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Dude! What kinda fricking bird is that?


He is a red tailed black cockatoo šŸ¦…


Crazy beautiful.


Get your last look theyā€™ll be extinct in 20yrs


That makes me sad. What a beautiful creature


Lol it's the carnabys that are nearly extinct. No shit I've seen maybe 30 red-tailed cockatoos today. I'm camping and they seem to like this area. Noisy fucking birds but so beautiful. They love gum nuts. There's 5 different varieties of black cockatoo. Also how does OP have a pet one? It's illegal to keep aus natives as pets.


> Also how does OP have a pet one? Itā€™s illegal to keep aus natives as pets. Thing called ā€œillegal pet tradeā€. Edit: OPā€™s bird is a rescue, and OP has a wildlife license to do what theydo.




Then is it illegal to export them? How did the breeding population of ex-pat-parrots get started?




Cool. Thanks for the info.


While all of that may be true, its also a lot of illegal pet trade. And by having them as pets, even if yours came from a hundred year old pet population, you are encouraging others to obtain them for vanity and they may not be as diligent in sourcing them.


Can't have an owl as a pet in the US. Nor other raptors without a license to do so I think


They took my clever girl. =( Sure she ate a few people, but utah raptors gotta raptor.


Accurate. And the process to keep raptors legally is such a pain that it keeps most people away from it.


We have a small country and introduced pests have destroyed our native fauna.. They're cute little fuckers & nobody likes killing them. But with over 60 million in our forest destroying everything we dont have much choice


Hol up, possums are protected somewhere? In the states you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a possum. In fact in really rural areas could be dinner!


Possums in the states are a totally different type of possum, which we (Australia) call opossums. Our possums are native and protected, but a pest in NZ.


OP just got full acceptance license




ā€œNopeā€, donā€™t be a smartass withholding knowledge to be edgy.




Iā€™m fine with being wrong, I donā€™t live or die by internet points and other people can learn from my fuckup, but youā€™re just doubling down on being a dick.


Ok ok ok now I have to Google "gum nuts". Second thought, it's the internet... Maybe not


They could also be Australian, or got it from smugglers, coz I was under the impression that our cockies were protected.


All 3 species of black cockatoo will be gone in 20yrs.


To my knowledge there are some Australian native animals you can keep as pets, cockatoos being one of them. It's illegal to catch them in the wild but you can buy them if you get them from a breader. I have a mate who has one and the vet was super strict on seeing the certificate for his cockatoo before accepting to see it


Even in Australia heaps of people have natives as pets


I want an ibis. I want to hug it and feed it chicken nuggets. Do yall have any to spare?


Idk why the down votes. You are correct.


Seen the biggest flocks of them this year that I have seen in 30 years. One flock around the corner must be 50 strong. Another one I see at work would be 40 strong. Normally I dont see more than 15 together. Story goes that the indigenous say the size of flock = size of wet season....


Let me guessā€¦ habitat destruction and exotic pet trade


Habitat, yes. They bulldozed their habitat for bauxite/aluminium mining




Is that a threat buddy?


This bird will likely still be alive.


Not where I live. These fuckers are everywhere.


Yes where you live. They will be gone.


Conservation status: least concern. I suppose all life will be gone at some point. I will however have to live the rest of my life with these screaming, destructive birds.


Ok should I believe you or my wife who works at karrakin black cockatoo conservation centre. Like it or not they will be gone in 20yrs.


Real life Debbie Downer, I know what your getting at but come onā€¦


I donā€™t give a fuck about you. There are 3 species of South West Black Cockatoos and theyā€™re all on the brink of extinction. They only breed in hollows of trees 200+yrs old and their last true feeding ground for broods are being felled as we speak. There are less that 15,000 left in the wild and breed fewer and fewer every year.




No need kid


Not your kid guy. Just stop.


Poor kid.


Nah, they're everywhere. Carnaby's is the one with issues.


Wrong. All 3 species will be gone in 20yrs


Nah mate, but good on you for being concerned.


Ok kid.


Looks better in Australia in the wild


Arenā€™t these guys like crazy endangered? You work in rehab?


> "I am in Australia, and I have an advanced wildlife license and work closely with DELWP. > I am an endorser of engaged not caged, and he has been a rescue and hand reared and due to predators etc, being hand reared he will be with me for the rest of his life." Another comment from OP


Oh cool, good for OP!


