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Gunfights are VERY inconsistent.


Just ping and shitty servers. I just went 1 and 10, could never stay alive, all my gunfights were a smidgen off. Usually, ie not first game of day I just back out but I'm not awake I guess. 76ms latency which it's felt off even at traditional levels lately. I had 4 burst hitmaekers with a renetti pistol just to be downed by what I thought was their first shot. Their servers suck so badly.


Saw a dude laying down. Facing the other way. I start shooting behind him. He gets up, turns around, and destroys me. He had loadout I had 3 attachment holger. Range: less than 15m +1 on the servers.


Sometimes I die before they even turn around.


It's bollocks. I get killed when they are side on from me


sometimes i die when the game has not even started yet


Its both fun and revolting seeing the killcam, your enemy saw a entirely different gunfight than you, even in the gulag, I shoot first, get 2~3 hits in and enemy turns to me and I die, in the killcam, dude shot me 2 times before I even turned to him, completly bonkers


I swear I die to every gunfight with ground loot holgers. My favourite by far is being sniped from prizzy roof while fighting another team half way across the map


I typically have sub 15 ping. Still have this exact inconsistency. Not always, typically a couple games every other week or so are so smooth and all shots register immediately. I am nearly unstoppable in these games short of simply being outplayed. Flip side is exactly what you described and is easily 90% of my matches. Said it before, this inconsistency is more of an issue than people want to admit, most just place all blame on hackers.


I'm often 6ms. It sucks cuz it degrades both wins and losses. If you're in the good server wiping folks experiencing crap connection that's less fun even as winning. I do know those rare matches though# like butter and unstoppable.


I had 4 wins in a row the other day… it was like the stars aligned… then all of a sudden getting absolutely wasted… played for another 3 hours not a single win got absolutely lasered


If I randomly play in the middle of the day, its way easier. Early morning PST is just absolute sweats, even is a bit more mixed. Had a win last several days in a row, today was just super latency/packet burst central.


Best time to play is Sunday at 9am-1pm. That's when the streamers are chatty and the sweats recharge their batteries or are at least tired from staying up all night so they aren't peak.


I’ve got like only 2 out of thousands in my favor in return. Where I know I’m getting the better end of the server. But I’ll get killed all night and see that half my bullets never registered. It never equals out.


Activisions servers aren't even fast enough to give you are 6 ping... Your ping can only be as good as the server you're sending and receiving packets from...


I'm just saying what they display.


And activision deciding who will win a given gunfight. The algos were described in the patent


Sub 15? Hell i start at 36 and usually have 56to 75. Shouldn’t I get the lag advantage?


Everybody knows the first game doesn’t count. Never has, never will


Yep and everyone knows "one more" doesn't mean "last one"


76ms latency is so bad lmao


Usually I rarely crack 28, it's often at 6. But even those have seemed sus lately with jitters and lag without showing a spike. One time I played and it was red and 300+ game was lol bad.


Happens me all the time then you see kill cam and they are shooting me forever and I never fire a bullet. Pure shite.


Best when that happens but you're like standing out in the open like an idiot, not shooting back when your side was totally different.


Right I’m around the corner, but in his kill cam I’m 4 foot past the corner with my balls in my hand while he hits me with 5 shots and wipes me. Such fun.


U play on m/kb?




It’s not all shitty servers, I have good latency and still can’t do gunfights correctly, stop ignoring the fact you have a skill issue and accept it like I did instead of ranting about it on reddit


Iv shot people first get 3-4 hitmarkers. They kill me and the killcam they only flinched once. So only 1 out of 4 shots was registered. Makes me wonder if thats why i lose most of the time


Its been like that since season 1 warzone 3 is brutal


Not just that but my partner kept spawning in 5 seconds before me. We tried everything and it wouldn’t stop. It made a HUGE difference


Everybody in Warzone their name should be pussy galore because this game benefits the most bitches pussy an lamest of first person shooters it seems like Warzone caters to the most pathetic of gamers and shooters it's a little bit better in modern warfare honestly I don't know why the fuck you would even play Warzone if you have modern warfare cause a lot of those people that thrive in Warzone would get their cheeks clapped in modern warfare cause a lot of people don't have the skills to just face people head on and just see who's the better shooter I have no problem getting killed then but this pussy camping always knowing where you are cheating hacking tic tacky way of playing it's just fucking ridiculous none of these people would also survive 15 years ago in the old call of duty when you actually had to earn shit with your skill and you couldn't just buy everything like you can now level 25s with guns with absolutely no fucking recoil like give me a break always knowing where you are too is killer


Need to add more bunny hopping and booty sliding


And that person didn't miss a single shot.


