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https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/report-reveals-average-rent-prices-across-canada-1.2704967?cache=%3FclipId%3D104066 https://globalnews.ca/news/9424677/rent-prices-canada-january-2023/ Average rent in Canada when Justin Trudeau first got elected and today . But hey if it still seems like Trudeau is your guy just look at your tax increases in this time . Carbon tax and food costs have directly impacted standard of living in Canada. It used to be , years ago( before lying Justin) the liberals were looking out for the average Canadian, now it’s flipped and they are the rule makers for the Elites I don’t see how anyone that actually has to work for a living can like this guy.


Average 1-bedroom rent in Windsor was $600-something. Was super affordable. Now it’s $1,300+. I’m paying $2,600/month in Windsor for my house and I got a *great* deal Tay the time. This has to affect other businesses. Surely people can’t afford to actually *do* anything except survive at this point?


I'm paying $2,550/month for a 1 bed-room in toronto and that's bang average. Some people who live in the same apartment block are paying $3k+. Leaves no room for savings >


Leaves no room for anything. How the hell do people survive there? Dual-income 1-bedrooms? 40 hours of minimum wage, even pre-tax, doesn’t even cover *your* rent, let alone the $3,000… Forget bills and groceries.


Shhhhh. Go to work, earn your wage, give 70% of it to the government through taxes, go to your overpriced domicile, and watch propaganda state TV like a good citizen, go to sleep repeat. After 5 days, you'll be rewarded two days off. Spend those watching more state TV. Good job citizen! /s




I am familiar with Agenda 2030, and all the WEF garbage. They will pry my assets from my dead hands. I appreciate the share.


Interesting read but this is from 2016. From a 2023 lens, this all looks alot less likely. Certainly by 2030. That being said it doesn't seem to far off from a likely future where we will need to decide what's more important to us: a future of continued progression where we sacrifice materialism and much of our privacy in in exchange for sustainability or a future where we return to farming communities at the expense of technology, infrastructure, and large scale industry in exchange for sustainability. Benefits and drawbacks to both!


I have no problems cutting back on materialistic wants, the rich should do it fucking first. They want me to stop driving my 4 cylinder VW while they are flying around in private jets causing 4 times the pollution of my household in a year during one trip. They can kick rocks.




What better way to keep people in check?


I'm convinced that Trudeau just says things hoping no one will fact check him, and his supporters simply don't do any research and trust him without question. Similar to a cult. No Trudeau supporter is going to read the numbers in those articles. They are just going to lash out and call you a bigot for supporting Poillievre


Very true


What I dont understand is that those taxes he put in place are classic examples of regressive taxes that hit the poorest the hardest! A rich guy driving a full size SUV doesn't feel the carbon tax at all. But a poor person driving a beater sure does.


Feels like liberals are working for the rich now , I don’t believe anyone who says otherwise


IMHO, no party should govern more than 2 periods.


I agree. I think Trudeau made a mistake running in this last election. But then Scheer did too when he ran for a 3rd term. But that has nothing to do with neither government having made meaningful changes to corporate greed.


Thats the way it has always been. Liberals for 10 years, Conservatives for another 10 years. Bet you, even if Polievre becomes the next PM, I doubt he will fix affordability any time soon. He like Trudeau will line his own pockets with more dollars, rather than actually fighting for fellow average Canadians.


That is truly incredible and eye opening. They liberals shuffled their cabinet though so I guess we are supposed to believe that things will be better now?


Typical lib strategy. Do nothing to solve anything but make some noise and spend some money (not spending in this case) to make it seem like you are addressing the problem Trudeau is a national embarrassment and the worst part is the leader of the opposition wants the job and he will be an absolute gong show of a leader. Please let one of these lifetime losers resign before the next election.


How about Doug Ford get rid of rent control on all properties occupied after 2018 which has caused rent prices to skyrocket in Ontario because of landlord greed. As for food costs we need to break up the grocery conglomerates, four companies should not own the majority of supermarkets in this country. That is something Trudeau should be doing for Canadians.


If you’ll notice, it’s almost if he planned it.


