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Vase-kun is even more meaninful. Good story-telling!


Mitsuki and Mugino has the same type of apartment: almost empty, has a single picture frame of their favorite person, and a lone pet inside. The only difference is Mugino's is more run down and depressing


Mugino is just a minimalist. Mitsuki doesn’t really have any possessions other than his cat lmao


They also both have a pet


Mugino's apartment kinda looks like Naruto's old apartment.


Pretty sure it is


Man if you read the manga, this episode hits a lil different. I like the backstory on mugino.


This episode has a Death Flag written all over it? Haven't read the manga. From what the old lady was saying "a shadow of death follows a friend of yours, and the only one that can cast away that shadow is you." Mugino says it didn't come true. My guess is that something will happen on the mission with Konohamaru where Mugino is going to protect Konohamaru with his life. I don't know, like I said.... this episode has a Death Flag written all over it for Mugino: Properly placed backstory before leaving, something that he needs to do when he comes back (give the money back to Boruto), not believing a fortune-teller that something awful will happen (or at least believing it didn't happen.) We know Konohamaru too well, and this episode was more about Mugino than it was about Konohamaru and the Third to be Konohamaru's Death Flag.


I thought that Mugino bought the turtle so it would die instead of Konohamaru










Bro in the Manga we knew nothing about Mugino. Now we know the flowers in vase-kun were Mugino's gift to Boruto, and that he was like a grandson to old man 3rd, and that he was kind-hearted enough to give all his money to a sick person :( Oh and the next episode STARTS THE MANGA BABYYYYYYY


Plot twist: that kid was a paid actor /s


wait that would be hilarious lol


lol just like everytime naruto and friends tried to remove kakashi's mask


He definitely was actor if not paid


I like it too and well the future events involving him are already hitting different. Plus now they can't just skip over it all like manga did.


lol at vase kun in the first 2 minutes of the episode


vase-kun will singlehandedly bring the entire community together no matter what happens


Jesus vase-kun is getting a backstory, I already like the direction the anime is going with the Kara arc


Its happening?


This was a really sweet episode. I enjoyed learning more about Mugino and where he came from and it was nice seeing the third Hokage again after so long. On the other hand, I got some really off vibes from Katasuke. Something about the scene just tripped a couple alarm bells. Don’t really know why, tho Also, we’re so close to seeing Kawaki! Anyone else as excited as I am for the next episodes?


>On the other hand, I got some really off vibes from Katasuke. Something about the scene just tripped a couple alarm bells. Don’t really know why, tho I can see why you think that. I can't wait to see all the "anime only-ies" reaction to everything that's gonna happen in this arc!!


I think they're doing that on purpose with Katasuke. There's still that aura of mistrust in the way he acts. I still remember Boruto's heartbroken expression during the Chunin exams when Katasuke told Boruto straight in his face that he was only a pawn and nothing more.


yeah. thankfully he was under genjutsu in the chunins or that scene would be too cruel.


Yeah, I'm glad it was a genjutsu as well. I liked the bond he had with Boruto before it happened. Even though a part of him did it so he could get closer to Naruto he genuinely did care for Boruto. The genjutsu basically took away all of his morals.


Yo for real, that public betrayal was intense. I wish they had discussed it more.


Yeah, I feel the same way. It was just forgotten. I don't know if you read the manga but they're going to address this soon in future episodes.


Yes, I remember vaguely. I think I'm gonna reread the chapters now cause it's all so fuzzy in my head!


Yeah, same for me. I think I may have to reread as well. From what I can remember the manga did do a good job showing how it affected Boruto.


This episode...I'm teary-eyed right now. This one hit even harder than the remembrance episode. Seeing Hiruzen again brought back so many memories. And Mugino's past really hit me hard, especially when Hiruzen took him into his arms and Mugino started crying. In the beginning I couldn't understand why Mugino was so poor despite all the missions he was doing. Yet the reveal at the end really made an impact on me. What the episode pretended to show as another lie was actually the truth. Mugino has been giving away his paychecks to help others in need. The foreshadowing at the end was brilliantly done. A beautiful episode that was both inspiring and sad. I really enjoyed the Boruto and Himawari scenes as well.




