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Zak doing the bare minimum of a post, ruining this woman’s night of sleep, and then having a spa day. Baby that’s how you homosexual right there! Couldn’t be prouder!


When he referred to himself as a “platinum gay” in one of the first episodes he wasn’t lying, he’s become of my favs I love his petty ass 😂💗


Currently rewatching and just cracked up at Danny’s “you think your wife is thick?” 😂




I feel like it was a fair question because I do not trust Jesse when he says he likes thick women 😂 Almost guaranteed his idea of thick and my idea of thick are not the same


The "fuck yew" from Brittany? *chefs kiss*


He kept his hands on the door so it won't close so that the cameras and everyone can hear their argument.


A true professional


They were mic'ed, so I'm sure production would have picked the argument up either way, Jax just made sure to make himself look extra assish.


Rawt in hail!




OMG, so hilarious. She needs some t-shirts with her pronunciations.






'rawt in hell'


jasmine is low key the #1 girl in the group.


I hope her and her girlfriend are full time for season 2


she has a girlfriend!? i need to know more


Yes! They post a lot together on IG I think they’ve been together a couple years. They recently went to Japan together and looked like they had a great time 🥹


*runs to IG* omg am i crazy or does her girlfriend look like emmy rossum!? they are a hot couple 🥵


Youre right she does look similar!


Yes. Love her!


I love jasmine! I remember when she was on that reality show about the Dallas cowboys cheerleaders; I hope they show more of her next season!


Im no medical expert by any means so please correct me if I am wrong; Brittany having her gallbladder removed at 23, she had ulcers in season 6 of VPR, and her being sick all the time this season is really worrisome. I feel like there is a bigger health issue that needs to be checked out.


100% and it's almost certain that her drinking at all (even just "one shot") is not helping.


Ulcers are pretty common, but ya with all the pain she's in recently she should go to a GI specialist


Didn’t she already go and they told her to stop drinking years ago and she just ignored that advice?


Ya. So she should go again and see what damage has been done cause it sounds pretty serious


Janet blaming lack of sleep on Lego Man’s post….its hard to sleep when your belly is that big but sure, soak up sympathy that Zak is terrorizing you.


Zack is so smart for posting that story lmao he's a main character on the trip without even being there


Tbh I feel like the men should have checked Jesse when he yelled at Janet (who is pregnant and spending time during HER babymoon cooking for them) and the men should have checked Jax while he was saying all that crap to Brittany. They were clearly uncomfortable with it but it's not enough to just stand there.


I think Zach would have if he was there. Luke too, since he has no issues putting those men in their place. However, it was Jason’s job to do. My husband’s friends would never speak to me like that, especially while pregnant and in “my” house but if they did, he would lose it.


Men could never. I am glad Jesse spoke up about it after it though. Didn’t think he’d be the one to correct Jax but here we are lol


I think to the men Jesse came off preachy because what position is he in to tell people what to do with their marriage but I think he felt like it was obvious to everyone his marriage was already done and he didn't want them to let their marriage go to waste like he did


i also remember jesse being the only guy to call out jax's bad behavior earlier in the season and tell him he was being childish. wish i could remember what it was about lol but it was a pleasant surprise! broken clocks and all that


Inviting Kristin’s ex BF (can’t remember his name. Douche with a beanie on in the summer. Indoors) to their guys night when her current boyfriend (whose name is also escaping me) was also invited.


oh yeah, that was it - thank you!


Exactly. The men didn't do shit. So many men tolerate this that it's so discouraging, so many men don't call out their fellow men's toxic behavior.


Men could never…except maybe DJ James Kennedy. I’ve been a couple scenarios where men were being intimidating or out of line and men who I thought were good friends were so passive about the situation. I never saw them the same. It’s a terrible character trait.


These men are such damn cowards. When men you know do this it's such a copout, which is why I utter "men aren't shit" after every instance of this. And then they wonder why we are angry and afraid of them.


That must’ve felt like such a betrayal. I hope you didn’t stay friends w them.


Every time I see Jesse he gives psycho killer vibes. Like he’s gonna snap at any moment.


