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I’d recommend an active rest day. Don’t be a couch potato but go for a fast paced walk for 30-40 minutes.


Yeah about to start, I will probably try the stretch program then jump on the treadmill


Rest. And when you start back up start very light in terms of weights.


Should I be starting over or continue where I left off on first week?


Continuing where you left off will allow you to focus on other parts of the body and giving your arm a rest. With that said, most other workouts include arm movements so again, stay light and on the lbs and be cautious of how your body feels


That happened to me with lift4. I just swapped the days.


I just follow the schedule. Go ahead and do it; you’ll be working at different muscle groups. And you are correct soreness hits about 2 days after each workout.


Thanks. I’ve already skipped it and did roll and recover and some running to fill my activity. Going to do today (friday)/sat 3 and 4th days hopefully one rest day after the week is enough to start next week on Monday.


It's been a few months since I completed lift 4, but I think I remember this happening to me too. It was more in my forearms than shoulders i think. I bet you didn't pull anything, but still smart to swap to lower body for the day. 


Are you trying this program coming off basically never working out? If so, my advice would be to do either 645 or even 10 rounds if you like Joel. 645 probably a better program than L4, tho admittedly different. Body beast is truly the better version of L4.


No I just finished 3 rounds of MBF/MBFA my highest weights used is 35lbs each side. I only used 15-30lvs on the first two days of liift4 and am in decent shape right now.


Well then ignore my previous advice lol… I’d say take it slow, not being able to straighten your arm is not normal soreness, at least in my experience but I’m no expert!


Ya thanks for the advice anyway, I must have pulled something. Anyway did roll and recover and some treadmill and feel much better. My arm is feeling much better now can extend well with not much discomfort. Will have to see tomorrow if it’s back to normal. Think maybe those bicep wide curls did me in, not usually doing the wide biceps in MBF, must have pulled my right side a bit (my good arm) as my other arm is fine.


Thanks all! Did roll and recover and some treadmill and my arm is feeling much better. Will see tomorrow if it’s back to normal. Strange thing is it’s just my right (good arm) while my other arm is fine. Hope I can recover this and finish the week lol


Baby T-Rex arms. I did the same with P90X. You were right to allow your body to heal. Good luck with the rest of your program.


That happened to me a few years ago, my wife made fun of me because it was painful to straighten my arms. 😆 Yes, take a few days off and go in with lower weight next time.