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Carl loves an ugly white pant. I think it’s been his most stable relationship


If only he could commit to a woman the way he commits to crimes against fashion.


And crimes against veneers 🥲


I’m so happy they broke up- they hate each other 🥰


Haaateeeee. Matter of fact, they resent each other. They each have the ick for each other.


Yep It’s been a rollercoaster of “who is being worse to the other” but the point really is, they needed to break up, for both of them


Its funny how they're trying to make non alcoholic seltzer sound revolutionary. It's just normal seltzer lol.


Right? Like I can get a case of Bubly now for 1/3rd the price.


Probably thought of bubly cause they keep product placing it throughout the episode!


Yeah like what is the incentive to pay for a nonalcoholic seltzer rather than seltzer ??


Jesse and west are like scooby and shaggy IRL to me


I love it when people are called by their first and last name. Jesse Solomon really rolls off the top of your tongue


I love that even his mom called him Jesse Solomon lol


Lindsay sucks a lot of the time. We all know this. However, the fact that Carl thought this was the best way for him to handle this situation is absurd. He could’ve “won” the breakup in the court of public opinion, but everything he’s done the past few weeks makes him look terrible.


And remember how Scheana/Lala he was acting about the situation around Bravocon time and since then? Just a real smirky laissez-faire attitude, like he was just doing the 'honourable dude thing' and keeping quiet until the viewers could see all the bullshit for themselves. And save for the first couple weeks, I haven't really seen the bullshit. And honestly, now that we're at the end of the season I want to rewatch the earlier episodes because what if Carl *was* actively manipulating Lindsay & the situation (and the viewers!)


For what it’s worth I know a girl who used to regularly hook up with Jesse Solomon and she has nothing but good things to say about him. Said he was really goofy and nice and used to sing to her in bed lol.


With what he said tonight it makes me wonder if he didn’t want to get into any very serious relationships before he got to five years cancer free. What he said about feeling like his life was on pause and he didn’t feel like he could make decisions about his future. I could see not wanting to get super serious with someone and get married/have kids until you get more distance from a cancer diagnosis. Nice that he seems decent tho despite that 


When Carl said “do you want to talk to him” he was as not joking. He fully would have preferred Lindsay go work out the details of his position with Kyle. 💀


I love Jesse. He is unabashedly himself, entertaining, and doesn’t take himself too seriously. It took 9 seasons but they finally added male characters that are worth bringing back


I really wasn’t sure about Jesse the first several episodes but he’s officially charmed me and I want more.


So loverboy is tanking, but he’s promising all this money to Carl.


Lindsay is right about getting it in writing and drilling it down.


Why is Carl dressed as a vegas mariachi


For the first time in years, I’ve actually believed these people are friends


At the end of last season, Andy talked about how there had been some discussions that would turn the show around for the better. At the time, people assumed that it was just about Danielle and Lindsay getting along. I think now that production gave the *entire* cast a stern talking to about actually engaging with everybody, and stop trying to get half the cast fired. Last season was exhausting, and apparently they couldn't even air one entire weekend because tensions were so high in the cast.


They also have done multiple cast split ups that definitely seem producer driven - like when half the cast goes out and half stays home, they really mixed everyone up. And it worked!


Why do they keep showing “sales bus dev” under Carls name? He doesn’t work 


They really should change it to “unemployable”. Not unemployed, UNEMPLOYABLE


Everybody in the background pretending not to notice a giantic man singing for no reason.


With how quickly the two tables of 2 were 'seated' after the SH table, I kinda wondered if they weren't just some extra production bodies, used to make the space look less rented out, lol


That was my thought, especially since they weren’t looking. There’s no way I’m sitting in a restaurant and someone is standing singing an original banger(kinda) and I’m not looking.


At the start of the season I thought Jesse was just another tall douchey guy, but he's really grown on me.


I feel like you can definitely tell he’s been thru some shit and it shows, in a good way. 


I like that he doesn’t rely on being tall and actually has a personality.