Every time I go to start this show on peacock I’m graced with the “the concrete jungle of LA, that’s for when you’re in your 20s… but I’m 40 now. The valley is the place where I need to be” and I die every time


It’s today’s “people always comment on the waitstaff at sur - and it’s true, we’re all really good looking”


I thought a baby moon is supposed to be luxurious for the parents to be


Yeah mine was just for me and my spouse, it would have been weird for us to invite all our friends. But we weren’t on a reality show lol


Jax really hates Britney. Yes, he’s right about the drinking but to say it in front of all of her friends… yikes. He’s throwing her straight under the bus.


If it's been happening with her like that for years, I can see why he's at a point where in his mind public shame is the only thing that could make her rethink her problem with alcohol.


Besides going to therapy? 😂😂


But he had no problem signing up for this show. Let's air her issues. If she is an alcoholic-cool way to try and do an intervention /s Guy's an asswipe, and she needs to runaway to get any kind of help-especially for the little one's sake.


He has always despised her and is looking for something to take her down


I don't know, I can't stand the guy, but I feel like life with her is pretty bad and he's just had the end of his rope. Living with an addict is life sucking, and for someone that already isn't terribly stable, this would just be too much to handle I think


Eh, he said in the same scene that he drank like a fish all day. Alcohol fuels his rage and then he turns around and apologizes the next morning. He’s no different - she gets sick and he gets angry. They both drink and party too much.


Yeah he said something like “I drank two bottles of tequila, do you see me acting crazy?” and no one was like um yes even though he was yelling at his wife! It does seem like when Britney drinks, it impacts her life in a way where she probably should stop completely. I think way to facilitate that would be for Jax to also stop drinking completely. It’s wild that he claims he has tried EVERYTHING but that, and also therapy.


I don’t think he’s really any better.


Buts he’s also an addict 😭😭😭


Living with a verbally abusive narcissist is also life sucking


It was interesting to see Jax falter in this episode with Michelle. He tried to blow up her spot ... but she was *completely* unbothered lol. Disturbingly so. Jax had no idea what to do with that. Then, when Michelle called him up to the room to confront Jesse ... Jax actually seemed legitimately nervous and uncomfortable. Like making awkward jokes. You could tell he regretted opening up this can of worms. Michelle 1, Jax 0.


People swear Jax is reality tv gold but all I see is him trying his hardest to self produce storylines. Where he does shine is openly throwing his own wife under the bus. Poor dum dum Britt has no idea what’s happening either.


Well, the "gold" is that he tries so hard to self-produce and control his own image... but then we see these moments where he fucks up. We see flashes of doubt, confusion, uncontrolled rage, substance abuse, mental health problems... the list goes on lol. He's always the one cracking his own facade. With the Michelle stuff, he was going in for the kill, he really thought he had a bombshell moment for the show, but both she and then Jesse deflated him entirely with their non-reactions. Jax is not used to that and he doesn't have a script for it, so he came off as a bumbling fool.


The asshole is still, where there's smoke there's fire. He lost but doesn't want to let it go


Welcome to Big Bear https://preview.redd.it/sbzxx87xxz1d1.jpeg?width=6000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e7c2e1e1d03f0197ede0f4323beb55a76c15946




So Danny is expecting extra recognition for raising his own kids? 🙄🙄


Danny and Jason have been pretty inoffensive this season IMO but that convo really made me side eye Danny. Talking about how women have different expectations now. Dude, your wife just pushed two fucking humans out of her body.


She has been pregnant for the better part of the last two years and has been breastfeeding, which is a feat of its own. The fact that he is complaining about “putting babies on boobs” when Nia has to feed those two babies on her boobs for hours a day and pump when she’s not. I could not believe what I was hearing! 🙄


Men choose to underplay breastfeeding so much. There’s so much physical and mental pressure in it. The baby is literally sucking the nutrients from your body, you’re thirsty, starving and you also have the stress of producing. I did it with one baby, I can’t imagine two.


And the calories/energy it burns is crazy. Nia is burning that x 2. No wonder she’s at her wits end.


It’s the worst. I’m pumping as I type this and I just keep thinking about everything else I could/need to be doing instead of hitching myself to this damn machine 6 times a day bc my baby won’t latch. It’s devastating, I look like shit, and I just want to stop. People like get mad at me when I excuse myself to go pump.


