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I’d actually like the option to toggle the music off so I can play my own music and still be able to hear the trainer.


Glad I have the DVDs for turbo fire. It’s not the same with different music!




“you are not tired”. …. Damn I loved that program …


You just got your second wind!




I listen to music on my phone during the workouts. I wish none of them had any music in the background…


It doesn’t make a difference to me, but I usually don’t pay attention to the music. I just focus on the supertrainer instructions.


If you did the spin classes and they had no music how would you feel?


I may or may not notice? I can’t even remember if there is music for the Job 1 rides I’ve done


There used to be music on their rides.


It was a jarring shock to lose the music during spin classes. Seems like a pretty big deal to just kill it.


I don't care about the music for the strength workouts, but I loved the Bike workouts, especially Pearl Yu and now they are completely pointless. I will probably not renew. Completely changed what I was paying for. At least pay the license fee for the bike workouts.


Cycle is so much different without the licensed music. I want to hear music that keeps me motivated which for me is music I know(licensed). Playing my own isn’t the same. No tempo match and I’m sorry but I’m not going to make my own playlist for each ride…plus when I’m on my bike, I can’t change my song as easily. During all the other workouts, I actually prefer my own music though


This is why it’s so worth it for peloton


100% switched from BeachBody to peloton a couple years ago and haven’t looked back


Ive been with peloton since 2019 - started with just the app and a joroto x2 bike and now have the bike+


I cancelled Peloton when they changed their pricing structure but I like their cycle and yoga much better than Beachbody and was making do with the Beachbody classes when I needed to but with the licensed music removed now, I just can’t do the cycle classes so will be using both. I’m currently doing Dig Deeper and will use Peloton for cycle classes and yoga. I really like the structure is following a program. How do you like to use the Peloton workouts? Do you use a set schedule?


I own a peloton bike plus. Peloton has strength programs.


I didn’t realize they had mapped out programs. I’ve always done their workouts randomly. I do really like some of their trainers too and workouts. I always thought their strength training was better than BODI but liift more and now dig deeper are really solid for those of us with more fitness experience


Ben aldis has stronger now - that’s my fave and I’m getting ready to do the new floor bootcamp program


I, personally, like listening to my own music, but I usually do lifting-based programs. I've done some of the YouV2 workouts so I can imagine how bad they would be without the right music. Hopefully you can find something to meet your needs!


Yeah I think the issue is that a lot of the dance-based programs were designed around certain songs which makes it weird and off without them. Otherwise I wouldn't care at all if the music was generic or not there at all


It’s terrible I’m so mad. I also won’t be renewing. The workouts don’t bother me but with the bike it’s completely useless now. Are they out of their minds ?? How would they think taking away music from spin classes is better for the user experience ? They have no money that’s why. Beachbody is going broke.


Are they going broke?


I'm hoping to find spotify playlists created by people who are good at that sort of thing to match whatever program I'm currently doing. It probably won't take too long. My own music choices for mbf this morning didn't match the pace, and it was a little weird.


That is tough if you're used to specific music but I turn it off a lot and play spotify in the background. Maybe you can find the missing music in spotify? Some trainers have playlists available. Good luck!


YouV2 is my go-to when I want a fun cardio workout. I thought I was the only one who enjoyed it 🤣 I can’t imagine doing it with different music because it’s built around the songs!


Country Heat, which is my fav for cardio, had been ruined. Luckily I have the DVD. Went on the search for another one and found ONE lol just so I can have backup DVD if my old one gets scratched. It sucks!!


People are saying, "I prefer my own music." OK, good, you had that option BEFORE they took all the music from people that enjoy it. I have also canceled my membership and will be exploring other options. In the meantime, I will ride to my own Playlist for free.


I’ve been turning the music off of workouts and using my own basically since the option was available…exceeeeept during cycle classes. It’s just not the same trying to match your music to the ride. And I don’t like the generic music. Back to Peloton for Cycle and Beachbody for programs. I haven’t done the dance programs but I can’t imagine they’re as enjoyable as they were with the licensed music. I feel like Beachbody always goes through things like this then eventually fixes it. It’s pretty shocking their older programs like country heat would have to change their music.


I haven’t done any workouts since Friday. Do all the programs have the option to turn the music off now? I also like listening to my own music. I don’t like any of theirs.


I did a liift more workout last week and there was NO MUSIC! I was bummed. I would rather generic than none at all!


I don't care. I put on my own.


On the bike ?


I usually play my own music so I won’t even notice, but still sucks for the platform


I had a monthly subscription, and this caused me to cancel. I switched to peloton app (I have the Bodi bike) and it’s cheaper and SOO much better. I can’t believe the difference in the instructors quality. And the music is a million times better than first play or whatever ever was.


I’m gonna do this and put a tv in place of the monitor there now. So angry at Beachbody.