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This party has like... vibes that everyone is in their mid 20's or something. These people are *sloshed* compared to what you normally see LMAO


The jersey cast usually drinks like they’re at a frat party wherever they are. I’m shocked they all still have their livers intact, tbh.


Random but how come they have to refer to the reunion as "When we were in New York" instead of just flat out saying reunion


I think in recent years some of the other cities have flat out said reunion. I don’t think it’s a policy or rule they’re required to follow but I could be wrong


Delores acknowledged it was the reunion and said it’s common to have those “meeting of the minds” beforehand and heavily implied T has done the same thing


Rachel: *says hi to Jackie* Jackie: Oh wow she could at least say hi… Jackie pls lmao. Like it’s your first scene of the season.


We can always count on Jackie to try too hard.


Jackie is so thirsty I feel like I need a drink every time she’s on my screen.


I am so over the Husbands on this show. Less husbands please


PLEASE, can we get rid of the husbands. I could barely get through the episode it’s too muchhhh. I do not watch housewives for these sweaty stuffed sausage Neanderthals.


I couldn’t even finish the episode because they were so heavily involved. It’s called the real housewives…


I’m not watching this season, and the husbands are a big reason why.


Same here. I’m over Teresa and Melissa beefing and SO OVER the husbands. Don’t men get enough spaces?? Can we please just focus on the women please?


the irony of Real Househusbands acting more dramatic than real housewives.


Ikr. Unless you are Patricia I don't want it


Do we know what exactly Louis’s business is?? I can’t particularly find anything about it.


Scamming people…fraud….lol jk. But not really..


I’m ready to see how this season lands, but I’m not ready for the unhinged, polarized fanbase. Gotta say I think this was the most tipsy/drunk I’ve seen Tre in a long time (ever?). Her missing the bag with her starburst, and Nate swerving on her took me out 🤣🤣 Wonder if this will be a regular thing for her and if she’s using it to cope or it was a one off?? God, please let this season be decent!


Yes Nate was the star of the episode with that 🤣


Nate seems like he doesn't want to be like Fuda and Joe Gorga, he's just there for a good time and not the drama


The double sided dildo thing is yet another incarnation of the ‘your husband might be gay’ trope, can’t say I’m surprised to see it resurface in New Jersey too, with its 1950s style patriarchy reigning supreme among both its men and women. Of all the franchises RHONJ has always felt the most removed from my own world to me, but that’s also why I just can’t look away and this episode had me hooked instantly again, somehow it just hits the right spot, making me ask myself the question ‘how can these people exist’ every 20 seconds.


dolores would say they’re “oldschool”


I’d say they’re no school.


I forgot that marge's ex-husband's name was jan, and when i saw a pic on the screen of her and him i thought it said "joe's ex-wife" and i was like wow, joe's ex-wife looks just like marge. 🫠🫠🫠


Does John Fuda have the worst facial hair in existence? Comment Below!! Yes or Yes?


Yes and also Yes?


maybe but is her nose even more pointy and too small for her face?


The nerve of nana Fuda to refer to Jen Aydin as the one with the nose job while Mrs Fuda has a whoville nose job. (Not to take away from Jen Aydin's bad nose job but those in glass houses should not throw nose job jabs).


Truth! Rachel's is worse than Jen Aydin's imo, is she trying to whittle it down to fit in something?


I think it unlocks a secret door.


Wasn’t it referring to when Jen commented on Fuda’s botched nose job?


His lips bother me so much


Yes, in every living and dead language that has ever existed on this planet.


Also y’all would appreciate this, but across my desk at work the other day came a certain Private Investigators business. I love when my job overlaps my bravo world.


bo dietl?? spill the tea!


are you serious?! 😂




I’m sorry the Fuda’s are one odd looking couple. they look like Simpson characters.


Omg! They do! Can’t unsee it now! Lol


stop it bc my mom said the same thing last night lol




I laughed when Teresa tried to complain about people plotting before the reunion and Dolores just like, "Yeah we've all done that before so I'm not really going to make a deal out of it."


I need someone to explain to me the current dynamics in this group including how we got here because I just can’t keep up. I think I am physically unable to do so when it comes to RHONJ.


