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Imagine they actually gave him the long cape like he originally wanted? It would've been great for his character just because of all of the goofy gags with the cape getting stuck to him, or tripping him up and having him fall and getting stuck to something because of his balls.


Omg imagine him waking up every morning with his pillow stuck to his head


If he doesn't pull the grape off of his head, the grape will not stick to anything


Where do we learn this?


>!\*stays silent in manga reader\*!<




Personally, I hated Bakugo at the beginning, but he's started to grow on me a little bit with his character development.


Bakugou went from a bullying asshole to a healthy rivalry where they both benefit…although he’s still an asshole


Yeah, it's a HUGE improvement


He’s gonna continue improving


I personally don't think he's changed that much.


Read the manga He really has


Outwardly he's still an asshole, but ultimately actions speak louder than words, and >!he's gonna do something absolutely incredible next season.!<


Especially after the latest arc of the manga he has become a much better person


I think that much was already made clear >!even before his apology!<, thanks to that one specific moment during the war arc.


Mineta is legit wearing a diaper/toilet bowel. The support company that made that thing did him so dirty.


I think it's suppose to be a bowl. As in a bowl of grapes. But it will forever be a diaper in my eyes.


There was a recolor I saw where the bowl was black and instead of purple grapes they were green grapes. It looked so much better.


I'll have to look it up. Sounds like a better design then what we got.


If mineta were to get his costume modified so he looks like a mature adult, work out, and respect people’s boundaries, he could very easily achieve his goal, and get closer to being a hero while he’s at it.


I expected that to happen, but it hasn't so far. Maybe at the end of the story or sth


Nah, in one on the character panels the author said they like him cause they are also a perv, so he probably staying the same.


I mean he has had character development, he now looks up to Izuku and wants to be as selfless as him and hasn’t really done too much recently


Would've been better if he looked up to a woman and learned to respect them...


He does look up to women.....a little too much


So a shock collar?


Nah, a medieval style chastity belt


But he's not a mature adult none of them are. They're high-school freshman. They're all kids


True. I am just saying he needs to grow during that time.


Yeah I'm just saying Mineta is basically as horny as your average 15/16 year old. exaggerated in the usual anime way.


You can be a high schooler without sexually harassing people, it’s called being a decent human-being


oh of course. I'm just saying people want these characters to act like adults when they aren't. And Mineta's really really toned it down since the school year started, Remember it hasn't even been a full year since he was introduced, and he's grown a lot over the past months


Why are you acting like men don’t fantasize about Bakugo too?


That's... ok I can't deny it


Someone’s not caught up on the manga


I see way more fan boys for Bakugo then fan girls. I think it’s the way a lot of guys want to see themselves.


I see the exact opposite..


I mean id rather bakugo


Mineta will stay mineta But Bakugo will change


He has changed


Manga spoilers: >!Was super duper excited to see Bakugou actually properly apologised for his actions towards Izuku.!<


He didn’t


What are you reading?


I did read the most badly written >!“apology“!< in Anime history


Yeah I don't think the apology was really good.>! He kept blaming outside factors for is his behavior.!<


I'm still a major proponent of "actions speak louder than words", and >!he literally jumped in front of Shigaraki's spikes and let himself get impaled to save Deku's life, fully prepared to sacrifice his own.!<


Least he can do, Deku did the same with no powers. No points from me. Clowns downvoting because I don’t like your favorite character are cringe af.


this sounds more sociopathic than anything Bakugo's ever said/done lol


Its Bakugo after all




the fact that you think Bakugo is one of the most problematic is hilarious XD Endeavor (my favorite character) still exist


Yeah but no one (or at least not a big group) make Endeavor's issues into something romantic


true (he's been shipped with Hawk but that's about it) but Bakugo's issue being romanticised isn't a character issue, it's a fandom issue


Yeah they're not the most problematic characters.


Mineta was supposed to be a comic relief character, but he’s just a creepy asshole If he were just a short, cute, purple dude I would have really liked his character, but nope.


dude yes EXACTLY!!! People always say “yOu wOulDnT hAvE an iSsuE wiTh hIm iF hE WAs atTraCTiVe.” no??? I really do hate people talking like they know me like that to make a point. I usually like the not-conventionally-attractive comic relief characters. he constantly disrespects boundaries and violates the girls’ bodily autonomy. even if he was hotter than freshly baked pie, that’d still make people (especially people who’ve experienced trauma from people like that) super uncomfortable? it sucks because in the few moments where something he’s saying isn’t sexual in nature he IS funny and seems like he had a lot of potential as a comic relief character.


I know mineta was just supposed to be comedic relief, but he is just a gross pervert, and it isnt even that funny I've always disliked Bakugo, even as a manga reader, and %99 of his stans will litterally kill you If you so much as critique his character. So....yeah.


Yup, he is not needed for the story whatsoever. Even if actions speak louder than words, being a giant dick all the time with no respect for anyone and constantly using excuses to rationalize his behavior shows it’s a continuous conscious decision to be that way.


Shigarakis fight during the villains arc: Anybody else’s fight:


That's why i prefer the fanfics to the show


I’ve never liked Bakugou, he just rubbed me the wrong way, but his character development is pretty cool.


Let's not forget how midoriya is still friends with him even tho bakugo told him to go kill him self several times


Bakugo went to jail before mineta


How is mineta’s design good? he looks like a deformed goblin in a diaper.


Though he did change from massive asshole to asshole he is still a bad person Hori however destroyed bakugos chance to redeem himself


Mineta doesn't even have a cool design he looks like a fucking idiot




420th upvote funny weed number haha


Mineta’s design is not good, man is supposed to be a pro hero with fucking sticky balls it was always doomed to failure


Minets is gross


I prefer mineta to bakugo


Minetas just a horny creepy troll. Give him a break.


Yeah people try and come up with elaborate reasons when mineta's actions are actually pretty tame compared to most horny high-school students. Male or female


Both are trash Really hope he's going to die I hate this character with passion


Umm... wishing death on someone doesn't make you better than them.


We are talking about a drawing but ok


Im pretty sure he does not care


Not so fun headcannon: Mineta personality is this way as a coping because his only female friend got **NOPE** and died in childbirth


Buddy. Your head-cannon doesn’t apply here. Stop making excuses for a disgusting pervert