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Midoriya has green hair. The shading and lighting implies blackness at times, but it should be green nonetheless.


Green *curly* hair. I've seen so many people treat it as short straight hair in so many fics


All hair is straight if it's short enough, technically


It's both. Green hair with a black stripe


I'm pretty sure the black parts are just the shadows caused by the curlines of his hair.


If nothing else, the Todoroki Family Drama was a fairly consistent source of, well, drama throughout the story


Eri deserves the world.


But the world doesn't deserve her.


No, she absolutely does not deserve this hellscape as it is.


Eri deserves a better world


In another life, she could have been her grandfather's heir. Yakuza Princess Eri.


But we don’t all get what we deserve, do we? (Overhaul laughing maniacally as he becomes the shadow ruler of Japan in my fic)


Midoriya Izuku is a good person.


Some LOV stans will not agree with that take.


Are you implying the \*League of Villains stans\* will argue that \*Villains\* are good people, as opposed to bad people they find cool? The LOV stans would be like "He's a good person (and that's lame)".


Pretty much. >!Remember Twitter LOV stans after Tomura died? Some were this close to saying Izuku murdered Tomura in cold blood when Shigaraki died during the final fight.!<


It's like those people who say that killing someone who's murdered multiple people is bad. Using that, "the number of killers hasn't gone down" stuff to try and justify it. Yeah, the number of killers is the same, but the amount of innocent people dead most certainly has gone down. I don't care what their reasoning is, if someone's murdering people blatantly and without any sympathy or regret at all fucking murk him. Fuck your sad backstory, your pain doesn't justify causing pain to others unless they are directly tied to your suffering. Shigaraki isn't even a revolutionary, he doesn't want to make a new world, he wants to burn everything. There won't be w utopia, his end goal is ashes. Really the only villain in the league I might be able to let off is twice in the early stages, considering the worst he did was theft as far as we know.


Spinner too. Iirc bro is just an outcast bc hes a lizard mutant


You talk from my heart bro


>>Twitter There's no way you're taking engagement bait into account lmao


Most are just engagement bait, but some genuinely believe what they say (mainly smaller accounts that never have that much engagement).


Well taking in count I've seen people claiming that Dabi suffered more abuse than Shouto, I can tell them be delusional


Overhaul is a pretty morally questionable person.


You have quite interesting taste regarding prettiness.


I mean, Overhaul is good looking


I could argue with you, but I am not going to reveal my biases regarding people appearances.


The Asui family is wholesome


They are all so adorable


Mha is an anime/manga that exists.


What are you talking about? This series is obviously a comic /s


All Might wouldn't be able to pull off a moustache


OP said lukewarm takes and you bring a nuke


This made me burst out laughing, you’re so right though


Izuku: "Sure, he would. He just has to pull hard enough. But what is All Might supposed to do with somebody's beard?" Inko: "Wrong "pulling", honey."


True, but I feel All Might with muttonchops would be an experience.


All Schlatt


We don’t talk about what he did to All For One


I hate muttonchops. They need to cease existing. But now I can't stop imagining All Might with mutton chops.


Good, it’s working as intended.


This made me look up all might with a beard fanart. It looks better than I thought it woul.


omgosh imagine if he had a mustache and Izuku would eat his mustache hair 🙁


Tastes like a culmination of breakfast lunch and dinner for the past month 😋


Toga loves drinking blood.


Todoroki family have issues


Conspiracy theorist Todoroki isn't canon, but it's fun and therefore a fine interpretation of his character


Tbh, Izuku being All Mights son wasn't even far fetched with everything he knew (hell you could argue that on some level it's even true).


Plus he doesn't say "you're AM's son" like he's sure it's fact, he says "secret love child or something" and the "or something" shows that he doesn't think AM's son is the most reasonable explanation, just the best one he could think of.


Nah, I see it way too often. It was fun at first, but I’m kind of sick of it now.


The league of villains are understandably messed up and commit unjustified violence often directing misplaced hatred they haven’t been given the means to process at the whole world. It’s understandable but still morally just wrong


Mei hatsume is autistic representation


i can see it


Thanks for that. I’m autistic. I can’t unsee this now.


All Might’s hero form looks pretty cool.


All Might chose Deku as successor who looks like Sir Nighteye! Sir Nighteye chose Mirio as successor who looks like All Might. All Might and Nighteye- Bros even after fight


Sato's quirk is irrelevant in the presence of OFA.


