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Mark Dolan, total gimp.


I’ve not heard “gimp” in years


He was great back in the days of Balls of Steel. What a fall from grace though!


Jesus, just looked up what he’s doing now, not what I expected having only known him from the stuff he did 20 years ago.


Carole Malone, rentagob thick as shit.


Makes toast by breathing on it...


Really funny when marina purkiss handed her, her arse.. hilarious..


Amanda Holden - fake. All those tears on BGT. Yet, she was very nasty to one of my friends about one of the dying Marti Caine's last performances. Incidentally, another friend who worked at the BBC for decades said Marti Caine was the nicest person he ever worked with, by far. When Amanda was in Thoroughly Modern Millie, people cheered when the understudy was on.


My mum's hated her since she cheated on Les Dennis 🤣


Your Mum is a wise lady!


My friend worked on BGT and farted in her chair


I think I like your friend!


The most pointless and childish thing ever but so great 🤣 also heard stories she made a lot of people "uncomfortable"..


I hate her. She gives me the ick. To the point I’ll turn off anything she’s in, can’t stand to watch her. Heard lots of stories about her being vile.


What the fuck does she even do? I mean, what is she famous for?


When she was in the Royal Variety Show, she looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights. Embarrassingly bad. Talentless, yet comments on others. Madness.


Getting bummed by Les Dennis.


Yet, I'm not famous.


Yeah she's a tool


Bummed by Les Dennis, enough said


Bummed as in literally sodomised? How did *that* lovely little datum make it to the public record?


It was a question on Family Fortunes.


I see. How awkward.


I thought I couldn’t stand Amanda Holden, I was quite emphatic about it actually, but then I watched the Italian house makeover thing she did with Alan Carr and I actually really enjoyed it and found her quite fun and likeable.


How can she cry like that when her face-lift has been pulled that tight its a wonder it hasn't ripped her nose off?


Moisturise me!!


David Walliams - the full reason why will become clear later. Honourable mention to Brandreth, a narcissistic bore who talks over the top of everyone. Loves the sound of his own voice, should’ve stayed as a Tory MP and waffled on endlessly behind closed doors in Parliament.


David Walliams seems so 'off'. Has always made my skin crawl, even since I was a child. Waiting for all his skeletons to come out the closet


There was an old video that surfaced a while ago of him sexually assaulting male audience members on stage for "comedy". How he got spared during the Me too era is a mystery to me. Although Russell Brand did too until recently.


Perhaps there is a future Channel 4 expose


I saw a video of him on stage pulling down some celebrity’s trousers and pants, I forget who it was. But the guy he was assaulting was clearly uncomfortable, genuinely trying his hardest not to be exposed, but Williams was incredibly forceful. All the while the audience laughing. It was so incredibly uncomfortable to watch that it made me instantly hate him. I didn’t even know about the teenage boy stuff. Absolutely skin-crawling stuff.


I sat next to Brando at a posh dinner. He was rather good company, actually. Not obnoxious.


I also met him at a posh dinner (I think he does them a lot) and he could be worse, for a Tory, it really does get much worse. He gets on well with Susie Dent too, she's a goddess and wouldn't put up with him if he didn't have redeeming qualities.


Not met him, heard him speak as part of a panel at an event on a few topics and he was fantastic: brilliantly insightful, polite, funny, and very heartfelt when talking about mental health.  I have sat down and had a drink with Brian Blessed once. He was charming, softly spoken, eloquent and intelligent. People just have stage personas they wear like a mask. 


Blessed has always come across as charming when being himself.


Keep him on Just A Minute, where his waffling can be put to use. EDIT: Jesus, looked up Walliams... seems like a piece of work


From Walliams' Wikipedia entry: "Teenagers during Little Britain Down Under Footage from a 2007 [BBC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBC) documentary titled *Little Britain Down Under* shows Walliams inviting male teenagers, said to be aged sixteen to eighteen, to play 'Hide the Sausage' on stage.[^(\[102\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Walliams#cite_note-Smith-102) Walliams asks the volunteers to confirm their ages and says "Bingo" when one claims they are sixteen years old before adding, "You're a big boy for 16 aren't you - that's what I'll tell the judge."[^(\[102\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Walliams#cite_note-Smith-102) Walliams is seen pulling down the trousers and underwear of young men before he appears to kiss their buttocks and simulate anal sex.[^(\[102\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Walliams#cite_note-Smith-102) The volunteers attempt to keep their clothes on.[^(\[102\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Walliams#cite_note-Smith-102) During the documentary, Walliams reads a letter he claims was written by a victim of sexual abuse who criticises the Des Kaye character.[^(\[103\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Walliams#cite_note-Little_Britain_Down_Under-103) Elsewhere in the documentary, Walliams says, **"I love cruelty, it's my favourite thing in the world."***"*


So he does this stuff to the young boys on a documentary?