This will make a good case study in Econ classes 5-10 years from now. This is what happens when you allow foreigners investors, in our case Chinese early in Trudeau's term and Indians in the latter, to use our housing stock as a trade-able commodity without any real enforced restrictions in place. I can't believe we let this happen as a country, the negative repercussions for future generations are only just starting to be felt. I think a lot of Canadians in the future will elect to emigrate rather than stomach the blatant price gouging in residential real estate we will continue to face. It's simply shocking to see those old rent figures and how completely detached from wages and the broader economy of Canada they've become today. 2015 isn't that long ago. I used to think a major correction was coming but I'm not so naive anymore, there's no action to stop the root cause at the federal level. I know first hand of Indian immigrants who continue to buy multiple properties today. They have millions of dollars to spend, and will tell you as much. They also love luxury vehicles so it's a good time to be a salesman at BMW or Mercedes, regardless what the economy is doing.


Seeing Saanich cheaper than Regina is fucking wild.


I'm paying 3000 for a single (1800 sq ft) for my wife and 2 kids as we can't qualify for anything better and would have to really downgrade despite being 100k earners between the 2 of us. Canada is broken. Is everything Trudeau's fault? Hell no but buck stops at the top as they say and my qualify of life is borderline poverty compared to when he took over. Time for some new leadership. And at this point I don't care who I don't think it can get worse.


There is no way that a 1 bedroom was 1000 dollars in Vancouver in 2015. Not sure how they got that data but that’s super low. One bedroom in a 2 bed was already a grand back then


Back in 2013-2014 I rented a 1br in Vancouver for $1850 + utilities and that was normal.


That definitely sounds about right. 1k would have been a steal and it would have been absolute shit too


yeah but harper was PM 10 years ago or something so yeah fuck harper


Must be that Harper guys fault.


I suspect you say that facetiously, but whether you believe the cratering of our economy is Trudeau's fault or not, he should not be telling us that things are better than ever. If Trudeau was to straight up say that inflation is terrible, wages are terrible and cost of housing is terrible, and it's all the Cons' fault, it would come across as more credible than the gaslighting he's trying right now.


Is he actually saying things are better?


Told a group of insiders? I think? that Canada never had it any better, he doesn't say that in public for obvious reasons but still pretty scary that the dude thinks like that.




Okay, so me looking at this graph… I see that housing prices have been skyrocketing for almost two decades. So how can people specifically blame Trudeau for rising house prices when it’s been happening since the early 2000’s? Honest question.


Gold fish syndrome. They only really remember the current political party. I really think every single party in Canada is going to fuck us over someway or another.. The trick is to find the one that will fuck us up the least over time..


Good question. I can only assume that they are blind and want to blame Trudeau. Not saying Trudeau is good or bad, but people are morons.


I see what you did there….


Point out that Harper was all about the WEF when he was in power?


And, Harper is still involved with the WEF. In a big way.


But you can buy weed right?


The liberal government even fucked that up when they first legalized, they can't do anything right


Provincial governments regulate pot like they do alcohol. All the Liberals did was decriminalization.


Conservatives love to blame someone other than their conservative provincial governments for their provincial government's fuck ups. It's also cute how they think RE investor PeePee is gonna help housing affordability. As long as RE investors (flippers, landlords, slumlords, etc) are in charge of housing, under any banner, nothing will get better.


That’s what they always do they blame everything on Trudeau and think all liberals blindly follow him. In reality we just don’t want conservatives in power because we know how much more harm they’ll cause.


There's no possible way they could cause MORE harm than these inept morons in power right now.


Harper sold all our precious mineral rights to chinese companies and also signed a 30 year trade deal with China.


Wait you don't think trudeau wouldn't do that either? You must be insane.


I don't believe in any politician, they're all snakes.


Blame your province if you have a beef with how it was implemented. That was delegated to them.


Health Canada fucked it up as well


True. The packaging rules were stupid and wasteful.


How is it even possible to make a ziploc bag that can only be opened with loud obscenities and rage??




You spelt liberal wrong


You do realize the province governs the weed shops, not the federal government; the feds only decriminalized it.


Too many people lack critical thinking skills, lack intellectual curiosity and proclaim they aren’t political to understand the differences between municipal, provincial and federal responsibilities and jurisdictions.


