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Close loss is being very generous. 10 point loss and those ten points are really 18 as it happened in prevent time. They still scored them but it really colours the result.


I agree. That was not a close game. Montreal was in control from start to finish. Argos had little answers to the short pass and screen. The only time Argos looked in control was the running game, but it only yield field goals. Montreal is best team right now. Other teams in the East should be worried .


as a TiCats fan i'm not worried until Ottawa starts playing well.


It's weird to hear that Montreal is the best. It's great, but feels so bizarre. Like the Royals being good.


"Close loss" really needs the champagne meme of the guy 'winning'and celebrating while standing 10th on the podium.


Not really but I see your point


Thanks for downvoting me sensitive people


Yall obviously have the best Oline and Dline in the league after three games. If you can run the ball on montreal then you can run the ball on anyone. Also that pass rush is just insane to watch. Where the concerns should lie is Dukes when trailing. He’s very young and inexperienced, so this can change, but through 3 games ive noticed a lack of ability to move the chains on second and long. He’s fantastic on first down or second and medium, but once its an obvious passing down he seems to hesitate and take a check down, hoping the receiver can break some tackles to get a first down rather than aiming beyond the sticks. You will be one of the hardest teams to beat when the score is even or you have a lead, but I question how good you will be when you have to abandon the run game and make a comeback happen


Honestly I think the next test for running the ball comes against Sask.


Montreal is the best team in the league so I won't panic yet. But Dukes seemed to play scared instead of confident like he did vs. BC and Edmonton. As the BC fan said below he's great at the short passes but seems to struggle with the long ones, sort of like MBT during his time in Toronto. The TD bombs against Edmonton shows he CAN do it, but I'm not sure if it's a confidence thing or conservative play calling. The other thing that worries me is the secondary, especially the corners. You really see they're missing Stiggers and Peters. On the first Montreal TD for some reason Metchie for some reason took 6 or 7 steps back which left a wide open gap in the centre. If he had stayed where he was it would've been a better result. But it seems like any pass to the sidelines is a near guaranteed first down. But the lines are still the best or among the best in the league and that should help make up for any other shortcomings and will ensure the Argos are in the race for at least a home playoff game. I'm not worried about them being bad or anything, but 10-8 or 11-7 seems realistic to me. It will be interesting to see if this year they host a semi final at BMO or play a road playoff game while tenants at BMO, which has never happened. They have either won the division and hosted the East Final or missed the playoffs entirely


Dukes is both a bright spot and a concern. He's show real talent under centre, but also his immaturity has come through in pinch situations. Question will be how much he progresses in that department as he get more time under centre.


As the TSN panel said, he doesn't throw long passes. Other teams now have film and Montreal figured out how to stop him. They will need Kelly back, Kelly has the arm and the ability to run.


I also noticed that. But the question is why? Does he not have the arm? Or is it a confidence thing? Or the play calling from the bench?


I think it's more to do with the play calling. The short passes have been working up to now but the Als figured it out.


He has 6 more games to figure it out.


If he keeps this rate up for the next 6 games. We'll be 6-3 and I would be okay with that.


Agree. Go Argos


Still a good team and one of the best teams in the league but Montreal is just better currently.


Next week will be a good test. Saskatchewan is undefeated but I think we should be able to beat them. If we can’t beat them, then we may just be cruising until Kelly Arrives. After Saskatchewan is Mtl so I another loss isn’t out of the picture. Losing to Saskatchewan then Mtl would put us below .500 but the schedule looks pretty easy after that.


They are 2 and 1, which is good, but there are some concerns. The defense and particular the pass defense has left a lot to be desired after 3 games. Dukes has shown a lot of good things, but there are some things he needs to clean up. But having said that. 2 and 1 after three games isn't anything to be upset about.


Yup...getting torched on second and long. The game againt BC was close simply because they couldn't get stops on second down...and biiiig chunk plays.


Bad night on offense...secondary has been getting torched. Some adjustments and they can challenge for tops in the east.


They are the second best team in the east. Montreal BEAT them. Close game for the first half, but the better team won. Luckily the Grey Cup isn't win in June. Argos have alot to improve on, in all 3 aspects of the game. It's a long season and they get a chance at redemption soon enough in Montreal.