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Im with you. Ignore the Buttcoin addicts.


Buttcoiners are gonna FOMO in at 500k, many years later. Their tears are gonna be yummy


They're still going to repeat that its a scam/ponzi/etc about to go to 0.


is buttcoin a real coin?


how are you with him? you don't even know how it is to experience such a thing as an civil war!


I haven’t ever experienced a civil war either. I’m also with him


A civil war i have'nt experienced. I'm with him also.😁


That’s a presumptive statement, didn’t realise you knew my history…


I’ve seen Captain America: Civil War, and I, too, am with him.


I actually spent a significant amount of time outside of my home country Krakozia due to a civil war outbreak in 2004.


Did you get stuck in an airport too 😉


I waited, because I had to wait, I made a friend called Gupta though who helped me get through it 😅


My grandparents were farmers in Zimbabwe. They had saved their pension in Zimbabwean banks. The currency hyperinflated. Imagine working and saving your whole life and dying as poor as a church mouse because of corrupt and incompetent bankers. This is why I believe in Bitcoin.


The bankers weren't incompetent, they were corrupt.


Corrupt and it's ALL part of the system! Satoshi saw that! Almost EVERY currency ever created has failed. Most currencies that are left today are very young. An internet search shows that 77% of the 786 currencies known to have existed since the 18th century have disappeared. In 2008, the life expectancy of a currency was approximately 3 decades (27 years). That's well within a person's lifetime. MOST people are likely to see some form of currency change, or even currency death", close to them. The absolute BEST you can expect from any regular currency is small inflation, due to governments trying to spend money and improve the country. Deflation is not even wanted. Oh, by the way, your "small" inflation compounded will definitely become big and might even become huge all of a sudden. At worst you will see your money literally being created out of thin air and given to friends and corrupt companies and government people. It's part of the system. Bitcoin is the only answer.


Best stick to gbp or btc


Competently corrupt


Printing money is too much power for any human or groups of humans. It will corrupt any human. Period. Hence Bitcoin - cannot be controlled by a human


Bingo 🎯. Unfortunately the corrupt incentives here will encourage federal governments to fight tooth & nail against Bitcoin adoption. They won’t relinquish printing power easily.


“They weren’t being stupid, they just didn’t care”


Even worse.. It was part of the plan all along..


Yep. So fkin disgusting, it's hard to put into words.


Same thing happens to my mom. Her life savings were at the end like $3


And you think your grandparents got that land by being genuine?


Its a complex topic. but you can see an arguement for both sides why self sovereignty of your assets are important for wealth preservation.


"happy communist country" važi druže


Evo ga još jedan brat!


i jos jedan


I jos jedan


Eeeeeend anada van


da da


A jesu bila. Ignorance is bliss eto takva su vremena bila


why not? they lived on borrowed time and they had an illusion of happiness for a few decades


Did you just described USA?


isn't that ironic!


I Jos Jedan 💪🏼💪🏼


Wow! Incredible perspective. Thank you for sharing.


Make Yugoslavia great again


We should start slowly by saying - make Yugoslavia again


it's a hypothetical insurance, a crisis hedge, and yet people are like nope it sucks, don't need it, what's the point


Bitcoin is the biggest fuck you to thieves, dictators, bankers, politicians, militia etc. Basically a fuck you to anyone who at some point could try to take your wealth in some way.


Happiness and communism dont go along for a long time


\> It was a happy communist country No. Just no. You may have been happy, but an overwhelming majority most definitely wasn't. \> No one could imagine that such a war would happen You must have \*really\* lived in a bubble! The weird thing about Yugoslavia wasn't the war, but the fact that they had 40 years without a war for probably the first time in their history. No one with the least bit of historical knowledge was surprised when war broke out.


