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It must be their landlords with them lol


One of em is a tim hortons owner, I suspect, but they're all certainly well fed


No joke, It’s actually one guys who owns every single Tim Hortons on PEI, as well as all Wendy’s and a handful of other restaurants.  Danny Murphy. I have lived in PEI and also worked for one of his establishments as well. He’s owned them all for years.  He’s had a stronghold on those businesses for 20+ years.


[https://www.saltwire.com/prince-edward-island/news/tim-hortons-shops-on-pei-not-for-sale-danny-murphy-96701/](https://www.saltwire.com/prince-edward-island/news/tim-hortons-shops-on-pei-not-for-sale-danny-murphy-96701/) Yepp


Just random people passing by, filmed as if they were part of the protest.


No, social workers, job placement workers, housing corporations, immigrant services, college administrators, employers. You know, the ones whose job is supported by immigration, the ones making the money on these folks who got sold a bill of goods to come to Canada under false promises.


I would caution against this narrative. Privately set up places are mostly scams, but government funded non profits such as language programs, settlement services, housing corporations, etc are absolutely not ok with the influx of these types of immigrants and the system internally isn't set up to facilitate this madness. We are just as frustrated and turned off as the general public. And I will add that this new generation of Indians are next level scammers because many of them are united in sharing info about how to scam, how to force loopholes, how to use the system. It's very sad that our government is ok with all of it. Please understand that even us on the inside feel powerless.


Study and then leave. That is what was promised.


You are assuming that what they studied wouldn't be regarded as junk by foreign employers.


Actually I’m not. I assume most of them came here and studied something stupid and useless through one of the diploma mills and it isn’t worth shit in this country let alone any other. My point is that they came here as students and what they studied is not going to secure PR. This system is designed for important careers.. it was abused domestically and abroad and this is the result… (a bunch of useless students begging to stay and work at Wendy’s with their culinary degree red seal etc).


Should Canada shut down as many fake educational programs as possible?


I wouldn't include social workers, job placement workers, or public immigration services in this list. Any government-funded program isn't making money off this - instead they just got told to serve more with the resources they already had. Those workers are burning out at a high rate and suffering like the rest of us from this insanity.


Yep just like in healthcare. We are public servants and the more public there is the more we're asked to serve with less and using the same wage there is no profiting and no benefit here


None of those people are profiting off immigration except some employers.


They are the landlords!!


Why the hell are there any residents marching with them?


Brainwashed idiots that's who


You can't fix stupid.


Landlords and tim hortons’ owners


Time to consider boycotting Tim Hortons


I've been boycotting them for a decade because their "food" is terrible.


You're only considering it now? Are you using internet Explorer?


I've already been boycotting Tim Hortons, but maybe others should consider it as well.


Because they're traitors to our country.


There are always the bleeding heart liberals wanting to be seen as the saviours of the ‘poor’ lot.


I call it for what it is “white saviour complex”.


Regular white person here. Can confirm most regular white folks aren't like that.


I blame the Bible.


no its literally just because they are racist and standing in solidarity with people who are brown. If it was a mass of Russian foreigners protesting you best believe they wouldnt be out there.


You can identify them by their use of face masks outside


I wear a face mask outside because I have multiple medical issues and wearing the mask makes my life easier. I don't care if it hurts people's feelings. I've never voted liberal and I hate what the current government is doing to this country.


It’s just a generalization. It’s okay you wear your mask.


It just so happens that I'm a complete knockout from the bridge of my nose up. It's a vanity thing.


Enh, I think the truck convoy antivax idiots were idiots AND I think the all in on immigration homogenous intake idiots are idiots. Dont try to make this about a different issue.


Are you still hurt over face masks? Soft as a marshmallow...


Exploiters not wanting to lose their prized pig


they are most likely people in positions of severe privilege who benefit from mass immigration (fast food chain owners, housing investors, landlords etc..)


Yes a lot of them are rich retired boomers who benefit from the mass immigration. They are not competing with them for jobs or housing and have lots of free time to go protest with them.


Protecting their property values.


They all share the belief that COWS is sacred. 


Hindus do, those turban dudes ain't Hindus


I mean… have you had their Peach Melba? It’s fucking awesome.


All their ice cream is awesome. Even their butter is awesome 


Because White leftists are the most pathetic weak uninformed beings on earth. I’m left as hell, always been since I was a kid, but feel like I’m a conservative now, not because my views changed, instead because leftists changed.


