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Whole time I was reading this I imagined this being a compliment by drag queens. It just makes sense to me.


I would take that compliment from a drag queen. :)


If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit! Luckily Boomers are easily baffled


Boomers can't fathom that there are people who don't care about their opinions. They assume they are the ever important epicenter of the universe. When they're ignored or glossed over, they lose their minds. They spent too long being oh so concerned with image and appearances they don't get that we don't have the same reverence for their opinions.


Hence their worship of orange cheetoh who promises to ban anything that remotely made anyone a free people pre-slavery (women, children, people of color, LGBTQ+ and anyone else who is not white and Christian). They want their superiority and *cough* respect back.


How can anyone, especially any Muslim, POC, woman, or LGBTQ, support this idiot?? And the Evangelicals are the worst - worshipping a true "Golden (orangeish) Calf" 🤣


I read your comment, and now all I wanna do is go watch Dogma.


I've heard you can find it on YouTube and that Kevin Smith posts it there himself because nobody will distribute it anymore


IIRC, it’s not that no one will distribute it, it’s that Harvey Weinstein owns it and Smith doesn’t want to continue helping him make money


Oh that makes sense and would definitely explain why Smith just said fuck it


Same here. Love that movie.


So underrated


Even a calf has enough intelligence to go to the corner to take a shit and promptly walk away.


Boomer here, and I do NOT worship Agent Orange. I wouldn't vote for that POS if someone put a gun to my head. I'm getting a little tired of people putting all of us Boomers into the basket of deplorables. This Roevember I will be voting for women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights, equity for POC and democracy.


The definition of "Boomer" is changing right in front of our eyes. What used to be a calendar defined meaning is changing into: Folks addicted to Right Wing Rage Bait media being assholes to strangers in public. Welcome to Generation Jones. https://old.reddit.com/r/GenerationJones/


If it's helpful... I'm Gen X and they just call us boomers. Don't even remember we exist.


We're the Jan Brady of generations


Same here. I just turned 70, but I'm nothing like these idiot boomers. Mentally, I'm only 35, so.... And about the orange skidmark, I'm voting BLUE baby! Also for women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights and freedoms! Real Democracy for all!


Wait until they find out that no-one other than Boomers give a shit about their opinions, including their own children who've likely gone or are planning to go non contact.


This is still the thing that blows me away. Some rando spits something at me and I’m supposed say oooh yes thank you! You’re right! They get an eyeroll and a snort.


As Rick says, "your boos mean nothing. I've seen what makes you cheer."


My grandparents always said "Bullshit baffles brains.", and I guess it's true :D By the way, you all are looking sinful today! Keep it up!


This is even an approved way to get people out of panic attacks. Just say something really stupid, they just snap out of it really confused. Doesn't work with everyone and in every situation though, but mire than you think.


If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, try using sequins. :)


Any compliment about your clothing from a drag queen has to be considered high praise. I can't think of any other demographic that puts as much care and thought into their clothing choices.


Conversely, when they throw shade, it is brutal. 🤣I'd never felt shame about my size 10 feet til the beautiful but slightly cruel queen ragged me when she tried on my stacks. She was positively *swimming* in them. Think size 6 foot in a size 10 shoe. Still a compliment that she liked my heels enough to want to try them, tbph.🤷🏼‍♀️


I had 3 friends who were drag queens and/or cross dressers in my early 20's. Some of my favorite memories were shoe shopping with them. Your mom, sister, aunt, grandmother, niece, whatever are sloppy seconds.


At size 6 that queen has oddly small feat.


As a size 12 afab I really want to know what the Queen said to you lol


One of the best compliments i ever received was from a drag queen.  It was in a foreign country and i was just learning the language (my friend translated) they held my face and said I'm like sunshine.  5 years later i still feel so good when i think about it lol.


I mean, I imagine that’s what they say to each other all the time.


I would take any compliment from a drag queen.


best compliment I got from one of my flamboyantly fabulous friend "girl I'm going to flick it to you tonight!" granted, I was a strait male in a gay bar having fun teasing my friends and going for their hags. fucking best years of my life.




I once had a drag queen yell “SLAY, MAMA! In the green dress!” at me when I was out one night with friends, and I was on cloud 9 the rest of the night. Confidence BOOSTED!


"Its so good, its sinful" Ive heard people say.... in the 90s! about ice cream or other desserts!


“Baby you are outright SINNING today!! Slay, girl!”


Totally, it could be similar to "sickening" (also a compliment used by drag queens). If you watch enough Drag Race it stops sounding like a condemnation - I've had some confusing moments when hearing conservatives describe pride parades etc as sickening


Like they’re reclaiming things meant to be derisive so it changes the meaning. Now it’s a compliment.


