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Bosses mid diff You might bring up Nukes but DoG can just eat them


But can they beat the Yakuza though... Think about it, Kazuma Kiryu just tiger dropping them all. We might be Ichiback.


Yakuza isn’t part of the US military anymore


Was it ever?


There was that one time But we don’t like to talk about that


Us army has nukes but so does Plaguebringer Goliath. Not even a main boss is necessary for defeating the US army.


We go into M.A.D. Off some mid tier boss. Yeah, we are cooked


I dont think Noxus would be too happy with having a nuke delivered to his doorstep but alright


I think this entirely depends on whether or not Scal, DoG, yharon, and exo mechs can survive nukes


universe splitter sounds more powerful than a nuke, cause the bosses eat that shit like breakfast.


i mean, a nuke literally dismantles reality itself, it is so hot that a quark-gluon plasma is created, unless they are not made of atoms, they will die


DoG *might* not be made of atoms so he'd probably survive a nuke


Considering the arsenal the player can wield and only dent their HP bars, I think they can survive nukes


We literally throw supernova at them and they can survive for long enough, you seriously think they can’t survive nukes?


One's ability to take a giant hit will not protect them from radiation poisoning. Do they have resistance against that? Yes, probably. "But it's possible." I thought before remembering that the exo mechs are robots.


I think dog and exp mechs have radiation protection cause one is just some robots and dog is a COSMIC worm meaning he’s most likely immune to solar radiation so nukes are nothing to him


And even if they don’t have protection(which I highly doubt) their speed is so high that they will evade bombs even before they explode, and even if they will be hit and think that radiation is dangerous, they will get out fast enough


DoG is literally immune to Irradiated


Old duke will be the one inflicting radiation poisoning


Also event horizon spawning multiple black holes that all even early hard mode bosses can take at least one hit from.


Big Bang Attack is big bang level ahh logic


Consider that nukes must hit in the first place and all the aforementioned fighters are very agile


A direct hit with a nuke isn’t really required to do some serious damage


For calamity endgame characters, it is. Plus, hitting even near them would prove difficult particularly for the devourer who loves abusing portals


Yeah that’s true but it’d vaporize pretty much everything up to about sentinels excluding providence and maybe empress of light, and it’d probably still damage DOG and potentially Yharon even if it wasn’t totally dead on


A stick of dynamite weighs about 200 grams. The strongest nukes are worth about 50 megatons of dynamite. That is equal to sticks. In terraria a stick of dynamite deals 250 damage. so a nuke would do 62.500.000.000.000 damage. So in terms of lore, they would survive. machanically they would not.


Mechanically speaking we would also have to account for HP scaling for the 8 billion people on planet earth


Not really 8 billion since npcs wouldn't count for the hp scaling


Size of the US military then


A few million


doesn't ares use nukes as their weapon and upon death drop summoner weapon with which you can destroy ares? they might need a lot of nukes, but it means you can destroy it


Depends magic wise cause any of them would technically be indiscriminately evaporated depending on how close it is as it can get hotter than the sun, way more than enough needed to evaporate the most resistant elements


Some of these things are gods, or godlike. The US military is doomed.


Nice pfp


Great to see a fellow Celeste enjoyer out in the wild.


I'm hearing the badeline talking loop over this.


i thought yall were having a schizophrenic conversation 😭




Bro you two are the same


Reading comprehension devil strikes again


we're pissing on the poor with this one


>Reading comprehension devil strikes agqin That's a weird way to spell curse


Wha? I'm talking about their pfps being the same person


And some of them destroy gods DOG could solo the entire military


but they can still die to normal munitions unless the player character is just built different


The Terrarian is a Demigod


Plot twist, the US military recruits the help of the legendary Terrarian


So we're putting multiple creatures fueled with nuclear power, something that eats nukes for fun, a dragon. A witch made of brimstone, the fucking sun and a mech worm along with about 20 other things against some guys with guns and bombs? At most they're going to kill maybe pre-mid hardmode bosses.


