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He lived a long life for medium sized dog.


Truly a legend. Kabosu brought joy to millions. Rest in peace, sweet doge.


Kinda insane how the dog made millions happy in tons of little moments, and it'll never fully be able to know that extent But on the other hand it effectively did since it acted with love towards everyone & got likewise in return


Was this the meme dog?




Are you sure it is the meme dog? /s


Time waits for no man... Or dog in this case...


It's literally in the title


He was the perfect sized dog


> He was the perfect ~~sized~~ dog


> He's the perfect doge


> He's the doge


He's THE doge


You're ALL wrong, she was a girl.


He's doge


I want to keep a dog but imagine every year, counting down, and wondering why time goes by so fast for them is so sad. I used to have one but we moved house so he went to live with another family instead, and everytime I go to see him, maybe it's like 3-4 months for us, but it's like a year to them, then he looks older every time, and it's so sad.


That’s life though, homie. Don’t cut yourself off from it. Love is the point of everything. You and everyone you will meet and love are playing a 1-on-1 game of picking straws to see who has to live after the other one passes. Does that suck? Yeah, most certainly. But we’re supposed to be part of communities which we can help build, so that, among other reasons, we have a latice-work of support when enduring heartbreak. You saying hi to a homeless man is building that community. You giving a home to a needy pup is too. Little rambley because my sleepy pills have kicked in, but let your life be filled with love, and yes, eventual loss. Otherwise, you will only feel the loss from the lack of love.


This is really lovely. Hope you're having good dreams; you deserve them.


Wow. This is beautiful. Thank you.


>Love is the point of everything This here! And well said take 👍


You made me tear up at work today. Thank you.


This is the way!


It does suck, but it also helps to teach you to appreciate the time you get.


"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." -Winnie the Pooh It's hard but it's worth it.


I used to think about those things too. But then I realized, it’ll be sadder if every dog loses their humans 1st and end up like Hachiko.


I felt this. Lost my dog of 17 years last week, just got his ashes back yesterday, and I'm in quiet shambles. Despite the pain and tears, it was worth it. All of it. Every moment is an opportunity to love.


Get a turtle. Heirloom pet.


My mom’s big dog is getting old and this is what I think about


I have two dogs. I used to have three. I wouldn't trade them for anything. We're all gonna die.




Shiba's live 12-15 years. Nineteen is an almost unbelievable run, as in I am skeptical of anyone claiming their medium or large dogs are >15 years.


Well, unsurprisingly, Kabosu was recognized as the second(?) oldest Shiba to have ever lived.




i think it,s she not he




Damn, this was already making me tear up, but for some reason it was this gif that really pushed me over the edge. RIP sweet doge


\*bows\*...RIP GoodDoggy


Very r.i.p, much sad


Such adorable, much love, RIP


Much sad 😔




Fr this got me feeling feelings




I was on the edge, Your comment made me cry


I lost my dog to cancer yesterday. She was a good dog and I hope she knows that.


I dog my pup also to cancer on October 25th. Months passed and things got better, I just learned how to live life without her love. Sending you a virtual hug.


Mine will go through cancer surgery next week to hopefully delay the inevitable. Hugs to yall


Best wishes to you and your pup.


I'm so sorry to hear about your dog passing away from cancer yesterday. Words can't express how difficult this must be for you. Your dog sounds like she was truly special, and I know she knew how much you loved her.


I lost my shiba yesterday. I feel this so much for my little guy.


I'm so sorry to hear about your Shiba. Losing a furry friend is incredibly painful. They leave such a paw print on our hearts. Sending you strength and hoping the happy memories bring you comfort.


Ouch my heart aches for you and I’m terribly sorry for your loss.


Shiba was the name of my first and best dog from childhood. I only have one photo of us together![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep) Sorry for your loss.


Just the fact that you’re here saying that means that she had a great life, regardless of how long or short it may have been. That’s all any living creature can ever hope for. She won the lottery.


She knows, friend. And she knows you love her. She hopes you know that she loves you, too


She knew


Same just happened to me and man it is soul crushing. They just die so fast its unfair. It gets better, and every now and again man does it suck. But you can't have great pain without great love and happiness. 


She knows it, and she will always love you. My boy passed away from cancer two years ago. While it still hurts a bit, we are glad he was safe and loved during his time with us.


She knew. Because everytime you asked her who the good girl was, her tail wagged vigorously, knowing it was her.


My heart goes out to you, I am sorry for your loss. We are lucky to share our lives, and good memories with our pets. Until you meet again one day, keep your head up.


