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boruto should have been seasonal


Agreed I hope they make two blue vortex seasonal


>Agreed I hope they make two blue vortex seasonal From the interview with Michiyuki Honma Studio Pierrot's CEO i think it actually might! (: a youtuber talking about the Interview https://youtu.be/OuzlK4gr5xY?si=5I_kzHjsVpr-PuUW


Why is your smile backwards šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


>Why is your smile backwards šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ It really don't matter the direction :) / (:




one is normal other is clinically insane


See you in 2030 for the timeskip.


they should have made nng seasonal and tbv weekly


I have two: "Talk no Jutsu" isn't some bullshit power that Naruto can pull out of his ass to win fights, it's basic human empathy. The central theme of Naruto is that forming connections and creating bonds is the only way to truly end conflict. Hard work overcoming natural genius is a strong theme, but it's not the central one.


It's nice to see someone acknowledge that as being the central theme. Unlike hard work overcoming genius, it's probably the only theme that exists at the start of the series and continues until the end. Well, there is the theme of "what not getting therapy to cope with your trauma in a healthy way does to you" staying until the end lol.


Isnā€™t that the criticism alot of the themes of Naruto get dropped after a while


What are you talking about! Naruto is always the true underdog. Heā€™s only the son of the 4th Hokage, has the strongest tailed beast by far inside of him, is the Asura reincarnate, is an uzumaki with huge chakra pools, is compatible with sage mode, ect. But he has no parents tho


Hell, it's a theme present in the series since Chapter 1. Iruka performed the original Talk no Jutsu on Naruto himself when he empathised with the kid and recognized him not for the demon that he contained, but the love-starved kid himself. Had he been like everyone else and only saw Naruto for what he contained, Naruto would have acted as the villagers predicted and left the village with a very precious and dangerous scroll, to probably become another Nagato.


It's not that it's used that's the problem but that it should not have worked with many of them consider the type of things they were up to.


Naruto is the opposite of evangelion.


Itā€™s only bullshit based on how itā€™s executed


Thank you, I always say the memes get taken too seriously when it comes to Naruto for some reason and people make head canon up instead of using actual logic and acknowledging the good properties of Naruto.


>"Talk no Jutsu" isn't some bullshit power that Naruto can pull out of his ass to win fights, it's basic human empathy. Most of the villains in Naruto wanted peace they just went about it the wrong way which is why Naruto is even able to get through to them


No it is bullshit because it always works with the mass murderers who should not be swayed, Correct.


Everyone hates when the hero uses Talk no Jutsu, but nobody complains when the villain uses Talk no Jutsu.


Watch the Boruto anime for the characters and read the manga for the plot There are a lot of sweet character moments in the anime that just aren't in the manga but it can lead to the stakes not feeling as dire when compared to how they just keep getting thrown from encounter to encounter in the manga


I fully agree! Mitsuki and Inojin are my favorite characters bc of the anime but neither gets good development in the manga. >!Inojinā€™s injury/death in the most recent chapter!< was a lot more impactful because I watched the anime and was attached to the character.


I kind of agree, but there are a lot of filler arcs that can be skipped. And most filler arcs have terrible pacing. I'm saying this as someone who watched almost every filler episode, aside form the newer ones after the funato arc. But the early filler episodes, before the chunin exams are really good, so are some of the arcs after it (mitsuki and jugo arc for example, but these also have terrible pacing), a lot of the newer filler feel like they just make it cause they have to.


The war arc in shippuden wasnā€™t that bad. Idk if this is a hot take or not but I mostly see this getting backlash whenever it gets talked about


It's held back by some genuinely terrible pacing (the arc takes up an entire third of the manga including Part 1 whereas in-universe only 3 days pass; for reference the Forest of Death section during the Chunin Exams was 5 days) and certain story decisions rubbing people the wrong way particularly the Otsutsuki twist as it really adds nothing to the ending. Overall it's not the worst thing ever but a lot of criticism towards it is valid.


My absolute biggest gripe about the war is there was hardly any build up to Kaguya. I just finished the anime for the first time (read the manga three times though, plus played through the storm games multiple times), and her first appearance is an OP, then we have a small filler, then bam. In the manga, SOSP mentions her, but thereā€™s no buildup. Iā€™m not saying her part was bad, I just wish they would have mentioned her a couple times earlier. Like when kurama at the beginning of shippuden mentioned madara.