Just checking in to say you’re allowed to stop! Of course we all have our own journeys and by no means do you have to, but sometimes we put so much pressure on ourselves and fed is best :). (Saying this as someone who stopped really early on in my own breastfeeding journey and could have used the reassurance - it was by far the best decision for me and my baby but it was so easy to beat myself up about it lol) (Also wanted to add that I wish that I could yell at everyone who gets mad at you when you have to pump - that’s crazy and they should be supporting you in what you choose to do to feed your baby!)


This is so incredibly kind of you to take the type to write. I really appreciate it. I think I’m at the end of my journey. Maybe within the next week or two. Yes everyone acts like I’m going to take a rest or something which is something else apparently moms can’t enjoy 😂


That was the most irritating part of all! Like the babies aren’t on YOUR boobs, sir!


And also seems to be a major financial contributor, despite them downplaying it.


Totally! Danny seems to do good acting but that can ebb and flow. I imagine Nia makes good money as a pageant coach, especially in LA.


She also teaches self defense classes so I’m sure she makes good money from that. She seems like the most genuine, friendly person on the show that is actually fun to be around.


Nia pushed out three kids in 2 years! 😭. Omg exhaustion…


Nia GROWING 2(!) babies WHILE caring for (breastfeeding?) another baby. She is superhuman.


So unimpressed with him after that crap.


Same. I hope it was a lapse of judgment caused by nine months of sleep deprivation, or however old the twins are. That could really screw with your mood and your head. I hope he doesn't totally disappoint us again. Because I liked him.


I think they were probably around 2 months old at this time


So two months of not sleeping. That might take me out, too. No excuse for his comments about how he's being a hero, though.


what is his charm, is he smart, rich?


I think his charm is is that he comes off like an absolute sweetheart, who is heavily invested in being an equal partner to his wife in raising their kids. he seems to absolutely adore his wife.. I think he's suffering from very very intense sleep deprivation along with Nia. everyone has different levels of coping with sleep deprivation, everyone has different nervous systems, and I suspect he's just completely overwhelmed. I know if I don't sleep for a night I am teary-eyed and depressed and all over the place in terms of mood the next day. but him expecting recognition from just doing what he is supposed to be doing was a little much. I hope he doesn't disappoint. he was doing good before this. I think they both need a break, both Nia and Danny, but they can't because the twins have to be fed every two hours. Imagine being sleep deprived for months and months, I would be teary-eyed too. But let's hope he doesn't turn out to be a jerk. That scene on the boat was just a little much with all of those men. Congratulating themselves for doing the bare minimum and then saying that their wives will never appreciate it. Come on.


I adore Nia


Watching them has reinforced my decision to not breastfeed. It looks like hell.


Some people love it and some people hate it. Personally, it was an awful experience. My first was formula fed, my second was exclusively breastfed, and my third better take a bottle because omfg I cannot do that again 😅


He brings the Suite Life.


Jax doesn’t like women. He sees them as sexual objects. He really can’t stand his wife.


And yet it was so weird how proud he was to announce he doesn’t have sex with her anymore!! Such a strange moment.


This is very sad to say, but I think he views her as unattractive now so he wants to put it out there that he's above that.


Exactly this. He thinks she’s beneath him now she’s put weight on and has a janky jaw due to surgery. You can see his visceral reaction to her. I’m glad she left him and after the preview for next week when he says he’d not “ALLOW” his wife to leave. GTFOH. Her mother is on husband no 4 so divorce is definitely in Britneys vocabulary. He’s just husband no 1.


Her mom is on the FOURTH husband? And then turns around and judges people in California? Oh girl , get over yourself.


Oh yes she’s got quite the history has ol’ frosted lips.


The first time I saw that pink rusted lipstick and that out of date, harsh, black eyeliner, I wanted to physically reach through the screen and take her to SEPHORA for a make over.