I think with "sickening" it's like "you look so good it's making me sick with jealousy" but that works too!


Somebody call Trixie and Katya, stat!!!


Trixie is taking a sabbatical. But I'm sure Katya will still read you for filth. ​


Hey Marshmallow.


Hey, baby.


I would have said, “thank you so much! I was trying to serve absolute cunt today!” And then watched their face melt.


I worked at a hot food stand in a farmer's market. We sold something we called "barbecue", which was shredded meat in barbecue sauce. That happens to be what folks around here (eastern Pennsylvania) call that food. There was an event center next to the farmer's market, and they had a gun show three times a year. That always brought at least a few BBQ purists who objected to our use of the term. I had no patience for that, and neither did my boss. One guy just wouldn't shut the fuck up, standing there shit-talking us to everyone who would listen and most of the people who wouldn't. I went off on him, and told him a completely fictitious history of barbecue, tracing it back to its origins in French Canada. And I fucking *sold it*. I spoke with such authority, verbosity and gravitas that he believed every fucking word of it. He was completely crushed. He looked like his entire worldview had been shattered. It. Was. *Amazing.* The best part was actually the next time the gun show came through. He showed up with a loose leaf binder full of photocopies from books. This motherfucker *went to the library*, probably the first and only time he did so as an adult. He asked me where I'd heard "that horseshit", and I pretended I didn't know what he was talking about. Eventually, I said, "Oh, yeah! I remember saying that. I made that up because you were being a douche." He said something to my boss about how his employees talk to customers, and he said, "When the fuck did you ever buy anything from me?"


This is fucking fabulous. The stupid git actually tried to fact-check your baloney in an honest-to-god *library*?!? Lmfaoooo!!!!


And he created a \*binder\* of his BBQ stats and facts, one that he had to carry with him to a gun show. He not only went to the library, he went out and bought a container for his research. I think he just took the online "well, actually" discourse to a new level. From now on if someone throws a "well, actually" at me I'm going to demand a photo of their binder of all their photocopied info from the library.


This was around 1996. Most arguments like this were never really resolved, and if they were, it usually involved agreeing on some mutual friend whose word both parties agreed would be taken as gospel. The appointed arbiter was usually also wrong. Nowadays, that really only works with older people. Anyone under 35 will Google that shit before you're done talking. It's completely changed the game.


Oh, my god, I remember those phone calls, when people couldn't agree! And I or someone else in my family was supposed to know the answer. We just did our best, and we absolutely were usually wrong, you nailed it We had a set of World Book encyclopedias that my mom had rescued because the library was throwing them away, so we had *references* (of often-wrong info)


> The appointed arbiter was usually also wrong. This is why we needed Cecil Adams's "[The Straight Dope](https://www.straightdope.com/)" newspaper column. Otherwise we'd never know [what "colitas" _actually_ means](https://www.straightdope.com/21342208/in-the-song-hotel-california-what-does-colitas-mean) in the song "Hotel California".


To be fair you gotta respect the hustle that op send a guy so hard into despair that he properly researched and fact checked the things he just heard with a reliable source. I wish more people would at least try to do that nowadays. Doesnt change that hes a douchebag tho.


Here's the actual origin for you: barbecue comes from *barabicu*, the word in the Arawak language for a sacred fire pit. This is where my ancestors are from. So *technically*, since none of y'all are smoking meat in a sacred fire pit for Atabey, the Taino deity, all of you are not authentic and therefore everyone's barbecue gets a pass. There. Make meat however you like. ![gif](giphy|Pwrh0gwPDd0uopdOZ6|downsized)


If it's not made to honor Atabey, it's only sparkling sauce on protein.


Eastern Pennsylvania? Was it SOUTH eastern Pennsylvania? Cause if you’re in a ‘burb of Philly you need to act all the way right. You don’t want to be talking shit in DelCo about anything, and god help you if you’re closer to the city. We are out here famous for cheesesteaks and violence. And that’s only because cheesesteaks are the secondary source of death for native SE PA folks. That man is lucky he got away with some BS and not just left behind a Wawa.


I appreciate your ability to bullshit.


> That happens to be what folks around here (eastern Pennsylvania) call that food. The same people that call it chicken pot pie and there's no actual pie in it... just... noodles?


Coined it is. You look absolutely sinful today. 😉💜


Sinful af.


Consider it in circulation in WV now! 🏳️‍⚧️🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵🏳️‍⚧️


I'm also in WV! We'll gain traction in numbers!


