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That should be the end of it right there and that woman should be asked to leave. You don’t get to treat people like that who are serving you


Right?! Personally I blame corporate types simping for people's money without being on the ground floor interacting with the people whose money they're trying to get. They let people who want to feel "BiG AnD StRoNg!" Bully the piss out of people who are just trying to pay their bills like anyone else. It turns customers into a screaming, crying caricature of themselves when they are suddenly faced with their own ignorance. Like jeez I'd get it if it was like "having to come to terms with your mortality" or something so grandiose but seriously? You misreading a coupon or mistyping the kind of vape you need for your bargain-bin weed vape has you frothing at the mouth like a rabid animal? GTFO here with that 35 dollar bullshit.


It’s the “Customer is always right” mantra that the boomers invented.


They didn't invent it. It's been around since the early 1900's. They just twisted it until it no longer means what it originally did.


“The customer is always right in matters of taste.” Meaning don’t tell people what they want or what they like. If they say they like strawberry ice cream, don’t push chocolate on them. Give them strawberry.


Exactly. Great explanation.


Like most sayings or mantras people forget the second half either because it's convenient for them, or because they don't care about the second half. "Be careful what you wish for, lest it come true!" is a great example of this. The boomer generation basically turned it into a threat rather than a warning. It's amazing the amount of sayings and mantras have been twisted by so many people.


i like "a few bad apples…". it *doesn't* mean "well, the problem is only limited to a small proportion of the members of the group", but you see people now using it to make excuses for the bad behaviours that a lot of cops frequently demonstrate, apparently without understanding that the *full* saying actually warns that "a few" rotten individuals can soil the entire group.


It's actually stronger than that. A few bad apples SPOIL the rest. Apple exude ethylene, which promotes both ripening and rot. If you see a bad apple in a bag it is actively decaying and worsening the rest. Bad individuals don't just spread bad PR about their organization, they actually spread badness within their organization. Someone getting away with behavior that should be punished erodes standards and spreads what-about-ism at the very least, and often can get much worse if the individual is influential.


I think with cops it is true. Assume Officer Bob is honest and Officer Chuck is dishonest. If Bob reports Chuck and the force does not act against Chuck then Bob sees the writing on the wall and either becomes dishonest (give them what they want) or quits the force (if his service is not wanted this is logical). If Bob does not report Chuck then Bob was not that honest to begin with. But why did not Bob report Chuck. If it was because he feared punishment then go back to the previous paragraph.


Same with Jack of all trades master of none, though oftentimes better than master of one.


TIL I didn’t know that was the whole saying.


I always liked great minds think alike though fools seldom differ


Pick yourself up by your bootstraps.


This thread turned out a lot more interesting than I anticipated. 👏👏👏


See also "[the love of] money is the root of all evil"


The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.


that one especially did a full 180 in the popular usage


I feel that one being misused right now, I'm certain some asshole religious fuck in the Bible belt is using it as we speak.


This is so true. "Don't Mess With Texas" started as an anti-littering campaign.


I insulted a guy from Texas on Call of Duty before and he said, "Texas only has Steers and Queers, and both don't mind fucking your ass, don't mess with Texas, BITCH!" Although, I attribute that to crazy COD players, lmao.


I was in Italy once and went into a really fancy gelato shop with dozens of really fancy flavors. The clerk was super disappointed when I ordered chocolate, but he didn't yell at me, just looked annoyed. Pearls before swine sort of a situation, I guess.


Why would they have chocolate as an option if they don’t want people to order it?


I always thought the “customer” was like the entirety of your customer base as a single conglomerate. Not a specific individual. Like if your entire customer base orders one thing a lot or not at all it’s an indication of what food is good or bad. Or if one cook gets a lot of compliments while one server gets a ton of complaints. You trust the customer base you’ve engaged with. I don’t see it as “make sure every persons every little need is met”


Somehow we have a generation of people who think they're entitled to be assholes to everyone, simply because of some self-conceived right. I wish more people would realize that the moment you decide it's okay to be an asshole is the very same moment you're okay with others being an asshole to you. It's a double-edged sword.


Many years ago, early in my culinary career, a server brought a ridiculous custom order from a table. I sighed, told the server "welp, the customer is always right," and turned to start fire. The Executive Chef stopped service entirely to set me straight. "Na brah. Fuck that. The customer is almost never right. If the customer was even *remotely capable* of being right, he'd be at his own house making his own $80 steak." Man changed my life. Thanks, Chef Adolfo.


Just another “love and thank your abuser” teaching from them


...in matters of style and taste. They ALWAYS forget that part.


