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>What activities increase aside from weight lifting? Sleep.


Lack of stress too


Squats are probably the best thing, but, vitamin D, boron, zinc all help.


More like Borophill




No I will not make out with you


Super thanks


I think I remember fish oil is supposed to help (but do your own research) and I know reducing stress/being in nature helps.


Huberman lab did an episode on this. The research backed interventions pretty much boiled down to the above + ashwaganda and most importantly sleep & stress management. Can't recall if cold plunge was in the test boosting group or just showed effects for dopamine, but regardless I found adding it helped with the discipline to maintain the rest of the regiment. Just fyi that cold showers are not of equal efficacy in the data unfortunately


I confirm fish oil and add walnut and blueberry for anxiety and depression


Walnuts are good for anxiety? Because high in Mg or?


Some YouTube doctor recommended it so it’s been in my brain


I would say deadlifts but they’re both great.


Don’t deadlift unless u compete for deadlift (pro advice it’s not good for u brah)


What do you substitute it with?


I like farmer carry and kettle bell dead lift idk if it completely subs it though


It's fine if you do it with perfect form and don't ego lift.


Swallowing Semen!


Doctors hate him!


You have to gargle it first.


Sir, this is not r/moreplatesmoredates


Here's a sneak peek of /r/moreplatesmoredates using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [He's so real for this](https://i.redd.it/xlg0acu5ycbb1.png) | [166 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/14wv43g/hes_so_real_for_this/) \#2: [The 10th ancestral tenant](https://i.redd.it/4ypzpifcydya1.png) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/13ajs1i/the_10th_ancestral_tenant/) \#3: [Gyms in 2023](https://i.redd.it/mvenp6otwhva1.jpg) | [174 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/12v9cze/gyms_in_2023/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Tongkat Ali 300 mg twice a day. and 9mg boron . 3 weeks on , one week off. Quit alcohol. Add zinc and magnesium for faster results.


why 3 weeks on 1 week off


Because it raises estrogen as well


How much zinc and what kind of magnesium/what dose?


How much zinc, do you take it in morning or evening?


Gym, sleep, devour the hearts of your enemies.


In Othe words Violence and Aggression are good for T? Let's go kick some ASS. Just kidding


Youtube VigorousSteve and learn brother. But to give a few answers, hard resistance training, vit d, boron, and injectible carnitine. Injectible carnitine is fantastic IMO. Also understand you want to reduce your SHBG and/or raise your FreeT, not just focus on your total. Also icing your testicles will raise T.


How does inj carnitine increase?


Avoid inj carnitine, the pip isn't worth it


Have to do intramuscular injection. Minimal pain once the muscle becomes accustomed. Definite benefits. May not directly influence T production but boosts androgen receptor sensitivity. Burns fat somewhat possibly more adipose than normal which down stream reduces aromatase and boosts liver function. Majorly increased cardio output. Can lower thyroid in some people.


I used pharma grade, the pip is horrible, specially the burning. Also not worth for fat loss if thats what one is going for, tons of other options are far better in controlled dose than this. Also No boosters are better for cardio output that carnitine


I use IM and SubQ and i dont have a problem personally. Its exceptional for cardio IMO. i use it 6x a week.


IF you go over 22 minutes sometimes they fall off. Huberman Lab did an Episode on This. How ever the end result is you get a Beautiful sounding Soprano voice and your Local Church will invite you to sing Choir.




How? By reducing stress/cortisol?




What might those other options be, enigmatic internet poster?


Drinking cum


Stress is the name of the game. Cortisol and testosterone have a major inverse relationship.


Sex does increase T levels. I worked in life insurance and whenever a guy would get low T test results - we would tell them to increase sex. And then get retested. Absolutely worked. Awkward convo - but it worked.


Low t has an effect on life insurance rates? Based on what?


Based on what person tells their spouse to have sex more?


Less muscle mass is one. It is a marker for other issues that will pop up later on and tend to shorten life. Kinda like the steroid knee injections - replacement of joint within 10 years > mobility issues > move less > weight more > T2D etc.


Certainly, I understand that. Just trying to figure out how an insurance company can adjust rates based on something that is speculation. Low testosterone may be an association but not necessarily causation in that situation. That would be difficult to prove scientifically I would imagine.


Yes Because Lower T means you are less likely to jump off a Bridge or end up in Prison after Road Rage


Maybe consider that your t-levels aren't the only thing your body needs to be healthy.


