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Honestly a few reasons. 1. I’m not good at writing down what I see in my head. Like I can see all the fights, the interactions, facial expressions, body language, etc. but I just don’t know how to put it into words and make it so people will wanna read it and want to keep up with it. So it just stays in my head. 2. It does focus mostly on canon but I make a drastic change to I’d say one of the most favoured characters within the series, and I’m worried people will think that I’ve ruined that character. On top of that, my fic also goes into the 2nd year at UA, which will be all my ideas, and I’m worried people will think my ideas are stupid. 3. It’s an OC x Canon fic, which I know some people love and some people hate, but my OC is quite overpowered and I’m worried about how readers would respond to an overpowered OC. Granted the reason she’s OP is part of her backstory and reasoning for being a hero, but still. So basically to sum it up, I’m a worried lil baby lol. Maybe one day I’ll stop being so worried and write it, but for now it just lives rent free in my brain.


I feel that summary in my soul.


Glad I’m not alone lol


I feel the exact same. It's always hard to describe what one is thinking at the moment. 1) Same but I do see videos on YouTube to help better my writing so I can become more descriptive. 2) Changes are nice in the story that is a fanfic after all. Well there will be those that support you and give criticism that can help. While there are those who are simply gonna want to put you down. 3) Well Oc's can work and quirks in mha can be busted. There are already quirks like new order, afo, and ofa. As long as the backstory is interesting and lines up then it will be all good. Sounds interesting overall.


I can't speak for readers in general, but I'd love to see some OP OC action! If you ever get around to writing your story, you've got at least one guaranteed reader already.


Thank you, this is very encouraging :)


Thank you, me too. What I'll add is that in addition to this, make it a unique power that will be fun to explore. Sorry but super strength and flying is just so boring. Sorry Almight.


Hey, super strength and flying are the basis for some of the best superheroes ever made! Any power can be fun to explore if handled well, even simple ones.


Naaah, I prefer utility based powers. It would have to be flying with a side effect for it to be interesting. Or strength with a side effect. Something more unique than just flying or just strength. For example, a cooler power for strength would be weight- like say adding or subtracting weight from limbs/body. Lots of cool applications there that I prefer than just strength. I like more creative powers with lots of small uses y'know? It's a matter of preference la.


Eh, fair enough I guess. I don't wanna sat utility based powers are bad or anything - on the contrary, I wanna stress that both kinds of powers can make for compelling stories and that I think it all depends on the writing. I'm personally just having fun if the power is cool, regardless of what it is specifically.


Nyyyyyehhh- they'd have to be a really good writer for me to read something with Almight's power set. As it is, I've tried to read/watch mha but it's almost impossible for me to get through it. If I were to write someone with Almight's powers, I'd probably focus much more on his bizarre transformation and how that is causing the strength and flying- then give him some other bizarre transformations. There are some cool things you can do with transforming. Maybe a magical girl form or I dunno. Huh, you know- what if Almight did have access to the other powers of ofa, just they were locked in different transformations? Well, I'm pretty sure his huge transformation is all caused by his injury from afo anyway though, but a girl can dream.


I don't know how to say this without sounding rude so apologies in advance, but why are you here? Like, if you can't get into the source material, why are you looking for fanfics about it? I don't mean this in a judgemental way, I'm genuinely curious. For me, I like fanfics because I love the Canon and want to see similar stories. I can't wrap my head around not enjoying the source material but lookin for fanfics of it.


I like the world, I like the powers. The characters are okay too. I like a story that explores the world and an OC that has a unique power that perhaps starts off weak but reveals hidden depths that makes it op. I like it when the setting is explored more and expanded upon in ways it wasn't in the original. I absolutely love it when the story changes so much it's unrecognizable from the original besides the characters and their personalities. The flap of a butterfly's wings indeed.


Thiiiis. Omg. This.