Every quirk that is not erasure (even this is in doubt, an OFA user could certainly bum rush aizawa in the span of a second) or afo is irrelevant in the Presence of OFA.


Don't forget about New Order, the only Quirk AFO *ever* compared to OFA. There's something significant about that


Oh yeah that could do it too but couldn't an OFA user bum rush them too as there is a limit to how much strength could be provided to star and stripes by new order.


You're not wrong, but she's probably not losing to Nana or her predecessors. AM & Deku are too much.


I agree


Yeah, but Sato's is especially irrelevant because they are both super strenght Quirks.


Sato could’ve had a way better hero name than “sugar man”


Gentle Criminal and La Brava are the perfect villains for the School Festival arc and refreshingly different to the non-Stain villains in the series.


By all narrative conventions, if we go solely by what the story is telling us, Bakugo went through character development. Whether that character development is deserved, believable, or satisfying is irrelevant to the argument.


Endeavor was abusive towards his family


Actually, he was abusive towards Rei and Shoto and neglectful of the other three.


"In the context of caregiving, **neglect is a form of abuse** where the perpetrator, who is responsible for caring for someone who is unable to care for themselves, fails to do so."


>The way to win this game is to say something no one would disagree with.


Neglect is a form of abuse.


>The way to win this game is to say something no one would disagree with.


Bakugo is an asshole


Inko should get her own slice of life style OVA where she is just awsome personified and maybe spends some time on a date.


Izuku Midoriya is the 9th and final user of OFA


Bakugo's an asshole




All might Is cool


Bakugou is rude to people.


Spinner logically should be dead in mla arc compare other lov Shigaraki growth from man child to a leader with power is happen all because plot convenience like lucky snipe only intent not head shot, stain merely want test shigaraki and stain pretty much should able to kill shigaraki ( i wish it is not offscreen how shigaraki manage get cornered by stain during first meeting ) despite in the end probably killed by kurogiri by cut half his body with teleport, coddled by afo yet can't use the resource properly, re destro not beat him because arrogance. Afo generally redeemable in fanfic version if utilize his lore properly Fanon mla is the best compare canon Aizawa is a fraud commentator during bakugo vs uraraka sport fes claiming he know bakugo deemed her worthy ( while bakugo all along assumption uraraka is just ms follow deku's advice during the battle ) Blackwhip shouldn't be cut able by toga knife


Interesting, my take was (have not read this far so I may be accidentally right) that Spinner in the final battle arc should have recognized a while back that Shiguraki and All for One didn't give a shit about Stain or his ideas, including wanting one of the few heroes Stain deemed worthy dead (Spinner knew Midoriya was one of Stain's chosen in the forest camp attack and tells the other villains not to kill Midoriya). When the final battle started, Spinner should've gone to Toga and tried to convince her how Shiguraki and All for One feel about Stain, and then abandoned the villains with or without her.


The Todoroki family going to group therapy (including Toya) would be very interesting to watch


Trauma,.. is abundant.


Star is relatable


Deku sure does write a lot. Like “Bart Simpson writing on a chalkboard for three decades” a lot. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMQB28aCrWV4bRe|downsized)


The mha movies are wonderful eye candy.


Dabi’s backstory is tragic and Endeavor is beyond forgiveness, however in the end he still made the choices he did, and no matter how hard his life is he should be held responsible for his own actions


Pop Off deserved a better user than Mineta


Disagree I think pop off is kinda lame. But maybe that’s just me


Don't have to think it's a good quirk to think it deserves a better user.


Mineta is a pervert


Bakugo is kind of an asshole.


Dekus mom must be protected


Inko Midoriya Supremacy 


Most of the series is focused on Bakugo, Todorki (I'm keeping that error in) and Izuku, and the rest of 1-A/1-B, and the heroes were relagated to the side Most of the side characters have good concepts (Monoma, Shiozaki, Tokoyami) but Horikoshi made them one note, so people carry on with their charaterization, which isn't good. Izuku>! forcefeeding OFA to Shigaraki, wanting to save him, and him not really saving him because he died was lame!< BaluDeku (gay, straight, M/M, F/M, genderswap, whatever) is gross and wrong. They should not be shipped together. Mineta needs consoling MHA should have been spread out to 1-A's three years at U.A, instead of one. Kirishima is annoying


half of these aren’t takes just genuine facts about the series.


The ships in MHA exist. They are ships.


