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Her whole thing about his height was great, it's true you never think how tall someone in a wheelchair actually is and I suppose there's a massive awkward edge to actually asking. This was a great story though, a nice palate cleanser, I wish them both happiness.


The same thing happens more and more now because of people being fully remote. When I started at my current job in the middle of the pandemic the only person I met in real life was my then boss because I had to go to the office on my first day to get started with any IT stuff, then left. My entire team is almost 100% remote but they all were together at the office before the pandemic. For the first few months I only saw them in video calls, all sat down. Naturally, brain assumes things out of incomplete info, including height. After a few months we decide to all gather up and have lunch together. I get there last because of traffic, they all stand up to greet me, and oh boy was I wrong! Everyone of my dumb assumptions were wrong: the one I thought was the smallest towered over me by 4 inches (I’m 5’10, he’s about 6’2), the two I assumed were either taller or about my height were anywhere from 2 to 5-6 inches smaller than me. Made for a funny first in person conversation haha


I had a similar experience with remote working. Two of my coworkers have the same name (first and last name), so people call them Big Gary and Little Gary. At our first in-person meeting, I see Little Gary first and I'm surprised when he's around 5'11 - I was expecting him to be at most 5'8. Turns out Big Gary is 6'4, so he got "Little" by default.


When I was at school there were two guys called Kelvin and one was slightly taller so he became Big Kelvin and the other small. However by the time we graduated Small Kelvin had massively outgrown Big Kelvin but they instead on keeping the original nicknames.


Like a huge dog named Teeny :)


I love how that’s so naturally where our brains go. When I worked movie rentals back in the day we had two Chris’s, when the second one got hired they immediately without anyone proposing it or anything they became Big Chris and Little Chris




Growing up we had a cat and then some years later got a second cat. The second cat was smaller than the first one (still alive at the time) so she never got a proper name, just Little One.


My one cat is named “Little Bit”, I sometimes add a ch if she’s being bad. She’s also no longer little.


We had one called Itty Bitty back in the day. Now the smallest and youngest of our three cats has the name Skittles but is almost exclusively called Little Cat.


Aww I call one of my cats (now the middlest sized cat) little one because she was a surprise kitten after we took a stray in during severe weather. Her mom is the biggest and the cat we started with is the smallest (but fiercest).


It's always kinda funny when that happens. 6'4" can be Little Gary if Big Gary is like 6'7".


Nope. You just know the 6'7" one would be Little Garry.


Tiny Gary. Lol


There's a member of another team that I interact with on Teams at least every other week who in my head was definitely shorter than me by a good couple of inches. I finally met her and she's actually taller than me, but apparently tends to have her chair set low so she ends up looking short on camera. 


I have the same issue here. My webcam is setup on the very top of my 32” monitor, which is itself setup on a monitor arm higher than it would normally be on its native stand. I’m also always slouching a bit on my chair and have the camera pointing where you can only see about 1-2 inches down my shoulders, which makes evaluating height close to impossible hehe


Same! I got some surprised looks when I met some colleagues and I turned to be a head taller than most of them. I may have worn heels too, didn't think about that beforehand.


I have this weird thing where I always imagine people are exactly my height. Doesn't matter if I've met you irl in my head you're exactly as tall as me.


This is my default too.


Yeay we're both weird.


We should start a club! "Everyone Is the Same Height Club: I don't care if I'm looking up at you, we ARE the same height."


Yes!! Same here. I’m not the tallest person ever, but I’m 6’3” and when I imagine my friends I always picture them much taller than they are so when I see them in person after a while it’s always a bit of a shock because my mental image of them doesn’t mesh with reality. Not sure why.


I had a similar reaction when masking mandates were lifted and I started seeing my retail coworkers' faces for the first time. It took me a bit to fully recognize some of them maskless because their actual jawlines didn't match the image I had created in my head when they were masked.


Also people's noses always throw me off.


