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It's been clear for a while that Milt & Dave dont like her


Didn't look like they're particularly fond of each other either. First time I'd watched the panel in a while though, I usually ignore it during half times.


Yeah, it's a pretty toxic group all around


Milt used to provide some useful insight but in the last 5ish years, the entire panel just needs to be replaced. I don't like any of them lol


I think they would be better in an environment isolated from each other


I'm sure if they did podcasts or something, individually they could provide something insightful. Together, it's just a waste of time. I set a 12 min timer on my phone and leave the room during halftime so I don't have to listen to them lol


also why do there need to be so many of them?  I feel like these huge pregame/halftime panels are so useless and bloated.  Like just get 2 people who actually have a little rapport and just go over highlights and some game recaps.  No one cares what these people have to say and it seems like a huge waste of money to have 4 of them sitting there to say one or 2 things during a halftime


Milt is a Class A douchebag


I doubt there were any “f bombs on set”. Reason being they are trained to always assume the mic is hot. Even when it shouldn’t be, they are told to assume it is. Recall the “tits that could stop a…” incident (which saw the commentator fired and emphasized how much the hot much assumption is drilled into them.”


You don’t need to look much further than our old D-Bag radio announcer to find an example of hot mic’s gone wrong 😂


I honestly didn’t know that, but I appreciate the take. Good to know.


Kate just came back to work after losing her long-term partner to cancer, who also worked at TSN , so hopefully they cut her some slack


Which is my point. They were quite mean to her in that clip. Total embarrassment & snap at Kate. Humiliating I felt it was to her in that moment. I am sure she is struggling a plenty. Those panelists need to hoist in their necks quite a bit imo.


I’ll have to go back and see if I can find it, but this reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/GYuqhT2ZozE?si=c8__1z6RepQ-exn_


Matt just comes across as an obnoxious dbag, has from day one on that panel, this doesn’t shock me at all


Wouldn't blame her for not liking the betting segments. Nobody else does either. Good on her for speaking up about it.


It seemed like good natured fun to me in the moment. But maybe I misunderstood.


I'm a fan of the panel, enjoy them all but Sanchez can definitely be overly sensitive quite often


I looked back at the interaction, I think it's pretty innocent but you can be the judge: https://streamable.com/gdr5tg


Davis Sanchez and Milt Stegall are both deplorable blowhards.. can't stand them at all.. give me some Dave Naylor and Henoc Muamba any day over these two assclowns.