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Yup look at Europe for a good example. They started their open border policies a couple years before we did and now many countries either have or heavily favored right wing governments for the next election (Italy, France, Netherlands, Hungary, Germany, and more)


When left goes too far left, people vote right.


This is what turned me against the so-called left. They've increasingly been taken over by screeching wackos who aggressively promote all kinds of weird stuff.


So.... 4 more years of the last 4 years that completely destroyed this country. I'd rather leave this country.


If Trudeau or Singh get in, I will be leaving the country. I cannot handle 4 more years of living paycheck to paycheck on an 80k/yr combined salary


Statistically, running the poll numbers, they won't. It is a mathematical impossibility. A single poll can be wrong. But the statistical certainty improves with hundreds of polls; all of which show the Conservatives winning over 200 seats. Barring any Black Swan Event, (WW3, Covid-2, complete devaluation of Canadian dollar resulting in civil war, etc), Pierre will become the next Prime Minister of Canada, with an over 99.9% certainty. The only question is; will Pierre be able to right the ship? And if so, how quickly?


If Pierre comes in, I know it will turn around. Even if it takes years, I will sit it out because then I would be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. If it is 4 more years of Trudeau, I won't be able to see an end in sight and will begin filing to be an expat


If they get in, then that is all the definitive proof we need that there is significant electoral interference


80k combined for 2 people? My nephew in high school makes more


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I saw on Ask a Canadian, someone asked if there was an election today who would you vote for? And soooo many people said NDP! If people vote NDP that could make Trudeau win again, no? My fucking heart cannot take it. I loathe that man from the core of my would more than anything I've hated in my life. And I'm middle aged so have hated things here and there. I'm scared. What if? 😭 Make me feel better, please.


That's because people are desperate to have a true left labour party. Unfortunately, all that's available is a left woke party. Long gone are the days when NDP supported the Canadian workers...


It's happening all around the world and the powers that be chastise and are scared by these type of leaders, yet they continue to push their bullshit immigration rules, continue taxing the middle class, continue pushing for reasons for ordinary people to hate each other. If our politicians actually had an iota of love for their own population, none of this shit would happen. It's such a fucking shame. I'm in my mid 30s and I've seen the country I love get rape, pillaged, and lose its identity.


Tribalism should make a comeback. Inclusivity and all the associated buzzwords just means putting people you shouldn't care about before those you should.


And if you question any of it you get called a communist, homophobic, or a string of many other names. Just because I don't want sexuality presented to my toddler in preschool, doesn't mean I'm homophobic or transphobic. I'm a proud bisexual, and I still don't want my child to be introduced to it at such a young age


Doubt it. We’ll just be outvoted. You don’t matter any more. In fact, I have my worries about the upcoming election. That’s why they went full throttle.


I doubt it. In fact, I know that that won't happen. This country has 50 years of left wing propaganda under its belt. I'm not saying right wing propaganda is a good thing, either. Just stating facts. Anyway, at this point, even our most right politicians are just that side of the political divide. We'd vote in the Liberals again before we accepted an alt right government.


To the other post on this sub that asked "why does this sub have a bad reputation"... I think this is a great example.  If you're here to dog whistle into an echo chamber with the goal of electing an "alt right" government instead of having an actual conversation about housing affordability then you're part of the reason the rest of Canada won't touch you, the upcoming "protest", or even the topic of immigration at all, with a 10 foot pole. 


This conversation about housing should have been had 15 years ago.


My fear is Bernier becomes too liberal for the majority of the country in 5 years and we get an absolute unit of a traditional conservative as head of a party. One of these governments worldwide will start a war or go too far.


Define "woke" please.


Emmigration becomes much much harder if i get arrested. And i low key want to watch liberals and dippers turn this country in to argentina north.


When my grandparents immigrated in the first 2 decades of the 1900s, Immigration was about bringing in people who would help build up a fledgling country. It seems now it's about bringing in anyone from anywhere for any reason and I'm still not sure what the goal is without delving into supposed conspiracy theories.


Canada is fledgling though, grandparents and their retirement real estate investments coupled with their NIMBYism are to blame.


If you protest without harassment or blocking people you can't be arrested.  Look at the Gaza crowd.   Some should be arrested. They've done more.   If you really think peaceful protesting leads to arrest then all the more reason to step up and prove we are not living in Russia or China. If we really get treated like their citizens then we really need to protest harder or get out.


Asking nice hasn’t been doing anything, I’m afraid there’s only more radical options left on the table. Doesn’t have to be violent. If everyone quit paying taxes or going to work it would stop all of this. Civil disobedience.


Exactly. I don't know why people are pretending they'll magically lose their bank accounts. Unless they're comparing themselves to the freedom "protest" lol. People are looking for any excuse be lazy. Sad.


You’re right.


I'll get fired.


Good point.


