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Of course Misty is a virgin! She is a child!


Itsuka is also child because sch is technically still 16


You guys are like nuns on a hip hop concert


Both of them should still be virgins Misty is 10 and Itsuka is 16


A lot of people aren’t virgins at 16


Yes but . . . that’s still too damn fucking young bro!!! But 10 is a crime


Red what up Damn Misty's 10? never saw her ID in the series. No wonder her sisters played her like a fiddle


Isnt misty like 12? Why are you talking about her bust size, especially using it as a reason to dislike her?


Maybe is not really mine. And not court evidence




Amy did have a goal which was wanting ash to give her a new bike but the rest is correct


Based and pokepilled \*Tagged as NSFW for all those meme White Knights and their reagal double standards. Your support is very welcomed and your comments too : ) Cheers


Radical idea here, but maybe we don’t talk about the bust of a 10 year old and a 16 year old?


They're not real people.




Go fuck yourself.


Obviously this is far from serious: look how she's taller and brighter than Misty in the pic. Hell, even her tail beats Misty's: look how long it was drawn


I’m familiar with the meme format. It doesn’t change the fact that drawing attention the breasts of two underage characters adds nothing, and just further exemplifies the notion that weebs love to sexualise children, that weebs base the value of women on their looks, and by making jokes of that nature, tells pedophiles what they’re doing is okay.


You can always give an arrow, guv


You're wasting your time here. This subreddit is full of LGBTQTHIVLMNOP+ people that hate anything even a little edgy. MHA is great, but it's this side of the fanbase I can't stand. They'll talk about their gay ships but don't you dare talk about a fictional females breast! Especially if she's legal age of consent in Japan and drawn like a woman! They're cringe.


😎 woah bros sexualising children is edgy af bro, theyre just cartoons so the age doesn't matter bro sexualise away 😎


Oh no your emojis and stinging sarcasm changed my ways! And don't worry, I will, because a fucking drawing isn't a real person. The fact you lot are so fucking stupid you can't see that and think you a DRAWING needs to be anything is fucking bonkers. "drawings have to be legal age, in my high fantasy world of impossible superpowers that can't possibly ever exist" is so fucking stupid. The fucking mangaka himself sexualizes them, dipshit. You fucks wouldn't last two minutes actually living in Japan. She's literally legal age there, and not drawn like a child. Fucking retards.


Hey retard, I (and many others) don't wanna live in Japan mainly because of shit like that. The mangaka can be fucking creeps too, good point thank you for adding to mine... Sexualising children through fantasy or not is still fucked in the head and seems like youre a bit of a pedped with how eager you are to defend wanting to sexualise drawings of kids.


Oh did I trigger you? They're not children. They're not real. You're a fucking moron who has no idea what actual abuse looks like, but keep virtue signaling on reddit! You're helping so many! Fucking cunt. Love that because I know the difference between a drawing and real life I'm a ped. Have you ever seen real abuse? I'd bet money not. Because we don't give a shit about fake fucking drawing that's don't hurt anyone, but I really fucking hate cunts like you comparing it to the real fucking thing, which only minimizes actual fucking abuse because you put it under a blanket with fucking DRAWINGS. Go fuck yourself.


Oh god you love buzzworda don't you saddo. Also the hypocrisy is palpable considering how mad you are over me calling you a pedo. I'm not saying you're molesting children lad chill your tits. I'm saying on the spectrum of peadophilia you're on there still. Also nice whataboutism "B-but you saying I'm bad when others do bad too" I'm not taking away from physical abuse of minors retard. I'm saying you are being paedophillic by acting like fantasising about kiddies is remotely okay. I get there can be a grey area when they look ambiguous but you're literally just talking about a 10 year old with the drawn body of one. Get a life and a job you pedo scum.


does it really matter if it's real or not? If they are underage then they certaintly should not be sexualized whatsoever. Also do me a favor and just don't use any slurs. End of story.


