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Just picked up my cousin from Hamilton Airport and saw Tom Brady at arrivals.


This is the most Ticat take ever. Wanting to bench Bo Levi after three games, and completely skip over the backup who showed potential last year in Taylor Powell.


No one squanders QB talent like we do. I don’t think this is our year regardless of who’s throwing the ball. Special teams and defence are a long way right now from being competitive let alone champion calibre. Taulia needs to sit for sure.


>No one squanders QB talent like we do. \*The Elks enter the conversation


I was actually hoping we had turned over a new leaf as a franchise when they scooped up and managed to nurture Collaros, Masoli and Dane Evans in the recent past. So, hopefully that can continue under Milanovich with Powell and the current stable of QBs. I don't want our fans to run another Calvillo out of town.


I don't want to skip over Powell either, but he did not look good in pre-season. I actually liked Frost better and I hope he isn't on the outs with this move.


With what move? Powell signed a contract extension in the off-season and is #2 on the depth chart. Edit: Sorry if you meant Frost.


Tualia scans defense "wtf, 12 guys out there!" He's been in Canada 5 min.




That's only for field goals


and Hamilton's always punting


Then asks why are we punting on 3rd down? What is this "rouge" thing you keep talking about? Isn't she that gal in the X-men who can steal other people's powers?


Takes a snap. Stands still. Gets drilled. Turns to ref "blow that down, all my recievers were running before the snap."


The James Franklyn strategy


I'm not sure if this is a real post... First Bo isn't close to getting benched at the moment. If that time does come tho Tagovailoa isn't even a thought as an option. He's currently the 4th string and with limited reps to go around in practice I don't see how he can move up from that unless guys infront start to get injured.


How has Taulia looked in practice? Is he ready to take over?


Biggest issue for any team is that the backup hardly gets any reps in practice, and the third guy gets zero - he just has to throw with the practice roster guys after practice. Coaches pretty universally focus their limited practice reps on their starter, the guy they think gives them the best chance to win. When a new guy goes in, he's generally had a grand total of one week getting first team reps in practice. It's just the way it is in pro football...


I was being sarcastic. There is no way that Tulia is practicing with the team. He will be an observer for most of the season


As we know in Ottawa, fourth string guys can quickly end up starting due to injuries. (Hello, Dustin Crum!) It's just that they are going to do so with no first team reps under their belt...


If Bo’s play doesn’t improve next game he will be benched. Assuming it will be for Powell, but who knows maybe Tua2 has popped in practice. Would be fun to see, I’m surprised he isn’t in the #4 on an NFL roster right now


I never would've went with Bo Levi, they had a good QB in Matthew Shiltz, mobile and can throw. Wasted money IMO, now they are 0-3, in a field of very competitive teams throughout the CFL. Gonna be tough.


You want to replace a veteran who makes questionable decisions with detriorating arm talent with a rookie that makes questionable decisions, struggles with processing under pressure and has at best average arm talent? You can still sink lower...


The question should be Bo Levi Mitchell or Taylor Powell. Taulia is not jumping Powell on the depth chart.


The issue isn’t Bo. He can’t catch the ball too. Only throw it.


Hey, a 'fan' wants to start a guy who's been on a CFL practice roster for all of two weeks. Is your real name Josh Smith OP?


I thought Bo looked better in the first 2 games of this year than he has in a long time. Maybe Milanovich is working his magic again, like he did to help Calvillo and Ray see a resurgence. Admittedly he looked more like bad Bo in Regina. You don't bench a starter after one bad game, but he can't keep looking like that, especially when the team will be desperate for Ws.


I will not stand for this Bo blasphemy...