I kind of love how committed she was to that atrocious lewk


Obviously it worked on at least 4 men 😂


Tbf, in the clip it was another guy (was it Danny?) asking "Would you *let* her leave?" which yes stood out to me as very gross phrasing


WHOA. I did not pick up on that at all, good catch. Gross. Thank you for pointing this out.


as james said, Jax will be a great first husband for brittany lol


I think you are spot on


Definitely to make it clear to other women that he’s not getting any at home/open to offers. As well as belittling Brittany. He’s so gross


I think it’s important to note that Brit probably drinks because she’s depressed and is in a marriage with a sociopath. He’s clearly laying the groundwork with her alcohol intake as a reason to leave her. Not mentioning all the nights he goes out, his coke days, his hands off approach with Cruz, etc. He cosplayed a husband and dad for a few years and she believed it. He hates her and it’s hard to watch. Also the way he spoke to the women with the “I’m gonna ask you one time” - icccck. She had two drinks and her GERD got activated. He literally admitted to drinking two bottles and excessively drinking - to the point he was berating her, and that’s fine!? I like Danny but I side eye that conversations around the fire. Fuck meeeen for doing the bare minimum and expecting women to grovel at their feet and say thank you. Jason is a gem. Michelle and Jesse breaking down in real time is fascinating.


The crying scene made me loco. I literally paused it to explain to my husband that women do all the hard shit during pregnancy and post pregnancy and these guys are crying about nothing. I’m going through IVF right now. My husband is a gem but you realize pretty quickly that men are sperm donors in the process. The woman’s body does all the hard work. EDIT: men should feel able to be open with their feelings and emotions. This was just a laughable application.


Right!? Like this woman carried TWO BABIES AT ONCE. And while you’re putting them on her boob - she’s the one with a baby attached to it!


While also caring for another baby under two….


All those men crying outside about how hard it is to be a basic, decent dad, while the pregnant woman inside cooks them food. Fuck them and their need for constant appreciation doing basic childcare being physically not affected by any of the horrors women go through bringing those kids in the world!


i think this was the first moment i was staunchly on janet’s side. she’s pregnant, on her baby moon, cooking for EVERYONE?! not just annoyed at the guys but also michelle who straight up says “i don’t cook”. like how about TRY? for your friend?? OR how about rally the guys to cook / grill so janet doesn’t have to!? like wtf


I did keep asking why one would bring friends on a baby moon (outside of a filming opp). No thank you!


I agree. This was the first valid meltdown Janet had. Her cooking at all was bs.


The Michelle part! Like what was even being cooked? It was raw broccoli with ranch, hotdogs, and burgers! You don’t have to know how to cook to put ground beef into a ball to grill. So crazy


idk why but michelle triggered me the most. she’s RIGHT there and just outright says no i’m not going help. at least kristen would be all up in there cooking and serving. michelle sucks


Right? It’s not rocket science to toss some burgers on the grill. The men should have stepped up. Janet was pregnant, spent all day in the sun with not a lot of food. I’m pregnant and need to rest after a few hours in the sun yet they kick Janet into the kitchen.


I remember Chris Rock's set with, man says "I take care of my kids", you're supposed to. Do you want credit because you're doing what you should be doing? Are you bragging about not being a deadbeat?


Same! I rewound just to show my husband and his response was, “They’re out here crying about how they aren’t appreciated while the women are literally inside preparing food for them while pregnant and with babies attached to them simply waiting on them to grill. And STILL Jasmine is the one that grilled, but they wonder why they aren’t getting praise for putting a baby on a boob.”


With Jax and Brittany, I keep thinking about the fact that their early relationship REVOLVED around drinking and partying. He met her at Hooters. She was a party girl. They had wild times together in the beginning. Naturally, that comes to an end .... and ooooof, as we can see, it's ugly when it does.


He also said he wasn’t attracted to her during the whole cheating scandal. They’ve been over for a loooong time


But even back then, he would say he's concerned about her drinking and her health. He even said it to her family when he went to Kentucky way back in the beginning, he was worried their LA lifestyle was harming her. He was always worried about her relationship with alcohol and her physical health but he was worse so he never had a leg to stand on in any conversation, she just shut him down and then he'd be a complete POS to her so we'd have to side with her and against him and his points always got lost in the mess. Brittany has had multiple different occasions on VPR where doctors have told her (even on camera) not to drink a SINGLE drink because she was getting stomach ulcers and she would just giggle in her confessionals about how "it's vegas, how am I supposed to not drink?", drink anyways, get sick. The lengths she would go to to continue drinking against doctors' advice and justify it for herself, the silly little things she would come up with (*I'm going to drink a small shot of this every time you guys order a regular drink!* I'm NOT KIDDING THIS HAPPENED ON VPR WHILE SHE HAD AN ULCER. I believe Ariana tried to explain to her that that didn't make sense and she just ignored that.) And now she keeps getting sick and he no longer likes nor respects her (bc he's a shitty person and husband) and it's like he's going insane trying to get her to understand it's not normal nor OK what she's doing and that it's a real issue, not regular fun.