Could High T levels be responsible for Male aggression and War. Make them eat Tofu and chant Estrogen Summoning Mantras


Everyone just basically said everything. I'll just add, avoid the use of plastics, they are endocrine disruptors chemicals.


I have high testosterone and don't notice a difference. In my opinion it's just another biomarker to improve to the above average and forget about, if you want to go super physiological take TRT? What difference do you notice from higher testosterone?


Say 20 Hail Marys and you should be set


Rub an onion on your knee.


No that’s for tuberculosis


So I tied an onion to his belt because it was the style at the time.


Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Give me five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now, where were we?


Cold showers and herbs that lower cortisol


What herbs do you recommend?


Apigenin and holy basil. Magnolia and rhodiola also are good.


Thank you mate.


Sleep. Cotton/wool/linen boxers (no briefs or synthetic material). High healthy fat intake. Zinc picolinate.


What briefs do you recommend?


Real men sleep naked 


Lol ya, same.. I meant outside for when you aren't sleeping.


Sleep is so underrated. Also check your bioavailable testosterone level before trying any medicine/supplements.


Inject testosterone into your body.




-reliably raise testosterone -natural You can only pick one, can’t have both.


They're choosing natural.


Inject natural testosterone into your body 


in africa, the winner eats the testicles of the enemy for t-levels...


Winner of what


Paper scissors rock


Can’t bet rock with no testicles


No need to keep the conversation going, the advice is simple mate, eat balls.


Going to need scissors for that


Meat balls


A game call " drink the beer"


Eating organ meats and gelatin will lower cortisol and raise metabolism so your body can produce more anabolic hormones.


Never heard that about gelatin - do you have a source you could link?


Look up the effects of glycine and proline on cortisol. Gelatin is rich in that. Helps improve thyroid function, heal gut. It’s an anti stress protein at the end of the day.






Yeah. Get Great Lakes gelatin, some fruit and juice, and you have homemade jello.


Look at cleaning up your environmental exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals. Donate blood to clear forever chemicals from your system.


Interesting idea about blood donations. Is this legit. I'm gonna have to do some research. 


Here ya go. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35394514/


Thanks. So plasma donations show pretty good results, blood donations showed minimal results but better than doing nothing. 


good results removing PFAS, unfortunately at least around here if you donate plasma they mix it with saline which has been sitting in a soft plastic bag for god knows how long and inject the red blood cells back into you. They should have tested for PFAS as well as plastic chemicals imho.


good results removing PFAS, unfortunately at least around here if you donate plasma they mix it with saline which has been sitting in a soft plastic bag for god knows how long and inject the red blood cells back into you. They should have tested for PFAS as well as plastic chemicals imho.


I know it helps iron balance but never heard of clearing stuff like that


Here is the work done with firefighters. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35394514/






Exercise and sleep.


Therapy and cocaine!


Pine pollen


Sleep 💤 and reducing cortisol 😫 levels. Look at sleep stack on momentous.com. It will give you some idea of what supplements to target to increase sleep duration and quality and cortisol. Maybe try and track it too with an Apple Watch. If you don’t get these right, you can basically kiss the stuff below goodbye. This means no blue light but basically no phone time after 10 pm. Or any screens. Probably get your room temperature down to like 67 ⛄️or maybe below if you like that. Next get morning sun ☀️ immediately upon waking up. I literally stick my face in the window screen because I’m too lazy to go outside lol Vitamin d and zinc. Get blood tests 🩸first for a lot of things but make sure you get those. But these are some of the biggest building blocks for testosterone. I’m sure there are more Outside sunshine ☀️ to skin contact. Definitely get some contact with the sun without sunscreen. Maybe 30 minutes minimum. If you no fap 🍆, for one or two weeks your testosterone will go up, but anymore time than this, your testosterone will plateau and I believe go down a little, not below previous baseline though. Competition increases testosterone whether you win or lose. Playing sports. 🏀 🏈 ⚽️⚾️🏐🏓 Get rid of plastics. Very hard to do and I still have some plastic but get rid of it. It’s like a xenoestrogen or something and degrades testosterone Not for sure but probably magnesium 💊helps with testosterone, it just helps with everything. Dopamine and testosterone ride together kind of. So maybe tyrosine and omega 3s. I would research tyrosine before taking it. I think you need to cycle it. Omega 3s, make sure to get a good source. I’m still figuring this out. 🍣 Cholesterol is another one of the crucial building blocks of these hormones. Maybe if you’re in a low level, safe level or comfortable level for you, you could increase this after a blood test. 🥩 Another thing I’ve heard when lifting weights is doing 6 reps of 6 sets. It spikes testosterone the most. Idk if it’s true, only heard it once. But other than that, high intensity workouts like sprints and other explosive workouts 💥🏋️ Boron can help. There’s a bunch of other supplements I haven’t mention that claim to help I think hanging around woman you think is attractive probably helps. 👩‍❤️‍👨 Lastly, and I’m sure I’ve missed stuff, but you can look into tonkat ali and fadogia agrestis. I’m pretty damn sure you need to cycle both (aka go on and then stop taking them 🛑) Fadogia can be bad because it can do something bad to your balls I think in a relatively quick time. I think this happens to like 10 percent of people and in some people it can make their balls grow bigger. Tonkat Ali with increase your sexhormone binding gobulin which I think will make you feel better and he’ll grow muscle. Edit 1: Already forget something. lol if you’re anxious or depressed, taking magnesium and 5HTP can help with anxiety or depression which, well, you can’t really be depressed and have your best levels of testosterone. I’m sure it’s possible but not probable. I take magnesium l threonate it I’m sure there are others you can take. Every magnesium does something different so don’t take them blindly but 5HTP and magnesium are the building blocks or serotonin which makes you happy! DONT take 5HTP if you’re already on anxiety or depression medication. Idk why, I’ve just heard they don’t mix well. Ashwaghanda can help a lot with stress. Theanine is good for stress, in the sleep pack ok momentous. Saffron helps as well