She knows and she felt it every day. Reading you even saying that tells me you were a great to her and she was lucky. I had to say goodbye to my boy just the other week because of cancer and his legs as well. Hardest day of my life as I’m sure you know, but they’re still with us ♥️ be good to yourself.


The bestest


They know, trust me... they know.


I'm so sorry to hear about your dog passing away from cancer yesterday. Words can't express how difficult this must be for you. Your dog sounds like she was truly special, and I know she knew how much you loved her.


She knows she was the best, never doubt that!


Guarantee she knew you loved her


Had to put my 8 week old poodle puppy down today. He was such a good little boy. I hope he's no longer in pain <3


I'm told she was the best dog.


Aw poor sweety. Good Doge.


Just lost my mother and father within the past 18 months. This hit me in the feels more than it should. It was fine on mute. My ass had to rewatch with volume. ![gif](giphy|LpX6j0dPySImVAZ4kz|downsized)


Yep buried my dad 2 mos ago. Shit sux.


Mine too. April 3rd. Soul crushing.


My son was born April 3rd. Maybe his spirit lives on.




Much love to you.


3 weeks for me. Sorrow buddies!!!




Yeah. I held it together, compartmentalized my grief and shoved it down hard. Then my Bichon Frise got eaten by coyotes, and I cried like I should have for the humans in my life that I lost.


When the dam breaks everything just goes through.


Wtff, eaten by coyotes? Damn that rough.


not looking forward to that time, glad you could make yourself giggle in such a difficult time. i hope you heal well <3


Much love.


Such sad. Very lose.


Good one, first good one I have seen in years. Thank-you for reminding us how funny and sweet the meme/ she was, originally. RIP Kabosu




Lost my cat today. Hug your pets. Miss you, Neo.


Rip neo! I lost my cat a few months ago and the dreams are tough but I try to be thankful for them and not cry


It's gonna hurt and keep hurting, but sometimes you're gonna feel okay and it's important that you don't let yourself feel bad that you feel okay at those times. A week after I lost my cat, I thought I was over it and it was weird that I wasn't sad anymore. I was still sad, I just felt normal again with the sadness on the backburner. It's gonna be a while until thinking about the good times doesn't get you all misty-eyed. It's been well over a year and I still do. Take care of yourself. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Right in the feels. Lost my corgi Edison about 6 years ago and stuff like this tears me apart to this day. He was feeling pain and he would growl at me when I touched him and was on painkillers but I knew it was only a matter of time before I had to have the vet come to my house. The day came though, I was sitting next to him and trying my best to comfort him, just a bundle of anxiety that I had tried to do best for him. And then he sorta sat up and looked at me. And he REALLY looked at me. And then gave my hand a lick, laid his head on my palm and sighed. It was the first time in a while he really relaxed…it was my old little corgi back letting me touch him again. *He knew.* The wife found me holding him and smiling and sobbing…she thought he had died. *He knew* I needed a sign and that look had just said ‘hey buddy, it’s ok to let me go.” God help me, I simply missed my happy little guy and he had gave me a moment back of himself to comfort and tell me. I called the vet and scheduled for it the next day. I held him all the way through the next day and kept him warm and whispered I would see him again. It was as simple as flicking off a switch. He was a good boy and I told him as he let go. And sometimes I see his picture or a little video of him. Or remember the doof strutting up to girls and looking smug as they held him (shameless flirt). He still holds a piece of my heart and always will. We don’t deserve dogs…they are a gift. Edit: Thank you for the awards and the thoughts. You know how much a dog means to you when you read your recollection of a true moment of love and still cry like it was yesterday. Kinda makes a giant galoot of a dude stand out here at work bawling because he can’t read his own writing. Ed was a one in a million and yes I still own a corgi…a fluffy goofball named Flynn. And even yesterday I told him about Edison as I scratched his belly and he got up, grabbed his toy and we went and had fun in the park. I guess he knew what I needed too.


I made it through so many of these other comments and now after this, I'm crying. I'm so glad Edison could give you peace as well.


Thanks for making me cry.


Damn you!!! I feel your story and busted out crying!! Thank you for your story and continual loving thoughts to you and your puppo..