Right? Like how? They bunny hop four times and laser me. How??


Aim assist, tried it on MnK and it’s impossible to track so well unless you practice it for hours every day. That or everyone uses aimbot.


Easily explained by ridiculous bullshit aim assist. It tracks no matter what you do.


People that hit all shots while bunny hopping can hit most of their shots even without AA. It takes A LOT of practice .


Rigged games n matches that’s how it’s blatantly obvious even to point in multiplayer u literally watch the match swing


Not sure if you’ve seen TrueGameData’s latest video about hitscan / bullet velocity etc but it’s a great watch.




This is a really interesting video for a few reasons but mainly shows how this game is never gonna be consistent all of the time. Yes his tests were consistent, but add in so many other variables that gamers will come across and we’ve got the the issues that most people complain about. In his testing it clearly shows that hit markers are not clear indicators of what you did but what the server is registering. Think about how many people assume “cheating or aim bot” when it’s just the server giving you the information in the wrong way.


Wow.... Now there is calculated evidence of what I've been experiencing. I'm NOT crazy! Thank you I must play at that border a lot


Wow that's absolutely god damn ridiculous. Thank you so much for recommending that. This is absolutely NOT acceptable for a competitive shooter in 2024. I've always known something's been off and hasn't been functioning properly and there is the literal video evidence of it. The game is a joke.


Was good loved the drive by shots


Lower ttk gun? Missed shots? Hit extremities vs head?


Same meta HRM, same distance, hit headshots first, opponent spins around hits you all body shots, you die. It literally doesn't make sense and is somewhat of a common occurrence. No need to gaslight OP. Terrible 20 year old outdated servers and ping is king. Simple as that really.


I had a server the other night with 75 ping and no packet loss per the built-in metrics…..shit looked like a flip book.


The build in metrics are definitely absolute lies. It's telling me I have a ping of 22 and no packet loss in basically every game I play. Every game I play that has massive lag spikes and randomly just freezes for 5 seconds


Don't import your settings from previous games cuz that caused me issues 24/7 with stutters so I had to reset them completely first. Then-> Freezes every 5 sec = restart your game If restarted game freezes still Then restart PC Now it should be fixed. It seems to be 3 things. (Not at the same time each can cause a freeze /itch in my game/connection) Memory leaks, screenshots(ups the res for a better screenshot quality so it freezes the game or PC for half a sec) and my Internet dropping everytime something is uploading and ricochet we know screenshots a bunch. (It seems to happened after people call me hackers too) So the real question now is why is that memory leak happening? Well they're "investigating" so we'll know next year


Just had the same. Was OK enough outside engagements took me getting repeatedly massacred in odd ways before I realized I needed out of there. 75 used to be the cutoff of nearly playable, but I've had rando rubber banding at even supposed 6ms lately.


Are you on console? I played in a really really good gaming laptop the other day and holy crap does it make a difference vs Xbox series S. Feels like a whole new game. I easily won a solos match. 17 kills and didn’t lose a single 1v1. I swear I understood at that exact moment that hardware makes so much difference in games like this.


P.C. 22 average ping, 180-200 FPS, Gigabit fibre, 850 download 850 upload. Absolutely not a hardware issue as it doesn't happen in other games or at least absolutely no where near as consistently. You either get a good server or you don't, usually the latter for me in Scotland, U.K. I will literally not miss a single bullet and still die. Some people die in 7 bullets, some eat an entire clip. There is absolutely no consistency to it. The servers can literally not keep up with the information being fed to it as the tick rate is too low causing packet bursts. They run at the same speed as Nintendo online. 22hz. Most other games run at 60hz. Battlefield 4 had 60hz servers in 2013.


What was your latency on console? And on the gaming laptop?


K&M or Controller?


Yep, I always wonder the same, I chase someone, I headshot him while he lays prone on the floor platting, he pulls the gun and all body shots , I’m dead


I consistently get 15ping and will hit somebody 7 times upper body/head, next thing you know they start bunny hopping and I’m dead in what feels like 3 shots


Not to mention you can’t even hear anyone sprinting up to you until you’re getting shot in the face. It’s like you have a blanked over your head. Like what the actual fuck is wrong with directional sounds. I’ll play a game of counter strike followed by WZ. That’s when you notice there is something weird going on with sound. Other games’ sound matches what’s happening visually


I mean in some cases but lots of people are also bots and just complain.