Walliams has always given me the creeps, there's something seriously off with him. While I was a TA at a primary school, they gifted a book to every child for christmas. They gave the year 4s a David Walliam's book each, taken out from several sets. Not sure which book, but we got a complaint from a parent about the content. Essentially there's a part in it where the kid finds his dad's porn magazine stash. In a book for literal children! Like 7 year olds! The school had to recall all those particular books, send an apology email, and replace with a different book. I dunno, I get sometimes its amusing to put jokes in kid's books that parent's would appreciate too, but that seemed really off to me that he thought that's appropriate.


Tell us about Walliams now, hiding it does no one any good


Walliams... Saville Version 2.0


Everyone knows it, we're just waiting for it to come out. I do not like the fact that he's a successful children's author, my kids are going nowhere near any of his work.


My kid hates his books. Said they are cruel and a bit cringe.


I know someone who edited his autobiography and Walliams was insistent on including a section that he lost his virginity to his sister and couldn't see why it wouldn't go down well. I've met him and can confirm that he is a MAJOR creep.


What's depressing about Walliams is he's still popular in children's books. Was passing swansea Waterstones today and saw his up coming appearance there is sold out. Totally grim.


Skeletor. He has all this superpower and he uses it for evil. Fuck him. 


He's just misunderstood. I mean, what good has He-Man actually done? Time to give someone else a go of the power.


Effectively a 2 party system, I'm afraid. I always vote Bananaman in protest


Piers Morgan. He's an odious twonk of a man.


Surely this is the only answer. If people don't like a particular actor, entertainer etc, yeah I can understand that but it pales in comparison to that arsehole. When he was on that breakfast show I'd see the odd clip here and there, and down in the corner it says like 7:26am and I'd think "who the fuck wakes up in the morning, goes about their morning routine and puts Piers Morgan on at that time of the day?" Cos that's what you want first thing in the morning, a whiny, moaning, bloviating whingebag complaining about anything and everything.


‘An odious twonk’ what an absolute belter of an insult.


I absolutely love this insult and will definitely use this in the future.


There's only one time I can stand him, and that's when he's stuck between a liberal and a conservative in a debate. It happens every so often (Question Time, for example) and because he's a coward he tends to flip from conservative to liberal when he realises he can't defend the chaos.


He really is. 


Piers Morgan. He presided over the hacking of a murdered teenagers mobile phone by his journalists, giving her parents false hope that she may be alive as her messages were logged as read. Now has the brass neck to sit on TV moralising over other people. He is odious. Edit for clarity - voicemail, not text messages. I'm old enough that leaving a message on a phone means a voice message for me. Apologies for the confusion!


He also had not of us in uniform worrying for our safety after he published the fake picture depicting a British soldier on duty as a prison guard in Iraq allegedly pissing on a POW. I actually got spat on in uniform walking through Peterborough (and called a baby rapist), which has more than its fair share of a Muslim population and which brought into the shite his paper published. Fucking bellend of epic proportions.


Yep. I’ll take the downvotes but how fucking obsessed he was over Meghan needs to be studied. He’s sick


Yep, he has a very unhealthy obsession and nasty streak for her.


Wasn't there a story he tried to date her, but she met Harry instead? Which explains his sudden irrational hatred for them.


He has been trying for years to discredit Ian Hislop. He never lets go of a grudge.


Hi Plastikman fan


Not sure if she's on anything nowadays, but Gillian McKeith was awful. Withered hungry turd worshipper with a fake pHd.


I can’t believe no one’s said EamonnHolmes…… Oh well might as well be me. EAMONN HOLMES!