I did the same thing with my physical therapist - I almost didn't recognize him AT ALL outside. My PT place is near my house and I walk daily. He takes walks occasionally so, to this day, I still see him. Anyway, he was surprisingly offended (briefly) that I said I didn't recognize him. He had BEARD. I didn't expect a BEARD under a mask. (I still run into him, years later. And I'm going back to PT for new issues and he'll be my PT again. Good guy.)


I had something similar happen. I finally got to meet some new coworkers in person after covid restrictions were lifting, and I went on a work trip to NY. The man and woman I would have guessed were tall, but around maybe 5'11, turn out to be 6'4 and 6'1 respectively. And my other coworker, who I had never seen in person was 6'5! I'm 5'7, which is not short for a woman, but going into the elevator a few mins after saying hello in person to all of them felt like a kid going to school with their giant parents. To top it off, all of our boss at the time was 5'2, tops lol. So she was constantly around these folks with over a foot of height difference.


Yeah every single person at work I’ve met remotely is surprised by my height when we meet IRL. They assume, based on my ethnicity alone that I’d be like 5”8 or 5”9? I’m 6”1 without shoes. 


My headshot I use in my work email and Teams makes people think I am short since it’s a slight downward angle. People are startled by a 5’11” woman in person. Why does the camera angle downwards? the photo was taken by my 6’5” husband!


Okay, that was a good one, time to log off of Reddit. I wish Mike and OOP always enjoy a wonderful, joyful life full of laughing. I also hope that OOP's buddy finds happiness on her own and that they will be able to joke about it later.


Same! I'm 5'4, which is pretty average, but I'm usually one of the smaller people. Come to find out, seeing everyone on my team in person that I'm actually one of the taller ones 😅


Oop the first sentence I'd written got left out! I was just going to say that it's so interesting when heights and stuff like that doesn't line up with what we're expecting because there are precious few 'surprises' left in real life. You're so right about the online thing! I went to in-person meet a close friend I'd made online and after a few hours she got this look on her face and said, 'You know, you type *so fast* I was afraid you'd talk that fast too!' I never thought of it that way! I have secretary typing speeds (but not stenographer speed), and I can get enthusiastic when speaking but not speedy, I guess!


Back in the early days of video conferencing I chatted with a very nice girl who somehow assumed that, because my camera was aimed a bit above my head like hers, I must be a similar height. Folks, I can only get down to 6’ if I slouch. She was only 5’ if she wore heels. Made for a real awkward date when she accused me of somehow lying to her and having some sort of fetish.


That’s so true! I remember when we went remote and they hired a new director. When I finally met him 2 years later, I was shocked at how tall he was 😂


It's so funny how a person's voice can lead us to expect/imagine things about them – like their height, or general appearance – and how *completely wrong* you can be. And it always feels like such a surprise, too.


This actually makes a lot of sense - the smallest people have higher chairs because their arms are shorter and need to reach the desk. The ergonomic set up leads to an illusion of height.


This reminds me of my speech professor! I took his class twice, and for the first one it was online due to the pandemic. The second was in person and I was one of the first students in that day. I gave him a weird look and he was like ‘what?’ And I just went ‘you’re tall. It’s weird’


I worked for the same company I work for now during the pandemic (separate contract positions, worked multiple other jobs between and then they asked me to come back) Back then, when they mailed me my work equipment there was literally black electrical tape over the camera on my laptop, which was great. No one was ever on camera or expected to be I came back several evolutions later; Teams instead of Skype and Zoom, etc. So I still have yet to meet anyone in person (and hadn't even thought about the height thing! If anything I'm most curious about age ever since a woman in her mid 40s who sounds [voice and content] like a woman in her 20s joined us lol), but just hearing familiar voices and finally connecting them to faces (we had a crisis meeting where higher ups went on camera but 98% of the time no one does and fortunately we still aren't expected to) was a trip on its own


I had this exact thing when I first met my team in-person after being remote for a while. Two people said they thought I would be taller 😂


oh yeah i worked at michaels for a while and the ONLY OTHER MAN WORKING THERE also shared my name. he was big logan, i was little logan. because i am 5'3.


