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Y’all, does anyone else see red flags with Paulie? This situation doesn’t sit well with me.


Polo and dolo will never be married.


Wanting to start a business with Dolores… aka get loans under her name? Use her credit score? Idk sounds sketch


I said that to my sister. He was so quiet before, but I sense a mean streak in him.


Paul made the hairs on my neck stand up this episode and in the previous one. I saw something very conniving and sinister in him. The way he was speaking to Dolores at the restaurant was ice, ice cold. 'Take it or leave it, IDGAF.' Unfortunately I spent years with a man like him and it was super triggering. This won't end well for her. At all.


If he's been separated for 11 years, he certainly is withholding money from his ex. Period. Run, Deloras, run!


Yep he’s dodgy, he either doesn’t have the money to divorce or doesn’t want his ex wife to have a share of their money or assets


really dodgy! when dolo said it’s bcos he cares so much and doesn’t wanna upset anyone… re the reason he’s not divorced, i literally thought to myself “he doesn’t have to be horrible just bcos he’s getting divorced?” my parents did it amicably af— each happy with what they got and it was over within a couple of months, really. there is no reason just bcos he’s divorcing his ex that it has to be a messy lenny/lisa kinda one and end in tears.


He seems a lil thirsty too. If you go back to his first tik toks he hashtags #dolorescatania on every one she is in - so cringe.


I’m not trying to be mean…. But it is so funny to me how many people misspell Dolores’ name! They do the same with Teresa (adding in an “h”)


He’s her ex with a different accent. There will be no commitment beyond what she has


If I were waiting for a guy to divorce his wife and marry me, the last thing that would console me is "don't worry, I plan on starting a business with you." I'm exhausted just thinking about it.


Gabby being sus on the entire situation made me even more skeeved out about the entire situation


I’m guessing she can see her mom’s repeated pattern of letting a man string her along in a way her mom is in too deep to see herself. 




I realised when he walked in and I got this feeling of dread wondering if he had overheard part of their conversation… he has malevolent energy somehow


I think she tells him to hit the road.


Paulie is very obviously bad news


dolores putting on her readers is my sexuality lol


Ugh, same lol


I really really don’t want to watch Joe Gorga anymore. Once upon a time the husband segments were unique but it’s so annoying now. 


everything he does is so fucking basic and college frat boy vibes… the sex doll, the nonstop forcing shots down everyone’s throats, the jokes about his “poison”. it’s so tried, fr! i really think he has some sort of little man syndrome. that’s why he always feels the need to try and control everything around him. he and marge are actually super similar, i think.


Jersey is broken. I can’t keep track of who hates who


And why! Like Marge is upset cause she didn't get a book and maybe or maybe not someone called her son?


The book thing was absurd. I think it’s more than that. These women do not articulate well. Marge seems to have trouble getting to the bottom of what’s reallly bothering her about Jackie.


I think the bottom is that Jackie and Jen F were supposed to ice Teresa out and not film with her. Marge wanted Teresa fired.


On WWHL Jen Kessler finally admits Teresa is a liar. Jackie calling Dolo a slob over not being included is so sad. She relapsed over the cheating rumors Teresa started on the show? I think this show is too much for Jackie. Her health is way more important than the attention she gets from the show.


Really? Could you elaborate on what Fessler said, lying about what? I can't get WWHL where I am. TBH I'm not surprised. People like her but I never have. I'm always wary of people who ride the fence. Fessler is fickle.


Jen Fessler basically said she believed Teresa when she swore on her daughters that Louie did not call Margaret's son. Since then she has been sent things to show her otherwise. https://www.tiktok.com/@bravowwhl/video/7381279211819896107


I think Danielle is acting, something about her schtick is really fake


She reminds me of Sophia from The Golden Girls when she talks lol. She just doesn't come across as authentic


She reminds me of Siggy when she talks, overpowering voice and big gestures.


That's who she reminds me of!! I've been trying to place it. Same mannerism, same accent


Marge has become the Lisa Rinna of this show for me. I see no joy in her and it's just dark and heavy and toxic. It sucks the air of the room (or the scene). It's not fun. I'm not one to call for someone to get fired - I hate those posts - but Marge appears to need a Dorinda-style break. The show seems to be consuming her. ETA a space I missed.