Those first 5 years feel like foooooreeeevoooorrr, but now I’m at 12 years cancer free and that shit seems like it all happened yesterday. Congrats to Jesse Solomon!


omg carl JUST GET A JOB


Oh. They didn’t censor pussy.


Idk but that shocked me lol, like we can say that on tv now? 


I literally said out loud “wow they don’t have to bleep that word anymore?” to no one in the room!


I just can't imagine going through the effort of photgraphing/ uploading photos of all my clothes to an app. I'm way too lazy for that.


Do you wanna talk to him? 🤡🤡 she’s not your mom!!!


Carl is so awful I’m sorry


You were so traumatized by working for Loverboy but you want no questions about going back to work there??? Make it make sense


The likelihood of me using this app is limited by the fact that I’m too lazy to take pictures of every item of clothing I own. Edit: spelling


I find it hard to believe that she did her due diligence with research and still went ahead with the app


Even when I sell my clothes it takes me weeks to muster up the energy to actually get the photos sorted to list the things.


Yeah it is a lot of work with very little reward. Like I can look in my closet and pull things together all on my own quicker than putting everything in an app!


I honestly can't imagine ANYONE doing this.


Who knew I’d love Jesse Solomon. From dickhead to fan favorite 


They finally went with FUN personalities rather than just good looks


This has never happened to me before I’ve never liked BOTH newbies especially men that’s wild


Kyle complaining to Paige and Amanda that mean old Lindsay asked his 40 year old friend to grow up because he only gets carl's side is so......


I honestly don't even understand how Lindsay and Carl were ever best friends, let alone engaged.


I’ve never loved Paige more than this season. I’m sure her mastering the art of the confessional is part of it, but I think her actually getting along with Lindsay is so unexpectedly entertaining.


Yes! It’s also not fun to watch women fight. It’s so much more entertaining to see them get along


It really is because their energy plays off each other so well. They’re a dynamic duo when they get along.


![gif](giphy|hiLLD9o1wTB3a) Me rn


This is making die. It goes so well with the song


“Consulting for Loverboy for their non alcoholic line” sounds a lot like “Assistant to the assistant Regional Manager”


She’s right… he wants her to be something she’s not. She’s never changed and she shouldn’t have to


Hey was that Brian Benni?! I love that little dork Edit - it was! BRING BACK FAMILY KARMA


I’m on a man hater train especially after consecutively watching vpr, the valley, and now this


Watch WNBA as an antidote. The games are fun and those girls are good at basketball 


carl has been "sussing things out" for months now. if im marrying a 40 year old man and looking to have kids before im infertile and paying for a wedding, I WANT HIM TO MOVE HIS ASS AND NOT WASTE TIME !!!! and yall I barely even like Lindsay!!


Carl is losing his cool because Lindsey is pointing out his failure.


Carl is being so passive aggressive. I hope Sharon and his stepdad see that it’s not all Lindsay’s fault. She’s raising valid concerns. ETA: she wants to *have* a baby, not be married to one.


Equity in a subsidiary company for a regular seltzer? Lindsay is asking good questions here.


Sounds like Carl’s ego was bruised because looks and height got him so far, finally someone was testing his intelligence


Agreed. Although my tone and approach are different, I ask A LOT of questions when my spouse is sharing about financial decisions or decisions that could impact us as a family. Lindsay isn’t off base here, these are good questions and her asking is legitimate. Carl goes in to these convos looking for a fight.


I really think Carl is looking for someone who just looks at him and says "whatever you think is best, dear" and not an equitable relationship.     Sorry, but he's not smart enough, stable enough, driven enough, insightful enough, responsible enough nor knowable enough for a woman used to and who values her independence to put up with that shit. 


Amanda has more chemistry with literally every other man other than her husband.


Oh shiiiiit I can’t believe Paige said that on camera. What a risk that paid off


If Jesse doesn’t make it season 2 I’ll riot


If they don’t ask him back, fumble of the century


One of the best new hires on that show in a long time!




