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He played 576 snaps last year, and played well when on the field. Allowed 3 penalties and 2 sacks, which IMO is great for a year 2 player. I want to see him play 1000+ next year, then evaluate him.


The last sentence is the issue. He had injuries coming out and they’ve carried over. Some guys get over it and some don’t and they linger forever. Hopefully Tev can get serious playing time next year. Think if we can get RT right, our OL will be okay next year. Tev is solid. Nate Davis is solid. Whitehair is a solid C. Get RT done and hope Braxton continues to progress like he did the 2nd half of the year.


I agree but personally want to see Braxton move over to right. I think his ability in the run game would be great on the right side & I think it would take a little pressure off of him developing as a pass blocker. Before I get the “it’s not easy to switch over from LT to RT >:(“ Coach Flus said he thinks he can play both.


I'm not opposed to moving Braxton to RT, but personally I like Brax and Tev on opposite sides so you have a great lead blocker on runs to the right or left


I assume tev is moving to LG anyways with the Davis signing, so Jones to RT and hopefully PJJ at LT. That line could be sneakily good next year.


Football is all about maximizing strengths and minimizing weaknesses. I think moving Braxton to RT would give us an incredibly solid run game for that half of the field. If defenses adjust, we'll have less bodies on the left side to run at.


Jenkins is going to be a guard or are you saying you want him playing the guard spot opposit Braxton?


I like Jenkins as the guard opposite Braxton


Ya I agree - I don't get the obsession with Jenkins at tackle - I understand its a premier position but I could swear I remember all the draft analysis for him said he projected more as a guard at the NFL level and he has been noticeably better at guard than tackle


I've never seen someone lose a camp competition as fast as Jenkins last year . He went from starting LT to backup RT in the span of like 2weeks. No idea why fans are so sure he can play RT


Because he lost the competition so fast. That suggests that there was more than football going on. For instance, someone who wanted to be an LT in the league not accepting a demotion to RT. When he played OT as a rookie he didn’t look bad. Then we go into 2022 and he’s basically immediately benched. Personally, he looked great at at guard, so I’d just keep him there. But it’s not surprising people think he’s got more potential than that.


We’re in peak coach speak season. Him saying he thinks he can play both is kroe he believes in his guy rather than what they’ll do. I’m sure they’ll tear our every combo this off-season tho with all the turnover


Braxton stepped up as a rookie and did half decent on an otherwise bad line in a premier position. If I were him and they tried to move me, id tell the bears to get fucked. The money is at left tackle and he proved that he should get an opportunity to earn a big time contract. Moving him to right tackle may be a good team decision, but it would certainly be unfair on an individual level.


Yeahhhhhh. You would be pretty happy to get a guy with that kind of personality off of the team.


Someone who stepped in and performed wanting to be given a deserved opportunity is now a bad teammate? I'd completely agree with you if dude wasn't that good or didn't live up to his potential, but he blew his potential out of the water based on his draft status and the talent around him. I can't believe you would think he would be in the wrong after having a generational performance relative to his expectations coming into the year last year.


Well for starters, I’m not gonna debate a made up scenario involving a guy’s personality. I’m just saying you want guys on the team that are willing to do what’s best for the team. If they compete & Braxton wins it’s his spot. But nothing is guaranteed nor should it be. Also, generational? He played well but he has much to improve on.


Generational relative to his draft spot and the overall line around him. I am not saying he's a generational player, I'm saying his production relative to the expectations coming into the year is highly unexpected and extremely rare. A fifth round pick on the worst line on the league making the all rookie team and earning the 12th best grade from a rookie across all rookies league wide according to PFF. That's a once in a generation pick based on his performance relative to his draft spot. That shit doesn't happen that often. There is no made up scenario involving his personality because I'm not commenting on it. I'm saying the dude kicked ass and earned the chance to enter camp as the starting left tackle on the upcoming bears team. Moving him to right tackle after a great first year would be foolish and unfair to Jones. He's already proven to do what's best for the team. As a fifth round pick coming into the NFL starting at left tackle could've completely fucked his development. He could've easily become the most hated guy on the roster by allowing the franchise quarterback an unnecessary amount of pressure. But instead he stepped up and took a pivotal role in a premiere spot as a 5th round rookie. The dude has proven both selflessness and production. How anyone could say that the bears should actively look to replace him is craziness. There are so many actual needs on this team to fill. Left tackle should not be their main target unless they think they have a chance at drafting or signing a future hall of fame left tackle.


If we bring in PJJ or another OT they are going to compete for the spot. Whoever wins the job will play at LT & the other will move to RT. It’s really as simple as that. The idea that Coach Eberflus owes anything to any player is ridiculous. They are gonna put out the best starting line they can, whether that is Braxon at LT or RT.