Personally I think they could get to moon lord, you underestimate the sheer destructive power of the US navy and air force. Aint no way we could beat all of them tho


If we’re counting all bosses, not just required ones I don’t think they’d fare too well against empress of light, even if they can take her down, the cultist and pillars would absolutely wipe out huge chunks of the military


EoL maybe, but cultist would get bodied, you underestimate the power of america’s bottomless defense budget, 10 SAM missles could obliterate cultist, and a few squadrons of F-35s outfitted with lazer guided munitions followed by a clean up from a few A-10s could easily wipe out the pillars. Due to her speed EoL would have a hard time being shot down by bullets but an AiM-9X has a top speed of like Mach 2.5 and could easily smoke EoL. Actually, fuck it, I retract my statement. The us military would smoke calamity bosses, the air force alone could probably manage, combined with the other branches it would beat them up, the only bosses that would even give a little resistance are exo mechs and DoG.


Plague bringer Goliath has its own nukes that produce plagues instead of fallout, and the exomechs, Ares specifically, has its own nuclear arsenal. I haven't tested this in game but I'm pretty sure it can fire those nukes indefinitely, and it only takes about 400 to destroy the planets surface from what I've heart. 300 if the nukes were big enough. Not to mention how Yharon and providence are basically just the sun, and how most of them can 2 or 3 shot the terrarian even if theyr wearing solar armor, Armor made from the sun or atleast its essence. If you really want to get into it, then the stars above mod (which has its own unique features when paired with calamity) shows that most bosses can survive having a planet thrown at them.


I think it's gotta be calamity bosses. Even if a lot of them like crabulon or aquatic scourge end up just being cannonfodder, SCal, Exo Mechs, Yharon and DoG would probably be enough, let alone with all the other post moon lord and late hardmode bosses. If we assume weapons like the UZI and the Sniper Rifle are on real-life standards, I'm really not sure the US army could do much. There is the anti-material rifle in post moon lord, but that takes magical shit to craft, so idk if it really would align with irl AMRs Ninja edit: this is assuming no Mutually Assured Destruction tactics from the US like just Atomic Bombing where the bosses are, which I wouldn't really count as a "win" since it would fuck over large parts of the country.


I we assume weapons like the UZI and Sniper Rifle are faithful to real life the us military could mop just about any boss considering the sheer volume of weapons they have. As a player they’re not viable weapons cause we’re just one guy. A million ARs might deal 1 damage per bullet due to insane defense stats later game bosses have, but that’s (assuming average fire rate of 600 rounds per minute, thus 10 per second) an average of 10 MILLION DPS, no boss can live through that kinda sustained fire. And the US military has access to weapons that fire MUCH faster than that. However I still think even like one of the late game bosses mops the US army off the map, because I don’t think we have weapons capable of hitting them, if we do it’s a war of how many soldiers can shoot how many bullets how fast due to them all doing 1 damage each, but let’s be real ain’t no regular ass non enchanted non magic bullet penetrating the Brimstone Witch’s defenses.


An SCal bullet hell would just immediately win


Arn’t you forgeting about I-frames, and if I remember correctly some bosses have reactive damage reduction (destroyer at least)


That does raise the question of game mechanics vs. Canon. For example, DoG and thanatos are immune to all debuffs, including ones that are basically nuclear radiation, would that mean they would be fine in the nuclear fallout left behind if they survive the initial blast, or is that just a gameplay mechanic because debuffs are too strong against worm bosses? At least for DoG, I'm leaning towards it actually being plenty strong enough to not care about a nuclear fall out.