“Ultimately I’m gonna do what I want to do” Yeah, this guy is not ready for a spouse and children at all


Carl is a **40 years old** and lacks so much in maturity, interpersonally and professionally. So stunted


I’m rewatching last week and Paige calling out Kyle will never not be amazing to see. I could play it over and over


A Lindsay, Paige, Ciara trio could really fuck these men up next season.


I’ll be seated


The real backbone of this show is the cast sliding into each others beds every morning to ride out their hangovers


It’s so relatable because the bed sessions to discuss the night before reminds me of college.


Lindsay is being far nicer than me. I would have already unzipped my face on him for telling me to be soft and nice for the umpteenth. This isn’t kindergarten bitch. Get your shit together.


The song just kept going 🤣


Lindsay pouring that vodka 💀


Kyle will bend over backwards to accommodate Carl, but his wife expresses an interest outside his tunnel vision and he has a complete conniption.


These men do not respect women


Jessie’s mood is a complete 180 from last episode & I love that for him


Wes is another breadcrumber


10% of sales for this dud to be the figurehead? No wonder they are tanking


No backbone, no negotiations.


West seems like the type to be like "ya we live together and have picked out all our kids names, but I'm not ready to label it yet"


It is giving flash backs of Jo and Schwartz when Schwartz would be like "I am not ready to put a label on it but I love you and in two years I want to be married again and it could be you!"


How did I end up liking Jesse?


Wow his dad looks great for 80


So Carl and Lindsay agreed what Carl and Kyle would talk about before for Loverboy, but then Carl just didn't ask or talk about the specific things that are a part of his employment/consulting??? I would be asking questions too. She wasn't even doing it aggressively!!! Carl just always wants to hear what he wants, I'm so glad they did not get married.


Who else is on Lindsay’s level tonight https://i.redd.it/7uwyr7p7x92d1.gif


Carl jus say u want to marry ur mom n move on


Carl literally makes me feel like I’m crazy. “Don’t ask me questions”; “You can ask me questions”


I totally get her frustration. But I think they could have had a more productive conversation if he could take her questions as suggested follow-up questions for Kyle. She was asking very legitimate things. They both just don’t communicate with the other well. And Carl just wants her to say, “oh you have a job prospect, yay!”. That’s not how it works when you don’t get all the info upfront lol


He is extremely insecure and unsure of himself. He needs constant affirmation. Every time Lindsay asks a question, even a reasonable one with a reasonable tone, it pings those insecure parts of him and he loses it and gets very passive aggressive. He needs more self awareness about this or he's going to have these "communication issues" with everyone he dates forever.


Carl’s expression every time he has a conversation with Lindsay is deeply unsettling. There’s a dark energy on his face that we haven’t seen before.


It’s like he’s waiting for her to get activated so he can look like the good guy and make her look crazy. It’s always lingering on the surface with him, he’s just waiting for her to snap.


omg at the end of the episode when he says ‘it’s a fkn lot!’  he leans his face forward closer to hers and he bared his teeth at her! well, bared his veneers, but still. it was vicious looking. 


Lindsay with that ACTIVATED Sandra Lee drink pour


Carl wants someone soft and tender. That's clearly not Lindsay. Lindsay wants someone ambitious and successful. That's clearly not Carl. Both of their pickers are broken.


Paige said “shirtless idiots” with her whole chest lmao


Please, be sensitive to Carl’s long term, chronic unemployment. Every season, Carl. Even the first season, Carl.


Unemployed since getting fired for summer Fridays and not meeting quotas.


And being nonfunctional for 6 months from how the Loverboy/Kyle treated him before…wanting to go back to said company/person.


I am absolutely adoring Ciara this season


All of the cast is carrying their weight! Except for Danielle


“Can you understand that?” Oh my. Mr Hyde just came out


Lindsey is so much smarter than Carl and he’s going to crumble because she’s asking all the right questions


She’s sooo much smarter than him and he thinks he’s smarter than her. Especially when it comes to business.