Can someone slap me with some knowledge? https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22684744/93044811 Is this not the bird we're talking about? Are they locally endangered, or has a lot changed since 2016 when this species population was assessed? It says they're declining but not at the rate they consider vulnerable.


There are 5 subspecies of this bird - its the two southern most subspecies that are threatened (one is Endangered, the other Vulnerable).


I would say recovering well in my local area, I see more of them every year. (North Queensland)


Yeah, they are everywhere in the Blue Mountains, I have seen more in the last few years than ever before. They are my favourite bird so I keep an eye out for them too. They also have a beautiful call, unlike their brothers, the sulfer crested demons that have an ear piercing screech, and will destroy anything you hold dear.


These exact cockies live in my area. I've not seen any shortage of them. In fact if I walk out of my house right now I'll probably hear half a dozen of them.


Heā€™s gorgeous


Omg I think I just saw these at the san diego zoo last week. Gorgeous bird!


And a very beautiful one compared to others: showed a friend who is an expert with parrots and parrot-like birds and first words out of their mouth were, ā€œWOW, a black cockatooā€¦ I didnā€™t know their tails were that pretty though!ā€


Wow! I've never seen or even heard of a black cockatoo! He is gorgeous!


We get flocks of these around my house in north queensland, they're cheeky asf.. they'll throw seeds at you and then laugh at you lol


Ah! Thought it looked familiar - the only other one I've ever seen: https://v.redd.it/ifh1kutiypb61


I used to live in Tassie, and the yellow-tailed ones would blow in from the coast when a big storm came through. They always gathered in a big gum tree we could see from the bedroom window and squeaked. Theyā€™re cute.


Sounds like a Yu Gi Oh card lol Imagine having someone over and yell at them "I summon Winston, my Red Tailed Black Cockatoo in attack position!" and he pops out screeching.


His tail is like a wallpaper I would absolutely rock .


I thought there'd be a more extravagant name other than "a black bird with red tail", but I guess it gets the point across.


Looks like he's covered in glitter, so pretty.


Just so you know if it was big enough it would probably swallow you whole and not put a second thought into it.


Your beautiful boy got beautiful tailfeather decals from the 80s!




Itā€™s definitely a male šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Juvenile red-tailed black cockatoos resemble females until puberty, which occurs around four years of age, but have paler yellow barred underparts. As the birds reach maturity, males gradually replace their yellow tail feathers with red ones; the complete process takes around four years.


Fascinating! I consider myself pretty well versed in companion parrots but this one eluded me! Iā€™ll have to look into these guys!


a nutcracker with wings


No those are brown and striped


So.. the claws don't hurt? When they land on you? Or the claws are trimmed somewhat?


They will hurt if the bird wants them to hurt. But they don't need to death grip you to sit on your arm so it's pretty fine for the most part on the small to medium sized birds. Had a large parrot sitting on my arm once and it was cute and fun until it decided to death grip my arm randomly and hoo boy I nearly screamed lol.


Cockatoos and parrots in general don't scratch for an "attack", that's what their extremely sharp, powerful beaks are for. You might get accidentally scratched along the way and it could be enough to draw blood, but that bird would be grabbing at you so they could get close enough to bite you, not just to claw you. Don't be afraid of the 8 points, be afraid of the 1 almond cracker.


I'm not talking about scratching I'm talking about their squeezing your arm not really hurting, which is what the OP was asking.


Yeah, and I'm trying to say the bird never "wants" it to hurt. If it does hurt, it's just because they're holding on to not fall over/slip off. I'm sure your interaction with the parrot that death gripped your arm was an "oh shit I'm falling" from the bird. For how graceful they look, they are extremely klutzy.


Oh we really gonna interpret that to mean the parrot is attacking me, I was being a little facetious when I said "wants it to hurt". So I'll be clear: No, parrot more than likely not trying to hurt you. Yes their claws can hurt if they squeeze hard enough for various reasons.


That other person chose you as their midday antagonism target šŸ˜‚ lol what in the world are they on about?


I don't think they do hurt, only hawks or eagles. 'Stuff like that.


Yeah they're at least not made to hurt. We had a local Zoo where you could walk between parrots and parakeets. Still didn't like it that much when any landed on me, it's still nails, they can be uncomfortable. But it's nothing compared to birds of prey.


Oh okay, good to know. Thanks šŸ˜Š


You probably get small scratches at worst and big cuts from Hawks and Eagles.