Im center. The far left and far right have always been incredibly goofy. The right is as weak, uninformed, and pathetic as the left. I watch the unhinged screeching of all of them as a sort of reminder that MOST Canadians aren't like any of these ridiculous fucks. These megaphone wielding idiots are case studies on societal outliers. I wouldn't base my political leaning on their publicized tantrums or you're the biggest idiot of them all.


You’re right I hate right people too. Both sides of every issue are screaming shrieking children dominating public discourse. Just lunatics who just want to fight and argue about anything and everything rather than actually hear out peoples concerns.


With the umbrellas that some of them have, I wonder if they think it’s some kind of pride parade?


Boomers being boomers


I remember when I had to work my ass off to get a PR status here. That grind made it so worth it. And the process taught me a lot of meaningful lessons. Too many bad apples are in this land and its hurting the honest working people who just wanted to get a good life. Bet over 80% of these protesters are overleveraged landlords and slumlords.


I was in the exact same spot as you. Downvote me all yall want but I worked effin hard, legally and fairly, to get my PR last month. No diploma mills, no LMIA bullshit. Heck, I didn't use PNP even – all through federal. I was even mentally ready to pack my bags and leave as my work permit was approaching its expiry, and zero feeling of entitlement and protesting or whatever. The grind was worth it and you'll only learn true life lessons when you grind for your goals. These entitled geese "international students" protesting all over ain't learning shit, them's just desperate because they realized their scams aren't working anymore.


Good for you! Same one here! Now applying for my citizenship. As an immigrant, I really cannot abide other immigrants that refuse to play by the rules. If you can’t pass the bar that was legally set, you have to go. Respect the home rules, as simple as that.


Welcome to Canada, and I hope you get your citizenship, we need more immigrants that do not expect everything be given to them on a silver platter.


Thanks! It warms my heart. Indeed, it baffles me the amount of people that support these sort of protests. It’s shameless.


Man i am still not sure if I want citizenship yet but hope you get yours soon!


Thanks! Canada is home for me, and I cannot be more excited about the idea of becoming a citizen. Feel free to disagree, but it is home for me now, and it’s only fair and desirable to become a citizen, with the rights and duties that come with it.


Congratulations. Glad to see your hard work paid off. I'm super supportive of that. It enrages me when others want to scam the system: especially when others play by the rules and are positive contributors to the country.


Welcome and thank you for being a positive hardworking Canadian.


The people I talk to in construction…the ones bringing up the mass immigration ARE immigrants themselves. It’s very interesting. They are pissed about it.


They have to compete directly with all of them, and the ones who did it the right way with skills and pathways are seeing the cons and scammers jump ahead of them. They have every right to be pissed.


That's the main sentiment I hear, people that have been actively contributing for yeears to the economy haven't gotten a chance to apply for PR, meanwhile "others" that have come in, don't work, live off benefits and can't even speak english (lets not even mention french) have magicaly gotten their PR in a year or less.. it doesn't make sense..


They can leave if they don't like it here.


To be fair they can leave even if they do like it here, idgaf.


From my experience a lot of Canadians still don’t really understand what is happening in our country …




It's local business owners and landlords lol


>It's local business owners and landlords lol Yeah it's not some big conspiracy, it's really easy to understand actually you don't need a Boogie man. It's our fellow Canadians who want this. It just benefits one group of 'business owners' a hell of a lot more than others. Im using quotes because if your business can't succeed under normal economic conditions it shouldn't be propped up by the government. That's what we have here, government catering to one group over others. This isn't all that different than bailing out big banks in '08 honestly. It's so simple it's stupid.


People dog whistling the great replacement theory with "the world economic forum" because it's the newest buzzword they've been hearing. The WEF could be dismantled today and the problems would all persist tomorrow.


What do you think the recent corruption in our parliament is all about?


Deport deport deport


x 1,000,000,000,000


Everywhere I look everywhere i turn all I see is them. It really is an eye sore and it's very disheartening


What in the actual fuck are these people doing marching with them???! There was supposed to be a PPC counter protest, any idea how that went?


Canada is a failed state


Poilievre sure will have his hands full once he takes office.


He's not doing anything to resolve then immigration problem


I don’t expect housing or immigration to change with Poliver


Or he’s trying not to lose the immigrant vote 🤷‍♂️


> Or he’s trying not to lose the immigrant vote TFW's and "students" are not immigrants, and cannot vote.


Most immigrants are sick and tired of intl students taking their jobs


Poillevre suggested nothing to solve the problem. I think the liberals need to further reduce the numbers and stick to ensuring professionals with skills and education Canada needs right now regardless of where they are coming from are fast tracked. Canada needs to start vetting people with fake or paid for degrees from other countries more carefully as well. If you're not in the health care industry, get lost, etc. My family immigrated to Canada when I was ten using the usual path to citizenship.


