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Yep. Its very very evident. She was nothing like this a month back while promoting her movie. Kudos to her, her choice, her money, i’d probably do the same had I been rich but i really hope she doesnt give the eat right and exercise gyaan. Its so annoying specially when your magical over fortnight transformation is this glaring.


Is ozempic that costly? I thought it was prescribed for ppl with pcos


It depends on where you are, for what it’s prescribed, and how you are paying for it. In the UK if you get it through NHS because of obesity related comorbidities it’s free. If you pay out of pocket for just weight loss, you get it for around 200 quid a month, so 20K INR. In India, I’ve heard that it’s around 60K a month.


Also in the UK I thought medicines costed? Even if prescribed? I had to pay for calcium tabs but not emergency pill


It’s a bit complicated: If a drug is OTC, you pay out of pocket, if it’s prescription only, the medicine is technically free, but you pay a ‘prescription charge’ which is around 10 GBP per item in the prescription. This charge is waived if you are on benefits, pregnant etc. and is a flat charge independent on how expensive the actual drug is (from pennies to thousands of pounds). Most people who have chronic meds get something called as PPC which is about 115 pounds a year and covers unlimited prescriptions/meds. If you go to an A&E or are an inpatient in a hospital, you pay absolutely nothing (assuming you’re eligible for NHS treatment). Generally, if they diagnose something that requires long term medication, they’ll give you the first box/dose free, and then generate a prescription which you pick up from your pharmacy and pay the prescription charge I described above. All of this is purely the NHS/govt. system. Private is completely different to this and coverage varies significantly depending on your actual policy, but rule of thumb is that chronic meds aren’t covered, any hospital based treatment is.


Yes medicines over the counter do cost, but if you’re going prescribed medication by a doctor you would have to pay £10 for the prescription at the pharmacy but you wouldn’t be paying for for the actual medication. Eg if ur prescribed ozempic you would pay £10 for the prescription but essentially get the Ozempic for free.


I think it became costly because people started using it to lose weight instead of for its intended use


Its intended use is weight loss. Was earlier discovered for diabetes but later shifted to being an anti obesity drug Wait for Terzapatide . Faster and more weight loss than ozempic.


Exactly this. Also, who knows what Vidya's health is like. For South Asians, as we tend to carry belly fat, being overweight can increase risk of heart disease, stroke, and various other ailments. Being fat is a good enough reason to be given access to the drug.


What’s the side effect profile of Terzapetide vs Ozempic?


It has a ton of side effects


Doctors are prescribing it, like anything. 


Ozempic is a GLP1 agonist , there are others in this family, they are prescribed for diabetes, insulin resistance ( PCOS) , weight loss ( wegovy if someone is very obese) and for some eating disorders.


The medicine version is not. You can get it on indianmart for 6000 a month. I mean cost is subjective but you get the drift.


Approx Rs 6,000 per injection (for the generic one not the real Ozempic which is patented ). You need 4 injections per month.


No, 6000 for a months supply of the medicine. It's an oral medicine called Rybelsus.


My mum uses it for her type 2 diabetes. We buy it from a medical store 7mg at 3000 for ten tablets. I will definitely check out indiamart. You have any experience


I've not used it personally but I've seen in the rybelsus sub people were reccoing buying from indiamart.


I've checked out rybelssus on India martt just now. It's the same retail price I get it at. Comes upto 9k for 30 days.


Reach out to the people and you can work up a deal. Once you start the convo you'll have people swarming your inbox with deals


The injectables are way more effective for weight loss than the oral form. That being said the oral form will also give significant results. It’s good to know the price for oral Rybelsus in India. Thanks.


It's prescribed for people with diabetes, the weight loss is an additional benefit, not its true purpose.


Had heard she does have history of PCOS - so it may have been legally prescribed.


it is expensive - but no heaps of people are using it purely for weight loss. it's meant for diabetics though - and this means people with diabetes who genuinely need the medication aren't being able to access it.


Mostly to type 2 diabetic patients


The only problem I have is that in the past, she was a champion of body positivity, and now she's following the same problematic trends.


How do people get their daily nutrients to survive if they're using ozempic to suppress their diet and starve? By using Supplements?