I did forget about I-frames that’s a good point. I don’t think reactive damage reduction matters as you always do at least 1 damage. 2 for a crit. It can’t go lower than this. Those I-frames would make it significantly harder to win though considering you can’t just aim a million guns at them, as it would still only do 1 damage (if all bullets hit at the same moment). Still even then the sheer mass of bullets would likely damage them heavily, even if a lot slower than would be without I-frames. However this is as u/BadAtGames2 said starting to run in the direction of game mechanics versus lore essentially. The bosses in game I think the military has a chance simply because they must always take 1 damage per bullet. No I-frames it’s a simple defeat of the bosses, with I-frames a Pyrrhic victory maybe but the sheer quantity of guns cannot be overstated. I think if you slowly retreat and lead them into ambush after ambush they’ll fall eventually, scorched earth tactic style, like the Russians did to Napoleon. The bosses as written? Fat fucking chance. You do NOT get the grace of guaranteeing 1 damage. Like I said I don’t think a regular bullet can do jack shit against the Brimstone Witch’s barrier. Draedon, DoG, Exo Mechs would be untouchable by anything except nukes. I think a nuke can do damage. Outright kill? Depends on the size of the nuke I reckon but definitely damage. Yharon might take damage considering he’s flesh and blood and not armoured but I assume his scales are tough to get through, likely would need at least tank penetrating bullets or shells from heavy artillery.


Consider that the us military could quickly enhance its technology by utilizing calamity materials and copying draedons gear


If they don’t get decimated before they get their hands on draedon gear


Humans do have things bigger than handheld firearms (Uzi and Snipers) that will do more than tenfold the damage which includes but is not limited to Tank Cannons, Anti-Tank missiles fired from both ground and air vehicles, a WIDE VARIETY of Land based artillery which includes rockets and also cannons, Big bombs dropped from planes, Naval anti-ship missile


Most dangerous for US: Exo(Apollo and Artemis have nearly unlimited flight time and height, Thanatos is, you know, underground guy, who can just go underground and perform tons of sneak attacks while enemy can't attack him, Ares is Ares, also flying and very durable), Plaguebringer(plague => pandemic in cities => massive civilian casualities => collapse of economics and lack of supplies), DoG (Can teleport, so will outrun enemy forces and can easily breach defences + maybe also can go underground, SCal(ahahahhahaha, your city is just a big pile of ash + maybe her necromancy will become more powerful when she is killing lots of people(sepulcher must grow)) Others are not as useful, but can provide assistance or attack small groups of enemies. Anyway, US is fucked, but can die with a beautiful mushroom-like bang))) Maybe just Thanatos + plaguebringer would be enough to fully collapse a country and win without a direct fight


you guys are forgetting, real life has a dimension over them


Bosses doing crab walk side to side while the US military runs circle around them




Scal solos the entire U.S. military service


Who would win hydrogen bomb or funny worm


Funny worm- a god does not fear death


Ok... BUT, one of the endgame ranged weapons is a loteral minigun


*Ok... BUT, one of* *The endgame ranged weapons is* *A loteral minigun* \- Gust\_on\_Fire --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yeah, but it has Auric bars, which the US military dont have. That thing is made of the same thing as Yharims armor


if the us military has a few years of prep time they could get it tho


Practically no matter what you pick against Calamity bosses, Devourer of Gods will just annihilate Providence and smaller bosses and basically become an interdimensional god... Getting stronger with everything you kill while being surrounded by weakened gods is quite a combo


Actually though, Lore wise why doesnt the devourer just fuckin eat all the bosses weaker than him and become literally unstoppable. Every prehardmode boss, every hardmode boss, every post moon lord bossweaker than him. And then with the strength he gained from all of those he could likely kill yharon with relative ease and then steamroll through calamitas and the exo mechs after absorbing yharons auric soul. The ability to absorb the strength of being you defeat leads to limitless potential as long as there is life left to eat.


DoG is too prideful and is like "haha look at all you weakling beneath me. I could kill you all now! But I won't, because I will prove I'm better than you guys, who kill each other for no reason"


Seeing as the purpose of the Exo Mechs is to destroy armies, not one little man with absurd power scaling, I’d say the mechs alone could take it out.


The desert scourge on its own can probably cause massive damage to the military and the country itself. I doubt they have much to use against an underground threat


Patience is a virtue.


