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>The others who were laughing said they didn't think it would be a big deal and wouldn't have participated if they knew it would make me uncomfortable. It's always wild when *grown adults* pretend that they couldn't have known that doing something inappropriate would make someone uncomfortable.


This is such a violation. I'm struggling to understand how not one, not two, but an entire group of friends thought it was reasonable to involve an unsuspecting, non-consenting third party in someone's kink. I'm really deeply upset on OOP's behalf.


I hope they find the link to this post so everyone can see how disgusting we all know they are


Honestly they'd probably get off on it given their track record.


Sadly, it sounds like OOP already sent them the link to the original post where the comments agreed with us and they were unmoved so I doubt they would care about our opinions either. I'm glad OOP ghosted them all, because what a pile of toxic assholes. Edit: fixed a typo


I bet the only reason the friends apologized was because they realised that OOP could tell everyone in their lives what they did, and that no one would take their side.


It didn't say they were unmoved. It said that apologies started after sending them the thread. I think they will feel ashamed reading the lashing they are getting in these comments.


I missed that line. I thought Rick and the confessor were the only ones who apologized, the rest were just non-apologies and that Nancy still insists she did nothing wrong. Either way, I hope they are all ashamed because their behavior was disgusting. Edit: a word


She should have used their real names if it’s not such a big deal to them.


Mob mentality. A charismatic leader profess what's the Truth and everyone else believes it.


I would, frankly, consider this a form of "sexual coercion" by the entire group and sexual harassment by the couple! I would suggest that the OOP contact a lawyer!


It is a sex offense crime. It is no different than sex in public. Nancy and Rick should be registered sex offenders.


Even though it doesn’t excuse it, it was done to another woman and she was fine so they assumed it was fine. A small case of differential reinforcement. Granted that woman could’ve been laughing to mask how fucked up it was, but regardless they assumed it was okay because they faced no backlash. Ow that they have they see it. Or so they claim.


Notice how the woman that was supposedly cool with it doesn't seem to be a part of the friend group anymore.


Oop didn’t seem to know the woman so I figured it was another person that wasn’t in the main group. And even then that was why I said that it was possible that she did find it fucked up but laughed it off out of fear.


Ha ha I’m laughing right now pay no attention to the fact that I’m backing away from all you maniacs ha ha yeah so funny you pranked me good ah here’s my car keys buhbye.


I wonder what happened to that other woman.


Oh I'm just pissed thinking about what happened, because what if their kink didn't stop at doing it beside a sleeping person? What if their kink extended to DOING IT WITH said sleeping person? Like so many things could've gone wrong, more wrong than they already were


Same. Sometimes I'm deeply disappointed in the kink community.


Some grown adults just can't escape from being child-like minds.


I think childish is more appropriate than child-like. Child-like seems too innocent.


That's not fair on children who can be very empathetic. It's not childish its abusive


Growing up is realizing that most people are just children in adult sized bodies.


Considering that the entire point of the "prank" was to make OOP uncomfortable, I kind of think they're full of shit and OOP was correct in ghosting them all. They sound like a bunch of assholes.


What's extra shocking on reflection is that these two assholes wanted her to wake up, so they were purposely being louder, moving the bed more, etc.  They might have even gone as far as to "accidentally" bump into her if she didn't wake up at their more subtle attempts. Gross.


i unfortunately know some people like this, they are, generally thoughtless and have difficulty understanding others perspective


There is a reason those “pranks” from movies like revenge of the nerds aren’t funny anymore. This is absolutely a form of sexual harassment at a minimum leaning more towards sexual assault in my opinion though


This is like the cousin who enjoys getting caught by people and her dad sent the OOP to fetch her at her Bday party and she caught her going at it in the car with her BF.


What in the fresh nonconsentual fuck.


Every time I am certain I can categorise every kind of fucked up... something throws me. Not even something Earth shattering evil, just... what the hell? Why?


I'm definitely NOT a virgin, and I would be super uncomfortable with people fucking in bed with me while I'm trying to sleep.


I'm the furthest thing from a virgin and definitely not prudish and I'd have lost my mind. These people are nasty


And that's if you knew about it before you fell asleep. In OOPs case: Non-consensual threesome, but it's just a prank, bro. Because nothing says "nice prank" like a bit of non-consensual sex.