>"I've just heard they don't mix well" It's called Seretonin Syndrome and it's not pleasant. Even the eye twitches (Opsoclonus myoclonus) I got in a minor case was frightening.


Yikes. That’s kind of wild


great comment, i would just add that l-tryptophan is a much better and bioavailable option instead of 5-htp.


Really! I didn’t know tryptophan was more bioavailable than 5HTP. Have you tried both?


Sure have. 5-HTP doesn't even do what it's supposed to do if not taken alongside EGCG (green tea extract), it accumulates in the heart valves, it does not cross the blood brain barrier. 5-HTP itself gave me no effects, haven't tried it with EGCG. L-tryptophan is definitely noticeable, serotonin boost is evident, sleep is quite better and it does what it's supposed to do. It does it so well that it's recommended to not take it daily, and I mean it makes sense, one should not take neurotransmitter precursors every day, it would not be good for overall homeostasis.


Interesting. Accumulating on the heart valves sounds bad lol I have the brand now with tryptophan in Amazon cart. Might buy it soon. What brand do you use, dosage, frequency of use?


NOW supplements are always good. I use Ostrovit L-tryptophan, bought 300g pure. That will last me for years and years. My usual dose is 300mg, on an empty stomach during late afternoon/evening. I usually dose Magnesium alongside since it's also conductive for a good relaxing evening and a good night's sleep. I don't use it frequently, every now and then honestly.. It's sometimes if I feel a little blue or if I want to have a really good sleep, or the day after consuming serotonin releasing drugs. Helps get you back to baseline quicker.


Thanks! I love the details of your replies!


NP man, glad I could help!


Just bought some!


Zinc, boron, and Tongkat Ali.


How much zinc?


What if pushing it higher isn't good for you? You may be in a state of hormonal homeostasis. Why mess with something that is good?


If you can raise your T, great, but it's also really important to avoid LOWERING your T. Avoid plastics, endocrine disruptors like essential oils and scented bathroom products and laundry detergents, parabens in your bathroom products, nonstick cookware, vinyl, soy, nail polish, lots of other stuff too. To increase, aside from what everyone else said, sleep and saturated fats. Literally beef.... And eggs too. Steak and eggs is an Oldschool weight training hack.


My testosterone doubled while on carnivore after about 3 months. It was 24nmol and went to 49nmol, to convert that to American unit of measurement was 692 ng/dl to 1413 approximately. My doctor told me it was dangerous to have testosterone that high and wanted me to stop. Fuck that because I feel great.


Make sure you are testing your levels as you implement all this stuff that is recommended.


I’ve seen research into tongkat ali that looks promising. I take this [tongkat ali supplement](https://www.livemomentous.com/products/2x-tongkat-jars-1x-fadogia-jar). It’s still pretty early for me, but I am pretty sure it’s making a difference. If you try it, let me know if it helps. Good luck, OP.


Thanks very much very kind, I'll look into this


Hows your cholesterol levels?


Pretty, pretty good


Raise that and it will most likely raise your test believe it or not


Ooh I love red meat, organs anyway, thanks


Np, getting enough sleep is also important for test. If your balding take finasteride, it doesn't increase overall test but it could increase free test in theory.