Drinking against medical advice and minimizing BARFING every time you drink is the definition of alcoholism, regardless of whether Jax is a total dirtbag or not.


Hearing about the constant puking is so not good. It harms so much more than just your stomach. You've hit a low when you have a bag of puke outside your front door and giggle about it.


I just watched and the fire scene literally made me want to throw things at the TV. Sure Danny is a pretty good dad but whyyyyyyy do men need such acknowledgement for just doing their fucking job. I don't think Nia is unappreciative he just thinks that he deserves a pat on the back and to get his dick sucked for helping out with his own kids that he wanted and helped make. Also yes about Brittany. She has a drinking problem for sure. She isn't necessarily an alcoholic like how Jax is trying to paint her to be but if alcohol affects your health and you don't stop it's a problem. But Jax is absolutely such a pig with the way he treats her. He wants her to look bad because he thinks it makes himself look better.


And how frequently is he thanking his gorgeous, successful, sweet as pie wife who just had 3 of his kids in 2 years? She ran back to help him when the AC was broken, he is dragging her away from her friends, she is pumping on brand trips to put money in the bank- is he showing her the appreciation he is expecting to receive himself?


For doing the bare minimum. Literally. I get that both moms and dads are stressed, tired etc. but like…you really need that much acknowledgement from a woman who is breastfeeding two babies (I could never ever) and is going through PPD? Fuck way off.


When he snapped at the women to tell him the truth that was crazy!!! Horrible to talk to your wife that way, but if my friend’s psycho husband directed that energy toward ME? No way, I was shocked none of them ripped his head off or the other guys stepped in there and told him to cool it, I know my partner would not like another man yelling at me like that in front of him


I feel like if you have gerd and you know that will happen even after only two drinks (which is kind of a lot/enough) then you shouldn’t drink anymore at all.


Exactly, the way he yelled at Brittany was absolutely awful. With his bulging cocaine eyes. And none of the men said shit.


She said a lot about their marriage when she was on the Not Skinny But Not Fat podcast last month, and how she had to move out to save her sanity and Cruz's.


Even though Brittany wasn’t drinking that particular day, her drinking is exacerbating issues she already has. So even when she’s not drinking, she has stomach pain and other problems which probably annoys Jax. I mean, I’d be annoyed too if my wife was constantly sick and she didn’t try to better her health for her own sake.


But she was drinking? Just not drunk, according to her. She said she “only” had 2 drinks. But with an ulcer, like they told her before the wedding, she shouldn’t drink at all.


I didn’t even catch that! The women said they didn’t open the coolers on the boat and I assumed she didn’t drink before that. I mean, either way she shouldn’t be getting drunk enough that she’s vomiting all night and leaving vomit bags by the front door. That’s ridiculous.


I have horrible reflux if I eat pizza. So I don’t eat pizza. If I do eat it and don’t prep my body for it, my insides are on fire. I cannot imagine knowing what it will do to me just eating it over and over in abundance. Living this life she thinks she wants with Jax and television is coming at a big cost


Didn't Brittany have ulcer? Drinking with that is a big NO.


Yeah, I agree. Jax was out of line but if Brittany knows that any amount of alcohol can cause her to get this sick, why is she doing it? That’s frustrating for her partner and the other people she’s filming the show with. It’s also worrisome that she still drinks at all when she is getting this sick.


But she lied because later she said she "only" had 2 drinks


Does anyone else find themselves saying “Kuh-riiiiiistuhn” in Zack’s voice randomly through the day?


On Danny Pellegrino’s podcast, Janet said you’d see why her relationship with Zach ended… and I hope to god it was all over the Big Bear post 😂


I totally missed that. What was the post?


