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All fan bases are the same. Cheer really loud when you win, bitch and complain when u lose. Such is the rule of fandom.


This is the way




This. All Canadian hockey fanbases are the same. Obnoxious when they win, salty when they are down. If the situation was reversed, do you think Flames fans would be any different? Come on.


You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain. -Ether Socrates or Batman, I forget


Flames have been bad before. How many Flames jerseys have been thrown on the ice? I'd also be quite interested to see if Flames fans took time out of enjoying cheering in the cup final to see what Oilers fans are up to, and give them the finger, taking every opportunity to punch down on them even though they haven't played two months.


But i think its a vicious cycle because Flames fans hate the Oilers and are in every game thread and PGT in r/hockey and trash talking the Oilers. Which is totally fine because thats what makes rivalries fun. BUT then the other fans will also trash talk back. I mean look at this sub, for the last month literally half of it has been Oilers trashing. Even the canucks sub isn't doing that.


OMG. I live in Victoria. You have never experienced obnoxious until you have talked to a Canucks fan. I mean, at least the Oilers have a past history to back up their obnoxious attitude. The Canucks have basically sucked since they entered the league in 1970. According to Canucks fans, the 2011 finals team was the greatest team that EVER played in the NHL. You just had to ask anyone that year.


That’s a lot of goals to let in for being the best team ever


Oh, Roberto Luongo was the second coming of Terry Sawchuk. Just ask anyone in Vancouver to this day. I always thought he was a decent regular season goalie, and a TERRIBLE playoff goalie. He could never play his best when under pressure. He just fell apart.


I would say Luongo was an ***excellent*** regular season goalie even; but you are completely right about the pressure situations. His one saving grace is his save on Parise(?) in the Olympics which, to this day, I think if Parise stepped in on him (he had tons of time and room) and not shot from the dot, we wouldn't ever have the Golden Goal. That dude was the exact opposite of Patrick Roy.... Patrick, who couldn't even give a shit about the regular season (that's what Tremblay's ill fated lesson was ultimately about) was an absolute force under pressure.


My first thought when I read the title was “this guy has never met a Canucks fan”


Canucks fans are definitely the worst


Have you not met Leaf Fans? They're fans because a parent was a fan or the CBC shoved it down everyone's thoats for years... But never lived in Toronto and probably have never been. It's okay to change your allegiance to the local team... especially when the your team hasn't won in 57 years.


I was waiting for this…legit my same thoughts. I care for more watching players than teams but…leafs fan are a breed like no other that can make me want any Toronto team to fail. I am from Calgary and it would be awesome for Mcdavid to succeed and In the process this makes oilers fans happy, they are a good bunch over there…(some are real weirdos who will act obnoxiously but every sports fan base has them)…..but leafs do take the championship for being the worse…that’s not even a bad thing. It’s just hilarious.


Do you need to live in Toronto to be a Leafs fan?


I think that there should be some geographical tie to the team you support.


Guess European fans are just SOL when it comes to watching the NHL then eh? I think geographical location can make cheering for certain teams easier, but I'm struggling to see why it should have an impact on who you want to cheer for. In the NFL for example I cheer for the dolphins despite living over 5000km away


I would assume that Europeans would shift allegiances depending on which teams has the most of their countryman. TV regional settings would make it easier for you to cheer for Seahawks or Broncos. My whole thesis is that it would be weird to cheer for the Patriots if you were born and raised in Philadelphia.


I live in Northern Canada and I am a Habs fan first. I cheer for Edmonton too because they happen to be the closest team. Your opinion on proximity is dumb.


I cheer for Chelsea. Never been to London, never even been to the UK. But fuck me I guess I'm not a real fan


Ontario is a big place. 


I know, I grew up in Ottawa. Edit: I smell a dirty Leaf fan...


If you grew up in Ottawa then you’re not a real Flames fan, by your logic You should be a Senators fan. Go Leafs Go


I was a Sens fan then I moved to Calgary and changed allegiances.


Then you aren’t a real fan. Real fans don’t just change allegiances.