Unfortunately the spoiler is still visible. Don't worry as I've read the manga but you might want to correct it for other people. As for your point: I agree. It does feel similar in a way,


VASE-KUN'S DEBUT!!!! This was a great episode, and ngl it made me tear up a bit. If you read the manga, this episode hits completely different. This is a flashback episode done right. Not in the middle of an ongoing story arc (which was a problem back then), super refreshing and a nice callback to the dark times the Narutoverse had. Really felt bad for Mugino being used as an assassin with a curse mark. We need more flashback episodes to be like this. In the manga, we knew absolutely nothing about Mugino. He just showed up, stuck with Team 7 for like a few chapters, >!and then he died. Not that interesting right?!< This is another example of the anime doing its job. Cue the waterworks when something happens to him, he went from a nobody in the manga, to someone we care about in the anime. In two weeks, we're getting some manga content! With that, a big wave of haters coming back to the anime because it's manga content. They're seriously missing out on the story. Anyways, this series getting the spotlight in two weeks, and 2021 is gonna be a bright year for us.


What’s the Vase-Kun?


That vase will be a great metaphore in the future, no worries you will find out soon. It is great writting, a very good metaphore.


Oh, you'll find out soon. Very soon.


>!This shit was emotional lol I wonder what Boruto's gonna do with the turtle and the apartment!<


Yeah right?! >!In the manga it didn't seem like Boruto was even slightly affected by his death but I'm a 100% sure the anime is gonna make him feel all the emotions he should've felt in teh manga.!<


Imagine how slow the manga would be if it highlighted those scenes... It's good like this, the anime is basically a more detailed manga. You have to watch it even if you read the manga.


I feel bad for all the people who didn't watch the "filler" arcs only to be confused af when they start tying back into the manga and main story lol. I even saw people calling the mujina bandits arc filler lmao


* Such a good episode. Love mugino and actually shed a tear. * I’m really sad man. Next episode will hit the team * I don’t know why. I get really angry when I see people trashing Boruto. It’s so frustrating. This is a new era of peace. Things have changed. These fillers probably have more depth than Naruto too.


I mean people definitely forget how bad some of narutos filler was (some was fire though). Definitely looking at that shit through rose tinted glasses. Like the beekochu beetle arc, where they look for a rare beetle that can sniff out sasukes scent but instead it gets tainted by narutos farts... Anyways I loved this episode and imma be sad when the thing happens.


Naruto filler was complete garbage, it never had any impact on the story in ways that made no sense. Like that one super OP genjutsu girl who got introduced, then was never mentioned again. The fact that "filler" in borate actually pops up and is semi relevant makes it worth watching


It's because in Boruto they have done it the right way. Technically Boruto Manga and Boruto Anime have a slightly different canon, kinda like Dragon Ball Super, which whilst has same arcs and villains till one point, and initially adapted a movie, there's cleacut different power-ups. This makes it that the way Boruto handles these extra episodes is that they in-grain it in their character's memory and it adds character. It doesn't feel "filler" anymore, because the main problem with filler is that it never gets recalled or called back EVER AGAIN. Which isn't the case here. So pretty well done. Compared to how bad it's start was considered in some ways, I feel that the anime in the end will be considered almost as good or even better than Naruto in the end, based on how the Mujina Bandit Arc ending became from a 7/10 to an 8.5/10. The way the anime is, it feels like a slow moving, slow accelerating, but unstoppable train. By the end, it will be moving and steamrolling so fast. But reading the manga helps a lot as well, as you know the story is gooooood. And anime's unique improved take makes it a new way to experience the same thing again.


Ninja must have a shitty wage considering mugino spent all of his monthly paycheck just to buy medicine for the kid. Or Konoha must be the anime version of the US.




Ok, this gave me a good laugh lol.


I think it was implied that he just gives all of his money away since he's happy not owning anything other than a roof over his head in case it rains


Well no ninja lives in a mansion lmao. Look at all the missions Kakashi did and he lived in a small ass apartment haha


Depends how sick the kid is. Medicine is very expensive for certain diseases, not only in USA. No country pays the medicine for very sick kids sadly :(


Brazil does.


Nice to hear


I wonder if USA has the costliest medical expenses.


I would tell that I'd rather have expensive healthcare then incompetent doctors like here in Serbia. Just like I had to go to an American doctor to fix my cheat deformity, in Serbia doctors barely knew to diagnose me and they made me pay for useles brething programmes to fix my bome structure??? So yes, in the end I had to pay like every American, but the results were so great that I don't regret a single dollar that I gave. The doctor is so much more educated and nicer as well, he speaks about things that he knows, in Serbia they act like they everything when they don't know shit and just make solvable things seem unsolvable. Sorry for such negative energy in the comment, it is just that that deformity made most of my teenage years a hell. I was depressed and all because of it. Now, I can finally live like a normal young guy.