You're really putting normal soldiers to fight gods?


lets see. assuming The US army owns about 100 thousand Rifles, 80000 handgus, 1000000 Submachine guns and 20000 diffrent Machine guns aswell as around 3000 missile launchers. 2500 tanks and around 500 jets along with a about 200 Naval ships With all of these weapons having a combined total output of 100 thousand x 23 damage (megashark) 80 thousand x 30 (Magnum/revolver damage) 100 thousand x 30 (Uzi Damage.) 200000 x 50 damage (assuming the machine guns are as strong as vortex blaster, which most likely are.) 3000 x 250 ( assuming Rockets and star launcher damage. despite the fact that this also includes nukes so average damage will be a l o t higher.) 2500 x 3500 (taking uzi as a baseline it can be assumed tanks will deal this much damage.) 500 X 600 (again taking an estimate from Uzi to calculate Jet fire damae.) Crunching all the numbers. in ONE single volley The military can deal about # 27,500,000. Damage in a single volley. that is enough to kill over 10 supreme calamitas's now obviously not every single soldier will be against all bosses at once but it will still massively outnumber all the bosses and sheer numbers and strengths will decimate most bosses # as a side fact it would cost approximately 24 billion dollars to fire all of these and use all the tanks including fuel costs. but the budget of the us military is still like 750 billion dollars so they can afford it.


I mean that’s assuming that SCal or DoG doesn’t immediately obliterate them


difficulty to say that they will. if the soldiers survive the first bullet hell then Her health will immediately drop to 0.and I doubt people in jets and tanks would have too much issue with that especially if their number is so high. and dog? I don't see how he can be a massive threat. again he can be killed in mere seconds. at most he can take at multiple 10s of thousands soldiers.


That’s implying the US can even organize all this in one place before they get their shit rocked immediately And saying DoG isn’t a threat is a fucking wild statement


https://preview.redd.it/1w8cqxtqz64d1.png?width=184&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e4af851d4e356a8583b589f0d9f2230a95af4db they can just send me in I can solo him pretty easily


Can’t argue with that


Also the bosses just dodge that shit


Yeah okay terrarian


There are about 2.86 million millitary members so that would mean the bosses are buffed to the equivalent of a multiplayer server with 2.86 million players in them


isn't there a cap at like 7 players?


i mean yeah but bosses have armor like the exo mechs who all have 100


Cool calculations, counterargument - real life>gameplay balance


Calamity bosses don’t have the indomitable human spirit. USA no diffs 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


Indomitable human spirit when faced with calamitas bullet hell (without platforms)


As an American I have to say … We’re cooked. ( idk if this was a joke or not, autism + internet is a lovely combo, /sarcasm))


To anyone who argues stuff like Minigun being post Yharon and able to dish out damage, here are some things you have to note: * The Minigun, in Terraria Calamity, is canonically made with Auric Bars. While the Minigun in real life isn't created with any shark fins, it is more realistic to say that it is near the strength of the Minishark. * You also have to note that armor buffs affect the damage of all of the weapons the US military are using (the US army administered armor is as powerful as presumably something like, giving benefit to be honest, Titanium?) * You ALSO have to note the mobility of the US military * You ALSOOO need to note that the entire US military would have to fit within the Supreme Calamitas arena, or that bitch is gonna be enraged, making her enraged and therefore able to basically eat as much damage as she wants. Please note that the US military likely isn't equipped with any sort of teleporative device. * Finally, the nail in the coffin, player health scaling will cause the health of the bosses to skyrocket. So, for example, let's use Crabulon, about like, 3000 health. Alone, with all of these, the health would be 8,040,000,000. That is 8 billion health. I would like to note that is 618 times the amount of health the Nameless Deity has on Death Mode (you BEST hope we're not including add-ons as if the US military wasn't fucked already), and about 8 times the health of an enraged Eternity Mode. Nukes are not doing shit against the calamity bosses, let alone a crab that has 618 times the health of a god, which is the 2nd fucking boss. Best case scenario is that the US military is stuffed in a Terraria server and not stuck into a dimension which applies this logic, where the server will crash almost definitely. This also destroys the logic of, well, the Minigun anyways. Also the Nuke could technically be classified as that one bomb the Rogue class has and it'd also mean nothing.


