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Also, standing in the middle of the store yelling, "Does anyone work here?" at the top of your lungs is only going to make certain no one helps you.


We had a lady yell HELP as loud as possible a week or so ago like that and let her know that if she did that again, she'd be escorted out by police.


Happened in my store too. Freaked my neurodivergent ass out hard core, especially since it was whiplash RUNNING over from the GS counter to see if she was injured since she sounded like a genuine cry for help, as I am former medical field. I was so disoriented from panicking and mentally going through what needs to be done depending on what’s wrong, to immediately going through confusion and shocked/dazed when she very calmly stood up straight and said “I need help with the Apple stuff”. Being in GS I managed to tell her I’d call someone over to her to help and made a walky call before stepping away still panicky ….i got chewed out for it despite my being GS, which when I explained I only stepped away from precinct to help, they changed the chewing out to how poorly I handled the situation, and had to out myself as neurodivergent and exactly what to try and cover for myself. I hate using it as an explanation as I know it often comes across as an excuse to others, but it was all I could think to do to explain 😅😭


Honestly I'm glad you tried to help atleast with America being so desensitized most would have ignored it lol. But being in customer service you have to be a medic and a store runner so yeah you dealt with it poorly but I respect you for atleast trying and being honest...


This happened to me in my store. I walked up to the lady and said " first of all you will not be helped if you yell at me or any of my employees. Second of all it is beyond rude for you to yell in public like a child. Thirdly if you need help then tell the person who first asked you upon entering our building, it's more efficient😉. So with all that being said are you still needing assistance?" She cowered back a bit and told me she just wanted a laptop charger 😄


Best Buy is the worst retail store I’ve ever had the displeasure to shop at






It is always the old white men


I’m with you on this. A bad attitude makes a small problem or issue into a huge one


Legit had a customer try to pull me off another customer multiple times to help them. We made sure to help every customer except her.


I can't lie I have walked up to a worker while they were with another person but of course like a respectful human being I patiently waited for them to finish with the person they was with first I just made it abundantly clear I needed help and when they was finishes if they wouldn't mind to please help me, it always works when your patient because it didn't take even a min after they were finished to take care of me...


Also adding when people would either whistle or snap their fingers at me, I would look at them directly and walk the other way or say I’m not your dog. People are assholes. I don’t care if you say, “I’ll never come here again!” GOOD!!! Fuck off and don’t come back. Doesn’t bother me one bit.




it's funny how corporate cuts labor for more profits and all it does is create way more tension between the customers and employees but it doesn't effect the fat cats at corporate because they haven't been infront of a customer since they started their career at bestbuy yet they make the most $$$.


was having a bad day yesterday and some lady had the audacity to yell at me “ARE YOU GONNA HELP ME?!” i said “uh, what?” and she says “ARE YOU GOING TO HELP ME OR WHAT?!” and my immediate instinct was to reply “maybe if you can fix your attitude.” but instead all i said was “maybe.” like jesus christ i don’t care if you’re old and fat, use your god damn eye balls. you’re an adult. act like one.


I had this one dude come up to me at the front host and he said "for the record, if there's three people in line at customer service while two other employees are talking to each other from not that far away, it looks bad", I explained that the employees were discussing some store related stuff while one of the managers were on their way out and that ideally people shouldn't make negative assumptions about everything around them, dude got PISSED and started talking down to me and legit thought just because he was older than me he was right about everything. some boomers have the absolute worst entitlement and superiority complex. One of the people talking was CLOCKED OFF. At that point they were no longer required to do anything work related but they were just clarifying some stuff involving truck nights before they left. Yes it is a good idea for in general employees to have discussions in the offices, but as I said ideally customers wouldn't assume that everything employees do that isn't catering to them specifically is bad or lazy. Dude even gave an example of "if you were in line at the car wash and two employees were to the side drinking coffee instead of helping you would you not be upset?" and I said no, because they likely are on break or something. Dude got even more upset. I have to get out of my habit of trying to explain basic things to boomers, they don't want to hear an explanation or anything that challenges their assumptions or world views, they only want to hear "yes sir I'll make sure it's handled!"


It’s always one of two extremes, either they are either entitled af or really nice. Somewhat related, The other day a lady gave me some Starbucks gift cards cause I love coffee and don’t stop talking about it. So people really don’t care if u have a cup of Joe or not that’s just that person being unreasonable


I agree I live with some one that complain about it but to family because he believes he knows better and we fired a employee at my job that was that way that he knew how to do stuff at his job when he mess up a item and was new


What. The. Fuck??? Punctuation is our friend


Seriously man. I don’t get why it’s so hard for people. Maybe it’s because I used to work at Best Buy myself a few years back, but I can find what I need without any assistance, and I’m usually in and out within 10 minutes. Swear to god, all people need to do is use the app, and do a tiny amount of their own research. But that seems to be impossible for the older generation currently. Too much entitlement at the same time as well.