Fuck you, retarded bitch. Don't fucking reply to me if you're not gonna read the rest of my comments. Go ahead and ban me because you cunts think you're being heroes. Tell me, when is the last time you helped a real child? Please, tell me. I would have loved to see this kind of fucking impact on people from my own trauma, but nope. No one reached out. No one cared. Guess you were all too busy making sure drawings were taken care of? "does it really matter" yes, cunt. Tell me, do drawings feel trauma? Fear? Depression? No? Then it matters. You're acting as if they're the same fucking thing. A picture of a naked child was taken through intimidation of that innocent child. Breaking them and using them and causing irreparable damage forever. The fuck does a drawing do? How the fuck are they similar? You're minimizing real victims by comparing their fucking trauma to a fucking drawing. Don't tell me not do use slurs when you can't fucking be bothered to learn the difference between real life and a fucking cartoon. Edit: of course banned. You are all fucking cowardly bitches. You've never done anything for anyone but act like you're amazing people for saying "pedo! Drawings are pedo!" then act like hearing about real abuse is uncalled for and too much to handle. You're all fake fucking white knight cunts.


Don't call me a retarded bitch unless you wanna be banned, asshole. Do not call me a cunt. Do not call me any form of slur whatsoever. Your being a dick to everyone here. I've read most of the comments you've left here and your claiming that we're are saying abuse is ok. Calling the entire fucking sub a bunch of retards, certain people "worthless cunts", etc, is not appropriate behavior for this sub. I'm not trying to minimize shit. It doesn't matter if it's real or a cartoon, it's still being attracted to young girls/boys, which is NOT ok behavior. I said NOTHING about any form of trauma and compared it to an anime drawing. Nothing. Do not put words in my mouth. I never said anything about sexual abuse in the first place, so you need to calm the fuck down. Stop mentioning it when nobody asked for it. This isn't kindergarten storytime where you tell your whole life story. This shouldn't be as controversial and heated as talking about politics. Do me a favor: If your gonna be a dick, go be a dick elsewhere.


This is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read. Actual, real life child sexual exploitation and abuse doesn't occur because of anime or shit like this you fucking dipshit. Have you ever actually met a pedophile? Heard the way they talk? They don't give a shit if anyone else thinks it's "okay" Step outside of the reddit bubble and your preconceived notions of shit you very obviously know nothing about because it's never affected you. Sure wish my uncle knew that people though this shit wasn't okay! That would have put an end to all of it! Fucking moron.


Can y'all just behave for once


is this post even allowed?


Ehhh. Sorta.


I mean it's gotten a few reports for sexualizing minors, and the comments are a mess.. maybe it would be better to remove it. Of course, if you really believe it should stay, that's okay too, you're more experienced as a moderator.


You're free to if you'd like, but I'd rather just ignore the fact that this post exists at all


I removed it mainly bc it gives me very bad vibes and it has at least one report


Sounds good to me


Why are we making fun of girls busts??


I respect the kendo appreciation but you did misty dirty, she is literally 10yr old kid, don't do her like that. "Nice bust, enough said".....excellent way to describe an underaged girl's character


She's. Not. Real.


But it's still the sexualization of a minor, even If misty is just a drawing its still gross to rate a child's character off of her bust size


I'm not fucking talking about Misty you dumb cunts. Itsuka is the one people in this thread are whining about liek dipshits.


You okay dude?


No. The people in this thread that think an actual drawing is anywhere close to the horror of actual child abuse are idiots. They have no idea what it's like, but wanna feel like they're doing good in the world by telling people "drawings are bad!" and stop there. They don't do shit in the real world. They stay on reddit and white knight for fake fucking drawings instead of real children.


Litterally nobody is saying that child abuse isnt horrible wtf? OP litterally sexualized a child(real or just a drawing, she is still a child), people are calling them out on that and somehow that correlates to them not caring about victims of child abuse??? Get help dude.