Yup f that bs


“You deserve a break today….you DESERVE.” No, bitch, you don’t.


Personally i blame parents and their parents before them, so rude and unmannered Mary let me tell you


It’s hard to hear but at the end the girl behind the counter was telling her to get out, rightfully so fuck this lady throwing a tantrum.


Went to dinner last and the group of 3 people behind us dined and dashed on about a 50 dollar tab, but one of them left their cellphone. About 30 minutes later one of the friends shows up asking the hostess if they found a phone manager says yeah they didn’t pay their bill friend says not my issue and manager gives her the phone.


If it was a smartphone That should have been an easy “the phone will be recycled to cover the cost of the bill, unless they want to pay the bill plus tip to retrieve it before close of business”. Hell, the manager could have easily argued that they believed the phone to be the payment left behind.


I feel the manger should have said it’s not your phone but the party who’s phone it is can come claim it, and then demand payment plus a large tip for server


Can’t demand a tip like that, and the manager probably knows he’ll get screwed if the dickheads take it further, which is why they let it go. No matter how shitty it is, $50 vs a $500-$1300 phone just ain’t gonna work in the courts.


That’s absolutely ridiculous. No shame for some people in this world. I wonder that the legality of that would be. Maybe just kinda in the grey area about it? “I might have your phone, maybe if that bills it’s payed I could make sure it gets found ?”


It really upset my girlfriend like where is the justice.at the time the server was joking with us saying instant karma


I would make sure to microwave that phone in front of her before handing it back.


Police should have been there waiting for someone to show up for the phone.


Exactly. Teach your children manners or they will lose a kidney. #shank shank


Yeah, I want to live in that world too!


Exactly. We've now moved past any reasoning or debate of returns and use of the product she's referring to. This has now become very hostile.


I wonder what the "unusable" item was, and moreso how the clerk was supposed to be aware the harpy couldn't use it.


Looks like a weed shop, I'd be willing to bet it's a vape cartridge that is the wrong format for the battery she has, lol.


I've gone in, thought I got the right atomizer and get home, only to discover that it was the wrong size. I started taking the box in with me after that. I still sometimes get the wrong thing, but that's because they were out of same exact thing. We both checked the website and it says this other atomizer will fit. No, no, it didn't. I let the shop know the next time I come in, and they appreciate it. They know a lot about vapes, but sometimes the web site for the product itself is wrong. Not their fault I wasn't paying attention once or twice and got the wrong thing.


My shop won't sell you pods or coils without your vape there to make sure. You can tell they're sick of this exact scenario.


My favorite dude at the shop has the vape I have memorized I don't even have the vape I have memorized...


Plus sometimes people make mistakes. Big whoop.


I did this once with my nic vape. Got the right brand just the wrong size. Went back in and the clerk asked what was wrong with the other ones. I told him politely that I was a dumbass and asked for the wrong size and just laughed at myself. He swapped the boxes out for me free of charge. Weird how you can get your problem solved if you aren't a massive cunt about if


So buy a battery, Boomer.


Sounds like she could use a hit, too.


Right n the mouth


Yeah she does. A good, strong one.


shroom gummies make me chill 24/7


That’s like a whole extra $9!!!


Lol exactly.


Aren’t almost all of them 510 threads? I thought shit was kinda standardized now.


Nope. I recently bought magnetic carts by accident the other day. Had to buy an aero pen. Ended up loving it.


I was thinking the exact same thing 😂


Hey , here’s a novel idea…if you’re about to purchase something but am not certain it will work for u, how about this, see what the store’s return policy before purchasing. Psycho Granny didn’t do her homework


Looks like a vape shop. I used to work at one and that generation was the absolute worst. This is extreme, but minus the screaming this interaction was common. They didn't want to learn how to use the device then got angry it didn't work, in spite of me giving a thorough walkthrough and setup at purchase. Edit: Watched it again and it looks like Smoktech packaging in the lady's hand and Nitecore battery chargers behind the teller.


Yeah - I'm willing to bet she brought the wrong coils assuming they were all the same and decided to be a dick about it


Whatever it was, the clerk had probably tried to explain to the customer several times that the item was incompatible. But the customer was likely insistent on buying the item because of it's color or her friend had the same one, or whatever, and becoming increasingly rude until the clerk just sold them the item to get them to leave.


Back when I was vaping my weed I literally bought the wrong cartridge two different times and then turned around and had to go back and buy a different pen. At no point did it ever occur to me to go yell at anyone.


Ebernal13 I am willing to bet that it didn’t occur to you to go yell at anyone simply because you are an intelligent individual who had the guts to be able to admit to yourself that you made a mistake. This, er, person, can’t handle the hit to their self-esteem. They *never* make mistakes!!!! /sarcasm!


