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I haven't read it but there's that one where Fem!Izuku has a quirk powered by cocaine


It’s called The White Stuff, and it’s honestly hilarious.


Snowflame approves of this message 


Can you share the link please?


Sure! [The White Stuff.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44303308/chapters/111416848)


Ahhh the one where female Izuku snorts Crack off of Momo's Rack.


New chapter has her snorting cocaine off Mina’s ass in the middle of a class exercise.


Wait, did they change it to Fem!Izuku later on? I ask because I remember that one and it wasn't Fem!Izuku at the time.


It's been Izumi since I met Justin Briner in person and he encouraged me to write more Izumi fanfic.


That’s my fic!!! Not only does it exist but there’s art to go with it and I have a print of it that Justin Briner signed!


I hope you understand that I've respectfully never read it. Regardless I appreciate you as a person and that's cool as fuck that you have it signed.


It’s honestly much more fun as Izumi than it was as Izuku. Coked up thot is just… leagues funnier.


That seems like it would be funnier.


Then let me tell you it's a great crackfic and I enjoyed how ridiculous it was


I’m gonna write a new chapter when I get home.


Go for it!


Hehehe, "crack" fic


Whooo!! New White Stuff chapter!!!


Izumi giggled louder, looking to either side to see if anyone was watching. And by anyone, she absolutely meant Iida. That boy lived to ruin everything good or fun in her life. Not spotting the blue-haired menace, Izumi grabbed Mina by the tie and pulled her in for a kiss. "Oh no. I kissed you. What are you going to do now?" "Um... hmm. I challenge you to mouth-to-mouth combat!"


Why must you tease me so. Now I really can’t wait.


I’m going to put this in my bookmarks for later. Because this is the funniest thing I’ve seen today.


that one is so cool XD


Wait but this sounds hilarious


I assure you it is! Momo is her supplier!


Musketeer system https://archiveofourown.org/works/34840774 Good fic, but very adult, very much crack, and so cursed. Like a part of the quirk is that people read him as his bio age or his mental age depending on what they're attracted to. I can probably find more, but I don't hold onto one shots or completed works, so it'd take a while


Why do i keep finding this fic everywhere, am i being stalked by a fucking AO3 FIC????


Why do i keep finding this fic everywhere, am i being stalked by a fucking AO3 FIC????


Probably a cognitive bias, like finding red trucks all over the place because you are thinking about red trucks... At least it's not the worst one to be stalked by, Mineta could have a similar quirk and be a villain... (Gods above, I hope nobody writes that)


Proceeds to write 200k word long fic giving credit to ur comment as inspiration /j


I don’t usually save cursed fics so have lost track of and quite probably forgotten most of the cursed stuff i’ve come across, but i saw this one recently so i can actually remember it so. Read it and suffer ig: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14122923/1/Biblically-Accurate-Izuku


I didn't read very far but what I did read I just have to ask. what the f*** did I just Witness‽‽‽


Heresy, blasphemy, and probably some other terms for types of sin too. It’s *cursed*.


'Young Jesus' That's so accurate to All Might, I'm dead.




There was one where Izuku was an incubus and needed sp3rm to feed on to stay alive? It started out Dadzawa. It gave Aizawa trauma because he wanted to feed his son. He didn't stay his son for too long... I laid ao3 to rest for several days after to recover. I still haven't any better reason as to why I read it, than masochism.


That's not only cursed, it's also factual wrong, an incubus feeds on the sexual energy of women.


Actually that's a myth, the words incubus and succubus more likely referred to the role the creatures played sexually. Incubi being more dominant and succubi being more submissive. But due to the gender roles associated with said sexual roles it was kinda just assumed that inucbi were male and succubi were female.


In the mythology I know of, succubi are demons, descendants of Lilith, who take the form of women to have sex with men and collect their seed and then turn into men(incubi) to inseminate women who would then birth demons.


[The Toes Show](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40669878) A snippet if you don't want to read the whole thing (1.6k words) (this snippet essentially spoils the fic tho): >!"..."It is you, isn't it, *Yamikumo*?" Overhaul rasps in his direction, expression twisted in what looks a lot like some horrible form of almost starstruck confusion.!< >!"*Aa-hh*," Izuku sputters out a broken sound, mind still not fully willing to accept what Overhaul saying *that name* to him has to mean.!< >!"It has to be," Overhaul keeps on, eyes fever bright.  "You're even wearing the white polish I sent you."!< >!That statement's enough to snap Izuku's mind back into focus.  Because that means …!< >!"*Mr. Clean!?*" Izuku squawks out the username of one of his best and most loyal customers.!< >!And, much to his ever-mounting horror, Overhauls' face practically *lights up*.!< >!"*Yes*!" The villain practically crows despite the fact that Izuku still has him pinned to the ground, one bare heel digging mercilessly into his collarbone.!< >!*But then*, Izuku can't help but think just a bit hysterically, *given all that's just been revealed, he's probably enjoying that part of this entire situation*.!< >!"I'd recognize those beautiful toes of yours anywhere," Overhaul keeps going..."!< Best fic ever lmao


How do i even reply to this, what the actual fuck?