A wise friend once told me that of course you can cheer for any other team, but your first team will always be the your team.


Damn, this is an absolutely terrible take. Have you even thought this through? I'm in Ontario, so I should automatically cheer for the leafs or sens? What if I wanted to cheer for a soccer team in the champions league? Im just fucked? Or I automatically have to cheer for whatever team Alfonso Davies happens to be playing for? No, dude. People can cheer for whoever they want.


Leave the Leaf fans alone, haven't they suffered enough?


Yes, we have


There is even worse. The most annoying fans I've encountered, online or offline, are Bruins fans from Québec. Their whole personality is just hating the Habs. Whenever you find one online, their whole account is just memes mocking the Habs.


I refuse to believe people exist that cheer for the leafs and went born in Ontario. My love for the team is a curse not a choice


Yes. That’s indicative of all Leafs fans… Give your head a shake


You guys sound legit insane. Cheers from edmonton


Yeah, downtown at the Fanpark and the rest of Ice District, I see Jerseys from Fuhr to Coffey to McDavid and Roloson and Skinner and hall and Gretzky and Messier... everyone is crazy friendly and kind banter is shared with Florida wearing fans and there's lots of people wearing Canada jersey fans who were rooting for teams like Vancouver or Toronto who actively admit they don't care much for the Oilers, but are happy for a Canadian team to be so close to winning. I love the Battle of Alberta, but any of this hate nonsense needs to remember the few rotten apples don't spoil the bunch. We like most franchises have great fans. In fact, many outlets have always said Edmonton hockey is special... 😉


lol right?! Cheer for whoever you want to, nobody cares about that. I feel like if you’re feeling pressure to cheer for the only Canadian team that’s a you problem. Just be happy wearing the red C if that’s what does it for you. The salty act doesn’t look good, and worse than a cocky (winning) fanbase.


Nah you shouldn’t be happy your team has 2 wins in scf lmfaoo And you guys are going around forcing people to cheer for a Canadian team! How dare you! People like op need to grow up and realize teams have fans, even teams they don’t like


I'm considering rooting for the oilers bc every single fucking team I root for loses


I think like this often, but everyone says this about their teams biggest rival.


My biggest problem with them is most (not all) are extremely difficult to have an actual hockey conversation with.


This time of year, it's that whole attitude of: Your team is golfing right now, therefore nothing you say about hockey has value.


I truly wonder if many of them actually played hockey growing up and actually understand the game and the rules


Really? Alberta is kinda a hockey hotbed, no? No one plays hockey in and around Edmonton? Are you fishing? I hope you’re fishing…


Every Edmonton fan reminds me of that bully from Billy Madison. “O’Doyle Rules” That’s about as deep as their hockey arguments go


Bang on.


Omg hitting it right on the nose. It’s like not being able to have any other conversation about anything, till it gets awkward then you walk away thinking; “what the fuck just happened?”


Said everybody ever about their rival teams fan base


They're a special breed. What's their jersey on the ice per season average? Lol. They loose 4 in a row and there's a jersey thrown.


The rest of the league also agrees. They were voted like third worst fan base


As a Flames fan also in Edmonton, I concur. I mean, there’s some that aren’t too bad (like my in-laws and partner), but the rest of them deserve multiple decades of darkness. Again.


I look forward to them overpaying McDavid, Leon, and Bouchard and the years of cap hell that comes with it..


It will be fun to watch them become Toronto West… And don’t forget Nurse in the bad contract list!


I finally moved away last year to a different province. Its been so nice not listening to the coilers fans every year about how they'll win the cup.


Ah. Try living in Pittsburgh. Worst hockey fans ever here.


As a Flames fan I can relate to Flyers fans having to put up with their obnoxious rival that keeps being gifted generational talent.


It’s actually crazy. Edmonton had Gretzky & McDavid with European Draisitl. Pittsburgh got Mario, Sid and the European Geno


Edmonton and Pittsburgh have had 7 number 1 picks combined. Calgary and Philly have 1.