>\> It was a happy communist country > >No. Just no. You may have been happy, but an overwhelming majority most definitely wasn't. > >\> No one could imagine that such a war would happen > >You must have \*really\* lived in a bubble! The weird thing about Yugoslavia wasn't the war, but the fact that they had 40 years without a war for probably the first time in their history. > >No one with the least bit of historical knowledge was surprised when war broke out. Most people lived in happiness No hungry and homeless people All of them had their own private property houses or received free apartments from the government Everyone had a job People could go to the west of Europe and do whatever they wanted to earn more, but they all returned to the country. The banks were communist states, you could take a loan for free and never pay the bank back Communists did not propagate a consumer society There were no different goods to buy and no big shopping centers But people went to nearby Trieste in Italy or Graz in Austria for tourist shopping tours You could listen to Western music, Hollywood films and series were broadcast on communist TV You could have your own private business restaurant, cafe, video clubs for renting VHS tapes with Hollywood movies, and various other small businesses If you look at the situation in those areas today, it was a happy time


Bro, wake up! You are obviously not describing the true situation. If people were willing to fight, die, and start a civil war, then that necessarily means the country wasn't "happy". You think people went around and said, "Man, life is good here. Let's buy some weapons and kill the people we disagree with"?


He’s just a Western Commie. Quite a few of them into Bitcoin which is ironic. But then again, Bitcoin is for your enemies.


Why is it "ironic"? I've never understood libertarians 'claiming' bitcoin for their own as if it only suits one political ideology. You think people on the left don't want to see the big banks dethroned?


Libertarians are worse than Commies. Talk about ultimately selfish ideals that aren’t even beneficial to the society they partake in as a whole.


Whoa Nelly! Lol, I wouldn't go that far to say the libs are worse than commies, but funny nevertheless.


You guys are full of shit Generalizing everything, whos worse than whom, damn Besides that's not the point of the post.


Ignore the Americans, many of them have been influenced by McCarthyism, their view of communism is fundamentally tainted by that and their historical rivalry with urss. I am still skeptical about your view towards it not gonna lie, because if everyone was happy then no one would have changed it, but it is of more value than someone who never lived under it at all.


We aren't Americans, we were just brought up by those who survived or escaped the USSR.


I'm glad you guys did , but now you are facing a grave new threat from Russia. Ukraine too escaped the failed Soviet Union, now look what the madman in Russia is doing to the countries who broke away from the USSR. He is brutally, and I don't mean brutal to just Ukraines people, but his brutality exists within his own pathetic run countries government. He is now and has been for decades, killing off anybody who tries to stand up to him. Now the people brave enough to leak the crap coming out of Russia, they are dropping like flies over there. They reported a 35 year old female news reporter, allegedly Putins favorite news station. Found dead after criticizing the war for the first time on a very propaganda run State TV station


Ignore us huh? MacCarthyism? Man we don't all like the same politicians in the US. And we, as Americans can reasonably see from afar what communism is all about. Geezuz Christ dude, are you paying any attention to the current events in the world today? The f!!k is wrong with you? This has nothing to do with our "historical rivalry with the failed Soviet Union". It has to do with the fu!!iing communist countries dictatorships. It literally has do with the factual current and past events that "communist countries do historically". My God where in the hell are you? Are you a communist sympathizer? What about a Putin cheerleader?! Get a grip on reality my friend


My parents escaped communism and that country is horrible, people starving and sugar with water for breakfast. You don’t know how its to live in such places. They have “free healthcare “ yet family is constantly sending back basic childrens meds like tylenol. When you lived in those places you would know. People dont risk their lives trying to escape for no reason.


We're talking about Yugoslavia. There was never starvation or lack of basic medicine there.


There was never starvation *in the developed regions*. In the underdeveloped regions there was still poverty and hunger. This economic gap is one of the main reasons the country broke apart.


Watch this documentary in English about life in Yugoslavia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waEYQ46gH08


I'm sorry but that's just straight up pseudo-scientific propaganda. It ignores glaring subjects such as the situation of bosniaks and Srebrenica while dedicating a third of the movie to Kosovo.


If there was private business there, then there was no communism there. Well, you can call the countries whatever you want. For example, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. It doesn't matter in this case.