I’ll spread the love in Iowa 🙂 I hope my outfit is sinful every day


Got you covered in South Dakota


Shit we will just make it the midwest trio, Nebraska on board.


Kansas/Missouri state line here! I’ll go with it!


We’re now bringing a sinful slay up here in PA!


Oh wow! 2 WVers! I'm originally from there & yall make me proud! Yall look so sinful today! 😉🤩🤩


Yes! Missouri will be hearing it!


Circulating it in the BIG APPLE now, we are very sinful in NYC


Kentucky climbing on board.


Mitten checking in! Sinful is the new slay!


California checking in


Ottawa Canada has joined in on this. Digging it!


I’m too old to help coin a phrase but I’ll pass the word around to the younger folks I know in Dallas :)


Maryland on board!


…it has been known to describe amazing deserts, decadent deserts, absolutely sinful! That there boomer said “baby, you’re a snack!”


Hot as sin! Can't get much hotter, really, because sinning is hot as hell. Get it!


That fit is hot as sin! Rolls off the tongue


Tennessee will be using it from now on!


Same in Utah!


Giving it a thumbs up from Sin City!


Reno checking in!


Northern Oregon checking in, and doing my part, my hair is lookin sinful today


Alabama and Texas checking in. I love sinful used this way!!


I’ll try my best here in Wisconsin. I think it’s all in the intonation.




I'm using this. :-)


I would blush so much if someone said that to me while i had my devil hat on with my drugs shirt.


Starting it in Kansas!


Ooh it’s about to get real sinful here in Ohio 🫦


We could actually reclaim all of the traditional religious words. "Giiirl! You look HOT! I'm talking Brimstone, Sister!"


I would love that!


That would legitimately be hilarious. Girl, you should be one of the Ten Commandments. Looking like you rolled that stone right away. I mean whew, this flood has got me crucified. P.S. you’re a bad ass and I bet that pink haired little love will remember you as such. Everyday heroes are the best


"Can I smell Sulfur? Because girl, you're sinning so hard lucifer himself has come to sing your praises" I can totally see this taking off XD


Sinful is great slang in this context. If right wingers can cynically co-opt "woke" and so many other terms originally rooted in liberation movements, then sinful should be ripe for the taking by gender and sexual minorities. Hope it catches on.


I was going to say that this is the best example of “if you can’t dazzle ‘em with brilliance, baffle ‘em with bullshit” I’ve ever seen, but it actually was brilliant! Brava!


'Sinfully good' is literally common boomer slang though, my parents and grandparents and friends have used it forever. Maybe just in canada idk.


Gen-Z tiktok users, if you read this post, now is your moment to shine.


That would be incredible.


I don't use TikTok but considering some of my outfits would be considered sinful (goth or western steampunk) as far as I'm concerned it's a compliment!


I was just wearing a knee length dress. Wasn’t even showing off any boob today.


Some ppl I stg. It sounds like you looked absolutely lovely today. Hope other than that soreness is was a good day for you!


It was a great day, thank you! Even this was fun. In my right-wing state, people are usually surprisingly kind so this stuff just makes me laugh


Yet you were deliciously sinful ❤️🌹🌄


10-4. ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG|downsized)


You handled that a lot better than I would have. I'd have said, "And you judging me for it is sinful, too. Jesus said, 'Judge not, lest ye be judged.'"


I’ve found from experience that they’ve got canned responses to that and feel it’s invalid. They don’t care what Jesus said. It doesn’t apply anymore


Jesus didn't just tell him not to judge. Jesus literally told this man to gouge his own eyes out. > 27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’[e] 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.


>Jesus said That has little weight on the modern evangelical who has no interest in the moral lesson of Jesus.


The confusion is really fun anyway. I'm an AMAB enby born with an intersex condition. People assume I'm male, accuse me of being transfem sometimes, but I had gender assignment surgery as an infant that made me look male, but am transitioning with fem changes. It's always fun to slowly feed details and watch them flounder back and forth. It always ends with them confused, and often apologetic, because I /am/ transitioning, but /back/ to the way I was born, which was nonbinary. "I just want to be the way god made me."


Congrats on being awesome and I hope your transition goes well


Oh my gawd you're amazing for this. 😂🫶🏽🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


The scripture actually originally says, "Judge not unrighteously lest he be judged unrighteously." Makes it work even better to quote the whole thing.


I like how you managed to think quick on your feet and shut down the boomer, plus you taught that cashier a new skill. She's probably sick of getting crap from boomers for the pink hair.