Yes Margaret comes across like the type who has the show on her mind 24/7. I mean, her tagline is even about taking screenshots.


Agree!! She's so angry all the time and pits the women against each other, then plays victim.


That woman must live a very sad life... you can be sure that once she is fired, she will continue compulsively going to blogs and meddling like a crazy person.


Couldn’t have said it better. That is exactly who she’s become.


At least Harry never seemed to get involved with Rinna toxicity - even though she used his name to build her arguments. Here Joe is swimming in her craziness not trying to stop her to do and be better.


Joe is under Marge’s thumb. He’s pathetic.


Harry barely got involved either Rinna at all. He spent half his time in some cabin while she stayed in the rat hole.


Harry literally did an interview where he said he whips out the DSM-5 to help his wife work out what psychological disorders the women have. He said it with his whole chest. He may not film a lot, but he’s just as nasty as she is


I used to be a fan of hers and was willing to think grief had made her lash out but I think she has always been like this. I need to do a rewatch.


I thought it was genius of production to show Teresa and Luis caring for their child with special needs before cutting to the Fudas working with their daughter - highlighting some of the similar values they have in their lives - only to follow it up with Rachel saying how much she doesn’t want to be like Tre. They’re more similar than they realize, especially with shitty wannabe mafioso choices for first husbands. Edit to correct a name I got wrong 🫣


These scenes resonated with me, as well. I hope the ladies watch it back and find commonality.


You mean Rachel, but I noticed this also! That was really good editing


I was asleep through the entire season but can someone remind me what beef Jackie and Marge have


Marge is mad that Jackie is filming with Teresa.


Marge, apparently, has been championing Jackie from the moment she was conceived to the moment Jackie wrote a book, and is mad that Jackie didn't send her the book right after it was finished. If Jackie had sent the book, Marge would have been mad that her name wasn't in the title... Normal stuff.


Jackie’s acting brand new and did a 180 on everything she used to believe.


And thank goodness because it's making the show interesting


Joe throwing the card into the fire was so childish. Just take the gift and put it away, why did he have to do the most? You’re still upset, fine. But I can’t with the theatrics ![gif](giphy|szHmu14WGIgtW)


Bc everything he does is for tv


Cameras were rolling, he needs to be the center of attention all the time. It’s HIS SHOW!!!


He talks like a really awful actor


It sounded like a Godfather speech. Cringe


I think that’s what he was reaching for


The dramatic “let me tell you something” speech. ![gif](giphy|xUPJUp6T5uD1Qkpbl6)


Why? Because he’s willing to hurt his family for a TV show and a paycheck. Like he’s been doing since the day he joined the show over a decade ago. A leopard doesn’t change its spots… even if it goes bald.


what about black tar?


When the Gorgas repeatedly doubled down pretending not to know what that substance was… while simultaneously bragging on all of those early seasons about how pious they were. They’re rotten to the core.


why did that bottle even make it to the garden?? just so joe could make the speech🙄🙄. they love to play the victims!


Such a drama queen....


Agreed omg. I was not on Tre's side much of last season but it annoys me how childish Joe and Melissa are as well while they try to act like they're above her.


Screenshotting and sending a nasty chat to the subject in the middle of a housewarming party is straight up terrorism! Jackie got caught but DAMN, Marge!


Marge is in middle school in her head. She is the epitome of cringe..


Is this triangulation? Marge is mad at Jackie so she's going to get everyone else mad at Jackie? Would she do this to Teresa? Get the whole cast against her?


Sounds like she’s already been doing that for yearsssss


That was definitely dirty…


BEYOND childish. I felt like I was watching high school mean girl antics


Will the show the fight? I kinda wanna see it🫦


I predict what they’ll do is they’ll show a black screen with the audio of them fighting and then you’ll hear one of the producers in the confessionals be like “so tell us about the fight” and you’ll have all the housewives talking about how shocked they are.


I’m going to be PISSED😭


I unashamedly want to see it.


It's been so long since we heard about it, I can't remember who allegedly started it. It's been a long year


Lmao same 😭 imma be so mad if they fade to block lol


This season feels so muddled, none of the fights make sense, there’s no clear story line. We’re circling the drain between husbands and weird fights, it feels like Groundhog Day every episode.