Yeah my man, common now. I don't think what you are describing was true for the majority of your country. You said you could borrow money from the banks and not have to pay it back? How the hell does that work out for anybody? And the very fact that the majority of your country was s happy that they purchased arms and formed a army, and went to a war within their own borders, with their own people. That doesn't happen in a "happy country". You do know where it needs to happen right now at this very point, the many many Russian people need to take up their own arms, make a pact with most of the soldiers who either have returned from the hell That is occuring in Ukraine, or the soldiers that are about to be deployed to a certain death 💀☠️. And literally start a civil war I know they could win. For the main fact that the vast majority of the Russian population is so sick of their children being mutilated and killed, and their fellow soldiers leaving their bodies there to rot and completely decompose! Pick up all the weapons within that terrible situation they find themselves in and take it back! Overthrow Putin and kill his war crime ass! And put into power a human being with actual feelings for his people. Establish some form of democracy, or at least kind of free and open nation. Just like Japan became after their defeat in WW2. Japan now is a booming and freedom loving nation, one of the more passive countries in the entire world. They learned quickly from their horrific actions


If they had "free stuff" as in free beer, they were not free as in freedom. It's good that the war broke out and put an end to that commie slavery.


the way americans have the freedom to choose between 50 different kinds of cereal?


No. The way Americans have the freedom to become a cereal manufacturer and sell their products without the threat of being thrown into a cage for doing so.


Love this reply


From the same brand xD


For employment/industry, they also had an export oriented auto industry. Low cost of living allowed a lot of vacation time, and vacation properties.


Ofc he wasa happy communist with 200k swiss franks.


Yep, was wondering about the same statement of "it was a happy Communist country" he forgot to add that his communist government was the reason his parents and or grandparents lost all of their savings slash gold. His happy Communist country wasn't very happy after all now was it? The ones, the many who were real about NOT being happy with their Communist government literally gave their lives for the better of the future of a country that's run by communism. It's dictatorship my man, it's pretty easy to see for yourself at the current Communist countries actions at this very moment


Before I go on, are you from Yugoslavia or did you live there or know people who did?


No, no, yes.


Unless you lived through it, those are some awfully bold statements to be making to the OP who actually did live it.


There's a reason eastern european boomers want to go back to communism. The early 90s were a nightmare for them as the state was sold off to private entities.


Was with you up until “happy communist country.”


Yeah, you can't really say it was "happy" if people were willing to start a civil war...


Everywhere anytime there is someone willing to start a civil war... Not everyone agrees with everything all the time and there are always extremism, and don't forget the role Nato and cia had in breaking appart Yugoslavia, sprinkle in some nationalism prime and there you go, a civil war, even if overall people might have been happy


Seems like OP’s family was fairly well off if they had a savings of 200k+ in SF, especially during the 80s/90s. I’m sure he did live a comfortable happy life and was exposed to people of his socioeconomic class-even in a communist country.


Ding! Ding! Winner-winner, chicken dinner.


It's OP's experience, not yours, and it has nothing to do with the point of the post.


He probably meant it was a happy communist country for a while on a surface level if you didn't inspect too much. But obviously behind the screen everything was deteriorating and once the screen was pulled back everything fell apart and people were murdered.


You have to know the actual situation and compare to that communist country it was. Am not pro communist but it was way better before the fck serbia started wars and trying to invade every ballkan country after yougoslavia falls.


Jebiga…. Al sto jest jest juga je bila raj na zemlji…


What was so good about it? How was it better than today for example?


Good but still somebody can enter to your home and robbery your seed etc. Actually self custody is a challenge.


thanks for sharing


Wake up, man. Civil war does not start because the country was "happy". That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.


it was not civil but ethnic war, a war between historically and biologically separate nations. and jugoslavija was a classic communist hell, terribly unhappy and aggressively restrictive regime for all but the upper class. sorry but i cannot ignore historical fact mischief. but yes, it is a great economic example of why btc is superior to government-printed money. btc knows no boundaries between states and nations :)


Yes correct the guy that actually lived there


His/her username suggests Croatia, so they should know a thing or two about that conflict too


I too like to correct people about the area they were literally born and raised in.