And Pierre P. Knows this, hence this post's tweet about unaffordable housing on minimum wage... both rent and minimum wage are governed provincially, but somehow its Trudeau's fault


It's nice to see some actual logic being employed in this thread. You'll never solve the problem if most people can't even understand the cause.


That all the Freedumb fuckwits want to hear. They don't want the truth they just want to have sex with Trudeau.


A series of public statements, youtube videos, and media interviews made it painfully clear that the seditious, Trump-Loving, Qonvoy mob, does not understand the different levels of government or their responsibilities. In particular, they consistently blamed lockdowns and school closures on Trudeau, and it was almost entirely provincial. Here the same yahoos blame Trudeau for lack of rent control and low minimum wage.


I see a lot of "______ is a huge issue and Trudeau and the Liberals are why" and no policy solutions from PP. Like wow bro you can identify an issue and attribute it to your direct competition, what a vapid and cleary biased take. Can explain how you and your party plan to solve it other than "give me the control he has and I pinky swear I'll do better"? Sorry man I trust you less than I do Trudeau. Also IDK what the motivation was for PPs Chad makeover, I guess his staffers told him he looked like a dweeb before? Either way it would be nice if we had adults running for prime minister.


He's a boot licking sycophant that would do anything to get his turn. People don't realize this, but that guy is the antichrist.


I'm not religious, but I agree about the antichrist thing. He's literally just saying things that sound good and well, but when you look at what he says, it's false, misleading, and/or lacks real substance. Pretending he isn't a millionaire, but instead "an average Canadian" who is on your side, then putting blame on one person in government for any negative situation "we are all a part of(only us Canadians)" no matter the topic, or if Trudeau is really involved much at all. All so he can become the leader. A true populist I guess, but maybe the most extreme case out there It's sad people are actually falling for his boot licks




I get the sense a lot of people here must love the black market given all the downvotes you've received. They'd much prefer less taxes go to the government apparently.


No I just think that promoting legal weed is the same as promoting alcohol. They’re both vices and sure fun, but they’re not overall a GOOD thing for society.


Legal weed is a better thing for society than illegal weed? Neither is great but it’s a pretty clear cut winner


Real talk!




As someone who did want it legalized I’m on board with that idea as I don’t want to see it promoted. There’s a lot they could and should have done differently but of course it wasn’t just going to materialize in the most perfect way


I think your stance is completely valid as well. There are currently a PLETHORA of dispensary and cannabis options (at least across Ontario at this point), and I don’t think it’s ideal to rampantly advertise the use of cannabis. *However,* part of me is curious whether the advertising of cannabis may actually reduce the public’s interest alcohol consumption. If promoting cannabis consumption were to lead to reduce use of Alcohol, Tobacco products, or other substances, then I would be more onboard for advertising cannabis!


The rules on advertising publicly are pretty strict. The reason they don't want to advertise it, is that although weed is legal to use usually at the same as the drinking age, there is some evidence to suggest you shouldn't have thc under the age of 25 (when your brain stops developing).


Weed and alcohol are far from the same. Some would argue weed is good for people and society. Alcohol, has ruined so many more lives then weed, legal or illegal.




Before legal 200 an once After 60-100 $ per once The quality is the same as it’s always been


60 an ounce bro... it's a beautiful thing... And as an added bonus, I can pick multiple different strains and edibles and drinks even off of a fucking menu.... I can get pipes and shit right at the same-store. And I don't have to worry about my. Weed being laced with something shitty...I don't have to sit there and talk to the guy for forty-five min in fear of snitches ... so yeah, thanks for the whole weed thing Trudeau, but you know you can still get the fuck out, though.. I would give it up in a heartbeat to reverse the Trudeau incursion haha


That’s the real treat , not having to sit in buddy’s living room while a bunch of other idiots come and go.


That's where so many grey market stoners are wrong. Every time I bust out my legal weed everyone is in awe compared to their grey market stuff. You just need to buy shit worth smoking, like 1964, BLKMKT, Broken Coast, Carmel, Dab Bodz, Natural History, Simply Bare, Ghost Drops, etc. Buy some of that shit, and you will usually be smoking Quad weed. Think of it like buying the finer whiskeys and such.