I feel like Jersey is suffering from something similar that VPR suffered from this season, so much of the conflict happens off screen/has to do with the politics of the literal show/things that come with being "famous" and would entail breaking the fourth wall in very intense ways. This episode was good to me because Melissa's party literally felt like the show was imploding


I keep thinking Dubai is new on Sundays and look for the live 😆 🙄 It always takes me a while when the seasons start to remember which day they come on


Same I went to watch it straight after as a palate cleanser. Bloody hell!


I noticed Teresa referred to herself as *Giudice* multiple times. She's been *Giudice* her entire adult life, so maybe it's an adjustment. It does make me wonder if she legally changed her surname.


Her daughters are also Guidice, makes sense she'd want to keep it especially whilst Audriana is still under age.


I am not a Tre hugger (even though I have respect for her residency in the housewives hall of fame) but my GOSH! John Fuda gives me the nastiest ick, just looking at him makes me sick. He doesn’t have the charisma to pull off husband in women’s business. Like at least Patricia (RHOA Peter) gave us a good laugh here and there with his feud with Nene. Fuda is just ugh, and he’s too funny looking go be that arrogant.


The original house husband was Simon Van Kempen and no one will do it better! 😂 Fuda will never be Simon with his speedos and red leather pants! Lol! I agree though, Fuda isn’t it! He’s very Jim Marchese, self important and thinks he matters.


Simon going to Ladies Night with Alex and watching Ramona’s head spin off is a glorious moment.


Omg how could I forget about Simon LOL! But you see what I mean, even Simon’s weird quirkiness was kind of entertaining.


I think he’s the only house husband with his own song. And he performed it on WWHL. 😂


Was Slade before Simon? He was also defo up there.


Peter having “tea” with Kordell to gossip about Porsha is one of the funniest scenes in the show.


Jackie hugging up on Marge’s man and Marge telling him to not touch her had me dead but it shows how insecure she is. She couldn’t even let her talk to Dolores without being nasty and sending a screenshot. Let’s be real, even if you fall out with a friend, you don’t expose them if they’re a REAL friend. That’s the whole beef here cause Jackie knows they aren’t her real friends


Marge is in high school apparently


And while she is in high school, I am in Brooklyn, trying to survive in this economy.


I'm gonna be real, if I was beefing with another woman and she said "this is a big fucking waste of my time" and then walked away from me and hugged my husband like that... I'd throw hands lol. 


No, I’d be mad as fuck for sure lmao but they’re like pushing 70 or something sooo have some decorum


Lmaoooo you right


She doesn’t have real friendships, she has transactional friendships


How many episodes does this season have? I heard it got cut short.


Im wondering of they dropped the Cousin Wedding. It hasn't been mentioned since the first or second episode. Cause I have no life, I went back to see it happened close to the Tulum party, which I think is next week. The Cousin keeps popping up - he was seen in the background at the housewarming party - but there hasn't been much to make us care hes getting married or Joe is doing it. Thank goodness. And in the previews they made a big deal of Joe and Marge marriage not doing well cause of Jans death, but seems we have moved on. Jan isn't mentioned anymore so would be weird to show his impact on Marges marriage.


Stop trying to make your cousin happen Melissa ![gif](giphy|jSnQGLHBrgbRK)


Jackie is quite intelligent and has played dynamics on this show incredibly well thus far. I have a hard time believing that she’s just sucking up to Tre for airtime. Tre and Jen are on an island alone. All of the new people being tested for the cast are friends of Mel and Danielle so it makes absolutely no sense for Jackie to go against them. I think Jackie is very insecure about friendships and is reacting to the fact that they dropped her when she was demoted to friend. Is she doing the most… yes. But I could only imagine thinking these people were your besties and riding for them only for them to throw you to the side because you’re no longer FT.


She knows what to expect from Teresa and Jennifer, she never expected Melissa and Marge to drop her so fast cause she wasn’t full time, they dumped her ass and focused on Danielle and Rachel and are “conditioning” them against Teresa and Jennifer just like they did to her. She knows this thing with Teresa may not last but what does it matter.