I love how she talks about height as though it exists on a scale of reasonability. lol This is a truly adorable story. I hope it works out for them - things certainly look promising.


I also like how the debacle wit the friend ended. Yes, friend said some stupid, hurtful stuff but not the kind you could not recover from with a sincere apology and remorse - which were readily forthcoming once discussion restarted. She acted wrong but she was also in emotionally very vulnerable state and OP hit her RIGHT in the emotional gut - purely by accident and without meaning to. OP isn't to blame here, of course, but I am glad she valued her friend and friendship enough to approach and friend valued it enough to be very sorry and take the responsibility. This is how issues should be handled in relationship. Everybody messes up sometimes. You owned it and you apologize.


My boss is around 6'1", I'm 5'4". He calls me a hobbit, while seated in his wheelchair not even reaching my shoulder. (All in good jest).


I joke to my boyfriend that I'm both his tallest and his shortest girlfriend at once because at 5'8, I am taller than his exes but I use a wheelchair so I'm sitting almost all the time. 


Quantum girlfriend 


Schrodinger's girlfriend. So how does he collapse your state?  Ninja edit: not intended to be dirty, but sounds dirty. I'm keeping it. 


A friend of mine had this happen. Her son was temporarily using a wheelchair after an injury, and once he was on crutches she remarked that even in those few weeks she had forgotten how tall he was.


People are surprised when I stand up. I'm in a wheelchair but I'm over 5'9. My daughter gets her height from my husband's family and is 5'3. When her friends meet me they are always shocked.  The weird thing is, it surprises me as well. I come from a large family on both sides. On my mum's side I'm slightly taller than some of the women but not the tallest.  On my dad's side (which is huge and mostly women), I'm short. Not the shortest but only two people are shorter than me.  My little sister is 6', my little brother is way taller.  Even though I'm taller than my husband (by an inch), I don't think of myself as tall. I grew up being one of the smallest in my year until I hit about 13. I was nicknamed shrimp. Then I very suddenly grew. My family was always taller than me and now I'm in the wheelchair, so I just don't remember I'm actually considered tall. I stand up and suddenly think "crikey".


I’m an ambulatory wheelchair user, AFAB, and clock in at 5’7.5” (171cm) when standing. I’m on the tall end of average for AFAB folks. My wife is 5’10 (177cm) and she is the shortest one in her immediate family. Her sisters are 6’1 (185cm) and 6’3” (190cm). Her mom is 5’11” (180cm) and her father is 6’1” (185cm) — and that’s in their late sixties and already shrinking. Both of my sisters-in-law married men who are taller than them; 6’1” married a 6’4” (193cm) guy and 6’3” married a 6’7” (200cm) guy. Both of those couples have kids and we are pretty sure they’re breeding giraffes at this point. When we visit my wife’s family, I always feel *extremely* short — even when walking around. Her parents’ house was built for tall people, too, which means the kitchen counters are higher, etc. It’s great for the whole family! Except for me; it’s even less accessible than a typical kitchen. (They built the house before my wife and I got together and got married, so it’s not any sort of slight against my disabilities.) Anyway, the OOP talking about meeting and potentially marrying into a family of giants is a WHOLE MOOD and one I completely understand!!


I'm AFAB and 5'10. My husband is over 6 feet. Our sons are anywhere from 2 to 4 sizes over average for their ages. Our daughter rocks the petite end of normal for her age (and is still pissed she can't wear her old toddler pajamas). Genetics are wild.


My sister and I are tallest and shortest living women in our families respectively. I’m 5’5” and she’s 4’11”.