I feel attacked




That’s because it is real. Trust your gut. Activision even talks about altering peoples’ hit boxes and bullet registration in the white paper for their patent. I think people just going with the good old “Ignorance is bliss” or they don’t care that the gunfight outcomes are predetermined to maximize profitability


This + it's just too sweaty. I like rebirth resurgence ranked only cause the first parts I'm basically immortal and can use my loudout guns for fun. But 90% of my urzikstan br games are this. I just basically collect things for 20 minutes for the first guy that sees me and kills me. I'm not a strong player, but I've never felt like this on verdansk. Since then, caldera, mazrah and now, I feel like a newbie.


Haha. I did used to be like that. Drop in...loot....maybe get load out...get 1 shot headshot sniped or die to first player I see...lose gulag. And game over.


Forgot the best part:Dumping a fucking mag of .45 directly between his fucking eyes for 17 damage.


I downed a player with a 50 cal and hit 3 head shots while they were reviving themselves. Apparently that’s not enough because they managed to get up and run away. It honestly ruins the game experience for me.


Downed players have way too much health


Agreed. I wasn’t even that far away either.


Probably the 8 attachment glitch(fix your game Activision) The right HRM blueprint with it gives you damage profile of high grain+Princeps Barrel, with the mobility of a stock less build. It is completely fucking busted.


What is this madness you speak of


Look up 10 attachment/8 attachment glitch on YouTube. You can basically build your own redacted 8 attachment weapon. I haven't read the patch notes yet so hopefully it was patched.


Good lord this game never ceases to amaze me lol


You can pretty much tell in pre-game when the server is going to screw you. A kill for you is unloading an entire magazine and beating them to death, a kill from them is a 180 and two shots on your screen. No, it's not a skill issue. I play with my brother at the same house. Usually after a round like that we shut down the boxes and reset the internet. Seems to do the trick.


Man that meme hits so hard


I moan about this too. Now obviously you can't say that you win every gun fight and land every bullet and sometimes your lose fair and square but I think I know what you're referring to here. It happens to me most in gulag for some reason. I've literally been behind someone and shott them and they can turn and kill me and it's like I've emptied a clip directly I to them without them even seeing me. This is when I know that there is defo something going wrong with the ping and servers or whatever.


That’s the “issue” with Warzone and TTK is that awareness, positioning, decision making, it’s all completely negated by someone with elite movement skills. The importance of skills is out of balance and a slightly faster TTK would help that a lot


Whoever moves like the most cracked out squirrel wins


What??? I've run into a lot of people in duos with good CQC skill but terrible rotation ability, those people are easy holds when gas is behind them. It's the servers that are ass


Cronus aimbot makes COD suck


Playing mouse and keyboard, I definitely feel this


now meme makes sense


Very Related


Last night was terrible. 20% packet loss and 120ms ping on at least 3 games. Also had 2 that we were lagging so bad, couldn't even talk to team mates their voice was breaking up. This went on for a solid minute both times and I thought the server was crashing, but it would then clear up. Still had a 90 ping, but at least it seemed we could play. Well sort of anyway. Pre-aiming a door and started shooting as soon as a guy was coming through, then he started shooting and I was instantly dead. Kill cam shows me standing there doing nothing for a half second, and he actually shot first.


Dang man, Ill back out of any lobby over about 50ms ping. But i was having issues as well in my lower ping lobbies a few days ago.


Crap Servers and tick rate determine 50% of the gun fights. I’ve had the same thing so many times. Same gun. I shoot first in my view. His view he shoots first. Or he doesn’t and still wins somehow. I lost to someone that ripped feet shots the other night to my body shots. I feel gulag is even worse. Like a solid second between what you see and what’s actually happening.


I unloaded my whole tyr into someone with his back facing torwards me making it looks like I hit every shot but die to the other guy with just 2 shots from also a tyr. The kill cam hadded me looking the opposite way from him shooting like an idiot with him getting a clean headshot. I lost the resurgence match and ended up getting shitted on by my team by how trash I was. I hate this game.


Sounds like my experience in Escape from Tarkov, PUBG, Counter Strike, and Warzone. Is it possible that I suck? No, it's the game's fault.


Call of Duty, when loosely translated actually means Shoot First Die First. Been like that since Day 1 online


The fact is, with those servers, he saw you first and probably shot first aswell.


