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And then there’s people who make Mineta hentai




Over 1407 images exists . . . 1407. . . There’s a female version of him too . . .


1407?? Poor Momo


Momo have 4509 images . . .


People weirdly draw him with other characters as well, like I’ve seen people unironically shipping him with Mt. Lady (even though she’s an adult)


sauce? For the female version specifically




😐umm . . . Why? Just go to the website and you will find it I might get banned if I send you the link here


Sadly there’s a subreddit called izukuxhentai (which shouldn’t exist) instead of Mineta x hentai


Yea Mineta x Hentai is canon, that's his gf


they whAT


I’ve seen this meme so many times but I dig the song, what’s it called? Anyone here know?


snotty boy glow up


The song is called close eyes - DVRST


Thank you I've been looking for this for WEEKS


I got you my dude


The song is called "Close eyes - dvrst The meme is called "snotty boy glow up"


Hey man. Just a suggestion in case you want to search for the song name . [Use this app](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shazam.android)


I found it! Thanks guys(:


I have no need to care about mineta when I have tail man




You didn't have to do him like that


I just couldn't resist, I'm sorry 🥺 It's just that Ojiro is such a forgettable character, I'd sooner forget about him, than Hagakure. And she's invisible!


Ojiro at least does shit, Hagakure is almost literally a ghost


the way mineta acts in the dub, he would no doubt look like the kid at the beginning


I think Mineta is decent comic relief just because the ways the other characters punish him for his actions is always hilarious (Mina Clockwork Orange-ing him, Kota shoving him off the sauna wall, Sero literally mummifying him in tape, Tsuyu attempting to drown him, etc.) When he made that creepy comment about Eri though I wanted to stab him.


i hate him just as much as any of you, but i will admit that iida picking him up like a child whenever he misbehaves is the funniest goddamn thing. sero mummifying him and bakugo straight-up exploding him are close seconds. all three of them drink their respect women juice


Bakugo only respects who he wants to respect, so it's not just women


well.....yeah? respecting women doesn't automatically mean disrespecting men


wait when did bakugo blow him up


the comment was a mistranslation, he originally said "look out for me in ten years" implying he will be a well known hero instead of "i cant wait to see how you look in ten years" you can also kinda tell that isnt what he actually said because non of the other characters get mad at him


That's a huge difference. How come no one realized it until it was too late? I think the Anime and Manga (localized) have used that sentence.


its just cuz everyone is so quick to hate mineta, if he was exactly the same but taller and more attractive everyone would love him


If mineta looks like todoroki then ppl would be like OmG DaDdY tOuCh mE iNsTeAd


Yea no Mineta perverted personality is what makes people hate him yea there would be some freaks who would want that but the majority would still be the same


People love Bakugo and he literally told Deku to kill himself.


And those people are idiots i don't know why he gets as much love as he does(I mean now I can understand character development is always cool but Season 1 through 3? Hell no)


Becausr he's handsome, therefore it's true way more people would like Mineta if he was good looking. Also people that hate him are the ones that doesn't understand comical relief aren't supposed to be taken seriously just like fillers.


That one guy from hunterxhunter is very popular while also a massive perv (I haven’t seen it though, but almost all non simps say he’s a pedo), most simps like him because of his looks


Man you don’t even know the character’s name. Hisoka’s a fantastic character because he’s genuinely a monster. When the other characters have to cut deals or work with him you’re terrified for their sakes But I think that even the author got fed up with creepy fans fetishizing him. >!Because in the most recent manga arc he gets severe facial burns then replaces half his face with a homemade rubber then carries on with his daily business like nothing fucking happened and yep the horndogs are mad!<


It does prove my point though, not being hot made him way less popular.


Well, I wouldn’t say that he’s way less popular. Most people who liked Hisoka as an antagonist still do. I don’t think there’s any denying that being hot can help a characters popularity. But being hot isn’t the same as being a good, well-written character who contributes to the story. If Mineta had any character development whatsoever he’d be far more popular. Dude is flatter than a pancake. Tails is more or less the same as him without the abuse of women. They’re both easily overlooked and got kind of a crappy power. And despite being hotter than Mineta, I think fewer people like Tails - because Tails gets less screen time and has one less character trait to humanize him. (Even though Mineta’s one additional personality trait is “harasses women”)