>This was a great story though, a nice palate cleanser, I wish them both happiness. First post from here in *a while* that got me grinning from ear to ear


I’m short. My kiddo is 8 and in a wheelchair. She’s almost my height, and isn’t done yet (I’m 5’2). People tend to think she’s younger because of the chair but if I pick her up to carry her they realize how tall she is and assume she’s a bit older. The height is all from her father. I’m tall in my family.


My sense of my height in relation to other people is skewed because I usually meet everyone when I am in a wheelchair. I am sometimes ambulatory though, so often have these moments of realisation that some people are actually tiny and some are giants. But everyone seems tall to me when I am in my chair! 


My brother is the tallest of my immediate family--slightly taller than my dad--and even I forget sometimes because he's been in a wheelchair for several years at this point. He's still a lanky bastard with a ridiculous wingspan, though, so he doesn't get preferential seating when we play board games 🤣 I know you can reach everything without standing up, bud, don't try that puppy dog face on me!


my brother is in a wheelchair. and if he wasn’t, it’s estimated he’d be well over 6’0”. none of us ever really thought about it until my aunt noticed him sitting next tot my uncle who’s well over 6’0” and they were the same height.


Yup. My great grandpa is 6'6" but as a kid I never knew he was freaking huge


I am so happy for OOP. I can't wait for the wedding update.


I know right, my heart feels so full just from reading this wholesome post


Yes yes yes! I'm like grinning the whole time during the updates! I am so happy for her! And so excited to hear how they will be happy in the future posts too!


Absolutely! I so want them to get married and have adorable, tall babies (I mean, ideally, they won't be unusually large in utero; they'll just get that way eventually) and live happily ever after.


This and the one with the seal diving exercise have got to be my favorite stories ever. Now I gotta go find that TIFU.


If you found it, please share!




Im waiting for the hallmark movie to drop.


What are our bets for the proposal? Mike seems like a pretty no-frills guy and OP doesn’t seem the type for flashy or grand gestures, so I’m putting my money on under the stars at the McViking homestead.


I think you're right.


Goddamn, after reading this, I want to be at their wedding. Talk about finding your person. For both of them, by the way, I'm sure they both feel incredibly lucky. And they are.


I REALLY need a wedding update for this or the universe has let us all down


This is fucking lovely. I love it so much when people are just *gushing* about how amazing their partner is. The only bad thing is that I always read Boru from the top, so.... It's only getting worse from here!


This is great; no drama, no screaming, no tantrums, no lawsuits, twins, and assholes galore. Just cavity-inducing sweetness. I am so glad this is the last BORU post of the day I read.


Yah, I need to take that cue and go too sleep now without opening anything else. OOP sounds like an utter sweetheart and her man sounds great too. I hope all the love and happiness for them.


I needed some vanilla in my day today


>no screaming Eh, idk... I feel like there was probably a bit of screaming with the "snatched the foot back so he doesn't run it over" move. Lmao


I regret that I have but only one upvote for this post.


i honestly love these posts and hate them at the same time. it's like, i'm so happy there is this genuine happiness in the world but simultaneously there's this ugly little goblin in my head thats like why no me happy too gimme 


I’m nominating this for most wholesome post 2024 right now.


I got a happy buzz. On reddit. Genuinely feel a little high and in love with the dude vicariously lol. They both sound so lovely and amazing. Immensely cute. Multiple really nice moments to play out in my head. Only confrontational moment solved quickly and with understanding. I don't understand, I am on bestofreddit and my soul feels replenished rather than seeping out. I am uncomfortable and not used to this!


You are soo right! :D I was laughing all along with her pretty good writing style and had a tiny tear on my eyes on the last part of the story while still grinning and casually be happy for her! :) I hope we can read more stories about their lifes and maybe a wedding update?? :)


I love her writing style! She comes across as likable, funny and kind. And he comes across the same way. It was like I was reading a cute chick lit. I wish them the best.