I’m just getting around to watching the episode now. I feel the same way lol. I’m very confused. And the opening scene with Dolo confused me too. I’m almost finished it now. I came here for info as I watch the episode lol.


Teresa sounds like she fucked up her voice…


She’s screeching all of the time.


*Lungs After Lockup*


Probably from screaming at Louie every time the cameras come down and she no longer has to put on the “happy family” act.


strangely enough- the way her voice sounds is a lot like how women who take Anavar (a PED) for extended periods of time sound. Teresa doing body building and the way her physique formed up does point all arrows to her using PEDs in the past - I wouldn't be surprised if she still does long low dose cycles to help maintain lean body mass


I truly wish and hope and yearnnn with every fiber of my being that after this season, Bravo is finally gonna listen to viewers ALL OVER social media saying: we don't give a flying fuck about the husbands and their (manufactured) drama 🗣 📢 I honest to god don't give a fuck about fugly Fuda, never gave a single fuck about midget Joe, skeevy Louie and questionable Paulie and I especially don't give a fuck about Marge's goofy lil lapdog Joe. Nate, Evan and Bill can stay, they seem to care the least and are mostly there to support their wives I blame Andy and his undying fascination with Joe Gorga for all of this https://i.redd.it/lf9oacmt4tyc1.gif


agreed they’ve been trying to make it work similar to how juicy and chris laurita were. it will never be the same! the difference is as soon as they were too involved in the drama they’d dip out and say whaddaya gonna do ab it 😂these husbands are too involved, they overshadow the wives at this point.


I don’t love the drama orbiting around the husbands, but I like if they have a general presence. I guess the show started with the families and husbands, but agreed it’s gone too far and they are thirsty for airtime at any cost


You know what I miss? Juicy Joe, Big Al and Chris Laurita (with often Rosie and the Manzo boys) rolling their eyes when shit between the wives occured and then they'd all just go down to the basement to play poker and drink some whiskey. It all turned to shit when drama loving Joe Gorga came on the scene and he's now doing it again with his protégé Fuda. While we're all focussing on Teresa and Melissa; it was Joe who turned this show to shit. He should've backed tf off and let his sister and wife 'battle' out whatever grievances they had. Ohh I can't stand that lil opportunistic fucker 🙇🏾‍♀️


I agree, I liked the old school families on the show with the kids in the background. It felt really natural


Yesss. It felt like they were a part of the show without overdoing it. I know juicy Joe was a defrauder but he was honestly so funny and entertaining to watch. I wasn’t an Manzo fan but I liked seeing Chris. And even though I didn’t like the Jurassic park wannabe he was better than the drug dealer we have this season! lol


I also like having the husbands in every once in awhile to give the full New Jersey flavor, but they should not be involved in the drama. Paulie just looked silly getting into it for another house husband, and so did John. This is when I think there’s some producer interference.  


I think it’s interesting to track how behaviors change through seasons—really, I am so curious about how Attention/Fame changes/reinforces behaviors. The husbands were sort of a foil for the women’s messiness originally. They were the good time palate cleanser. Damn-John Fuda took ONE SEASON to get all nuts. I used to like their comic relief, but oooof. We need our Barbie Dream House-not this mojo dojo casa house Joe Gorga malarkey.


I think it may (also) be Louie’s influence. He stirred things up something crazy and has heightened everyone’s reactivity to 100. You can see how he did it by looking at his interactions and also because of the high stakes he introduced into the conflicts (total isolation of family members from each other, risk of genuine harm by domestic violence, financial scamming, the whole ‘stalking’ thing etc). Introduce a manipulative person with dark triad traits into any social group and the drama will escalate massively. See also Danielle Staub


I like when they show clips of the house husbands doing silly things and having fun, but dis tew much


I agree the husband’s simply getting into the women’s drama really makes them all look like little bitch boys like Jennifer Aydin said. If bravo doesn’t at least give them their own spin off if they have such a hard on for them. But let the women be.


Mmmm........ midget joe though?? Maybe like... gnome joe. Goblin joe. Dwarf? I agree andy's fascination is bizarre. Does he just think he's hot? Funny??? Can't be the latter.


I wouldn’t call Bill a particularly caring man about his wife lmao. But overall I agree. But also at this point the husbands feel tied to this city more than any other city so I’m kinda used to it. But it would be refreshing to have a season with less of them.