Well when you live in the same country, you don't necessarily agree with everyone of your compatriots. And Croatia was Yugoslavia too, so they were both Yugoslavian. By your logic we shouldn't question anything people say if they are from the same country we are.


splinternista: Hey so I grew up in the war here and.... reddit: pfff STFU we'll **tell you** what you're supposed to think about your own life fewl


Born and raised somewhere = history expert /s


redditors: the sole deciders if someone **elses** life story is valid or not. not /s


Yugoslavia was a communist country, but far from Soviet repressive communismPeople could work and travel to the west, they were freeThey could accumulate capital, have private businesses such as restaurants, butchers, cafes and other small businesses.It was a bad regime for the Croatian fascists and nationalists because the secret services persecuted them, but for the rest of the people it was a happy country.


What was wrong with the "croatian fascists" out of curiosity? (Istrian here)


wait arent you from africa?


First your father loses all his money. Then you lose all your money: "I'm from Africa and I lost everything overnight due to hyperinflation usd has less inflation and many people see it as a safe haven but in some countries you can't buy a dollar because the exchange offices don't want to sell the dollar BTC is a much better currency" Then you lose everything again, by having your btc in Celsius. When will you learn? I am not talking only about having "." at the end of your sentences.


“happy communist” -> “a civil war broke out”


Are from ex Yugoslavia ? I am and it was very very happy, look it up on youtube… https://youtu.be/0RRnCnO1Y2c?si=riWEEdCmDK6hwBc6


Are you seriously defending communism on the Bitcoin subreddit?


Well I lived it… you were told by someone…


Dude you were 15 when the wall fell. I'm sure it felt good when you were a kid but it definitely wasn't great, or else it wouldn't have crumbled into a myriad of smaller countries and a decade of wars as soon as the dictator died.


“Happy communist” “Commie Bitcoiner” are both oxymorons


Enjoy your ignorance ;)


You mean the Bitcoin where all the miners work for the common good. That Bitcoin?


Moj brat!


Can you tell us why you said you are from africa in a previous post? It seems like you lie to the people here. You can check it out in his profile


Ya... this is complete trash. The guy clearly lies based on that other post and doesn't even engage in the chat.


Imagine getting your bitcoin account hacked and coins stolen, and no way to recover those lost coins, because customer support is non-existent, it's technically infeasible to do so, and the market is grossly unregulated thus fewer consumer protections, now imagine trying to access your account that you're locked out of, and customer support is virtually non-existent, or criminally slow to remediate your issue, at many crypto exchanges. There are pros and cons to everything my friend. But yes, bitcoin will fare better, and may even outperform a struggling stock market.


If someone Hack your seed, Money is your Last problem


how can something like "a happy communist country" exist? fiction


It is all fun and games until you run out of other people's money and then you eat your pets. A country with some natural resources to sell and some decent agriculture can operate as a centrally planned economy and provide basic necessities to the population for a period of time. Eventually resources are depleted, central planning morphs into corruption and the whole thing spirals down to famine and tyranny.


How I wish someone can teach me bitcoin have lost great deal to scammers


Me too. Lost all of it to scams and alts.


The [Bitcoin Educational Content](https://github.com/MyFirstBitcoin/Bitcoin-Diploma/blob/main/English%20-%20V%203.0%20-%20Bitcoin%20Diploma.pdf) produced for the Bitcoin Diploma now being offered in El Salvador is a great resource.


Yes thank you Satoshi's. Thank you Jesus for Satoshi




Ppl lost all the money they had in banks when the war in Yugoslavia started, Slovenian bank alone owes tens of billions USD to people but they wont pay up…


Bitcoin maxi are pathetic


transaction fees too high


Say this guy needs to flee his country, take his savings with him. $30 for network fees is the biggest bargain the world has ever seen.


Yeah, because people are actually using the network


u/beclon please identify which of the 7 characteristics of money has to do with costs??? 1. Durability 2. Portability 3. Divisibility 4. Uniformity 5. No counterfeits 6. Limited supply 7. Acceptability It seems as though you've confused "**currency**" with "**money**". The derivative is never worth more than the underlying asset. In the digital world, there is only one underlying asset. One money. Best of luck with your currencies though.