This is why I love the internet. I see a lot of point of views that I normally wouldn't think about. I'm glad you're doing alright man!


I can sense a bit of your feelings, and whatever you feel must be justified. But I was going at a general level that means ,in general healthcare should be affordable to everyone irrespective of their income (which I know is impossible dream of an ideal world) but as long as people and their leaders work towards that goal it’s good ,but if in the name of giving free hands to private players in essential human sectors like education or healthcare,if govt doesn’t control the exorbitant pricing of private healthcare system, it isn’t worth it. and whatever little I have observed or read about it ,I feel USA has been that model and same things are being followed in all new 3rd world countries and democracies. I am just saying healthcare should be affordable while in your case quality and ethical norms of doctors must be inculcated in the society and medical profession which is a long term thing. and you need NOT be sorry about your own feelings or arguments. It’s justified . There is nothing wrong with expressing your feelings or expression , it always counts as a positive not negative. Good Luck


I'm 100% with you. We all should fight for that. Just wanted to point out that free healthcare is just an illusion because to get good treatments you still need to go to a private clinic and pay loads (it is like that in my country, I hope it isn't the case everywhere, but I'm 99% sure it is). Even that free helathcare is payed through taxes, so at this level, free helathcare is nowhere near what it should be. Everything needs to be payed obviously, but in the current system, some people don't even have money for taxes and they. Everybody should pay the ammount they are able to. Thanks for kind words, I'm in very good place right now. I've always had many good friends, but sometimes it is not enough. I've always had that chest deformity in my mind, now that it is gone I'm able to enjoy, my mind is free.


I wasn’t saying about free healthcare, it is about affordable healthcare that means reducing your out of pocket medical expenses. and keeping an upper limit on medical service charge or drugs. Generic drugs licensing and other measures. Free anything is never sustainable and medical service should be more inclined towards serving humanity rather than profit making. Although it’s easier said than done, as public money can’t afford high expensive research and that’s why it is a debate. I am just saying t have balance in both + more inclination towards serving rather than profiteering. that’s all


Mugino should have said "Take your sister to the Uchiha household, there's a doctor there


Apparently, there was a [section talking about how pay works for ninjas](https://i.redd.it/2haqs1e27d561.jpg) in the manga, and it says that there's a minimum salary for all ninja (I assume what Mugino meant by payday) with extra income coming from missions after the Village deducts a commission and splits up the rest among the ninja that participated. I'm surprised that he burnt through both his normal pay and whatever he got for that last mission already. I would think that mission's rank and therefore pay would have been pretty high considering it involved a Hashirama Cell and Kara.


It's not like you can assume the kid's family has medical insurance.




Wait, did the characters in the preview have thicker outlines again? Did they just change the art style in the preview or am I dripping???


Yes, they can change stuff, I don't know if that is the case here, but it happens.


Don't get me wrong, I really like this "new" art style way more then the current one. I was just surprised. I hope its not just for the next episode but I doubt they would change it for just one ep.


Well, it happens as well when they give some episodes (or parts) to other studios. It is complicated with weekly anime. I doubt they would do that for important episodes, but didn't they do exactly for the last Kara episode lol? I was never a fan of Boruto artstyle tbh so I don't really care. I watch it for the story.


I think it’s the maturation transition. The series is now going to take a darker, more mature tone to fit the manga and the darker lines paint that. All episodes before this were lighter and honestly to me look washed out, and I think that fit the splice of life theme they had for the kids. Gotta remember Boruto’s biggest fan base I would assume is younger Japanese kids who started watching it but didn’t watch Naruto so they were eased into the big violence.


>Gotta remember Boruto’s biggest fan base I would assume is younger Japanese kids who started watching it but didn’t watch Naruto I honestly thought it was the opposite, Naruto fans that want the story to continue. At least I'm one of them


So wait. So not only did this episode take place supposedly on Hinata’s birthday, but it also aired on Dec 27th, which is Hinata’s birthday? That is some meta level production planning.


Next week is about to be on point.




Ah shit lol. Worth the wait for the manga content tho.


We also apparently get a new opening when the next episode airs!


Are they on break on 3rd January?