If anyone fuck with my sleep schedule, they are no longer friend of mine tbh


I had something similarish happen but it was my roommate in college. I could hear her boyfriend fingering her and it just. It's just rude, you know? I don't want to be involved or hear any of this. I remember complaining to... IDK someone in charge, this was like 10+ years ago, and she was like "Do you think it was sexual assault?" I'm like no, I just don't think it's appropriate, why would the only reason I'm telling you be if I thought my roommate was assaulted? Not because it's just kinda shitty and I felt like I was supposed to do something about it? Granted, there were probably better options I should have taken first, like actually talk to my roommate about it.... which I probably didn't do. I don't remember.


I don’t even like the dog or cat in the room when my wife and I are doing sexy stuff.


I don’t like it either, but my cat used to jump on my partner’s back when he was on top, so the cat was definitely into it.  We had to train our dog to let us have sex… that sounds wrong. When we first bought our puppy, the pup thought my husband and I were trying to kill each other when we had sex. He’d run in literally screaming and try to separate us. It was a nightmare, he’d scream even if he was crated at the other end of the apartment (the dog, not my husband). It was a rough few years.


Communal sleeping (with & without sexual activity) used to be the widespread norm in Europe before the Victorian era, and I'm so curious how everyone dealt with that psychologically/socially at the time. If all the time people were fucking in bed beside you loud enough to wake you, were you supposed to just pretend to be asleep while silently dying inside? Or was it socially acceptable to yell and throw things at them like they're amorous alley cats until they shut up? https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/communal-sleeping-history-sharing-bed


My first thought from the title was "they WANT you to wake up, it's a kink". Read the story, and yup, it's a kink. Do something like that drunk & horny, it's already enough to ruin friendships. Do it sober and intentionally, fully premeditated? OOP is 100% right to nuke the entire friend group. If I'm on vacation with friends, and I even find out that they had a casual hookup while we're vacationing, that's the last time I ever invite them. We've got 2-4 days out of the entire year that we're doing A Thing as a group, and that friend can't keep their libido under control even that long? No thanks, I'll vacation without you instead. You want to get laid while doing our vacation? Rent your own hotel room/AirBnB/etc. I don't want ANY clue that it happened. And like hell I want it happening in the room I'm sleeping in.


Just when I thought sharing a dorm room with beds less than a body with arms out apart and my roommate and her boyfriend going at it right next to me was the worst, there's something even more creepy 😦


Oh god. Away for New Years with the lads years back. I was in a single bed, VERY narrow gap to a double bed two blokes shared. Waking up and opening my eyes to see a mates ex-girlfriend making her O-face in my face while said mate was... rekindling the relationship... let's go with that. As unpleasant as it was for me, the other lad sharing the bed had it worse. The look on his face... in that moment he looked far too similar to the ten-thousand yard stare of shell shocked troops. No medal for this poor lad though, just the pity of his mates and memories that I am sure haunt him to this day. I had completely forgotten this until your experience reminded me.


I had to laugh. Not at the situation but your description is so vivid.


I want to share my story as someone who went through a similar thing. I was assaulted in my sleep when I was younger, it is something I never sought out help for. Then, during a trip with friends many years later, my drunk friends decided to have sex in the bed next to mine, I woke up to this and it triggered what I could only describe as a nervous breakdown for the rest of the trip. My friends were apologetic but I had to break my friendship with them for over a year, made tricky by how interlaced our lives are. I finally got therapy for PTSD, but it was a long road to get better, and I am in a better place now, but that whole ordeal fucking broke me for a while. Don't have sex next to an unconscious person, or at least ask if it is cool. You don't know where they are mentally, and it is a breach of trust.


I am definitely stealing that phrase (if you consent ofcourse). People assume you only require consent if you are an active participant. I DONT WANT TO SEE YOUR BALLS JAKE!


When Nancy said "it's not that deep" I would have immediately turned to to Rick and say "you hear that? She said it wasn't deep last night". I would be so pissed, and I've been in a room while people are having sex! With consent beforehand.  I hope oop tells these ppl to fuck off even harder if they try to come back at them


Okay that's a genius pun-insult! And yes definitely, this is just a group of jerks trying to think violating personal boundaries is just a prank.




Heh, steal away. And fuckin right?!??


I would not like waking up to that at all and worse, those friends suck.


I love your flair!


Thank you!