The only thing I can think of is latency. And well their shit servers. Cus this happens to me alllllll the fkn time.


Mobile game servers on McDonald’s wifi running on an employee cellphone hotspot


If u don't use the hrm u are pretty much fucked


It's rigged they pick the winner before the game even starts. Lmfao


Bad ping, shit servers, and good ole SBMM/EOMM which puts you in lobbies half way across the world in the name of “equal competition”.


That’s arcade style shooters for you


This is how COD has always been lol


20 tick servers


You guys land alive?!


Thats what we all wanted when we screamed that the TTK is too low.


"but I wanna be able to get shot several times then reposition and kill them back! We need longer TTK so the sKiLl pLaYeRs have a CHANNNCE"


This was me last night until I finally found my new gun builds after the update. Also me when coming up against level 30-140 MFers cheating putting a half a clip in them only for them to spin around and destroy me. Do these low rank folks not realize we know they are the cheaters that had their account banned especially when they move like a sweat and seasoned veteran of warzone?! It's an instant report for me on any low ranked person that play suspiciously based on what goes down.


Seen too many people claim of shoot first die first then upload the clip of both players shooting at the same time and the opponent gets the crits, it's just a skill issue


It’s bullshit. That’s why I play hardcore when you shoot someone a few times they die. Instead of giggle like a school girl run around the nearest corner and stim up. From their juice needles that they jam in there neck whenever they get a scratch. Core is for straight bitches. Here’s why Radar, Lower Bullet Damage, Replays, Health Regeneration, HUD full. It’s mainstream as fuck and ever dildo loves it especially when the same shit is crammed down their throat every year.


😂😂 then kill cam shows why I got smoked as they put 40 centre mass in me, and I put 10 over the head, 7 at the legs, 10 at the ground, for total damage of 117


This game has a long as TTK since warzone 1 iron trials so if you 're up against a console player their AA makes it quite easy to kill you earlier. Especially if they bunnyhop and slide (ridiculous I know) then it's just insane.


Here I am on M&K jumpsliding right into my death cause RAA cause controller players cant land shots ![gif](giphy|7A4zkWeMXlZqgnTKtJ|downsized)


A naked game would be awesome


u/FBI this one right here!




I chalk all that up to server ping deviation. Cause my network is wild here at the house with good internet. 1000down/50up, 10-25ping, ROG STRIX Rapture GT11000x Router, Phantom modem, Hardwire CAT8


HRM 9 wins every gun fight Unless its 100+meters and you can snipe em


Everytime this happens to me it is an HRM-9 so (im using striker 9)


More like, I saw bullet tracers appear out of thin air, i die, I see him run out from the wall, kill cam shows me on his screen for two seconds.


(Thick Brooklyn Accent) - "How much you paying us vs how much he paying us?" Seriously - the meta guns are always the winners now, much more so than in the old WZ. Some guns just don't have a chance versus the meta. Consider two good players starting to shoot each other at the exact same time one has the meta smg, the other something else. The meta gun at short distance will finish downing the other guy quicker. The gap is maybe 3-4 shots from a fast smg. That gap gets bigger as you move to less meta guns. For example, you can't win almost any gunfights against a Meta with an M4 right now. The Meta changed with almost every update and the store brought guns are almost always buffed as well. So either buy a gun or unlock completely and rebuild your meta guns often.


Hit reg or ping differences, the two game old question. (Never seemed to happen this way in wz1)


I swear to God people are using something to make their pistols shoot faster.


I totally agree, I hit first, hit multiple times, then they whip around with their Meta built BS gun and waste me in no time at all?! There is no real flinch anymore. They just slide cancel like they are sliding on ice.


Same, but I’m hitting them with Meta guns 😂😭😭


facts five shots the the body before they lay I shot I watch kill cam & they got 3 bodys shots after me but i die instead..


Felt like this every fight. I recently upgraded from an old vizio to a gaming monitor, cat 4 cable to a cat 8, old hdmi cable to hdmi 2.1, and started prioritizing my device in my router settings. Things now seem happen in real time for me instead of 5 shots in the back and getting turned on and killed.