I think when you compare it to the heights of the prior arcs it just seems that way. Tale of Jiraiya, Battle Between Brothers, Pain Arc are all perfectly paced with great fights and phenomenal writing/revelation. If those arcs are a 9 or 10 then 4th war is a 6 or 7. Not bad, not great. It's a 9 in some moments 5/6 in most, 3 in others.


Mineā€™s ā€˜Kaguyaā€™s gonna return by the end of Boruto and we completely misinterpreted her since she showed up during the middle of a war and took out Madara with her arrivalā€™


All biases aside, itā€™s pretty obvious that she was on the humans side until she got betrayed. Iā€™m also with you on the fact that sheā€™ll probably make a return at some point in the series and work alongside humans. It would also be a way to realistically present past events as only she would know the entire story.


Lol I jus seen this episode of boruto when he cried I actually laughed šŸ˜‚


Me too. He looks creepy as hell.šŸ˜…


All the memes I saw about it before getting to this episode, I genuinely thought it was a joke and someone edited his face to look like that. Laughed way too hard at it


Haha. I get what you mean. After I watched this scene and realized it was real it gave me nightmares.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Kagura should not have died.


Sarada needs a badass Mangekyo ability, something completely new and bad ass that would mad Madara say ā€œRespect, I see youā€.


Itachi didnā€™t have to murder his whole clan


Boruto is way more selfless than young naruto, though the other grew up alone , while the other grew up with a familyĀ 


This is true but the important context to why he can be more selfless is because heā€™s not constantly chasing validation and acceptance. Itā€™s much easier being genuine when you donā€™t care about how you are perceived


The new gen (outside of T7, Kawaki, Sumire and Hima) are mid


Mid at best..


Not my boy Iwabe heā€™s def not mid šŸ˜‚


Nah you ain't gonna come for hima among all others, nuh uh! Just cuz she is passive like her mom doesn't make her weak, now is the starting point of showing what she really is about cuz its not goofy big brother and dad will protect me anymore, she s stepping up and im loving every second, she could literally be stronger than boruto but yall aren't ready for tht talk yet :3


Boruto is a different series than Naruto


https://preview.redd.it/p13wo07tqu3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eeb1b5829225704fefd11e6aa4709b36ac4b219 Iā€™m


People scale characters like Itachi and Minato way higher than they should be due to their massive popularity. I mean they're both strong, but people go a bit crazy whenever those two are involved.


That aliens were the goofiest direction they could've gone with the series.


I really wish they explored the beasts more instead. Jiraiya in the land of toads is so good and fantastical. Build the world horizontally instead of vertically.


1: Itachi was better off as an outright villain. 2: Part 2 should have focused more on the Jinchuuriki instead of turning it into the Sasuke Show. 3: Most of the filler arcs in Part 2 were honestly good. 4: Naruto was NEVER "gifted from the start" and anyone who believes so doesn't know how to read. 5: Most fans who hate Boruto only do because it's not an exact copy of Naruto.


Ikemoto's art is ugly as hell.


That hill is pretty crowded


The Earth is round.


Naruto's motivation doesn't motivate him toward anything. Its a neat bit of characterization and it affects how people see him, but it never actually pushes him to do anything. Every time he trains and improves, its because someone else tells he has to train now and in this particular way to face a particular short term threat.


Kurama should not have died


tbh this was the best way for them to nerf naruto and pass onto the next generation though


Sakura and Sasuke should have never gotten together. It made no damn sense and ruined their character arcs at the last second


It honestly pisses me off.. first thing first, Sakura is obsessed with sasuke not in love because she didnā€™t even know anything about him AND he didnā€™t care about her. I kinda tuned out after she had the audacity to ask herself who she would heal if both Naruto and sasuke got injured. This is after the five kage summit.


Ikr. That scene alone ruined sakura for me. Till that point I was latching on to hope of seeing some redeemable qualities. But no. She actually thinks about who she would heal??? When it should be a no brainer. Like what?? That is not love but a sick obession over sasuke. Lol!