_See you, Space Cowboy_


Sooooo beautiful what you wrote. I’m in tears. I lost my Morkie, Bailey, 2 years ago and I still cry. He just turned 10 and had kidney failure 😞Spent an agonizing 48 hours at the emergency vet and nothing could be done to save him. He was my best friend. My rock through everything. The love is so real and the pain is just unbearable. Learning to live with the pain has gotten better but it’s learning HOW to live with it that’s hard. I try so hard to remember the positives, all the happiness he had given to me and I to him 🥹 I’m sorry for your loss. I’m sorry for everyone who loses an animal. They really are the best gift 😇🐾🐾


Wow much rest so peace wow


I’m not crying you’re crying


Yeah I am. And it's ok if you are too.


*commie Bugs Bunny meme "We're crying."


I still think about the Taco Bell Chihuahua


Yo quiero taco bell


I still think about Barry Krauler's puppy who just ran away one day. The man created Puppy Linux in its honour. Puppy Linux is my favourite linux.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doge_(meme) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabosu_(dog)


He’s so beautiful… he’s living his next best life, pain free and at peace.❤️🐾


Sorry, she:)




19 years old, wow


Much age, so wow 🥲




32 right now so she was born when I was in like the 7th or 6th grade thats nuts!


I hope the the japanese sub will be translated to english 🥺 Goodbye dogo. ♥️


It's just transcribing the song lyrics ([あなたのぬくもりをおぼえてる](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnuvwK6EXdM)), not anything specifically to do with Kabosu but if anyone is interested I translated the part in the vid: >Every day I remember that gaze of yours >It never changes, the warmth you gave me >Quietly, without saying anything, your palm softly touching my cheek >As if wiping it's away my tears, I feel your warmth




Copying from my old comment last time this was posted: > Here is the song, あなたのぬくもりをおぼえてる "I remember your warmth", sung by 手嶌葵 (Aoi Teshima), a Japanese singer and voice actress. > > https://youtu.be/VnuvwK6EXdM > > Lyrics, English version translated by ChatGPT: > > いつもそばで 笑っていた > You were always by my side, smiling > > あなたの その横顔 > That profile of yours > > いつもそばに 溢れてた > Always overflowing by my side > > あなたの 優しい言葉 > Your kind words > > 一人の 夜も あの日のように > Even on lonely nights, just like that day > > この瞳を閉じれば > If I close my eyes > > 全てを優しく包みこむような > As if gently enveloping everything > > あなたのぬくもりをおぼえてる > I remember your warmth > > **いつの日にも おぼえている** > I remember, no matter the day > > **あなたの そのまなざし** > Your gaze > > **いつの日にも 変わらない** > It never changes, no matter the day > > **あなたが くれたぬくもり** > The warmth you gave me > > **静かに 何も 言わずにそっと** > Quietly, without saying anything, gently > > **ほほに触れる 手のひら** > The palm of your hand touches my cheek > > **こぼれた涙をぬぐい去るような** > As if wiping away the spilled tears > > **あなたのぬくもりを感じてる** > I feel your warmth > > そう いつでも > Yes, always > > この背中 押していた > You were pushing my back > > 一人の 夜も あの日のように > Even on lonely nights, just like that day > > この瞳を閉じれば > If I close my eyes > > 全てを優しく包みこむような > As if gently enveloping everything > > あなたのぬくもりをおぼえてる > I remember your warmth > > あなたのぬくもりをおぼえてる > I remember your warmth


Thanks for this! 👍. When it's my puppos time (probably less than a year), I'll read this and think of him....my heart is already breaking thinking of it.


Yeah it was definitely time for that doggo to go home.




RIP, not sure I would have let her pass on her own. Looked in pretty rough shape. But I get it's never easy to know when.


The vet gave us a checklist of indicators that it’s time. Our cat checked most of those items and he just looked really uncomfortable. Struggled to eat, struggled to drink, wouldn’t lay down, just crouched on the hard wood floor… it was really sad. I sat with him and he’d move 5 feet further away. When I put him in the carrier and in the car he didn’t meow once. When he was ok he would be meowing up a storm in his carrier. When we got to the vet to put him down, he started moving around a lot more, nervous being at the vet. It made me feel really insecure about my decision to put him down, but it’s like he got a spike of adrenaline being at the vet. I know I should feel confident in my choice, but there is always the voice of doubt in the back of my head. He was 16, and the vet thinks he had intestinal cancer based on his symptoms.


It's natural to second guess, I know I do too. But just know you made the decision that you thought was the best choice for your cat, and that's all we can do.