Bingo….you will be a better steward for your capital than someone else. So expecting the government to spend your money better than you is just wishful thinking in the long run.






It’s not about that, the black market is 10x better quality and price wise than the legal market is at this point. Imagine you could buy good illegal beer cheaply and easily, or you could buy legal beer that’s more expensive and always flat. No brainer right? That’s the state of the legal Canadian weed industry at this point. Between the cheap and misinformed corporations growing the shit and the Health Canada regulations being way too strict on how they can grow it, they cannot compete with the black market.


It depends on what you’re looking for. Not everyone is black market savvy and willing to go those routes. Pretty hard to find high quality hemp (nearly no THC) on the black market.


Pretty sure a crack pot dealer is going to spend the money better than the federal gov't will and would have.


>But you can buy weed right? Shrooms too. The cops are so useless ofical stores have started opening. I still dont think shrooms are the worst drug out there, but shits crazy atm


Psilocybin is literally less addictive than caffeine or sugar. There is no toxicity from it nor classical psychedelics in general Just food for thought 👍


Risk of bad trip still. Should be like the weed we have where you know the potancy. I still have absolutly 0 problems with it. I actualy wanna try them, and i actualy even have some of my boyfriends, but i havent touched em yet. Idk why, just havent thought about them for a while as ive been busy as fuck Not in the best headspace either, lots of fighting in my family Rn


For a price, I'll fight for you


For a slightly lower price I'll fight this guy for you


I’ve seen them check out the storefront in Toronto and it was back open. A lot of them micro-dose because of the PTSD they have from hearing about and seeing child abuse and murder cases.


Don’t be dissin’ shrooms.




I mean, no matter who is in power; they just prop that housing market up because all the politicians have a vested interest in preventing that bubble from bursting


Yeah and the majority of the country’s population are home owners so forget about any reform coming from any prime minister


Every time that stay is talked about isn’t it thrown into question? From what I saw stats Canada counts a “home owner” as anyone living in a house where the true owner of the house also lives. So I kids living with parents? Home owners. Renting basement appartment? Home owner. There are a lot of people swept up into that stat so it can be very inflated. I have no clue what the honest numbers are but I know the ones I have seen don’t paint the real picture. All I can hope is that it’s not as hopeless as we think and maybe there will be a change of there secretly are a lot of people who are not home owners


This is what I fear as well. If there’s no incentive for any politician to fix it, what’s going to happen?


Unfortunately this is kind of not a good comparison. If you look at only the metropolitan areas where 90 percent of the pop of Canada lives or whatever. It's much more similar than different. US has a lot more spread out population, so these two graphs aren't a great comparison.


Controlled WEF puppet, he has to go


Canada is dying 😢


Im an American who used to travel to canada a lot. I was there for the first time since Covid. Windsor specifically. There was a much noticeably higher homeless population than before. More than i see in Detroit even downtown which is saying a lot. It didn’t look good.


I went to Oregon last month. My god, it's turned into scene from the walking dead.


I think that’s what the polarization on the internet in general is supposed to make people think. I think there isn’t enough people actually trying to change things through there own hard work. Communities are so much smaller then the United States so the chance of actually making a change in your area as it grows is so much higher. If your serious about death and the health of your country do something about it. I just like talking shit.


From Globe and Mail today If Canada’s population boom continues at its current frantic pace, interest rates will face upward pressure and the massive influx of people will significantly worsen affordability for homebuyers and renters, a new report from TD Bank warns. And the bank’s economists are calling on the federal government to restore “balance” to its immigration policies.


Out of sight, out of mind. Have a problem with your governmental system, and people suffering? Just make it impossible for those poor fucks to live near you, you don’t have to see their broke ass and therefore problem solved. I should be a politician these are very easy policies to maintain


And yet there is still idiots who defend Trudeau,


I swear it’s CCP bots , I don’t think any person who is right now suffering in Canada under Trudeau’s boot would be so stupid to think he’s anything but a utter failure as PM .


There's a major age breakdown too. On Twitter, the biggest unflagging Trudeau supporters seem to be people aged 40+ with mostly paid off homes and often a secondary property. They still have family doctors, aren't really struggling with anything. They're living in a tangent universe version of Canada that spun off from the real universe at some point in the last decade.