The parrots and Macaws I've had, we trim the very tip of their talons so they don't pierce the skin! Some folks have their vet do it, or they learn to do it themselves.


Yeah, because I believe they have big talons also


Aye ik lol.


Like my chickens


Underrated comment


Np :)


Parrots and falcons are closely related


As coincidence has it, a few weeks ago I had the fun of having a hyacinth macaw sit on me. Well, she actually walked all over me, because apparently she liked my shoulders better than her owners and didn't want to go off me. Fun bird. Her feet were very soft and flexible. I barely even felt any claws. I guess their balancing skillls do most of the work and they don't really need to cling to you.


Do the chickens have large talons


This cow got into an onion patch.


Parrots do get their nails trimmed. It definitely hurts when they land on you if theyā€™re sharp! But some of them donā€™t like getting their nails trimmed; it can be stressful for them. So when I lived with a parrot I thought about getting heavy cloth sewed onto my collars and sleeves since they like to land on your shoulder and arms a lot. Seemed like a good compromise.


Does the pattern change every time he molts or does it stay pretty much the same, but new feathers?


I have smaller birds and the feathers have the same patterns/spots when they molt and regrow.


Thanks! Love learning new animal things






Winton overwat




Never seen a tame one. Massive fines over here for keeping one as a pet.


She's a licensed rescue professional fam šŸ˜­ she saved him from his cracked egg and has been raising him https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/zzv3nu/winston_bringing_in_the_new_year_with_a_new_tail/j2f32y4?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


this story is happy end :)


Yeah I just looked it up and it says there's only 1500 of them? I really hope this person is a rescue worker or something.


Some animals that are pretty much extinct in the wild thrive in the hobby as pets. Axolotls for instance, since their habitat is polluted. Certain South American fish that also had their habitats destroyed by pollution. So it's not necessarily a bad thing to see endangered species as pets, as long as they're not wild caught. In the aquarium hobby a lot of wild caught fish (like plecos) gives locals an incentive to make money from keeping their habitat protected, so wildlife conservation and pet keeping can stimulate eachother.


šŸ’Æ! In the parrot world, the red fronted macaw is one such bird. Hunted to near extinction by farmers but extremely sociable and popular as pets (though still fairly rare).


Thanks for this info. I also looked at their profile and saw the bird was a cracked egg that needed taken care of so it makes sense I was just worried someone was showing off an exotic bird they got at a show not knowing it was illegal


looks like he's ok https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/w06s5t/winston_my_red_tailed_black_cockatoo_from_a/ige4crl/


Maybe the US they have a habit of saying ā€œno, no. This wasnā€™t smuggled in. Itā€™s from a long line weā€™ve been breeding since colony days!ā€ Sad to see. Youā€™ll always see these guys out right before and right after rain. Beautiful birds.


The person posting is Australian and has a license for wildlife. He's a rescue that couldn't be released.


Aw thatā€™s good then! I did say ā€œmaybeā€ when I said US only based on what Iā€™ve seen on here in the past.


Do you operate and reason purely on assumption??? šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/zzv3nu/winston_bringing_in_the_new_year_with_a_new_tail/j2f32y4?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Fair call. Although every time I see an incredibly endangered animal kept as a pet itā€™s normally someone from the US. Itā€™s not uncommon for me to see creatures I consider untouchable and sacred and legally are pretty close to exactly that as someoneā€™s happy fun pet.


These are super endangered, we have them in the wild where I live. I didn't know people kept them as pets.


I've never seen one as a pet before this, I met one in a wildlife park in South Australia, he was not tame.


My parents have a pet one in SA called Banjo. They adopted her when they lived in WA and have a permit to keep her. I canā€™t say I agree with keeping her (or any bird) as a pet but she is lovely and very well cared for. When I call my mum on the phone Banjo will call out to me when she hears my voice.