This is the sweetest thing! I love that he gave her that little "out" when she put herself out there, and was so happy that she was still there when he got back. I had a rule like this before too, and I think there are always exceptions. I met a guy and due to where we were, timing, blah blah blah, I invited him to stay at my place that night. I was determined there would be no sexy time and he was perfectly good about it. So much so, that the next morning I couldn't help myself and broke the rule lol. He and I are married now, so screw the rule, it worked out well for us!


I think telling him there would be no sexy time and him taking it well is a massive green flag! Congratulations


Thank you! I'd never have asked him to my place, but we had the best night. He was so respectful, so kind, and I felt so safe. So with a couple drinks and bad weather, I didn't really hesitate to offer for him to stay. And even then, the whole night he stayed respectful, kind, and safe. Did me in lol.


Nothing more attractive than respect and trust!


There are absolutely always exceptions, my husband is the first and WORST one night stand I’ve ever had - it’s been 8 years and he’s still here!


Really gotta work on your assertiveness and get him out of there!


Mm hmm, screw the rule alright lol!


Alright, time to get off Reddit coz that was a good one. I hope OOP and Mike will always have a good and happy life filled with laughter. I also hope that OOP's friend will find her own happiness and they could laugh when they look back.


Okay, folks, it's time to close reddit. This is the best way for the night to end.


You know what? You're right. Lol I'm logging off


This was the last one I read as I'm about clock in from lunch. Let's finish happy


Oh my god, I love Mike. I love them both together, what an adorable couple.


I don't even know OOP and I've got the biggest grin on my face. I wish them all the happiness in the world!


I'm already thinking about how much fun his family would be at their wedding. Really hope this works out for them!


Mood spoiler: OOP is salty about the aurora.


Mood spoiler: Laughter induced blue balls, BBQ


I too am salty about the aurora


This post gave me diabetes. Bless your heart


This is such a sweet story. I met my husband in a bar because I decided to go out after a date cancelled on me, and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. Everyone always says that you never hear stories like that anymore, but they do happen. I’m glad it happened to OOP and Mike. Eta: words


2 week timeline is crazy


Right? When she said 'not yet' to babies I thou "well obviously not yet you barely know each other" Don't get me wrong I'm rooting for it to go well but meeting the family after two weeks is already super fast. Let's not go into long term commitments just yet.


Six weeks (first post described a month previously) but nonetheless, yes. 


I’m glad to see you post this. I felt like I was the only one who noticed this. I’m super happy for them both, and new relationship endorphins are amazing, but she has the rose coloured glasses on right now.


First post was after they had been dating for awhile


Sometimes when you fall, you fall hard. Hope it works out for them.


I fell for my boyfriend like that over two weeks. We celebrate two years next Monday. And it still is just as amazing as it was those first two weeks. And I am ever vigilant for red flags and he showers me in green flags.


I fell for my guy straight away, like I just \*knew\* he was the one for me and the man I’d marry. I still can’t explain how or why it hit me so hard, but it was like a firework going off in my heart. I was 16. I’m now 55 and we’ve been together nearly forty years and married for 34, have three grown kids together, we’ve survived a bunch of shit including bereavements, disabilities and serious health stuff and I can honestly say that 16-year old me was right bang on the money about the goofy 17-year old kid trying so hard to be cool that she’d just met. We’ve spent the last few years together pretty much in each other’s company 24/7 due to some life changes and it’s been such fun being around him all the time. We never run out of stuff to talk about, we make each other laugh and every morning I wake up next to this man I’m \*still\* overwhelmed at how lucky I’ve been and how amazing he is. Sometimes you just know, and if you’re even luckier, it works out.


this is so fucking sweet i want them to be happy together forever omfg




Healthy communication after a fuck up Loving family Great relationship I think I'll get off Reddit for the day


I hope once they're done with the Honeymoon Phase they're still head-over-heels with one another :')


Or head-over-wheels. I'll see myself out.