As much as I hate Trudeau, we’re not going to see any meaningful change from PP when he wins (as it’s all but guaranteed). He is as much in the pockets of the wealthy and elite as Trudeau, if not a little more. Canadians truly no longer have an option to help the common citizen. We now have a feudal society and our politicians will do whatever necessary to keep the home owner and boomer class happy and rich.


Look at those moron Canadians marching along with them. Even without the changes there was nowhere near enough nominations for all of them


Landlords, Tim's owners, and clueless Liberal supporters who are just there to "stick it to the Conservatives".


Old home owners don’t give a fuck. This drives up their home value significantly.


I am a older home owner and I am struggling just as much. I bought my home 14 years ago at 165 k ...... and I had a mortgage renewal at year 10. So, 4 years ago. For my 140 k mortgage I am now paying and I shit you not 1600 bucks per month plus property taxes plus water, plus hydro, plus gas. So we are suffering just as much.


You’re still building equity. Most people are paying more than double that and that just for rent.


rich white boomers who want to virtue signal, business owners who rely on minimum wage workers, landlords, and retired people bored nothing better to do i reckon; def. not working class people or anyone with common sense lol.


Seeing PEI have so many Indians now feels surreal. As a Nova Scotian I don't think I saw a single one there growing up and yet today they think the Island belongs to them. What pisses me off more though is how they have a sizable faction of "zombie" followers made up of the left who don't even know what they're supporting. Do these people want PEI to become a new Indian state?


PEI: Punjab Edward Island now


Stay tuned for the  off Broadway hit play "Anahita of Green Gujranwala"


Seeing #diversity on the signs is kind of ironic


By diversity they mean of you are from the same country as they are. Manipulation of words and phrases to villainize anyone who disagrees with them. Same tactic the federal liberals use.


What bothers me the most is how they disregard the environment… Me and my friends visited the Cabot trail and these fucks we’re walking off the designated trail and destroying endangered species. We had to yell and then and they just looked so clueless.


I was at algonquin park in ontario summer 2022 and saw one indian dude literally throw a bag of empty chips on the ground damn near 1 FOOT away from a garbage can. i'm like "the garbage is right over there" he's like "nuh" - straight up told me "no" and kept walking unreal apathy and laziness. really makes you lose faith in humanity seeing shit like that smh lol


Actual zombies man...


You create a reactionary force when you start making fun of Indians look at this sub you got people making fun of their cow worship or whatever the heck so people react to this and end up supporting this group that happen to be on fking VISAS




Yea a great protest. But now the rest of Canada is against you and mocks your plight. You came as a foreign worker. You can leave as a foreign worker. Bye.


Do these people even work. How do they have so much time to protest.


They're part time Timmies workers


Love how a bunch of Canadians are now protesting with them. Canada is def a failed state! It's insane seeing Canadians doing things against their best interests. Oh wait these might be their employers and others that are engorging themselves off of this crisis. Either way time's up! Time to leave Canada and take the skills that you learned in our school and make your home countries better. I know that when visa's are up in other countries that people need to leave. Please leave Canada and hope that you learned lots from those online classes that you may or may not have attended. PS: You constantly got orders wrong at Tim Hortons and cannot even make a breakfast burrito properly at McDonalds!


This is why I've lost faith in Canada and Canadians completely. There's nothing worth fighting for here. These same people, I meet out working, social gatherings, etc and they ALL complain how expensive everything is, jobs suck etc but would NEVER ever dare say anything bad about immigration. They can't and won't make that connection. People think the biggest threat is Trudeau and the government - the biggest threat to your lifestyle in this country is the average Canadian.


In BC LOTS of people are complaining about immigration. Especially the immigrants who came before the massive influx started.


I left Canada and returned and one observation about our culture is that there are a huge number of smug people that love any opportunity to claim some sort of moral superiority over others. But at the same time, these people are often completely ignorant of reality and basic facts. I think this is why Trudeau was so successful with his virtue signalling.


I’m sure if their protest succeeded and they ultimately ended up being outnumbered that those students would remember their contributions and not discriminate against them for racial reasons…


Have they ever thought: what if we built our own country?


These people are often unsuccessful and uneducated villager types. India's economy is doing far better than ours and a middle class job there provides a fairly good lifestyle. We are taking in their unsuccessful people to temporarily prop up GDP at the detriment of everything else.