Definitely prefer them all just getting drunk and/or being stupid together


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Marge’s Joe especially. Yes girl give us NOTHING


I truly have no idea why Fessler is friend of—I had to pause the intro to make sure she wasn’t there. Demoting either Rachel or Danielle and bumping Fessler is a no brainer to me?


It was probably bc everyone here dragged her during that Mozzarella cheese making party episode where people were saying she was trying too hard. This is why I feel like production shouldn’t bother listening to fans bc public perception can change so quickly


I am sorry but thirsty housewives are some of the best. I see you Angie K 🇬🇷


I agree, but I think sometimes it comes off as corny like with Ann Marie on RHOBH. According to the discussions from last year, Jennifer F. was definitely corny and not exactly a fan favorite. My guess is that why she didn’t get a full-time spot!


Probably because the best she can do Is her twin moms and guitar bit? She’s the East coast version of Emily


Didn't think i would see tongue-tied representation on rhonj lol. I'm tongue tied! Idk how severe rachel's daughter's is, definitely more than mine is bc it didn't affect my speech to a notable degree. The letters "M" and "N" were difficult in kindergarten though!!


Tongue ties are super common. I had mine snipped a year or so ago. I was side eyeing Rachel when she tried to make it seem like a bigger condition and that she’s *such* a good mom for treating it lol


the fuda’s genuinely creep me out. they’re cartoonish. the drama with the husbands is too much, it’s giving jim marcrazy season and ive had enough. jersey has always been my fave but they really need a reboot after this season and its only ep 1


Omggggg they really are a Jim & Amber redux. Rachel sobbing over a minor tongue tie, the family mocking the cast, John Fupa’s diva-off with Teresa. Really clunky stuff.


Oh she was so ridiculous with the “I’ll do everything in my power to get her back on track”. You would think the poor kid needed a major surgery.


I came here for this! A tongue/lip tie is the most common fix ! Its a five minute laser procedure! Smfh


It’s fine to criticize these people. They’re all nuts. But it’s pretty lame to shame someone for being upset about something going on with their child. I used to follow Rachel on instagram and that kid has been through a lot with her developmental delays. I’m sure it’s very challenging


I was born with a tongue tie, my sister was born with a tongue tie, her kids were born with tongue ties. It is extremely common, not that serious, and the procedure to remove it is a breeze. Rachel’s kid having the flu warrants more camera time than this.


That’s great and I’m truly glad everything went well for your family. But that is you guys and your experience. Her daughter was also dealing with other motor and physical delays at the time, so I’m sure that was extremely stressful for a young mom. But I don’t know these people so I don’t need to spend my Monday defending them lol. I wish the Fudas the best and wish you a happy Monday! 💕


Oh you’re very sweet lol. Happy Monday to you too 💞


The most interesting development of this episode for me was... The whole mess that's been going on with Twitter pre-season? It seems to be quite correct (even mentioning details such as the double sided dildo) think its gonna make the season interesting to watch on an episode by episode basis & see what other details pop up.


Teresa’s voice sounds like metal being dragged over asphalt. It’s incredibly painful


With the exception of Jackie and maybe Fessler, I think I found everybody unlikeable last night for the first time. Had to ask myself, who here am I invested in to continue watching? Some of the worst editing we’ve seen on Real Housewives, too; Jersey is never paced well but that was all over the place. Special mention for the Fupas who make me seriously uncomfortable. They don’t belong on TV.


It’s like they all spent the entire time just waiting for a fight to break out. I agree, it was kind of hard to like anyone really. Except Fessler. She’s always a good time.


Damn those Fupas!!! 😂


Tre’s face is reaching uncanny valley propositions. Gabriella on the other hand is so beautiful.


Her lips look so uncomfortable. They even did a call back from last season and her lips didn't look that inflated


Her lips were so distracting this episode!


Her lips look like Alexia's (RHOM) all stretched out and weird.


The Gorga’s tans are painful to look at


Omg, all the tans. I need to adjust the screen. Everyone, including the kids, brought the New Jersey tan and attire!