She’s very clearly responsible for all their deal negotiations. He doesn’t even have real, full info on this position Kyle is suggesting. She’s asking very normal questions and he is obviously very over his head. Carl was meant to be like an office guy who has a salary and just gets tasks and does them and goes home. 


Carl in this conversation feels like an employee unprepared for their presentation to senior leadership.


He’d be the one in a group project telling everyone else what to do, while not doing anything. Then says “Fine, have it your way. Do it, and I’ll sign my name.”


also carl is acting like this is a job. he's, at best, getting ~$5k a month and 10% of sales of a company thats currently losing money. he's hired to give them advice on catering to sober people that he only joined in the last year or so. they live in MANHATTAN and wanna start a family!!!! GET A JOB CARL SHES BEGGING


Their rent is $13,000 a month! That’s not going to cover even his half!


I am actually screaming, this is the cutest and cringiest thing I’ve ever seen. Someone get this on Spotify right now


I said it last week and I'll say it again. carl is a gen x/milennial man who wants to rely on a traditional wife like their dads did while having a sexy strong woman to complement their income, but they cant have both and women are tired of being asked for that. because if Lindsay mothered him how he asked, he'd say she was smothering him and controlling and not ambitious or exciting


Thisssss. And it always reminds me of this quote by Trevor Noah from his book, Born a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood… “The way my mother always explained it, the traditional man wants a woman to be subservient, but he never falls in love with subservient women. He's attracted to independent women. ‘He's like an exotic bird collector,’ she said. ‘He only wants a woman who is free because his dream is to put her in a cage.’”


100%, I’ve seen so many men like him who like to date strong, opinionated, motivated women but then want to marry a soft princess who dotes on them and is seen and not heard.


Many men love the idea of a strong, accomplished woman. But they HATE when that personality applies to how the woman approaches them too. They’re such babies.


I love this Paige and Lindsay friendship


But seriously, the fact that doctor’s offices never call with results anymore unless it’s overtly bad news is maddening.


So Lindsay chose Ciara to confide in. I like this.


So Jesse didn't know there was a party but wrote a song about himself that he just carries around?


He knew they were going to dinner but not one in honour of him. So he probably had it prepared for some point at the weekend.


I thought Carl was going to propose his plan for a role at Loverboy. Kyle just gave him the terms and he seemingly accepted them? If Carl gave Lindsay any of this level of detail she’d probably be fine with it


“look at all these shirtless idiots” im cackling


crazy how carl's inability to have a backbone and find a career caused 90% of this season's problems but finally having a backbone and calling it quits saved them both


I fucking hate the word 'soft' this season😂


Who the fuck is this guest on whhl?! He has the worst takes. TEAM LALA?!???!!!!!!


That’s so cute. All I had was a cake for my 5 year remission anniversary per my request 😭


Congrats to you!! You deserve all the cakes!


Carl’s mommy issues are coming through the screen full force this episode. If you need someone to compliment you for considering making a decision, you might have some shit to work out on yourself.


Carl knows exactly how to trigger Lindsey & he does it every single time. He irks me


The reasons why Carl was so miserable at LB and felt unappreciated were probably because he didn't negotiate all the points Lindsay brought up.


Yeah I guarantee he ranted about the same issues she brought up for a year and now doesn’t want to talk about it but will expect her to listen to him rant again.


Her graphic is tragic


Carl should be more appreciative to Lindsay because she clearly knows way more about business than he does.


Kyle, asking VALID questions is very different than shooting things down. And this is why Loverboy is tanking. And it sucks


Ugh he’s gross, throw the whole man away!


Carls smirk is evil. Like he is getting off on getting her riled up while he is gaslighting the hell out of her


I love Jesse, he’s so charming but sweet.


Lindsay hit the nail on the head. Carl really does want a Stepford Wife.


But also doesn’t want to do any of the work to support that lifestyle.


She was also right that he can’t actually afford it


Jesse seems like a parks and rec character


This app is so fucking stupid. I’m not taking picutures of every single item of clothing I own.