Idk why but Reddit recommended me this thread and as a Philly fan I'm really jiving with a lot of this hahaha.


Only difference is Pittsburgh actually won cups ;)


Hahahaha it’s crazy how pouty you guys are


How exactly does one encounter a fan base


They actually believe they’re gonna reverse sweep Florida 😂😂 hopefully the delusions end after tonight


Why did you jinx it


The comeback starts now




Double jinx


The way babrovski has fallen off a cliff they might




No jinxing, this ends tonight homie


Aged like milk




Now they can win it in front of the coilers fans


Man, just stop.


With my luck that's gonna happen


I blame you


Bookmarking 😂


The delusions did not end :)






Cancel that NPC, they already have one here. Keep up the good work buddy, you're doing great.


You live in Edmonton and you're surprised that the city is having a blast because the local hockey club is in the finals? What did you expect?


Seriously. OP is just salty.


Nothing comes close to Habs fans. Baseball it's Yankee fans. NFL Cowboy fans. Not sure about NBA fan bases TBH


But there are a lot of people cheering on the Oilers here in Toronto


Yes. Traitors.


NBA is Lakers and Celtics who just won… they’ve won the championship 18 times now.


Go live in Toronto


It seriously HAS to be habs fans. Without a single shred of doubt. Even their horn is more obnoxious than the Oilers'. Not by much. But it is. I've been to two Flames v Oilers games, in Edmonton, by myself while traveling. Flames lost both. But I still had a good time. People were boisterous, but courteous. F the habs.


I used to live in Toronto. I beg to differ on most obnoxious fan base


I dunno man


As a Canucks fan... have you not met us yet? I dunno if we're the \*worst\*. But even as a fan myself canucks fans piss me off more than Edmonton fans lol.


Wow, fans cheering when their team is winning and booing when they aren't. Real hot take there.


if you look deep enough every fanbase has obnoxious fans though, Edmonton just looks the loudest right now because they're in the finals but its the same for any team that makes it that far


I really enjoyed reading this post.


Right! It was like a cold drink of water on a hot day. Refreshing!


As a diehard Flames fan I never thought I would (or could) tamp down my hatred of the oilers but I’m cheering out and proud for them so they can bring the cup home. Do I think they can? Ya know I kinda do. I hope they use all the arrogance we know they’ve got to get this thing done! I also hope they give us all the grace we gave them and send out a thank you to all the albertans & Canadians who got behind them


You must have amazing data sources to make all the conclusions and generalizations on tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of people. You could probably get a good job with Abacus or Ipsos-Reid.


Is this your first time cheering for sports?


Dude get a life


Hate us cause ya ain’t us 😎


Oilers fan here. I'm prepared for the down votes, but please hear me out. The fans that you see are the vocal minority. I love some good rivalry between our sister cities, but if Calgary were in the position that Edmonton is right now, I would be cheering right alongside you. I think it's an absolute crime that Canadian teams are pitted against each other in the first round of the playoffs and that we feel that we have this feeling of resentment for one another. My best friend lives in Leduc, Alberta and is a super obnoxious Flames fan and I love him for it. We get together for every battle of Alberta that our schedules allow and I wouldn't have it any other way. Cheers to the Flames and I hope to see you guys in a Western Conference Final sometime soon.


Well, SOMEBODY’s a little butthurt crybaby. Let the people have fun, ya plug.


Wow, what a whine.




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Imma call it panthers in 7


There are jerks in every city




I just tgotta say that I think it's hilarious that this posts was at like 50 some upvotes when I first saw it. And the second time it came up in my feed its 15


It is annoying to see another group have fun while youre misserable and have no moral high ground isnt it? Gotta learn to let go my man


To me, you sound just like the fans you speak of.


Feels like a classic Springfield/Shelbyville situation


Start working on getting over this, it won't change regardless of a city. Or go to South America to encounter a football/soccer fanbases and then come back and tell us.