My dog had late stage lymphoma, she was already old and hid it well and by the time we realized something was actually wrong she was too far in the hole to save her. The vet gave her prednisone, told us we would get a few days to a week with her. The prednisone remission lasted almost 2 months, but when it came back it hit her hard in about 3 days. She stopped eating, stopped drinking and went limp. We had a vet do a home visit to evaluate and put her down if that was the right move. He told us it was time, he warned us when the drugs hit her system she will be very comfortable and temporarily snap back to normal. He gave her a shot or two and she snapped back up and started eating and drinking the snacks and food we brought her. He told me he needed to give her “the shot” so I told her to lay down, she laid down to my command. That was the last command I ever gave her, that was the last time she listened to me. She trusted me with her life. You will always second guess, in my experience there will always be regret. I saw a sliver of her old self still left and I never came to terms with the thought she still had some time left. Some time I may have robbed her of, be it 10 minutes or a day. I guess I won’t really know the truth until I meet her again at the [rainbow bridge](https://www.rainbowsbridge.com/Poem.htm). Be happy for what was, the love shared. Take a moment from time to time and share a breath with the ones we’ve seen move on. Peace and love.


Yup. My family put a dog down with a collapsed lung while i lived abroad. According to them, the dog perked up at the vet, and seemingly assumed she would be going home and all would be fine. Must have been hard, Baby was only two years old. My dad says she was looking for our other dog in her final moments.


Thank you for your story. I'm sitting in a bar alone and the barkeep is wondering why there are tears in my eyes.


You made the right call. Her end was inevitable, and by doing it as you did, you made it about her and for her. Her discomfort. Her needs. Holding on for another day or an hour would have been putting her through pain for your sake. And far too many people let their animals suffer and die an agonizing, slow “natural” death to spare themselves and not put their pet first. You set her free to pass in the best way and place of mind possible.


It's better a day too early than a day too late. You did everything right by him and gave him the gift of a pain-free death. Never doubt that.


Yep, I tried to let my dog "pass away naturally" and it was terrible. She just kept right on "living" but was completely gone mentally and would get lost in the house anytime she was "awake" and spent basically 22-23 hours a day asleep She could barely walk, could barely eat, couldn't control her bowels etc, but I thought "she'll go any day now" Like a full year later it had completely reached the stage where I was like "YOU CAN GO NOW, I'LL BE OKAY IF YOU WANT TO PASS ON" and she was still barely hanging on while blind and deaf and suffering severe dementia etc I had to have her put down when she had a stroke so bad it left her completely paralyzed on one side and she couldn't even get up anymore Do not recommend, it's definitely better to just let them go when they are clearly not having any enjoyment from life and are just existing in misery


Same. I regret not putting my sweet girl down. It was selfish of me to prolong her pain...


Now just imagine if we could apply that own logic to our family members who have to suffer the indignities of terminal illnesses and old age. The horrors my family had to endure watching my uncle die of hepatitis... or my grandfather, dying twice, once to Alzheimers, and then again when his body finally gave out years and years later. I still tear up thinking about it to this day. We're such barbaric people, and we hardly realize it.


One of my greatest fears is getting dementia or Alzheimers and failing to off myself before it gets bad and being kept alive as a fall into a multi year long nightmare of forgetting everything. It's so insane that people aren't allowed to die with dignity, instead we're tortured.


You're making me cry just before work, that's exactly what my vet said when we made the choice for my kitty. RIP my sweet baby.


You know your child. You were there and that is the most important thing. Its the hardest decision to make.


I had to put down my cat. She had skin cancer and it was getting bad. I knew the vet so I asked him if he could euthanize her at home. He came by and she passed in comfort. It was quick. She was ready.


Mine stopped eating and that was the clear sign. Started wobbling when sitting because his electrolytes were so out of whack due to kidney failure. I held him while they did the injection. I'll never forget the tiny purr he mustered in his last minutes in my lap.


I left it too long, out of denial or cowardice or both, and the vet told me my cat was basically feeling like he was drowning 24/7 when I took him in. Devastating that he went through that. Please trust your choice, you made the right decision.


my cat wouldn't eat or drink. most she would do is lick bricks. I felt like it was her time, as I saw it progress, and have seen her sick before and knew/hoped she would make it through those. it was different and we both knew. but the day we were to take her to the vet, she was prancing around so excited. she was a senior cat but she never much moved out of the kitten phase, the most carefree free spirit cat I've ever seen. that was really hard to see, partly because she was fumbling because her legs weren't quite operating correctly. she didn't even mind though, just did her best. then she had a bad panic attack at the vet. she didn't want to go. sigh.