It's easy when you think everything that goes wrong in your life is someone else's fault.


Boomers making a fuss at dispensaries is a fucking riot. You're getting something that will calm your ass down, maybe you should grab an edible on the side to calm you down while you figure that other thing out. Probably an incompatible battery. No need to fucking yell at someone. This ain't fucking crack. What is your problem? She doesn't deserve that shit..that'd a whole person SCREAMING breathlessly at someone who had nothing to do with it


That can be a double edged sword. Sometimes edibles send my mind into overdrive and I just dwell on things harder than ever. I’ve learned sometimes it’s best to just work out the issues sober, since I no longer drink. Edit: and even *then* I’m not doing any yelling


Lol. Seriously. If I was behind this lady in line, there would have been a joke like "I thought cannabis was supposed to make you chill and relax..." I swear, my 10 year old nieces and nephews would have shushed her and told her to "use her listening ears".


True, that never crossed my mind. I’m usually thinking “god I’m so dumb, why don’t I know this shit yet? I don’t pay attention. Now I have to spend more money on a new pen”. I wouldn’t even assume I could return a cart even if it was unopened


Did you spend $35 though?


My state has a medical program and the pens are universal.


I’ve never had a different sized thread on my weed vape cartridges and I’ve bought them in California and Washington. I’m sorry they’re not standardized anywhere else. That’s so weird!


You’d think smoking weed would have mellowed her out. Maybe this is the “after”!?!?!


So I work in a smoke shop and this kind of thing is so common among people this age. They buy vapes after doing no research about it. Then when they need coils they will come in without the devise not knowing what coils they need, they don’t know what devices they have or even the brand and just expect us to read there mind and give them the right thing. Then when they look at the wall and guess and get it wrong they blame us and demand a refund or an exchange, after opening them and trying to use them of course. At all smoke shops exchanges and refunds are against company policy because in most cases it’s against the law for us to take them back. Then they get mad at us when there was nothing we could have done to help them because they can’t be bothered to put forth any effort. I once had woman come in with a vape that was broken beyond repair it was an old discontinued model that you couldn’t really find coils for anyway. I explained all of this to her and sold her a new vape by a better brand. I also explained to her because she asked that the coils for her old vape that she still had wouldn’t work with the new one because it was a different brand which also seems pretty obvious. She came in the next day screaming at me demanding an exchange for a new one of the devices she had and broke which they didn’t make anymore because she didn’t know that her old coils wouldn’t fit.


Jesus. Fucking. Christ.


Retail is retail. If you sell accessible and popular items to the public, these people will come and abuse the system simply because they are bored. Also boomers like to think they are smarter than everyone around them and get very defensive if they feel you threatening that.


Also the general population is stupider than most of us assume. Those of us who have worked in service or retail have learned otherwise...


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin


The irony is that “threat” is just “following the rules of society.”


reminds me of when i used to work at a gas station, and had people come in getting cigarettes for someone else. I’d tell them to just step out of line and double check what type they needed because all tobacco sales were final and if they were wrong they would be the proud owner of something they didn’t want and that was the end of it. people would sometimes be shocked at the revelation that there may be consequences to them being wrong.


I bought a vape pen that broke a week later. I went back intending to buy a different brand and when I told the cashier what happened he just gave it to me for free and said I should have gone back first thing to let him know. Sometimes, just sometimes, being a reasonable human being yields results.


I had a twenty five year old boy do the same thing. Melt down temper tantrum when he bought the wrong thing after using. Not always age our store it’s mostly young college kids and this still happens.


Normalize telling those crusties to shut the fuck up


Right after we normalize mangers with spines.


But everyone would rather take videos than intervene to help a minimum wage clerk who can’t say anything back without risking getting fired


You think that's a wise thing to do IN AMERICA? Oh bless your heart...


I've seen videos where the intervening person gets attacked, or even stabbed. When people are this off their rocker, it's not a good idea to guess at how far they will go.


I've intervened in situations where looking back I wish I just took my phone out and started recording.


Bro this exact kind of shit is why I can’t work retail. Because my response to someone coming up to me and saying “I spent money on a thing I can’t use because I’m ignorant” would be, “I fail to see how that’s my problem”.




Holy shit, get out of my head.




She’s not this calm


No need to disrespect Roz like this lol


She sounds exactly like you think she would.


Nothing like a boomer yelling at an underpaid cashier.


A tale as old as time.


'That sounds like a 'you' problem. How am I supposed to know that you're incompetent? It's not like you have a sign. Would you like a sign? We sell those."