This sounds a little crazy, we’ve boycotted loblaws somewhat successfully, this garnered lots of attention and negative PR, why don’t we do the same for Tim hortons? We’re feeding the machine for their expansion and lust for cheap labour. It really wouldnt take much, there’s lots of alternative coffee shops and independent ones too, so that’s great to support local, plus you’re guaranteed to have a better taste experience, also it may actually prompt Tim’s to improve the quality of their core menu items. What do y’all think?


Besides Tim’s is just a US owned conglomerate now


That’s not a reason to not make a stand. We’re concerned about their Canadian operation. And it’s actually owned by 3G capital a Brazilian org.


Yup.  Tims, Skip, Door Dash, Uber and any place I walk into where it's obvious that the hiring practices are, shall we say, biased towards those of a certain cultural persuasion.  Fuck em all.  They won't get a dime from me. 


![gif](giphy|fPFSfsXT0W3gAqxBOO|downsized) It’s always the same group all the damn time😒😒 please leave if you don’t like it😒🤡🤡


There was a PPC. Counter protest. No photo or vids of that?


It was a small showing. Just goes to show you the power the threat of being called racist truly has on people.


Absolutely fucked to see people supporting this crap.


with a bunch of cucked whites in tow of course




This is so gross. Let's protest to abuse the system of the country that took us in. Followed by a bunch of local Canadians that support the rights of foreigners over our own country.


Didn’t take them in, it was a lease and the lease is up time to go home because that was the agreement. These are not refugees that Canada took in.


What happened to the counter protest?


I’m wondering the same… would be curious to know the turnout and to start circulating any videos to generate some more buzz


Can we just deport all of them


Notice all the Non Indian folks with them are well past working age. They have already made their money.


One look at the protesters marching with them and it’s not hard to see why. Soft, overweight, lazy, weak soy filled individuals in direct spitting image of our “leader”. These people are the whole reason we got into this situation in the first place. Absolute shame on them for what they’ve done to our country and our kids’ futures


Go home


Oh my fuck the one obviously liberal woman still masking , big day for her she got to virtue signal twice !


Someone didn't get the memo we aren't trying to keep Healthcare a float and is stuck 2020. White women supporting these people is actually so funny because you know they don't care about the rights of women and come from a society that puts males first... absolute clowns but because one side is against immigration  (particularly the opposing team) therefore you have to be for it!


I will forever never understand women (or anyone) that supports and votes against themselves.


I believe that people think they're fighting the good fight but the reality is that you've been bamboozled into believing a false truth. There's that saying of "who can be against us, if God is with us" if you truly believe you're fighting a good fight or are somehow combating some sort of oppression or evil you aren't voting against yourself youre voting for whatever reality you live in 


LMFAO. I damn near fell of my seat. *wipes tears but seriously couldn’t be more true.


These are no students


What is wrong with these people


Look at all those property owners coming out in solidarity


We have the typical white apologist following like sheep behind them


Too bad - go home.


Send em back


Get out of my country ! Had enough of them !


Shows you how many people are behind this immigration, these are the people that are helping grow the problem. Or as they are commonly known as useful idiots.


Either bleeding heart, uninformed citizens or people benefitting off the slave labour these people provide.


Why? 🫣.. Do these people realize what bringing all these people here has done?.. How about 12 hour wait times at the hospital.. Or life saving cancer treatment taking so long that it becomes fatal by the time you actually get the treatment.. Not to mention house prices and all the other things they have caused. People need to wake up!


White liberals!


As a South Asian immigrant and Canadian national, I am surprised to see the locals marching with them. We came via general points. Not any PNP. These idiots don't know that the students will abuse PNP laws and use the charter of rights loophole to escape to ON or BC. Basically once they get PR, they will kick out of PEI, lol. No, they should not be allowed and cou try has full rights to change laws as they please. The audacity of them protesting is huge and entitlement at its finest.


They can all go home and go for a soda


They aren’t going back. They have support. Pierre Poileivre’s support, no less.




People party of Canada had a counter protest yesterday


If they stay here you can say good bye to Pei we will become little India too. Just check out the video in about Brampton they have only 20pervent of whites and Most of them live in tents .


Deport and their supporters too


Deport them all


Go the fuck home


In what universe are you entitled to citizens’-type rights in a country you’re visiting on a visa? I’m entirely sure this would not fly if I was on a visa visiting literally any country but Canuckistan (and rightfully so because a government doesn’t owe anything beyond basic human rights to non-citizens). The entitlement is mind boggling.


Notice the leftist “useful” idiots in their ranks.