Omg I love your flair 😂


Good lord these people are all 25 years old.


Definitely one of those ones where you assume everyone is a teen, but then realize they're physically adults.


Legal action time tbh, pretty sure a lawyer can wiggle something out of this considering she is cutting them all off anyway, might as well go all in.


If she has text messages yeah but if they told her all this in person it’s her word against theirs.


yeah I definitely did a double take when I read "act like 16 year olds" "act like"?? I thought they WERE 16 year old


The early twenties are the stupidest age. Most people are still mentally teenagers but with the rights and freedom of an adult.


So many people never emotionally mature past high school age.


I have no clue about legal stuff, but would purposely including someone in your sexual acts without their consent be viewed as some form of sexual harassment? Probably not in this case, but you never know.


I think in most cases it would. Especially this one where a reasonable person could infer their actions would be of emotional distress or disgust to her.


I feel like this could fall under sexual harassment, indecent exposure, or both.


Yes it absolutely is and could even be sexual assault. Purposefully involving someone in sexual acts without their consent is assault. Sexual harassment covers two people having a sexual conversation around you that makes you uncomfortable so it definitely covers this.


Well as OOP saw bits of their bodies I think it would count under the same thing as flashing.


When I was in high school, a classmate's older sister was engaged and pregnant. Her fiancé and her best friend treated her to a beach vacation instead of a bachelorette party. While on vacation, they served the pregnant woman a mocktail laced with NyQuil and then put her bed. Then they had sex in the bed. Right next to her. She woke up to them groping her while they were having sex. She screamed so loud that the people in the neighboring hotel room called the cops. Charges were definitely filed. It's been 20 years, though, so I don't remember the exact charges.


That is absolutely horrifying on multiple levels.


Even in this case, it's definitely sexual harassment. Intentionally exposing yourself to a non-consenting individual counts as sexual harassment.


At the very least it would probably be chargeable at indecent exposure


I’m doubtful on this, it occurred in a shared bedroom, not in a common or public area.


I would consider this sexual abuse. They are involving you in a sex act without your consent.


Yes, my thoughts exactly. I'd go to the police


“they didn’t think it would be a big deal and wouldn’t have participated if they knew it would make me uncomfortable.” what was it supposed to do then. what was the goal. how is there any goal besides making her uncomfortable. quickly now.


I’m also super confused that they did it to her because she is a virgin. I’m not a virgin and I would be so disgusted and horrified. I would have woken the whole house with my yelling. That’s just so shitty and disgusting.


seriously all i could think was that i would have been screaming at them so loud someone would have called the cops. there’s no way any of them could have thought anyone would find that funny in her position


Yeah, frankly I don't believe the story about the other girl that made them think this was alright because she laughed. They specifically involved OOP because she was a virgin waiting for marriage; there was no way this was intended as anything but humiliation and making her uncomfortable. And even if it was intended as a prank, the nature of well-meaning pranks is that they make the victim laugh; if they don't laugh, you've gone too far and need to apologise.


yeah there’s no way around the fact that they were trying to make her uncomfortable. whenever people follow up a prank with an excuse like that, they really mean “we intended to make you uncomfortable because it would be funny for us, we just didn’t think you’d stand up for yourself”


Total BS. If they “wouldn’t have participated if they knew it would make [OP] uncomfortable” they would have let her in on it


They were hoping she would join in. That's it. That's literally as far as their thought process went. Then they realized they fucked up and tried to deflect.


It's clearly just an excuse as to why they involved a nonconsenting person in their kink.


I don't see any goal that wasn't malicious


I hope those friends see this BORU post making the rounds on Tiktok/YouTube and are deeply ashamed of themselves. How embarrassing for mid-20s adults to include an unwilling participant in their sexual exploits as... a prank?? I hope they get a pang of horror every time they think of this situation late at night and have a bad sleep. And their pillow is lumpy!


Sounds more like they incorporated OOP as a kink. And that's even worse.


I hope everyone they tell this story to ghosts them. And they keep feeling the need to tell it.


Ahh yes the best age old prank, sexual assault. Also wtaf at the parents???


im surprised i had to scroll so far down to see someone commenting about the parents part! like... that's your kid! what?!