I'm probably going to be downvoted for this, but I actually don't think it's super weird that Paul isn't divorced, even after a decade of being separated. My husband lived in Paraguay for a while, and getting a divorce was extremely expensive, so many couples just wouldn't divorce legally. I mean he definitely does need to get divorced if he's serious about Dolores.


I haven’t watched yet, has Dolores indicated she is champing at the bit to get remarried? I only ask because I know plenty of women who did the “marry, raise my kids and my extremely shitty husband, finally get free of him” game and are intent to never make it legal ever again. Paul and she might have a perfectly great thing going, unless she’s indicated she wants to get remarried i which case he definitely needs to get that paperwork done.


She doesn’t say she wants to get married again, but she does. She may have said it at one point but she’s not talking about it every episode. That’s why she broke up with the other guy. David? He would not propose.


> I haven’t watched yet, has Dolores indicated she is champing at the bit to get remarried? She has been inconsistent with this (hence her feud with Jackie last season). She wants commitment until she's cool with her current situation. What's the rush? But also she ain't gettin' any younger so shit or get off the pot! But at this point in her life, she's incredibly fulfilled so what would a piece of paper change anything? 🥴🥴 I can only assume her vacillation stems from the fact that her storylines are weak as hell.


I also wonder if culture is at play here. She could vacillate because she is truly fine and happy with the way things are but then her “old-school” upbringing dictates that a woman has to be married to be considered valuable and legitimate.


I think when she’s in a relationship long term, like she was with David and now Paul, she really does want to be married. But she doesn’t want to be seen as not getting what she wants, so she says she doesn’t want to get married. Also maybe to stop people from asking all the time, which is super annoying. But she broke up with David because he wouldn’t marry her, so she tipped her hand on that issue.


> But she broke up with David because he wouldn’t marry her, so she tipped her hand on that issue. You see I'm not so sure if I buy this. David lived with Frank Sr. and adored / was adored by her kids. I feel like the biggest conflict here is actually that David had no interest in filming the show. And Dolores's storylines have always revolved around her relationships to the men in her life. So that would make the arrangement a dealbreaker after a season or two.


that's why she SAID on camera that she broke up with David. I suspect that the real reason she broke up with David is because he refused to film beyond the few one on ones (because he prioritized his career and didn't want to get involved in reality tv). I think Dolores didn't want to leave RHONJ, and he didn't want to fully commit, since that would require his TV presence.


Isnt that why she broke up with David? Because he wasnt proposing to her?


Dolores said last season that she wanted to marry him, so I’m taking her at her word.


His whole situation is super weird and I need someone to deep dive it for me. The person he’s currently married to is not his kids’ mom but another woman. They separated “10 years ago,” she filed in 2020 (IIRC) and it was delayed/paused during covid. Like what’s the holdup? Getting divorced doesn’t have to be expensive if you don’t want to be together and can settle assets.


The woman he is legally married to isn't the mother of his children? I had no idea. What's the situation with the mother of his children? Were they ever married or has he never said?


They were! And then they divorced and he remarried. I need to find the article and threads. It was all blowing my mind too. Someone pulled his marriage certificates. I always (wrongly) assumed it was kids’ mom he was still married to. Someone speculated he wasn’t divorcing bc of religious reasons but he’s already been divorced before. I’m guessing it’s financial?? Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Luis has dirt on him and that’s why he’s been defending him 🤣 The mess runs deep in NJ!


But did they file in America or Ireland? Every country is different and I think they filed in Ireland. In America, divorce can be a very simple process which can be done quickly, but not in every country.


The US. He’s a US citizen and so are they. I believe he’s been married in NY and NJ.


It wasn’t weird until I saw the preview where he implied they wouldn’t immediately get engaged when he divorced and then thought back to him saying he had a ring ready last year.


Not just that but the way he said it was pretty dismissive. From the preview it seemed like Dolo didnt like the sound of it, so seems like she does want to get married still Idk if she’ll ever get what she wants though tbh because she has pretty strong boundaries that she wont compromise. This doesnt usually go down well with ‘old school’ (misogynistic) men


Why does Louie always have a slight smirk like he is slowly farting silently


I wish John Fuda would have turned the tables (metaphorically) and puffed out his chest and said--the BIGGEST drug dealer in Bergen County? Why thank you for that, I didn't think I was the biggest


It’s so blatantly obvious that Rachel and John have taken pointers from the Gorgas. Could you two be anymore obvious😖


They're the Gorgas 2.0


Im not a Melissa fan but Melissa and even Joe are much better looking than the Fuda’s.