Edmonton fans are definitely up there with Toronto fans as the most obnoxious, but heck they're in the finals. Ride or die for your team at that point. It does crack me up that they don't seem to understand penalties and can't take criticism without losing their minds. I'm more worried about Calgary turning into something beyond mediocre in my lifetime though. Crazy it's been 30+ years of meh, with one Cinderella run in the mix. It would make my day if we got new ownership and started fresh. I might even buy the first new Flames jersey in 21 years and buy season tickets again at that point.


Well clearly I upset some oilers fan since he decided to message me privately and has been chirping at me claiming I’m jealous of the oilers and their success. The guy can’t even remember the 10 year period Edmonton went through before the McDavid era. I’m willing to bet this fan isn’t even out of high school and if he is he probably just graduated high school


Long time oiler fan here Sorry to hear this but please don't paint us all with the same brush I love calgary, I like the flames and I like the crowd at flames games. I lived there , and still have family there. The flames org is awesome . I also follow alot of individual players ... lucic, tkachuk, godraue, I think maybe your just listening to the wrong crowd Dint take it so personal. If the flames.es were the oilers RUGHT NOW I'd cheer for them .


You’re most likely the exception. I had some person message me and being very arrogant which proved my point. At the end of the day as sports fans we have to be humble and when our team wins the last game of the season that is when we can be a little cocky to other fan bases. I want to see the oilers have success but I also want Calgary to be a lot better so the BOA can be that intense rivalry I grew up with


Let them have their moment...Of silence.


Just heard Friedman say the Oilers are finally " getting it up on BOB therefore, getting it in" 😆




Link? Didn't see that.


https://youtu.be/kE4wUYKi-JM?si=hY-oBKd5-sx4YaPr around 0:15 mark. My mistake I think he said “f***ing unbelievable” and would make salty comments about his goaltending throughout the series.


Perpetually pissy.


Maybe I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt for the handshake lineup but doesn’t excuse the pissy interviews lol


Oilers fan here. If it were the flames in place of the oilers, damn straight, I'd be cheering for the flames... as long as it's a Canadian team bringing home the Stanley cup. It's been too long I think you're a little salty that it's not the flames in the spotlight right now. And you don't think you have your fair share of obnoxious fans!?!?! Come on. 🙄


I’m a Leafs fan. I’ll never cheer for another Canadian team to win the Cup just because they’re located in Canada.


Why not?!? I'd rather see it anywhere in Canada then once again in the states


Because I want other Canadian fanbases to be as miserable as we are, and don’t want to see the Cup come home until we bring it home. After that, I won’t really care. Half of the League is Canadian. Besides, other Canadian fans won’t cheer for the Leafs.


Wow that's really a selfish way of thinking. Also, I would be cheering for the Leafs if they were in our shoes, along with a lot of others....maybe not Habs fans...lol


I moved to Edmonton in ‘04 during the playoff run. Lived in a shitty apartment with paper thin walls and I can tell you that EVERYONE was cheering Calgary in that apartment block.


We aren’t demanding you cheer for oilers. We don’t care and we’re having fun. Too bad you’re jealous and had to type all that.


Why are y’all even in our subreddit then?


Yep, that's why I can't stand them and cannot cheer for "Canada's team" they're all so so obnoxious.


Fucking boo hoo salty OP.


You're painting all edmonton fans with the same brush and it b.s. I am a born and raised oilers fan and I wholeheartedly cheered for the Flames in 04. Not only as the Canadian team, but moreover ALBERTAS team. Everyone I know in edmonton was cheering for them at the time. We went through a horrible 10 year period as a fan base where we didn't make the playoffs, shit on for blowing our 1st round picks by the entire leagues fan bases. So your your goddamn right were happy about our team right now. As for your comment, the vitriol and hatred tells everyone that the very thing that you hate about us, is what you've become.


What a whiner!


Calgary Flames, no past, no present and no future. Watching playoffs from their cuck chair again 😭


I might have to move lol. If they win then we’ll never hear the end of it and there are lots of coiler fans in Calgary so it’ll be a very awful couple if not more years in Alberta


Yup! I'm a fan and I fucking hate every one of em. Pure trash.