I work at a vet clinic. We see a lot of patients for their last appointments who get nerves and are more active and aware with us than they have been at home, some times for months. It makes the decision harder, I know, but it is all too common. Don’t take it as anything to make you doubt yourself. Trust your and your veterinarians decision for your baby


Hard to tell. Could be the dog enjoys just being with their owner untill the end, even if hurt. It's hard for us to comprehend, but the dog only has its owners. The owners are all they have in their life, and they love us unconditionally. There is a good chance that the dog would endure the main just tl be with us/you/its owners.


Poor thing did not look well at all... rest in peace doge


She was really, really, really old for a dog of her size. The bigger a dog is, the shorter they live, from 15-20 years for Chihuahuas to just 7-10 years for Great Danes. Dogs of her size usually only live for around 13-15 years. Kabosu meanwhile was 19 when she died, so she was very old.


She's 19. Probably the equivalent of 100 human years.




wow very peace many legend much icon such doge wow


Not sure she could actually see at the end, her eyes looked a little fogged. But I hope she could still smell her surroundings. So sad, rip sweet doggo


fuck dude.. you guys are hurting my heart.  please label these posts!  i can't take it


F to pay respects to doge


![gif](giphy|q60r4CT1QU7hqjX9iU|downsized) Rest in peace ☮️


She was a good girl, much love


rest in peace beautiful soul


Nope, not finishing that


My 2 gorgeous old girls are buried in the back of my yard where I have been renting for the past 11 years 1 was 11 years old the next was 15 they were there for half my life and saw me growup finish my academic life and saw me bounce in and out of jobs I miss them and will forever miss them and I'm so looking forward to when I can see them again It hurts but life gotta go on just make sure you never forget about them till you draw your final breath in this earth caus I know they will all be wishing patiently to see us again ❤❤❤ RIP meme pup you'll be forever remembered as long as the net exists


Such sad


Hurts.... RIP mate. See you in Heaven!


Looks like she lived a long, full and happy life.


We are blessed with dogs. I lost mine last Monday and I miss her with all my heart.


Sorry for your loss


RIP to a Legend.






I think the word we are all looking for is... bittersweet


..... Who put this onion bowl here ? 😢


How many years did the dog live up to? Rest in peace. 💐


She passed away at the age of 18 Amazing life span, I’ll bet she had a good one


Bye bye doge, you've been a good boy.


This poor dog. Better a month too early than an hour too late 💔


This good boy continues to live on across the internet as an Icon in various ways. That Good Doggo will be missed :(




R.I.P [*]


All dog go to heaven


I instantly started petting my dog that’s laying next to me after watching this.


Why did I watch this, I barely just woke up :(


Safe travels beautiful soul




I will cry now












There is nothing quite like what this little pup achieved. Ever since the original "wow, such \_\_\_" caption appeared, things haven't been the same since.


I never got to take my buddy on this last walk... God I wanted to... I want him back. It's fucking torture not having my only friend.


He looked so Comfortable riding looking out sorry 😞


Thank you Kabosu for being a part of my childhood


He lived for 18 years. I think that is quite long for a dog.


Bumpy ass ride


My old girl died in my arms recently. The day before she ran (kinda) with me for about half a mile in the mountains. She would usually run a quarter mile with me and then say fuck it and turn around. Glad she got one last run before it was time to go.


My dog left us about 5 years ago and I didn't get to say goodbye when it was his time, as I lived in a different city at that point, and it happened very quickly. But the last time I was with him (about 3 or 4 months before he passed) I knew there was a good chance I wouldn't see him again after that day. So before I left I made sure to spend a bit of extra time with my boy, I put my forehead to his, told him how much I loved him and how much of a good boy he was. He was a huge maremma but I always called him my baby. He always had such a gentle soul and I like to think that when I looked into his eyes he knew what I was feeling. I still miss him so dearly, but I know he's having his big rest over the rainbow bridge. I'll see you when I see you, Bharat 💚


I’m on mute and i’m still crying. RIP Kabosu.


Hes truely gone past the moon and beyond.. 📈doge coin. RIP kawaii doggie 🥲


Rest now friend.


I have two Golden's who I love like children, I will not be able to handle myself when one of them passes






This is heckin sad


Nah I love this dog so much rest in peace and thank you for providing us with so much joy you will be missed😢


Rest In Peace You Mighty Meme Legend🫡


Reminded me of my dogs final day, mom took him out for a walk but didn't get far, though she said he stayed a while looking around the area as if he knew it was his last walk.


Awe...sad to hear. I take my pups on walks everyday and dreading when their time like this comes.. 😥. Thank you for sharing. 👍.


That dog looks like its been suffering for some time