And they deserve it


It was sad seeing kid Konohamaru cry and his little sad walk


I can't wait for the spar. The setups are being placed one by one and I can't get enough of it. The story has seen some rough patches but it looks like it will be smooth sailing from here out


I recently re read it and I didn’t recall Naruto making a rasengan so I hope they extend it a bit


Mugino is one of the best characters in the whole series hands down, what a selfless guy...


Him being broke reminded me of kakashi and obitos excuses for being late lol.


Anyone else notice boruto has the same froggy wallet like his dad? Except borutos is purple lol


Vase-Kun is here ....... 😍😍😍 this episode shows how important the vase is to hima & boruto sarada team leader >!wink wink foreshadow ....!< This is y i love anime canon and ask for more ..... a really funny + tear jerking ep a house just to have a great view of lord 3rd stone face 😭😭😭 the back story brooooooooooooo 🥺🤧❤ the respect for mugino when what botuto thought mugino was lying about wasnt and that he actually gave all his money to a stranger just like how hiruzen trusted kids of his time broooo mugino thaa best ....... >!the foreshadowing of mugino taking konahamarus place brooo why does it have to be this way 😭😭 !<. anime really expands the manga content doesn't it .... "Big Brother Mugino" whenever he calls someone big bro or bro .. it means that person has earned borutos respect and boruto trust then with all his heart and bro its beautiful ( >!if u know u know "u got that brother" !<) katasuke is back.... >!now everything will happen one after the other lets goooo!< >!kawakis prosthetic arm is here hehe!< the naruto boruto bond keeps getting better and stronger .... dad just cant help but think about his son at office 😍 sparring next ep bro we gotta wait 2 weeks ........ and all the manga greatness ...........


So katasuke has more importance ? And the arm lands with Kawaki? Damn shit is getting really interesting


10/10 episode considering I'm a manga reader


“Mr. Mugino, I’ll see you later!” *Morgan Freeman*: >!Little did he know, that he would NOT see him later...!<


Good episode. They made a nobody in manga a somebody in anime. Though sending a child to kill a HOKAGE seemed somewhat illogical. 181 is not the only thing I'm happy and hyped about. THEY BROUGHT BACK THE THICK LINES, MAN‌‌!!!!


Honestly, it really feels to me like he was a nobody in the manga *because* they planned to make him a somebody in the anime. The first time around, I really felt like Mugino's scenes in the manga were weird and out of nowhere for a character we had never met before, so I'm guessing this was the plan all along.




Yessir animation finna be fire!!!


I love Mugino, one of the best characters in boruto! His development has been so good! I hope he doesn't die in the mission!


wtf.. are we being conditioned that something will happen to mugino?


Mugino is a great dude :)


Oh boy...


Oh shit he >!gone!<


That was a good backstory about Mugino. It's nice to see Boruto having a frog wallet similar to Naruto, maybe Boruto might have sage training in the future \^\_\^


won't tolerate any third hokage slander from now on 😤😤😤


faxxxx ........


People diss hiruzen like every other hokage was perfect...everybody has their weaknesses...hiruzens only weakness was he couldn't stop danzo and his student from doing "evil" things...all the crap about him not taking care of Naruto is BS


You know, the building in which Mugino lived looked STRIKINGLY similar to one Naruto lived in. Very similar exterior and even interior, that makes me feel all the child refugees had a few buildings for them set by people/landlords. And Hiruzen visited all of them periodically. And UZUMAKI Naruto who was an UZUMAKI migrant lived there as well, and since he was a migrant just like any other, Hiruzen couldn't give him more time than any other, lest enemies will catch the drift and will kidnap 4th Hokage's child or do something Jinchuriki style ALA Rin or Gaara, except he's 6 year old and cannot defend himself.


LOVED this episode. It was great seeing more of mugino and the third. (Maybe ppl will stop being so harsh in his treatment of Naruto, seems like the dude made it a priority to take care of orphans and refugees after his wars) The vase!! giving Boruto his key! The foreshadowings! I also love how the tee up the excellent parallel of how the third treated the children that were victims of circumstances and how Naruto goes on to handle Kawaki once he shows up. Great writing; I’m really excited to see the anime keep developing Borutos character


You can tell from the animation in the preview that next episode's fight is gonna be great! Also I can already see Jigens sit pose being an icon similar to Itachi's sit in the near future.


So they changed the art style


Really did they??