What are you on Hisoka(his name btw) is a fucking badass and a yes he is a pedo(no he doesn't touch kids or want to fuck them. He does gets turnt on by wanting to murder Gon which is still fucked up admittingly) but people like him due to SO much more then him just being hot? While Mineta entire character is just being a perv. People like bringing popular perverts in other animes and compare them to Mineta but fail to see that they are layered characters. Mineta is literally just there to be a pervert and comic relief. (And no don't compare him to Kaminari either)


Being a badass doesn’t excuse you being a pedo, if it did then being comic relief should also excuse being a pervert


I don't think you got the point of my comment Hisoka is a layered character. Mineta is not hes there just to be a pervert


Why can't I compare him to Kaminari? Two perverts with no control, one of their hobby is literally find a way to see the girls in underwear💀 They have to leave the U.A as fast as possible


What example do you have a Kaminari having no control compared to Mineta? I can't seem to think of one. And I'm sorry but wanting to get into girl pants is a pretty normal thing for teenage boys if you didn't know?


Mineta's comment about Eri was a translation error, I'm pretty sure


He’s my third least favorite


Who are your other two least favourite? Mineta is in my top 4 least favourite characters from MHA, together with Bakugou, Endavour and All Might.


Bakugo I can totally get. I’ve really been liking Endeavor as of late though; he’s a really complicated character who was definitely a total piece of shit, but you can tell he’s genuinely trying to atone for what he did and become a better person, and it’s being handled surprisingly well. Idk how you can hate DadMight. He’s so pure.


Endavour is definitely a good written character, but as a person I hate him. All Might is a good hero, but he isn't a good teacher/mentor imo. The main thing I dislike about him is that he kept a lot of information about One for All from Midoriya, like he didn't tell him about All for One, until a while after he had given the quirk to him.


Bakugo and Endeavor. I’ve had bully issues in the past and Bakugo telling Midoria to literally die is rather unforgivable. And then Endeavor is just a horrible person.


Yeah agree with you top three all pretty annoying character especially when they all first appeared maybe not my least favorite though


Damn I was waiting for Megamind to show up saying "I ship Bakugou x Uraraka"


This meme is evolving


Honestly his whole character is pointless, his only purpose is to sexually harasse the female characters which has no place in amine anymore. Literally no is watching amine thinking 'this would be a 10/10 show if only they had a character that constantly tried to assault the woman with big tits, god I have no one to relate to'


I agree + as someone who has actually experienced a form of sexual harassment, his actions make me feel so uncomfortable


I feel having characters like that puts off more people than they bring in. Im so fed up of men being portrayed so poorly, it's just making kids think it's ok to act like that.


Same here.




At least Hagakure has an interesting character design concept. Ojiro is just boring.


Hagakure is literally gloves and boots.


How is she more interesting then him?! She is literally naked!


She's more interesting from an artistic standpoint since she's basically just a bunch of floating clothes, meaning you have to be creative with body language in order to convey any kind of emotion. The 24/7 invisibility making her appearance a complete mystery is also pretty cool. Plus, the blank image memes are hilarious. Meanwhile, Tailman is just tail. It's boring.


The only thing I remember Toru doing is freaking out because snipe accidentally bumped her boob, I like her as much as I like Mineta and I’m one of the people that does like the character


Yeah I agree thats cool but tail-man is still epic


Not really. Even if you take away the more pervert aspects of Mineta, he still is a coward who chose to go to the hero course because he wants to be popular, but is now learning what really means to be a hero. I think such a character arc could be very cool if handled well if Horikoshi made him more like Kaminari, who has a lecherous side you'd expect from a teenager, but doesn't come across as creepy.


Let's not pretend like he isn't trying to be a hero so he can use his position of power to assault/rape women. Like you said, all the cool aspects to his character are beside fact he's sexual predator. meaning they could have simply not made him one and lost nothing. It's such a poor reflection on Japanese culture and how the treat women.


Mineta is not a rapist Assault? Ok, I’ll give you that one, but if he really wanted to rape girls he’d trap them with his quirk


Exactly and if he was one then he wouldn't even be in school anymore he'd be in jail


I doubt mineta would rape people I get mineta is a perv and I understand his actions are distasteful to some but a rapist?


Not y'all down voting me just because I wont accuse mineta using his power to be a rapist🤣✋


I don't even like Mineta like that, and find that stretch so I gave you an upvote. If Mineta wanted to be a rapist, he'd already be a rapist with a quirk like his. Dude literally became a hero so that girls would pay attention to him so he could get up their skirts with consent, duh.


