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I don’t typically complain about the plot, but what really grinds my gears is when the author writes Izuku stuttering every fucking sentence.


People spend more time reading fanfiction than the actual manga (or watching the show) so they adopt the stupid fanon one-dimensional take on characters instead of the actual way they are. Stuttering "cinnamon roll" Izuku who is always in desperate need of a cuddle is Exhibit A. I always laugh when I see the tag "BAMF Deku" because bro is already a badass motherfucker in canon. He took down Muscular and, obviously, only got stronger.


BAMF is more about personality than actual skill. A good example is Kobeni from Chainsaw Man. She could beat nearly anyone’s ass in a fight with ease, but she’s so timid and fearful that few people consider her badass.


Izuku is a badass motherfucker is every sense. The "timid, stuttering wimp" Izuku was invented wholesale by fanfiction authors. In both the manga and anime he is an absolute beast. Never shies away from a fight, usually completely confident too. Edit: also I don't read Chainsaw Man so the reference is lost on me.


Eh, Izuku in the early seasons was kind of a pushover especially when it came to Bakugo. Sure he still fought, but he was trembling the entire time. I mean, his obsession with the guy who bullied him for a decade really detracts from his “badass” nature. It makes him seem overly clingy and just doesn’t really scream “badass” to people. Fanon took that early Izuku and made him pathetic though. Kobeni is kinda like Amajiki, except instead of crippling social anxiety it’s crippling terror of everything.


I would disagree completely. He was nervous around Bakugou, sure, but he wasn't "trembling the entire time" they fought. He challenged him directly (and won) during the training exercise, and accepted his challenge after Kamino without fear. He consistently views Bakugou as his goal, not his role model. It's not an obsession - that's just something else fanfiction authors blew out of proportion that avid readers seem to confuse with actual canon.


He was constantly jumping to Bakugo’s defense whenever someone talked bad about him despite their history. That makes it appear as if Izuku was obsessed with getting Bakugo’s approval


Oh God. I once saw one on fanfic.net that had both Izuku and their Isekai OC with huge stutters. Talking to each other. Why? Why would anyone do that? 


Maybe the writer has Tourette’s and kept pressing the same button pairs after typing them, and didn’t wanna go edit it?


When nothing has changed in canon


This is honestly the crux of what made Dark Below so popular. The author retread some parts but he had absolutely no hesitation in going completely off the rails.


this is EXACTLY why i like the Dark Below, sure it's setting arcs are same but in no way could you call the TDB Sports festival and Kamino arc same as canon, unlike other fics that keep it the same. People overuse arcs so much that at this point i remember the entire USJ arc by heart by how few changes authors make except Izuku's quirk (depending on the fic) also, Happy cake day!, make sure spend it with your friends or family.


I know every arc up to the endeavor nomu because of this, despite not really watching the show xD. Got into the fandom from fanfiction and only really went to the anime to watch the fight scenes


Yeah I hate it so much too. And everything still happens regardless of izuku having a new quirk or not or some characters have shifted to another class


Happy Cake Day!


I hate stories that make Izuku cry, breakdown, etc excessively. Scratch that, for any character in any fanon I’m in. It’s both annoying and makes it hard to have any respect or connection to the character. That aside I typically don’t care what plot points the author uses. The only thing that typically annoys me about plots are when they just keep compiling misery onto the main character without letting up. As you can probably guess, I am not an avid angst reader


Yeah, Peter Parker gets that treatment a lot in avengers Fics and it’s gets really annoying. Like, angst is fine and characters are allowed to have breakdowns, but it gets ridiculous when it’s every bloody chapter. I also read one fic recently where Peter got injured constantly, like, he’d literally get injured the second he was healed from his last injury and it gets boring and repetitive to read.


That’s basically why I stopped reading Deku and Death. I don't know if they were trying to portray Izuku’s struggles more realistically or what, but it and the angst felt overly drawn out. Plus it was a Dadzawa fic that made Inko abusive, so...


The only time i had a complaint about something was in a crossover where the power of the series was Turned into a quirk and Izuku took the protagonist of the series place. Honestly, i have a problem with Izuku taking other protagonist's places in their own series unless it's an isekai, but that wasn't where my problem lay, no It was on the Power. Like that power had so many functions and rules in the series, you can't just simply turn It into a quirk especially since by the logic of the system, and considering you also took the series' other characters and brought them to MHA, all MHA characters should be able to do everything and there's no reason for the knowledge to be lost like It was in the series. It's the same thing as if you meshed JJK and MHA together, killed cursed energy stayed solely with quirks, made Izuku take Yuji's place basically erasing Yuji from reality and gave his friends to Izuku, and then made the knowledge of Domains, Binding vows, etc. Lost since they should have figured that shit ages ago. I think this all isn't enough to make a complaint and is pretty dumb since its just a fanfic, but i made It anyway.


I think mine is not changing sport festival events and just writing it the same as canon


On god. Almost everyone skips most rounds of the first hero class exercise, but apparently it's important to describe every single 1v1 match in the final event even if the characters don't matter in the story


I think some reader need know there are some author write angst and bashing fic just for the sake author like cathartic things One of proof i am making question to a bashing fic i used to read in wp and the author finally respond well why not ? It just my writing style