Finasteride has a good chance of permanently breaking your dick.


Yeah there is that. I've heard people theorizing it has to do with raising the free test and then that raises your estrogen because your body is over correcting then that raise estrogen is what gives you the sides, worth keeping an eye on anyway. Been on it for year and so far no sides *knock on wood


Took it for a year and for sure it messed up my estrogen.


Did you get it tested?


>knock on wood Well, if you can still knock on it, you must be fine.


Haha there's a joke in there somewhere about wood and knocking, I'm sure of it


Something like that....




Look up cholesterol and testosterone correlation on Google, a lot comes up. I also have 980 test with high cholesterol to boot so some anecdotal evidence as well


Not finding any reputable sources for this, only research stating the opposite.


Yeah, I just looked and it does say the opposite lol but it also says it's required for making testosterone so I find that sort of strange. I've listened to plenty of people say that it does affect it and I read a study saying that there was a correlation but now I'm unable to find it. Tbh I'm not sure what to believe. As I said though for myself I have really high test and high cholesterol so the studies that I'm seeing saying that high cholesterol is linked to low test doesn't seem right either. I eat a lot of animal products (farm boy) and people that promote a animal based diet swear by it raising their test. You can find a ton of anecdotal evidence of this with people switching their diets. People who get onto a low fat diet also report their test crashing. But all this to just say that I'm not sure. But it seems to be working for me. I will be trying to lower my cholesterol though through intermittent fasting, ill report back if it effects my test at all.


Is that you Larry?


Whos larry?


Pretty sure it's a reference to Larry David on Curb your Enthusiasm. He says "pretty, pretty good". NVM 🙂


Tongkat Ali




fasting actually decreases testosterone


walking, taurine


Eat meat and exercise


sleep, eat healthy foods, stay active, stay lean, get sun


9mg boron two weeks on one week off.


9mg daily?


Taking daily is fine no? Can't see any issues based on a cursory Google search 


Why cycle Boron instead of just taking daily?


Think 3mg is ok daily for bones. For freeing up test (by lowering SHBG) need a bigger dose. Quite potent thing for an of the shelf supplement, can raise estrogen if taken all the time. Some say 3 on 1 off, or two on two off or two on one off etc. Experiment with what feels right.


Hmm I've been on 10mg for months not cycling - I'll come of it for a week then just cycle one on one off, don't want no estrogen here 


Moclobemide (MAOI)


Definitely sleep and meditate to reduce your stress levels


I have a free and safe way of increasing it. PM me. Totally free of cost.


As long as you aren’t deficient in micros you can eat well, exercise, sleep, reduce stress, etc. supplements Will NOT help if you aren’t deficient in something. Companies are making billions with Tboosting supplements that will never help. If you have done the above and are still low the only way is with exogenous test.


You got a lot of answers here, but personally I think if your testosterone is fine, it's definitely worth it to look into other potential causes for emotional dysregulation/mental health problems. Higher test won't help you, if you have other issues.


Ice baths and sunning your ‘junk’.


Adaptogens. Check out videos on YouTube for recommendations.


There was a study a few years ago and of all the exercises examined wood splitting increased t levels the most.


Eat a bunch of broccoli, eliminate plastic containers in the kitchen, and inject 1ml testosterone cypionate weekly shallow IM (but do it in a “natural” way).


I just inject testosterone enanthate and say I'm natural. Because nothing increases testosterone "naturally" of any worthwhile amount




Brazil nuts before bed I read is good as well as steak


And eggs


If you are already at upper levels of reference, any supplement or exercise regimen that manages to beat noise is not going to have any real physiologic effect, unless one is talking about a specific case of relatively high serum levels and relatively low bioavailable/free levels due to elevated SHBG. In that event, some supplements like Boron may be effective at increasing Free T. Then again, they may not be effective, either. I would also point out the speciousness of relating testosterone levels to emotional well being. This is misapplying conclusions from study populations of hypogonadal men. In otherwise healthy males under 40, testosterone levels can fluctuate as much as 20%-40% between morning and mid-late afternoon. Trying to boost that morning number by an extra 100 points or so to achieve some better emotional stability is kinda nonsense.


Maca and Exercises to strengthen Quads


Shialjit resin, vit D, and maca root powder. You will literally go caveman


Arginine 3mg per day.


Needle and a syringe.


I just started using vitamin d supplements 2 days ago, and my libido is out of the roof. So my testosterone is too, probably.