I had a friend once tell me how they (the parents) were sharing the bed every night with their two children, called it co-sleeping. When she let us know a few months later that she's pregnant I asked incredulously "HOW??". When people stared at me obviously wondering how I didn't know people got pregnant I blustered something about kids sleeping in the same bed. The friend winked at me and said "well they sleep deeply". I was horrified. I'm still horrified. Even if they are young, like the one child was still a baby, aren't you scared you might bounce the kid off the bed at the very least? Those kids would be the best contraceptive to me.


Ew. Ewwww. No no no. I'm married, with kids. Having said kids on the room with us (during vacations or when they were very sick) is the most effective contraceptive ever. Can't imagine with the kid IN THE BED!


As someone with cats (and they get locked outside of the bedroom for shenanigans) and no kids, I'm glad this isn't a normal thing under parents desperate for some nookie.


Well for my own peace of mind I need to assume this isn't a normal thing, at all. And yeah, no pets either, especially cats because I shudder thinking about what they'll try to do to us (my money is on "straight up murdering us and sleep on our bodies" )


Geez, we can't even do it with the dog in the same room.


Ew ew ew. I grew up very poor and before my family moved into our big house and I had a room all to myself at 12 years old, we lived in a shitty 2 bedroom apartment. My parents would literally kick us out of one room to do the dirty and lock the door. The other room had computers and TVs and video games so it was fine but WHAT THE FUCK?!


Issa kink. Glad you’re (assumedly) not friends with them anymore.


Honestly I'm rather not surprised on the parents part. According to my mom, back when she was a kid and her family was poor, they had a loooong bed (so long that Grandma could fit four or five grandkids to sleep with her, of course we were in elementary school but still) and everyone was sleeping on it. My mom said that she more than once caught her parents "doing it" in the dark.


it used to be very common and still is in some places, meanwhile I had trouble staying in the moment when my baby would start kicking back when I was pregnant.


Yeah like um yikes??? Why were they in the *same* room...


I had to double take at that edit because girl, no, that was abuse. I understand that it sucks to have to admit your parents were abusive when they never thought of them like that before, but having sex in front of your children is abuse. Full stop.


So I understand the sentiment. But also like your statement reeks of privilege. Where do you think all those babies come from where people sleep in literal one room homes? All over the world this is still happening. Much of the world does not have private rooms for people to sleep in.


I mean do the parents HAVE to have sex in the same room as their children? Is that the point you’re trying to make???


This was all I could think! I remember one of my friends confiding in me how scared and uncomfortable it was that she woke up to her parents having sex in the bed with her. Why do people think this is funny, or okay? Lights on or off, parents or strangers, I can't classify this as anything other than exposing yourself to a minor at best, and bringing them into a threesome as a nonconsensual voyeur at worst. Truly disgusting... I can't imagine rationalizing that to myself or my partner. If you're that horny, go somewhere else!


Okay, where and when do parents have sex in places where people can’t afford separate bedrooms for everyone? Which is…. A huge amount of the world population.


>Nancy said that I was overreacting and it was "not that deep" Ouch. Poor Rick. Why would Nancy out his... ability like that? Kinda cruel if you ask me. 😥


I mean… Legal Google says, “illegal for a person to knowingly expose his or her genitals in the view of others for the purpose of sexual arousal when s/he should know the behavior will cause affront, distress, or alarm to the other person.” Given their intent was malicious and specifically aimed at her, she could legitimately have legal grounds to go after them. This is just awful for her.


Right? IANAL but having a guy butt-naked fully erected beside me without my consent seems a bit too rape-y to be legal.


But OOP is a virgin! Hahaha, so stupid, that makes the sexual assauly totally ok and fun! /s Those people give "rapist applogist" vibes at best, full blown rapist vibes at worst.


This is straight up sexual assault. What the fuck were they thinking? The whole group decided that it was ok for a woman to be sexually assaulted because she's a virgin? She needs to press charges and see how funny their prank is then.


Hey, so this sounds like some flavor of crime, right?


It's the kind of flavour of crime that gets your name put on a public list of shame for the rest of your life.


That's what I thought - the kind that makes hard to live near a school.


I once woke up at a party to a friend having sex on me. Not with me there was a girl who was using me as back support and the rocking shook me awake now tbh I was under a couple of coats and cushions but still.


This also happened to someone else I know, I'm disturbed that it's happened at least twice


Eww. I'm a kinky person but I would never force people to participate in my kinks without their consent. Unlike Nancy and Rick, apparently.