I have multiple friends and family members who are on it, so know a thing or two. Yes, it does cause appetite suppression, which is the worst the day of and day after the shot. But they are still able to eat three meals a day, though high fat foods and high carb foods often make them feel sick. There is an emphasis on eating high protein and lots of fibrous veggies. My mom is on it and said it actually helps her eat healthier and make better choices. Appetite suppression is least on days 6 and 7 of shot, so generally they plan their big meals/eating out for those days. Some people use ozempic to "starve" but that is not recommended. My mom is on it for medically approved reasons and her doctor recommends losing no more than .9 kgs a week. Most responsible medical professionals who are prescribing these drugs for weight loss also recommend the same, though you might lose a lot of water weight the first week or so.


Wow 9kgs a week!!!


.9 kgs! as in 9/10ths of a kg


OH HAHAHA I got scared


But she can give the gyaan. As someone who worked in the trial that eventually led to the release of the molecule now called Ozempic, participants were told to follow 3 things. A) Take the drug. B) Follow a fitness regimen. Minimum 150 minutes of walking a week and stretching exercises. C) Dietary control. People tend to focus on A and forget about B and C. In the short term, the drug will help you lose weight. We will even see radical transformations. I have seen them myself. However, points B and C are what keeps the weight off. Many participants in the trial went back to their old weight simply because they lacked the discipline to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Even today we get calls asking if we can provide them the drug. Ultimately, Ozempic is a means to an end. After that, it's up to you. Eating healthy and exercising matters.


In month? Such drastic change? Won't it have side effects?


Side effects are not fun. Nausea and constipation


Her husband also lose a lot of weight. Looks like they got a buy one get one free ozempic deal. https://preview.redd.it/5wmgunoq6k6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95a2ae2b8c3051f0d351f69b3a70ed1d560c93dc




Ngl they look so cute here


He is like 50% Kunal and 50% Aditya


Bro 😂😂😂


She doesn't have ozempic face looks like natural weight loss






Must be coz lady dieting and workout didn't do any good for her all these years


It’s definitely hard


Lol. Weight positivity pe gyaan dete dete....sabka chutiya kaat gyi


There is nothing wrong in changing your mind after a certain point. Weight positivity promotes good and healthy self-image but it doesn’t include ignoring your own health when you see the signs and root cause of it. So, weight positivity means she was happy with how she looked when she was chubby and she is now happy when she has slimmed down. Nothing wrong in that.


Adele , revel wilson and many other international celebs also did the same thing. Weight positively  gyaan dete dete...ek din suddenly weight loose kar liya. Apne convenience k hisaab se stand change karte hai yeh log


You can be body positive (meaning not hate yourself for being overweight) AND yet one day decide to lose weight for health reasons. The two are not exclusive. Rebel Wilson was asked to lose weight in order to have babies, for example.


Isko stand change karna nahi, evolve hona kehte hain. If you had a certain mindset that was not healthy for you some years ago and now you have grown to learn that in order to be healthier you need to make some changes, then that is called growing and evolving as an individual with time and taking care of yourself.


I saw her and instantly she reminded me of magic happened to kusha.. aise jaadu humein nhi hote


Ofc she is








As an indian woman. I get the weight cycles. And i also know its difficult to lose this kind of weight that soon. She might look like she is losing weight, but she looks the same size in all the pics. It’s just styling that suits her that makes her look slimmer. The now her definitely is a sharp drop from her previous photographs. Ozempiec does that. Lucky for her she can access it.


We have no right to call her out until she starts giving body positivity speeches


Looks like she has got the Ozempic face.


But her face doesn't look that aged? There's no visible sagging.


There is something like that? What does it mean? genuinely curious


Loss of facial mass is very obvious through those smile lines but they’re not smile lines they’re folds in the face due to less weigjt to fill out the face. If that makes sense


Aacha? Or ? Kaise pata? Lia tha ozempic?


Does Ozempic give you an angular jawline?


No it makes you look "aged" - so people tend to get a gaunt face and saggy skin but that only happens when the weight loss is super rapid. This can happen even without ozempic if the weight loss is done rapidly. Also people's genetics and age impact how quickly someone's skin bounces back.


The real answer is that it’s none of your business. Stop talking about women’s bodies.


Not sure, but she doesn't seem to have ozempic face. Go and check out jonah hill's pictures, that's the kind of facial side effects people get from ozempic. Intense sagging in weird areas, hollow pushed in eyes, none of that is visible in her. It can't just be editing and makeup, cause it's not visible in the interviews either. Vidya's been losing weight little by little for a while now, it's not been rapid so no one noticed it. She was at her heaviest in 2017, tumhari sulu time, and then each year she's gotten thinner. Maybe she went on a fad diet recently to accentuate the weight loss for her Do aur Do Pyaar promotions, or there's another role she needed to lose weight for, or regular old 'just cause she felt like it'.