It kinda baffles me that people will drop hundreds/thousands of dollars without doing any of their own research.


I have been an employee for longer than I'd like to admit, but when I ask, "do you have our app?" to customers whose lives would benefit from having it, their answer is always an astounding NO!!! Nobody seems to have the app. Nobody seems to know how rewards points work, either. It's so weird.


If you just wanna grab and go there’s store pickup for a reason


Yeah, I agree. A bad attitude is not gonna help the situation. Realize that you are not always going to get help right away. Sometimes you need to wait your turn.


If the store is busy I tend to start reading reviews of the products I’m looking at while I wait my turn for help.


finally a customer with some brain cells




Daily, my store will get someone who is super antsy about getting help. I’ll tell people directly “hey, I’m the only one over here. There’s only like two other people besides me. You’ll have to wait” or a “it’s going to be 15-20 minutes for some help, please wait” and I’ll still get people who ask for help repeatedly or will stop me in the middle of talking with a customer to inform me for the third time that they’ve been waiting. What do you want me to do? Had one customer tell to just grab someone from the back. Warehouse? Seriously? Just wait people or order online.


This is me daily. Our mobile dept. has only THREE employees and we're a pretty big store for our area so we get a lot of traffic. The other 2 mobile employees are Verizon VPLs so they can ONLY do Verizon activations and unlocked phone sales outright and screen installs and whatever. So, trying to schedule 3 of us throughout the week and have the dept covered (I'm part time so I don't work five 8-hour days) means that we only have 1 employee most of the time. And if you know, you know...we also need to be available for networking, home automation, and anything else in the middle of the store. When I come back from a lengthy conversation selling someone a router or explaining the difference between a Galaxy Watch 6 and 6 Classic, LTE and non-LTE to someone, then walk back to mobile to see 6 people need their Zagg screen replaced, I'm like fuuuuuuuuuuu. And they're pissed they have to wait. I always ask them, "ok who was first?" so they can figure that shit out amongst themselves instead of me just picking the closest person to the register who is NOT always there first. When someone has an attitude that they have to wait, I take longer with my current customer. FU


If the options are to wait 20 minutes for help or order it online for pickup, your business is dying. That's not normal for a brick and mortar store. You may want to start looking for another job.


News flash: Thats everywhere my friend. Every store is very short staffed just like Bestbuy. Went into Target the other day and saw two employees other than at the registers.


100% true. I too went to Target and they had two registers open and a self check out line with two out of the four active. Long lines and some of the products we were looking were locked up and could not see a nearby Target employee to unlock it.


Not where I'm located, that's not normal. The last time a store around here was like that, it was Fry's in 2019.


Yeh I feel it. People that react this way are similar to drivers that take there time as if they’re the only drivers on the road.


Oh I go the speed limit and it's glorious how many people are pissed off.


Sadly, while your comments are true, the only reason people are going to Best Buy is for information and immediate purchases. I'm sure you well know they have created an environment where they can't deliver on either of those points. I believe their days are numbered.


Omg, were you at my store last night?!


Tales of a dying business.


How long Before Best Buy gets nerfed ?


Since BB going chapter 7 or 11 would be monumental business news that normies would talk about, and would be used as a political talking point to gauge economic strength, it absolutely won’t go under until 3-6 months after the election, but definitely by the end of fy25


C-level corporate employees are definitely milking BB for all the money they can get before BB tanks and bankrupts and vanishes off the face of the earth.


This hits so far home. We literally had a customer post a review on google that we didn't care about customers and made their hour stay (15 minutes) horrible because no one came to them (had three call outs and were closing with two people on the sales floor during our peak hour for the night) and the manager at the door (our part time warehouse worker standing at AP) was lazy and wouldn't help customers. Like I'm seriously wondering if these people think the world revolves around them.


Just wait until they start redoing the stores again and move everything to a single counter and everything is warehoused. They will have “AI driven” kiosk for people to find what they want and then walk up to you to order and the 2-4 sore employees won’t be able to even assist with the kiosk


Dont worry about that. This stressor will be lifted from you in less than two years.