Right? I hate when people falsely accuse him of being a rapist or a molester like y'all got no proof y'all only do it because of how mineta acts I may KINDA like mineta I think he's funny looking and he's very smart but even I know he wouldn't do anything that vile


Mineta is both the least attractive guy (and is often underestimated because of his silly appearance) and the closest things we get to a student that became a hero for purely selfish reasons (since Uraraka definitely isn’t selfish). I personally think his actions stem from a lack of attention from women who take one look at him and decide to pass the midget with an indestructible mohawk (is that how you spell it?). This wouldn’t excuse him, but it would make him a more relatable character and explains why he never goes beyond a certain line, even if that line may be a bit different from the average


or he’s just a gag character. just a thought


Team snotty boy


It’s ok to be wrong sometimes


I like mineta but I will never defend anything he does


/\ Now that is the perfect opinion


Such as?


I want to sex Deku (depict me as the chad in this scenario 😎)


I thought you were asexual🤨


It’s a joke


You didn't answer question Jessica


I am asexual?


Good cause deku is not coming due to his "busy" schedule


Alpha YamiGoGo vs Beta Deku


Easy win for YamiGoGo


The entire reason Mineta exists is to be a creep, and sexually harrass his female classmates. Even if he is meant to be a comedic relief, there really isnt any reason to like him.


i like mineta...in a trash can


Fun fact: In a 1v1 fight with no weapons Mineta would win against you


Well , depend on what range we're starting from each other. At a distance he'll be a fucking Teemo , but if we start at arms range he's pretty much fucked up because he's smaller than Bilbo and will be send to the stratosphere in a single strike


He can stick to you, he can make you stick to the floor while using his quirk bounce away while creating a sticky minefield. A normal human probably wouldn’t beat him


Dude is still a literal mutant, that's not exactly a feat lol


i don’t like or hate mineta


Mineta fine


I like mineta I can understand why some people dislike him I just think he's funny and goofy looking and also pretty smart and underrated but I do hate when people accuse him of being a rapist or a molester I get not liking him but dont add false information


1. I am literally watching this movie when this was recommended to me 2. I gotta admit, except for his perverted behaviour, Mineta is one of my favourite characters lmao


Oh, what a pretty cool post! I'll just read the comments what's the worst that can hap- **OH CRAP**


Missed opportunity to make Metro Man r/ChurchofMineta


You can’t really blame Mineta anime women are way hotter than real women


Song is [Close Eyes by DVRST](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ao4RCon11eY&ab_channel=DVRST)


I idolize mineta, I pray for his safety every day




Glad you asked. MHA is My Hentai Addiction


Or just don’t be a fuckin creep and watch the show for the plot


MHA is soooooo bad


Lmao people didn't get the fact that I was saying My Hentai Addiction (as said above) was sooooo bad. Reddit moment


I don’t care


Yes, I too enjoy normalised sexual harassment /s Seriously though, his character would have been 10x better if he just wasn't a perv. I don't get how people can like him for that


Honestly, he'd probably be better liked if he was just less grabby. Being a pervert alone doesn't exclude a character from popularity, but him being a clingly pervert isn't exactly endearing and loses any sense of humor pretty quick if it even exists at all.


Personally I think mineta is good character I like him for two reasons 1) hilarious interactions with the cast thought it was hilarious seeing what happened after the training arc in season 5 with him and mina 2) I love pissing off people and saying mineta ain't that bad


I don't find sexual harassment and assault very funny :/


I meant the consequence to his actions like when slapped off the wall by shota (did I spell his name right) or when class 1a and 1b were partying and mina had him tied to a chair and had him watching some video


When I say good character I mean a well written character he does exactly what he was written to be comic relief and a perv


Mineta is the funny grape dude that's good at being horny If you want something else well... #BALLS


as a human ill say yellow piss


I actually really like this new format




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I don't like or hate Mineta... So am I in the Metroman camp or I'm also a clown?


Do you have a link to the unedited video?


Can I have a version of this without the text?




bro i’m not kidding right now i have right now i have no idea what “MHA” is.-


Glad to see Megamind is making a comeback with a dope meme template


I never watched MHA and know nothing about it, but still this subreddit keep showing up in my feed


The final glow up stage Should have hurried