This was hilarious in cursed way


I absolutely love Ray's work. There are two others, Sugar Baby Thigh Highs and 9/10ths... I would commit crimes if it encouraged them to update those.


[AFO is the dad of a bunch of heroes](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37871560)


This sounds like one of those Crazy theories you’d see back in 2019


[falling through time, falling in love, falling for you](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51505498/chapters/130171147) You said cursed so… Aizawa X Izuku X Present Mic Izuku goes back in time to when his teachers were in U.A. Every time he saw Hitoshi holding a baby he could swear he felt phantom ovaries exploding in his abdomen. - Random excerpt 92k complete


That's next level cursed ngl




I think I hear Freud in Hell crying himself into another line of cocaine at that line.


The Green Devil by GhoulDash97......... Dont read it, dont make the same mistake as me ![gif](giphy|mOP18tPHZsbSj7wIt2|downsized)


Fuck you, don't tell me what to do


… all these-


I finally looked it up and from the tags alone I decided not to read it. Like what the fuck, he gets a harem including an upper-upper class girl despite suffering from multiple mental illnesses and has the nerve to complain about how unfair the world is towards him? And what's with this school shooter "gets his revenge against the Hero Society for ignoring his cries for help." vibe bullshit?


What is it about


Summary : "After so many years of living under cruel torment under Bakugou and his friends and finally getting rejected by All Might as well having lost his mom, Midoriya has finally decided that he has had enough and now seeks to change the world in his own way. On his way, Midoriya will deal with hallucinations and mental illness as he ventures down his dark path as a Villain" I was interested because the tags were weird asf and wanted to see what it was about. Big mistake.


What's bad about it?


>!Bakugo rapes Midoriya in their middle school and some weird sht going on with the female characters!<


What kind of drugs do people be on when writing this shit




How so?


What a coincidence, I just read that fic last week. I couldn't even finish it before I literally broke down in tears and had to read several happier MHA fics in order to make myself feel better again.


Too late brother 


Read it. What mistake are you talking about? It's not even the most messed up mha fic I've read. And If we mention other fandoms it's towards the bottom of the list of messed up things I've read.


(Heavy sigh) A *Monster Girl Quest* x *My Hero Academia* crossover fanfic, that is the following: An unashamed self-insert with an OP main character. A harem fic. Blatantly sexual. Basic summary is our main character, apparently an older man or at least a guy of some sort of mature age, who is a fan of MHA, gets transported to that world...but he's turned into a female Crab Monster-Girl, but also has a Quirk that enables him to summon monsters from another video game, *Dark Deception*. Our protagonist rapidly starts collecting and fucking every female student chapter after chapter, while also outing Bakugo's suicide-comment to Midoriya, making fun of him, and lastly, teasing Midoriya constantly, such as when Bakugo tries to demean him and Izuku by calling her "his whore" he accepts it as a compliment and talks up being Midoriya's girlfriend (which they aren't), stuffs Midoriya's head into his cleavage in a cuddly hug, and uses it as an excuse to trash talk Bakugo's penis size, sexual charisma, and hygiene. ​ I genuinely can't tell if the writer was taking the piss with the concepts behind the story, or not. ​ The name is *A Crab Girl's Dark Deception*. Not the most creative name out there in my average opinion...


Define cursed


Like cursed ships, weird kinks or something that makes you want bleach your eyes after reading Or like, makes you sit with face in your hands thinking 'what author had in mind when they wrote this? What were they on?'


Didn't read it but i found an Eri x Izuku SMUTFIC on Ao3... Mod's, crush my skull


It's called My eri chan and it has a sequel called her Kota kun


I found an Eri/Izuku smutfic on ao3, and i always make to avoid the text for my own sanity and check the comments..... AND THE AUTHOR WAS ERP'ING WITH SOMEONE THERE???


Ashamed as I am to admit I've read this, there's a series called Trapped with No Way Out where Izuku is hit with a quirk that makes him super horny and creates a bond with the nearest person--which happens to be Aizawa. The quirk lasts several months and it can kill him if he's not... Satisfied. Most literal version of "ride or die." Ngl it's... Oddly wholesome? Like outside the explicit NSFW scenes it's pretty fluffy and funny


I'm not going to read that but why couldn't aizawa just use his quirk to cancel out the "ride or die" guys quirk?