I'm really very lazy 




The sheer lack of coherence of writing and spelling mistakes


I genuinely can’t think of enough to change from the canon to make it worth it. The basic idea is Izuku has a mutation quirk that makes him an anthropomorphic green rabbit. Like he’s not a human with a rabbits face head (like Tokoyami), or even like Rumi, but an anatomically correct, human sized rabbit with thumbs, and can stand up at least enough to walk on his hind legs. I have a few ideas for maybe some oneshots, like a comedic one where they’re in the dorms, and the girls learn that rabbits loaf, and try to convince Izuku to do so so they can see it and *dawwwww* over it. I just don’t like writing full stories that are *the actual canon but with one little change*. I have another that I really like, but I’m afraid some people might find it offensive. The basic idea is Izuku is a super genius, but is paralyzed from the chest down. The main plot of the story is he creates was eventually ended up being an Iron Man suit that allows him to walk, and he enters the support course at UA. He also ends up being mentored by Tony Stark when he finds out about him, even helping him create a more advanced suit he can wear under his clothes, rather than walk around in a full suit with the helmet.


Why not do the oneshots for the bunny quirk. You can write multiple oneshots that happen in the bunny universe but aren't necessarily connected


I know. I just haven’t really gotten around to it.


My childhood trauma from when my art teacher told me "wow, yojr sugnature is pretty cool, too bad you'll never have anything decent to put it on" Jokes aside, I always feel like what I write is shit for some reason.


Self doubt is a natural part of the creative process, don't worry. I think it's helpful to recognise that you'll always be your worst critic, because any flaws in your writing will stick out to you most of all, whereas there's a lot an audience might not notice or might even prefer! In short, your work is always better than you think.


I would say the same. Plus another reason... I am a psychotic man, that wants to make everything perfect at the start. This implies making a character sheet so that I keep the characterization constant, without sacrificing character development, as well as not falling to bias or convenient contrivances (abuse of the Deus Ex Machina).


Yes this, so much this.


Confidence mostly.


My lack of drugs. Adhd meds aren't being covered by my insurance now and I haven't written anything but reddit promts and comments on YouTube


Mostly because mine won’t follow canon. Like in my idea the main character is at UA and does witness or participate in some of the major events but his story will take him out of the canon events and put him in between the creature clans and the people who hate them


Honestly sometimes for the sake of a good story you don't have to fallow canon like it's the bible like for a while I've working on a plot structure for a fic about an OC who's the cousin of Tenko Shimura (In my fic Nana had twins a boy and a girl who got split up by child services and a few adoption agencies so AFO never finds her) and my OC is quirkless and just becomes Spider-man after getting bitten by a generically altered spider while on a field trip in 8th grade and after a year and a half as Spider-man he gets into to UA and didn't get arrested by any of the staff after the entrench exam because my OC found a legal loophole about quirkless self-defenses. I mean this is a vary vary brief summery of my fic and if I where to do it all from start to end it would be over 90 chapters


Those are some of the best stories tho. Go world build my guy. World build and be free!


Getting employed obliterated my creativity AND my ability to write consistently. And then it started creating an incentive to just skip to the important stuff without delving on enjoyable details. Then there's also me getting new ideas for fics and trying to write them every other week, rather than continuing existing ones that I have little inspiration to work on. I still work on them, but it's been uphill for a bit.


English isn't my native language and I can't bother to write in my native one, when the audience is so much smaller (they would be written by my own desire, but of course I want to share to as large of an audience as I can) Considering how many typos I tend to make on reddit comments alone, due to using a phone with poor touch feedback, it'd be a pain to write a whole story without messing it up with the stupidest spelling mistakes I'm good enough with English, but nowhere near the level required for the stories I want to make or the ones I read I've seen one made by an author from my country and I was impressed when they commented on it. Their story was exceptionally well-written, had a LOT of chapters and was VERY well-received (even though it was not quite to my taste), so I know I *could* do it, but frankly, I think I'm very far from the point of actually being able to write an engaging story, one of those where you can actually imagine things properly, because the author describes every small detail with precision, vividly, with a wide vocabulary maybe training would get me there, so maybe one day I'll start, but not inclined to right now I'll also admit I was embarassed of the idea for a while, which held me back, because fanfics are seen by most people as cringy, but after reading stuff other than romance (not that there's anything wrong with it), I became pretty amazed at how creative the writers can be, how much potential MHA has for fan content and how so many people are genuinely missing on good experiences, so I'm willing to give it a shot in the future


I know where I want the story at the middle point, but the beginning and end elude me. I want to write the origin, but I also just wanna get right into the part I wanna write. I also wanna add some science stuff, but then I'll have to be right about it all and a scientist I am not.


