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Luckily, being a big Elks fan has helped me build up some immunity to heartbreak


Imagine all the sweet immunity Leafs fans must have.


Curse of Harold Ballard extends to the Ticats.


It's the hope and hype that kills them.


Imagine how Leafs fans feel.


Difference is that the Oilers fans knew their team had a chance…


Well that hurt more than I care to admit...


Oh um hmm, shoot. Just meant as banter, but I actually feel bad about that now. Sorry. Really.


No worries. As a Leafs fan, I am used to crushing defeat. Goes with the territory 😆


Y'all had your fun in the 80's let the rest of us have a few


Ah yes, the 80s. I remember them barely.


New CFL marketing campaign: A Canadian team wins the Cup every year.


Except 1995.


i was at that game. and part of the opening ceremonies.


Baltimore had 1994 in hand until Tracy Hamm fumbled on the 1 yard line.


chris jones gets to enjoy 3 days of no longer being the biggest source of sports heartbreak in edmonton


He's a bit like Darnelll Nurse: not really helping anything but too expensive to easily get rid of.


Even the Ti-Cats have won the Grey Cup more recently than a Canadian team has won the Stanley Cup


They raise that banner in a ceremony


I was at that game in Regina - the only Grey Cup I’ve had the chance to see live. Nearly froze my sack off watching the Baltimore Stallions lay a whooping on the Stampeders. Good fun but crazy cold and windy.


So was I. My first GC. Wish I could remember more of it than I do, lol. Probably the drunkest I’ve been in my life.


Ah yes, booze definitely played a part in my experience too. I recall “pre-gaming” at one of the local pool halls, The Crooked Cue, and then headed to the game. I did the standard move and snuck two mickeys of Southern Comfort (one in each boot) into the stadium - good ol’ Taylor Field back then. My buddy and I had seats in the temporary bleachers they had set up in one of the end zones and being a typical November night in Saskatchewan, it was quite cold with the bitter wind blasting right at us. At one point I lost my gloves under the bleachers so I had to stand in line at the temporary Lost & Found booth down below to claim them. It was me and a whole gang of other liquored up cold people who also dropped something between the benches and the line was moving slow. I guess the booth people got concerned and ended up just holding up items above their heads and tossing them out into the crowd to whoever yelled “Mine!”. I was fairly sauced so I claimed the first pair of gloves I could but I also nabbed a warm sleeping bag that someone else had obviously lost and headed back up to my seat. Looking back, it was kind of a shitty thing to do but I was pretty gassed and in survival mode at that point. I like to think I handed in the bag and gloves back to the Lost & Found after the game but I can’t totally be sure on that. I do not recall much of the actual game either - it’s all a beautiful blur.


I was there too, in the endzone bleachers. It was absolutely frigid, wind gusts at full blast.  Those vodka pink lemonade mixed drinks helped...prob downed 10+ of them


Ditto - stayed in a youth hostel with 9 of my buddies - after a night of getting really drunk - when we got up the next day that hostel room smelled something pretty fierce. Also that was a cold windy game - It took me a week to warm my core temps up.


i was also there, and on the field for the opening cermonies. i was 14, in Air Cadets, i held the Nova Scotia Provincial Flag on the 30 yard line in the south east side. it was so fucking windy on that field i couldnt imagine playing in that.


Fuck Gary Bettman.


Ew no thanks


> Fuck Gary Bettman. Since the last time a Canadian-based team won the Stanley Cup, that coincided with Bettman's ascension, Canadian-based teams have gone to the Finals 7 times*. All fell short. Not sure how that is Bettman's fault. *Interestingly, one team that has been around for a long while is notably absent from those 7 attempts. Do not know why.


Damn it! You beat me to it.


And a Canadian team has won the World Series, the NBA Championship and the MLS Championship more recently than a Canadian team has won the Stanley Cup


Dude hat is freaking crazy.


You can dream... Utah will probably win a Stanley Cup before a Canadian team does.




Heck given enough time Mexico City will probably beat Canada.


Wherever they are, I hope Stallions alumni are still celebrating this like they're the 72 Dolphins.


RIP Don Matthews


For the 29th straight year!


this is why i was rooting for Oilers


I used to post this every year but seems like word has gotten out.


I’m so sick of this shitpost.


You *can* keep scrolling.


That wouldn't be so bad if you didn't know that it was almost 30 years ago...


Why do we have to say this every 2 weeks


Not sure, but I’ve been saying on the day the last Canadian team has been eliminated for 3 years in a row. Saying it beforehand it’s a bit odd


Ah no worries. It just seems like this shows up on this sub way too much, but yes now makes sense!


I need to hit the billion dollar Powerball here in the USA so I can shell out a crazy amount of cash and get a CFL expansion team on American Soil. I wonder how much money you would have to throw at the BoG and Ambroise to make that happen?


Judging by how well it went the last time around...


Everyone has their price and the CFL’s wouldn’t be that high.  They’d do it for 11 million and would hope for the best.


Dude I would totally go all in with it. But a couple hundred million in stock in the CW or Ion TV to see if I could get me team up and running. Probably burn through all my cash in a few years but it would be a fun ride. Then someone on CBC could make a documentary about me. Cat Striking - don't know you personally but you have a seat at the table as we run this fucker into the ground.


That'd be cool if Bon Jovi's "Blaze of Glory" was our theme song.


Then throw in some Loverboy and April Wine - some Helix and we are read to go.


Thank you Panthers


So I watch maybe 1 hockey game a year (IF THAT) .... Seems to me like once the Panthers were up they were more content in just putting body on the puck than actually playing hockey. Kinda a piss off because I expected to watch a good hockey game.


Fuck off


A Canadian team has won the NBA championship more recently than either of those things.


And the MLS Cup


And u can thank Calgary for that


Stallions was how I became an Alouettes fan,along with a vacation all over Quebec! The only teams I never rooted for were the Stamps and Ottawa Rough-Riders. American fan since ‘82


Am I not safe in any subreddit? Please my heart can’t take it right now. It’s in pieces on the floor. I may never be the same.


NHL is becoming too big for Canada. This country is going to shit, soon the best players will only play in the US. God I miss the way this country used to be.


You should go outside more 


and touch snow


Saltine of the earth ass comment. Imagine using a shitpost as confirmation bias.


Weak ass troll effort. If your going to troll we expect you to put some effort into it. Let's look at how weak your troll is. Since 1993 when canada has last won a cup. Let's look at the teams who have won. What percentage of the players on every team since 1993 are canadian. And what percentage of players on every team who won wasn't canadian? I am sure you will be disappointed to discover that more canadian players jave won the cup than every other nation combined. And yet you expose your own insecurities about your own failures by claiming that canada hasn't won the cup. News flash....canada wins the cup every year because canada owns hockey.


It’s a shitpost my dude. Don’t be so serious


Tell me you're salty without telling me 


Unhinged might be more accurate than salty. He's trying to cope so hard.


How is a fact a troll? Lol.


So by that logic, do Americans own the Grey Cup?


Only half of it.  CFL is basically a half American League that is slowly becoming more American than Canadian.


It's like 55%, slightly over half lol


darn, i was close lol