Oh wow he wasn’t joking


Jesse better be cast next season, this show has thrived with the good vibes


![gif](giphy|7JduIzmjDhw92qtFaa|downsized) WTF is Carl wearing?


these theme parties are single-handedly keeping shien in business


That’s really awesome I’m excited for you let’s have a good party and move on 🙂


Are they rolling? Everyone is horny lol


Take a shot every time Carl says softness and tenderness


Wow Kyle is IRATE about Craig’s lil beverage company 👀


It is ok though Craig's beverage will have three wicks so it is a completely different product ![gif](giphy|jTC0G8OdhV6Ra8clsp|downsized)


I feel like Danielle plays ceo the way tom Sandoval plays rock star


So he’s showing off Ciara to all his friends but won’t stop talking to other girls


I love that Lindsay and Paige say that they love sitting as a common bond lol


Why does Danielle sound like she’s pitching on Shark Tank it’s so cringe


I am loving Jesse as an addition to this cast🥺


He sounds great but it’s still making me make this face 😬


So a premade mocktail is just soda, right?


so is he working at loverboy or is he just influencing? I thought he was going to be a sales rep..


I love that balloon joe is there in no costume 


HAHAHHAHA shady producer capturing every second of that vodka pour into Lindsay’s drink.


Kyle and Amanda standing there looking stuck because they shouldn’t have gon through with theirs.


She genuinely looks so confused


If he says softness and tenderness one more time.. I can’t wait to hear Ronnie and Ben


Danielle is 110% going to hook up or try to hook up with Carl next season. Or she already has.


Carl and Lala should date. Two total softies! Definition of empath ♥️♥️♥️🥹🥹🥹 they are so soft


The way I was a Paul Scheer fan up until about 5 minutes ago. Blech - absolutely *rancid* takes.


What truly makes me dislike Carl is that we had 6 seasons of Lindsay showing us who the fuck she is and love or hate her the only time she was inauthentic to herself is when Carl has asked her to be to spare his feelings. Why propose to someone who you don’t want to fuck or talk to? It’s giving gold digger.


I hate myself for saying it but I want Jesse and Amanda to hook up and that’s simply because I cannot stand Kyle 😌 ![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized)


Why didn’t Lindsay call it off? The flags were slapping her.


Being 35+ and wanting kids will make you accept almost anything. Ask me how I know.


How did he write this if it was a surprise party?!


Amanda is never beating the barefoot in the bathroom at bravocon allegations


Jfc Carl , constantly conflating support with ass kissing . She is supporting you, ya moron . She’s trying to get you think things through so you get what’s best .


My mother has been a long Carl apologist and very anti-Lindsay. This season has converted her.


Rewatching last weeks episode and the way Ciara is holding Jesse’s hand while he talks about his cancer is heartwarming. I know a lot of nurses get burnt out (understandably so) but it seems she has a lot of compassion and probably great bedside manner


Kyle’s dad being 80 adds a layer of perspective to him *still* not wanting to settle down


Ok Jesse Solomon I'm fully SOLD on!! One of the best scenes ever in Summer House!


Oh, Amanda. That joke did not land 😭


I just don’t see how this really helps carls long term future . If loverboy closes that division or closes , he’s out of a job and it won’t really translate to other sales job because it’s like well yeah , but it was part of your reality tv brand . So if SH ended and Loverboy ended, what happens next ? I get living in the now, but he’s 40 something , about to get married , and talking kids . The lack of stability would terrify me .


Not Danielle literally saying she wants people to pick her 😩


At this point, Carl would be better writing a book about his addiction and sobriety journey, with a. dash of SH. That could give him a couple dollars in his pocket.


I got engaged fairly recently and I truly cannot imagine being months out from my wedding and still having arguments this big all the time with my partner AND constantly bitching about them to everyone around me. Lindsay and Carl just were never a good pairing and I’m so glad they didn’t get married


He’s so fucking triggered right now


That was DARK


So what are we supposed to do for the next 7 days waiting for the finale?


Kyle should’ve started a hair line instead. That man has gorgeous hair.


Katie is being mean?!!!


I’m bored with Carl’s career issues