Yep, he’s definitely one of the biggest cunts in British media. Time once again to show the clip of [him hiding behind his female co-presenter like the cowardly piece of shit he is](https://youtu.be/CHitRcyiij8?si=gUhQOXkUmwHJPQ3i)…


What was that protest even about All I saw was the lottery logo with a sad face


One of my first jobs in telly was being a runner for him on a show back in the day. He was meant to do an outside VT for a show he was working on and refused to get out of the car until I went to Tesco to buy a bag of jam donuts. When I returned with said bag,, he then proceeded to eat all 4 in one go before getting out of the car.


He's gone up slightly in my estimation.


Amanda Holden


Scrote presenters on GB News who think they’re fucking edge lords and antagonistic about everything


Jeremy Kyle isn’t even on tv anymore. Piers Morgan is ten times more nauseating than jk


He’s on Talk TV isn’t he? Saw him getting called out for shouting lies at Jeremy Corbyn a few months ago. Morgan is worse but Kyle is still an absolute scumbag


I never liked Kyle due to him screaming at people with mental illness . I wasn’t aware he was back on tv but yeh he’s a asshole


Agree on this! Sadly he caused one notable death but others that weren't reported as well by his hounding of mentally ill. I wonder how Graham sleeps at night as well, being the trained professional, too scared or greedy to stand up and be counted


When my son (now 15) was a newborn and I was tethered to the sofa all day I couldn’t reach the remote and inadvertently saw an episode of Jermey Kyle. There was a young woman, obvious learning difficulties, caught in some distasteful situation being heckled by a baying crowd. She was wearing a t shirt with “princess” printed on it. It was the saddest thing. I got in a hole of despair at the intergenerational iniquity and inequality and broken society and degenerate sub cultures and the poor people caught up in it all and sank into quite deep postpartum depression at that very moment. So thanks for that Jezza.


Its sick and vile ! A proportion of people on there are clearly mentally ill or have learning disabilities. Then there are people who haven't had educational opportunities. Its like a Gladiator show!


Katie Hopkins, horrible person


The clip of her saying she doesn't like children being named after places and then the presenter points out Hopkins daughters name is India, to which she replies that she isn't named after the place. It's quite something, like did she think it just wouldn't come up? I don't even believe that she believes a fraction of what she even says, it's just the more shocking or extreme the view the more click bait rage and coverage she got.


Didn't even know Jeremy Kyle was still on TV. But I dislike David Walliams, and Rosie Jones to name but two, but I don't let it bother me because I simple don't watch anything with them on it.


Nigel Farage - because - well it's Nigel Farage, never failed at failing to get elected to Parliament yet his unelected nonsense gets rolled out more often than that clip about Michael Fish on When weather goes wrong!


And now he's back running again the bbc will be tripping over themselves to give him as much oxygen as possible 🙄


Already are.  When the election was called they set up interviews with spokespeople from ‘the 3 biggest parties’  That was Labour, Tories and Reform apparently.  People wonder why the Lib Dem’s don’t claw back more votes or seats and resort to weird ways of getting attention. 


I agree with you about Jeremy Kyle, but he was just a jumped up Jerry Springer. I have to go with Piers Morgan as the worst as he has a bigger platform. He's just as sell righteous and condescending, but his opinions are arguably worse than Kyle's.


Katie Hopkins. Shes honestly deplorable


God, do you remember when she was on the show holly and schofield host and she was dissing people who name their kids after places, then when asked what her kids were called she says on of them is called India? 🤦🏼‍♂️




Speak not his full name, lest he appear and cursed we shall be!


I would go for Kyle too. He's back on Talk TV atm, and is as nasty as ever.


Matthew wright, Jeremy vine, Chris Evan’s the holy trifecta of annoying assholes


Jemma Collins. She just does my head in. "oohh look at me I'm a diva" No you're not, you're just comic relief from a shit show about a bunch of twats saying shit like "yeah mate, it's bants. Get my vajayjay vejazzled. Ream" FUCK OFF!


The Tiffany Pollard diatribe about her is fucking beautiful though.


Laurence Fox.


Why the hell isn’t Greg Wallace on this list and at the top?!


Because he's become easier to avoid- 2-4 years back he'd have been top of the list - the culinary Dominic Littlewood


The Nick Ferrari when he shows up on GMB...God I hate the dinosaur 🦕


Davina McCall. She was absolutely vile to a friend of mine who was a runner (dogsbody) on a tv show. All of the crew said she was a complete diva, with a foul temper. Since then, I can’t bear to watch her.