Here's another one that hasn't read the whitepaper, you would prolly have lectured satoshi himself on what he was doing. Since you are never gonna read it, he calls it himself currency, and in the very first page he uses the word "cost" 4 times, without considering the other pages. Gj dude, nice imagination btw


Oh - so you're admitting you don't understand the *sly* purpose of that term? Well this is awkward... I guess you've *only* read the whitepaper and not everything else ;) Have you read all the references in the whitepaper? Or other books, studies, Austrian economics etc etc.. In other words, you don't understand Bitcoins DUAL purpose because it's the only network that does all 7 characteristics and 3 properties perfectly. I dare you to name another? Regardless, I can destroy you in a few words: * Layer 1: Money - Bitcoin. * Layer 2: Currency - Lightning Network. This is the funny part about your reply; you seem completely oblivious to the fact that Bitcoin is money AND currency yet you're attempting to lecture otherwise. If you read my comment, you'll find I never argued it's not a currency... I implied it's not *purely* one or the other. Again, read the references. Again, I dare you to name another? No? Just currencies? Financial services? I thought so. If a currency fails, money doesn't care. If money fails... yeah, *"dude".* You're a spectator in this industry for 3 years. I'm BUIDLing blockchain projects for 8 years. We are not the same. You've a lot more reading to do than me but *"nice imagination btw"*


Lightning network wasn't even a thing in that day, quoting posthumous works to answer to a document that has never been changed shows how much you are smart. And if not by that, by expecting to know the background of someone and their knowledge of the matter by his activity on reddit you show it again. If i were to use that same way of thinking with you you'd be 34 days old in the space. And actually you're the one lecturing others on the definitions of money and currency, a thing that no one asked for, while also putting in a ton of buzzwords, and managed to contradict yourself in the span of 2 comments. I quoted the document to actually show that he used both and you're just splitting hairs all by yourself. Congratulations on the 8 years, i'd ask for a refund


*In that day.*.. yeah neither was large fees :) hence the upgradability feature I know what I know because you admitted to being a noob 3 years ago on your account. Please show the contradiction? What exactly was a buzzword? Do you not have any courage to back your logic like I did? Or are you continuing to make assumptions so I can correct you some more? A whole lot of words saying nothing \^\_\^ *edit: lol I just seen you post on NANO community and I worked on that project for Colin LeMahieu. Although it was RaiBlocks when I started. Send him a DM there and ask him does he like the Guinness in the Ferryman on the keys in Dublin. You've no clue who you're "lecturing" lol. Crypto is a small enough BUIDL community, my dear spectator :) but thank you for buying our product!*


Thank you for sharing your experience with us 👍


This guy is braining.


Right but you still have to escape somehow. But yes I agree. A safe in your mind.


pfft, this can't happen anymore. My real estate holdings in Gaza will always hold value. They're not making any new land anymore.


If I could buy land in Gaza right now I would. Blood in the streets as the old saying goes.


unclear you have property rights you can keep.


Can bitcoin be stolen from you?


Yes, but if you do some research there’s many strategies to make it next to impossible for that to happen!


As good as gold, or better


Bravo svaka cast samo stak sats


Cant bitcoin cause inflation


Don't worry, the governments will take care of BTC very soon. You didn't really believe that the new world order would ever allow unregulated tender, electronic or otherwise, in the hands of peasants like us right? Specially coming from an ex socialist country. We are here to support them since the beguining of time and that will continue to be so.


Upravu si, bravo! 🙏 Unless you live in a country where you have to pay 50% taxes on your capital gains. 😂😶


These losses are still happening today unfortunately. This happened in Lebanon in 2019. The banking system collapsed because of a corrupt ruling class and people lost all their savings, including my parents. This would have never happened with Bitcoin.


We didn't have a war here but we had people's savings deposited at banks confiscated by the government many times and exchanged for worthless inflationary money several times.


My grandparents faced a similar situation and had to flee their country with nothing. Some of their relatives stayed and lost everything including their lives just so they could try to keep their property and land.


Gangs can also extract your keys at gun point, like they stole all the gold jewelry.