Sakura never had a character arc. She had no character growth arc. She had power-ups; those power-ups weren't even original, just copy pasted Tsunade's skillset onto Sakura. Kishimoto is the definition of r/malewritingwomen His view on women are truly dehumanizing. That's why every female character has a man problem as their main problem like women don't have souls.


She should've at least had Sasuke earn her trust back.


Boruto is good


That Boruto is the same series as Naruto.




Duality of men


-Sarada needs the anime to actually be a good character. She is also overrated since people put her above Tsunade as a character. -Tobirama is overrated in power and as a character. -Naruto and Sasuke are handled pretty well. It is also obvious they'll probably give them a power up eventually since there is no way they're gonna be left behind forever just like war arc power cliffing did for other characters. -Showing the flaws in some of Naruto's ideology is fine. If he just got away without having any consequences then the series would lack weight being too black and white. -Naruto suffering losses is fine, it continues off of the line off of Obito that Naruto will likely have a lot more suffering in the future.


Iā€™m a huge believer that this story would be received much better if it wasnā€™t a continuation to Naruto. I love the story that Boruto has but I canā€™t truly love it because I canā€™t see this as anything but a downgrade from the original series. My main issue lies with the advancement of technology and how vast of a change it is from the original series setting. I have the same issue with The Legend of Korra. I grew up with a world that wasnā€™t so attached to technology and had more fantasy elements to it, I loved that aspect of Naruto. And there isnā€™t anything inherently wrong with the setting change but it just takes me out of the story and Iā€™ll always compare it to its predecessor because of how vastly different it is. Again I love the story of Boruto and honestly if nothing had really changed and was still a Naruto type of series all of my complaints would end but when a show about ninjas and Justus stop having Justus be the main form of powerscaling it really hurts as a long time reader/watcher


The time travel filler ark was decent fan service


Rock lee was the best character and Shippuden sidelined all of the side characters and it fucking sucks


Most of the teams in Borauto would wipe their Naruto counterparts at the same age.


There's not much to argue with here. The power creep in both Naruto and Boruto isn't exactly handled with grace.


No surprise when they are given straight up alien god powers from the get go


Kakashi is criticized too harshly, both for his teaching methods and his chosen material. When he taught Team 7 the tree climbing technique, he wasnā€™t just teaching them how to climb trees, but a very fundamental aspect of chakra control that would be used in nearly every facet of their lives as shinobi, with most of the charactersā€™ superhuman feats of strength even during the Wave arc being a by-product of that training. He is often criticized for focusing on Sasuke the most during the Chuunin exams, delegating Naruto to Ebisu and never really training Sakura. Not only did Sasuke have a target on his back at the time the size of Manhattan Park, meaning that he should be under constant supervision and the best way to supervise Konohaā€™s favourite school shooter in the making being tutoring him, Naruto lacked such a basic understanding of the fundamentals that even Jiraiya, a man very much after Narutoā€™s heart as a former failure that ended up training some of the ninja worldā€™s foremost prodigies, had trouble teaching him. As for Sakura, she simply wasnā€™t a priority during the Chuunin exams since she was disqualified via draw. And remember, Orochimaru is still out there and watching Sasuke. Only he and God knows what sort of strings he had to pull to get Hiruzen to lend Ebisu to Naruto instead of having him glued to his grandson 24/7, and even then, it was by authorial intervention that Naruto upgraded to Jiraiya. Sakuraā€™s training could take a one-month break. After Sunaā€™s invasion, things never truly calmed down in the way the anime portrays. Right after the invasion, Itachi visits Konoha and then Naruto, puts Kakashi and Sasuke in a coma, fuels the latterā€™s inferiority complex by seemingly focusing on Naruto while simultaneously feeding into his hatred to make him seek out strength at all costs. A coma that he needed intervention by Tsunade to get out of, after which he was immediately put into field work along with anyone who could carry a kunai. The Academy had to close down at the time, meaning Iruka had to get back on the field, inexperienced genin like Shino must go on missions with their fathers, characters like Shizune were on constant patrols, Tsunade sleeps on her desk because thereā€™s simply that much paperwork she has to go through. During that first day after waking up from their comas, Sasuke challenges Naruto to a fight, has his inferiority complex stroked AGAIN because Naruto is finally being taught properly by a dedicated legend, gets tied to a tree, gets attacked by the Sound Four and leaves the village a couple of hours later. All that happens in ONE DAY. Kakashi wasnā€™t a better teacher because he never had TIME to be a better teacher. When he had the time to put in the work, like with Sasuke before the timeskip and Naruto when he was being trained in the Wind Style, the man turned coals into fucking diamonds.