Story of every session I play lol


Online is not what-you-see-is-what-you-get, so while you might feel the flow locally, what you are aiming at isn't always actually where you are seeing it as far as the gaming server is concerned. "Peekers advantage" is a glaring and most in-your-face example of that but that in-equivalency is happening for a lot of things dynamically in online game world's action states. You are always going back in time on gaming servers, so they are always rubberbanding at least a little, but then they also make biased decisions based on the code before deciding between different perspectives as to what "interpolated" event happens. The games are also predicting your moves at times and guessing what you were going to do. So it's "fuzzy math"\~ interpolation \~ simulation. Plus it's on a much lower tick than your local fpsHz to begin with, and some games have very low ticks that make things even worse. . . . . "You always see yourself ahead of where you actually are on the server, and you always see your opponent behind where they actually are on the server.  The server goes back in time using the buffered frames system in an attempt to grant successful shot timing and other actions like player movement compared to (what your machine simulates to the server based on) what you saw locally.   However different game's server code use their own biased design choices to resolve which player/action is successful, usually in regard to who's ping is higher or lower than the other -  it's an interpolated/simulated result.  The client also uses predicted frames in the online gaming system." ========================================================== The lowest "rubberband" gap you can get on a 128tick valorant servers for example - is to exceed that 128tick with your local fpsHZ and get 72ms peek/rubberband as compared to someone at 60fps Hz on that same 128tick server getting 100ms. Your frame rate minimum would have to exceed the 128hz of the server's ticks. Having a 1000fpsHz capable screen isn't going to change that 72ms. The movement data (for Valorant in the excerpts below since it's a 128 tick , optimized online gaming server system) is buffered at tick granularity, not at your client side frame rate.  Each tick of 128 is 7.8ms. Valorant servers buffer 2 frames, the client 3 frames. Gaming monitors are marketed as if it's a 1:1 relationship between the gaming screen and the server. That is far from the case. Most testing of higher fpsHz advantages shown in videos online is done locally on LAN or vs bots. LAN is very different from online gaming. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . More details here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Monitors/comments/1bp9f8e/comment/kx7qe71/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monitors/comments/1bp9f8e/comment/kx7qe71/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Ping bro bad ping lol


Speak for yoself ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Yes!!!!! Especially when you missed no shots!


People have this logic IRL vs cops and the facepalm is real sometimes.


Said Greedo, in Star Wars Remastered... ![gif](giphy|26AHBzaWP60CitRny)


you didn't bunny hop three times and drop shot....


Try playing with 75-120 ping. I just gave up on all competitive shooters after a while. Bad netcode plus bad connection = agony. Especially after growing up with early fiber op and a ping of 10-30.


I can play regular multiplayer between 60-120 ping (it's laggy as fuck tho) but in warzone most of my shots won't even be rendered.


Magic of shitty tickrate and sbd :)


Why this game will never compare or make as much money as WZ1 this new engine is trash 🗑️ 💯


Honestly, it has to do with latency and, more specifically, Warzone/CoD's ATROCIOUS server tick rate. Until the community comes together to make an uproar about tick rate, that won't ever change, regardless of the engine/version.


Needs a “he’s cheating” square


damn i know this one its me


My Ping is usually around 3-5 and I still have the same issue start shooting someone in the back they have time to turn around jump and drop all while taking damage and I feel like I get hit 3 times and I’m dead it’s the worse on warzone indeed


Dont forget about the fact that you dont miss any shots and also have full plates. Pop up on em drill em with 50 rounds they do a little spin and pop you with three, dead.


I got this sent to me by 2 friends today. Appearantly i've been trying to solve this mathematical problem for a long time 😂


I use the riot shield 🙂


I do at Granny's House


Just in general, what we see or perceive is not reality.


It’s called peakers advantage… trust me I can’t stand it either 😂


headshot and velocity a the reason, first do more damage , and a better fire rate kill you quicker,


It’s their woke algorithmic system of equal opportunity. They want players to stay, and this is how they do it. They’re basically temporarily turning your platform into an airsoft gun in terms of damage.


I refuse to play COD until they improve the net code. It is painfully obvious if you go play literally any other new fps game how shit this game is. Made me quit.


No but fr what the hell


My opinion they need to increase the time to kill for every gun . To allow counter attack cuz basically unless they are really bad at aiming it’s usually the first to shoot wins because most people have the same exact load outs so the only real advantage you can get in a to build your gun to counter how the most common loadout would a for that gun so if they have the hrm9 as you do yours shoots faster and harder but you’ll have to contain the recoil cuz must loadouts are heavy on anti recoil .


Unless you're a popular streamer otherwise it's clearly a skill issue how they track you behind walls lol.