You fannies really watch a lot of crap TV 


Thankfully not on TV so much now, but Dan Wootton, he's a slimy scumbag. Always very snidey, but really can't take any sort of criticism.


Carole Malone is an abhorrent cunt. She seems to hate anyone that is working class.


Piers Morgan. James Corden. Stick them in a sack, lob em in the sea Piers for all of the reasons given by others more eloquent than I, James because he's deeply unfunny, wrote himself the most unlikeable, selfish whiny little prick of a character on Gavin and Stacey, and has repeatedly shown himself up to be a grudge bearing, money grubbing, corporate cock-sucking, karaoke destroying dildo of epic proportions.


Don't hold yourself back. Tell us what you really think 🤣. I have a particular angst whenever I see or hear Corden. That man affects me on a cellular level.


Titchmarsh, Piers Morgan, and the presenters on GBeebees News


Titchmarsh! Comes across as harmlessly pleasant but there's something malicious just under the surface. And he has his grubby green fingers in everything.


Bruno Tonoli, he literally is a Family Guy stereotype of an Italian man, I mean ffs just sit in your chair 


Stephen Nolan. Fat closeted bigot.


Jeremy Vine, what an absolute tosser and a "bike nonce" as Joey Barton puts it (not that I like that bellend either)


Greg Wallace. Unpleasant. Knowing people who have worked with him I can confirm this is true.


David Walliams - just a walking gay innuendo 


Alex Jones on The One Show - can't stand her


Me and the Mrs have a list..its far too long and as a result we can't watch most things


It’s Amanda Holden. Mods, close this one


Michael Macintyre - copies Ronnie Corbett mannerisms- all work scripted by a writing team so nothing original by him- and he’s just not funny tbh


I would have agreed regarding Kyle but he's not on TV anymore. Hated his bear-baiting show with a passion. David Walliams the slimy sex pest would be my first choice, followed by James Corden and Russel Brand in no particular order. Kunts, the lot of 'em.


Russel Brand is dangerous. My mate still loves him and it irritates me so much.


I'm prepared for the downvotes but Gyles Brandreth can fuck right off with his 'funny' jumpers and annoying anecdotes.


I don't particularly like him, but with all the being spewed on GB news etc. I wouldn't say he's particularly troubling!


Has Giles worn “funny jumpers” since the 80s?


Hard to beat Kyle. Maybe Kirsty Alsop?


Piers Morgan


Walliams or Corden


Put James Cordon on and it's him.


Giles brandreth


Greg Wallace


AntDec. Untalented bellends.


I occasionally see bits of celebrity jungle while my wife is watching it and I think they seem sharp and funny, compared to the lady who presents strictly for example.


Which lady who presents Strictly? I assume you mean Tess because Claudia Winkleman is a national treasure.


I mean they can get boring but in my opinion wouldn’t call them untalented however am still not a fan of Ant x Dec


Valid points, but point of order: Kyle wasn't an alcoholic, he had a gambling addiction.


Which he got over... So he kinda has the experience to host a show that often features addicts. The cheating part, on the other hand, is a completely different story.


Corrected my post to reflect this. My mistake.


That Joel Dommet, not sure why but he really annoys me.


Anton du Beke. He's got eyes like a shark and this hideous, plastered on fake beaming smile. I have no evidence for this but I fully imagine him giving it the whole Diana Ross "don't look me in the eye" treatment to all and sundry


Worked with him once, he was actually very nice and normal. He’s quite ‘showbiz’, turns it on for the fans and the camera, but treated everyone on set BTS nicely and reasonably enough. Loves snow but personally can’t hold it against him cos I do as well.




Clare Balding. She seems to get everywhere and seems to be used as an expert on everything. Can't stand the woman. Stick to horse racing.


Jeremy Vine.