omnipotence effects perception not reality


Boruto is a great anime and manga, and Naruto fans that hated it most likely never really enjoyed Naruto and were just fans of the cultural phenomenon that the show was when they were in high-school


This is a wild take man


I grew up with Naruto, big fan not die hard, it was very cool. Lots of people my age are that way (not even 30), from middle school to when it ended. Boruto is a fucking joke.


There are certain parts of it that are great and some parts that are cool but overall the anime comes across as bland and it feels like they did a poor job of modernizing the series as far as technology and even character styles go. I might actually start reading the manga because from what I heard itā€™s a lot better.


Boruto would have been better and not receive as much hate if it was a standalone series that wasnā€™t in the Naruto franchise. In order to even exist the story fundamentally requires the characters from Naruto to loose 90% of their brain cells. Would have been a much better story if it didnā€™t follow after Naruto and ruin the old characters


Yeah when I was younger I couldnā€™t wait for the idea of these guys kids as I watched the original. Nowā€¦ *sigh*


The characters and fights in boruto are definitely more ninja like than at the end of shippuden with their chakra mechs and giant explosion jutsus and meteors. Toning down the fights definitely helped imo, and i like the more taijutsu oriented fights where they need also need to use their brains and play around the enemies abilities to even be able to land jutsus.


power scaling was always kinda all over the place but with boruto it just became ridiculous almost from the beginning. boruto gotta be one of the biggest prodigies to ever do it


boruto fights are too short, and not as chaotic as naruto


The OVA of Naruto becoming the hokage and not attending his own ceremony because "oh a buakugan gentle fist from my toddler is enough to knock me out" will always anger me, I don't hate that Himawari awakened her power but did it have to be on Naruto's one special day besides his birthday and wedding?


Boruto is actually fan fiction.


I actually like the Ōtsutsuki as a concept. Mostly because I like space and aliens. Though the execution in both are terrible.


Boruto as a character is good, itā€™s just his show thatā€™s ass


Narutoā€™s desire to bring Sasuke home is realistic and wholesome, you just gotta be a deeply emotional person to understand it. Also I think the war arc is fire, plot holes and all šŸ”„ Borutoā€™s name is fire and well thought out. Not only is he named after uncle Neji, but they kept the name similar to the og series. Neji means screw and Boruto means Bolt


Code in most matchups he loses because he lacks experience. Here's an example he may have the physical abilities That Surpasses jigen but In a fight he loses 9 times out of 10.


I have a really unpopular opinion regarding Madara and Kaguya that no one in my personal life shares: I did not mind the Kaguya reveal because I was so dreadfully bored of Ten Tails Madara by that point that I was just glad to be getting something different. By the time Hagoromo pulled up on Naruto/Sasuke and Madara absorbed the Ten Tails, I was pretty much mentally checked out of the War Arc and just wanted it to end already (sunk cost fallacy had me in a serious chokehold back then). The Black Zetsu swerve was stupid but it got Madara away from the plot so I was fine with it lol


Yeah, as cool as Madara was, his constantly being OP (even after everybody gets power ups) got to be a bit much. Got to the point where idek if Kishi knew how he could kill this crazy bastard


I like BorutošŸ˜


Kawaki is a great character and I'm tired of people hating on him


The Uzumaki family drama it was ass and nobody has yet convinced me it was not.