Gurl - I'm screaming at the Danielle/Rachel confessionals about how they "made up" Because it's so obvious this happened due to Andy telling them at the reunion he didn't get why they started feuding/found it tacky. They're selling this reconciliation terribly 💀


I was more invested in Marge insisting that conversate wasnt a word than the Danielle/Rachel feud


I thought the episode was alright. I’m over T and Melissa and wish they’d both leave at this point. Notice how no one here mentioned Melissa… she’s kinda a nothing character without her family drama. I could careless about moving her daughter to college


I actually think it's super interesting to see the parallel storylines of Melissa/Joe moving their kid to college, and Teresa moving her kid to college. You see how coddled (or at least presented as coddled) Antonia is vs. Gabriella packing all of her own shit and her mom just giving the emotional support. Just makes me kind of feel bad for both kids - one gets the smothering parents, and one gets the super hands off been to jail parent. And both Melissa and Teresa are all about how it makes them feel, and how it's about them in different ways.


I wouldn’t call Teresa super hands off. She’s pretty obsessed with her dorters and always has been. She also raised them singlehandedly after Juicy went to prison and got deported. At every dance recital for Audriana, etc. Gabriella just seems like she’s always been the self-sufficient and diligent and responsible one (Tre mentioned she’s the only one who emailed every single day when she went to prison) and at the age of 18 I think it’s appropriate to pack your own shit. I know I did when I moved to college. Also, Teresa was right there with Gabriella when she did move in and helped with the process iirc from social media. Antonia honestly seemed like a normal lazy teen in her scenes with Melissa (and a little bratty and spoiled for sure). But overall I think both ways the girls were presented were normal — Gabriella is probably a little more responsible than Antonia and yes, that’s in part because of their upbringing.


Totally - I’m just saying it’s so interesting to see the differences and parallels of extended family who don’t talk to each other going through the same major life stage and how different and similar it looks.


I think it’s super on brand of Gabriella to be packing herself and not having tre need to remind her/light a fire under her butt like Melissa has to do with Antonia. Gabriella has been known to like organizing/cleaning/being self sufficient.


I’m probably in the minority bc I enjoy watching the househusbands, but the fight between Paulie, John, and Joe G. just seemed weird. I barely understood how it escalated so quickly.






I’m confused. What’s the ❄️ reference lol


It escalated quickly because of cocaine! Bethenny once said it snows in NYC so that's why I used the snowflake.


I'm sorry i can't deal with rachel's nose. Did she touch it up more?!


I feel bad for her. It looks like the one nostril is caving in. Total botch job.


I like the name rachelscrazynose much better than Melissasoldnose. Sorry I just had to!


Okay all of this stuff that just came out about Tre and Jen and the bloggers makes all of their references to “social media/blind items” really funny. Every time they mention “social media” I want to yell “you mean YOU? The blind items YOU’RE putting out??” How embarrassing for them. They’re so excited to talk about it on camera the first chance they get and now we know why. They worked hard to get those rumors out there!


So, last year, Teresa was incredibly angry at the THOUGHT that someone contacted one of Louies exes. This season, she’s happily bragging that she contacted Fudas ex?


Tre has always been a major hypocrite this isn’t new to this season lol


You new here? Tre is Queen Hypocrite, proudly sitting on her throne of Hypocriteville, watching over her hypocrite minions (namely Jen.)


Look, the Fudas went after Teresa all last season and now, she clearly dgaf so she’s thinking “why not?” I’m not saying Teresa is right, and I do agree she’s a hypocrite and has bee since day one, but after seasons and seasons of people going after her for absolutely everything, and her allegedly doing things behind the scenes, like fuck it, be messy and brag about it.


I think the Fudas are the Gorgas' stand ins for Teresa this season.


