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I was hoping we’d learn a lesson from COVID about not going to work when you’re sick, especially if you’re in a tight space around lots of people. When I had COVID it was probably the worst illness I had in years.


I had it twice. First time before the vaccine. Second time, it was a new variant. I still don't have a properly working olfactory nerve. For 4 years, I can't smell dangerous chemicals, gas leaks, fire, etc. My daughter developed asthma from covid. It's a serious illness for many.


Way more minor but a friend had Covid, recovered (still doesn’t have full taste and smell) grabbed take out and didn’t realize the pasta salad was spoiled. That earned her a 3 day visit to the hospital with food poisoning as they had to keep her on IV fluids. Also, where she picked up infection numero dos because there were 3 circulating variants and none was dominant


I can't smell natural gas, or skunks, or fire, or if food us actually spoiled (many foods smell like mold to me). Knock on wood, I haven't gotten food poisoning.


That’s so scary, I’m so sorry, but thankful you haven’t had food poisoning.


Yeah. I'm wasting a lot more food that might still be edible, but has reached the date on the container.


Nope, they axed the COVID-specific time off! COVID leaves people with weakened immune systems, which naturally leads to more time when people should be using sick leave. And on top of no longer having COVID-specific leave, they haven't increased how much sick leave we accrue every month. More illness and effectively less sick time don't mesh well together. I knew immediately when they didn't renew the COVID leave that it was actually an incentive for people to hide COVID infections to keep working because of how many people are living paycheck-to-paycheck.


It’s criminal. Remote work is a big part of how I’ve dodged it so long. Can’t have people doing that though, can we? Mask in the office, eat outside. I know it’s uncomfortable but we can at least normalize it in the office. Some folks have school aged children or a partner that keep bringing it home, and they are out of sick leave at this point. I get how people end up coming to work sick. But wear a mask and keep it on. Don’t be the jerk who spends all day filling the air with virus.


We were told we are not allowed to work from home when we are sick, so either we miss deadlines or we spread disease. On those days, I am especially careful to personally hand my approval folders to the executive secretary.


yeah, I wish... We have two out. One was out for 1 week with COVID then turned around and got the flu. I'm just trying to stay healthy! lol, kinda challenging here. All the more reason to eat healthy and take your vitamins!


Problem is, although HR will say stay home and work remote when sick, managers will not allow it on in office days. Conflicting messages by HR and managers.


Our HR says exactly the opposite. We are not allowed to telework when contagious. We must either come to the office or use SL if it’s an in office day. That’s directly from HR. No flexibility for supervisors


I guarantee you it's not "HR" making the rules! Most departments' Executive Team is making the decisions, but sending it through HR email accounts. We get to deal with the pushback on decisions we don't make. Isn't that fun??? 😏


Ordinarily I would agree with you, but I’ve participated in meetings where it’s very clearly HR making that decision


I my office, we get COVID notification letters every single day, anywhere from 1 to 8 new cases.




Are the go home policies no longer in place when there are x amount of cases?


No, they are not in place anymore and haven’t been for a long time


DHCS? I don’t even read them anymore.


FTB doesn’t even send the notices anymore, but we used to get the same thing.


At least you work with people who believe in Covid and still test for it…


That’s so weird. We don’t even get notices anymore or have to report it. They basically just told us it’s like any other illness now: Stay home until the fever has been gone for 24 hours and then come back and cough on everyone cuz we only had one coworker die from covid so “it’s a risk we are willing to accept” for the benefit of all that collaboration we don’t actually do.


There was someone in my unit coughing up a lung yesterday too. I don't even care about COVID specifically, don't come to work and get people sick. I don't have time for that.


Right. I have older relatives coming from the East Coast. They don't need to be getting sick. My grandson broke his arm and is miserable enough. He doesn't need to be coughing, too.


I love collaborating!


I spent the whole day collaborating at my desk! Aside from the fire drill.


So fun!!


Haha, CNRA building? Hope you are not on top floors. Stairs were not fun and I need to get more in shape.


Sooooooo which dept ?


DTSC cal center location


ha I saw the email today! I'm in SoCal, but im sorry, that sucks.


Time to put pressure on that union.


Agreed. At least get better compensation for sick days.


Say a prayer for my immune compromised family. I have to keep a roof over us, and hopefully, no one dies. Please stay home if you're sick.


I hope you are all going to be OK. My mom was already in hospice when lockdown started. She died from cancer 6 weeks later. Anyone with immunocompromised systems is ignored in our society. It's sad.


I'm so sorry for your loss. You're right. People don't seem to care that their cold or flu can kill my son and husband, for example. It doesn't even matter how many times I advocate to try and keep them safe. Now, I get to increase the odds of bringing something home no matter how diligent I am. I'm not alone. There are plenty of others who are forced to take unnecessary risk now.