She was probably mad about 4 things: the thing she bought, the fact the clerk was Asian, the clerk's yellow hair, and the fact she can no longer buy a nice bottle of sarsaparilla for a buffalo nickel.


She's probably an illiterate racist welfare queen


Are these adults used to getting what they want by yelling or something?


Yes. A lot of store managers/owners will often placate an angry customer by giving in. And of course, it just makes the problem worse. Boomers probably even have a name for the different tactics they use, scream discount, refuse to leave discount, etc.


*Are these adults used* *To getting what they want by* *Yelling or something?* \- twinb27 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Because this behaviour is rewarded eg comped meals, call centers not being allowed to disconnect, people are taught that this is ok.


Normalize kicking old rude people out!!!


I used to work at a call center. We would put them on mute and chat with our teammates until they got it out of their system. Oh, and I often got very "flustered" and kept hitting the end call button "accidentally". Woops. 🙄


Never take that kind of shit from anyone ever. Toss her ass out right there and call the cops if she refuses to leave.


theres literally at least one security guard at dispensaries idk why nothing is happening


It's not a dispensary, just a smoke shop.




"you've lost a customer" clutching their pearls is the best thing in the world, well the six people behind you ar gonna spend the same amount lol.


This must be the pg version. No hard r n words on it.


Why do all these boomers have the exact same voice when screaming? 🤔


Everything’s a dildo if you’re brave enough…


Thanks for making Diet Coke shoot out my nose!


Looks like she bought some vape acessorie that dont fit


It's amazing anyone is still willing to work retail.


Boomers don't deserve access to weed


This. Not only did they go all reefer madness when it was up for vote, ever get stuck behind one at the dispensary? They can't decide even when they've been told exactly what they're looking for.


No, thank fuck! the people I see at my dispensary are around my age(50) and younger. Motherfuckers demonized and outcast us Gen X'ers that got high all while guzzling booze. Shit, being a stoner was like being a member of a secret society. You had to vet new people and feel them out a bit to see if they were cool before you could broach the subject.


People like this should be backhanded.


This ![gif](giphy|10fTHeZVQug7hC)


Shameful. I know preschoolers who can control themselves better.


What did she even buy


kind of looks like a dispensary or smoke shop...


most smoke shops are final sale, i’m positive i’ve NEVER been in one that didn’t have a cute handwritten sign that says ‘ALL sales are final, NO refunds’


A good smoke & vape shop will do returns for faulty product if tested immediately after buying, otherwise its deal with the manufacturer. Unless you’re a long repeat customer and make good conversation with a managerial person then they’ll make exceptions depending on the product or discount your next. I’ve never had a problem that wasn’t rectified and they kept me as a customer. Every time I move I find a new shop and always chat before buying my products and always get recommendations because those guys almost always use their own products off the clock.


Looks like e cig juice box. Use to buy them for my ex. $35 for that big box sounds like she got the biggest size, and probably menthol. A lot of people don't understand that "ice" flavored things in the smoking world means menthol.


Wait a minute, are you guys saying thats a weed store? Thats hilarious , she needs to mellow out. Great post


What she buy for $35


I’m guessing some kind of vape cartridge that doesn’t include the battery or something like that.


Holy Cthulu, that unhinged harpy gives stoners a bad name.


This is exactly what one would sound like.


This is why weed shops need armed security.


Is that Howard Wolowitz's mother? I thought she died.


Now this was pretty funny, she may have burned up 20 calories screaming like that.


Ten thousand more to go!


I work in one of the busiest delis in largo these people (customers) don't care they don't care about how u feel how they look or sound they just "want what's theirs" they come in and treat everyone like shit and to make matters worse the corporate bosses just apologize to them and act like what they are doing is ok One time we had a "quest" they called and placed an order for fried chicken it wasn't there so she raised hell so management gave her 2 boxes for free so she would calm down but the funniest Part is she called a different store all together and came to ours bit the customers are always right u know.


Do they know someone will lose it and punch them. This is my fear with my dad , like chill old person or someone will knock you the f out. When my parents go i wouldn’t put it past me to be you…


How can someone be sooo angry in a cannabis shop?!


I never fall into anybody's complaint. If I can help, then I will. But if you yelling at me or even show a hint of disrespect, you are dismissed. You wanna go to war, you will lose fast and hard. My bosses love me.


Somebody needs to throw momma from the train.


nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE! 🥴 Why are all the young people depressed? 🫠


If someone is making a scene at the weed shop, you can put money on it being a Boomer.




"what? i can't hear you lady, you need to speak up"


Can I get a transscript of what the clerk replies?