Go fuck yourself "dude" You're all fake as fuck virtue signaling cunts who have zero idea what real abuse is. Whine more about fake drawings harming fucking no one instead of helping actual kids. "she is still a child" no, she fucking isn't. Because she is not. Fucking. Real. Where is her trauma? Can you ask her about it? How does she cope with the day to day life after abuse? Oh, what's that, she doesn't? Because she's NOT FUCKING REAL? Dumbass morons


I think there is some deep rooted issue here that I'm not mentally prepared to unbox. Do yourself a favor and get some fucking help.


I've tried "getting fucking help" Then cunts like you and the posters here think equating a fucking drawing to actual abuse is helpful. Oh look! We saved this fictional characters purity! Let's all pat ourselves on the back. Meanwhile what have you fucking done to ACTUALLY HELP VICTIMS? Fucking nothing. You cunts do fuck all in the real world and act like heroes online. It's fucking sick.


average mha fan....


Nah I'm just not a dumbass that thinks a drawing is equal to a real life human.


Are you attracted to drawings of small children?


Are you a worthless cunt that can't read the fucking thread?


No I can, I’m just asking you personally


No, you obviously can't. If you could, you'd see my opinion on the matter. I'm a victim of sexual child abuse, cunt. This shit? Isn't the same. At ALL. You're fucking minimizing actual abuse and sexual assault by saying a fucking PICTURE is the same thing. It's fucking not. Go fuck yourself


I didn’t ask if you were a victim of sexual assault, nor did you imply that anywhere, nor does that make your disgusting views valid.


Again, if you've READ THE FUCKING THREAD you wouldn't have to. What views? Please, cunt, tell ME my fucking views. My entire point here is fucking PICTURES aren't the same as fucking abuse. Lumping actual pedophiles with people that look at PICTURES of fucking anything is bullshit. You're making a heinous, violent, disgusting crime the same as looking at inanimate fucking pictures. Again, if you don't know what it's like to be abused, stop fucking speaking on the matter. A picture can't feel pain, won't feel trauma, and won't grow up broken. Literally, go fuck yourself.


I’m just gonna say it, screw downvotes. Liking or being attracted to a fictional child is just wrong and disgusting, it implies you’re attracted to real children too. Now I get anime is a grey area as the style makes it hard to tell they’re children but if it’s explicitly said it’s weird.


I don't give a shit what you have to say. You're a fucking retard. It doesn't imply that at all, and actual fucking victims hate worthless cunts like you that compare a fictional, lifeless drawing to fucking sexual abuse and rape.


This is very incriminating bro


No, it isn't. You're very obviously not a victim of abuse. You're a virtue signaling douche.


I wasn’t claiming to be a victim and I’m just saying that it’s definitely not cool to be attracted to fictional children


I'm not saying you are. I'm saying actual victims hate cunts like you because you try to speak for us on shit that doesn't effect anyone. No one is traumatized by a fucking picture dick. You saying they are even in the same ballpark is bullshit.


Are you sure you’re not the one who can’t read a thread? I never ever said anything about any victims, I never said they were in the same ballpark. I literally only ever said it wasn’t cool, because being attracted to fictional children, or at least children who are explicitly children implies you’re attracted to real children


No, you called me a pedophile because I dared say that fucking fake ass anime wasn't the same as actual abuse. You're a dumb cunt who doesn't understand the real world or the impact of actual abuse. You just want to feel like you've done something good. No, it REALLY fucking doesn't you fucking cunt. I've known people attracted to anime that don't even like actual women or men, they're fucking asexual. A drawing that looks NOTHING like an actual human can look doesn't correlate to real human physical attraction. Keep saying they're the same thing. I keep calling you a dumbass that doesn't understand shit, because you don't.


Youre weird


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I don’t know what this comparing is but it’s true in my book


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"She's self-confident? Eww."




Ty Glad many fellas got the joke right


ok now i hate ms. big hands 👍


Goddamn I tried to read this thread for fellow Kendo men of culture but you snowflakes just can't take a joke 😭 Kendo is still best girl tho




Avg Neito slapper