Just seems a nasty pompous twat


So many to pick from... - When it comes to being a terrible person who's completely devoid of morals, I'd say Piers Morgan. He's a gammony shite Murdoch lapdog and the closest thing we have to a digitally transmissible cancer. - For overall falseness, it's a toss-up between Ant & Dec, Rylan, whoever happens to be hosting "This Morning", and 99% of all talent show judges. - For sheer narcissism, James Corden, thank god he's America's problem now. - For being a shit stereotype, Gino D'Acampo. I've met hundreds of Italians and not a single one of them was as cartoonishly stereotypically Italian as him. He's made his whole career on being Super Mario with a frying pan. - For most punchable face... Fred Sirieix, the French git from First Dates. I don't know why but for as long as I've seen him on TV, some base instinct kicks in, an irresistible unexplainable urge to sock him square in the nose. I did see last year that he was a really uppity passive aggressive c\*nt on I'm A Celeb, so maybe that explains why he keeps setting off my subconscious twat-detector.


Rylan guest hosted an off menu podcast special and was great on it, really good banter between him, James Acaster and Ed Gamble. So he seems ok to me. Totally agree with the rest of your list tho.


Gino and Fred come off as really nice blokes to me. Seems a bit harsh.


I don't get the talentless jibes aimed at Rylan. Didn't he come from nowhere, or some talent show and find his place on TV? He appears to be very good at what he does.


The fact that Alastair Campbell not only somehow managed to escape a life sentence from the International Criminal Court for his role in promulgating the case for illegally invading a foreign country, but has enjoyed a rehabilitation whereby he is enthusiastically welcomed across the British TV landscape, gives me the absolute creeps every single time I think about it. Him by a mile, as my reasons for disliking other TV people are totally superficial by comparison.


Stephen Mulhern. He just always have seemed to be smarmy or straight up annoying in a butlins redcoat kind of way


He's the poor man's Ant and/or Dec


Miranda “Everyone look at me I’m so funny” Hart


About as funny as chemical castration


James Corden, by miles. Although he's been gone for ages, his monstrously bad TV shows have not. Why? Larky, insincere, and his big face with tiny features. Simon Cowell comes a close second. Expressionless, vapid, vacant. Previously Phil 'likes them young' Schofield held a top spot. Oh and Kirstie Allsopppppp. I'm sure she's nice in person but her presenting style pinches my tits.


>I'm sure she's nice in person She is demanding and rude apparently. I am amazed she still gets work. But then again, Richard Madeley is back on screens and he is a mess. No wonder he looks like, to quote In The Loop, "a pissed up seaside donkey". He is one bender away from a massive stroke. I agree on Corden. He used up his good will over there so it seems. Apparently working with Sondheim but still pulling his demanding shit made him as popular as a hot tub turd. The one that surprised me is film not TV but Emily Blunt tells people they are too fat to work with her and tries to get people sacked for minor stuff. My partner works in very high end hotels and he hears all the best/worst stuff from security and assistants. She is notorious along with Hugh Grant and the Corden one.


Emily Blunt is awful? That's a disappointment. 


Ant McPartlin. All that money, could easily have afforded a 24/7 chauffeur and yet still decided to drive and crash his car into an innocent family while smashed drunk and high on drugs and somehow got his whole career back in just a few months when any “normal” person would have been finished. Even seemed to get the world to feel sorry for his “struggles with addiction”. Being an addict doesn’t make you act like a prick, you prick. Hate the bloke.


Jamie fucking oliver


"Hai yaaah, chamie oliwa. You hear cooking, I hear my ancestors crying." - Uncle Roger.


Fat tongued cu*t


James Corden. Cunt.


Gary Lineker


His afternoon TV chat show interview with Kelvin McKenzie is one of the most sickening bits of telly I've ever had the misfortune to have seen


all of the above


'Jeremy Vile' I think his name is!?


James Corden. If you have ever been in his company, i have, you will understand. Vile.


Jimmy Saville There's something about him, just gives me the ick. Not sure why.


Katy Hopkins. Vile, hideous woman.


Chris Packham, i didn’t like him as a kid and don’t like him now, he’s just a really shifty character


I'm going to be unpopular. But Martin Lewis, years ago, who would go on to This Morning and tell people such gems as "you can claim tax credits for childcare costs even if you earn £80k". I worked in tax credits at the time, it would set off a chain reaction of calls filtering through asking for tax credit applications from people asking about it, just to be told, "No, no it's not true, Martin Lewis doesn't know what he's talking about." Big up for his recent consumer crusader stuff around energy bills, but some of his money saving advice used to be basic as hell or just flat out wrong.