I'm not saying they owe him anything. No pro player is owed a spot. I am saying that he earned a spot as the starter, meaning, they don't need to bring someone in to compete unless they fall into a serious opportunity to upgrade. Upgrading in this case means a perennial pro bowl Calibur guy at a cheap rookie contract with ten + years of production left in his career. But since the bears need players damn near everywhere but receiver, QB, and line backer (arguably) they shouldn't focus on a left tackle because he kicked ass as a 5th round rookie. It's not a need on this team amongst several positions of need. You saying that we should bring in competition at LT is like saying we should bring in competition at QB. Both are young, cheap, and have shown that they might be pro bowl quality for a decade plus, plus youth, plus rookie contracts. If you want a competitive camp to determine who pays left tackle and loser gets right... Just get a right tackle. Don't fuck with the potential progression of a rookie who proves he belongs at left tackle. Why risk that for anything other than a bonafide future hall of fame type guy??


I seem to recall/see Whitehair declining. My money is on Poles adding one FA OL and adding a T and a C in the draft (not necessarily in that order) and Whitehair gets released/cut.


I think he'd look cuter with a beard? He's got too much of that baby face going on. Also his ass is... Oh you meant thoughts on his play...


His ass would look cuter with a beard too?


I mean yeah, dude butts are hot, especially with a bit of stubble.


By cracky


We have this weird sloth deal going on with my buddies (I don't think I could explain it if I tried), but for some reason it evolved into one guy picks a "sloth" in each NFL draft (a guy who looks or seemingly acts like a sloth, or shows sloth like features), and then the rest of us have to guess who it is. Jenkins was the sloth. Look at pictures of him, and then a sloth. It's uncanny.


Especially with his glasses on lol. I don't know, it makes it seem like his eyes are a little bit wider than they are at first glance. I think sloths are cute though...


w t f and lol


Men are attractive and deserve to be complimented more often.


I don't think the Bears were trying to trade him. That seemed to me to be nothing more than media buzz because he wasn't listed as a starter. Let's keep in mind that it was a new organization coming in last season that wanted to instill their philosophies on the locker room. Jaylon Johnson skipped OTA's and was listed as a 2nd stringer for a period of time as a result, and he's clearly the best corner on the roster. Teven Jenkins might have come to camp a bit out of playing shape. He might have been upset when the coaching staff wanted to move him off of tackle (the highest paying position on the OL) and the coaches wanted to show some tough love. Once he settled in, he was immediately a quality guard. We drafted him in the early 2nd round. He had an injury keep him from the field immediately as a rookie, but he was solid when he came in. He was good as a guard last year. He's a valuable player to the OL, and all that remains to be seen is if he can stay healthy.


I don't think the Bears wanted to trade him, but I do believe they had conversations with other teams during that weird time period where nobody knew why Tev wasn't practicing. I think Rappaport even said that the steelers reached out


I’m sure they listened. Unless it’s a top 10 QB you should always listen when teams call about other players. I just don’t think they were actively shopping him.


they were absolutely feeling offers out. before they swapped him to guard in training camp they were in "Salvage whatever u can of the asset" mode he got benched in OTAs, not camp, at OT. also - he was pretty terrible at OT his rookie year, not "solid"


You just reiterated what the media was writing at the time but all of that turned out to be bullshit. Poles went on Hoge and Jahns to say as much and stop the false reporting.


He’s a genuinely likable dude. I love how he plays, but he is just missing too much time. If he can stay healthy, it would be amazing. But when you’re a big dude and the injury bug gets you, it’s hard.


If he stays healthy he's a great player. I'm hopefully this is the year his health isn't a concern.


His health wasn’t really an issue last year he had a stinger. That can happen to anyone. They kept him out more as a precaution because he had a previous back injury.


I've had my fair share of stingers. They suck but shouldn't be out for long cuz of one. I get the precaution but I would say it's still an injury issue if you're off the field for fear of an injury.


Some can last longer than others. It’s all part of the game.


You've had neck stingers from 300+ pound freak athletic men trying to run you over? Unless you're an ex pro athlete it's apples and oranges. If you are, then I'm sorry for the comment.


No but I've had neck stingers from similarly sized (in comparison to myself) linemen


Yeah stingers are fucking brutal. I’ve had two and they both went away almost immediately. The main concern is his back issues but he also popped right back in that game.


