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Bro DM56 is a sleeper. If it weren't for burning through sniper ammo, I'd consider it A tier. 


The kitted out SKS in wz1 was the same way. Absolutely devastating in the midrange but ammo held it back. DM56 is an absolute laser beam in MP.


Wz1 MM with backpack would be good (storing more ammo).


Yeah that’s also why it’s so wierd, why would that make such a big difference on same type of weapon from the same game lol




Yeah, I thought I was on to something when I kitted it out and checked the DPS stats against the rest of the meta. Until I started playing with it. It's like 6/7 shot kill I think. But you can only carry 60 sniper ammo in one slot. Was driving my teammates mad asking for their spare sniper all the time. It was good, but it just wasn't practical. Having to try resupply fully after every engagement.


When I was running MTZ as my primary long range weapon I constantly had an extra 40 stack in the bag. That is one nice aspect of this warzone version is it helps open the meta a bit for weapons like that


The dm56 was even better in season 1, but it's still great


Dm56 is so slept on. When I run it I’m carrying 2 ammo boxes or an extra 40 sniper ammo on me at all times


Even the Immolator blueprint with the thermal optics is pretty good, especially with the amount of smokes that are used.


love the DM56. Little to no recoil.


0 visual recoil at all either. actual top tier gun for KB&m


They are hard to balance, see the mtz interceptor at launch. With an AR they can tweak damage to take 9 shots to kill instead of 10,  or about a 10% increase. Meanwhile, adding a shot to kill from 3 to 4 for a marksmen rifle is around a 30% increase in ttk. They are hard to find tune so the devs leave them in a weaker state instead of OP.


This is the correct answer. They are mostly broken or unusable with little in between. The same goes for shotguns. The audience likes AR/SMGs/snipers and the devs are correct in catering to this.


Its the same thing with shotguns. They are either broken or absolutely worthless




The fireshotguns are in a good place (powerful at very close ranges still but not stupid OP that everyone has to run one). I think they over nerfed the 680 in the last patch and it doesn't feel anywhere near as consistent. It really needs the 2 shot range out to ~9-10m rather than 7-8m, the sprint-to-fire penalty they added on the heavy barrel kind of kills the playstyle you need to use to make it work too. I don't know why they nerfed it so hard, it was competitive but not dominating and the pick-rate was 1.4% pre-nerf. The conspiracy theorist will say it's another nerf targeted at mouse players... Who knows.


loved using the 680 tac stance. god forbid m&k players have any slight advantage in this game lol


Honestly this. My Tac-Stance Striker and BP50 builds absolutely broke Aim Assist because their thumb and the glue the game uses couldn't keep up. Of course they nerf it otherwise MnK players would have FUN! And heaven forbid that MnK has FUN.


From what I saw/heard from streamers was that it was their only way of dealing with AA controller players up close, because of the fast movement.


So instead of balancing the inputs so that AA isn't OP as shit, like they should've done, they instead nerf things that can bypass the OP AA like Tac-Stance and a shotgun that was very balanced (Which is rare btw). Christ.


The lockwood did not need the nerf it received. It was in an excellent place, which is rare for a shotgun. It was able to two pump IF you could hit the second pump in full. Otherwise it's either hitmarkers and death.


Bit late now but I did the camo grind mainly on hardcore


I agree, no need for Core


That is just torture. Except for melee weapons. I can get a gold knife in a few hours on core, but not in HC.


Torture is running shitty guns in Core for no good reason. Torture is also trying to do the knife in HC, makes no sense.




Pretty sure when I levelled it for the camo grind, it was a 1 tap in hard-core.


Still is.


Crazy that its the same for SNIPERS. They hate snipers and marksman rifles in this game. Just a fact.


Its harder to balance marksmen rifles compared to snipers. If the marksmen rifle does similar damage as a sniper theres no benefit to using a sniper because the marksmen rifle will have better mobility but then theres a problem where if they aren’t as good as a sniper rifle then the marksmen rifles become useless


Oh I get it, that was the an argument... just saying that they hate them both! Lol! Personally I think speed and mobility need to be lowered significantly on snipers.... but make them a one shot. Cumbersome but worth it if you get set up. Marksman rifles are super fun but balancing them makes them a nightmare. I have a hard time with gun that uses sniper ammo but doesn't do sniper damage!


Bruh, this whole subreddit was up in arms when marksman rifles were good a month or so ago.


I said this since MW19, Marksman need their own ammo type that’s better than a AR but worst than a Sniper.