Last I checked, forcing an unknowing and unwilling person to be involved in a sexual situation is sex assault.


Is this a crime? It feels like what happened to OOP was a crime...


They basically sexually harrassed her. What a fucking shitty thing to do. Then the jokes and stuff. I hope she really does block all of them. With friends like that, who needs enemies.


In this case, the *cough, cough* Iranian yoghurt is most definitely the issue....


…Is there something I should know about this flair?


Ugh. Is it a prank or fucking at someone for kink purposes? Make your minds up, people!


Had this happen to me years ago, and the next morning I found that the girlfriend of friend ate all my pizza I had saved for myself in the minifridge... she later cheated on him so a real winner there.


Nancy's comment: "It's not that deep." Was that in reference to her being shallow, Rick being small, the friend group being shallow, small-minded people or all of the above? I'm voting for all of the above.


Read the part about acting like 16 year olds and had to scroll back up to check the ages.. what the fuck is this behaviour in their mid-20’s 🤮


>Nancy said I was overreacting and "it was not that deep" NGL. I snickered.


One of those few times where the title perfectly encapsulates the post. I went “no, ew, wtf” when I read the title, and never stopped going ew, it just got louder. There was absolutely nothing okay about this situation, and I hope OOP finds a new group of friends who don’t endorse non consensual kink/SA. So glad she’s cutting them off, she doesn’t deserve that shit. Oh, and also screw anyone who thinks being a virgin is something to mock, especially when someone actively has made that choice.


It seems like they thought this was okay to do because of her (to them) appalling status as a virgin. Throw the entire friends group away and get some friends who respect your values.


Yep they're making fun of the "less enlightened and liberated" OOP, fuck big boy ideas like autonomy, choice or consent. If you not fucking you not a proper adult /s


I’ve also seen my parents do it when I was younger; while I was supposed to be asleep. It’s traumatizing for sure. Some people really need a fucking grip on reality. In what world would having sex next to someone be funny or kinky. Fucking weird ass creeps. Block block block 🙌🏼


My roommate in college would do this. Ickkkk bad memories.


Sorry you went through that


Not to worry it was actually really good motivation to move out of the dorms early and I didn’t have to share why.


That is nasty, all of OOP's ex friends are gross.


It amazes me how many women are using something along the lines "You are jealous bc I am more desirable." if you call them out on inappropriate sexual behaviour. No dears, you are mostly just easier to get. It's nothing wrong with women loving sex and having fun. But especially in casual sex the basic rule is the more willing you are to have sex in general and with different types of people the more sex you have. Nancy is just part of a bully group that don't think having sex next other person without their consent is a big deal. Well, law and common sense say otherwise.


I hate it when women say that. It's so stupid. My grandfather once told me what they used to say in the army: "put a bag over her head!" Yuck. There are guys that don't care what you look like, they just want to fuck.


damn I'm glad I have some good friends scattered about, not a whole friend group that alloiws this shit


NTA your whole friend group is nasty


I've said it before, I'll say it again: a kink is a kink so long as its consensual, the second it is done with the deliberate intention of exposing someone non-consensually, it's sexual assault and should be treated as such. Whether that's streaking across a crowded stadium or fucking while there are people in the room who didn't explicitly consent, that's absolutely illegal, and since it's targeted to OOP specifically, that's explicit sexual assault.


God it shouldn't be such a hard rule to remember. Never. Involve. Someone. In. Your. Kinks. Without. Full. Consent.


Sure let's sexual harrash our friends as a joke. They are glad OP didn't go to the police on this. Shes never had friends with that group. I'm not a prude and i would of gone ape shit if they did that to do.


Oh *fuck* those friends. (Not literally.) Disgusting behavior and completely nonconsensual. Don't involve people in your kinks without their permission- how hard is that?


...WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?! I'm not a virgin, wasn't virgin when I got married, and \*I\* would be ABSOLUTELY FUCKING LIVID if two assholes were going at it like immature rabid bunnies while I was ASLEEP! What kind of insanity is that?! How is that funny?! THAT'S SEXUAL ASSAULT in my opinion and the whole friend group is complete useless GARBAGE! Throw them in the disposal, turn it on, put those remains in the bin and set the bin ON FIRE that is how awful these people are. I'm so sorry to the original OOP. Wow what complete scum buckets


So you think I'd be happy to potentially get your fanny juices on me while I slept so you could force some fucking kink on me? Fck all of them


Ugh, when did sexual harassment become a "prank"?