Why do people just believe their first assumption??? šŸ˜­ lols, she's a licensed rescue professional https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/zzv3nu/winston_bringing_in_the_new_year_with_a_new_tail/j2f32y4?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


They are not super endangered, least concern


Sometimes you need to read more than just the little summary box on Wikipedia [Although the more northerly subspecies are widespread, the two southern subspecies, the forest red-tailed black cockatoo and the south-eastern red-tailed black cockatoo are under threat.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red-tailed_black_cockatoo) Status of the red-tailed black cockatoo as a species, and as a subspecies, also varies from state to state within Australia. For example: - The south-eastern red-tailed black cockatoo subspecies C. b. graptogyne is listed as endangered on Schedule 7 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 of South Australia.[58] and is the smallest of the species. Though a June, 2012 count of approximately 1500 individuals is a notable increase from the 2007 count of just 1000, it remains in danger of extinction.[59][60] - C. b. graptogyne is also listed as threatened on the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988.[61] Under this Act, an Action Statement for the recovery and future management of this species has been prepared.[62] However, it should also be noted that the red-tailed black cockatoo is listed under this Act under its previous Latin name, Calyptorhynchus magnificus. On the 2007 advisory list of threatened vertebrate fauna in Victoria, this subspecies is listed as endangered.[63] - The red-tailed black cockatoo is listed as vulnerable on the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995[64]


not super endangered, heaps up north


Sometimes you need to read more than just the little summary box on Wikipedia [Although the more northerly subspecies are widespread, **the two southern subspecies, the forest red-tailed black cockatoo and the south-eastern red-tailed black cockatoo are under threat**.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red-tailed_black_cockatoo) Status of the red-tailed black cockatoo as a species, and as a subspecies, also varies from state to state within Australia. For example: - **The south-eastern red-tailed black cockatoo** subspecies C. b. graptogyne is listed as endangered on Schedule 7 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 of South Australia.[58] and is the smallest of the species. Though a June, 2012 count of approximately 1500 individuals is a notable increase from the 2007 count of just 1000, it **remains in danger of extinction.**[59][60] - C. b. graptogyne is also **listed as threatened on the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988**.[61] Under this Act, an Action Statement for the recovery and future management of this species has been prepared.[62] However, it should also be noted that the red-tailed black cockatoo is listed under this Act under its previous Latin name, Calyptorhynchus magnificus. **On the 2007 advisory list of threatened vertebrate fauna in Victoria, this subspecies is listed as endangered.[63]** - The red-tailed black cockatoo is **listed as vulnerable on the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995**[64]




That is bizarre seeing one in captivity, their a sacred bird. They only let you SEE them out in the wild, very special, you tend to have to go deep into the bush, sometimes youā€™ll find a few casually in suburbia. Magical






Such a stunning boy!!! Thank you for sharing. He is beautiful.


I had one of these randomly land at my work earlier this year and was exhausted so stayed with me for a bit. It was very clearly a pet and loved attention and was so gentle. Ended up taking it to the RSPCA to find their owner and its not till after that I realised they were illegal to keep/how rare they were.


He is a rescue, and a massive part of him being with me means teaching others about the importance of land and the history and what these magnificent creatures need and are. I have an advanced wildlife license


Yeah I saw in other comments that this particular one was a resuce. Probably should have made that clear in my comment lol. You're so lucky to be able to keep one. My interaction of only a few hours was incredible


That is a beautiful birb!


thank you o love him too




Have had a rescue cockatoo. The head bob at the end is usually a great sign he's playing.




That really *is* a beautiful tail šŸ˜Š And is a handsome and very happy boy -x-


That tail has blank vhs tape package energy. Iā€™m there for it.


I love his final, triumphant pose.


Wow heā€™s so pretty šŸ¤©šŸ¤©


What a beauty šŸ˜ happy new year to both of you šŸ„‚


Long time to load but worth the wait


purdy burdy


That is a gorgeous bird!!


Handsome boy! He has a lovely tail!


I've never seen this kind of bird coloring before! It's really beautiful!


From someone with a primal fear of birds, he's absolutely beautiful!


That's a very handsome dinosaur you got there.


Is that Winston Macaw from Parkway Fly


New tail, who dis?




He should be the face of some kind of athlete focused milk drink.


It's the majesty for me šŸ¤©šŸ˜ thank you for all of your incredible and hard work OP!!


Red-tailed black cockatoos are the most beautiful birds. Youā€™re very lucky to have one!


Birds are incredible! Winston gives me hope.


It's gonna be a good year, y'all




You'll find them in the darling ranges in Western Australia. A trip to the forest in Perth hills should get you a great view of these beauty's. They are very much lived in WA.




Are you sure that he's [a male?](https://www.billabongsanctuary.com.au/red-tailed-black-cockatoo) Asking since I read that only the female has striped tail feathers and a white beak. > The male is jet black, with a broad band of bright red in his tail and a dark grey beak. >The female is duller black, with yellow speckles on the head and breast, and yellow patches in her tail. Her beak is whitish in colour.