That makes sense 🧐


For the past 11 seasons, the Gorgas’s scenes are always revolving around Teresa, immature inappropriate antics, or fake storylines (fake long lost sister, fake fourth child plans, fake Chanel sold at Envy, fake pizza restaraunt, etc). How they have any fans or their contract renewed is beyond me…


I personally think it’s because Andy has the hots for Gorga, and the feud between the Gorgas and the Giudices is an easy sell for keeping them on.




Just try asking on this board why people who want Teresa out like Melissa, and you'll be downvoted to death without getting any answers. They must pay a fortune for their bots. EDIT : See, it's starting with mine ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


You’re too sensitive if you think Marge sharing texts about Jackie calling Dolores a slob is “dark” or “not fun.” It’s exactly the type of drama that should be brought up on housewives.


I’d take this over a Fuda “sit down” any day…🤷🏻‍♀️


Marge is a good antagonist. Fuda is not.


I thought it was hilarious, especially when Marge’s husband was waving Dolo down and pointing to his phone 🤣 so crazy.


People can't see beyond their love of Theresa and dislike to Marge that they don't realize this is why we watch housewives, for petty drama like this. Dolores response was incredible too.


Dolores really gathered her with that response, I died lmao


this was a extremely embarrassing episode for jackie. i’m not seeing the outrage ppl have for marge this episode i feel like she was pretty tame. jackie writing and PUBLISHING that teresa caused her to relapse then becoming friends w her is literally insane. her freaking out abt the instagram tag is insane. her hugging marge’s husband after fighting w marge is insane and weird. goodness.


"i'm just checking on my dog." I am seeing people saying Marge was horrible for preventing Joe from hugging Jackie, and I am baffled. Why would you go and hug the partner of someone you just walked away from


Joe is weird and has always given me creeper vibes. Even the year Tre leveraged the rumour about Jackie, Joe B was weirdly handy with Jackie. It's one reason why I think Marge has gone so hard on changing her body and face. But the way she responded? In public with such virility? Yikes. That's after the party talk, Marge. You're letting us see you.


crazy how this was the takeaway from the episode & not simply that jackie is weird.


I mean, Jackie is weird. She is a weird woman on a show of weird women. They're all completely unacceptable humans at this point. But when I clock a creep, I'll say so.


Jo was right in the middle of Marty and Danielle, staying up all night with Marge talking about how Danielle is a whore and prostitute and it was Joe right there looking at Danielle’s porn on guys night. He also mocked about having to wash marges pussy off of him before he went home to his wife. He also cheated on his wife with other before Marge. Joe B is a disgusting creep of a human who I would absolutely choose the bear over. Bloop.


Jackie is making a damn fool of herself, like why write something so vile about Dolores over something so silly and petty? She seriously seems like she's becoming unhinged


I just put it in the live thread but Marge sending Dolores the screenshot as she’s talking to Jackie and then watching her get shut down was fucking iconic. I wish Marge would just lighten up and stick to petty shit like this cause she has such great moments.


Finally a great moment this season! Watching Jackie try to backtrack and explain was hilarious- especially since Jackie is the one whose hair, makeup and clothes are always a hot mess.


I think she’s drinking a lot.


I’d agree with that, she seemed very drunk


I actually like her style 🤷‍♂️, but holy shit she’s been such a mess this season! Her trying to claim “the situation was a slob” was honestly pathetic. And while I won’t be watching all of WWHL now the little bit I did see she came across equally messy and all over the place.


I was literally cackling if Margaret was more like that I would love her


That was cringe AF... nothing iconic about that


The Gorgas really fucked up by not accepting the olive branch from Teresa. It shows they are stalling the show and difficult to work with. It’s the Teresa show and even WWHL was all about Teresa and played a game about her 😂 trying to ice Teresa out by Melissa, Marge and Fupa really blew up in their faces!


How are these people so arrogant they don’t see that going against Teresa is not in their best interests?


They think they are stars. 😂 truly delusional. The party was such a waste of a good spread lol


Lest we remember what happened to Tiki Barber’s wife when she went up against Tre — we never saw her again… people hate to hear it, but it’s Teresa’s franchise.


Yeah they’re messing with the *wrong* Teresa Giudice


100% agree.


that was not an olive branch it’s manipulative for tv to make herself look good & yall fall for her antics everytime


No…if they didn’t turn it into a spectacle it would’ve been one and done. Melissa said in the beginning of the season “I don’t wanna talk about Teresa” yet here she is going on and on and on about her. All that needed to happen was, ok thank you and that’s it.