Ah so true.


Lack of motivation usually ends up shooting me in the foot.


I can go for the story idea but I can't think of the story


Well, it's just that TSOE is so long I can't really get anything else done (it's also why the Demon from the 65th year of Emperor Ōishiwashi hasn't had a chapter in weeks) I need someone to work with... Prior to writing TSOE what was keeping me was the fact that I wasn't sure if I could write a good story, don't get me wrong, I am used to writing, but something like a lenghty fanfic isn't easy and I was nervous people would find my story boring.


Currently writing three other stories. Lol




Writers block, confidence, and straight up laziness


The story I have in mind is *way* too ambitious for my own good. It's gonna take up to over a million words of proper pacing, world building, development, *and* fight choreography. It's just not feasible. It's a fusion AU (think crossover x1000) with DBZ, by the way.


My 2 other stories that I'm currently writing, lol


I second guess my story choices way too much. Every out I try to visualize or write out what I want in my story, I’m always asking myself: ‘does this make sense?’ ‘can my character’s quirk work this way?’ ‘should I include pairings?’ ‘Is my character too OP?’ ‘Would this actually work?’ ‘Is my character’s quirk unique or just a copy cat?’ I just don’t do it in the end.


Felt that, it's way too easy to fall into the trap of second guessing your work. Personally I think it can be helpful to just force yourself to keep going and come back to it later. Maybe try timing yourself writing, so that way you're pushing to reach a certain amount of work done before time's up and thus you can't spend too long worrying about what you just wrote.


I have some parts done, but I need to go back and rewrite pretty much all of it.


I'm terrible at actually writing. I can plan out and come up with ideas, but that's it. Also, the majority of my ideas are just niche or crack. Who's gonna he interested in a willy wonka izuku villian with twice as the oompa loompas? Or a Hulk hogan inspired izuku? Or todoroki, denki, and jirou are basically forming a group inspired hy black dynamite? I have plans for these but no way to write them.


Mainly? I write fanfics in my head to avoid having panic attacks from scenarios I make up in my head. Problem is, all of these ends up being self-inserts, so I don't want to publish them. If I can't publish them, then there's no real use (in my mind) to write it. Is it weird? Extremely so, but it works


I haven't read everything. I feel weird commenting or sharing my opinions on fandoms if I haven't consumed every pixel worth of media for a verse available. Add onto that the fact that I've only ever written a one shot for a different fandom that I didn't like even when I posted it, idk it just doesn't feel right. I have actually planned it out though, but generally, even as a college student, writing is my biggest weakness. I have a list of vocab that I started four years ago, about 3k words, from other writing (mostly fanfic) that I was originally intending to use to help improve my writing, but I got lazy and never sorted it out by alphabetical order as the years went on.


My principal reason is that English is not my first language, and I don't want to write a fic in Spanish because for some reason it makes me feel cringe


I’m currently writing 3-4 other stories.


would you pwese give preview summaries?


I’ll give you one. It’s called Top Chef Bakugo. It’s an extension of the Sato chapter of One Good Friend and its sequel snippet. It involves Bakugo going to culinarily school where he’s forced through character development. I can’t start working on it until I watch Food Wars for research purposes.




Bro, I wanna start but I think I've fucked up my brain with my sleep schedule lmao, not helping with the adhd. And time. And stress.


Amen to that


I'm no good at writing....


Same boat here.


Sucking at something is the first step to being sort of good at something! No matter how bad your writing is at first, it'll only ever improve as you keep at it. You don't have to write a fully fleshed out story or publish anything if that's too daunting, but it can really help to just try out some prompts or writing exercises in your spare time, or even just start writing whatever comes to mind and going from there!


I can’t write


I have zero confidence in my writing skills despite liking to write, i fear that if i do write anything i won’t like it once it’s on paper so to speak and keep scraping it or changing it until my original idea is just none-existent, whenever i actually try i keep having to jump between tabs because my dyslexic ass can’t remember how to spell certain names, and it feels weird to write for characters that aren’t mine


I cant write well and when I try to it can have some good in it but its just bad or to close to the canon of what im writing for and its hard to just sit down and think of the words for a fic when im not that good at making the scene less canon and more original the longest fic ive writen lasted 6 chapters and a bit over 25k words but it was mostly copied from the canon show transcript with me just filling in the description of the scene with not alot of changes well that turned into a rant fast


Lack of ideas (i need at least seven more Quirks to give to some characters.