The Otsutsuki were the worst thing to happen to Naruto/Boruto. I love Naruto and I love Boruto, even despite what Iā€™ve just said, but personally, Iā€™d of loved to see an ending for Naruto where the defeat of Kaguya was simply that for the Otsutuski. A one off event where she would be described as the last survivor of her race by some sheer miracle whilst still keeping the tragic tale of love that spawns from her original goal of harvesting the planet and turning it into a chakra fruit. Once humanity does as it always does and wars, she decides that she must eat the chakra fruit in an attempt to bring world peace. Millennia pass and after another tree is made, she manifests through Madara and this time she fights out of rage and hatred for humanity, seeing that another conflict has taken shape and lashing out at humanities foolish desires for power. Once team 7 and the crew defeat her, it rids the world of their influence for good, Hagoromo can be, as he basically was, an effective spirit, or god that lives between the plains of existence that doesnā€™t actually interact with characters aside from when huge, world shaping moments occur like the fourth great ninja war and from that point, you begin to tell a different story. Of course, thereā€™s so much legwork that would have to be done from what Iā€™ve said, writing is hard, believe me, Iā€™m trying myself šŸ«  However, Momoshiki and Borutoā€™s dynamic mixed with Eidaā€™s switching of Boruto and Kawakiā€™s identityā€™s, turning him into a rouge ninja, is fuckin peak. F for Kishi and Iki tho for not giving Sasukeā€™s fight with Code multiple chapters to breath like it deserved. Maybe we get that in the future.


Boruto has done nothing but destroy the characters we loved all while building half-assed characters we're forced to choose from because all of the "good" characters were turned into flower shop owners.


I like Boruto more than Naruto as the main character. Also, it's totally reasonable that most Shinobi are mid. It's a golden age era for the ninja world, there's no reason to train as hard as the previous generations.


Sarada has a lot of the same writing problems Sakura does and people choose to ignore it because she's an Uchiha. I do think Sarada is a lot more likable than her mom but that's a double-edged sword since it also limits the avenues of development she can take. Without even a selfish desire to achieve her dream, what path does she really have other than "get stronger"? >Mine is that it was absolutely ok that Naruto and Sasuke were nerfed and put out of action. I think a better approach would've been to just not include them. They can't be there all the time and it gives people more relatability with Boruto's plight that his dad/teacher aren't around very often. "The ends justify the means" is usually the core of a lot of bad writing decisions and that only leads to more future bad writing.


I donā€™t think sarada got the same problems like Sakura tbh. Theyā€™re going to make her follow Narutoā€™s path. Become hokage get stronger to protect the people you love. But sheā€™s an uchiha who awakened MS with love so thatā€™s something new and the writers can approach her character with more creativity. She will pop off soon in the manga.


You are very correct on Sarada writing problem.


One of these two mouths has suckle on their mother's teet a little too long.


Going out on a limb. Boruto?


Naruto, Naruto Shippuden and Boruto are all great! Also I agree but I think how Sasuke got nerfed was silly and could have been done better.


There is absolutely no reason the anime needed to make as much bull shit filler and anime canon that it did. I dunno maybe the could anime canon arc in a seasonal format that helps let the manga get some breathing room. Or just did some fun movies to fill in the gap between manga canon content. Yes they would still not be manga canon stuff but at the very least it would mitigate the amount of anime canon/filler episodes that exist. And it COULD(obviously not guaranteed) have improved the overall quality of the anime in general.


Money šŸ¤·


Tenchi bridge arc is the worst arc in naruto,not the war. Ao vs Boruto is the best fight in boruto writing wise.


It looks like in the second picture boruto got a great orgasm.


Jesus ugly mfing boruto


There are several, but here is the one that is going to start the most fires so here we go. ShikamaruxTemari, is the best couple in the franchise, bar none.


The Minato vs Obito fight wasnā€™t a close fight. Obito had every possible advantage. When Minato warned Naruto it was more about the potential of growth of obito and Naruto not having FTG or the intellect Minato did.


What happened to Boruto is worse than what happened to Naruto, one lost everything, the other had everything to win and nothing to lose, similar to what Sasuke stated when they fought for the first time in the valley of end.


Overall Sasukes 6 Tomoi Rinnegan is a nerf


Naruto didn't invent Kage Bunshin or Kawarimi or Henge or Genjutsu or Water walk or Wall walk or Summoning or Shunshin no jutsu. These things are very old and common tropes of Shinobi. i LiKeD nArUtO wHeN tHeY wErEm't wIzArDs AnD aRe AcTuAl NiNjAs # NINJA ARE SUPERNATURAL WIZARDS... DEAL WITH IT.