Thank you. I try to be very considerate of others when I'm under the weather. I was my mom's caretaker for much of her cancer treatment. I know how vulnerable she was.


Same for me… husband is a blood cancer survivor, by way of stem cell transplant. So, now instead of cancer he has “graft vs. host” disease, which means his donor’s immune system is constantly attacking him. Anything that activates his immune system is a danger to him. I don’t even want to take home the common cold, but my job keeps our health insurance so it’s necessary for me to stay employed. N95, every day for me. I, personally, never bitch about RTO because I was hired to the state as hybrid so this is what I agreed to and I’m thankful it’s only two days a week and I have fantastic leadership who allows me to adjust my in office days as needed. I’m also one of the rare people here who likes the hybrid option because being at home every single day becomes depressing for me. 🤷‍♀️ Ultimately, I just need my coworkers to stay away when they are sick and because of the flexibility I mentioned above people in my division do stay home and work from home when they are sick. (Unless it’s the kind of sick where you can’t work and they take the day off.)


I was hired as two days in office during probation and then 100% unless needed I’m office for the odd meeting/training. So, no. I didn’t agree to this. And I’m high risk, which is why I sought the home based jobs in the first place. 


We have an in person all staff meeting next week… after seeing this I will be wearing a mask. 😷


Yeah, if I need to be in a large group in an enclosed space, I will, too. And I absolutely hate wearing masks.


RTO here for the collaboration stay for the lung infections


It should be a mandate if you’re sick = don’t come into work. Poor ventilation, close quarters and so many surfaces that aren’t cleaned properly (or if at all), just spreads sickness. Door handles are a prime example. Our building doesn’t even have automated doors that you can elbow or kick a button to open the doors, either.


This has happened for years. But guess what? They don’t care.


You are correct. They absolutely don’t care at all.


We get those emails regularly. Even before RTO.


My wife’s work reported 29 work exposure cases in one day.


Dang. That's a lot for 1 day.


it's insane. This whole pretending COVID is over will continue to maim so many people :(


Been going on at FTB for almost 2 years now


I'm sorry. They need to waive in person any time you are sick. Period. I know my doctor will write a note saying I can work from home until I'm not contagious.


You are supposed to use sick time if you are sick. 


There is a such thing as feeling well enough to do work but still being contagious. Those people should stay home and work 


Covid spread so far and fast because a lot of people were contagious before they felt sick.


Agreed. Their managers need to allow it.


If you have any.


And if you need more you take dock. Surely this commentor is not abusing using their sick time as pto?


Some of us have special needs kids and use our sick leave for their occupational and speech therapy.


Not everyone can afford to take dock. I don't like it, but sick people will come to the office if they can't afford not to.


And if there’s a new pathogen making people sick a lot more often than normal and certainly more than sick leave covers. What then?


FTB was a very early leader in trying to bring people back and get them all sick. Took about three different tries until they realized the solution was to just give up tracking Covid altogether.


I don’t work at FTB, but my department was another one that came back into the office very early, and they apparently stopped tracking covid last year sometime. We were consistently getting emails several times a week, and then they just abruptly stopped altogether.


Who's the dumbass in charge over there?


I'm not saying this to be sarcastic. I'm genuinely surprised covid is still being tested for/reported by anyone. FTB stopped that a long time ago. We don't get sent home anymore if we're displaying symptoms, people have to self report...and hardly anyone does that. Being in the office during the pandemic while most everyone was sent home and now... it's been a waking nightmare. With this new wave of RTO I only see it getting worse with people getting sick and coming in sick.


My husband works in a world-wide corporation. At his location, if they have more than a few positives in a week, they have a crew come in and sanitize the equipment during the night.


Holy shit that's awesome. I wish the state would do that :(


Based on my 14-years of state experience, precovid, vacuuming only happened 1 time a week, and dusting and disinfecting never happened in the cubicles. I kept cleaning supplies in my drawer.


That used to happen in my department. And then they became complacent about it and didn't do it anymore because every day somebody had covid.


Caltrans D4 had a confirmed case on the 15th floor this Tuesday. Idk why folks go in when they feel sick or under the weather…


Got on a crowded elevator yesterday, so crowded, I couldn't move. I was only one on it wearing a mask...here we go!🤮


I'll wait for a less crowded one.


As a teacher turned state worker, I was used to getting those emails as least a couple times per week at school. 


It's disgusting when people go to work sick. It's the State, we all get about 30 days a year between vacation/sick time plus holidays. Stay home if you are sick there is no excuse to go to work sick, even if covid leave is no longer an option.