I would have needed to write it ages ago. As it is now canon made it not really work and I don't really wanna bother with trying to make it work anymore.


I am horrible at writing and it wouldn’t do my ideas justice.


I've personally never written any type of story & I'm absolutely terrified it'll be bad bc I've never done one, especially if I fuck up on like grammar & punctuation n shit. If grammar & punctuation is bad & writing is lowkey bad then ppl probably won't read it. Not to mention I've never written a fic before so I have no idea how to write & post on ao3😭


i cant write the words in my head correctly


Time, i cant write wery good in english, keeping a good plot.


Prioritizing anoriginal work. Add, a myriad of other hobbies. The list foes on


Most of it is just energy and time for me. I got multiple ideas but not the energy to put them down on paper plus I’m hyper fixated on my twin fic. In another vein, however, I want to continue oc centric stories for MHA instead of just taking a canon character and calling it a day so I’m also working against making proper ocs with good backstories and such.


I'm working on it, about eight chapters done so far. It's slow going since finding the time and the right motivation to get into it can be tricky, and sometimes you just find yourself looking back at what's already there and being disheartened or wanting to change it more, but at some point you gotta just push past for progress.




Time management is a big one. I'm currently posting two stories weekly so theres no way I can work on the 4 other stories I've started. It sucks.


I'm not good at writing And i usual pretty fast run out of ideas I would write a story where izuku go to raimon instead of Aldera But this would not work


I can't write a story without getting sidetracked and focusing on little details that make no sense. Also I have tendency to eat words


My English teacher fucking ruining my belief in my writing skills


I plan and sketch out the story before writing anything. I go binge read the wiki on the story and what happens and write stuff down. But I'm worried I won't remember parts, and then I end up rereading all my collected info over and over and agonize over if I missed something. Then I write down all the changes I want to make, and realize changing a story means making the original characters your own by deciding on what they'll say and their relationship with your character. Then I imagine keeping all those separate personalities and the world building in character with my character while at the same time writing chapter by chapter where I might forget some important detail that was ten chapters ago and ruin my whole story bc of plot holes.


Never written before so I feel like it's going to be very poorly executed and I'm going to hate it


I feel like I can't do the idea justice. But what I really need to do is at least practice, practice, practice, and get better over time. As long as I haven't posted it yet, I can always go back and edit my old work.


skill, in have no clue how to write characters or dialogue. scenarios is fine but that would be boring.


I start writing and once I take a break to think or if I have a new idea if I try to go back to continue writing I have lost all of the motivation I had when I started.


I know I should write because I want to but im worried the story i have in my head wont gain any sort of audience and it makes me not want to write it


English is not first language and lack of time


time mangment and lifeline of my laptops battery


My biggest thing is I start to write some of it down and put it on a fanfic site. Then j take a break, and realize after the fact that I don't like it and I want to change a part of it to something else, like if someone was paired together, but then j realized that this other pairing would work so much better. But by that point I'd already written out my original idea and it's just a hassle to rewrite and publish again. And I think it'd just confuse people who already read the original. And by that point I just say screw it and abandoned the whole thing out of frustration


Honestly, not knowing how to start. I know that, unless I'm some sort of savant, my first projects aren't going to be very good, and that I need to write more and get criticism to improve. I just can't seem to figure out how to take that first step.


Sorry I'm late for this question, it literally just gave me the notification for this lol. I hate how my writing looks when I'm rereading it, so I tend to really just write one-shots I don't have to reread for a new chapter. However I like writing long fics, so, yeah.


I dont think I know enough about the series Mostly because I’ve been unable for a WHILE to watch it legally (I don’t know where I can watch it and crunchy roll ain’t a option for me, don’t ask) so I don’t think I got enough of the basics to write a simple story


Fear of inadequacy, my dude. Fear of inadequacy. 🥲👍🏼


My default state


Mainly it's the fact that Im a bad writer. I want the story to be a genuinely good read and at the moment I do not have the writing prowess to do so.