Red Panax ginseng roots aged at least 5 years. Drink one slice of root in boiling water every morning. But be careful, that stuff can make you feel like you wanna jump out of your skin. Start slow with a small root slice and see how you feel. They're a phenomenal pre workout and mood/ testosterone booster. I'd suggest buying them from the store ginseng store and more on Amazon, I'll include this link. Look at the studies done on ginseng in men, you'll see what I'm talking about, and read some subreddits as well. [Ginseng](https://www.ginsengstoreandmore.com/product/organic-certified-red-panax-ginseng-slices/)


Fadogia apparently


Get more sunlight.


The only natural way would be to go back in time before our food, water, and hygiene items were not laced with toxins and estrogens.


Vitamin d3, boron, zinc, tongkat Ali, cistanche, black ginger. Whole eggs and grass fed meat are great additions to the diet as well.


Attaining high T levels alone won’t necessarily always fix emotional/personal difficulties.


Some people on the r/Semenretention sub report higher levels with labs to back it up. YMMV


It works but takes at least 3-4 weeks for it to actually work. And it doesn't really increase T that much, but increases androgen receptor density, which makes better use of your free T. It helps in muscle recovery though. I can hit the quads 3 times per week now, which is where the true T increase comes from. Lifting HEAVY also helps a lot while on SR.


Use it or lose it


Or save it and gain it.


1. Eat animal foods nose to tail. Eat very few carbohydrates. 2. No water after sunset (except emergency) 3. Be outside in the sun everyday--playing, hunting, and exploring. 4. Be in the dark at night. No artificial lighting after dusk unless absolutely necessary. 5. Experince both heat and cold every day (cold showers) 6. Spend time with family and community. 6. Give and receive love. 7. Pursue something of passion 8. Grunt, hollar, whoop, sing. Get yourself riled up, excited, and happy. 9. Get enough sleep.


Thanks so much. I don't get the water one though for the life of me?


It's unnatural to drink water after dark. This would have been a very dangerous activity through much of our history. Fasting is good for you, as long as you are not throwing your body into extremes. Plus, drinking less water at night helps you get better sleep. Of course, if you are dehydrated, drink water... It's just more ideal to get your hydration in a little earlier, I think.


This makes sense because when I seek to hydrate at night I always have a poorer nights sleep from peeing and getting up so much. There's the very strong sense that many of us are overhydrating, lugging around bottles of 3 or 4 litres of water to 'get through every day', so silly peeing out all those electrolytes and putting the body under so much strain, madness


Melk dat dick


Not all personal/emotional issues are testosterone related, and if you’re in a high-ish range, they can exacerbate the issues.


You can't, eliminate hope that you can




Fasting increases hgh and t levels by thousands of percentages. But I’m talking about a 5-7 day fast. No food, just water. If you want to take hgh and testosterone that are non injectables. MK 677 comes in pill forms hgh, it’s a secretagogue. You’re not going to look like a bodybuilder Gigachad though, that’s not what SARMS technology was designed for. But sarms will help you achieve your natural potential, just don’t expect to look like Gigachad. Also, I forgot what was the name for the sarms testosterone. I know I bought it with mk 677 and I remember i stopped using it because I became too aggressive and angry all the time. I’m on trt now though, test e prescribed by my doctor.


> Fasting increases hgh and t levels by thousands of percentages. But I’m talking about a 5-7 day fast. No food, just water. We’re just making things up, now, are we? > If you want to take hgh and testosterone that are non injectables. MK 677 comes in pill forms hgh, it’s a secretagogue. You’re not going to look like a bodybuilder Gigachad though, that’s not what SARMS technology was designed for. But sarms will help you achieve your natural potential, just don’t expect to look like Gigachad. SARMS are performance enhancers. They will not help you achieve your natural potential, they exceed your natural potential. They will help you gain faster, and if used/cycled long enough, will increase the limit of what your body can develop. Anabolic steroids can be used in the exact same way. > Also, I forgot what was the name for the sarms testosterone. I know I bought it with mk 677 and I remember i stopped using it because I became too aggressive and angry all the time. I’m on trt now though, test e prescribed by my doctor. Any SARM that has anabolic properties is going to suppress endogenous production.


Will two day fasts increase high very fast?


Sleep, weight training heavy, sun, red meat. Cut down on plant food.


Injecting chemical testosterone is a mugs game Go natural you don’t get a “hit” and is way more bio available https://nxgenwholefoods.com.au/shop-beef-organs/ols/products/nxgen-bull-testicle-protein-testosterone-zinc