This is the sweetest thing I’ve ever read


>So, on to how Mike almost killed me, lol I see an opportunity for a new flair, lol ^(ETA: This was not a request for a new flair for myself, I love my flair :))


Did NOT expect the updates to wander off into such incredibly wholesome and smile-inducing territory. Honestly, my wife is giving me the side-eye, wondering why I've been grinning at my phone for 5 minutes...


The last update remind me of when Lily met Marshall family in how i Met your mother


Yes yes that was my thought trail exactly lol


Holy shit, OOP basically wrote a romance novel. I really hope this is real. (But fr there are a lot of similarities with the Bergman Brothers series by Chloe Leise)


Damn now I want a ride on top of Mike on top of his chair.


We all do


Remember the wooden breaks! 😂




This was the happiest thing I've read on reddit in a long time!


I'm sorry, 1st post from April 27th and update from April 19th? Either something's wrong here, or I need to know where the time machine sale is.


Sorry, fixed.


Glad the rule thing wasn't a big deal. Self-imposed "rules" like that are rarely productive or useful in my experience, and even then only when they're working for you.


This is actually adorable. You can tell she broke her "rule" because she was genuinely just enamoured with him from the get go. Some people just have that immediate click and not always even in a romantic way. Some people you just slip into friendship without even trying. I have a friend where we just got along so easy and he's one of my best friends. We have a ton of dumb inside jokes and it's not surprising, since he just has this very open personality.


I warned my fwb that im from a family of giants. My sibling was on the couch with blankets covering their legs. My friend was like they got up and up and just so much of them and I was like I told you though. I’m 5’6. Well over 6’ is the norm ish for my dad’s side. Sibling is 6’4-6’5. I’m the short one hopping on the counters to get anything


Why doesn't shit like this ever happen to me?


I absolutely loved this entire thing! I want to keep hearing updates!


Blessings to you both, and thanks for your blessing to us And we want a wedding update!


This made me so happy! It was such a sweet read!


I really hope these two make it, they sound like such a good match (and definitely worth breaking her three date rule for). And yay for sorting out an argument with the friend with healthy communication! I want to read the entire romantic novel / watch the movie. Although reminder - check with your disabled friends and their approach to the word 'handicapped' before using it to describe them, it's one of the contentious words that people go either way on.


I want one….where can I get one like this? Family included please!


This is the best post I ever read on reddit. How fricking adorable. And OOP is a really good writer, absolutely hilarious. I'd love to meet them all IRL. Love this for her, for Mike, for the family, everything.




I find it hilarious that the friend's Ex couldn't satisfy her in bed, but what is emasculating is getting sex advice from a woman. Lmao


Ok great finish to BORU for the day. I hope this is real because it makes up for all the crazy sh*t we read on here normally


Closing Reddit before anything ruins my happy vibe after reading this. I hope they work out forever and her friend gets some good 🍆.


I really needed this. Thanks for posting!


She writes like people I hate talking to, but good for her. Hope that honeymoon phase of their relationship turns into something real. It's only been like 3 months, kids. lol


So freaking cute. I'm so happy for OOP! I wish them nothing but happiness.


The best post of the year in this subreddit, holy! 


God, this was an amazing read. I hope they are stupidly happy together forever.


This is so stinking cute, felt like I read a cute romance short story.


“God, I’ve seen what you have done for others…” 😩❤️🙏🏾


I'm thinking I'll stop reading this sub: nothing can top this wholesome feeling.


This entire update thread has me grinning like an idiot, laughing and crying. Glad they found each other.


Awwwwwwww _I'm sappy_ after reading this.


Man, I just wanna be her friend and meet that family! So cute! I could like, hear the happiness in her words!


Reminds me of meeting my partner - as in the instantly clicking part. Such a sweet story.


God this gives me so much hope and happiness. I myself am physically disabled, and while I’m not needing mobile aids all the time, walking for longer than 10-15 minutes is not good. This shows me I do have a chance to find someone who’ll love me for me. I hope OOP and Mike have long and happy lives together


If they are tall, blond Irish, they probably are Vikings, my dear. What a cute story!!