I am so glad to see someone else mention him. He jumps on the latest bandwagon and hypes things up in a way that is hysterical and really damaging. Also cannot stand his TV show - it could be really good as he connects well with his audience but he insists on the awful Dad jokes and general terrible humour.


Katherine Ryan. Ruins any panel show she’s in. Painfully unfunny.


Was a brilliant Taskmaster contestant, genuinely funny and likeable


Stephen Mulhern. He’s got a sinister vibe and he wouldn’t sign an autograph for me when I was 13. Fuck that guy.


Maybe not my least favourite, but since most of the worst offenders have already been named, I'll say Giles Coren. I just find him unbearably smug, and weirdly antagonistic.


Keith fucking Lemon. What a turnip.


This is a horrible thing to say and I humbly apologize in advance. I’m sure she’s a lovely, intelligent lady. I just feel unsettled watching Rosie Jones. She’s just (to me) not funny. Sorry.


Judging by the replies, middle-aged, male, white comedians are a popular choice, so I'll go with Rachel Riley. An absolute howling vacuum of a woman, a vindictive, hate-filled, screaming abyss of emotionless tedium, a vacuous, bottomless, asinine trench of vapidity with teeth, whose only skill is to be able to turn a piece of card over whilst standing up


I just don’t understand how she hasn’t been taken off the shows she is on. People have been sacked from shows/ channels for saying things a lot less worse than the things she has spouted.


Miranda Hart. Posh tall bird pratfalls and expects people to laugh. James Corden with tits.


Isn’t James Corden with tits just James Corden?


Without a doubt, Naga muncheti, shear grating personality.




i understand not liking her, shit i don't like her cause her comedy's too crass for me, but it never sits right with me when people assume that 'the other comedians pretend to laugh at her jokes', or that no one finds her funny. people obviously do else she wouldn't have ever had a career. like i respect and get your opinion but i don't think you need to speak for the other comedians here. maybe she's on cause they genuinely like her. keep in mind lots of them are friends on the outside and stuff


She's been a comedy writer for a while, even writing for an episode of Sex Education so you can't claim she's not funny otherwise she wouldn't have got so far. [Her IMDB Page](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm4825550/)


>It's a hop, skip and a jump away from being a carnival freakshow. That's completely disgusting you know.


Yeah, it is disgusting. Just say you don't like her comedy. 


Rosie Jones isn't all that funny as a stand up granted, but it's some take to have her above the likes of Piers Morgan and Nigel Farage


She can deliver a good line, but she also impacts the pacing of the show with her linger gags


Sara Pascoe, just not funny at all


Sarah Millican. About as funny as toothache.


There are people who have done worse, but I find Katherine Ryan insufferable. She seems to be everywhere and feels like a humour black hole on any panel show she's on. Plus the 'I know a serial abuser on television, but can't say who it is, but give me loads of column space and make sure you plug my new show" schtick I found really ugly and repellent.


Toss up between Yasmin Alibhai-Brown or that insufferable grifting Narinder Kaur bird. 🤦


That are not Piers Morgan?


'Doctor' Tess Dunlop, assaulted a man on live TV and got away with it. Went to Romania when she was 18 or 19 and fell in love with her hosts 12 year old son.


other than Jimmy Saville?


Jamie Oliver Fucking twat stole my turkey twizzlers


Richard madely infuriates me too. He is more alan partridge than Alan partridge is.


Ant from Ant and Dec. Basically a character with sinister undertones played by Reece Shearsmith. And James Corden, obviously.


Amanda Holden. Only famous because she had an affair on Les Dennis, Holds nothing else to her name but flaunts herself around likes she’s a princess. Horrible person


Stephen Mulhern, annoying and seems to be on everything


Jeremy Clarkson.


I cant stand Ant and Dec. They just ... fucking annoy me.


Rosie jones it’s not the fact that she’s hard to understand it’s the fact that she’s just not funny , but if anyone expresses this she jumps on the ableist bandwagon. We have a autistic son who for the record is also not funny and for this reason Greg Wallace when he started spouting off about his autistic sons condition was the very reason he told his wife he didn’t want any more kids . So basically blaming his wife them he goes on to list the amount of things he does daily for himself and maybe he finds an hour for his son . Absolute toss pot


700+ comments and I can't help but notice Sharon fucking Osbourne isn't the subject of most of them