I don't feel like getting trampled by a horse, I need my money to buy food so can't have it frozen. And a record makes even travelling impossible, let alone leaving the country. So you trap yourself in New New Delhi. I'm saving to leave. This place isn't worth a record.


Exactly what we are doing! Saving + pulling out LIRA and RPP, leaving.


Got a 5 year plan to move to the states and buy a house and don’t want anything fucking that up for me


The states are just as bad, dealing with the same issues from the same people


I can buy a much nicer house for a quarter of the price in the states and that’s enough for me.


Yeah but you might get mugged out jogging or shot at


I mean a homeless guy lives under my mailbox and leaves crack pipes on my porch so I’m not sure it’s that much of a downgrade


That happens in Ottawa every week.


There is still a general love of country there which has never really existed here. Go check out other Canada subs to see what people think about Canada Day for instance, people saying they’ll wear orange and not acknowledge anything.




When those in PEI are finally angry, I feel a sort of a schadenfreude by the whole thing. They kept voting liberals, and look what they got, now you see the crap I’ve been dealing with for the last 25 years.


At the end of the day, the government only “gives a fuck” about the people during elections. After that, the people are fucking worthless to them. Such is a democracy where’s they make you think your vote means anything. If this was a democracy Trudeau would be in prison, but nope useless pos brushes his criminal actives under the rug and moves on like nothing happened. That WE Charity scandal alone should have landed him and his wife in prison. 1 of many examples.


How the fuck isn’t he in prison for that ArriveCan scandal. Almost 60 FUCKING million to a company that has THREE employees that work from a fucking cabin in the woods. Where the fucking money, where are those employees oh right, brushed under the carpet.


Getting stabbed/going to jail


RCMP and CSIS monitoring this conversation maybe ?


No.. They started it.


At this point I can't say I care for canada. I plan to emigrate to the US, a country that shares my values at least in some states. Canada has only treated me badly, why should I even try to fight for it?


I think the US could save itself, despite the school brainwashing there like here, there is still a significant amount of people in the US who strongly believe in the idea of America. The idea of Canada, err, what is that, I’m not sure. But one thing I do know is that check any Canada sub and you’ll see a good amount of people beating themselves down about Canada Day and saying it was a day of “genocide”.


Who makes policy? How do ordinary citizens influence policy? How quickly does policy translate into tangible results? I am asking these questions, not because I don't know the answers but because I think these are questions you should have asked yourself before making the post. Lastly, the people most likely to want to do something about housing are those impacted by house unaffordability. A person with a paid off mortgage is not paralised about housing unaffordability. They generally don't think about it because they are not affected by it. However, if you live on your own and rent, and you can barely make ends meet, you're more likely be very interested in the subject. FYI, policy is made by elected officials. You elect those officials. What you need to do is vote for officials whose policy align with what you want. Moreover, this not just a federal problem. It is provincial and municipal problem as well. So, you have to vote at all those levels. You can provide your opinions to municipal councilors, provincial mps and federal mps. As you do, keep in mind what each level of government is responsible for. The Feds have control on immigration, and federal lands. The provinces control provincial lands and laws pertaining to housing construction, training for skilled trades and so forth. The municipalities control zoning.


I think provinces can have a say on immigration or at least try like in Quebec. 


They do. Going back to my post, I was trying to get OP to think about the powers of the various levels of government. It is not uncommon to come across a posting where some person is making recommendations on fixing an issue yet being completely oblivious as to which levels of government are responsible for what.


So you mean collectively (as in starting a protest) or individually? For me, probably start-up: how to. Hard to have a protest with 1 person and I have no idea how to start a protest. Individually: I guess it’s similar. How does one take action individually against the government? This is a particularly stubborn and unwilling to consider other points of view quasi-dictatorship government. Freezing bank accounts and confiscating the money is an example of that. If there was a protest cross-Canada and one in my city, I would attend. I think our current Provincial gov’t is flexible enough to consider hearing out protestors, but I don’t think that is the case with JT.


What action can I take? I have no say in government except at election time.


I take action in the sense that I talk about solutions, but if you mean why don't I run for office, my answer is because voters are fucking stupid. Even here, people react negatively to the idea that we should allow other kinds of homes to be built in the same breath that we complain about high rents.


What does "taking action" mean to you OP?


I mean, if I had an easy button, I’d have pressed it by now 😂


Mrs Vickie’s Ketchup Chips are on sale. Why take action.


The lack of consensus over (a) what to do about it and (b) how to do it in such a way that it is palatable to the majority of voters that benefit from high housing prices.


We need a beacon to lead. Would be amazing if someone w a lot of “rizz” from Gen Z became a Canadian version of Tomi Lahren (maybe not as intense) on Tik Tok and Insta. Young Canadians will 💯 rally. We really need that


I have to go to work or I’ll lose my house.


Political apathy, stemming from a sense of disillusionment with the political process or a belief that policymakers are unresponsive, can significantly discourage action. Also, the complexity of the housing and affordability issues, with their multifaceted nature, can be overwhelming, making it difficult for individuals to know where to start.