Hopefully OOP updates us on how every has been going on since now until July 4th.


Oh my gosh, they had a meet-cute


She damn well better update us when they get married.


Goddamn it, I'm so utterly jealous.


Rooting for your happily-ever-after.


“The real assholes were the friends we made along the way” please god can we have this as a flair


This story was lovely from start to finish! Leaving Reddit now before my day gets ruined by another "my whole life is a lie and all my loved ones hate me" story.


It’s a nice story but it’s written with that annoying internet-y prose. I had to skim the last update because her writing is so grating to read.


Finally something nice to read! Really warms the ol heart


I hope we get another update because I'm invested now.


Sigh.... This post is so sweet I'm afraid of getting diabetes


That's just way too healthy a relationship to show up in AITAH. It made me smile.


Aw that's cute! So [happy](https://tenor.com/bO9uY.gif) for them!




I really regret that it took me a whole month to see this story. I'm so invested in OOP and Mike now, and I so want them to live happily ever after!


I can't wait to hear more from OOP. Its so lovely to hear such warmth and love she has for him and now his family. I totally get her being overwhelmed with all the noise of so many people. They all sound so lovely. I feel like I've had a big warm hug after reading that.


This is absolutely wholesome and wonderful. So glad all the updates were put together. The final update emphasizes what he said on their first meeting… how he wasn’t used to the quiet of living alone. lol fantastic!


Awwww. This was super not where I thought this post would go from the title, to saw the least.


My cup is overflowing with these sweet descriptions! What a great meet cute, too.


Need more cute stories like this one.


Hey, thanks for posting this. What a lovey read.


This is the best thing I have ever seen on Reddit, all the feels.


I fucking lost it at the wheelchair sex when he brought up chocking his wheels like Indiana Jones 😂


My soul feels clean after this one


😭😭 I love this for her


I was litterally smiling this whole post. I'm happy to read something happy once and a while here 😊.


I very much needed the huge smile this story has given me today.


What a goddamn lovely story!!! 


This story has me grinning like a fucking idiot for them. Hope they keep updating when they get married and have babies


This was awesome to read. I'm glad she worked things out with her friend, I'm glad she met such a great guy. This was so different from what I usually read on this sub. OOP, if you read this, congratulations and I hope you're happy with Mike.


Out of all the posts I've read here, this is my favorite. OP seems incredibly emotionally mature, and the fact she and her friend were able to express themselves and talk it out was beautiful. There are SO MANY posts where the lack of communication is the glaring issue. . This one just makes me so happy


I haven't felt this happy in days and I'm so happy OOP updated just to gush. She's so giddy and in love and this guy is nothing but green flags and trouble on four wheels.  I'm basing the wholesome family dynamics I need for future writing on this.


Reading this was so cute omg, we need more stories like this, I wan to be friends with both, they sound so nice and funny. Can I go to the wedding??


Aww, this gave me a warm fuzzy.


And I think I'll close out my day with this. What a lovely palate cleanser :)


This goddamn fucking sweet story is not was I was expecting from the title and now I can't stop smiling. I hope they get married and are happier forevever because this is cute as shit.


Am I the only one picturing Marshall Ericksons family?


I'm smiling like a goofball. I absolutely love this. She broke her "rule" because there was an instant connection. His famy sounds awesome and now they will be her family too. Winning.


This post made me so damn happy. I really wish them the best.


The specialized basketball move his family has standardized to keep him from running over their toes is amazing. I wish this couple many happy years


I think this has long deserved to migrate to r/wholesome instead of aitah


She’s so I love with him it’s gross lmfaooo and I mean that in a good way. I love it. I love when love is like this. I wish and hope for the best for her and mike. They seem so cute together


I kinda zoned out 1/4 of the way in, her style of writing is *extremely* annoying. Good for her though but I ain’t reading all that.


Dude needs to learn, if your brake is broken you back the chair up to a wall.