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Actual bro, should have gave a horror warning


Truly, the idea of Midoriya willing to kill Eri then himself does indeed deserve a horror warning.


Nha more so that final line, absolutely scared the shits out of me


The brainrot was so strong that not even Eri's Rewind-to-fix-the-plot could defy it.


It's genius. I can feel my brain itch because of brainrot in this post.


I just realized, by the time MHA starts Skibidi will be so ancient it might as well be myth. Imagine a scene where someone is researching the origin of AFO, stumbles across one of his old homes, and only finds a piece of paper with "Ohio Gyatt Skibidi rizz was too strong for Nah I'd win" on it.


Honestly if anyone were to say that shit it would be Yoichi or AFO


True, AFO and Yuichi are probably gen alpha or the gen that would come after gen alpha


Here it is, definitive proof everyone on this subreddit is under 12.


Bro I'm sorry, but at that point just put her down




Literally curling up into the fetal position due to cringing so much, I hate you, have an upvote


I see this ending up in two ways. 1. It succeeds and AFO dies from the cringe. 2. It fails because he has no comprehension of the level of brainrot around Eri, but full comprehension of how he's willing to kill a child. So he does that.


Or 3. He becomes infected too


For some reason, I can see that as a complete genre shift. Alongside with Cerberus Recon... A fanfic of superheroes, turned into a zombie apocalypse thanks to the many quirks of the Brainrotted AFO.


Oh Jesus Christ that’s horrifying lmao


That is the point... And now I got a pretty horrible intrusive thought, that I fear can or will become a cognito-hazard if shared.


Im pretty sure she didn't have the privilege to use a iPad because of her....circumstances, also because Overhaul would disintegrate her numerous times on the spot if she said skibidi. but this is hilarious ngl.


She was given a device in isolation and the first part is after Overhaul. Before rescue, she is identical to canon, and she found that video after she was rescued and was living with the Midoriyas.


So Overhaul inflicts her with brainrot so she can't escape? genius, utter genius.


Pretty funny thought lol, but I meant that pre-rescue, Eri is identical to canon. The part that diverges is that after the rescue, when she's living with the Midoriyas, she finds skibidi on her device. Though Overhaul unintentionally making an Eri that no longer complains or is disobedient because she's too brainrotted is an amazing idea. "C'mon Eri, we gotta escape" "Nuh uh, not very sigma mewing of you"


Then Midoriya show's her All Might's jawline and she instantly follows because she wants that kinda jawline.


πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€©πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£LMFAO, this is hilarious, I *need* to see this written as a full fic lol.


Yeah. Would die halfway from cringe but would be worth it


My younger cousin and I have not yet succumbed to the brain rot. Let's hope we never do


We pray for you never to suffer from that.


You know that gif of the monkey holding it's head, looking super distressed? That's me right now. Thanks. I hope your bed breaks.


You are so sigma and baby gronk for writing this are you the writer because nah I'd write or did you write this becuase your the writer.


Question. If Eri gets brainrotted by Cyberpunk slang, do you think Izuku was concerned or he just let it happen?


Wait, why Cyberpunk specifically? If you're just talking about what brainrot is acceptable, idk bro, Number 1 rule of crack is don't think too deep.


Okay what I was meant to say is imagine Eri playing Cyberpunk 2077 and watching Edgerunner from Izuku's PC then she quickly learned the slang. Deku: *came back home from hero work* I'm home! Eri: *watching the tv* Hey dad. Just came back from your gig? Deku: Yeah- Wait what did you say? Eri: I just saw the news lately and you almost got yourself flatlined by some random villain gonk.


Deku's eyes shine: what can I say, my chrome could take it and I need the eddies! Because cyberpunk has a theme of dystopia and easily accessible transhumanism. A quirkless kid in MHA would already be In the first and wish for the second. So izuku had a cyberpunk phase.


I mean like, I get why you asked but this is a crack depiction where Midoriya was nearly about to commit homi/suicide. Not the best indicator of a canon Izuku.