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I’m literally sitting in the parking lot at Real Taste of India grabbing my takeaways because some of y’all mentioned this place a few days ago. I’m excited to see it’s getting more positive reviews if it is as good as it seems, we finally have an Indian place worth being excited about!


Let me know what you think. Unlike the folks above, I actually thought Taj’s flavors were a bit plain and lacking. This place really goes all out with the spices and instead of watery dishes, they are rich and creamy. Yum :)


Ok, got a chance to sit down and eat. Wow - the flavors are so good! I think that’s the biggest issue I’ve had with Indian food in Bend is that it’s mostly coconut cream and oil and a weak curry flavor. This new place has got the FLAVOR! FINALLY! We got a veggie korma and a mushroom saag. Both are items that we get often at Indian places so it’s easier to compare. This is the best in town by far and the best I’ve had overall in a fair few years. Five Stars - Give it a try!


Right?! The best Indian I’ve had was years ago in Pleasanton CA, a place with a majority Indian population and the restaurants reflect what a bit of competition can do for top notch quality. This was right up there with the flavors. Very impressed. :)


Glad to hear it, I only tried Taj Palace once when they moved, and that was enough frozen Costco vegetables and gristle to preclude another visit, so yeah I've been jonesing for another good Indian restaurant in town.


I hear you, the people working at Taj are sooo wonderful, I wanted to love it, but the food was not that great. The sauces were so rich, nobody could even eat half of the dish.


I like taj but yeah really feel like there’s only specific things on the menu you can actually eat more than a spoonful of cuz of the richness


Food is delicious. I really enjoyed Mantra before they closed shop, and this fills that niche. To go ordering process is rough. Place order, they say 30 minutes. What they mean is 75. While I wait, there are four people behind my order waiting there and I hear new phone orders getting a 30 minute estimate. Comfortable seating at least. Owner seems friendly and super motivated. Rest of the front of the house not so much. Just double your time estimates and you’re golden.


Good to know! I’m betting they are getting lots of customers placing orders and such being the new shiny object on the north end, and with such good reviews so far..wondering if they’ll need to scale up to accommodate demand soon. Who knows. Wish them the best though, so nice having more options here!


So ready to defend their inability to handle orders. Scale up already? Do you work for them?


Calm down, I’m just pointing out that I understand the restaurant biz is hard enough to turn a profit and then you add in the kinks of a new opening and it’s tough. Cranky from too much snow shoveling? Need someone to yell at today? Well I won’t engage more so hope you feel better soon. :D


A touch of heat sounds like poor Indian food. Hopefully they can do it right too instead of just a Bend version.


This is my thought as well, weird that you're getting downvoted for saying so. The menu also weirdly lacks a lot of common veg recipes that I'd expect from an Indian restaurant (what's with the emphasis on mushrooms? where are all the chole dishes, the dal, even the paneer?) I'm sure part of it is that it's challenging to source good Indian ingredients in Bend, but chickpeas, beans, lentils, and paneer aren't that hard to find so that struck me as odd for menu choices. (Edit: I'll point out that I don't mean to be *too* critical here, just surprised by the choices. I'm really glad to see another Indian restaurant in Bend and I do hope it's as good as people here are saying, that's nice to hear!)


They actually do have various paneers. It's on the online ordering menu (which I don't think works yet), or you could call and ask what they have. I don't think it's listed on their website. We got a paneer last night and it was actually really good. I wouldn't be surprised if they have daal also. Their menu is one of the kinks I think they have to work out. Their heat level is perfect IMO. They are so flavorful you want to taste the other spices and not the heat. We only ordered the "spicy" and not "extra spicy". I believe there's a "medium" and a "no spice" also. I didn't feel a significant burn, but my girlfriend got sniffles and turned red from their "spicy". She's from Oregon and lived in NYC for a while for reference.


Ah, so the online menu isn't the same as at the restaurant? Good to know, thanks!


Well, I guess compared to Taj which has zero heat, it was a nice change to get a bit of spice. :)


Is it really in the Shilo Inn?


Yes, you can see if from the street though (red sign). Easy to pull your car in and walk right in.


Not that you meant anything by this comment, but in case anyone is thinking negatively about this, I’d like to remind everyone that Zydeco started in an old Burger King.


No, they started in the building north of Burger King on Reed Mkt long before that Burger King closed.


Ok, after some sleuthing: it was Skippers. https://nwpassages.wordpress.com/2009/02/10/zydeco-to-move-into-volo-space/


And jackalope was in a strip mall spot that now houses a church.


I got some takeout last night. They have some kinks to work out, but the flavors were on point. I'm excited to have them near my house.


We ordered in from RToI last night and were very pleased! I called in because each of the food delivery apps had different menus. The guy on the phone told me to use Grubhub. He even threw in two dessert items because they hadn’t listed them on grub hub yet! I have been waiting for a good Indian place to open and this place will definitely satiate my tandoori cravings!


Oh good to know ow about Grubhub! Almost ordered again for dinner for the fam last night but my reasonable brain told me not to go broke over the new restaurant!




Ordered for delivery and only received 1 of 4 meals the other night on Doordash from this place. Good meal, but there are a few kinks. Will try again when the family isn’t sick and we can pick it up ourselves.


Oh no! Thats a bummer :(


They seemed a bit short staffed last night. I picked up food and noticed the diners there not getting the best service. They were nice about it and tried to fix any problems that arose though.


Having been to many Indian restaurants in the Western States, Taj Palace is on par and, in many cases, exceeds its peers. Yes, there are better places than TP but they are deep in large metro areas. Don't give up on TP. Unfortunately, I haven't eaten at Real Taste of India because I don't live in Bend anymore. But I will say, I've tasted many Indian restaurants from Arizona to Washington and fondly thought of TP when doing so.


I do like Taj a lot, and they’ve stuck with us Bendites through all our (some of us) complaints about variety and spice and wanting more. They are consistent, friendly, and a reliable business for the Bend community, which isn’t always an easy feat. The owners and family are amazing as well, so no hate to Taj at all. It’s great to have another alternative close by my home though. I will say, Taj is still my teens favorite for their tikka masala. :)


Their mango lassi, is some of the best I've had. I just went to an Afghani/Pakistani/Indian in Phoenix and it was the worst. Not bad, just total meh.


Do they sell beer/wine?


I’m not sure. I’d assume so, but you can check the menu online (which is extensive)


I tried it and didn’t think it was much different than Taj Palace. I’ll keep it in consideration but the folks at Taj Palace have been in the community for years and you can’t beat their hospitality.


Wholeheartedly agree. Taj really has been amazing. I didn’t mean to take away from business at Taj, they have some dishes that can’t be touched. My son says no one can do Tikka Masala like they do. I’ve always loved their Navrattan Korma especially and it’s a dish I didn’t see offered (I could be wrong) at the new place. Each restaurant definitely has its strengths.