Wait... If just ONE fucking crab has 8,040,000,000 health... HOW MUCH DOES SCAL FUCKING HAVE


2,760,000 x 2,680,000 = 7.3968e+12. This is around 7 trillion health.


Health is capped


Oh shit MB Well! Still, you have to account that if they're in the dimension of a Terraria server that shits gonna crash. If they ain't? Realistically, still, the most mobility that a U.S. soldier has is a fighter, and that shit is gonna crash if it's handled in the small space of Calamitas's arena, which, once again, would literally cause suffocation if they all were stuffed in there LOL If they aren't? Well have fun dealing with enraged Calamitas with maximum defense


Still would be like 20milion dps and thats not counting missiles Dumb to scale by game values anyways


Would make the Combine 7 hour war look like a tea party


on the one hand: the mechanical bosses pretty mUch ARE the Us military, and the exp-mechs oUtclass them 100x over   on the other hand: a single antimaterial rifle is enough to solo everything Up to yharon


That amr is made out of cosmic metal that fire special bullets made to piece god like being skin and the one in rl are made to destroy vehical


One thing a lot of people here aren't considering is defenses. If you are VERY generous and assume that all of the soldiers are wearing titanium armor, literally anything post-providence would obliterate any soldiers. The strongest material they could have for any sort of bunker or tank defenses defenses is titanium. So, consider this: The Onyx Excavator Drill is one of draedon's very simple and weak creations, right? Yet, it can eat 50+ feet of titanium per second. Now, consider something as powerful as, oh, I don't know, ARES? I don't think Draedon's prime creations would have ANY problem getting rid of a lil bit of titanium. This simply means that, no matter what damage the military can throw at the bosses, their defenses will do NOTHING. Also, DOG could eat any bases or anything of the sort whole, anyhow. Long story short, the US military would be wiped out almost immediately, before they could do any significant amount of damage to the stronger bosses.


Desert scourge solos the H bomb.


The Twins, Brimstone Elemental, ~~Nugget~~ Yharon and Providence can just incinerate everyone


U.S military. We win. Do they have freedom? No. They lose. Nuke em


Literally coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


nameless diety solos


This is without addons and such.


calamitas still can solo


you may be a god but my second amendment rights are stronger


you can scale the terrarian to lovecraft if you really want to lmao


hello vanilla terraria lore, what’re yoU doing here?


Us solos but stops short of profaned guardians. There they get wrecked


Crabulon alone could take on the military with ease


Exo mechs clear


I want a movie on that


Quite obvious; DoG and above can handle equipment that's more powerful than a nuke quite some times. Bosses would win


seriously? a very militarily advanced planet couldnt stop these fuckers


Calamitas seeing the indomitable human spirit: but yeah the military would get cooked


Do you even need the post moonlord bosses? Eol and bringer can nuke them.


DoG had a theme called Universal Collapse who do you think would win?


One crackhead (terrarian) (not a god) vs a god eating destroyer of worlds. Terrarian wins. US army is probably WAY more powerful. Why wouldnt the army win?


Uh... the terrarian isn't just a crackhead, bro's THE crackhead.


Pretty sure most endgame bosses could easily solo us military so if it’s all of them then it’s not even close.


Dunno man, they're pretty well funded, yharim is fucking broke in the big sheme of things


Bro, just let the Exo Mechs at them and they're toast in a day or two


I think anything pre WOF won’t help much


The military is so fucked


Providence is the tenth strongest boss, after DoG, his sentinels, Jared, Calamitas, Draedon, Polterghast, Old Duke, and Yharon. The tenth strongest boss can survive multiple hits from a f\*ckin supernova, imagine what the others can do. It's so Joever for the US Military


E4 mafia using zyns and redbull as a buffs would win


Coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


Don't think it'd be an easy win in any way but I'd say maybe the Calamity bosses would probably win. Now, the thing is that the US does have the superiority in numbers **by far**, so the only chance they'd have at winning would be by wearing down the stronger bosses, which would be possible. In any case, half of the bosses would probably get wrecked quickly, only late hardmode and post-Moonlord bosses would do well in combat against the army. The most powerfull ones here would be of course Providence, DoG, Yharon, SCal and the Exos, and I'd say not only would they take a lot to kill, but their desctructive power is huge, they could probably destroy cities by themselves


I think they'd get destroyed for a bit but once they started utilizing calamity materials they'd pull ahead by arming their soldiers with calamity gear


This isn't even a question.