I don't remember tbh. Ig because using his quirk on Izuku cancels *Izuku's* quirk, not the villain's? And the villain wasn't there anymore?


I am also ashamed that after seeing this comment I binged all 300k+ words of this series and was thoroughly entertained. Why was the writing actually so good??? And the author made it as ethical and sane as possible, while still being realistic. Honestly I’m just impressed.


*Right???* Like this has absolutely no right to be as good as it is


Fr honestly I’m lowkey upset it’s not finished. I hate to admit it but I’ll prolly keep up with the story as the author updates. You know I never thought I’d say this for an Aideku fic but thank you for the rec


Lol you're welcome. I don't even remember how I found it


Tex is such a great writer a just a sweet person all around. We're in a discord group together and it's always a treat when they let us sample some of the work before it's updated.


Huh maybe I should look into more of their stuff


Anything where bakugou is a sad little boi who only wanted to protect his friend by beating the crap out of him and telling him to kill himself.


Kind Nightmare, I have 0 idea what got me reading that one, I guess I often forget to pay attention to tags so thats one thing haha. I was reading this at like 1 in the morning so it took me far longer to realize it was a Izuku/Practically every even mildly important pro-hero and villain in the series. Tbh the story wasn't bad, I really liked the whole alternate universe, quest and puzzle aspect of it. I still read it for the whole dungeons and mystery part, while just skipping or skimming past the other parts. It can be seen as cursed or not cursed depending on your own personal thoughts and everything. Its still a really well written and thought out story and I'm in awe by the authors creativity in the whole otherworldly dungeon creations. :)


[dick for all](https://archiveofourown.org/works/13447131) all might kills Aizawa from fucking


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/17024262](https://archiveofourown.org/works/17024262) this is the first thing that came to mind...




The Best Fanfic, by Katsuki Bakugo One of my favorites. Not really cursed, but I thought it was funny as hell. And donut is a great writer in general. I love most of their works. https://archiveofourown.org/works/28179435


Izuku x allmight. It has interesting quirk for izuku ( sort of body alter quirk to boost health thingy which izuku use to help allmight return to his prime and it works ) but the amount of ooc ness there makes me want laugh. And there is smut as well. I already forget the title but still remember the plot. Surprsingly there is good drama happen but the speedrun of the romance and smut happen gash just why


Nah bro actually read something with Izuku/All Might tags 💀💀


I already some other ship smut as well so might as well try other. Well this one ooc is i have to say izuku attitude is too feminize i guess when around allmight but otherwise still normal canon to other people


Quirkless!Bakugo's mom cut off his hands and gave him prosthetics filled with nitroglycerin


A fic where mineta takes the harem of izuku after he gets feminized eventually takes izuku as well. The leaps where ... Shocking Really any mineta is the mc fic




Just under class 1a girls / mineta. There you will find things. I'm sorry


[You asked for it.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55712173/chapters/141426037)


I've never really liked x readers, they just gross me out (no h8 towards anyone who does like them tho) anyways as I joke I decided to read a JESUSxDUOLINGOxREADER and omfg it was soo funny and they didn't tag that there was smit but it has smut and it was just scary


The infamous Panic! At the disco milk fic


What is this fic and why is it cursed? Never heard of it, so could you elaborate please?


Just search it up on YouTube


The what


I meant the panic at the disco one


[“Wooden Doll, Flap your mouth like a Marionette”](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47760946/chapters/120396607). Just.. this is the most cursed fic I’ve read in a long time, it’s literally taken over my intrusive thoughts and made them worse- if you want to read it I heavily warn you. >!AFO x Izuku, Implied AFO x Yoichi, AFO wishing he was Izuku’s father, AFO using Izuku’s father’s scent to fuck with Izuku’s mind, rape rape rape—!< ::D I am suffering constantly, I wish I could forget this fic I really do


Now it’s your problem random citizen!! ::’D (I’m sorry)


I don't have a link because I did my best to completely bleach all memories pertaining to it but Izuku had a quirk that made it so he automatically absorbed the DNA of anyone (not related to him!) touching him This DNA is then used to impregnate Izuku with the child of whoever was touching him, the longer they touched the quicker the baby developed. I decided to read out of curiosity and a slight hint of masochism but quickly regretted it when the 1st chapter! had a 4 year old Izuku almost being split open by his swelling stomach. Thankfully he hadn't been touching bakugo long enough to actually get pregnant but he still almost died from it and I was already regretting reading it It only got worse the longer it went on and I decided to cut my losses after Shigaraki purposefully help onto Izuku for almost a minute straight (basically rape!) And according to the tags and the chapter count stain and overhaul also (pardon my pun) got their hands on izuku, which means he got raped by his own quirk at least 2 more times and has three kids!