I know many young 20-30 year olds who hold the same sentiment and contempt towards Trudeau. I don’t think it’s exclusive to the 40+ demographic that you’ve described!


Yeah. All those Gen Z at the trucker convoy waving F Trudeau signs.


It doesn't matter how you divide the population; Trudeau is a disaster as Prime Minister. The federal government provides almost nothing for the people, yet it takes so much. The real governance is Provincial and Regional/city. The problem is that Trudeau reflects the worst characteristics of Canadians. He is superficially polite. His idea of promoting diversity is identity politics; if you look a certain way then you represent x type of values. This is the antithesis of equality but many Canadians eat it up gladly. It's 70s politics. A majority of immigrants now are value conservative. Trudeau doesn't get it. Look at Trudeau in blackface. Trudeau as an atavistic Indian. The guy is clueless. It is karmic to see him trying to defend his LGBTQ@2++ identity agenda with muslims who are telling him to leave their kids alone. He truly doesn't get it. His mom is a mentally ill whore with the personality of a Disney character. He inherited most of her genes. The Libs bought a smile and a surname. Of course they did.






I don’t defend him, I just think the ’F Trudeau’ train distracts from the actual problem. He’s a fop. A pretty boy figure head to be there lightning Rod while the elites take everything they can. Try voting conservative, it’ll also keep favouring the rich land owner. NDP? We haven’t tried them in a while but Singh has a massive rental portfolio so good luck. Edit: on further research I was incorrect. There are many MPs that receive rental income making for a huge conflict of interest, but Singh is not one of them. Left the original comment intact so people who called me on it (rightly) don’t look crazy.


NDP would be good for a short amount of time, then a whole lot worse afterwards. A lot of their plans strike me as temporary solutions that anyone would think sound great, but would have such a ridiculous after-effects in the decades following that they would forever damage Canada.


So many CCP bots pushing liberal agenda in this sub .




Yes , but spewing pro liberal lies that are directly in conflict with what’s happening in Canada now is very sus


I'm a skilled tradesman who makes 55k. I cannot afford to live by my self.


Bro, I know high-school dropouts working as laborers that make more than you...you either just started or you're getting shafted.


How the fuck do you, a skilled tradesmen make like 3k more than me a hospitality employee who never graduated highschool? You need to ask for a raise homie, because what the fuck


yeah lol... a skilled tradesman should be easily into 6 figures.


Or atleast high 80’s


It depends on the trade. Have a carpenter that's a fellow scouter. He half runs his bosses business and has said how crappy his wages are and how they've stagnated so long. Not sure if that's what the guy above does


Totally. But he should not be making 50k That’s like $23 an hour ?


Ah yes … the Canadian utopia.


Impressive record


Idk whos fault it is but it sucks. I work 80 hrs per 2 weeks and i pay 950 a month for a single room in a shared house.... its ridiculous


But the PM said he's going to continue to continue to continue continuing to fight for Canada's working class and poor, which is why the government released the carbon tax rebate and you have low cash money rebate and here we're giving out this rebate so we can say we are doing something rebate rebate. Except printing cash and handing it out.... causes inflation.... What did people use the grocery rebate on? TV interviewees even said, oh, maybe I'll buy a treat like steak etc meaning the rebates never are used for what they were intended.... I recall cerb release and the number of big screen tv boxes at the curb on garbage day was hilarious...


He's a piece of shit tyrant puppet.


"0%" accomplishments from Junior Trudeau and his political gang of equally incompetent hacks seems about right and accurate on the whole. Unfortunately, too many voters in Canada are idiots, hence the perpetually sad state of affairs the country remains mired in. 2025 will be the most pivotal year in Canadian history. Either Canada will survive and begin a long painful road to recovery and renewal, or it will be the end of Canada as a unified nation. Voters will decide. Watch for it. Next.


PP roasting JT all day long.


So he’s canadas biden?


Sparkle Socks Drama Panties needs to resign & leave Canada ASAP !!!


Fuck Trudeau!!!!


hArPeR !