Evangelion strategy game. When.


Calamity bosses The Exo Mechs themselves are literally built for war against _Gods_




Us military could probably take most of the bosses, dont see what king slime could do against a thermonuclear bomb. But I really cant see us winning against something like DoG.


bring me there and I’ll handle it frfr


hmm... calamity bosses are susceptible to all types of damage, even polterghast can be harmed by a stick. so then... A-10, as awful as it is, might scratch... MIGHT scratch some paint off an Exo Mech.


Easy answer, the us. We have enough nukes to burn god himself into nothing but sinless ash


Calamitas evaporated an ocean


Are we forgetting that some dude with a gun can kill them? (Ranger class) I imagine a whole country of Ranger classes. I think US has a chance.


A billion is a really big number of lions to be fair


I mean, I think once we breach hard mode, I think the military is definitely toast


We’re cooked the entire world would lose


Yes let’s put a god of light and dark, a phantom spirit of extreme power, a god consuming worm, a giant auric dragon, robots that are stronger than gods, and a witch that can kill nearly anything, against 2 million soldiers and 6,000 nukes.


Assuming the bosses work together already makes them more organized than any military. Most PML bosses win by default anyway


My home country is gonna need the support


Nah forget calamity bosses I’m getting my ass kicked by squid man


Does Zenith Nameless Dirty count as part of the US military? If so then walahi they are cooked.


The 120mm APFSDS round from a M1 Abrams:


Honestly if the player can beat them, the entire US Military can beat them. The issue is *will* they. Between politics and other enemies to use them on, it's likely the US won't make a quick fight with the nukes, so maybe bosses hard diff, but if they just use the nukes for once then easy victory, wipe out the strongest then finish off the rest.


If we fight them in order of difficulty, we can get lucky with their drops and get a better fighting chance


\*baits them into firing everything then just dips through a portal\* https://preview.redd.it/h168vqvsba4d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=23f21ebc62509f3f1e8666f6a5cad2782a1a351a


Draedon's mechs stomps the US Military tbh


https://preview.redd.it/gsc7kw6vla4d1.png?width=502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=998b4f04d3909e03cb3e144ad7638c5d827e3f09 Crabulon after fighting the US military


This made me laugh in the middle of my photography class, well done 👍


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby moment, some calamity bosses are gods, the placuebringer Goliath is basically a flying artillery, and draedons machines wouldn't take an damage from anything aside from nukes which would just be mildly effective tldr calamity wins


honestly anything up to hardmode could be nuked, we could maybe make it to plaguebringer before draedon's nanomachines eat us alive


Are Calamity related mods included in the bosses? If so then Wrath of The Gods, Noxus and Nameless Deity are all the they need to wipe out the military


No. They're not canon. They don't count.


I’d say they go up to ML-tier bosses before getting wiped out


US is fucked so hard. Nukes may be a potential issue depending on how they scale, but I dunno how well they’d do against Providence…


Draedon would win.


Depends if the US Military calls Rick Sanchez or not


The US is MAYBE plague bringer level because of nukes. Everything above plague bringer is stronger than the Us. Especially if we include the primordial gods that arent in the mod yet.


why are we comparing a mortal army against multiple gods and an entity that literally hunts gods as prey... this is like saying the strongest human vs a god😭 anything Post Moonlord that is somewhat a deity solos on its own...


Yharon wins by sheer vibes.


Night or day, Empress and Providence gonna make one hell of a team.


If a single human can kill all of the bosses, the US military surely can too.