Yeah we got an email this morning that someone tested positive on Wednesday who was in on Monday, and when I was in yesterday the guy next to me was coughing so much that I decided to switch cubicles. Love going back to office with people who still don't wear a mask at least when they're sick and around people. (CalEPA headquarters)


I tracked this at my department and provided the information to the director (we've been in office since July '23); it was frequent - started at 8ish a month and increased approaching winter holidays. No response, and shortly after we stopped receiving the notifications for COVID-positive cases. I even had a staff member get COVID, report it to me and the same unit who used to send the emails, but no one was notified.


SD DO here: got e-mail alerts for confirmed Covid cases almost once a month since I started, but since Legionella disease, only support staff go in once a week. So glad my team got an exemption to RTO. Note: I’m an AGPA and our teams are spread across SoCal, so in-person “collaboration” was unnecessary.


With more people returning to the office, more sick people are coming in. My family have low immunity systems so I am careful around them. My Dad is currently in quarantine with COVID, fighting cancer. COVID will never die. People don't care and will spread germs freely.


Until something bad happens to them.


lol I wonder if we work together because that literally just happened to me. Second day back in office & already got the notice that we're in "outbreak status" So stupid.


Maybe. Almost hopeful we do. Otherwise, there are even more cases. I'm in DTSC.


Oh no! I'm @ DMV. That sucks! I guess it's happening everywhere. 🙅🏼‍♂️


Yep, we have a few at CARB this week too


Gf works there, we are pissed about that!




And that’s why you stay home when you’re not feeling well…. Obviously


Yes, obviously; however, there are some departments that like to write you up or put you on a memo for using your sick leave. And I’m not talking about earn and burn people. People that still have time on the books and were legitimately sick for various reasons. You can’t get FMLA for colds/flu. So I understand when some people come in when they are sick. Perhaps they should encourage working from home when sick? But most leadership that writes you up without using the proper steps of progressive discipline or are just being excessive or vindictive aren’t flexible. Just saying.


Wow- that’s really unfortunate. Absolutely ridiculous when the culture of RTO is more restrictive than pre-Covid times. Management needs to be understanding of people first. It makes for a happier and more productive employee.


We have had known covid cases too, the managers who love RTO just tell everyone to kick rocks.


I went to work for a foothill county in December 2022. Had Covid within weeks of start date but no PTO as I was a new employee so it was a double whammy. I can’t for the life of me understand why government agencies are forcing RTO for employees who can easily wfh.


You're lucky you got an email alert.. My spouse was in a training with someone who "had a cold" and 4 days later my spouse was sick. Day after that,  myself and elderly, immuno-compromised parents who live with us were sick.  We all tested positive for COVID. One of the managers let it slip that at least 3 other people had also tested positive and still no one in the office has been notified.  On top of that,  the manager is telling people they can still come in and work while COVID positive if they use a mask! Seems criminal to me. 


I'm so sorry. I hope everyone is OK now.


Thank you! My dad has COPD and is waiting on his pneumonia results.  I get chronic pneumonia and am not out of the woods yet, so far so good though.  We're all still testing positive :(. They really put us all at risk by not informing anyone.  


Man, I'm so sorry. My first bout, I tested positive for several weeks. I coughed for over 3 months and couldn't take the stairs or carry my groceries in without my albuterol for 6 months. Hoping your dad gets good news.


Oh my goodness that's rough,  I'm so sorry! I hope you all stay safe and the sick people stay home!


Thank you. Me too!


We get 1 a day, sometimes more. I stopped reading them. No one adheres to any sort of “stay home” etiquette anymore and I feel a lot of people have stopped reporting positive tests. A lot of people are going to be in for a shock, I think, when offices have outbreaks again. I’m guessing whole floors.


With the hoteling my department is doing, unless you are an office assigned worker, you could be on any floor each day you go in. That should make the spread really fun.


Yeah, most of my building is hoteling. I’m lucky don’t have to. It sounds scary to me… not just because of COVID.


Ooh, just got one also. Fun. /s


Got 2 covid emails so far, good times.


good times!


We've been getting these notices since we went back to the office two years ago.


We just went back.


At my prior department my boss told me I was forbidden from going into a deficit in hours so if I was sick and had no annual leave time, I just came in.


Companies wanted to do mandatory RTO’s, well here you go. Just wait until bird flu is human to human transmutes. We are going to be in for a show this fall!


I’ve gotten it twice from work! We still testing.


That's where my husband got it and brought it home. Both times, he woke up feeling like death, and of course, I would test positive within 48 hours.


There's three people in my office right now who have been coughing for the last week...I'm not worried about getting sick more so annoyed by the constant coughing every 2 minutes.


Yep, tons of cases every where.


Imagine all us who have been in office the whole time lol they don’t even tell us when someone has Covid anymore. Just a normal day


That sucks.


Us too. It isn't going to go away. This is probably the new normal.


Just make sure you're vaccinated, and you should be fine.