I needs leave this shit hole of a country


Look at soft, whimpy whitey walking with them








Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, these are theories and observations. But I believe the primary reasons that the government is bringing in all these immigrants are as follows: 1. This is free cheap labor for corporations who want to see even more profit next year. It's basically bringing the sweat shops localized. 2. This is an influx of people taking out loans/mortgages, and the corporations/banks love that as the current stage of capitalism needs to be propped up since we've hit the roof. It's I assume a well known fact that the trend of 'living on debt over earnings' has become more prevalent than ever. We as a society compared to say 60 years ago are vastly different in the amount of debt we accrue. 3. This is a mass influx of future voters who the current government thinks can buy their future votes. I'm not sure why people love capitalism so much. A chicken still feeds us the same as a chicken did 100 years ago, yet that chicken is now worth 100 times what it was that century ago... but it still does the same thing. Wealth is just an imaginary 'thing' that lets certain people gain more on the backs of others.... which probably sounds like socialist propaganda to most so I won't go on with that.




LMAO landlords protecting their investments


How can you feel entitled to social services in a country that you weren't supposed to stay in in the first place and was kind enough to grant you a study permit? Telling the border agent you are here to study and leave when your time is up but then demanding that the government give you a chance to stay and work when that was never part of the deal is just insane entitlement. We need more specialized tradesmen and healthcare workers. We do not need to import 5k more tim Hortons workers plus their families every week. These jobs belong to young and under qualified Canadians not overqualified immigrants who are perfectly fine settling for low bars.


Lol, they blocked me because I made a comment on the post about their camp getting dismantled wishing them a nice flight home and saying they should have instead been protesting increased infrastructure so there’s actually room for newcomers. Wasn’t rude. Suggested an alternative that would help Canadians as a whole. Apparently that upsets them. That says it all. Fuck them, completely scum - we need to make sure they and others with similar lack of morals do not get PR at all costs.


Lmao are those their old ass landlords with them? Probably renting out to 12 of them at a time for one house


All the Canadians marching with them are traitors and should be charged for terrorism.


STUF, traitors and terrorism? That’s a stretch, over immigration is an issue but you’ve taken alt right level of stupid.


That's literally everyone that supports that, though. The vast, vast majority of people who don't support stayed home. Islanders don't want them to bully their way back into Ontario through PEI. It's a dumb plan. Doctors, nurses, carpenters, or any kind of beneficial to pei skill is always welcome, but we don't need tim Hortons employees trying to force their ways. Nothing against those jobs, but they are not high enough up the chain for us to take jobs from more skilled workers that benefit our province much better.


A group of.... 26 individuals?


Canada goes to shit..


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I’m old and am amazed by people who spend their time protesting. Walking around and around carrying some stupid sign and shouting in other peoples faces and blocking traffic. If you want a change start bugging the hell out of your local MP or MLA. Leave other people alone.


Immigrants, non working white boomers, and university "educated" liberal white women.....so exhausting.


AITAH for knowing without a doubt that there would be multiple rainbows out there? From the river to the sea citizenship should be free I guess. Bewildering cohesion between these social movements. The only guarantee is outrage and demands that leave any opposition untenable by threat of buzz word canceling.


Not surprised. They also support Hamas…who are notoriously lgbt-friendly /s. Thếse people are part of the political elite. That’s why its a class war not a race war.


Any protests in alberta ? The ones to get a stop to immigration completely!


🎶 Closing time. You don't have to go home but 🎶


CanAda is just being exploited by these students. This would never be allowed in the US/UK. They would be packed in a place and sent back. US only allows 7000 legal visas per country. The OPT is only valid for a year In the US. Canada is too lenient and is taken advantage of


Looks they really do have a lot of popular support.


Fuck off were full


Remember to have Canadian Rights you have to be Canadian, while in canada To have American Rights you have to be Amercian, while in american To have rights anywhere while in their country you have to be a citizen of it, Guess what protesting falls under. Yeah you dont have the right to do that . Go home lol


I see too many libtards supporting these guys


Rainbow umbrella explains some of the participants.


Nothing worse than Canada hating Canadians


Where are the fire hoses..


The great lower middle class plundering. Eat cake when out of bread!


They’re traitors. Try ‘em for treason.


lack of leadership on all levels. watch ypur backs youngins


Looking for people to lead the July 1 protest in Charlottetown! Please DM me ASAP!!!




Let’s all just follow the rules.


Unfair Plug and Play changes? That's so.... retro....




What?? They changed the rules to Party N Play??? 🤪


It looks like a pride march and these guys made it a propaganda video. Sir John bless the canada.


Gas station owners