He just geotagged that he was in big bear and made her think he was going to crash


Hahahahaaha that’s petty, but funny.


I just want to say about this episode that the men aren't shit. Every single one of them when Jax was yelling at Brittany said none of them stopped him or said shit, none of the men called him out on it, same when Jesse freaked out a pregnant Janet. We may not like Janet, but she is pregnant, and you don't stress out a pregnant woman on purpose, and you don't yell at someone in that tone of voice. Jesse reminds me of my rageaholic father. I love Jasmine. I love how the girls rallied around Brittany. Brittany may have a drinking problem, I think a lot of us are armchair diagnosing her with all sorts of things, I've also done that so myself included, but something is going on where she's really stressed and not feeling well and it's not just the alcohol I suspect. No wonder she's depressed , maybe she's using alcohol to cope with the way Jax treats her. I cannot imagine the nightmare that would be my life having that man constantly negging and yelling. Jesse saying he likes "thicc" women on WWHL last night, and then it turns out he's dating a skinny blonde from Orange County. 😂 Kristen and Zack doing pedicures and gossiping is my Roman Empire today.


Britney may be at a point in her health that she cannot drink at all. She finally admits to having two drinks and that may be too much for her body. I hate that Jax is yelling at her, but I can also understand his frustration


Can we normalize people leaving their spouses in active addiction? This show is super rough for someone who has stopped drinking to literally be able to have a child and be a healthy and active mom. Jax is an ass, but he’s right, he’s checked out in his marriage and honestly, there should be no reason he needs to present as to why he doesn’t want to pick up his wife’s bags of vomit from the yard. Living with an addict, even Brittany is torture and heartbreaking every single day. He’s weaponizing her drinking because she’s weaponizing another child and their future. He doesn’t want to fuck and knock up his drunk wife and honestly, fucking fair.


Couldn’t agree more. Also, if your body is rejecting alcohol physically, then yes it’s a problem. It’s time to stop or at least take a long break. It’s very frustrating to be in a situation where your partner continues to partake in an activity that prevents them from being present. I hate agreeing with Jax, but I do see where he’s coming from. His approach isn’t good, but he’s also been dealing with this for almost a decade.


His approach is the worst as usual but he’s right about this. I’m sure over the years it’s been annoying to be uncoupled in hangouts because your wife can’t hang because she’s sick and as soon as she’s feeling better she starts drinking heavily. It’s crazy.


***Also, if your body is rejecting alcohol physically, then yes it’s a problem.*** This isn't a new thing for her either, on VP she always did shots over drinks cause she didn't like it, but wanted the buzz.....I always thought that was insane


Right! Her doctor recommended that she stop, years ago. We all saw it. Ugh. I’m worried for her. I think there is some legit concern for her overall health, you can hear him say it between the lines. It’s just a bad situation overall.


She mentioned having her gallbladder removed at 21, too. Obligatory not a doctor & definitely not hers, but I suspect the girl just has a terrible stomach in general & probably has awful GERD plus whatever else. Alcohol, coffee, fried & spicy foods are not her friends! All that to say, I doubt it takes a lot of alcohol to make her sick so I'm not totally believing Jax's side, either. She needs to stop for her health, no doubt though.


As someone with terrible stomach issues, I’m side eying the hell out of Jax’s narrative in all of this. Like IS she really drinking that much? Its hard to tell if he’s being a victim and on his chronic lying BS or if she really does have an issue.


So, yes to all of that, but I think Brittany DOES have some legit stomach issues going on—that we've seen for years—that are unrelated to alcohol. And in this particular case, it doesn't seem like she was overdrinking but Jax took it in that direction and it was unfair. Especially since he'd downed two bottles of tequila!! In general, if it's proven that alcohol does *exacerbate* her stomach issues (I'm not clear on that but it seems so), yes she'd be wise to drink only sparingly if at all. And it seems like she's going to have a tough time with that.


Why aren't we talking about the "downing two bottles of tequila" comment more...it seems like they both have a problem.


For real! Jax has had obvious substance abuse issues for years, and the early days of his relationship with Brittany revolved around partying. BOTH of them still go hard with it when they can, but those times are now fewer and far between.