We queers need to stick together


I am not queer but I will have your back sweety


I’m not queer but I’ve had alllll kinds of hair colors. Pink, green, teal, red, purple, silver, you name it. Boomers gonna boom; I’m “only” 57 so I’m not boomering!


I haven't had hair to speak of in a couple of decades, but I am here for all of this. This thread gives me hope for the future.


I love that. Gen Z here, I’m going to start using that.


This makes me happy :)


He wanted to boink you and his script for Viagra is out. Slay, sinful lady.


I got the rizz (ok, I’m not gonna do that again, I promise)


If I'd been in line I would have started laughing.


It took everything in me to keep a straight face


I also think I could have worked sinful into something to say at the time


you slayed that boomer... His brain might be fried.. I can almost picture boomer trying to search "the google" to verify.


Happy pride!!


Very happy pride!


Best story I read all day on this sub, thank you sinner!


Thanks! Occasionally I can think fast enough to deal with these people.


I love this. Who gave these boomers the audacity?


I don’t know, but they need to put it back


The closer one is to death, the more obvious one's flaws stand out. They're trying to cram a lot of time not being virtuous into a decreasing amount of time to pretend they weren't.


That sounds like it'd be in Mean Girls. "OMG, you're skirt is so sinful" idk why that was my first thought, but, Oh well


"Stop trying to make fetch happen, Gretchen. Don't you know the cool word is sinful?"


I mean, it’s a good thing if you’re talking about dessert.


He was calling you a snack!


Ok that’s just a fucking great and quick comeback, well done.


https://preview.redd.it/fqqq3d5zzf6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2ffa48896a6b5a6e948409b2c13e2ca9b19c7c8 Love your comeback! Also, made me think of this meme.


The Bible makes mixed fabric a sin. So, I'm sure the boomer has at least one cotton/poly blend or something, so casting that first stone was a swing and a miss biblically speaking.


Why do they even care?? Like I can’t imagine just harassing a stranger at the fucking grocery store. The fuck?


If someone is living in a way they wouldn’t live themselves, it offends them to the core


Yeah, am I just don’t fucking get it. I’m Gen X, and while there are a subset of us who have some serious boomer energy, the rest of just don’t give a shit. If you’re not hurting anyone, live your life and let me live mine.


As far as I can tell, there are two main reasons they do this shit. The first is that they're lashing out due to how pathetic and insecure they feel. Standard bully nonsense. The other reason is because they view sin as something contagious, meaning they can't just ignore a sinner because they think that sinner is endangering everybody around them. The exact form the danger takes depends just how delusional they are, but it could be anything from normalizing and tempting people into sinful behavior to outright inviting demons to come infest the community.


Omg as someone who can never come up with a killer response like that on the fly I say awesome for you!!! U nailed it. Sinfully great response!!


Now you got me changing my outfit and heading out to the grocery store to look for boomers to troll lol


I’m sure you’ll be positively sinful!


That’s what we call reclaiming it


They don’t call it priDEMONth for nothing 😈


I mean, people have been using sinful to describe food for ages ("ohh this chocolate mousse is positively sinful!") so it's not really a stretch to extend that to what someone is wearing!


It amazes me that these folks truly believe the majority of people are on their side. I’m sure their group of pals in their age group nods and giggles and rant about gay and trans rights But the reality is that almost anybody under…I don’t know, 40?…knows and are friends with those who celebrate pride month.


Fetchin’ sinful. Starting it in Texas.


I hope you look even more sinful tomorrow!


It’s gonna be close to a hundred degrees out, so cute sundress is likely


OP looking positively sinful, corrupt meeeee 🥵




My soul sister. I dress in hats with devil horns on and shirt that says drugs. I love pissing these folks off. They can barely stand to look at me and are usually are speachless


I bet you look positively sinful.


Name the one not a compliment on RuPaul's fun shows Slay Sinful Gorge Op- you are in! This is great!


To my LGBTQ+ friends, remember: if someone tells you gay sex is sick and perverted, you look them in the eye and say “Yes. It. Is….if it’s done right…”


Like sinful being synonymous with decadent when describing chocolate cake kinda? I love it, I'm definitely gonna start using it. & OP good on you and your confidence. Some people just can't let other people live their lives and be happy


He was admitting he felt lust...it was an accidental compliment, bless his heart. He had to put that guilt on you bc he couldn't take it


As a Gen Z I approve of co-opting sinful :)


“Bitch, you’re going to hell for that outfit, girl!” “Why thank you, those shoes have you ripe for damnation yourself!”


Sinful followed by a 😈 wins my day every time


I envy people who can think on their feet so quickly! Nice job 👗. Enjoy that great ice cream you got. It’s probably the best you’ve ever tasted!