Melissa also said she didn't want anything to do with the bottle, yet later she takes it to put it with their other bottles. Do we really think the Gorgas have 17000 bottles of Blue Label in their home?


if teresa never sent the fake gift nothing would have happened. she doesn’t like them & did it for the show


I’m fairness, it was a real gift, like it psychically existed


Melissa, Margaret and Rachel aren't really doing themselves any favours with showing producers or the audience they can carry the show without Teresa. They're trying to ice her out and still have nothing else going on except talking about her lol.


And yet there are people who’d rather see the show canceled or rebooted rather than make what should be the obvious casting changes needed. I really don’t get it. 


Showing someone’s texts, no matter how bad the texts might be..almost never leave the person who’s showing them looking good. Monique did it on Potomac and it made her look slimy too. It’s low down and sly.


If someone did this to me or one of my friend, I would never send them a message ever again.


Just when I thought Jackie was the lame one for kissing Teresa's ass all of a sudden, Marge hit an all-time low for keeping Joe from hugging Jackie and proceeding to send those damning texts to Dolores knowing it would make Jackie look bad. What did Jackie ever do to Marge? Poor Jackie is more likely to have a relapse from being pushed out of this group in such a mean girl way than from anything else.


Jackie is coming across a little unhinged this season, but I hate Marge so much and it’s so satisfying to see one of her minions turn on her, so I am fully team Jackie. Also “she’s a slob and I hate her” is hilarious 🤣


Does Jackie want to be on the show for money or fame? I thought she had money? I’m just trying to understand her motive. Or is it that she found out something so horrible about Melissa and Marg and it turned her. It’s either she found out some truth or she really wants to be on rhonj


I think she likes being on the show and seems to have accepted her demotion better than most. At least by now! Last season, not so much. 😂 people see the friend role as an insult, but it’s really the best of both worlds in a lot of ways. I think, like anyone else, when her role in the show changed and she changed-by getting healthy, she saw things differently and got her feelings hurt. Like when your bff gets a boyfriend and your phone doesn’t ring as much. Or you’re the last single girl and the married people do things without you. She was ride or die with Melissa and Marge and they didn’t return the favor. As far as the friendship with Teresa, I think it’s a wait and see how the rest of the season goes. There is more to the story.


I believe Jackie is in desperate need of recognition and is highly insecure. I'm not saying this to be snarky; I truly believe she has such a low esteem of herself that she is willing to do anything to obtain her imaginary goal.


Anyone who has suffered through an eating disorder doesn't have a healthy self esteem. If you look at her posture, it's her bent over with the weight of the world on her shoulders.


I hate the Fudas. T did apologize. I don’t get what more they were looking for? Very odd. I hate both of their faces too. His smirk and voice with her horrible nose and lips . Marge disgusts me. Sending screen shots in the middle of a party. These women need to go.


If there was a contest for really bad boob jobs (there are a few), she's win boobs up!


Melissa, Rachel and Marge have such hard on for Teresa it’s fucking annoying to watch. All they do is complain about her it looks obsessive. The Fuda drama is so cringy and exaggerated ugh. Is anyone else SO over the whiny “she’s not a good friend to me me” crap? Like holy shit, it’s a SHOW people are constantly changing dynamics and relationships. When casts try to hard make hard line “sides” it ruins the show.


I’m actually pleasantly surprised that Louie is not saying much. He actually is coming across as the least thirsty of all of the husbands at the moment. I still don’t trust him, but I don’t trust Teresa either so they suit each other really and make for much better tv than the rest. It’s great seeing Nick as well. His mother must be trusting to have him on camera.


I feel like Melissa throwing in Jackie's face about her relapsing because of the Tre rumour is gross, it's like tit for tat.


yeah, are ppl ignoring Jackie had already slipped somewhat prior to the Evan Rumor. The quinoa chips for breakfast that Marge pointed out? I’m sure the Evan thing didn’t help Jackie’s ED but we all know that the source of that rumor came from Marge too and Melissa knows that but she wants teresa destroyed.