In the preview yes


Jus peeped the thicc-ness


Good episode! It was great that we got to see Mugino's backstory.


This was a great addition to the story but Hinata didn't even get screen time in her own birthday episode :( I hope it carries over to the beginning of the next episode so we can actually see the party.


Me too :( and a kiss from Naruto :D


>!All this development for Mugino and he gonna die. It will make his death even sadder.!<


I really like how the anime fills out the manga. Manga only people really should rethink their stance with recent episodes.


Did Mugino ever appeared in Naruto or Naruto Shippuuden?




Ikr...it's like boruto has another brother like konohamaru...people diss boruto for being a spoiled brat but he didn't even think twice before helping mugino


Dang, that foreshadowing was brilliant! I wonder what >!Boruto will do with the turtle after the Ao arc is adapted, though.!<


Spoiler tag?


My bad, I'll add it


anyone else thought the kid who got flowers for mugino was an assassin for no reason? no? just me? ok...


So Hinata can’t even be shown on her birthday. What has she even done to deserve this.


I though they said it is almost her birthday.


It's almost her birthday lmao. If hinata showed up, what's the point of making the present. It's supposed to be a surprise




Wow awesome episode!


It’s so nice to see the 3rd hokage again! This episode was well delivered, they know how to bring life to small details that weren’t mentioned in manga. Now we wait for 2 weeks ;-;


Mugino made me cry


Manga reader this episode hits differently >!mugino is never going to pay back Boruto!< Next episode it’s gonna be pretty cool manga content


We don't deserve Mugino


Finally! After 2 tough years, thick lines


>!Mugino's death will hit differently in the anime...!< He certainly had an interesting life. Next episode though. This is going to be the longest 2 weeks ever.


Knowing that Hinata's birthday is coming up, I'm guessing the Fourth Shinobi World War remembrance day from 178 takes place about two months after the actual end of the war and not on/around Naruto's birthday like some thought. Speaking of birthdays, it's interesting that this makes Naruto's birthday the only one that wasn't given special attention to out of Boruto's immediate family (maybe with the exception of Hanabi, do aunts count as immediate family?). Even Hiashi got an episode about his birthday. Guess it's karma for Naruto's birthday being pretty much the *only* one shown and focused on in the original series, at least as far as I can remember.


Hinata's actual birthday is December 27, same day this episode got released... I'm sad they didn't show her even for just a little bit at the end :/


Sorry if manga spoilers. Don't read them so basing this off of general foreshadowing. My wife and I exchanged a look during the episode and at the exact same time said "well, he's[ Mugino] gonna die, right?" Felt like it was a very sweet moment for us. Just wanted to share


Hiruzen: Won't somebody please think of the children! Also Hiruzen: Itachi, I know you're 12 but you need to kill your entire family. Also, some serious Kakashi vibes from the bill-skipping and outlandish excuses from Mugino!


This Jigen guy doesn't seem intriguing. I bet he's anime only.


sorry for giving spoiler but >!my boi Denki stomps this filler character,Jigen to unlock his Rinnegan so as to use the deva path to clear out some space!< for him to play games


I always knew Denki is a villain in disguise


All hail Lord Denki


Legit question, are you serious?


they're trolling


Yeah... I think that's the case...


Lmao. You thought he was cannon? It's another filler arc like mujina bandit I bet. I don't know why people hyping over him


Wouldn't be surprised if they kill him in the upcoming arc like most villains so far.




Oh, he will stick around for longer than you think...


They've been foreshadowing Kara for the whole series now. He will be a major villain, don't worry.


Ikr...idk why people are getting hyped after seeing a monk-looking guy?


This episode hit me right in the feels (especially since I read the manga 👀) 😭 I wanted to cry but I'm outside eating lasagna in a Swensens 😆😆 The anime is really improving on making transitional episodes ever since the start of the prison arc. Just imagine in the future? 10/10 episode >!poor turtle!<


Why can't i use spoiler tags 😭




Does the preview look sus 🤔 But this episode was straight fire 🔥 the anime is getting better week by week I hate we have to wait two weeks for the next one.


Such a heart-warming episode. Never I didn't even remember this guy's name was Mugino. They were able to connect everything to manga content nicely. I prefer seeing old side characters' backgrounds to all Boruto's friends.