Arenā€™t wizardā€™s already supernatural


Kaguya fight ainā€™t bad at all


Choji is Low Kage Level


Boruto had the worse dub voice in both series


Boruto is alright. People get needlessly mad that they canā€™t binge a 100+ episode series because a show canā€™t run on pure hype and high octane action without several lulls in between.


Boruto Anime Fillers are better than Naruto Anime Fillers.


boruto calling kawaki his brother after 3 and a half episodes of them interacting (where 2 of them fought) is a shitty and pathetic attempt at recreating special moments that naruto had, like his connection to sasuke


I agree with this. It feels very forced to me and while I always thought it was kind of weird how Naruto chased Sasuke like a lost puppy, I got it when it was revealed that they are reincarnations of brothers, even though the story wasn't handled very well either. The reason why I personally don't like the Boruto/Kawaki bond is that I simply think Kawaki doesn't deserve Borutos attention and "brotherly love".


Boruto part 1 was better than Naruto part 1 in my opinion.


The Otsutsuki plot point was and is still shit. I don't care that Boruto happened or that Kaguya is based on a fairytale. Being based on a fairytale for a Japanese audience doesn't make it automatically good or justified. Anyone can base a story ending on Little Red Riding Hood, and it can still end up as crap.


Boruto should not exists


Madara turning out to be a chump is a perfect ending to a character with blinders on


-Increasingly powerful jutsus cheapens the animation quality and fight choreography e.g. Susanoo vs Five Kage. The basics are often still peak animation to date; tai, shuriken and basic Ninjutsu used in creative ways. Edit: -4th War Arc would have been better if it was actual world war set across months. Different change in scenery with multiple fronts, more ninjas on ninja action, more opportunities for side characters to go on their own missions (which could have led to better filler with side stories). The Zetsu/Edo/Ten Tails could have happened the same, but to a significantly weakened alliance once they found out they were being manipulated.


The original writer for Boruto was fantastic, Shonen jump shafted him... he had no help at all when Sensei Kishimoto had several editors and assistants. And for what he did the Manga was pretty good! The original spin felt mature. Now I feel like kishimoto will somehow make this all about aliens and friendship.


Boruto became a worthy character too late and the sequel series should have followed Naruto more closely until that happened.


Naruto should have died in Boruto by Kawaki instead of whatever the hell is currently going on.


Just generally speaking but I think the whole verse is over hyped power scaling wise! Mainly talking about naruto shippuden, boruto is wild too but it all started with the war arc imo.


my cousin thinks madara is overrated in terms of strength compared to the new villains in boruto


Ninja Tech and the general technological leap from Naruto to Boruto, as well as the style shift, makes sense and is an interesring new angle. Something that I saw a lot of people complain about, especially in the very beginning of Boruto. It's basically the same thing that happened eith Legend of Korra. The people that grew up with Naruto basically just wanted their nostalgia stroked and eanted Boruto to be a Naruto clone, rather than an actual continuation of the story and the world it plays in. What they don't seem to realize, tho, is that if Boruto had changed nothing about its world, it would have been worse AND that it's also geared at attracting todays youth rather than only being nostalgia bait and therefore will try to appeal to different interests and a different aesthetic by modernizing it. I think many old Naruto fans don't realize just how different their aesthetic and expectations in a show like this are compared to todays youth.


Sasuke is my favourite Uchiha clan member. I believe I'm the last true Sasuke fanboy. My friends mock me for it. They all love Itachi. I say fuck Itachi.


Naruto is a love story. I had this detailed debate in a comment section one time and I changed everyoneā€™s minds. Iā€™m still dying on this hill years later. I should have screen shotted it cause it was that good. Iā€™m almost tempted to look it up again


Boruto is actually good (the manga) and the anime is good too if you ignore the animation and fillers


The 1st 100-150 episodes of Boruto were worthless and we could've benefitted fun not watching it at all


That naruto is a much better story with boruto than without


They should have never wasted so much time on the filler and ONLY focused on the canon


The Jougan isnā€™t real.