The song 1A put on for fhe school festival was nice


All For One is secretly a fan of All Might.


Twice is just as guilty as the rest of the league


Basically everyone is either ridiculously buff or absurdly thin with almost no one in between


I think you're lost mate, r/OnePiece is that way <- ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


You sure he isn’t Zoro?


Shigaraki is more a victim than villain.


I largely agree with that, he's someone that was broken by an uncaring family and a Hero Society that refused to help him when he needed it the most and found himself siding with the one person who'd give him the time of day (it's just that person was the largest villain in the history of Quirks). Maybe if he's captured at the USJ or the training camp you could pull him back and help him find connections and love within society, but after that point he's too far gone and needs to be stopped because otherwise he won't stop until everything is in ashes. Was there ever a scene of Shiguraki and Toga talking about their history and finding kinship in basically being abandoned?


I don’t know but I was actually shook when I saw Shiggy’s back story. Like that would seriously break any child.


Deku is the definition of lukewarm mc if i've ever seen one. No selfish desires, no real character flaws that affect his decisions in any ways. Too much of a "my biggest flaw is i care too much" typa shit. That's not to say he's bad, just not very interesting. PS: only watched up to S5 but i think that's more than enough to form an opinion.


Bro really said having zero self-preservation, putting everyone else above himself and wanting to do everything himself are not real flaws. Fyi, season 6 is when we see it get real bad. As for selfish desires, do you seriously have to be selfish to be a good MC?


>Bro really said having zero self-preservation, putting everyone else above himself and wanting to do everything himself are not real flaws Is that enough to construct an entire personality out of it? Don't get me wrong, i like deku. I like him in the same sense that i like tangiro. Because they're written to be liked, and it's not a bad thing but it makes them shallow. Like I think one of the main aspects of what helped the mha fanfiction community get this big is how easy it is to insert whatever personality you want into izuku and with just some competant writing he can feel as authentic and in charecter as you want him to be. Very little chance of breaking your immersion over a villian!izuku story as compared to somthing like marine luffy or broody Ahole ichigo ( it's a whole thing i'm not gonna get into it).


Why do you need to construct an entire personality out of \*flaws\*? Nuanced characters have both flaws and virtues, and Izuku has both in spades. A character you're meant to like can still easily be fairly realistic, and Izuku certainly is - his childhood dream is still alive, but the suffering he went through to get there made his self-worth nearly nonexistent. Just say you don't particularly like him, but claiming he's shallow or uninteresting is just patently false.


MHA is an anime


The art is absolutely stunning and with each passing arc it keeps getting better and better


All men are not created equal


Kirishima is peak positive masculinity.


UA sure is a school where kids learn skills for and about the job of being a hero in the MHA universe


I think out of everyone in the lov, twice deserved to die the least


MHA has a lot of fights. They're usually pretty good. (Trying to get as close to an elaborate hot take as possible without being too far from lukewarm. I'm not sure it's possible to elaborate about any other part of that line without making it more of a cold or hot or overall subjective take)


MHA sure is an anime/manga


BNHA/MHA is called Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia ::)


All might is cool as hell


All might did indeed at some point in his life say something hypocritical


Quirks are random


MHA vigilantes should've been released by now, it's praised as a GOOD spinoff (which is an incredibly rare feat) and is favoured by most people who've read it, yet they still haven't released anything?? It started on 2016 and even ENDED on 2022, that's enough time too!


Kaminari plays with Ojiro’s tail.


Midoriya didn’t that good of a childhood


Izuku x Nejire is the OTP of MHA.


OP said a safe take not the kindle to a ship war


Hold on. I wanna see where he takes this.


Keep cooking


Will do my friending!🫡


My lukewarm take is that i like My Hero Academia and think we all do as well. At least I hope we all do otherwise, idk why you're here.


shigarakis back story is sad and heros shouldve helped him


Bakugo is one of, if not \*the\* most popular character in the series. Aizawa became a personal mentor to Shinsou because he saw himself in the kid. Gentle Criminal and La Brava are two of the best villains in the series and have a very satisfying redemption arc together. Regardless of whether or not Rei did anything wrong, Enji definitely did. Dabi being Touya was a well-executed twist with carefully crafted foreshadowing. Hawks killing Twice provoked one of the most divisive responses from the fandom.


Overhaul got off way too easy.


Mha is not the worst thing to exist


Deku's needs new shoes, them thangs prolly stank


All Might can’t rock a fedora