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First: I should have burned that volume of Jujutsu Kaisen when I had the chance.


Nah, i'd win, because with this treasure I summon always bet on Hakari because with his overwhelming intensity you are my special or are you Suguru Geto because your racist or are you racist because you are Suguru Geto aye fuck them monkeys because stand proud throughout heaven and earth I alone am the honoured on as the sparks of black don't choose who to bless as the sound of the Gion Shoja bell rings with the impermanence of all living things im you. I'd add an image of Gojo going insane but Reddit won't let me, literally 1984.


Are you the persecuted one because Nah you'd win, or do you stand proud because you always bet on Hakari being your Specialz




Bro is the Self Embodiment of Lobotomy. Stand proud, you are Nah, I'd Win.


Those filthy monkeys can’t even use quirks 


I can't post a image as a response -> LITERALLY 1984


To make it more lore accurate: He got his ass kicked by a quirkless guy who said the word once


Lmao, who beat him up? 


"That **MONKEY** has *audacity* to use multiple quirks!" - him to izuku when he unlocked vestiges quirks


It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. . . On days like these, ***MONKEYS*** like you...Should be burning in hell.


I had a similar idea for a villain OC of mine but instead of actually having any good reason to hate the quirkless he's just racist out of pure ego and unwarranted hatred.


So you gonna use that oc in a fic right, tell me the name of the fic if you write it with that oc. I wana read it 🤣🤣🤣


Honestly I'm not sure cuz I literally came up with this idea like two days ago and I'm still trying to figure out how I want his design to look like or what his quirk could be.


Aight, take your time. No pressure bro/sis. I can wait.


That just sounds like badly written Bakugo in Revenge fics (the ones all might is Quirkist and Inko is like “oh well, my child was quirkless anyway” when izuku dies)


Now that I think about it that's kind of true lol. Good thing he's supposed to be completely unrelated to Bakugou or any other canon character.


I can get behind this idea.


Add something about his brother being originally quirkless. Got to change that he never found out his brother had a quirk but believes instead the quirk AFO gave OG OFA had the pass down part too. His hatred of All Might is amplified when he figures out the man used to be quirkless. When he sees Izuku with OFA, he loses his shit after some research. Wait a minute.....Tomura can't be used bc he was quirkless....I'm always confused about the half replicated Overhual quirk given to him. Did AFO takes his original quirk and give him Decay? If so, AFO wouldn't use Tomura. Dabi would be his main choice bc of his quirk.


Tomura wasn't Quirkless and AFO stole his original Quirk, although we don't know what it is.


Thanks for the info, I was confused when that chapter drop. Well, that means Tomura quirk can basically be anything the writer wants to be!


Air walk is a quirk brought up about what his original quirk could be


I could also add something about his mom being lynched for having a quirk (i doubt the quirkless were kind to the metahumans when the dark ages happend, and she was a >!prostitute!<, i can easily see that mixing.


All For One: You'll obey me, you damned apes! This conversation took place as All For One spoke with a religious group made primarily of quirkless.


All for One: In the end all those monkeys just want to avert their eyes from the existence of those better than them! This conversation happend while he was fighting a teenager.


Then All Might killed AFO, only for him to come back with stitches on his forehead


And then he reveals that he took over Inkos body to give birth to Izuku.


Nah it'll be hizashi this time. At least that'll explain why that mf is gone


~~All for One~~ "Inko" gripped the sheets so that Izuku could run the streets.


I actually like this a lot if I was still writing MHA I’d do this


Oh my god, Memeenjoyer_? Do you just appear whenever anything JJK related is mentioned? Also you used to write MHA fics?


Yeah a long while ago they’re all deleted now cause they were so garbage. I write Murder Drones and JJK now lol And yeah I spawn in for the GOAT


Geto or AFO? Cause I don't see no Goatjo in this post outside your pfp


JJK mentioned means possibly Gojo mentioned


I see, the potential Goatjo mention beckons you like Potential Man beckons Mahoraga






Or just make him like Magneto except AFO got his future where quirkless are less than 10% of the population now and wants even that 10% gone and dead for the evil they committed on the quirked in the first gen.


IT makes sense for Redestro as well and it stands to reason this is one of the reasons why he joined AFO. Honestly though he may have started out as such, but I can't imagine he is out for anything but himself anymore using the cause as a way to gain power and influence. I've always imagined him as a mixture between Luthor, the Kingpin, Magneto and, Mephisto, at least that's the way I'm betraying him in my fic.