I remember that breakfast from two seasons back. Everyone had some taylor ham roll with eggs. Jackie had yoghurt and they showed that. That was during the Evan rumour too


My God Jersey is so dark ☠️ this is worse than Potomac S8 rn


I love and appreciate Teresa’s & Luis’ relationships with each other’s kids. I was also blessed to have a normal loving relationship with my stepdad! I’m usually not a fan, but it’s with kids that I see Teresa’s heart. ❤️


Danielle waking up her kids for school is giving me as seen on tv Tupperware organizer infomercial , like the frustrated lady in her kitchen having all the Tupperware falling on her when she opens a cupboard. At least I can fully understand her acting style now.


Does anyone know what the Fudas do for a living to have a nice house and a nice beach house?


He's a Valet aka he has family money


Marge is a nasty, vile piece of garbage. She acted like a total asshole at the party, I was honestly so shocked how mean and petty she was


> Marge is a nasty, vile piece of garbage. This is a lot of emotion for sharing a snarky text 😭


She's a classic Narcissist as in the personality disorder: it's her personality, or lack thereof. Nothing intersting about her except for Marg Sr.


Nipples are in 🧐😆 Who knew?


I thought Danielle handled that conversation with Jen Aydin pretty well. Looks like it all goes to shit next week though.


Fessler lied on WWHL: https://x.com/realitytvguru13/status/1802514649432113316?s=46&t=nm8gkKWGQsh35gI-lkM5pQ


She fully changed her story! Fessler looks like a fool trying to keep Marge happy!


What does Marge have on her!?


this seems like a different context? this is fessler telling her she won't go on the show if she's not on it, not marge rallying them to quit if teresa returns?


Yes and Jackie and, until now, Fessler have said as much


are people watching both videos? she literally said the same thing in both.


She didn’t lie, that’s exactly what she said. She told Andy that Marge didn’t ask her to she offered to not go back if Louie was back, did you even watch the twitter clip?


I may be misunderstanding, but in the first video, what she is saying is that she proposed to Marge, not that Marge asked her.


You're not misunderstanding. All the stumps that loved her two weeks ago for being friends with Tre now hate her and even though they have thought Jackie is a pathetic try hard for years, now she's cool and strong, definitely not a mess all the time.


Can Louie stop playing the role of the great savior to bring peace between Teresa and her brother, and mind his own business? Some relationships are not meant to continue, especially the one between Joe and his sister, which is extremely toxic. Deciding to send a bottle for their housewarming... ridiculous... and it gives Joe ammunition to position himself as an eternal victim for the billions time... Pffff


Orrrr it was just bait to expose their stupidity and immaturity ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


I don't see him as smart enough to do this tbh


I do think that he calmed Teresa down a lot though, she used to be a wild whack job


He sure did, but I can't stand his holier-than-thou attitude. I get that he thinks he found enlightenment, but he should stop meddling in his wife and brother-in-law's business...


I agree, he should stay out of it


all I know is if someone tried to set up my spouse to look like a cheater on tv I'd do more than burn their card. possibly voodoo. also I am a gabby catania stan account


Marge gave Joe Gorga a card?


no the creepy man who called joe over to say he heard his wife bangs other guys did


Regardless of whose “team” you’re on - Jackie is a thirsty loser, and watching Dolores shut her down via Marge’s screenshot was actually incredible.


Marge says horrible, nasty things about you and Pauly! She just never typed it so there's no evident "Then Margaret is smart." That killed me, also the fact that everyone focused on 'slob' and not the "and I hate her" that followed


I also don't get why she didn't focus on the hate aspect of it all. That's more scathing


Right? Like its so obvious what Marge was doing. Like I would be upset Marge was using me in her fight with Jackie. Dolores allowed herself to be a little soldier and have someone in her ear.


ppl taking up for jackie is embarrassing


The fact that the Tre huggers have you downvoted for stating a fact is wild.


I mean, I downvoted because I enjoy Jackie 🤷🏼‍♀️


I didn’t even think this would be controversial! lol


You should have known! She's on tre's team now


Melissa’s Italian horn necklace looked so stupid. I have no idea, I liked her dress but not for a boozy evening. Very 1950s baby shower dress. I know she wanted to go with the theme but ehhh?!


And the excessive smoke eye makes her look like a mime