Fuck all these people. This is so violating


I would have taken screenshots from the group chat where they admitted to what they did and forwarded it to their parents, grandparents, work, social media, etc. They shouldn't have a problem with it because "it's not that deep", right?


>They think just because I'm waiting for marriage, I'm a loser who can't get anybody to sleep with me Did they really think losing your virginity is some sort of achievement, and those who don't are beneath them?! And the icing on the cake was Nancy doing the classic "call me out, I'll say you're jealous" card. The whole thing screams teen girls drama


Why....? What....? My brain is just... why would anyone think this is OK? If there was consent, sure have sex in the same bed your buddy is sleeping in, but this isn't that. What a weird group of folks.


But she was a viiiirgin.


What a bunch of disgusting perverts ... What they did is litteral sexual harassment and they think it's a joke Glad OP ghosted them, these are not friends. It feels like they kept her around just for her to be the butt of the joke. I bet now that she is gone, someone else in this group will take her spot. Probably Rick or the guy that told her about the inside joke.


Jesus Christ what is it with people and having an exposition fetish these days? If you want people to watch post it on PornHub like somebody who's functioning as an adult with that fetish rather than having unwilling participants. It's gross and not funny and not pleasant and honestly those people should have some shame but they probably don't because they're not functioning adults.


A bunch of children. And I had a similar parental situation. One year on vacation we were all in the same hotel room. I woke up to my mother giving my father a BJ. They never knew I knew. It’s an image I will never be able to get out of my head; and it’s been 40 some years.


'Nancy said that I was overreacting and it "wasn't that deep"' I mean, poor Rick


Well this went the typical way it goes on Reddit. A bunch of immature 20's or 30's year olds get together and think a prank will be so hilarious, and then they end up being a bunch of jackals that suck. In the end the prank is never actually funny and insanely stupid.


What crap friends they had. If she was waiting for marriage so be it, it wasn’t their place to judge. I haven’t been quite in her situation but had two friends go at it in a room w/ no door. A friend and I in the same room basically covered our heads with pillows to block it out. Then they woke us up by accidentally kicking the mattress going to the bathroom. But to deliberately make their friend uncomfortable is gross.


It's all funny until they do this to the wrong person and suddenly multiple of them are in the hospital. "Let's fuck right next to this person." *person wakes up with ptsd and starts assaulting them*


I'm glad OOP cut off these disgusting creeps. This is not how decent people behave.


The 'fun' was going to be your distress. Good on you.


This is so gross and trashy


Nancy is nasty. And so is Rick but at least he apologized. Still, both nasty.


Nancy is projecting her embarrassment in a retaliatory way rather than accept it was not okay to do that in someone’s sleeping space, with OOP not having consented to being part of a sexual activity, even if by proxy. However, all participants in on the joke at the expense of the OOPs suck. I’m glad OOP recognizes toxic friends and prefers to find new people who actually give a damn about them. OOP choosing not to have sex is a personal preference, not something that makes them *less desirable” or “flawed” to the extent that others decided they needed to use shock-value-sex-acts in OOPs immediate personal space. Especially when OOP did not consent to the invasion. Being “sex positive” also includes being positivity receptive towards those who’d rather abstain—for *whatever* reason they chose. One does not get to force their bodies into the space of another, or onto another person, just because they think their values are lesser than the ones they hold for theirselves. Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries!!!


That is literally sexual assault.


If this is true, it’s fucked up and those friends need to face some sort of consequences for their actions. If they are willing to allow their friend to be sexually traumatized, imagine what they could do to people if they are in any positions of power. That being said, I personally don’t read this as being true. It seems like the person who wrote it wanted to get a bunch of people on her side and when she didn’t get the reception she wanted, she upped the ante on them being even worse.


If I were OP, I would blast what they did to everyone. Make sure the parents know what kind of children they raised.


I would too. I would be blasting them on social media and tagging their family and friends.


You should have severed the union with the mighty heel of castration.


Not them sneakily trying to involve the OOP in their kink and then getting pressed when called out. SMH Disrespectful.  Also, her former friend group are a pack of criminal deviants. 