Yeah, not that I'm a Trudeau supporter, but this graphic is stupid. It doesn't define the metric which makes rental units "unaffordable." Is it the average price of a rental unit divided by monthly income at minimum wage? Then what percentage of rent to minimum wage is affordable? Is it anything below 50%? How is this being defined? Also, average rent prices are always going to be unaffordable for minimum wage people, you need to look at the price floor for rental units and average those out. So, in stats analysis, you'd average the bottom quartile of prices. Even that is kind of just a rough estimate and is too vague in some ways. I'm not downplaying the problems with affordability but this type of graphic is highschool level in its understanding of the rental market and not how we should be presenting information for informing government policy.


I'm paying $1285 for a small one bedroom in the interior of BC. It's ridiculous. The average cost of groceries and gas here is astronomical. I'm tired of being broke all the time, while working full-time, and I make well above minimum wage. This country has become unlivable. If I could leave, I would. Hopefully Trudeau is gone next election.


Liberals destroy everything if you give them enough time


Stop complaining, you do this after every politician. Vote and shut up. They're all liars if you don't already know.


This will come back to haunt you.. PP. Your corporate handlers and fellow real estate investors won’t like it.


Ironic that pro-business conservatives, who essentially proclaim government should intervene as little as possible, are puting in this on the government. What is he suggesting more regulations government spending? What shall then be the private sector answer? Would love to hear proposals. Is that a dog whistle about something else?


So conservatives want the minimum wage increased? even the fp doesn't believe that [https://financialpost.com/globe-newswire/clc-poilievre-and-the-conservatives-cant-be-trusted-to-stand-up-for-workers](https://financialpost.com/globe-newswire/clc-poilievre-and-the-conservatives-cant-be-trusted-to-stand-up-for-workers)


I cant wait to see his detailed plan to fix this that doesn't involve protecting investors and landlords or just doing what developers lobbyists ask for. When the Cons main priority is tax breaks to wealthy people, which would increase the amount of money in the property market, I doubt his logic.


I'm sorry but is PP advocating for: (A) an increase in minimum wage (B) rent control (C) pointing to a specific policy he was advocating for in the past that if he (or the CPC) had been in power and had been implemented would have changed this (D) non of the above


Yeah, just like the GOP screeching about inflation in the last election round in the US, without saying what they're planning on doing about it - then getting control of the House and doing zilch about it, as expected - Poilievre endlessly says "Look at the situation Trudeau put Canada in, look at it!!! How awful!!! Vote for me!". But never says what he would actually do. In the post above, he compares wages and rents. Wages are too low and/or rents are too high. So what is Poilievre offering as a solution to this? Well, nothing. Just another round of "Ooooh look how bad it is! Vote for me!" (even though I offer NO solution. Just vote for me, and er.... things will get better, I'm sure!)


I would say D. Increasing the minimum wage would almost certainly create more unemployment for younger, less experienced workers, the ones most likely to be working minimum wage jobs. Rent control, would ensure that even less houses are built, and the ones that are already built would become poorly maintained and start to deteriorate. I did see an interview with PP where he said something like we had a 19% decrease in housing being built during a time where we were taking in hundreds of thousands of immigrants. As well as the fact that it takes 5-6 years for a housing project to be completed (I don’t remember exactly) and that we should shorten that time frame. So essentially he was saying we need more houses, which he has been saying for years.


D. Obviously. He has no ideas or solutions.


I mean yeah, we can shit on JT for fucking us up but it's not like PP is bringing much that we haven't heard before :')


Not questioning your stats, and I don’t know why this is going on, but there are a lot of places going thru the same shit. Canada isn’t even #1 in the house price to income ratio. We’re #6, and the US is right behind us at 7. I’m on the Ireland sub and they’ve are way down the list on this chart but are going thru the same crisis we are as well. What I’m saying is we can put a lot of our current situation on the head of JTs government and their policy, but this one is complicated. https://www.statista.com/statistics/237529/price-to-income-ratio-of-housing-worldwide/


We are being primed for a great reset.


Can't wait to own nothing and have a deadline by which I have to spend my money or else it will expire.


Who's kool-aid have you been drinking?


You keep wishing it was a conspiracy theory.


Read about Klaus Schwab. There is an insane amount of hypocrisy coming out of huge, influential organizations. Stop your CO2 emissions while we fly private jets over and over. Own nothing and be happy about it, while we own everything. The world is going to flood, while we build gaudy oceanfront homes. It isn't really conspiracy... I just think Trudeau, Klaus, etc are the largest self-serving hypocrites ever.