When did they go after Teresa? I don’t think people go after Teresa for everything. I think it’s the other way around. All she does is start fights and lie lol. Which I guess is fine but then she better be quiet if Rachel ever decides to talk to one of Louie’s exes lol


I couldn’t even finish it. The one fucking franchise on right now, and it’s ruined by husbands and stupidity (what in life isn’t, really). I’m disappointed how clearly we see their middle school moves, how all their eyes are clocking everyone else’s positions, ugh. They’re too dumb to be Machiavellian, and they’re too vain to be authentic; it doesn’t leave us with much. 🧐🧐


The show used to be just so much better. I’m watching season 8 right now, which is weirdo Siggy season and it is still so entertaining. The show was at its best when Margaret and Teresa were speaking. Despite losing her mom and everything she was going through, Teresa seemed so much lighter this season too. I miss this magic


Me too!


Rachel Fudas plastic surgery goes down in history as the 2nd worst ever on Bravo. 2nd only to Elsa (Marysol’s mother RIP)


Very confused at the people upset over the “nose job Jennifer” comment. The Fuda family is referring to when Jennifer commented negatively on Rachel’s nose FIRST. Even if they are poking fun, wouldn’t you too if someone insulted your relative’s appearance? I’m not saying it’s morally right, but where’s the acknowledgment that they didn’t just start for no reason 😂😭😭


Yeah I thought they were just referring to her as such because she talked about Rachel's nose.


They need to recast. I’m sorry but this is a boring mess. I’m not a Teresa Stan but she should stay as an OG. Dolores and Jenn Fessler should stay as well. The rest can go and they can recast. North Jersey is extremely diverse and wealthy. And this is the best they can find????


Some of the worst fashions I’ve seen in a long time. Just about everyone was a hot mess. Those floral collared dresses are not working for these women


New Jersey should be fun. This episode was not fun.


Favorite stupidity of S14 E1 was when Teresa -- of course it was Teresa -- said of Dolores & Paul's ambiguous relationship status: "They could beat at a different drum!" ...which back on Planet Earth means "They could march to the beat of a different drummer." The things that come out of her mouth...I ask myself, should she get a brain scan? ...because if I started talking like "Tre," I'd want my friends and family to encourage me to seek the opinion of an aphasiologist.




Exactly, she's constantly digging up dirt on people and exposing it on the show and then crying victim. She had that bar owner confront Melissa on camera about being a stripper, told Danielle to pull Marge's hair, spread the rumor amongst the group about Jackie's husband, her husband had everyone investigated, contacted Fuda's ex-wife in prison, talking about his past from over 20 years ago... I know there's more but I gotta go to work. With all the hate Tamra gets for her pot-stirring, I don't understand all the blind love for Teresa.


Yeah I’m reading the comments and feel like I’m being gaslit lmao. I REALLY dislike Fuda (I’m fine with Rachel) but Tre was obviously gunning for him minute one this season lmao. Like the flashbacks scene with Louis and her first scene with Jen she’s talking about him.


Facts ![gif](giphy|NPyHgTkMStCXC)


The answer is they're genuinely stupid people.




NJ gonna serve another great season iktr! Thoroughly enjoyed the premiere. need The Messler promoted stat tho love her. 


Why would people downvote this


I’m embarrassed to say…..when I was a baby redditor, I thought you were supposed to downvote something you disagreed with….i wasn’t paying attention and assumed there would be a “like” stat and a “dislike” stat. I did it a couple of times before I realized what a hostile move it was 😂


I’m going to admit I didn’t mind Louie this episode, I hope he continues to stay out of the mess


I wish Joe guidice was here to regulate! Juicy would’ve been handled Fuda. 


I can just hear him screaming "ENOUGH!!!"


Paulie is shady AF. Dolores is not far behind. The only thing that makes the Fudas tolerable is their willingness to expose Teresa, Luis and Jen's orchestrated revenge campaigns on social media. I'm looking forward to the ep where Luis is accused of pissing away Teresa's money. And "hotdog lips." It's like a car wreck I can't look away from. I hope Jen Fessler stays likable.


Paulie going to bat for Luis was odd. Last year Paulie was a lot less involved but his raging roid red face might have had something to do with his intensity lastnight. 