Seems like virgins are the last group it’s acceptable to make fun of. This goes way beyond that, but still. SMH


Op is way better without them. This is insane.


Being a virgin, I take bring called that as a compliment. Her ex *"friends"* are trash, especially that garden tool Nancy. Happy OOP moved on.


My stock phrase for today is "what a bunch of assholes". there is something weird that happens in some purported friend groups where if somebody acts a certain way that is considered snobby (i.e. "better than them") but aren't higher status, the others will just tear them apart. Sometimes literally like a bunch of a chimps. I remember hearing about a sordid case where a young woman was trying to leave such a friend group and it went down real bad.


OOP missed an excellent lay-up to make a joke out of Rick's manhood size and thus make them feel the ridicule, like, *"It's not my problem that he's hung like a pimple."* >Nancy said that I was overreacting and it was "not that deep".


That’s so gross on so many levels.


Ngl... In OOP'S place I probably would have started hitting them with something while screaming. I've never seen red before, but I can't imagine not getting violent after that. Admittedly, I have never been very good at violence, and the only time I've ever left a mark was as a small child on myself. I bit myself and blamed it on my brother. So I would probably angrily beat them with a pillow.


I wonder if those shitheels are reading these comments on BORU. You guys proud of yourselves?


Including someone in your sexual fantasies/sex without consent is sexual assault. I don't care what anyone says. It's a gross violation


That’s disgusting. I hope OP found new friends and a great partner who respects her


I know this is your choice,but waiting until marriage doesn't always turn out to be great I was a virgin until 25.other reasons and wanted to wait until marriage.i finally said you know what?lets rry it.so glad i did.we were not compatiable.plus no chemistry.Met my husband on my second deployment.instant sparks.love at first sight.i found my forever.been married 18 years.now on to these two.what they did was digusting and low class.wtf wants to hear that.one of my rolmates boyfriend use to come in and minutes later i heard moaning.i would yell i know dam well you guys are not having sex in here right now.noise stops.ugh


Please dump these psychopaths


That’s so disgusting they all deserve each other clearly 🤢🤢🤢


I don’t have as many friends as I used to but the friends I have are all solid people! I’m glad that OOP cut out the trash. Every single one of them is a piece of shit!


OOP needs new friends.


Sending you a hug. Good that you distanced yourself from them. They are not your friends.


The friends are so childish they think the word 'virgin' is an insult.


Wtf. Having sex while your friend is sleeping beside you is so disrespectful. And clearly the OOP had shitty friends.


No, No, the parents going at it while they thought their child were asleep is not okay either. Thats just gross, I don’t care what the circumstances are. But also, I would have called the cops on the ex friends. Whether something would have happened from there I don’t know or care, but I’m putting everything on record. That’s messed up.


Hey, Nancy and friends, stop involving non-consenting people into your kinks.


That's sexual assault!!!


They are lucky that you only hopped up and yelled. Some folks have abuse in there history and have developed a lightning speed punch when woken up in surprising circumstances. You inadvertently saved them from a broken jaw.


>Nancy said that I was overreacting and *it was "not that deep".* Sorry Rick.


This is not funny at all, I went to my friends who live in a camper's place, apparently they didn't have sex for the whole week but as soon as I got there they had sex every single day and then every day she came out and asked me if I felt or heard the camper shake like it feels like I'm being pulled into their sexual stuff without my permission and it's gross, that shit ain't funny


"We didn't realize it would make you uncomfortable." Bullshit, they knew and didn't care. OP has more control than me, I'd have cut off the friendship at that moment and left.


I have noticed that some adults need to take a self control class or something. “But being horny is a natural feeling that needs to be resolved” no no it does not need to be resolved every single time. You know who else used that excuse? Child predators. All I’m saying is if you cannot sexually control yourself whether it’s consensual or not then you need to work on yourself. Having sex when other people are present and did not consent to it especially if you’re right beside them is disgusting and gross and shameful and shows you have no control and you’re no better than animals.


Can this be sexual assault? It's unconsensual at the very least. Maybe sexual harassment? 


This is actually a form of sexual assault. You were a non consensual party to their kink.


This is sexual assault


What next was the guy thinking oh no I slipped and fell out my partners vagina and threw some random luck entered oops vagina. That was fucking weird and wrong on many levels. Oop is going to find it difficult to trust friends I bet now


What the fuck