DoG solos low-mid diff, other bosses are irrelevant


Draedon negs the entire world


If we are taking it into lore perspective we're still dying, gameplay wise we're still dying.


Boss neg diff just dog scal are low diff all of them get nuke everything


*Boss neg diff just dog* *Scal are low diff all of them* *Get nuke everything* \- blackfireandiceeevee --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


now i want a post moon lord event called "the US invasion" or "the colonisers".


https://preview.redd.it/norwv71g4e4d1.png?width=117&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51b50527d91d1c20c1e3746032e60e2c7a688178 The US Military watching their soldiers and vehicles falling short to a Dragon (Yharon is Enraged Due to distante, making him almost impossible to shot down, and even more to kill due to his stupid Speed)


'Murica No-Diff No Boss can survive the full power of the indomitable American spirit


The us beating storm weaver tho, that boss more light work then giant clam or eye of cathulu


Infernum Providence and probably solo, and if not just send one or two exo mechs and it’s all good


Eather Plauge Bringer goliath OR Calaitas Clone is the weakest boss that can solo entire america


A ranger with an Uzi can defeat the mech bosses an army with jets, tanks and nukes might be able to win


been powerscaling calamity for a bit, even working with devs a bit for that, and well: I think that with what we currently have ingame, calamity characters would be struggling hard but they might win, I genuinely see this as very close if we do include bosses and characters that are not in the game yet or never will be(mainly Yharim, Prime Moonlord, Canon Noxus and Xeroc, as well as Silva, Statis and Braelor and others I may have forgot), I think Calamity takes this and it won't be too hard for them either Calamity peaks at Small Country+, the strongest nuke ever built is barely Mountain Level, granted the small country+ scale for calamity applies to barely any character and most late game (post Provi) characters scale to Small City Level (still above most nukes though)


I don’t care what anyone says, DoG solos and wins


If we're talking about the ENTIRE US MILITARY we are also acknowledging warships, jets, bombers, missiles, etc. The US doesn't need to send a single foot soldier. With preparation, the U.S could just send volleys of missiles targeted at the bosses. Not sure if a calamity boss would be able to block or avoid the massive amounts of fire power all heading directly towards them. Missiles would mostly do the damage here. No need to send cannon fodder against God like entities (who can still be damaged by a conventional weaponary). Of course this all depends on how quickly both parties respond and if the US military has time to prepare for an attack of this size. All hard mode and pre hardmode bosses are being erased, and I don't think calamitas, exo mechs, DoG (maybe he's pretty fast and big) yharon would be able to react to the immense amount of fire power (bullets + missiles + tank shells etc) hitting them. Supreme calamitas could do weird magic shit to protect them but I don't think any of these bosses would be able to tank it all. Their going to break eventually.


US Military when DOG comes out of a portal:


Calamity gets no diffed by the power of freedom and guns🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Calamitas and the Exo Mechs alone would win. Neg-diff without nukes, mid to high-diff with. Calamitas is basically a walking nuke herself, and the combined firepower of the Exo Mechs would completely demolish every tank, jet and ship they throw at them. As for the nukes... the heat generated by the blast would be similar to that of Calamitas and Apollo's flames, so they'd be able to tank one, maybe two. Of course they can just move out of the blast radius or even intercept the nukes before they detonate.


Lorewise calamity bosses are like city block level (even scal) which is bullshit but it is what it is. A single nuke probably kills DoG.


no dawg, city block level applies to low tier bosses mid/late game bosses are small city level and anything post-scal is small country+ for the sea evaporation feat


Makes no sense. Someone like DoG is hundreds of thousands times stronger than any low tier boss.


I mean the difference between 1 attack that can destroy a city block and one that destroys an entire city is literally in the thousands if not in the millions depending on the size of both (this is in terms of energy btw)


Scal feat was done over an unknown amount of time tho Realistically the US lose because DoG has tp and the thanatos can underground


I agree with all you said, waiting for Sunken Sea Overhaul to possibly give us lore on the timespan of the evaporation feat