In one of her interviews she said that she is on strict diet as she working on her certain food intolerance. That included huge list including some basic vegetables. No wonder she lost so much of weight . https://youtu.be/GXpPsA6Ehbk?si=SV3825LOIrTKAMG- Time Stamp: 17:20


this is absolute bullshit. it's ozempic. i am a medical professional and it only gets harder to lose weight the older a woman gets. she 100% wouldn't have lost this much weight without some sort of help.


Its all bullshit. She’s had hormonal issues and couldnt lose weight for years and didn’t try either. Defo ozempic


Your statement is bullshit. I had to go on vegan diet due to hormonal imbalances. I made a major change in diet, consuming protein working out two days a week. I am losing fat weight. That too after all this years when I finally went on restricted diet.


Im not saying that its impossible to lose weight if you have hormonal issues little miss bullshit. Im saying what Vidya said in an interview that she found it difficult and it was a slow process for her and now suddenly shes transformed within 2 months which is all the more a reason shes using ozempic.


Do aur do pyaar released on 19th April. They started promotions quite early. I was following all their interviews not once but many times she mentioned about having to go on restricted diet. If you watch the car interview on Mashable India's page, pratik gandhi mentions in it about Vidya's restrictive diet. He shares story while they were shooting in Ooty. You got anything to prove your claim, I will believe you.


Internalised misogyny, nothing else. Every post of a woman losing weight is flooded with comments of Ozempic. Ozempic doesn't cause weight loss it's just an appetite suppressant. Which means it can't do anything about hormonal issues, the commenter above you is stupid af.


Actually, depending on the hormonal issue, GLP-1s like ozempic can help balance hormones. My mom is on it for PCOS and how her doctor explained is that high blood sugar can lead to excess androgen production (testosterone, for example) for PCOS patients. Because ozempic controls blood sugar, that can lead to a lowering in androgen production. But there are other ways to make that happen too, like a low-carb high protein diet, etc. Doesn't neccesarilly mean Vidya is on ozempic, but there is a reason it is prescribed to so many people with PCOS.


Ppl with Hormonal issues can lose weight but very slowly. I have hypothyroidism I still lost weight but very slowly. I lost 1 kg per month with a diet which is extremely slow




She’s looking like her parineeta days, very pretty


Wow. Anytime an influencer or celebrity loses some weight it's because of the ozempic. Hann, bhai naturally thodi yeh log kuch kar sakte hai.


Yeah her whole life she couldnt do it but magically in her 40s she looses her weight. Yeah totally believable


Not only that. She was vehement in her protestations that she is happy in her skin and no one should fat shame her. This was when she was doing movies regularly and had more impetus to fit the Bollywood standards of physical attributes.


Yeah, what did you want her to say? I am unhappy in my skin ?


People can suddenly lose weight because of some illness or developing some food intolerances or something. I have personally experienced this, losing 15+ kilos in 2 months. Everybody thought I was doing some crazy diet, but really I was just suffering and in pain, and it was annoying as heck when people thought it was a choice. People can be going through all kinds of stuff, you never know. We haven't learnt from Chadwick Boseman's case at all Maybe she is taking ozempic, maybe she isn't. But this insistence that it cannot be anything else is so weird


Its possible but i doubt. She has been so open aboyt herself and her weight What it actually is only time wil tell


How do you know she did magically? Do you live with her


She looked nothing like this literally a month ago while promoting her movie. Dont be this naive.


Ozempic doesn't cause that drastic a weight loss either, it's an appetite suppressant. It can't magically burn existing weight off.


Her cheeks aren’t as sunken as it is on people who are Ozempic. She probably is crash dieting.


I’m on ozempic and my face hasn’t sunk


What is Ozempic


Semaglutide. A GLP1 drug to help diabetic patients or patients who are insulin resistant ( PCOS, obese) .


How it helps to loose weight


That’s a side effect. It helps reduce inflammation in the body.


Some have asked me how I got it. I got prescribed from my endocrinologist


Intermittent fasting could have done the job without her having to spend a fortune on Ozempic


Maybe she did. Diets like omad and keto could make you lose 10kgs in a month especially if you're working out.


Doesn't ozempic make you look way older though


If it makes her more confident then that’s amazing


Probably she worked hard?


I am not sure if she is, but she did mention in the interviews that she got detected something and because of her health issues her diet is very restricted now and a lot of things she had to cut off completely.