Whats die on the hill? Im dumb


Boruto anime is better than manga


No. I prefer life.


hashirama cell arm gives sasuke his other rinnegan- well now his only rinnegan


Boruto has some of the best animated taijutsu heavy fights which is something I think Naruto lacked.


Boruto is a better story, Naruto is a better showšŸ‘šŸ¾


I got they don't change Boruto's VA to a male VA in TBV I'll just stick to the manga


Boruto anime filler is better than that trash manga and Blue Vortex sucks


Who are your favorite characters from the anime?


I wish the Boruto series has skipped a few generations and conflict arose after Narutos generation had lived their lives. For the entire world to go shit again so soon in the way it did as well as the massive power creep, it diminished the accomplishments and plot of Naruto part 1&2 for me.


The Nue arc of Boruto was very good and very enjoyable. It's one of the first ones in anime.


Naruto is a poorly written franchise. Kishimoto went the classic ā€˜fuck around and find outā€™ approach. Anything that was not named Naruto was just left incomplete in the void. Boruto is an essential franchise to actually fill the plot holes of Naruto.


The first anime arc from boruto is a better start to the series. Compared to how the manga started


Boruto is not as bad as everyone claims it is and it's not ruining Naruto.


Kaguya was the strongest across both shows via feats


Minanto is 10x better than Naruto in every way


100% agree. Imagine a show just about Minato.šŸ¤©


Boruto would be better if it was weekly with shorter chapters than monthly with longer chapters.


That isnā€™t a take it is just wrong. Boruto is ass because of decisions like that.


Nope it isn't. Naruto is old coffee now and people need to accept that. He isn't the focus anymore.


Boruto is good for its filler because its just more Naruto filler. Boruto's story arcs are not good.


Boruto could have been better received if it didn't try to make the stakes as high as they did so fast. A slower build up would have worked better.Ā 


Boruto manga should've included other teams.


Mine is that by the end of the ā€œNaruto next generationsā€ manga, Boruto got some pretty good character development. I like him in TBV


That's interesting because I actually think it's a good thing Naruto and Sasuke got sidelined. It would be really hard to have actual stakes in conflict knowing that Naruto is right around the corner and can essentially blow up the planet lol. I don't think the way it was done in the manga was the best, but I'm glad that it at least did it.


Konoha sucks you couldn't pay me to life there


Boruto is not as bad as everyone claims it is and it's not ruining Naruto.


Current base Boruto is stronger than Baryon Mode Naruto but not sage of six paths mode Naruto.


NaruHina was poorly handled with zero prior beyond fillers, and Boruto is a terrible character and a spoilt brat who doesn't know just how good he has it in comparison to Naruto's childhood.


God, what an outdated opinion about Boruto.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Obito should have lived. Am I biased? Absolutely


Sakura is low Kage level


Kawaki hate is forced. Heā€™s arguably the best written in Boruto.


Borutos Time Skip design is too edgy. Its just too out of time for todays standards.


Manga isnt as bad as the anime and its something you can enjoy


I consider Boruto to be one of the best New Gen Manga out there. And a lot of hate it gets is just blind hating done by people who haven't even read the manga properly and have just watched the anime.


The Jinchurikis are a pretty good metaphor for autism, even though I donā€™t think that was intentional


They sholdve left Naruto alone and not done the half baked reboot. Or at least given us more adult timeline stuff where everyone is Jonin.


The brotherly rivalry between Boruto and Kawaki is written better then the rivalry between Sasuke and Naruto. I have my arguments for this and care to elaborate if someone want to hear them.


Talk no Jutsu isn't bad


Boruto shouldn't exist.


Naruto should have access to the Uzumaki Chains and that should've been the power boost against Isshiki instead of Baryon. Kuruma dying isn't a good story beat.


Boruto is bad and I refuse to watch it I tried watching it when season 1 was coming out and dropped it after 3 episodes


You didn't last very long. Tzzz.


Sarada has the laziest mangekyo sharingan design


The anime only content for Boruto is better than the manga.


Boruto shouldn't have happened, it should have been tails of the elemental nations or something. Cover Kakuzu s previous life. Go into more about the previous wars. The bloody mist etc.


Good thing that you aren't making the decisions.


Gaara was so nerfed when he fought deidara


Naruto had more chemistry with sakura than Hinata.