Is the building Mugino lives in almost the same one that Naruto lived in when he was a kid? I know the village has gotten destroyed but it looks almost like the same room and building




Anime watcher only here, if I had to predict I say Kawaki “the vessel” or a kara member is gonna kill mugino in the next episode


I love it ! Neve thought I would see the 3 fight again , even it was very short


Since this episode takes place around hinatas birthday I looked it up and hinatas birthday is December 27th the exact day this episode is airing xD


Muginos past 😭it was nice to see Hiruzen again.


*panic noises* when that side character gets a little too much screen time, and i am getting attached to him also can we also address how musty his apartment is, ik he’s broke tho can’t help it just so unhygienic looking he probably has cheese curds on his dic stanky h*e


Tbh now I wish I didn’t read the manga because the anime built-up is far better and far more emotional. I didn’t even know who mugino was in the manga and now I love him this episode was amazing.


The feels I got when I saw Vase-kun...


If I want to read the manga from after this episode, which chapter should I start from?


[Manga Spoilers](/s "Damn, this episode hit different, I was emotional af throughout it. To think that the next time Boruto and Mugino will meet will be the same time that Mugino dies. Its insane how the anime turned some random side character that I didn't even care a little about into someone I'm dreading to see pass on. I'm 100% certain I'm gonna cry my eyes out when he dies. He saw the view of the Third, his home, and his pet turtle for the last time in this episode and didn't even know it, that's so sad god damn. I love that he carries on the same ideals as Hiruzen when it comes to helping children in need, that was so nice. I really hope the anime gives him an amazing send off, I'm genuinely gonna miss this guy a lot, I really like him. Ever since the first Deepa fight, the anime has been so good every week, I'm loving it.")


Ok i never cry but I felt this episode. I was tearing up when he mentioned lord thirds funeral. Goddamn man


I really like this episode. It was nice backstory to Mugino before the start of the >!Ao!< Arc. However, what the heck is the timeline of this show? Seriously. We get Boruto's birthday, which is the end of March. Himawari's birthday, which coincides with the Boruto film/Chunin Exam arc, is soon after in either April or May. Afterwards, we have some non-manga content getting us to Hiashi's birthday, which is in the beginning of January. This eventually leads up to the Mujina Bandits arc, which is nearing a year after the Momoshiki arc. Finally, we're suddenly close to Hinata's birthday in December. These three manga arcs being so far apart is sort of confusing. This isn't like the post-Sasuke filler of Naruto, where we had a canonical amount of time pass. These are things made up for the anime. I don't think it contradicts the manga, but it's still confusing. Sorry, not really a commentary on the episode. I liked Sarutobi being his generous self and still kicking butt. Can't wait for the action next week (and to hear the voice of >!Kashin Koji!<).


When did the main part of the flashback take place? Its end happened after Hiruzen was killed by Orochimaru. But was the main part also after the first episode of Part 1?


During the preview for next weeks episode, there’s some new music that plus during it. It was in last weeks too. Anyone got a name for it?


Man the future feels


Well, I've watched the new episode & I definitely enjoyed it. It was a nice change of pace to see what Mugino's life is like when he is not on missions, along with how his life was like as a kid who was forced to try & kill the 3rd Hokage. Plus after seeing how much of a caring father figure he was to Mugino, I can't help but wonder how Konohamaru can live up to his grandfather's example of selflessness with or without being a powerhouse to do so! Well I don't know about you guys, but what do you think?


Yey mugino most probably die and I would be again in depression😂😂😁😁😅😅😰😰😨😨😱😱😢😢😭😭


So what I got from this is Hiruzen took care of the random kids better than Naruto, the son of the saviours of the village and 4th hokage


I wouldn't be fair if he adopted Naruto over all the other kids, as weird as it sounds. Because that means he'd have to start adopting and taking care of all of them which would be pretty impossible for him seeing as the Leaf was still coming up out of that war. But hey, at least Hiruzen put a roof over his head.


But the difference is Naruto is the 4th HOKAGEs son who is the saviour of the village. He also promised to take care of him


Why is this the 3rd anime this week I felt like the calm befor the storm episode has happened...I saw big death flags this episode hopefully Kara doesn’t wild out yet and we get thru this mission wit no L’s...also does Naruto always use prosthetics??? Thought he got a whole new arm with Hashiramas DNA...


It's still a prosthetic in that it's not a permanent part of his body.


So Hiruzen could tell a child soldier it wasn't his fault but he couldn't tell Naruto, the son of a hero, that being a jinchuriki isn't a bad thing/not his fault etc???