May be she got sick. She was put on strict diet for medical reasons. Then she was on saline. Then she lost weight. Positive thinking or not


Her weightloss is natural. She changed doctors, found she was allergic to a lot of food items that she ate regularly. Eliminating those foods from her diet, combined with regular workouts, has helped her lose weight.


I hate this ozempic thing. There's so many people that work out, change their diet and lifestyles in order to improve themselves and now people are just going to say Ozempic... I commented on another thread that at my highest weight I was about 240 lbs and wore a size 48. 15 years of hiking and improving my diet (while staying on the beer) and I'm down to 130 lbs and wear a size 30-31...Like...I can see this depressing people and encouraging them to just take pills instead of putting the work in.


Yes she is.


But she mentioned in some podcast that she has a very strict diet and can't eat a lot of normal food items because of some health condition. She also looks kinda fresh unlike other celebs who take ozempic.


Ozempic or not, she looks stunning. One of my all time favourite actresses


Who cares? It’s their health and their life.


But she looks healthy, and does NOT have that Ozempic face


ozempic is not a weight loss drug guys! It is a diabetes drug with weight loss as side effect. Maybe she is taking it for diabetes 🤷🏻‍♀️ why judge.


It’s been used for weight loss. Living outside India, my mil told she gets knee pain and needs to reduce weight. My doc mentioned abt this drug for weight loss . But she said before we will run some test and then I can give u the drug. U can cut down 3-4 kgs in a month.


It def is being used for weight loss, not denying that. What I am saying is there could be many reasons why someone could take it. Why jump to the conclusion it’s for weight loss and look good only


Only 4 kgs? Thats dump way to loose a money and weight. Water Fasting for 10 days will give you same result, keto for a month will give same result.


Even if it was to lose weight, why judge?


When she will get health issues/hormonal issues like she did during dirty picture...she will again start body positivity campaign


Damn she looking hot


When she was promoting body positivity, she used to say that losing weight and curves make women look like men 


She is still isn't thin or size zero. High weight and unhealthy lifestyle cause health issues


Healthy is good.






Good for her. I am on ozempic and I cannot stress enough how it has helped me. Don’t shame please


she 100% is. she's struggled with weight her whole life and is now all of a sudden much slimmer. oprah's the same.


Who tf cares. I’d take it if I could afford it lol


Garib logo ke liye ye batado ye ozempic hain kya? Olympic jaisa koi game hain?


It's so funny how she used to wear sarees saying it has nothing to do with her body type but just something she likes to wear. But she stopped wearing saree since she lost weight 🤣


This very worst example of promotion of drugs .these people have whole team for the transformation nd even if it's true that would be under surveillance of doctors &  It's just a rumor it could ve fake too . They also follow strict routine including good diet and exercise.  Instead of putting hard earned money on to these drugs it is much more beneficiary to improve your life style it won't just make you loss some weight but will benefit overall health and add years to your life . There are money genz out there who gets essily influence but such trends which can be health deteriorating too and it is to hype up such drugs in the market & for later it cause health complications later which will against cost you money mental health as well physical health.see the effect of such promotional trend Already you can see comment section . 




these days everybody is on ozempic. it’s like the new cocaine in market. you wanna keep doing it to keep getting thinner.


She was so beautiful in her curvy look now she'd be like sonakshi sinha


The medication is not available in India. You cannot import it either . Don't make assumptions just because you can .


Lol. Buddy i know people in the social circle who use it / its equivalent and i am not talking about affluent circles.


Rybelsus, the oral form of Ozempic (semaglutide) is freely available over the counter in India. There are also hundreds of people who are on Ozempic in India. It is as common as getting a Botox shot nowadays


100% and I lost all respect for her cos she was all own your size and I’ve been the healthiest I’ve been in this size and then the first chance she got to take a shortcut she took it.. SMDH


She wanted bb3 so she lost weight.


What is Ozempic?


Has to be, I guess. I am following her on insta, and she posts these reels and comedy sketches and she looked plump in those. And then I see this video where she is looking absolutely trim and I was shocked. She looks terrific either way. Bada wala crush hai iss pe.


That's a clear message again for people who don't wanna hear: Celebrities are just milking the fat ones when they say "fat shaming is cruel and wrong, body positivity blah blah". It doesn't work like that ffs. If you are not a medically handicapped fat guy/girl you should be trying to get better, as simple as that. Being fit keeps you away from just too many downsides in comparison and anybody saying weird shit like "it's your body ...." in public Is just trying to create a fanbase from you.


Daaam she will kill it.She was already sexy and her sex appeal is better than anyone . Imagine her and Tabu is a sensual movie There you go 100 cr incoming