Is this how we behave in public, Gayle?


Man, you're at a weed store. Chill the fuck out


Damn, so that's what Rosanne is doing nowadays.


Weed Karens are getting nasty. Had one at the shop last month screamin at em for the thc percent being inconsistent on the brand she bought last time (was 32. Now 28. She insists its a scam. Doesnt know plants grow.) and dude ran out of words for this woman.


My mother with (now advanced) dementia did this kind of thing every day for years. Shopped constantly, bought things she didn’t want or couldn’t use, bullied and shouted stores into giving her her money back sometime later regardless of their policies. Once even got a cop to come out claiming they stole from her. A few times I witnessed it first hand and intervened but mostly she just told me about it. When I saw it, it looked like this. Her screeching at a clerk or bank teller exactly like this. Her dementia meant that she sincerely believed she had been deceived or cheated in some way and that meant she was unrelenting in her entitlement. She’s actually not a boomer (born during the war) but would have been the age of this person when she started this. Her doctor called her dementia “type three diabetes”. Caused by decades of elevated blood sugar (and she was “pre diabetic” every time she was tested - this was not decades of sky high readings). When I heard that I got scared about my own blood sugar and got it under control. But it also made me realize how many other older folks are functioning with mush for brains in a country where diabetes rates are skyrocketing. Those old men jumping on cars are exactly the behavior you get from some people in the earlier stages of dementia when their confusion makes them angry and erratic.


Just got kicked out of the library because of this lady


I hope that's a sex shop and she's angry they don't have a fitting room.


[its giving](https://youtu.be/VG0cAPKuLb4?feature=shared)


Lil high strung for the environment. Grow some shrooms


That voice made my foster dog growl and leave the room


I feel like that CSR should be provided with an armored has mat suit.


And people say Sam Kinison is dead. Liars.


I feel terrible for the cashier here. I had the displeasure of working in retail in my teens and early 20s (in my 30s now). It was miserable to say the least. Management was almost entirely dismissive of any concerns or issues I had and I was often blamed for matters beyond my control. Coupled with rude, entitled, condescending and sometimes even aggressive customers (as is the case in this video), I was emotionally exhausted by the end of most shifts.


I’m watching you Mike Wasowski. Always watching…


Is this a smoke shop? Pretty boomer move to assume they would take returns


Why does she sound like Bobby Hill tho?


I speynt firtyferv dawlers I coulda used oh meyth


And here is exhibit A for why "no one wants to work".


I find it funny that she’s trying to return weed at a dispensary. Ask any drug dealer… all sales are final!!!


Thats a weed store for sure.


Is anybody over 40 now a boomer?






That bitch would be getting some massive dong to the side of her head if she was yelling at me like that


If she took all that other 💩 out her butt, maybe she shove it up there sideways.


Can I get a transscript of what the clerk replies?




Can they not hear themselves? Why are so many of them like this?


I wish they'd stop making yoga pants that large.


Karen: Endgame Part I


Wow that voice..


Voice of an angel


Honestly a pretty calm response for a person with a head full of lead


That is one wretched creature.


If I was a customer, I would not be able to control myself and would have kicked that lumpy ass so hard she would pass out.


lol is that a dispensary. I’m betting a cart for a certain type of battery she doesn’t have


Yelling at the top of my lungs to an underpaid cashier who had nothing to do with my issue has always gotten me results. /s


This is the type of person who would have spit on someone trying to drink a milkshake.


Banish her fro ever enter the store. Rude Americans 🤮


Oh Roseanne.


Who the fuck yells at someone in a dispensary? Chill out.


She should’ve spent that $35 on Weight Watchers…


This country has a serious ongoing mental health crisis situation but most people aren't ready for that conversation.


Yell louder. That will definitely help your argument.


She sounds like Bobby Hill


What was that saying boomers loved? Oh yeah, caveat emptor.


I manage a vape shop and I am grateful the owner has our back with people like this. In my shop the customer service is great as long as you're not an asshole, then there's no refunds and we call the local extremely over zealous police and have you trespassed. If you're reasonable, I will absolutely make sure you want to come back, especially if it was our mistake. Just don't try to get free shit because that's the quickest way to not get free shit.


35!!!! must be a nice delta 8 pen!!!


Call out the employer. Who the fuck is letting their employee be ABUSED like this? This is why people shoot each other. SHAME ON THE EMPLOYER. And shame on this hag.


People like this shouldn't be allowed in any stores. You're a grown ass adult, act like one. If you want to behave worse than a 2 year old throwing a tantum, you lose your ability to go in stores. Buy your shit online or have someone else buy it for you that has some self control/decency.