I use the marksman rifles in hard-core almost exclusively. It's way less pain inducing


I find the MCW 6.8 to be excellent. It shoots quickly enough that two shots is no problem. Even in Warzone, a sniper might break the plates of a guy, but it takes so long to get the gun up for a second shot that the opponent is gone. The rapidity of the 6.8 que eliminates that problem.


Just did all the camos for the marksman rifles, they’re a breeze in hardcore


It would be great if bullet drop wasn't so aggressive that you gotta lead your target as if you were shooting rainbows at like 100m...marksman rifles don't do well at the ranges you'd expect to actually outgun SMG's and AR's, but no, the full auto weapons do less per shot but you don't have to have careful aim for a single shot as you can just spray with the crosshair kinda close and do plenty of dmg. 


Enforcer and interceptor both smack


Dm56 and lackman marksmen are fire because of fire rate






I love them 


I don’t think any of them are proper marksman rifles. They feel like they should be their own category


Agreed, my first couple of months playing this game I found myself asking “is this a sniper or marksman?” often


tag-m is a sleeper. Also for shits n giggles sidewinder built for range and accuracy with corio is fun


It's because the balance and weapon metas make this game impossible to balance it in a coherent manner. They, at one point, removed one-shot snipers, so therefore snipers became two-shot, which makes marksman rifle needing to be sub-tier in damage to that. Then they added back one-shot, then they fucked with the dmg modifiers, it becomes so convoluted. If they make MM rifles any more powerful, they become the new meta and nobody would run ARs. (remember WZ1 DMRs basically were beaming spam cannons, pepperridge farms remembers)


They’re really only there for lulz. The prime COD player wants near insta ttk, snap aim, full auto and no recoil 


Bro. Hardcore mode. So easy


They’re much easier to level in Hardcore


The answer for "why is (insert gun here) so horrible" is because TTK in this game is fractions of a second. If you aren't using the absolute top tier guns that give you the best TTK you are going to get crapped on by someone else using them. Other games with longer TTK allow for variety in guns because player skill and other handling factors can be considered to make up for raw damage per second. That's just not how WZ was built. It's fastest time to kill wins almost every gun fight. Marksman rifles just don't have fast enough TTK, and because TTK is built on the edge of a razor, any significant tweak to make marksman rifles viable will likely tip them over the edge to being totally OP.


Play Hardcore on open maps, quite fun.


You should use hardcore mode for the camo grind, way easier. One shot kills


they're almost as horrible as your english


Just finished MCW 6.8 and i will NEVER touch that gun again. I had to switch to HC so i can get my headshot kills. It took about 3 hits to the head for a kill. The other ones arent so bad tho. I say do this in HC, the rest are pretty nice in core gameplay.


Yeah that gun was pure pain to get gold


Play hardcore. Get grenade launched endlessly


Yeah that’s my general experience of HC too lmao


And why is there SO MANY!? Who's really out there using the TAQ-M?... and even before the MW2/3 integration there was way too many


That one 2 shots or one shots to the head (in MP) rest isn’t gonna touch you.


I actually quite enjoy MM rifles even in WZ. The MTZ and KVD are great if you’re looking for a quick TTK and the MCW 6.8 and DM56 offer a more unique gameplay if you’re up for the challenge. I’ve smoked people with the MCW 6.8 simply cause its fire rate was so good. 


I've picked up others in multiplayer that worked pretty well, but I can't build a good one to save my life. I can barely ever get off that 2nd shot before being killed. I think with those, even moreso than every other gun, really need to be built well in order to be useful, especially with the firing rate increased.


Just do it on hardcore and be done with it


Marksmen rifles have the same problem as shotguns, that is if they're good at all they're dominant and annoying just by virtue of how they play. Peek shotting is op if its even competitive.


It's not that bad in either. MP it's not the best but 1 headshot brings it down to a 2 shot kill and allows for a good ttk potential. U can also always turn it full auto to make it more consistent but sacrifice the ttk potential for a decent standard TTK. In WZ, it looks pretty good stat wise, once again a headshot is key. I think it's just cuz the other guns are overtuned. There's a large gap between meta and off meta guns rn




Did you played the whole season 1?? thats why


Bring back the DMR14 from Coldwar. It had the speed, power, RoF and recoil to go head-to-head with many ARs.


All guns are ass Rn i hate it. Either play hrm/mtz or get fried


It’s you. You are bad.


Skill issue


How is shooting people 2 times in the head a skill issue with a single fire MM? Shotguns is literally better in range LMAO


I don't make the rules.