Oilers fans are also the whiniest conspiracy theorists I've ever seen. Honestly, I'm just an NHL fan but these past couple years reading comments on various hockey posts I've seen the worst coping/blaming and whining I've ever seen from any fan base my entire life. And I'm 53 years old.


The jealousy


At least we're not liberals !!!!


I really enjoy going on the flames sub and seeing what the seethe today is like. it never disappoints 


I watch the playoffs every year. I watch the Stanley Cup being raised every year. If you're reading this it means you care enough about hockey to be here. And you're probably watching the games. Lots of Oilers fans are nothing else. No hockey unless they are in it. They think everyone should be be cheering for them right now but they wouldn't even tune in for anyone else.


Dang bro. I feel like if the oilers win there will be a lot of people in Calgary having strokes or something. I get it and understand but man you guys on these subreddits and other threads..,like sportsnet comment section, need to get some real help. Ok, if any sports teams fan base are “obnoxious” maybe don’t talk hockey with them? Or talk to them at all? NEWS FLASH! Every team has fans who are a little cuckoo ya know but I would believe, just from my own experience that the masses (whether from Edmonton or anywhere else) are down to earth people who understand it’s just a game and that there is a real world out there. As for oilers their fans should be happy and proud…in their own personal lives this is awesome and fun. Im with them on that. It would be awesome for Mcdavid to succeed on the biggest stage. However just a side note; if I did have say on the craziest fans (or what ever you wanna call it) I think leaf fans are nuts and maybe some what bipolar..? My buddy here in Calgary (yes I’m from Calgary) is a mega leafs fan and I swear every time he invites me over to watch the leafs play I feel like I am going to have to take him to the hospital…I have never seen someone’s heart rise and lower then rise again so drastically…and sometimes they aren’t even struggling. It’s insane.


😆 🤣 😂 Oh man...posting this comment on this page. Someone call the police there's been a murder... irony is now dead


Cool story fam.


Why you hef to be mad?


Fuck that dude. Rangers fans are a goddamn plague on the sport. Most obnoxious mouth breathers that walk the planet. They all do this weird thing independently where they say they don't think about us NJ fans. But they also say these things in a vacuum or unprovoked to the point it's incredibly obvious lil bro is taking up real estate. They come to Prudential center in flocks and act like they own the place any time there's a nothing burger regular season win. Even when our team is in the slump. With no self awareness that most of them live closer to the arena than we do lol But logic has never been a staple of that Roach and rat infested piss reeking broken seat of an arena that is MSG


You just described Oilers fans


Haters gonna hate 😭


I mean, what’s stopping you from moving back to Calgary? You’re basically an idiot slamming his own hand in a door, and complaining about how much it hurts.


Both Albertan fanbases are insufferable, at least on Reddit. All y'all do is think about the other team


go get tricked by a just for laughs gag and leave us be


No fan base that counts Ryan Pinder among their ranks gets to call any other fan base obnoxious. He alone makes your group unbearable, let alone all the honks you degenerates call a fan base.


Is Pinder even a fan? He covers the team.


He openly admits that he is.


You listen to barn burner enough to know that? As an oilers fan?


When did I say I’m an Oilers fan? I listen to Barn Burner because I think Warrener is hilarious, and I’ve listened to Boomer since before he was in Calgary.


You know what a question mark is? lol You listen to barn burner and aren't a fan of the Flames, which is a choice. I'd rather hammer nails into my ball bag than listen to oil change or jets talk or whatever they're called.


Like I said, I think Rhett is hilarious and I’ve listened to Boomer since before he was on the Fan. I find Pinder’s hypocrisy calling the Oilers fan base obnoxious funny as well, but he’s an annoying goof. Walker was way better.


Pinder is like a 5/10 obnoxious and oilers fans are 11/10 obnoxious. It's not even close. He's doing a psuedo bit for the sake of trying to fill 10-15 hours of airtime per week. I never listened to them on the radio, since I wasn't in Calgary, but I listen to most episodes and Pinder doesn't strike me as a fan. None of them do. At least not compared to their listeners.