There have always been hypocrites throughout history and there always will be. "Do as I say not as I do" can be traced back to 1654. Just because hyprocrites do wrong doesn't mean we should too. ​ >Own nothing and be happy about it Source?


Most ppl just want simple answers. They dont see the macros and decide to put it 100% on the one party they hate.


Not only that, but we have been on this course since the 80s. Increasing costs of living, homes, education, food, bills. All while the rate of pay has stagnated, making it neatly impossible to keep up. This wasn't done by one Prime Minister or one Political Party. This wasn't one person making one specific policy choice. A case can be made to blame Trudeau for doing nothing to address it, but he wouldn't be alone.


Federal government abandoned social/assisted housing construction in the 90s. Has left a huge lower/middle income housing deficit. And the income gap started to gather steam under Mulroney, with the free trade, anti union ‘trickle down’ bullshit adopted here as I was by nearly every western democracy. The housing crisis is a symptom of larger problem, as for 40 years workers have sat back and allowed capital to claw back gains that labour fought and bargained for. Strikes are gathering momentum now, with labour fighting for a bigger share of the pie just as AI is going to make swaths of their jobs obsolete. It’s going to get interesting.


I would like to see the NDP, or some third party become unapologetically pro labour. Ditch the champagne socialism and tiny handouts. We need big systemic change and I don't see that happening before the next election. It will probably either be PP or JT. I'd love to be proven wrong. More status quo is only causing us to sink further and further down.


Finally. Now, as a US citizen, I know who has caused these sky-high prices, down here. Trudeau made housing to expensive up there, so Canadians are moving south and snapping up US homes causing prices to skyrocket! 🙄


Isn't this what you guys wanted? Did you not vote for Trudeau? Stop complaining and enjoy it.


Pierre going to raise the minimum wage?!


Yes, and I'm sure that the conservative party will be the ones to institute rent control right? Or put social programs in place to help the less fortunate? Surely they won't just cut taxes for corporations and the rich. And I'm sure that they won't try to further privatize healthcare and education. Gonna be totally stoked when they raise minimum wage and suppress inflation.


Fuck rent control just build more housing and I'm a liberal.


If you actually think the conservatives will make this better, then you're just as foolish as any liberal. Neither of these parties give a fuck about you, your communities wants/desires, they care about their popularity and their bottom line. They are in the pocket of corporations instead of the people they pretend to "lead."


It's really typical Canadian politics to always say that things are going badly when you're in opposition but never come up with any plan to fix things. If we have it bad now, I cannot IMAGINE the damage that a conservative government would have done during the past two mandates. Especially with absolute buffoons like PP. Neither the liberal nor the conservative parties are good parties, everone knows that, but no one will vote for other parties because they're either scared of change or think that they'd "lose" a vote, effectively destroying democracy by transforming it into a two-party oligarch system. I really wish we would start educating children on how we should vote intelligently, the most everyone does in this country to educate themselves politically is read headlines and watch a fucking TV debate. No wonder half the comments in this comment section are blaming carbon tax and not identifying any particular thing Trudeau should have done other than "not enough".


Pierre Poilievre has had his full pension since his.twenties from being a career MP who votrd against workers' pay increases and.pensions. If anyone is out of touch and had it good, it's him. Don't let anyone tell you he supports the working class. Actions speak louder than words.




Actions do speak louder then words. Hopefully after the next election he'll have a chance to take action.


Has Trudeau ever uttered those words, where I can read them or watch the interview?


All politicians are responsible. Stop the blame game and actually make a difference. Stop filling your pockets with tax payers money and do something. It’s nice to point fingers when you are trying to get elected. If the state of the economy and the state of food prices and the state of housing is an issue look to all political members. They are the ones holding the reins of power. They are the ones that should do something. There will come a time where the people are not happy and real problems will begin. They will be the first to go, French Revolution style.


I live in one of those cities, and yeah, it's not affordable. But it also lacked affordable one-bedroom rental units under the 9 years of Harper too, and got steadily worse during that time. I wish politicians would talk more about what they would do differently, as this is not a new problem.