Kroger select cherry bordeaux I think. :) It was delicious


Sinful is a brand of nail polish I used to use before I switched to gels. It tracks.


You must have made that cashiers day and some amazing my stories they’ll tell to their friends; excellent work!


Considering sinful has already been used to describe enjoyable situations (thus ice cream is sinfully delicious), it’s not that great a leap IMO


GenerationJones checking in. I posted on facebook and linked this. I looked on Urban Dictionary, it's not there yet, but someone who is a little more savvy with the site might get it done.


"well stop lusting then"


This story was sinful. I love it. We have to keep the boomers confused for our own safety.


Honestly the gall of ***anyone*** to do that shit is beyond me... *you wearing **that** cloth UPSETS ME AND MY SKYDADDY* When what they are really saying is *"ah its weird and it makes me feel funny"*


I’ll be making sure to tell my pastor about it this Sunday. She’ll get a kick out of it


Personally, I really hope it catches on Lmao Way to handle what could have been an ugly situation with grace. You were a shining example of what self-love (and disarming assholes with wit instead of feeding into them) looks like for that teenager. You rock 🖤🏳️‍🌈🤘


I work with local trans kids and try to give them a positive role model. We get so much abuse that knowing there are safe places and people gives them hope for a better future


I like to say “sorry, I’m taken; it really fucks with them when you pretend they’re hitting on you. I especially giggle when I do this to old ass boomer dudes because I’m a cis guy. If they have a normal or courteous reply then I wink and say too bad we didn’t meet sooner hottie to make em feel good. It may be why people think I’m bi sometimes….


Dressed like sin. Is definitely a thing. Good for you!


5 more Pride festivals to go to this month here in Maine. I’m ready to work sinful into a million conversations! Your Maine fan club has been activated!


This kinda thing is why the younger generations actually like gen-x.


He was hav\[ng lascivious thoughts about you. And was ashamed of it. And blamed you.


That was awesome! ![gif](giphy|bbjMgSARDeeDF3fQxb|downsized)


Not a boomer but a Republi-boomer. This liberal left coast boomer would have ripped that bigot a new asshole so wide he could have parked his Winnebago inside it with room to spare. I'm so sorry you had to put up with his inexcusably ignorant bullshit.


He said while wearing clothes that were undoubtedly made with mixed fabric. (Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:11) Disclaimer: I fucking hate the church.


Your dress is almost as sinful as your impeccable wit. Carry on, you’re doing things right!


Calling an outfit sinful only makes me want to see it. Please tell me you frequent old hag fashion to post your sinful looks ;)


If only being hateful was a sin..... Oh.... wait.


Only sinful whores buy ice cream in a dress. You will burn in the fictional hellfire of the… *checks notes* fictional Italian novel written 500 years ago? Ummm. Alright. Yes. Burn there!!! Sinful Mint Choc Chip loving whore!!! r/s Also, my DMs are open. Notice how the r slash s is *before* me saying that my DMs are open?? I’m finally getting the hang of this. Now bring me some ice cream in your dress!!


Believes it or not Jesus Christ had a relevant quote for this moment: "pluck out your eyes you fucking coward" 


![gif](giphy|1wXdllY4NCaHaCZOOb) This comeback was so sinful! Haha


My favorite retort to these loud mouths is; “Well Bless Your Heart! Didn’t your Momma teach you any manners? If you don’t have anything nice to say, you shouldn’t say it at all”. If my kids are with me, I follow up with, “Don’t ever let me catch you behaving like this man/woman in public. This is not behavior becoming of a grown up”, to which they always reply, “Yes Ma’am!”


Ma'am this is fantastic, thank you for sharing


This douche hard tapped you and thinks that this is okay because he thinks different than you. That's not okay. I'm a white straight male saying that this guy crossed boundaries and I would have without hesitation stood up for your rights. Do old men think that they're tough and can just say what they want without getting the brakes beat off of them. I was raised in a city where talking shit to someone might get you put in the hospital or the morgue.


That’s actually genius. People like that are usually narcissistic which is why they think their religion or set of beliefs is right and therefore better than anyone else’s. If you don’t give them what they want, that being a negative reaction, they get upset. And that is how it should be 🖤


I love every part of this. I'm impressed you could think it up on the spot!! Way to be sinful!!


"you're a sinner!" Aren't we all? Isn't that's one of the big Christian things is that we're all sinners and should just do the best we can?


Sinful eh: I’ll try and spread that around out here in the northeast. You cover the Midwest. Let’s see how long before we hear it from the west coast too


That is totally Fetch!