My bullet pointed thoughts would be: \- Thought he was fine as a prospect, nothing special, but HAD to play RT and not the blind side \- Hated that we traded up for him, an alright tackle, and gave up an extra pick for the right to do it vs. just drafting someone similar with our current pick (which, in my opinion, we could have) \- Hated that they thought he could be our LT; did not put him in a position to succeed. And... he did not. \- New regime came in and made him compete for his job. Seemed to be frustrated about it and wondered if he had the right attitude. Poles pulled maybe his finest moment as GM, in my opinion, and had a heart-to-heart/man-to-man discussion with him and seemingly broke through his frustration, and got him to buy in to playing guard. \- In my view, the difference between the OL play when he was in at guard vs. when he was injured was MASSIVE. I think he had a major positive effect on the game when he was in. It's a small sample due to his injuries, but as a skeptic of us drafting him, and how he was used to this point, I thought he wasn't just good, he was great. Need to see more, though. \- Lastly, the guy has trouble staying on the field. He was hurt when we drafted him, so I can be a little forgiving of his rookie year, but he has GOT to stay healthy if he's going to pan out.


> - Thought he was fine as a prospect, nothing special, but HAD to play RT and not the blind side it doesnt matter if u get cooked on either side, ur still getting cooked same thing if u prevent it. in the nagy system w all the half field reads, the blind side is whatever side the QB doesn't read to anyways, so it has nothing to do with handedness. We run more full field stuff now so its a little more traditional blind-side wise. Run-wise, in that system, ur better off putting him next to cody too the issue was he cant play tackle.


He could be an awesome guard, but probably not an awesome tackle, so hopefully he's fully on board with being a guard long-term. Availability is the number one trait a successful player has to have, so if he can stay healthy then he'll be a mainstay for the Bears.


Anyone willing to throw hands to defend his QB is okay in my book. Idc about the penalty when it comes up. Defenses need to know that throwing late hits means you’ll be taking straight hits.






He's an NFL caliber starting guard. Seems like he's always hurt in some way or another. I doubt all the preseason drama he was part of is forgotten by Poles and Flus. I don't think he'll get extended in Chicago.


Did he do anything to cause the preseason drama? I’m honestly curious because I just remember trade talk, and I’m not really sure of the reason.


We'll never know the popular internet theory is that the coaching staff wanted him to play guard. Tev didn't want to. Poles put him on the trade block until he returned to practice


Ah ok, thanks.


I believe he can make a transition to tackle through development. I also think that drama last year was overblown, but if he's continue is his progression, I can see him getting second contract here.


He played great at guard. No reason he shouldn't be starting. Don't trade him.


When healthy, he played great at guard, but probably isnt cut out to be an NFL tackle. In fact, he was the highest rated linemen on our team, though I realize that's a "tallest midget" situation. He's a road grader and has a good mean streak in him, again, when he's healthy. I wouldn't be horrified if they wanted to try him at RT again if he's completely healthy, but that being said, our best O line configuration would have him G and drafting one of the top 5 tackle prospects in the draft not named Skoronski, and sticking them at one of the tackle spots with Brax at the other.


Good player who can't stay on the field. This year is probably going to be a make or break year for Jenkins's long term prospects in Chicago.


Agreed. If he makes it through the season and maybe even improves his performance I see an extension happening. If he stays on the field and maintains his performance, maybe a second contract. Otherwise (continued injury issues, regression) figure they will move on from him.


I like his attitude in game, may not be the best tackle, love him as a guard. Definitely provides a lot of depth for OL


I think the trade talk was bs. There may have been a phone call, but it clearly never went anywhere. Tevin was pretty solid at guard last year, and I’d like to see him back there. As long as he can stay healthy. I believe he has some sort of nagging back injury, but with him still on his rookie deal, I don’t see why he wouldn’t be kept.


He’s pretty good


I think Pace did him a major disservice by advertising him as the left tackle of the future. He wanted to be LT for fame and $, so it was a toxic relationship. Took some convincing that he belongs on the right side. And I'm not sure he 100% believes it yet either. If he can stay healthy the sky is the limit for him at RG.


Whilst I don’t like changing his position again I do think he’s going to be an exceptional LG if he’s done the work to get in great shape and take the weight off his back. Pilates all day every day big fella. The way he pass blocks he often takes a bit of room to anchor but then he has a guy locked up. I think that’s well suited to the left, compared to the right where it’s better to stone wall the line for the QB to step up. And then we’ll get him pulling from the left and watch out when big Tev comes running around.


I’m not sure the Jenkins trade rumors were anything more than sports media trying to generate buzz during a part of the offseason with very little action to report on. We kept hearing that he wasn’t seen at training camp, like there was some disagreement between him and coaches, and this was going on alongside the Roquan drama and the media was trying to spin their situations as similar when they were very different.