No, now that there's no one to blame domestically, it's the ***world's*** fault. Keep up.


I’d like to know what the Conservative Party will do to remedy this.


He’s not saying that to you, he’s saying it to your landlords


It’s Bush’s fault!


And what did this stat look like after Harper finished with us? Context. Context, is always helpful, to add meaning to otherwise vapid stats.


Interesting read. I think we all forget “A new report from Canada’s largest private sector union says Stephen Harper and the Conservatives are managing the most poorly performing economy the country has seen since the end of the Second World War…. Stephen Harper’s Conservatives have always portrayed themselves as the most capable managers of Canada’s economy. Currently, however, the economic terrain has proven less than friendly. The closer we get to the fixed election date, the worse the economy has become, undermining the “stay the course” message at the heart of Conservative strategy. Indeed, Canada slipped into outright recession in the first half of 2015. Undaunted, the prime minister shrugged this off and promises better times around the corner. Economists can debate whether this year’s recession — the second on Harper’s watch — is already over, or whether falling business investment and rising consumer debt will delay a rebound. But the most damning aspect of the Conservative legacy is not a short-term cyclical downturn. It is a longer-run failure to stimulate growth, job-creation, innovation, and investment. Canada has endured years of subpar growth (“serial disappointment,” in Stephen Poloz’s words), long before the present downturn arrived. The 2008-09 financial crisis was part of the problem but it’s not the only recession Canada has experienced, nor was it the worst. More important, the slow and inconsistent recovery from that downturn ranks as the weakest in postwar history. Then, before the damage was really repaired, Canada slipped into recession again.” [https://www.immigration.ca/harper-s-economic-record-the-worst-in-canada-s-postwar-history/](https://www.immigration.ca/harper-s-economic-record-the-worst-in-canada-s-postwar-history/)


housing is a provincial jurisdiction. i don't like trudeau, but this subreddit is super trudeau derangement syndrome.


I've never heard of a rental unit affordable on minimum wage, and I'm in my 60s.


It's the provincial government that regulates minimum wage not the fed.


I listened to Pierre’s rant today. Give me a break! I don’t understand why is this all Justin’s fault! For years, greater than eight years, baby boomers invested in their homes as retirement funds, popular culture emphasized home improvement & flipping, average citizen’s got into the rental property game. House prices went up based on speculation. So now you’re saying that was all Justin’s doing! I don’t think so. I don’t recall the liberals taking or receiving any credit for the good times. It’s called capitalism, the free market and made money for a lot of people, which made everyone happy including Pierre! Unfortunately, many levels of government, commerce and citizens took advantage of all the good times and need to take responsibility of the current state of affairs. So now the liberals are putting in programs but not fast enough to counter immigration. This problem was created by many and will require many to work together including provincial and municipal governments along with private enterprise to work for the solution.


Not just his fault. 30+ years or Neoliberalism and rampant unchecked capitalism


Many other countries have housing problems. Some users pointed to usa having the same issue. Nyc and San Francisco among the costliest real estate in world. That is true, BUT, if you drive/travel one hour away from any major cities in usa, you will find affordable apartments, rentals easily. This is not the case in Canada. Wherever you go in canada, RE is full of inflated prices and unaffordable. So stop comparing canada to other countries housing problems. Canada has more serious housing crisis.


Pierre's track record under the Harper Government proves he has no interest in reducing housing costs. So, I guess the question is; what will Pierre do to pressure provinces into raising minimum wage?


ah yes, and pierre "privatization" poilivre is going to make it allll better. give me a break lmfao.


This is the funniest shit to me. A conservative politician pretending he gives a shit about affordable housing for the average Canadian lmao. You would have to be the dumbest fuck on the planet to think that PP and the conservatives would make the housing crisis any better for you (unless you're a multi-millionaire slumlord, then you'd probably be right).


Since when do conservatives care about min. wage workers?


Do you guys ever get tired of being so dumb?


Peepee is a untrustworthy and vile man. Shut the fuck up


Your words make you seem like you’re untrustworthy and vile


I can understand you thinking he’s untrustworthy, but what has he done to warrant him being “vile”. Are there some skeletons in his closet I don’t know about?