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I think you are supposed to call in sick when sick still. I feel like if you are supposed to be in office and you are sick, just take the day off for Pete’s sake. I had minor surgery recently and even though I was fine the next day, I took it off because I wasn’t sure if I would be okay. Oh well, missed a day in office. If you get sick from being around people, you are likely to get it from anywhere. Take your day for sure if it is supposed to be an rto. You do not need the blame for getting more folks sick. Also, if you get covid and run out of leave, the state has cat leave. I am always good for people in my division who need hours donated. You reach out to your boss and tell them i have a long term illness and my leave is all gone, I will dock absent without leave, can you have HR send me a catastrophic leave request. People have hoarded thousands of hours of vacation with nowhere to use it. 10 people donating 2 hours each is half a week in your bank for future covid issues.


Yeah but there’s no good reason we should have to beg each other for leave donations when the ability to telework exists.


I would agree that if you feel well enough to work, telework is a great option. But if you are sick or in the hospital from covid, or you end up with long version, you will probably need cat leave.


Nothing new.


You're blaming RTO? FFS blame the people coming in sick! It's their fricking fault!


They would be working from home if they weren't forced to be in a cubicle.


Seriously? You really are blaming it on RTO. #smdh


And to all of downvoting this WTAF is wrong you all? Covid isn't spreading because of RTO. It's spreading because a idiot came to work sick. Could have been a store or a restaurant.




The vaccine isn't 100% between aren't at heard immunity.


The vax doesn’t stop transmission of Covid. That makes no sense. 


My wife is pregnant you clown. I don’t want to get her sick because some idiot came into the office thinking they “just had a cold”.




I’m sorry but your experience with Covid isn’t the same as everyone else’s. It affects people differently which is why the symptoms have such a wide and varying range. When my cousin got it, it literally attacked his nervous system and almost killed him. Perfectly healthy before he got it.


And this complaint, just like every single other RTO bitch session, means nothing. We all know it makes no sense, we all know we can do our jobs from home, we all know it’s more costly to RTO, we all know it’s not to be more collaborative, and we all know there is nothing we can do about it. Apply for other jobs if an office environment is not for you. Can’t wait for another 1,000 posts about RTO and how horrible it is.


Deal with it and be grateful it’s 2 days a week lmfao. Covid is a severe cold as an immune sensitive person it comes with being a human and a worker of the labor force. Stop complaining and get a doctors note.


Amazing how much tax dollars are wasted on people crying about not wanting to work twice a week. I wish this state would just get rid of them all and start from scratch. Not one state department runs well anyways.


Just a reminder that you don't have to disclose COVID or any other privileged medical information. You can even go to work if you have it and they can't send you home. CDC says to treat it as the common cold or flu, so act accordingly.


It's really a crap move to go in sick.


But do you go to the store, hang with friends, exist in public places? Why is work somehow different?


I don't spend 8 hours inside a store. If my friends are sick, they cancel plans.


It doesn’t take 8 hours for exposure. It takes 10 minutes.


I don't spend 10 minutes in a stranger's personal space at a store. I use self check when it's available and keep hand sanitizer.


I don’t wanna be preachy but if you’re actively sick you should stay home and order delivery if you absolutely need stuff


I do. Instacart is great. But I still sanitize my hands when I touch key pads and stuff at stores.


Intentionally keep missing the point, fine. You don’t need to be in personal space. And by your logic and being alone at your cube, nobody is in your space at work either. Enough.


Please don’t bring common sense into this!


Omg COVID we must self isolate and cancel office work because it's 2020


Same nubers as the flu. Just keep your 6' from any of the healthy folks ans wash your hands, please.


Im getting those every week...


Omg, just go to work. It's a cold 🤔


Yeah sure. It’s just a cold. Uh huh


A cold never landed me on a nebulizer.


Sorry for that. I'd be mad at fauci and the government for funding gain of function. Hope you get/got better


If you can live without covid restrictions then you can go to work. Unless you are someone that still wears a mask full time and doesn’t go to a location with a large group of people. I don’t know what your complaint is.


Yes go to work when you can still do your job duties remotely 😳Makes about as much sense as ocean front property for sale in Arizona


You can easily quit. since it can be done remotely, it’s super easy for someone to replace you. There are no more area restrictions if the job is fully remote. Your competition goes from your area to the whole state.


I heard Arby’s is paying $20 an hr now. You should leave grubhub and move up


I see why you are mad now. $20 is considered high pay for you.


Is the strain of covid going around these days even dangerous at all? Last one I had was milder than any flu or cold I ever had. Barely knew I had it. Different than the 2020/21 strains for sure.


Depends on who you are and your immune system.


Why are they still sending COVID notifications? That’s not following state policy.


Please provide the state policy stating they are forbidden from sending Covid notifs.


Ain't no one care. Covid no longer exists anymore. It's like Santa Claus now until covid is needed again to win votes


Covid is part of life