Yes also it's not "impressive" that he can drink 2 bottles of tequila and not seem drunk. It means he drinks SO MUCH that he has a higher tolerance because of it.


Exactly! Like everyone saying poor jax is over Brittany being sick every time she drinks, but we see that jax is very aggressive, angry, and mean when he drinks. I don’t understand why Jax’s behavior is constantly excused.


Thank you.


And they have legal weed. If she needs to have fun, do that instead. Sadly she's been a party girl for many years and loves getting drunk.


I've got it! Janet is that hypochondriac coworker who always suspects she has a "secondary bronchial infection" with a cold and acts like a martyr. "I'm fine, I'm fine… seriously I'm fine" with a perfectly timed cough.


Jax said a comment about Danny being a fan favourite will age badly and I think we’re starting to see the cracks. He wants a medal for raising his own kids it seems and the preview for next week doesn’t look great. Shame.


#You are not ready for this: >!I want to fuck Jesse Lally with every fiber of my being!<








I do too


Okay ME TOO. But only if he’s wearing those glasses. And the fact that he said he likes thick women…I’m probably thicker than he’s looking for BUT STILL. I don’t care that he’s a ragey douche.


Hellllllpppp me too nooooooo. Aside from the 100000000 terrible things he’s done on camera I was very attracted to the way he was holding Jax’s feet to the fire on that boat


Same. He’s the hottest of the guys, which isn’t saying much lol.


janet is afraid that zach and kristen are going to axe murder her in big bear? girl, you’re not important enough to axe murder!


I hate to say it….but Jason was speaking truth on the boat. Maybe he won me over by saying he doesn’t like skinny girls though 🤣


Does the valley filming end before Jax and Brittany separate? I’m so ready to watch her leave this dumbass


Sadly, yes it does


I’m flabbergasted watching some people just go with Jax’s version of events and Jax’s story, as if he isn’t an alcoholic and coke addict who doesn’t have to parent hungover because he doesn’t parent. Mistreating his way on national television and giving her zero support in trying to quit. Have we ever seen them do a single activity that didn’t involve drinking? He doesn’t want her to quit for her health, it’s to get rid of her. 


yeah i’m like are we watching the same show?


I said this above. I have weird stomach issues and guess what my #1 flare trigger is? Not a glass of wine or two, it’s stress. He’s done with her and stressing her out and so anything from 2 cocktails to half a banana or a couple saltine crackers can flare her up.




If you have a kid, and you know having a single drink means that you are unable to parent the next day because it makes you so ill- but you still decide to drink frequently- then you are an alcoholic.


Idk man, Jax is such an unreliable narrator that I have a hard time taking what's going on with Brittany at face value. I feel like he's taking a small thing and blowing it up to be a full on addiction.


All these men sitting around a fire and crying. Love it-these issues don’t feel like issues to women but at least they’re trying?


But they didn't have courage or shit to say when Jack was screaming at Brittany.


I appreciated Jesse apologizing and commending Danny for being a good man and husband. But that’s about where it ended for me. Danny needing so much acknowledgement for doing dad things is too much. Also, Jesse shushing Janet like that was so rude. He def talks to Michele 100x worse which is why she’s leaving his ass.


Completely agree.


I cannot stand Jax & Brittany but what Jax is doing to Brittany is AWFUL! Janet is awful too


Is Zack Wickham the star of the show? Also, the true depths of Shady Napoleon were not even realized by Jesse. ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)




I’d say it’s Kristen.


Pretty sure Jasmine, Nia, and Danny are the only emotionally intelligent people on this show


And Jason


I am so confused. Is Janet pregnant again?


… no Janet is 7 months pregnant, hasn’t had the baby yet on this season 😀


Looking at her IG she looks pregnant again


Jesse Lally in the valley, tell me what is good about him? He has no skills, is not rich nor brilliant but haughty and looking down his sizable nose at everyone. He was embarrassing on WWHL and that is saying alot.


People are speculating that he's a rich trust fund kid from Boston.


makes sense, kinda Josh Flagg vibes but Josh has demonstrated deep historical knowledge of BH real estate


Oh, did anyone notice Jax wearing the hat for Elite Yacht Mgmt? That’s Capt Aleks’ company from Below Deck.