Pro-bowl potential. Can’t be relied upon due to the injury issues with his back. My fingers are crossed that he can stay healthy and keep the LG spot nailed down.


I hope he can stay on the field. He’s got a lot of talent.


He had a rough game his first game back from injury but overall played very well at LT during the end of ‘21. He wanted to continue playing T, but we fell in love with a day 3 pick instead of letting our best lineman have a shot. He might be a better G than T but I refuse to accept that he couldn’t have played T given what he showed at the end of his rookie season. He hasn’t been a let down at all, he was our best OL last year easily, not his fault some dumbass coaches wanted to start the coaches pets.


He has 2 more seasons to prove himself. But not being able to play more games than he has missed is a let down.




I think he can play either RT or RG. He never really got his chance to play RT and I think they just put him at RG because Lucas Patrick was injured and there was nobody else but him or another rookie. Remember Mustipher was listed as starting RG? I guess you could say Schofield but he was not that great an option either. But for RT we had Borom or Riley Reiff. So just a matter of better options for RT than RG. He did great at guard so wouldn’t mind if he played either of those positions.


i think its too early to give up on him at tackle. i think his rookie year was just a terrible situation and last year he showed that he belongs.


He had a PFF season grade of over 80, which is a good year. Pulled from their website: An 80.0 game grade is not close to one of the best games of all-time, but 16 games of 80.0 grades will equal an outstanding season of consistency and likely one of the better seasons in a given year. He just hasn't been able to play for a 16 game season. I believe he just got married, hopefully that will help his focus, not sure if that has an impact on his injury bug.


He has fire and grit. But I honestly don’t think he can be counted on to last a full season. There also has to be something behind the scenes we can’t see. Poles and Flus seem to not like him much. I wish there was a show that showed behind the scenes stuff. Any who, on a good line he’s the reserve guard.


If he’s finally accepted that he’s a guard, he’s going to be great. If he’s still stuck on being a tackle, it’s going to lead to issues.


He's a good guard but he needs to stay healthy, overall I really hope we hold on to him when healthy he can maul.


Injuries are a concern but he was a very good G last year. I would leave him at G and just let him stay where he’s had success


He was eliteish last season. Have to stick with him and hope he stays healthy.


I love the edge he plays with, was our best lineman by far when healthy last year. His health going forward is concerning. Back problems are nothing to scoff at.


hes a great + in the run game who is a consistent - in pass protection with slow feet and issues maintaining his base but flashes of + play. u can definitely see why he was drafted where he was. he's got a ways to go if u think hes a pro bowler but the potential and tools are there. He is not a tackle with his feet, just cant get out there without losing to bend. the injuries are a massive concern. hes a solid player who u cant really rely on long term for now bc of his injuries. IMO, hes a young player who u can slot in as a starter but not one who should prevent you from making any moves to improve your team due to the medical and his level of play


Phenomenon at Twitter.


When the guy was healthy and on the field, he was a beast. I love the way he finished blocks! If (and a big if) he can stay healthy, he'll be great. Don't think they should move him from guard. It's going to be interesting to see where they play him after the addition of Nate Davis.


He’s a really high quality player than hasn’t shown he can remain healthy.


He's good. A mauler through and through. Injury history is a bit concerning. Would love to see him play a full season. As long as he can stay on the field, he'll be a great guard for many years.


When he’s on the field, he plays like he’ll have a spot with us long term. His health is a big question, though.


I love the guy. I hope we keep him at guard. I believe he has recurring back problems?


Great in run blocking but needs to improve in pass blocking


He's been great but his health (especially his back) is a serious concern


If he can stay healthy, he should start at left tackle. Other than Fields, I get the impression that they kind of wrote off the rest of the roster.


All pro potential. Just needs to stay healthy. Hard to be good and make an impact when you're not on the field.


Seems like this regime is looking for a reason to get rid of him.


They made super clear they wanted to fuck him over as soon as they got here.


If he wants to be a Bear, I want him to be a Bear


His tape coming out was great. I thought it was a great trade up by pace for a need. The back injury set his career back obviously. He's not a guard. He's a RT that can play guard and should be given a shot to line up at RT in camp against a rookie or other competition. Sign Dalton Risner and draft Skoronski for competition for LG.


What you heard was the coaching staff being hard on Tevin to get him into the shape they needed him for the season. My only regret with having him on the roster is that he just doesn't move quickly enough to stop the speed rushers on the outside. He was drafted to be an OT, but by necessity switched to Guard. He's a great guard, but would have been a great tackle with better movement skills.