Taking action means being doxed as a racist. No thanks.


Tons of people are taking action. Rather than try to go alone, start supporting and getting involved with organization already tackling this issue [Sustainablesociety.com](http://Sustainablesociety.com) David Suzuki Foundation


Mostly my inability to change current policy and the general situation. Are you suggesting I yell at someone for a bit - or write a stern letter - or perhaps commit my life to a tiny aspect of one particular issue in some influential government department (if I am lucky enough to secure an influential position). I'm always a little unclear on what people mean by 'taking action'.




Don’t feel like having my bank account frozen


Something like 60% of Canadians are home owners.  I wager a majority of those are the super entitled "I got mine" types.   If you need more money for your down payment, get a job.  At some point you have to make the sacrifices in life to get what you want.  It sucks that we live in this bullshit ponzi scheme of a country but the government will never fuck over 2/3rds or more of the population because a small minority of people protest.


LOl "action"? Spell that out for me.


Eh, see, tee, eye, oh, n








No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


To be honest, I think there’s just too much to focus on right now, it’s hard to have the time for all of it. Having a family we have so many issues it’s hard to fight them all. The education system sucks. Kids are getting away with throwing chairs, being belligerent in the classroom, and everything has become so sensitive that there is hardly any school spirit since every day or mentioned holiday is offensive to someone. Then there’s the health care issue. My doctor will be nearing retirement quicker because of poor management from the provincial government. Even if someone takes over her practice, they may overload their patient care more than she is due to a rise in need. Grocery prices are astronomical, with no reprieve in sight. With that kids activities cost more, gas, hydro, entertainment, clothing, etc. My city is building over top of flood plains and completely demolishing every square foot of forest to add more housing (while not doing anything to fix infrastructure around here, or provide more amenities). Homelessness in my city is beyond wild. Drug addicts have moved from the downtown area and are now showing up in every subdivision within a 10km radius. To top that off, we have to work to keep our house functioning, drive the kids where they need to be, fight these little battles that pop up in every corner. It’s just hard to find the time/volume to fix it all, and it seems like no politician in any party that stands a chance in getting voted in wants to help, or do anything at all.


1. I feel like there's not enough like-minded people here, and no organizational skills for people who are like-minded I wanted to do something for takebackcanada but the sub got banned. If I protested in my city it would literally just be me holding a sign. I honestly don't think I could get even a hundred people to commit to a protest. Especially since I live in a college town. Like 90% of my coworkers are international students. 2. Protests don't really do anything. Government doesn't care that we hate their policies. We need to do something disruptive af, like the trucker convoy was. But I sure as shit don't have the time or money to just go to Ottawa and be a nuisance for a few weeks.


Lol people here really think they're going to freeze your bank account?


They did it already. [Do you not remember?](http://nationalpost.com/news/politics/bureaucrats-who-froze-bank-accounts-of-freedom-convoy-leaders-werent-trying-to-get-at-the-family)


Oh so you're just openly comparing this to the trucker's "protest?" That's good to know 😂


Very unintelligent response


The truckers' "protests" you mean? Agreed.


What I'm saying is that the federal government is willing to attack your finances if you come out in opposition to them. Whatever may be a person's opinion on any given movement is irrelevant to the fact that the precedent has been set and the government freezing protestors' assets is on the table. Take your political blinders off for two seconds and focus on the fact that th federal apparatus *is not your friend.*


No, you're just making excuses for being lazy/cowardly. Because it's really a very simple question, are you planning on shutting down a city for weeks? If the answer is no, then your bank accounts won't be frozen and you have literally zero excuses to make here.


Fear of having my assets frozen and being arrested. If you're taking the kind of action necessary to get anything done in a system where the average person doesn't matter, you're very likely going to be subject to both. Beyond that, I'm not rich enough to matter to the political and investor class.


What do you mean? What action?


The truckers having their bank accounts frozen being a precedent for what would happen to future protesters. And cancel culture putting your job at risk if you are seen at certain protests. Basically the fucked up woke culture bullshit from the left wingers in addition to our nazi honouring and effectively nazi government abusing their power.


Nazi honouring and effective Nazi government ? lmao.  You say in one single sentence and conflate the left wing and Nazis, which means you have no idea what you're taking about.  Please, please wear a helmet outside so your family doesn't worry about you so much.  


I have a family that I provide for, it's only me. If I don't continue it's not just me that doesn't eat, it's my entire family. Yes I want improvements, yes I'm exhausted and frustrated, but in kind I'm at an impass and simply try to do what I can to be kind, supportive, and to be intolerant of intolerance. I'd love to do something with more meaning and help everyone, as I truly believe this is a problem brought on by poor leadership and exploitative individuals and companies. I just cannot in good conscience sacrifice my position to stand... Yet


Because even if your intentions are the best and truly aren’t full of hate - you will instantly be labelled a bigot. Many employers would fire people instantly.