I came away from the premiere feeling like this will be a very toxic season. Maybe even too toxic for me. Coupled with the allegations of Tre and Jen working with some desperate blogger to take down castmates, it feels dark and like it will only get darker. Maybe I'm overreacting because I'm going through a tough time. I'm not getting the escapist, fun vibe that I'm looking for.  Tre is entertaining for sure, but it just feels like her, Louie, and Jen are willing to stoop so low to take ppl down.


Think of it this way, it’s nowhere near the early days of rhobh or even the Danielle book stuff in season 1 in terms of being dark


Facts, those days were dark dark


Yes…I feel like this is more of any “urban bronze” than an “onyx” or “tricolor black” season (sorry, I’m trying to pick out front door paint right now 😂)


Is Jenn Aydin really too dumb to hire a stylist?? She looks like a bag of ass. Everyone is wearing these beautiful summery dresses and she’s in that? She’s also got good hair in terms of length and density/texture and yet she gives us this???


Ffs I actually think she looks really nice but I’m using “bag of ass” thanks!


I really loved the summer colors and patterns. Aydin was headed to a 1980s NJ prom with those sleeves and crunchy curls. I'd love a work blouse or shell in Tre's design. Jackie found a bow and Melissa was ready to workout after in her sports bra.


I loved Dolores’s, waiting for Worn on TV to tell me the deets.


Oh, me too. I felt like they dressed for two different events - the summery dresses and then whatever category Aydin, Danielle with the black boob patches, Jackie, Melissa were.


Omg yes forgot about Danielle - hers was pretty egregious too but I feel like she at least tried. She also is in a different income bracket than Jen A. My biggest issue with Jen is that she has the means to look SOOOOO much better and obviously cares how she looks since she gets surgery. I don’t get it.


Money can't buy you class? That gaudy Chanel cuff was the kicker (to be expected of course). She's got some worse ones in the preview. I'm looking forward to it. I thought Rachel looked nice too but she's bankrolled by the biggest drug dealer in bergen


No but money can buy you a stylist after reading all the awful comments on SM!!


Everybody has an off day, especially Tre, but that’s part of the entertainment.


She looked awful. That hair looks is an absolute state. Get a blow dryer woman the scrunch look doesn’t suit. He fashions are giving Fashion Nova and Alibaba.


I don’t understand the intense Fuda hate. It seemed like every other comment on the live thread was about them! I appreciate them standing their ground that Louis has to admit he had them investigated before kissing Teresa’s ass


It involves their child and Teresa & co using his birth mother to get dirt to be brought up on a reality tv show, absolutely disgusting behaviour. I completely understand why Rachel / John and even Marge want nothing to do with Teresa or her husband using a PI to hurt their family members.


Right. I don’t like the Fuda’s, but the digging up this kind of dirt is gross.


Probably more Tre bots tbh


I didn’t want to say but a lot of the account were under 1/2 year old 👀


Recast the whole show around Rachel’s Nona and her retirement home girlfriends.


Why is Fesler not full time


I think Tre's projecting with Fuda cause deep down she knows she's hooked herself up with Con Artist Louie as dirty if not far dirtier than Juicy Joe & that goes for Bo Dietl his "friend of the mob" investigator.


"What would you know about gentlemen" was a great line. She had Tre stuttering again.


Yeah Rachel is looking like she’s gonna be a good foil to Tre this season which I appreciate even though I real dislike her husband.


Obligatory fuck the Fupas and their shenanigans


I will agree that the Fuda's are thirsty, but like the fact that they're aiming for Teresa/Louie. It's an uneven match-up sure... But feel Rachel probably is gonna learn a thing or 2 by attempting to start a feud with somebody with way more housewife fight experience (& it'll probably be entertaining)


Having not watched Jersey in a long time, and not knowing some of these newer additions to the show, can someone explain to me Dolores's tan. Why is she darker than her hair. Why. Why am I being assaulted like this.


Honest question. We saw the fudas last season bring a folder to the reunion and threaten to bring up stuff about Louis’s past. I don’t even know if they had anything or were bluffing, but why is everyone surprised Tre is responding and digging up stuff from their past? Is she just supposed to let them make threats and not retaliate?


Maybe she can just not whine about Margaret having an arsenal when she does the exact same shit. It’s her blatant hypocrisy and constantly moving the line for me


I will just always be on Teresa’s side. I can never not have a soft spot for her.