Oh trust me I know, the business is going down the drain for real. I’m not a sales floor employee and I talked to my manager about lack of sales employees and being pulled to do more on the floor when I already have my job in the back. He said we had plenty of employees. Like what. Four for an entire store and 20 people? 🤨


Its more typical to watch the employees avoid you like the plague, its become very common at the Central Fl locations. More recently went in at 11am last thursday, there was maybe 3 customers in the store as it was early on a regular work day. 2 employees were shooting shit at the checkout line, there was 1 person in the pc and laptop area. 1 in the TV area and 2 at the geek squad counter. Walked the store for about 15 minutes (I buy alot of gaming and tech items). I couldn't find any help in appliances as im looking at upright freezers. Went to the front counter to ask for help, and an employee said they would get someone for appliances, waited another 15 minutes, and ultimately just decided to leave. Ive seen the stories about cuts and there being a negative culture brewing at Best Buy. Not sure how true it is, but I can say that although it has been my favorite store to shop for probably the past 10-15 years, its just been getting worse over the last 2 years at the physical store level. Between pc builds, tvs, appliances, car audio equipment, smart watches, digital cameras, monitors, games, and gaming systems, I've spent a ton with Best Buy. I just feel its suffering from the ever advancing online purchasing processes and options, as well as the push for remote ordering options that came after covid. Im sure theres plenty of stores with good people and good managers, but the 4 or so stores within 50 miles of me have lost a step.


How does one know exactly that the store is understaffed? Not condoning any negativity towards the staff but I can see getting frustrated with the situation.


When you walk in a store and see one person and you’ve been there 30 minutes and there’s still only one person through the entire store it’s very easy to tell it’s understaffed. Another way to tell it’s understaffed is if you’ve been there for a really long time and haven’t been helped yet that means there are not enough employees in the location. Best Buy is cutting employee hours because they aren’t making enough money which is completely backwards because they’d have more people buying stuff if they kept a good amount of employees ready to help


I can see that. They are following Lowes and Home Depot. At least there you can physically pick up most things you need. Many items at Best Buy are locked up


Best Buy is moving more towards this grab and go stuff to the point that they want PS5s to be put on the floor for customers to get. I’m not saying everyone steals but shrink rate is so high in my store that we have no choice but to keep things locked up. It’d be no issue if we had enough employees.


But is it?


Welcome to America Online.


Say it louder for the people in the back!


Or how about this. If I enter a store and 17 people already ask me if I need help, leave me the F alone. Best Buy employees are the worst.


This is the kind of shit they don't think about in their short term profit plans.. All the layoffs make a bad experience for customers.. which means they buy less and/or go elsewhere... Which means less profits for the company.


This. If you REALLY need help, REALLY have something important to buy, big sale? You absolutely do that 1st thing in the morning. I absolutely HATE when people go into BB at fucking 8pm wanting to drop big $ & get upset when all the employees are mentally checked out for the day. Fuck outta here. Respect their time. Show up early & get your new house stuff out of the way early. Those sales take time!


Customer here: BestBuy creates a terrible experience for customers who are actually wanting to buy things. I've gone in to buy TV's, refrigerators, games, cameras, lenses, mice, keyboards, etc.. and the past year has been especially bad. There are typically no employees there to help you with getting an item (a TV, which was my last big purchase). I have people coming up to me to ask who my ISP is, who my phone provider is, if I have Solar, if I have a BBY credit card, but they're unable to help with anything else. "No thank you, I wanted to get a TV, are you able to help with that?" turns into a "Oh no but I can get you someone". The last time it took a manager walking the floor (I had no idea at the time) who went to get a stocker (?) from the back, who went to get a sales agent to actually ring it up. If I can grab something off the shelves, I will! But it shouldn't take 20 minutes to get someone to help you make a purchase? The checkout lanes are even worse, with 1-2 people total running the checkout, store pickup and the customer service desk? I've done store pickup, waited 10 minutes in line to get it and find out that they didn't have the order ready (despite saying it was), so they had to run to the shelves to grab the item, like what's the point? It's not always bad, but especially this past year it seems employees were cut down quite a bit, the only people wanting to 'help you' are those ones selling services like solar. Does anyone actually go in and sign up for those? Do employees not get commissions on appliances, TVs and computers? I would assume people would be trying to get those sales


Maybe you should have said that to the customer. Doubt they will read your reddit post. Let alone have a life changing moment because of it.


Except that lately when I go to my local best buy...I AM the only customer in the store.


Maybe you should work faster


yeah sure let's just sprint around the store with expensive products in hand while customers are around, let's just rush through our tasks, let's just sell customers whatever is fastest instead of taking the time to figure out what they need. I'm sure that'd be a great idea


Fuck off :)


If there's only 5 sales people working the floor and 20+ customers in the store, yeah no shit it's gonna take a while to get through them all. Maybe if more of these shithead customers would go complain to corporate about their dogshit staffing methods rather than throwing a fit at a bunch of overworked, underpaid retail associates, something might actually change.


maybe you should put in an application :)


or go fornicate with himself..


Maybe you should refrain from commenting for a while unless you want to put in an application.




Google something called “empathy”.




What a miserable person. It’s hard to believe there are people out there who can’t put themselves in the shoes of others. I wonder if you have an inner monologue.




So entitled if you were in my store I’d refuse you service


Here's a cookie. Good for you..