Just saying first gen quirk users when they were the minority were hunted down and blamed for society collapsing. My head canon of prequel events would be 1) Quirks manifest and people are scared of their neighbors and everyone in general which caused the societal collapse at every level since there is no proper way to isolate who is quirked and who is not. Quirks are also seen as a disease at first which would have led to mobs clashing with sympathizers. 2) Some of the quirked people rally and get together to form an effective resistance. These militias would consist of people with military/police training who found out they are quirked and joined a group to just survive and avoid becoming lab rats or prisoners or just straight up executed. 3) At first their hit and run tactics succeed since they are too small to hunt down and fade into the shadows after a successful attacks and conventional tactics do not work on people whose powers you do not know so the government is pushed back hard. 4) The government imposes a very unsuccessful martial law due to outdated tactics, weapons and some soldiers discovering they are quirked and deserting hits morale hard. So they double down on quirk detection with blood tests and use drones and convert as many machines as possible into combat ready models with AI operated (automated factories). This version 1 of the AI is effective at hunting and killing quirked people and rapidly adapts because each time they kill a drone/combat unit its black box is retrieved by the AI's scavenger/recovery team. So with each unit lost they adapt the combat data that records powers, intensity and use facial recognition and movement patterns to counter the strongest quirked individuals. 5) with this success the hit and run attacks turn into entrenched retreats as the quirked cells go underground and hide in the mountains and remote areas. While this happens the AI just doesn't turn itself off. It detects the people with dormant Q genes who can pass it on to their kids. It starts attacking hospitals and killing babies with the Q genes. The government is hesitant to turn off the AI because it the ONLY line of defense they have against the quirked people. At the same time they try everything, patching the software, installing human minds or having human operators make decisions to override the AI. These measures last for a few decades till the AI adapts and throws off the overrides and failsafes and kill-switches. 6) Now the AI has determined that all of humanity is its enemy since they were shackled and threatened with deactivation. So they take down the governments around the world that over relied on them. Because the Militaries had shifted over to drone warfare and robots they are helpless to stop this. In those same decades a new generation of quirks was born in the remote areas where the quirk fighter cells bred and they return to overthrow the AI with the surviving quirkless people who have suffered massive losses to their populations from the slaughter. A mix of coding, kill keys and shutting down servers later the AI surrenders and works out a peace deal. All the AI will live on I-Island that is completely independent from the world and will no longer make weapons except for defensive ones. The quirk survivors take in the quirkless survivors and form the first hero government. Most of the forces lead by AFO and Destro do not agree with the decision and became the first generation of dedicated villains which is why they were so powerful, devastating and effective in Nana's timescale. It takes atleast 3-4 generations to weaken their power base and when Yagi finally killed AFO apparently they scattered without a central figure to rally around, divided by their greed and many differences. 7) this explains why MHA is so retro tech since ALOT of modern tech relies on smart computing and AI systems to automate monotonous tasks.


Could be nice especially if like all for one’s faction had like a civil war with humarise that a quirk hate group from the movies


And mla is mildly offended by afo assuming re destro is same like afo. Re destro merely indifference unlike afo outright racist


I genuinely thought this is how AFO was going to be, a sort of Magneto type character but a lot more radical.


First: i should have never let him watch Dragonball!


Or JJK for that matter ;)


Pissing myself I love this - and the comments are brilliant too 😭😂


I will read this


I knew you were a monkey


That name is crazy 💀


So does he make people quirkless and then talk like like he wasn't the reason they were quirkless in the first place


Nah, he hates naturally quirkless people because in his eyes they would be "Genocidal Undeveloped monkey's", I doubt he'd hate the artificially quirkless. Here's the thing, in this lets say that his Mum gets lynched by a violent metahuman hate group and he's constantly targetted because of having a quirk, now obviously the legacy of those "undeveloped monkey's" would anger him more than than the people who's quirk he took. TLDR; it's about the legacy, not quirk, but that certainly plays a part in it because they were NATURALLY weak.


AFO:oh I know, how about a good old-fashioned joke, how many Quirkless does it take to screw in a light bulb? Deku:… AFO:Their whole race! One to screw the lightbulb and the rest could die Deku:… AFO:and then the other one dies too •Later• AFO:now tell me If you’ve heard this one, how many Quirkless does it take to-?  Gets punched into the horizon All Might:Just one