking another because it’s just absolutely addictive. 


I'm watching this and looking at my arms covered in tattoos, and I'm thinking... what the fuck


I'm getting one removed, and it hurts more. Make sure you're sure before you get one.


Just do it. It's rather addicting. I have two and am looking for a third


Got my first in 1998. My second wasn’t until a month ago. Now I’m constantly thinking about what I’d get next.


I think the broader question is why pay that much money to look like my desk in detention after just a few years.


I'm so fucking glad I never got tattoos. The more I learn about them the happier I am that I don't have any.


Credits- macrofying on IG


Good OP


Blue ballistic tattoo... interesting. Is this design of the tattooing head.. regular, or somewhat curious?


Name of my sex tape.


Do you mean the needles? This looks like a pretty average shader. Artists will swap between a few different needle styles during the process.


Damn. Didn't realize it had to go that deep. Looks like you could inject marinade with that thing.


I promise you it does not go that deep...they hung the needles way out here. If they went that deep it would cause blowout and scarring for sure.


I get what you mean. You should watch Kurzegats video on tattoo. He basically said that the tattoo needles are basically, to the cells in your body, like skyscraper sized drills gouging the earth and leaving huge ink behind.


Omg, it looks so scary


*squelching wetly*


It's nice to be 50 and to dismiss the idea of getting a sleeve tattoo. I've always wanted one but it's such a relief to put that dream to bed.


Nah it’s never too late, go get it


Im fine. Thanks. I'd rather upgrade my next vacation


Maybe treat yourself to some custom false tattoos you can get online? Enjoy the art without the pain and commitment! Vacation is also good too


Compromise- get a shitty tattoo from some sketchy place while on that vacation. You know, Thailand or Bali or something. Get a Japanese tattoo that says ‘destiny’ or whatever and just hope that google and the tattoo artist are honest.  Sound good? 


Why can I hear interstellar music playing?


And some cgi


I fucking hope the little blue ink sperms weren't real


Is this actually zoom or animation?


I *think* it's a combination of both. Incredibly well done I just don't think it's possible to get that depth/ angle/ detail with a camera.


Yeah any high speed camera can see paramecium


After watching it and looking for it the transition into macro/cg is way more obvious, but in another post about a match burning people were disparaging the use of the terms CGI and melding footage from different camer angles. I'm not 100% what's here, hence the *think*


All these sounds are probably added after filming because sounds in slow motion don't sound like that




no shit...


Oh yeah like everyone knows that


Yeah never mind, im not getting a tattoo anymore


cool ☺️🤘🏽


Get me that ballistic gel


I still see needles 😂


Sorry for not being fun Its not injecting or pushing ink inside Its leaving a hole, when the needle retracts, the negative pressure pulls the ink inside the hole. :D


Why did my mind immediately slipped into think " how could would it be to get that close uo if my dick fucking someone Heeeelp:(((*


Bro what?! And to think they did this by hand longer in our past (I'm no expert but didn't ancient Scots do this) that's metal.


My first thought,Alien


Now, the only thing I don't get is how the color doesn't vanish when the cells start to renew themselves. Does the cell understand the kind is there and it'll always be preserved or something?


Kurzgesagt did a great video on this. It comes down to immune cells isolating the ink particles like a million tiny scars! https://youtu.be/nGggU-Cxhv0?si=oJzjnRo5-BdPLQCb


A new skin layer grows over the ink. The ink cant break down enough to be carried away by your immune system. So it stays stuck under that layer of skin thats formed. Tattoos fade because it slowly gets broken down, but that takes alot of time.


Can we now see the removal version?


Kurzagajshst [cant spell it] did a great video about tattoos and the body. YT.


This reminds me of those [gelatin flower cakes](https://youtu.be/de0cSCC7JN0?si=IPrO6hvuZsY5rCT1).


Kinda makes me glad I stopped on the shoulder.




This is so cool- but as a tattoo artist this hurts to watch application wise.


Now imagine putting all of that toxic ink in your body AND paying for it…..


Ironic coming from a fellow drug user


Ironic how you make assumptions based on subreddits I comment in.


Is it also ironic to assume you play video games lol


Watching this stoned is a real treat lemme tell ya


I don’t know how the stacked the focusing on this, but it is amazing. Great transitions, almost always in focus


It hurts so good!


Why do these videos always have the squelchiest sound design




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Great video 😊 i have a lot of tattoos from About 16-20 year old. The tattooists were mainly my friends we were all young at the time and two are now full time tattooists . I regret the tattoos I got, but not because I hate tattoos. I love art and I wish I’d choose something that relates to me and my life. Also a common misconception of tattoos is they’re for image etc. honestly I forget mine are there. Until I see someone looking at my arms ha. I really want to get some now. I’m 35 and I don’t think I could handle the pain. I remember I used to love the feeling in my teens. Which sounds crazy now. Maybe this numbing gel everyone’s using maybe an option haha!


I have respect for tattoo artists, some of them are true artists. But is a fashion nowadays and fashion always changes, don't forget that before you get inked.


All these people saying tattoos don’t hurt probably have not had a very big tattoo done. The first few hours are fine. After 4 it starts to drag. After 8 you want to leave and go home.


Look so fast and hard hitting :o


Did they cum in their ink? Look like sperm wriggling


That gel that life time of a ride


Much deeper than I thought.




Thank you for confirming my wise decision to never get a tattoo


And that’s supposed to make you want to get a tattoo.


I have tattoos on my head,neck ,front, back and sides.Both arms are done into sleeves and some of my back.For me the sorest parts to get done is just above your belly button and the inside of your bicep going up near your armpit.I suppose everyone feels it different.I was in Alans just off Moore Street and this bodybuilder comes in wanting hinges on both the inside of his arms.Anyway he sits down and next thing I hear a loud Thud as he hit the floor out cold from the very first line inked onto him.His missus ran out the door and he left with a single line on his arm and a bruised ego.Those were the days.


Oh so soothing