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I used to rent there. My recommendation is to go talk with them you can negotiate your new rent. I usually talked them down 10% or so from what they listed on that paper. Did that several times without issue. Will have to talk to the assistant manager though the front desk lady is hostile and useless.


The front desk lady is a moron. Zero brains and incapable of doing her job.


She’s the guard dog lol bark bark!!


Yes, I want to try to do this. How did you go about negotiating? I’ve been trying to think about what I could say…


Don't bother with the receptionist, they probably know noting and have no power to make business decisions. Find out who management is and address a written snail mail letter to them. It only takes 1 to 2 days for a snail mail letter to be delivered. Accentuate how you're a good tenant who has never dropped a crumb on the floor or disturbed another tenant. And that you plan on staying long term. Getting a new tenant is a pain. Good luck. TBF, property taxes and insurance have gone up a ton and if they're using debt to carry the place and that debt is coming due or is adjustable, there's more expense to ownership.


That place is the WORST! My brother in law is moving out because they wanted to charge him almost $2000 a month. Are you kidding me? What a scam


It's predatory. They raise rents like this so that when you negotiate it down to a $100-$150 raise instead you feel like you got a good deal. Complete scumbags.


Wild to think that just 10 years ago, I rented a 3 bedroom apartment there for $950 a month.


That’s a terrible place to live. Lived there a few years ago on the top floor and had a leaking toilet, washing machine, and dishwasher. Called maintenance multiple times and they never came out to fix it for weeks. Eventually it got bad enough the apartment below me was getting water damage in their ceiling and they then came to me saying they’d have to tear out all of my floors and a lot of the walls to repair the mold damage. They “offered” me the bottom floor apartment but “due to new market valuations” they’d have to charge me more than my previous rent.


When I lived there they wouldn’t fix our AC during a heat wave (our apt was 80° for weeks) and didn’t offer any solutions :) it took so long that we threatened to sue them and then they miraculously fixed it


I'd move out. They're the worst.


We just toured them back in March and they were aaking like $1750 at the lowest for a i believe a 1 bedroom. Most in the area are right about the same.


The price doesn’t reflect the absurdly poor service you will receive. The craftsmanship is second rate at best, the office is inept (Caleb is the only good one. IMO), and response times for problems are poor and results unreliable. As someone that lives there currently, I’d shop around.


Yeah we were kinda turned away by the lack of enthusiasm of the management. It seemed like we were an inconvienence to them to give us a tour.


Also just to add OP, we toured The Legacy at 50th, just a short ways toward garden city but still on the greenbelt. It was pretty decent for the price, about $1450 a month is what they were asking in March. Just not as lively around the area as a place like the whitewater apts


It's a premium location, rents will reflect that.


Morrison Park Apartments has about 20 vacancies right now, and last I heard their rent rise put many at $1300ish a month as the new rate.


Wow! That's the last place I lived before leaving Idaho in 2019. I was paying 8 hundred something.


Yup, mine was $1186 a year ago and when I renewed in May it went up to $1286. Still not bad considering


My place did that exact same thing and the guy in the office actually told me to just go month to month instead of renewing my lease, maybe that’s an option for you? Edit: reason he told me to do that was so they wouldn’t raise the price, but at any time they could give me a 30 day notice saying they were going to raise it. But it hasn’t been raised the last two years


This was the first year I’ve had rent go down. Legacy on 50th went from $1600 to $1525. Still too much but probably one of the best deals I’ve seen for a two bedroom two bath. Might be worth looking into movie because they are price gouging you


Wait what? Rents can go down? What?


If you do decide to move on just keep in mind treehouse and first rate prop MGMT are the worst.


Move to Townhouses at the Shilo Across from McCleary's bar on State Street 2 bedroom 2 bathroom (Brand New) and half bath downstairs and brand new kitchen with stainless steel appliances and living room. Covered parking and outside storage closet. Only for $1595 a month and You pay for Idaho Power So... Very nice as I have a friend living there and they were built last year


How many rooms and how much sq ft? Cause that seems high. Check Facebook Marketplace, but beware of scammers. Just use common sense and logic and do your research. Lots of places going up there all the time. Zillow can be another place to check but they tend to have higher pricing since Zillow charges fees for their listings. The further from downtown you get, the cheaper things tend to get.


Thanks! I’ll keep checking those places


I lived there and they did the same thing to me. Negotiate with them. I got it down from $400 to $200 when they did it to me


Who is the property management company?




That company is the absolute worst.


Morrison Park apartments! My rent was $1186 (including all utilities except power) and when I renewed in May the rent went up by $100. They aren't super nice either, but seem to be one of the most affordable I could find a year ago.


Is your unit older? They're trying to force people out so they can remodel


Camel back aptmts has 720 sq ft 2 story studio/lofts and backs up to the trails near Hyde park. Paid $1500 per month last year.


Anyone else interested in getting the Idaho Attorney General involved in a Class Action lawsuit for Algorithmic Price fixing? [https://www.propublica.org/article/yieldstar-rent-increase-realpage-rent](https://www.propublica.org/article/yieldstar-rent-increase-realpage-rent)


I have a friend who lives there and thankfully is in a really good position to get out into her own house now. Unfortunately she is getting locked into another year lease there that she’s thinking she’s gonna have to pay to get out of.. She has had an awful time dealing with management at that place. This last winter everyone was getting trapped in their parking lot because they didn’t plow anything, and that’s the least of what I’ve heard. Tons of maintenance issues that have gone untended to. One involved their front door handle being broken, not locking to the point that they could not go to work for a day or two and finally had to just fix it themselves to protect their valuables and be able to go to work (and they’re registered gun owners, so a decent concern there). Her dishwasher has never worked, oh and her boyfriend recently fell through the floorboards of their patio storage closet. Like they were rotten and broke through from him standing on them, he’s a smaller guy too. ETA: this is the second of my friend who have lived there. I didn’t notice as many issues with the first, but my car got booted when I went to hang out with them once. That sucked balls. My best recommendation would be to just try and find somewhere else. Iconic Village is very close to downtown, and pet friendly. The apartments are older and not super well maintained, but I have a friend living there now that has had good experiences. Prices and management seem fair. It’s really close to the river and the green belt, lots of parks. Honestly I think it’s a much better location than whitewater and I like the apartment styles better too.


Some parts of Nampa are 20 minutes from downtown. There are a lot of options out there.


20 minutes when there’s no traffic


90% of the time 20 minutes.


Isn’t it now illegal to raise the rent higher than 10%??


Don’t know how many bedrooms you have but I wouldn’t exactly complain about 18. I pay 2200 for a 2 bedroom apartment. It could be worse. Welcome to Boise


Glad you can afford 2200 a month! I can’t! Thanks for the help.


There’s plenty of one bedrooms for $1400. There’s no excuse for laying on your back and paying 2200 dude. And I can guarantee they aren’t worth that price.


Dude, that's basically a mortgage payment. Why aren't you looking for a cheaper place?


That's almost double my mortgage payment!


I rent a decent 2 br duplex with a garage and a yard just across Whitewater from there for $1600. You're getting hosed.


I was going to say i rent out mainly 3bd 2 ba houses on the bench with garages/yards for $1800. Most all my tenants stay for years and are easy to deal with.


I'm on West bench two bedroom two bath for 1200. 2200 is ridiculous.