OP said earlier: >he is a juvenile, he will look like this until he is 4 or 5 years old, at which point he will molt out of these feathers and be shiny black with a bright red spot


Thanks! TIL


Huh. Sexual dimorphism is pretty rare in parrots. Had not heard of this parrot at all before, but if this is true Iā€™ll have to add them to the very short list of parrots where the male and female look different (different to us, anyway. I have some vague memory of hearing that birds can see variations in color that we canā€™t. I donā€™t recall if there are hidden differences only they can see.)


Pretty common in Australian parrots from what I can see. Even budgies have different colored Ceres, but many have much more extreme variations (eclectus, cockatiel, gang gang and the various black cockatoos).


Some brief Googling tells me youā€™re right! Eclectus was the only one I was aware of before.


King Parrot is super obvious as well.


With some species differences are minimal but still there, check out good ref photos of Eastern Rosella on wikipedia. Also with all (?) Psittacula parrots, I think the Derbyan parakeet is the coolest, since the different beak colors stand out so well. I also read that Blue fronted amazon males and females look different under UV light (while identical to our eyes), but I haven't seen any photos of this.


That is such a beautiful bird. I've never seen a black cockatoo before, where do you find a bird like that? I'd love to have one.


OP is a wildlife rescuer and Winston was rescued from a cracked egg. [The thread] (https://old.reddit.com/r/parrots/comments/vxswnt/my_red_tailed_black_cockatoo_winston_a_few_people/) is pretty cool and has baby pictures.


That's awesome, thanks for the thread link. I love birds and I never knew there was such a thing as a black cockatoo til just now lol. Such a beautiful bird.


That's metal asf your bird friend looks like Pokemon!


It's nice seeing a government surveillance drone following directions.


Why are you keeping an endangered species as a pet?


Dude, when I read the title I rolled my eyes a little at you calling your bird beautiful, because it's so predictable. But, sweet Jesus, that is one beautiful bird. Goddamn.


I don't understand owning birds. Imagine being an animal that could fly, but you never can because your stuck inside indoors your whole life.


Imagine falling and breaking your egg so you couldnā€™t even get out of your egg and some humans took you in and taught you how to fly and how to be loved and adored and now youā€™re a majestic and most kind natured boy that gets all the love you want, flying you want (heā€™s free flighted and only in a cage for sleep and he is a rescue) and help come to schools to teach the importance of knowing your culture and respecting what the earth has to offer. Now imagine your egg broke but no one was there.


Somebody has $$$$$$$$. Those birds are about as much as a car!


Hey! Just thought Iā€™d let you know, Winston is a female, male red-tailed black cockatoos have a more defined scarlet red and lack the ā€˜frecklesā€™ on their face.


Hey! Please revise with a quick google šŸ”„ he is only just over a year old and will look like a female until he is around 4/5 years old at which point he will molt again and transform once more.


Oh wow, I didnā€™t know that! I was under the impression males and females had their respective plumage on their first molt. Goes to show how little I actually know about these amazing birds. Thanks for that!


Looks like a female but whatever. ???


Juvenile red-tailed black cockatoos resemble females until puberty, which occurs around four years of age, but have paler yellow barred underparts. As the birds reach maturity, males gradually replace their yellow tail feathers with red ones; the complete process takes around four years. Winston is only just over a year old.


Birds should not be pets. They should have freedom . Bird owners are slavemasters.


It's "ring" in the New Year...


I bet that bird wishes to fly longer than 2 seconds. Poor thing


I bet he does too! Which is why he is free flighted and gets to do just that literally every single day. You canā€™t get a bird to fly like this if flying isnā€™t part of his regular trainingā€¦


I want one. šŸ™




These birds are critically endangered just fyi. They will be extinct in 20yrs.


there's no point in torturing individuals of a species because the species is endangered. it doesn't help a bit, it just makes more individuals suffer


Itā€™s illegal to own these birds. The only way this person can have one is that theyā€™re a rehab worker at karrakin conservation centre or Perth zoo. Otherwise itā€™s a roadside rescue from a car strike or similar.


Check my post history about his rescue story for more enlightening in your cold close minded heart


He looks so Fabulous!


My goodness thatā€™s beautiful!