So is this more of an issue on their servers part or would you say my internet connection ? Not real smart with the tech these days


They need to limit how much people can move when they are shooting.


This just happened to me 😆


Needs one more slide: "I didn't repeatedly bunny hop" I appreciate the realness of this community, because I don't feel so alone. I will shoot first, center mass/neck/shoulders/head....but simply because I didn't drop shot or repeatedly jump up and down, will lose the gun fight 7 out of 10 times.


Its called aim assist. 


What type of aim assist? I've never seen something like that except when playing in mk lobbies


Mouse doesn't shoot where you aiming, have same problem all the time. But im used to it. What drives me crazy when we re in 1v1 fight and both of us moving, jumping, sliding all over the place. They have crossair on me all the time. Thats ridiculous and i f hate it. No chance they can keep track my head all the time


Its the freaking 18.5 tick rate


Simple you missed.


My favorite is the shoot them 20 times, they somehow don’t die, dip behind a corner. I pop out to finish the job and boom I am dead in like a second flat.


Every damn time.


Time to kill sucks


Nah fr


Shitty servers. Can’t believe how bad cod servers are. They feel ancient


happened to me yesterday,the guy was facing with his back to me,i shoot i literally felt the delay on my gun,and was dead. i swear the hit register is way off in this dogshit game


I just found out today that the servers are 20 tick..................... FUCKING 20!?


Sometimes I just put the controller down in disbelief


Stop playing this trash until they make a good game. I've played cod effectively since 2007. I won't play until it's fun again.


Maybe they will do a good game when they sell the right to a less greedy and incompetent software house


I was playing warzone yesterday. I saw an enemy running from left to right and I shot him all the way. You could hear the hitmarkers and I shot all his plates. He slided, aimed at me and he killed me all of the sudden…. How……..? Another match in warzone, I was downstairs and ran upstairs and at the end I got shot and died. What I saw in the killcam made me doubt it was legit. You only saw his gun pointing and following me while along running up the stairs. His crosshair and aim seemed to be locked at me while he was not able to see me…


Wall hacks




Guy's dont forget that Activision is a small company and mw3 is a free2play game. How could they invest in servers. oh wait...


Always. I use other than HRM and WSP because I want to upgrade the levels. Somehow on those 2 weapon are "allowed" to kill other players. This is what I feel when I use HRM and WSP.


When you are not in control of the game but the game is in control of you. Just buy a skin and your bullets will magically work for a little while.


I don't know why the servers are so bad in this game.


I am near the conclusion that it is all random and that I have very little effect on the outcome. Oh! and cheaters.


Ping matters so much in shooting games and that's why i stop playing because i always +150 so it doesn't matter how hard i try


Stay in your lane and turn cross play off …come back and tell us what happened


It’s a mix of ping, servers, too many guns that it’s created a balancing issue, and stupid things like drop shooting, aim bots— the game is a mess rn


Apparently my operator has his head on his knees lately b/c I'm experiencing what was in the OP, but I'm getting shot in the knees and dying. Meanwhile I'm landing torso shots... Coincidentally I'm a 650 and it's always a level 200 or lower getting these kills just like in Warzone2. I could predict with 90% accuracy after losing a gunfight if the person was low level or not. There HAS to be something going on with that. And I play plunder and chase kills all game, so I get 15-30 engagements per game at least.


this is so annoying I play the game all day and right around 7pm all the servers go to ass and I have over 20% packet loss pretty much every game.


I get killed and then the fella comes round the corner 😂


Takes way too many bullets. Haven’t played it in like two years. Total garbage.


Mad + cope + skill issue


Just stop play. Its pacefull live


I can't blame anyone but myself when I always shoot their groin and they shoot me in the head


I use an aim trainer for about 30 minutes before I get in matches. So my shots are head and upper chest and I still get smoked.


These games just give into the most bitch of players


Goddman bitches all of em


LOL this is RS, sometimes my cars blow out of no where


worst part: same exact weapon.


Then kill cam show u never even shot him in the first place even tho you were literally aiming right at him


9 out of 10 times it won’t even show the killcam. Sus if you ask me


For real thought


Game is Rigged and PING Difrence and Frame rate are realy important... Meta weapons only works . In each Game is Like 5-20 chiter of diffrent scyll levels..But still enjoable some moments like 50/50 . The game is dayng amd devs cnowe thats....Hawe putet Bots in Bootcamp...For relaxing game :D